


Accused, The, 204

Ace in the Hole (The Big Carnival), 183


action lines, 5–6

vs. characters, 213–226. See also Characters

dramatic action, 79, 240–244

vs. meaning, 339–340

rising action, 6

subtext-action-character relationships, 6, 200–212

Active (energetic) vs. passive (reflective) characters

antagonists, 175–176

case studies, 169–176

catalyst characters, 171–172

definitions, 165–166

description, 164–166, 176. See also Characters

medium characters, 174–175

narrative drive and energy, 168–169. See also Narratives

observer characters, 172–173

outsider characters, 174

real vs. dramatic characters, 166–168

split characters, 175

Adaptation, 49


description, 352–353, 363

evaluation, 353–354

moral ambiguity, 358–363

reference literature, 364

successful, 353

voice, 353, 353–358. See also Voice

Adventure films, 91–92

Affair of Love, An, 103–104, 149, 151

African Queen, The, 184

After Hours, 41

Afterlife, 149

Agency, 247

action agency, 247–248

character, 249–259

description, 247

narrative distance, 261

patterns, 261–265

reflective agency, 247

withheld agency, 260

Aguirre, 216–218

Aiello, Danny, 210

Air Force One, 107–108, 110, 116

Akutagawa, Ryonosuke, 215

Alda, Alan, 138–139

Aldrich, Robert, 67, 115

Alexie, Sherman, 361

Aliens, 77, 90

Aliev, Arif, 113

All About Eve, 2–3, 98, 100, 103, 191, 293

All Quiet on the Western Front, 90

All the King’s Men, 86, 142

All the President’s Men, 126, 182

Allen, Woody, 9, 59, 87, 138–140, 199, 307, 367

Altman, Robert, 95, 164, 308, 362

Amadeus, 210, 372

Ambassadors, The (novel), 313–314, 318

Ambiguity, 46–47

America, America, 370

American Beauty, 102–103, 112, 163, 325, 327–328, 334

American Gigolo, 127, 366

American Werewolf in London, An, 140

Amistad, 59–67

Amplitude, dramatic arc, 100–101

Anders, Alison, 305

Anderson, Lindsay, 145

Anderson, Paul Thomas, 103, 112, 145, 154, 156–158, 160–161, 309

Anderson, Robert, 100

Angel at My Table, An, 217, 296

Anhalt, Edward, 374–375

Antagonists, 41–42, 60–61, 69, 78, 106–107, 175–176

Anti-narratives vs. narratives, 58–75. See also Narratives

Antipathy, empathy, and sympathy, 177–179, 188–189

Antonia’s Line, 102

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 152, 215

Apache, 81

Apartment, The, 87, 140, 169, 201, 211, 229, 231, 246, 293

Apocalypse Now, 12, 157

Arc, dramatic, 100–101, 108

Archer, Anne, 204

Aristotle, 17, 28, 36–37, 318

Arlington Road, 108, 117, 143, 155

Arthur, 87

Asian and European films, 214–216

Asphalt Jungle, The, 120

Assante, Armand, 208

Atlantic City, 124, 218, 294

Atmosphere, 5, 11–12, 291–292, 303–304

Atwood, Margaret, 380

Audience, 76–77

Audrard, Jacques, 103

August, Billie, 371

Austen, Jane, 98, 102

Auster, Paul, 103

Australian films, 216–218

Autumn Moon, 152

Axelrod, George, 126, 185


Baby It’s You, 1

Back to the Future, 204

Backdrops, 34–35

Background vs. foreground, 12–13, 200–210, 216–226

Backstories, 335–336

Bad Girls, 123

Badlands, 42–43

Balalaika, 34

Balance, 204–206

Ball, Alan, 102–103, 112, 163

Ballad of Little Jo, The, 113, 123, 134–135

Ballard, J.G., 60

Bang the Drum Slowly, 93

Barhydt, Frank, 362

Barry Lyndon, 294

Basic Instinct, 84, 137–138

Batman, 92, 181,

Baum, L. Frank, 146

Baxter, Anne, 191

Baxter, C.C., 201

Beaches, 86

Beats and beat staging, 245

Beattie, Ann, 35, 187, 379–380

Bedroom Window, 179

Before the Rain, 159

Belenky, Mary Field, 8

Benchley, Peter, 60

Benigni, Robert, 147, 162

Berenger, Tom, 291

Beresford, Bruce, 216, 223

Bergman, Ingmar, 214–215, 218–219, 367

Best in Show, 149

Best Intentions, The, 100

Best Years of Our Lives, The, 90, 102, 193

Beyond Rangoon, 107–108

Big, 87

Big Carnival, The (Ace in the Hole), 183

Big Heat, The, 83, 124

Big Parade, The, 90

Big Sleep, The, 82

Bill, Tony, 99

Biographical films, 94

Birds, The, 15

Bishop, John, 205

Black Rain, 204

Black Robe, 173, 222–224

Black Sunday, 108

Black Widow, 126

Blade Runner, 8, 129–132

Blair Witch Project, The, 149, 322–325, 334

Blake, Michael, 223

Blame It On Rio, 87, 180

Blatty, William Peter, 109

Blind Date, 193, 204

Blow-up, 152

Blue Velvet, 12, 40–41, 126, 129, 179, 187, 293, 337–338

Blume in Love, 183

Bluteau, Lothaire, 173

Bodrov, Sergei, 113

Body Heat, 84

Boiler Room, 100, 102

Bolt, Robert, 92

Bonnie and Clyde, 43, 74, 83, 120

Boogie Nights, 103

Book of Life, The, 333–334

Bordwell, David, 34, 37, 318

Borgnine, Ernest, 122

Borsalino, 216

Bosch, Hieronymous, 95, 308

Boyle, Danny, 353

Boys Don’t Cry, 98

Bracken, Eddie, 294–295

Bram Stoker’s Dracula, 89

Brando, Marlon, 4, 190

Brazil, 309

Bread and Roses, 151

Breakdown, 107–108, 110

Breaker Morant, 217

Breaking Away, 1, 86

Brewer, Craig, 53

Bride Wore Black, The, 216

Bridge on the River Kwai, 92, 181

Bridges, Beau, 209

Bridges, Jeff, 209

Bringing Up Baby, 85

Broadcast News, 379

Brooks, James, 379

Buffalo 66, 54

Buhagiar, Valerie, 306

Build, 26, 338–339

Bull Durham, 20, 22, 33

Bullets Over Broadway, 88

Bullitt, 124, 328

Buñuel, Luis, 154

Burnt By the Sun, 165

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, 1, 122


Caan, James, 124, 209,

Cage, Nicolas, 136, 210, 368

Caine, Michael, 87, 180

Calendar, 152–153, 327–328, 334

Campaign Manager, 268–269

Campion, Jane, 217, 296, 383–385

Candidate, The, 182, 268–269

Capra, Frank, 88

Careful, 152

Carlito’s Way, 83, 125

Carné, Marcel, 215

Carrière, Jean-Claude, 13, 215–216

Carson, Hunter, 196

Carver, Raymond, 35, 95, 362–363

Casablanca, 379, 384

Case studies

active (energetic) vs. passive (reflective) characters, 169–176

documentaries, 270–288

genres, 104–105, 110–112, 118–119, 128–140

historical and political films, 269–270

narratives vs. anti-narratives, 58–75

non-American screenplays, 218–226

short films (shorts), 383–389

subtext-action-character relationships, 6, 206–212

Cassavetes, John, 149


characters, 171–172

events, 79

Celebration, The, 101, 330–334

Champion, 93, 169, 180

Chandler, Raymond, 14, 142, 215, 353

Chant of Jimmy Blacksmith, The, 217

Chaos, 148

Chaplin, Charlie, 59, 146–147

Character, 99


vs. action, 213–226. See also Action

active (energetic) vs. passive (reflective) characters

antagonists, 175–176. See also Antagonists

case studies, 169–176

catalyst characters, 171–172

definitions, 165–166

description, 164–166, 176

medium characters, 174–175

narrative drive and energy, 168–169. See also Narratives

observer characters, 172–173

outsider characters, 174

real vs. dramatic characters, 166–168

split characters, 175

alignment, 26

assertion, 24

binary psychology, 33–34

central, 20–21

change, 20

description, 1–15, 369, 372

documentaries, 268–288

goals, 98, 105–106, 369, 377–378

heroes, 373

historical themes, 268–288


case studies, 184–189

charisma, 182

description, 61–62, 69–70, 177, 189

heroism, 181, 185

reference literature, 189

self-revelation, 180–181, 185

sympathy, empathy, and antipathy, 177–179, 188–18

tragic flaws, 182–183

vs. voyeurism, 179, 187–188

layers, 64–66, 72, 98–100

mad characters, 372

main characters

ambivalent characters, 187

case studies, 185–187, 193–198

description, 190–191, 198–199

negative characters, 185–187

marginal characters, 372

movement ahead, 23

narratives vs. anti-narratives, 58–62, 64–69

non-linear, 160–161

vs. plots, 371

political themes, 268–288

reference literature, 199

secondary characters

case studies, 193–198

description, 190–191, 198–199

subtext-action-character relationships, 200–212

tone, 290, 294–297. See also Tone

types, description, 190–199, 372–373

victims, 373

Chabrol, Claude, 110, 114

Chariots of Fire, 93

Charisma, 182–184, 370

Chase, Borden, 121

Chayefsky, Paddy, 10, 145, 210

Cher, 210

Children of Paradise, 215

Chilly Scenes of Winter (Head Over Heels), 187

China Syndrome, The, 168

Chinatown, 38–41, 43–44, 84, 247–248

Choose Me, 294

Cimino, Michael, 122

Citizen Kane, 196, 293

Citron, Michelle, 387–388

City of Hope, 86, 308–309

Claire’s Knee, 218

Clear and Present Danger, 116, 216

Clement, Rene, 118

Clockers, 83

Clockwork Orange, A, 294

Clooney, George, 144

Close, Glenn, 194, 204

Close Encounters of the Third Kind, 67

Close to Eden, 222–224

Closure, 340–342

Cobb, Lee J., 4, 190

Coen brothers (Ethan and Joel), 66, 74, 102, 136–137, 368

Coffee, Lenore, 111

Collee, John, 186

Colonel Redl, 219

Color Purple, The, 63


screwball, 84–85

situation, 87–88

Coming Home, 102


description, 3–4

internal and external, 21–22

location, 337–338

relocation, 341–342

Conformist, The, 178, 186–187

Conrad, Joseph, 92

Consequence, 24

Consistency, tone, 31. See also Tone

Constant Gardener, The, 51–52

Contemporary literature, adaptations, 352–363. See also Adaptations

Contender, The, 116


action lines, 5–6

atmosphere, 5, 11–12

characters, 4. See also Characters

conflicts, 3–4. See also Conflicts

description, 2

dialogues, 4–5, 10–11

discovery, 7

foreground vs. background, 12–13. See also Foreground vs. background

narrative strategies, 14–15. See also Narratives

premises, 2–3

reversal, 7

rising action, 6, 13–14

subtext, 6. See also Subtext-action-character relationships

turning points, 7

Cook, The Thief and The Lover, The, 152

Coppola, Francis Ford, 12, 113

Costner, Kevin, 174, 223

Counter-structures, 38–47. See also Structures

Crichton, Michael, 60

Crimes and Misdemeanors, 9, 87, 138–140, 199, 307


restorative three-act structures, 29–37. See also Restorative three-act structures; Structures

rewriting, 347

Crossing Delancey, 86, 169, 178

Cruise, Tom, 161

Crying Game, The, 135–136

Culloden, 149–151

Culpepper Cattle Company, The, 81

Current events influences, 120–141

Curtis, Richard, 155, 307

Curtis, Tony, 183

CUT TO, 235

Cyrano de Bergerac (play), 290


Dahl brothers, 66

Dalí, Salvador, 154

Dancer in the Dark, 114

Dances With Wolves, 222–224

Dangerous Liaisons, 289

Daniels, Bree, 126, 371

Daniels, Jeff, 1, 133, 197

Dardenne, Jean-Pierre, 103–104

Dardenne, Luc, 103–104

Dash, Julie, 8, 46, 157–158

Daughter Rite, 387–388

Daughters of the Dust, 8, 46, 157–158, 287–288

Dave, 88, 206

Davis, Andrew, 106

Davis, Bette, 2–3, 175, 191

Day at the Races, A, 15

Day of the Jackal, The, 136

Day the Earth Stood Still, The, 89

de Broca, Phillipe, 216

De Niro, Robert, 9, 183–184

Dead End, 121

Dead Ringers, 179

Decision-making spaces, 32

Defoe, Willem, 127

Delaney, Dana, 127

DeLillo, Don, 379

Demerest, William, 296

Demme, Jonathan, 126, 293, 304–305

Design for Living, 293

DeVito, Danny, 87, 204


description, 4–5, 10–11

tone, 290–291, 297–303. See also Tone

Diamond, I.A.L., 201, 229, 231, 293

Dick Tracy, 141

Dickens, Charles, 201, 219, 312

Die Hard, 125, 164

Die Hard II, 141

Digital features

description, 319–320, 333–334

intertextuality vs. formalism, 321–333

mixed media, 322–325

multiple frames (quadrants), 328–330

narratives, 330–333. See also Narratives

reference literature, 334

voice, 330–333. See also Voice

Dilemma, 370

Directionality, 27

Dirty Harry, 82, 92

Discovery, 7

Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The, 216

Diva, 9, 129

Dmytryk, Ed, 65

Do the Right Thing, 199

Dobbs, Lem, 68–69, 74

Docudrama, 149–151

character, 149–150

structure, 150–151

tone, 151

Documentaries, 42–45, 270–288

Dogme, 149

Donaldson, Roger, 217

Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 214–215

Double Indemnity, 84, 142, 215,

Double Life of Veronique, 220–221

Douglas, Kirk, 120, 180, 183

Douglas, Michael, 137, 204

Dovshenko, Alexander, 152

Dowd, Nancy, 102

Down and Out in Beverly Hills, 294

Downhill Racer, 93

Dr. No, 91

Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 90, 144–146, 309,

Dramatic action, 79. See also Action, 240–244

Dramatic arc, 100–101, 108

Draughtsman’s Contract, The, 152–153

Dreamlife of Angels, The, 103, 112

Driving Miss Daisy, 216

Dry White Season, A, 86, 305

Duck Soup, 10, 15

Duel, 63

Duigan, John, 99

Dunaway, Faye, 10

Duvall, Robert, 370


Earth, 104–105, 152

East of Eden, 86

East/West, 114–115

Eastwood, Clint, 122, 124, 178, 184

Eclipse, 316

Eduard Munch, 149–151

Edwards, Blake, 146, 367

Egoyan, Atom, 152–154, 156–158, 327, 361,

El Topo, 216

Elephant, 55–56

Eliot, George, 36, 312,

Ellroy, James, 353, 356

Emigrants, The, 181

Empathy, sympathy, and antipathy, 177–179, 188–189

Emphasis vs. minimization, 46–47

Empire of the Sun, 59–60, 62–63, 65–66, 128

End of the Affair, The, 147–148

Enemies: A Love Story, 373

Enemy of the State, 108

Energetic vs. reflective characters. See Active (energetic) vs. passive (reflective)


Engel, Samuel G., 375, 377–378

English Patient, The, 363

Enright, Nick, 111

Entre Nous, 100–101, 177

Epic films, 92–93

Epstein, Julius, 372, 379

Erin Brockovich, 59, 67–68, 70, 73, 75

Eszterhas, Joe, 137–138, 206, 368

E.T., 60–62, 66, 338–339

Europa Europa, 67, 90, 224–226

European and Asian films, 214–216

Events vs. motives, 35

Exaggerated three-act structures, 40–41

Excalibur, 147–148

Exorcist, The, 88, 109

Exotica, 154, 156–158

Experimental narrative, 151–153

character, 152

structure, 152–153

tone, 153

Expositions, 337

EXTeriors and INteriors, 232–234

Eyes on the Prize: Mississippi, 1962–64, 270, 282

Eyes Wide Shut, 64, 147

, 152


Fable, 146–149

character, 147

structure, 148

tone, 148–149

Fabulous Baker Boys, The, 209–210

Face in the Crowd, The, 142, 182

FADE IN, 235



False solutions, 23

Family Gathering, 388

Family Life, 168, 372

Fargo, 74, 102, 144

Farrelly brothers, 155

Fast Times at Ridgemont High, 86

Fatal Attraction, 204

Father, 219

Favreau, Jon, 263

Fellini, Frederico, 59, 152, 214–215, 218–219, 367

Femme Infidele, La, 110

Femme Nikita, La, 12, 216

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, 204

Feu Follet, Le, 218

Field, Syd, 38–39, 48–49, 57, 367

Field of Dreams, 93, 174–175

52 Pick-Up, 126, 178

Figgis, Mike, 152, 328–329

Film noir, 83–84, 126–128

Final Draft (software program), 232

Finch, Yolanda, 123

Fire, 98

First Blood, 91

Fistful of Dollars, A (Yojimbo), 216

Fitzcarraldo, 216

Five Fingers, 9, 166, 293

Flaiano, Ennio, 214

Flaubert, Gustav, 312, 314

Flesh and Bone, 209–210

Flight of the Phoenix, 115

Flirting, 99

Focus, 26, 338–339

Fonda, Henry, 169, 294

Foner, Naomi, 99

Fonteyne, Frederic, 103–104, 149

Fool for Love, 210, 371

Foote, Horton, 100, 370

Forbidden Games, 90, 128

Ford, Harrison, 93, 131–132

Ford, Richard, 380

Foreground vs. background, 12–13, 38–42, 200–212

Foreign films. See Non-American screenplays

Foreman, Carl, 92, 180

Formalism vs. intertextuality, 321–333


screenplays. See Screenplay forms

structures. See Structures

Forrest Gump, 12, 87, 147–148, 296

Forsyth, Bill, 11

Four Friends, 4, 170, 174, 176

Four Weddings and a Funeral, 155, 307

Frames, multiple, 328–330. See also Digital features

Frank, Scott, 68, 74

Franklin, Howard, 291–292

Franzoni, David, 60

French, German, and Hungarian films, 218–219

French Lieutenant’s Woman, The, 293

Friedman, Ken, 123

Friedrich, Su, 152, 215, 385–386

Frye, Max, 1, 133, 197, 304

Frye, Northrup, 293–294

Fuch, Daniel, 68

Fugitive, The, 106–108, 132–133, 137, 141, 195

Full Metal Jacket, 7–8, 64, 91, 128, 196, 199, 294, 306–307

Funeral, The, 145

Fusco, John, 203


Gaghan, Steve, 70, 72, 266

Gallipoli, 217

Gallo, Vincent, 54

Gandhi, 92

Gangster films, 82–83, 124–126

Garber, Victor, 127

Garland, Robert, 108, 126

Gas Food Lodging, 305

Gegauff, Paul, 118

Gelbart, Larry, 180

Geller, Boris, 113


adventure films, 91–92

ambiguity, 46–47

antagonists, 78

anti-narratives vs. narratives, 66–67, 73–75

audience, 76–77

biographical films, 94

case studies, 104–105, 110–112, 118–119, 129–140

catalytic events, 79


screwball, 84–85

situation, 87–88

current events influences, 120–141

description, 76, 95–97, 120–121, 140–141

documentaries, 268–288

dramatic action shapes, 79

epic films, 92–93

film noir, 83–84, 126–128

gangster films, 82–83, 124–126

historical themes, 268–288

horror films, 88–89


case studies, 104–105, 118–119

character goals, 98

character layers, 98–100

characteristics, listings, 97

description, 85–87, 97–98

dramatic arc and amplitude, 100–101

issues of the day (social vs. political values), 108–109

vs. thrillers, 97

trends, 112–114

variations, 111–112

voice, 103–104

mixed genres, 224–226

case studies, 128–140

description, 121, 128–129

motifs, changing, 121, 128–129

narratives, shapes and styles, 80. See also Narratives

political themes, 268–288

protagonists, 78

reference literature, 96, 141

resolution, 79

satires, 95

science fiction films, 89–90

sports films, 93–94


antagonists, 106–107

case studies, 110–112, 118–119

character goals, 105–106

description, 97, 105–106

dramatic arc, 108

issues of the day (social vs. political values), 108–109

vs. melodramas, 97

plot dominance, 107–108

tone, 109–110

trends, 114–117

variations, 111–112

tone, 80, 109–110

types, listing, 77–78, 97

voice, 142–149

docudrama, 149–151

experimental narrative, 151–153

fable, 146–148

non-linear, 154–163

satire, 145–146

war films, 90–91, 128

Westerns, 81–82, 121–121

Gere, Richard, 305

German, French, and Hungarian films, 218–219

Ghost, 204, 221–222, 226

Gidding, Nelson, 228–231

Girard, Francois, 159, 308

Gladiator, 71

Godard, Jean-Luc, 45, 154, 189, 215–216, 341

Godfather, The, 82, 113, 124, 207, 289

Gold, Steven, 182

Goldman, Bo, 294, 304–305, 372

Goldman, William, 1, 49, 57, 106, 112, 122, 126, 365

Goodrich, Francis, 146

Gordon, Dan, 374

Gottlieb, Carl, 60

Gould, Elliot, 164

Gould, Glenn, 159, 307–308

Graduate, The, 22, 33, 40, 337

Grana, Sam, 188

Grand Canyon, 95

Grande Illusion, La, 90–91, 215

Grant, Hugh, 307

Grant, Susannah, 67

Gray, James, 113

Gray, Pamela, 100

Great Escape, The, 169

Greenaway, Peter, 152–153

Greenwald, Maggie, 113–114, 122, 134–135

Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, 92

Grierson, John, 149

Griffith, Andy, 182

Griffith, Melanie, 1, 133, 197

Groundhog Day, 87–88, 193

Guare, John, 294, 305

Guest, Chris, 149

Guiness, Alec, 181

Gunfight at the OK Corral, The, 376–377

Gunfighter, The, 81, 134

Gunga Din, 143

Guns of Navarone, The, 92


Hackett, Albert, 146

Hackman, Gene, 107, 205

Hail the Conquering Hero, 145, 294–295

Hairspray, 339

Hale, Scott, 123

Hallstrom, Lasse, 100

Hand that Rocks the Cradle, The, 89, 109–110

Handmaid’s Tale, The, 1

Hanks, Tom, 87, 182, 296

Hannah, Darryl, 290

Happiness, 102–103, 112, 158, 161–162

Hardcore, 126–127, 181, 366

Hare, David, 1, 10, 13, 293

Harris, Richard, 122

Harris, Thomas, 108

Harron, Mary, 149

Hart, James V., 89

Hartley, Hal, 333

Harvey, Lawrence, 185

Hasford, Gustav, 196

Hauge, Michael, 49–50, 57

Hawks, Howard, 215

Head Over Heels (Chilly Scenes in Winter), 187

Heard, John, 187, 205

Heart Like a Wheel, 93

Heathers, 31

Heaven’s Gate, 81, 122

Hecht, Ben, 14, 109, 293, 379

Hemington, Rowdy, 205

Heroes, 373

Heroism, 181, 185

Herr, Michael, 12, 196

Herzog, Werner, 216, 218

Heston, Charlton, 122

High and Low, 216

High Noon, 80, 123, 134

High Plains Drifter, 81, 123

Highsmith, Patricia, 118

Highway 61, 306

Hirokazu, Kore-eda, 149

Hitchcock, Alfred, 14, 59, 62, 64, 106, 109–110, 114, 116, 168, 179, 189, 315–317

Hodge, John, 353

Hogan, Paul, 217

Holden, William, 10, 81, 122, 181, 183, 191

Holland, Agnieska, 67, 98, 224–226

Home Alone, 88

Homicide, 125, 207

Hood Swarthow, Miles, 123

Hope and Glory, 128

Horror films, 88–89

Hoskins, Bob, 370

Hospital, The, 145, 210

Hour of the Gun, 374–375

Hugo, Victor, 132

Hungarian, French, and German films, 218–219

Hunter, Holly, 136

Hunter, Lew, 49

Huppert, Isabelle, 177

Hustle and Flow, 53–54

Hustler, The, 93

Huston, John, 184

Hutton, Timothy, 208


I Never Sang for My Father, 100

I Shot Andy Warhol, 149

I Want to Live, 228, 246

Ibragimbekov, Rustam, 223

Ice Storm, The, 158

Identification, characters, 61–62, 69–70, 177–189. See also Characters, identification

Idiot, The (novel), 215

In the Company of Men, 102

In the Mood for Love, 144, 152–153, 162

In the Realm of the Senses, 216

Independence Day, 86

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, 64, 378

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, 63, 91

Indiana Jones (series), 12, 60–64, 66, 91–92, 378

Indifferent three-act structures, 42–43

Inside Moves, 2–3, 172, 176, 373

Insider, The, 99, 103, 112

INteriors and EXTeriors, 232–233

Internal voice, adaptations, 353–358

Intertextuality vs. formalism, 321–333

Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The, 89

Irons, Jeremy, 93, 194


atmosphere, 303–304

characters, 294–297. See also Characters

description, 293

dialogues, 297–303

genres, 304–306. See also Genres

ironic structures

three-act, 40–41

two-act, 43–44

non-American films, 220–221

vs. satire, 309

Irving, Amy, 178

Issues of the day (social vs. political values), 102–103, 108–109

It Could Happen to You, 88

It’s a Wonderful Life, 126, 146–148

Itami, Juzo, 145


James, Henry, 312–313, 317, 386

Jarre, Kevin, 374, 376–377

Jaws, 60–62, 66–67

Jones, James Earl, 174

Jones, Laura, 296

Jones, Robert C., 102

Jones, Tommy Lee, 107, 132, 205

Jordan, Neil, 68, 136, 147, 370

Joy, Robert, 124

Julius Caesar (play), 182

Jurassic Park, 20, 34, 60–63, 66–67


Kafka, 59, 69, 74

Kalmar, Bert, 10

Kanal, 90

Kaplan, George, 109

Kaplan, Martin, 205

Kar-Wei, Wong, 143–144, 152–153, 162

Kasdan, Lawrence, 60, 374–375, 377–378

Kauffman, Phillip, 60

Kazan, Elia, 370

Keefe, Barry, 124

Keneally, Thomas, 217, 224

Kernochan, Sarah, 305

Khouri, Callie, 102, 305

Kies´lowski, Krzysztof, 220–221

Kilmer, Val, 203

King Is Alive, The, 115

King Lear (play), 35, 115, 215

King of Comedy, 9, 183

King of New York, The, 82

King of the Hill, 59, 67–69, 72, 74, 98, 305

King Rat, 183

King, Viki, 49

Kinski, Nastassja, 196

Kline, Kevin, 206

Kloves, Steve, 209

Klute, 126, 328, 371

Koepp, David, 60, 125

Kramer vs. Kramer, 86, 368

Krueger, Erin, 108, 117, 155

Kubrick, Stanley, 64, 144–145, 196, 293, 303–304, 306–307, 309, 379

Kureishi, Hanif, 13, 212, 293

Kurlander, Aaron, 67, 69, 72

Kurosawa, Akira, 215–216

Kurys, Diane, 100

Kusterica, Emir, 101, 161–162, 219–220, 225


L.A. Confidential, 352–354, 356–358, 360, 363

La Femme Infidele, 110

La Femme Nikita, 12, 216

La Grande Illusion, 90–91, 215

La Sarrasine, 297

LaBute, Neil, 102

Lacombe Lucien, 218

Lady Eve, The, 169, 294–295, 297, 301

Lady Vanishes, 109

Lancaster, Burt, 12, 124, 294

Land and Freedom, 149–151, 167

Landau, Martin, 138


Lasker, Alex, 107

Last Action Hero, The, 92, 167

Last Temptation of Christ, The, 92, 366

Last Ten Days of Adolph Hitler, The, 182

Launer, Dale, 193

Laurel, Stan, 294

Lauzon, Jean Claude, 308

Law, Clara, 152

Lawrence, T.E., 92, 181–182

Lawrence of Arabia, 92, 181–182

Le Carré, John, 51

Le Feu Follet, 218

Leach, Ken, 149

Leacock, Richard, 268

L’Eclisse, 316

Lee, Ang, 158

Lee, Spike, 11, 15, 199, 215, 365, 367, 371, 379

Left-Handed Gun, The, 121, 134

Lehman, Ernest, 106, 109, 142, 155, 183

Leigh, Janet, 168, 179, 316, 336

Leigh, Mike, 167

Le Mat, Paul, 294

Lemmon, Jack, 140, 201

Leolo, 308

Leonard, Elmore, 74, 126

Les Liaisons dangereuses (novel), 289

Les Miserables (novel), 132–133

Lethal Weapon, 12, 92

Letter to Three Wives, A, 293

Levring, Kristian, 115

Lewis, David, 371

Lewis, Jerry, 294

Lewis, Judy, 371

Libra, 379

Life is Beautiful, 147–148, 162

Life of Emile Zola, The, 93–94

Life of Louis Pasteur, The, 94

Light Sleeper, 127–128

Lighthorsemen, The, 217

Limey, The, 59, 68–69, 71, 75

Linearity vs. non-linearity, 65–66, 72–73

Literature, adaptations, 352–363. See also Adaptations

Little Caesar, 120

Little Foxes, The, 175–176, 373

Loach, Ken, 168, 372

Local Hero, 11

Lolita, 145, 304

Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven, The (short story collection), 361

Lonely Are the Brave, 120, 123, 370

Long Good Friday, The, 124

Long Goodbye, The, 164

Lord Jim, 92

Lorenzo’s Oil, 86, 111–112, 217

Lost Weekend, The, 126

Lost World, The, 63

Love with the Proper Stranger, 192

Lower Depths, The (novel), 215

Lowry, Sam, 68

Lubitsch, Ernst, 293

Lucas, George, 60

Lumet, Sidney, 208

Lurie, Rod, 116

Lust for Life, 94

Lynch, David, 12, 187–189, 293


Macbeth (play), 155, 182, 215

MacLachlan, Kyle, 187

MacLaine, Shirley, 202

MacMurray, Fred, 201

Mad characters, 372

Maddin, Guy, 152

Madigan, 124

Magnificent Seven, The, 216

Magnolia, 154, 156–157, 160–161

Main characters

ambivalent characters, 187

case studies, 185–187, 193–198

description, 190–191, 198–199

negative characters, 185–187

Major Dundee, 122

Malden, Karl, 4, 191

Malick, Terence, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162

Malle, Louis, 13, 218, 339

Maltese Falcon, The, 39

Mamet, David, 12–13, 124–125, 180, 207, 210

Man Bites Dog, 149

Man for All Seasons, A, 92–93

Man Who Knew Too Much, 109

Man with the Golden Arm, The, 126

Manchester, Milcho, 159

Manchurian Candidate, The, 120, 126, 168, 185

Mankiewicz, Joseph, 98, 100, 103, 191, 293, 379

Mann, Anthony, 121

Mann, Michael, 99, 103, 112

Marchand, Gilles, 116

Marginal characters, 372

Marlowe, Andrew, 107–108

Marriage of Figaro (opera), 329

Martin, Steve, 290–292

Marvin, Lee, 124

Marx Brothers, 10, 15

Masculine/Feminine, 45–46

Mason, Bobbie Anne, 35

Mason, James, 9, 166

Masterson, Mary Stuart, 294

Matewan, 168

Mathison, Melissa, 60

Matrix, The, 147

Mattock Tarule, Jill, 8

May Fools, 13

Mazursky, Paul, 183, 373

McBain, Ed, 214

McCrea, Joel, 121, 294–295

McDowell, Andie, 193

McDowell, Malcolm, 294

McGann, Paul, 186

McKee, Bob, 49, 367

McKeller, Don, 159, 307

McQueen, Steve, 192

McVicker Clinchy, Blythe, 8

Mean Streets, 44–45

Mediaeval Odyssey, A, 217

Medium characters, 174–175

Meeting Venus, 219

Mehta, Deepa, 98, 104–105

Meirelles, Fernando, 51


case studies, 104–105, 118–119

character goals and layers, 98–100. See also Characters

characteristics, listings, 97

description, 85–87, 97–98

dramatic arc and amplitude, 100–101

issues of the day (social vs. political values), 108–109

vs. thrillers, 97

trends, 114–117

variations, 111–112

voice, 103–104. See also Voice

Melvin and Howard, 294, 304–305, 336

Mephisto, 219

Meyer, Nicholas, 305

Meyjes, Menno, 60

Micklin Silver, Joan, 187

Microsoft Word (software program), 232

Middlemarch (novel), 312–313, 318

Midler, Bette, 87, 204

Midnight Run, 74

Mighty Wind, A, 149

Mikhalkov, Nikita, 165, 223

Miller, George, 111, 217

Miner, Michael, 132

Minghella, Anthony, 118–119, 221–222

Minimization vs. emphasis, 46–47

Miracle of Morgan’s Creek, The, 145

Miserables, Les (novel), 132–133

Misery, 106–108

Mistress, 95

Mixed genres

case studies, 128–140

description, 121, 128

Mixed media, 322–328. See also Digital features

Mixed modes, 45–46

Mo’ Better Blues, 7

Modern Times, 146–147

Modine, Matthew, 128, 196, 294

Moffat, Tracey, 288–289

Moll, Dominik, 116

Molly’s Pilgrim, 383–385

Moment, The, 210–212

Mona Lisa, 68, 370

Monkey Business, 15, 85

Montegna, Joe, 207

Moonstruck, 13, 180, 210–211, 371

Moore, Brian, 109, 173, 223

Moore, Demi, 221

Moore, Dudley, 87

Moral ambiguity, reduction, 358–363

Moravia, Alberto, 186

Moriarty, Michael, 171, 195

Morris, Errol, 368

Moscow on the Hudson, 87

Mostow, Jonathan, 107, 110

Motifs, changing, 121, 128–129

Motivation, 32–33

Motives vs. events, 35

Mrs. Doubtfire, 85, 88

MTV style, 162

Mueller-Stahl, Armin, 206

Mukherjee, Baharati, 380

Muni, Paul, 93

Muriel, 216

Murmur of the Heart, 218

Murray, Bill, 87, 193

Music Box, The, 206–207, 368

My Beautiful Laundrette, 86, 211–212, 339–340, 350

My Bodyguard, 99

My Brilliant Career, 217

My Darling Clementine, 165, 375–378

My Dinner With Andre, 13, 339

My Life as a Dog, 100

My Name is Joe, 149–150

My Own Private Idaho, 170–171

Mystic Pizza, 175, 193–194, 211


Nabakov, Vladimir V., 304

Naked and the Dead, The, 65

Naked Jungle, The, 89


action and meaning, 339–340

vs. anti-narratives

antagonists, 60–61, 69

characters, 58–61, 64–66, 67–70. See also Characters

description, 58–59, 75

genres, 66–67, 74–75. See also Genres

identification, 61–62, 69–70

linearity vs. non-linearity, 65–66, 72–73

plots, 63–64, 70–71. See also Plots

reference literature, 75

structures, 62–63, 70. See also Structures

tone, 73–74. See also Tone

voice, 66, 73–74. See also Voice

conflict location, 337–338

description, 1–15

documentaries, 270–288

drive and energy, 168–169

expositions, 337

linear, 154–156

non-linear, 156–160

character, 160–161

MTV style, 162

plot, 161

voice, 162

shapes, 80

strategies, 14–15, 378–379

structures and tone, 292–293. See also Structures; Tone

styles, 80


adaptations, 353–358

backstories, 335–336

build, 338–339

closure, 340–342

conflict relocation, 341–342

description, 335, 342–343

development, 338–340

vs. dramatic, 311–314

focus, 338–339

openings, 335–337

writing, 335–343

Narrators, effaced, 36

Nashville, 46

Natural Born Killers, 159, 162

Navigator, The, 217

Net, The, 106–108

Network, 10, 145–146, 210

Neumeier, Edward, 132

Newman, David, 74

Newman, Walter, 183

Niagara, 336

Nice Coloured Girls, 388–389

Nichols, Mike, 40

Nicholson, Jack, 39, 129

Ninotchka, 293

No Way Out, 108, 126, 217

Nolte, Nick, 86, 171, 195, 208, 294

Non-American screenplays

Australian films, 216–218

case studies, 219–226

description, 213–214, 226

European and Asian films, 214–216

foreground vs. background, 216, 221–224. See also Foreground vs. background

German, French, and Hungarian films, 218–219

ironic structures, 220–221. See also Irony

mixed genres, 224–226

Non-linear film, 154–163

Non-linearity vs. linearity, 65–66, 72–73

Nonconformity, 370–371

North by Northwest, 15, 106, 109, 143, 155

Notorious, 15, 109

Novak, Kim, 179

Noyce, Philipe, 216


O Brother Where Art Thou, 144

O’Lucky Man!, 145, 309

Oblomov, 169

Observer characters, 172–173

O’Connor, Donald, 294

Odd Couple, The, 373

Odets, Cliff, 142, 183, 379

On the Waterfront, 3–4, 190–191

Once Were Warriors, 98, 150

One-act structures, 44–45

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 372

O’Neal, Patrick, 208

O’Neal, Ryan, 294

Only Angels Have Wings, 143

Open City, 90

Openings, 335–338

Ordinary People, 87, 142

Other, the, 247–267

complexity, 266

description, 247

Out of Sight, 59, 68–69, 71, 74–75

Outland, 77

Outlaw Josey Wales, 81

Outsider characters, 174


Pacino, Al, 125

Package, The, 106–108, 205–206

Painted Bird, The, 226

Paper Mask, 185–186

Papillon, 169

Parallax View, The, 126

Paris, Texas, 196–197, 199, 379

Passion Fish, 100

Passive vs. active characters. See Active (energetic) vs. passive (reflective) characters

Paths of Glory, 90–91, 157

Patton, 91, 94, 182

Pearce, Kimberly, 98, 100

Peck, Gregory, 81, 129

Peckinpah, Sam, 121–122

Peel, 383–385

Pelle the Conqueror, 181, 371

People, David, 122

Perfect Storm, A, 109

Personal scriptwriting


description, 369, 372. See also Characters

goals, 369, 377–378

vs. plots, 371. See also Plots

types, heroes, 373

types, mad, 372

types, marginal, 372

types, victims, 373

writer attitudes towards, 374

charisma, 370

description, 365–366, 381–382

dilemma, 370

market, 379–380

narrative strategies, 378–379. See also Narratives

nonconformity, 370–371

vs. other arts, 379

real drama vs. unreal life, 369

reference literature, 380

vs. seduction, 374–377

short films (shorts)

case studies, 383–389

description, 381–382, 389

personal experiences, 382

reference literature, 390

story, 366–367

structures, 367–369. See also Structures

Peters, Charlie, 180

Peyton Place, 86

Pfeiffer, Michelle, 130, 209

Phoenix, River, 170

Piano, The, 217

Picturing Will, 379

Pinelli, Tullio, 214

Pinter, Harold, 1, 279, 393

Place in the Sun, A, 140, 142

Planet of the Apes (remake), 77

Player, The, 95, 145–146

Plein Soleil. See Purple Noon (Plein Soleil)

Plenty, 10


anti-narratives vs. narratives, 63–64, 70–71

vs. characters, 371. See also Characters

description, 50

dominant, 107–108

non-linear, 161

Plummer, Christopher, 130

Poe, Edgar Allan, 88

Point Blank, 71, 124

Points of no return, 22–23

Polanski, Roman, 247

Polyester, 339–340

Poor Cow, 149

Premise, 2–3

Presumed Innocent, 204

Prévert, Jacques, 215

Princess and the Warrior, The, 144, 147, 161–162

Prisoner of the Mountain, 113

Protagonists, 78

Psycho, 15, 109, 168, 179, 316, 336

Pulp Fiction, 154, 157–159, 161, 163

Punchline, 182

Purcell, Gertrude, 102

Purple Noon (Plein Soleil), 118–119

Puzo, Mario, 124


Q & A, 207–209

Quadrants, multiple, 328–330. See also Digital features

Quaid, Dennis, 209


Rafael, Frederic, 147

Rafaelson, Bob, 92

Raging Bull, 84, 93, 127, 129, 155, 184–185

Raiders of the Lost Ark, 60–61, 63, 66–67

Raising Arizona, 129 136–137, 368

Rambo (series), 92

Ramirez, Bruno, 297

Ramis, Harold, 193

Ramsey, Lynn, 143, 151

Randall, Tony, 294

Raphaelson, Samuel, 293, 379

Rascoe, Judith, 195

Rashômon (novel), 215

Ratcatcher, 149–151

Rattigan, Terrence, 99

Ray, Satyajit, 214

Rayfiel, David, 108

Rear Window, 179

Rebel Without a Cause, 86

Red Heat, 83

Red River, 80

Red Violin, The, 159

Reflective vs. energetic characters. See Active (energetic) vs. passive (reflective) characters

Reid, Kate, 124

Renoir, Jean, 41, 91, 214–215, 218

Reservoir Dogs, 82

Resnais, Alain, 215–216

Resolution, 79

Restorative three-act structures, 16–27. See also Restorative three-act structures; Structures

Reuben, Reuben, 372, 379

Reveral, 7

Reversal of Fortune, 194–195


critiques, 346–347

description, 244, 344–346

reference literature, 351

sample exercises, 347–350

Rickman, Alan, 221

Ride the High Country, 121

Riegert, Peter, 12

Rising action, 6

Ritchie, Michael, 268

Ritter, John, 87

River Runs Through It, A, 86

Rivette, Jacques, 215

Road Warrior, The, 12, 217

Roberts, Julia, 193

Robocop, 132

Rocky, 93

Rodat, Robert, 60

Rohmer, Éric, 215, 218–219

Rogers, Mimi, 291

Romeo is Bleeding, 84

Rookie of the Year, 22

Rosemary’s Baby, 88

Rosetta, 103–104

Ross, Gary, 206

Rossen, Robert, 142–143

Rostand, Edmund, 290, 292

Roth, Eric, 103, 112, 147, 296

Roxanne, 290, 292

Rubenstein, Bill, 107

Rubin, Bruce Joel, 221–222

Rubin, Danny, 193

Ruby, Harry, 10

Rudolph, Alan, 294

Rukov, Mogens, 101

Rule Goldberger, Nancy, 8

Rules of the Game, 41

Run Lola Run, 143, 152–153

Running on Empty, 99

Russell, David O., 248

Russia House, The, 83

Ruthless People, 87, 193, 204

Ryan, Meg, 209


Saint, Eva Marie, 4, 129, 191

Salt, Waldo, 102, 107

Salvador, 178

Sammy and Rosie Get Laid, 293

Sample exercises, critiques, 347–350

Sands of Iwo Jima, The, 296

Sarandon, Susan, 86, 124, 127

Sargent, Alvin, 126, 129, 142, 379

Sarrasine, La, 297

Satires, 95, 145

structure, 145–146

tone, 146

Savage, John, 2–3, 172

Saving Private Ryan, 8, 60–62, 64, 66–67

Sayles, John, 1, 86, 100, 308

Scarface, 120, 124, 207

Schamus, James, 158

Scheider, Roy, 178

Scene sequences and transitions, 235–236

Schellenberg, August, 173

Schepisi, Fred, 216–217

Schiffer, Irvine, 182, 189

Schindler’s List, 59–60, 62–63, 65–67, 90, 113, 141, 224–226

Schlöndorff, Volker, 215

Schrader, Paul, 9, 76, 92, 126–128, 184, 366–367

Schulberg, Budd, 142–143, 182, 190, 199

Schulman, Arnold, 192

Schultz, Carl, 108

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 181

Science fiction films, 89–90

Scofield, Paul, 93

Scott, George C., 181

Scott, Randolph, 121

Screenplay forms

alternatives, 245

basics, 232–233

beats and beat staging, 245

CUT TO, 235

description, 227, 245–246

dramatic action, 240–244. See also Action

FADE IN, 235



INteriors and EXTeriors, 232–233

language, 236–238


non-American, 213–226. See also Non-American screenplays

points of view, 238–240

reference literature, 246

scene sequences and transitions, 235–236

script shooting, 228–231

software programs, 232. See also Software programs

structures. See Structures

subtext-action-character relationships, 200–212

WIPE TO, 235

Screwball comedies, 84–85

Scribe, Eugene, 17

Script shooting, 228–231

Scriptware (software program), 232

Scriptwriting, personal. See Personal scriptwriting

Searchers, The, 80

Secondary characters

case studies, 192–198

description, 190–191, 198–199

Seduction vs. personal scriptwriting, 374–378

Segal, George, 183

Seger, Linda, 49

Self-Made Hero, A, 103

Self-revelation, 180–181, 185

Semple, Jr., Lorenzo, 108

Sense and Sensibility, 102

Sergeant York, 91

Seriality vs. time dichoctomies, 46–47

Serpico, 124

Serreau, Coline, 149

Seth, Roshan, 211

Seven Pillars of Wisdom, The, 92

Seven Samurai, The, 216

Seventh Sign, The, 88, 108–109

sex, lies, and videotape, 59, 68–69, 71, 73, 169–170, 384

Shadows, 149

Shaffer, Peter, 210, 372

Shampoo, 85

Shanley, John Patrick, 13, 210, 365, 371

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 88

Shepard, Sam, 13, 196, 203, 210, 371, 379–380

Sherwin, David, 145, 309

Sherwood, Robert, 102, 193

She’s Gotta Have It, 11, 15–17, 28, 33, 43–44, 337–338, 343, 371–372

Shoot the Moon, 372

Shootist, The, 123

Short Cuts, 95, 145–146, 308–309, 330, 362–363

Short Film About Love, A, 169, 221

Short films (shorts)

case studies, 383–389

description, 381–382, 389

personal experiences, 382

reference literature, 390

Shyamalan, M. Night, 108–109

Silence of the Lambs, 113

Silent Tongue, 172

Silver, Amanda, 89, 109–110

Silver, Ron, 194

Simon, Neil, 373, 380

Simon, Roger, 373

Singin’ in the Rain, 294

Sink or Swim, 152, 385–387

Situation comedies, 87–88

Six Degrees of Separation, 305

Sixth Sense, The, 108–109

Skin Deep, 87

Slacker, 46

Sleepless in Seattle, 12

Sluizer, George, 110

Smith, John N., 188

Smith, Robert, 111

Smoke, 103

Smoke Signals, 361–363

SOB, 146

Soderbergh, Steven, 58–75, 98, 169, 305

Software programs, 232

Solondz, Tod, 102–103, 112, 158

Some Kind of Wonderful, 204, 294

Some Like It Hot, 293

Someone to Watch Over Me, 125, 291–292

Something Wild, 1, 8, 85, 129, 133–134, 140, 197–199, 211, 304

Sontag, Susan, 76

Sophie’s Choice, 177

Sorcerer, 115

Soward, Jack, 200

Spaak, Charles, 215

Spader, James, 129–130

Spellbound, 109

Spielberg, Steven, 58–75, 224, 338

Splendor in the Grass, 370

Split characters, 175

Sports films, 93–94

Sprecher, Jill, 154, 158, 162

Sprecher, Karen, 154, 158, 162

Spy Who Came In From the Cold, The, 82

Stalking Moon, The, 129

Stanley, John Patrick, 180

Stanton, Harry Dean, 196

Stanwyck, Barbara, 169, 295

Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, 130, 200–201

Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith, 319, 333

Star Wars (series), 12, 77, 176

State of Grace, 83

Steiger, Rod, 4, 177, 190

Steinbeck, John, 370

Stella Dallas, 102, 140, 169

Stevens, Leslie, 121

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 88

Stewart, James, 81, 121–123, 179, 181

Stockwell, Dean, 196

Stone, Oliver, 124, 159, 162

Stone, Robert, 126, 195

Stone, Sharon, 137

Stoppard, Tom, 60

Story vs. texture, 30–31

Stranger Than Paradise, 45, 349

Strangers on a Train, 15, 118

Strapless, 1, 10, 293

Streep, Meryl, 177

Strick, Wesley, 129

Striking Distance, 205–206


anti-narratives vs. narratives, 62–63, 70


action lines, 5–6

atmosphere, 5, 11–12

characters, 4. See also Character

conflicts, 3–4. See also Conflicts

description, 2

dialogues, 4–5, 10–11

discovery, 7

foreground vs. background, 12–13. See also Foreground vs. background

narrative strategies, 14–15. See also Narratives

premises, 2–3

reversal, 7

rising action, 6

subtext, 6. See also Subtext-action-character relationships

turning points, 7


description, 38–39

documentary randomness, 42–45

emphasis vs. minimization, 46–47

foreground, 38–42

genre ambiguity, 46–47. See also Genres

mixed modes, 45–46

one-act structures, 44–45

seriality vs. time dichoctomies, 46–47

three-act structures, exaggerated, 40–41

three-act structures, indifferent, 42–43

three-act structures, ironic, 38–40

two-act structures, ironic, 43–44

description, 1–15, 20, 29–30, 37–38, 50

documentaries, 268–288

historical themes, 268–288

political themes, 268–288

reference literature, 28, 37, 47

screenplay forms, 227–246. See also Screenplay forms

subtext-action-character relationships, 200–212

three-act structures, restorative

advantages, 25–27

backdrops, historical, 34–35

build, 26

character alignment, 26

character assertion, 24

character change, 20

character psychology, binary, 33–34

characteristics, act one, 22–23

characteristics, act two, 23–24

characteristics act three, 24–25

characters, central, 20–21

characters, movement ahead, 23

conflicts, internal and external, 21–22

consequence, 24

critiques, 29–37

decision-making space, 32

description, 17–20, 29–30, 37–38

directionality, 27

false solutions, 23

focus, 26

motivation, 32–33

motives vs. events, 35

narrators, effaced, 36

points of no return, 22–23

skeleton structures, 25

step-by-step writing process, 25–27

story vs. texture, 30–31

tone, 31, 289–291. See also Tone

vs. voice, 314–317. See also Voice

Sturges, Preston, 145, 293–295, 379

Subtext-action-character relationships

balance, 204–206

case studies, 206–210, 211–212

description, 6, 200, 212

foreground vs. background, 200–210. See also Foreground vs. background

moment, the, 210–211

Sudden Fear, 111

Sullivan’s Travels, 294–295, 298

Summer, 218

Sunset Boulevard, 127, 142, 169, 183, 191

Superman (series), 92

Swanson, Gloria, 169, 191

Swayze, Patrick, 221

Sweet Hereafter, The, 360–361, 363

Sweet Sixteen, 149–150

Sweet Smell of Success, 142, 183

Swingers, 263

Swoon, 46, 287

Sympathy, empathy, and antipathy, 177–179, 188–189

Syriana, 266

Szabo, Istvan, 219–220, 225


Talented Mr. Ripley, The, 118–119, 363

Tally, Ted, 13

Tamahori, Lee, 98

Tana, Paul, 297

Tarantino, Quentin, 11, 143, 154, 157–158, 163

Taussig, Michael, 266

Taxi Driver, 9, 127, 182

Taxing Woman, A, 145

Taylor, Lili, 193

10, 87, 367

Tender Mercies, 370

Terminator, The (series), 12

Tesich, Steven, 1, 13, 174

Texture vs. story, 30–31

That Man From Rio, 216

Thelma & Louise, 102, 305

There’s Something About Mary, 87, 155

They Were Expendable, 90

Thief, 124

Thin Blue Line, The, 368

Thin Red Line, The, 154, 156–158, 160, 162

Things Change, 180, 210

Thirty-nine Steps, 106, 109

Thirty Two Short Films About Glenn Gould, 159, 307–308

thirtysomething, 86

Thousand Clowns, A, 210

Three-act structures

aggressive vs. relaxed, 51

contemporary films, 48–56

exaggerated, 40–41

indifferent, 42–43

ironic, 38–40. See also Irony

relaxed vs. aggressive, 51


advantages, 25–27

backdrops, historical, 34–34

build, 26

character alignment, 26

character assertion, 24

character change, 20

character psychology, binary, 33–34

characteristics, act one, 22–23

characteristics, act two, 23–24

characteristics act three, 24–25

characters, central, 20–21

characters, movement ahead, 23

conflicts, internal and external, 21–22

consequence, 24

critiques, 29–37

decision-making space, 32

description, 17–20, 29–30, 37–38

directionality, 27

false solutions, 23

focus, 26

motivation, 32–33

motives vs. events, 35

narrators, effaced, 36

points of no return, 22–23

skeleton structures, 25

step-by-step writing process, 25–27

story vs. texture, 30–31

tone, 31, 289–310. See also Tone

Three Days of the Condor, 108

Three Kings, 248


antagonists, 106–107

case studies, 110–112, 118–119

character goals, 105–106

description, 97, 105–106

dramatic arc, 108

issues of the day (social vs. political values), 108–109

vs. melodramas, 97

plot dominance, 107–108

tone, 109–110. See also Tone

trends, 114–117

variations, 111–112

Throne of Blood, 215

Thunderheart, 203–204

Tidyman, Ernest, 123

Tightrope, 124, 178

Time Code, 152, 328–330

Time dichotomies vs. time, 46–48

Time of the Gypsies, The, 101, 219–220

Tin Drum, The, 128, 147–148

Titanic, 150

To Kill a Mockingbird, 100

To Sleep With Anger, 47

Tolstoy, Leo, 113, 215, 219

Tombstone, 81, 123, 374–377


atmosphere, 291–292, 303–304

characters, 290, 294–297. See also Characters

consistency, 31

description, 289–290, 309–310

dialogues, 290–291, 297–393

genres, 80, 109–110. See also Genres


atmosphere, 303–304

characters, 294–297. See also Characters

description, 293

dialogue, 297–303

genres, 304–306. See also Genres

vs. satire, 309

narrative structures, 73–74, 292–293. See also Narratives; Structures

narratives vs. anti-narratives, 73–74

reference literature, 310

thrillers, 109–110

Too Late the Hero, 67, 91

Tootsie, 85

Topo, El, 216

Torn Curtain, 109

Total Recall, 141

Towne, Robert, 92

Traffic, 70, 72–73, 75

Tragic flaws, 182–183

Trainspotting, 352–353, 356, 360, 363

Transitions and scene sequences, 235–236

Trintignant, Jean-Louis, 178

Tripplehorn, Jeanne, 137

Trouble in Paradise, 293

Trouble with Harry, The, 109, 116

True Believer, 180

True Lies, 92

Truffaut, François, 215–216

Truly, Madly, Deeply, 221–222, 226

Trumbo, Dalton, 120, 123, 370

Turning points, 7

Two-act structures, ironic, 43–44

Tykwer, Tom, 143–144, 147, 152–153, 161–162

13 Conversations About One Thing, 154, 158, 162

2001: A Space Odyssey, 89, 303

2046, 144, 152


Un Chien Andalou, 154

Underground, 161–162

Underneath, The, 68, 72, 74

Unforgiven, 82, 107, 122, 305

Unmarried Woman, An, 87

Untouchables, The, 12, 82, 124

Uris, Leon, 375–376


Valmont, 204, 289

Van Diem, Mike, 99

Van Sant, Gus, 55, 170

Varitations, genres, 111–112

Verdict, The, 16–19, 22, 29–30, 33, 51, 313, 336, 343

Vertigo, 106–107, 179, 315, 317, 343

Vertov, Dziga, 149

Victim characters, 373

Victor, Victoria, 140

Vidal, Gore, 121

Viertel, Peter, 184

Vigo, Jean, 215

Vinterberg, Thomas, 101, 330–332

Visconti, Luchino, 215, 219

Viva Zapata, 370

Vivre sa Vie, 341–343


adaptations, 352, 353–358. See also Adaptations

anti-narratives vs. narratives, 66, 73–74

characters. See Characters

description, 311–314, 317, 335, 342–343

digital features, impact, 330–333. See also Digital features

dramatic voice, 311–314

genres, 142–153

docudrama, 149–151

experimental narrative, 151–153

fable, 146–149

non-linear, 154–163

satire, 145–146

importance of, 162

internal voice, 352

melodramas, 103–104

MTV style, 162


action and meaning, 339–340

adaptations, 353–358. See also Adaptations

build, 338–340

closure, 340–342

conflict location and relocation, 337–338, 341–342

description, 335, 342–343

development, 338–340

vs. dramatic, 311–314

expositions, 337

focus, 338–340

openings, 335–338

writing, 335–343

reference literature, 318, 343

vs. structures, 314–317. See also Structures

Von Trier, Lars, 114

Von Trotta, Margaret, 215

Vow of Chastity, The, 334

Voyeurism vs. identification, 179, 187–188


Wages of Fear, 115

Wagstaff Gribble, Henry, 102

Wahlberg, Mark, 113, 248

Walk on the Moon, A, 100–101

Wall Street, 21–23, 29–30, 32–33, 51, 71, 315, 341

Walsh, Des, 188

War films, 90–91, 128

War Game, The, 149

WarGames, 168

Wargnier, Regis, 114

Warhol, Andy, 169

Warshow, Robert, 76

Washington Square, 98

Wasson, Craig, 174

Waters, John, 339

Watkins, Peter, 149

Wayne, John, 123, 296

Webb Peoples, David, 122

Weekend, 216

Weekend at Bernie’s, 372

Weir, Peter, 217

Weld, Tuesday, 171, 195

Welland, Colin, 86, 305

Weller, Peter, 132

Welles, Orson, 196

Welsh, Irvine, 353

Wenders, Wim, 218, 379

Westerns, 81–82, 121–123

Where’s Poppa?, 372

White, 221

White Heat, 83

White Hunter, Black Heart, 184

Who’ll Stop the Rain?, 90, 126, 170–171, 176, 195, 199

Wild Bunch, The, 8, 81, 107, 121–122, 371

Wilder, Billy, 84, 142, 183, 191, 201, 215, 229, 231, 293, 379

Willis, Bruce, 125, 164, 205

Wilson, Michael, 9, 142–143

Winchester ’73, 81, 122, 181

Winkler, Irwin, 106–107

Winslow Boy, The, 99

WIPE TO, 235

Wise, Robert, 228

With a Friend Like Harry, 116

Witness, 125, 217

Wittliff, Bill, 109

Wizard of Oz, The, 146–147

Wolf, 98, 129–130

Wood, Natalie, 192

Woods, James, 178, 180

Word (software program), 232

Working Girls, 45

Wrath of God, 216, 218

Wright, Teresa, 175

Wrong Man, The, 109

Wyatt Earp, 81, 374–378

Wyler, William, 121


Yards, The, 113

Yasui, Lise, 388

Yojimbo (A Fist Full of Dollars), 216

Yordan, Phillip, 121

Young, Sean, 131

Young Lions, The, 65

Younger, Ben, 100, 102


Zaillian, Steven, 60, 65, 113, 224–225

Zemeckis, Robert, 64

Zimmerman, Paul, 9, 183

Zinnemann, Fred, 64

Zonca, Erick, 103–104, 112

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