Chapter 19

Employing Linear Programming


check Discovering how optimization happens using linear programming

check Transforming real-world problems into math and geometry ones

check Learning how to use Python to solve linear programming problems

Linear programming made a first appearance during World War II when logistics proved critical in maneuvering armies of millions of soldiers, weapons, and supplies across geographically variegated battlefields. Tanks and airplanes needed to refuel and rearm, which required a massive organizational effort to succeed in spite of limitations in time, resources, and actions from the enemy.

You can express most of these military problems in mathematical form. Mathematician George Bernard Dantzig, who was employed in the U.S. Air Force Office of Statistical Control, devised a smart way to solve these problems using the simplex algorithm. Simplex is the core idea that created interest in numerical optimization after the war and gave birth to the promising field of linear programming. The availability of the first performing computers of the time also increased interest, rendering complex computations solvable in a new and fast way. You can view the early history of computing in the 1950s and 1960s as a quest to optimize logistical problems using the simplex method and applying both high-speed computers and specialized programming languages.

Dantzig died in 2005, and the field he inaugurated is still under constant development. In the recent years, fresh ideas and methods related to linear programming continue to make successful appearances, such as the following:

  • Constrain programming: Expresses the relationships between the variables in a computer program as constraints in linear programming.
  • Genetic algorithms: Considers the idea that math formulas can replicate and mutate in order to solve problems in the same manner as DNA does in nature by evolution. Genetic algorithms also appear in Chapter 20 because of their heuristic approach to optimization.

This chapter helps you understand linear programming. In addition, you see how to apply linear programming to real-world problems by using Python as the tool to express those problems in code.

Using Linear Functions as a Tool

This section shows how to address a problem where someone transforms the objective (the representation of cost, profit, or some other quantity to maximize or minimize subject to the constraints) and constraints (linear inequalities derived from the application, such as the limit of a 40-hour work week) of that problem into linear functions. The purpose of linear programming is to provide an optimum numeric solution, which could be a maximum or a minimum value, and the set of conditions to obtain it.

This definition may sound a little bit tricky because both math and some abstraction is involved (objective and constraints as linear functions), but things become clearer after considering what a function is and when we can determine whether a function is linear or not. Beyond the math jargon, linear programming is just a different point of view when dealing with algorithmic problems, where you trade operations and manipulations of data inputs with mathematical functions and you perform calculations using a software program called an optimizer.

You can’t use linear programming to solve all problems, but a large number of them fit linear programming requirements, especially problems requiring optimization using previously defined limits. Previous chapters discuss how dynamic programming is the best approach when you need to optimize problems subject to constraints. Dynamic programming works with problems that are discrete, that is the numbers you work with are whole numbers. Linear programming mainly works with decimal numbers, although special optimization algorithms are available that provide solutions as integer numbers (for instance you can solve the traveling salesman problem using integer linear programming). Linear programming has a wider scope, because it can cope with almost any polynomial time problem.

Linear programming sees use for needs such as manufacturing, logistics, transportation (especially for airlines, for defining routes, timetables, and the cost of tickets), marketing, finance, and telecommunications. All these applications require that you obtain a maximum economic result and minimum cost while optimizing available resource allocation and satisfying all constraints and limitations. In addition, you can apply linear programming to common applications such as video games and computer visualization, because games require dealing with bidimensional and tridimensional complex shapes, and you need to determine whether any shapes collide as well as ensure that they respect the rules of the game. You achieve these aims via the convex hull algorithm powered by linear programming (see Finally, linear programming is at work in search engines for document-retrieval problems; you can transform words, phrases, and documents into functions and determine how to maximize your search result (getting the documents you need in order to answer your query) when you look for documents with certain mathematical characteristics.

Grasping the basic math you need

In computer programming, functions provide the means for packaging code that you intend to use more than once. Functions turn code into a black box, an entity to which you provide inputs and expect certain outputs. Chapter 4 discusses how to create functions in Python. Mathematics uses functions in a similar manner to programming; they are set of mathematical operations that transform some input into an output. The input can include one or more variables, resulting in a unique output based on the input. Usually a function has this form:

f (x) = x*2

  • f: Determines the function name. It can be anything; you can use any letter of the alphabet or even a word.
  • (x): Specifies the input. In this example, the input is the variable x, but you can use more inputs and of any complexity, including multiple variables or matrices.
  • x*2: Defines the set of operations that the function performs after receiving the input. The result is the function output in the form of a number.

If you plug the input 2 as x in this example, you obtain:

f(2) = 4

In math terms, by calling this function, you mapped the input 2 to the output 4.

remember Functions can be simple or complex, but every function has one and only one result for every set of inputs that you provide (even when the input is made of multiple variables).

Linear programming leverages functions to render the objectives it has to reach in a mathematical way to solve the problem at hand. When you turn objectives into a math function, the problem translates into determining the input to the function that maps the maximum output (or the minimum, depending on what you want to achieve). The function representing the optimization objective is the objective function. In addition, linear programming uses functions and inequalities to express constraints or bounds that keep you from plugging just any input you want into the objective function. For instance, inequalities are

0 <= x <= 4
y + x < 10

The first of these inequalities translates into limiting the input of the objective function to values between 0 and 4. Inequalities can involve more input variables at a time. The second of these inequalities ties the values of an input to other values because their sum can’t exceed 10.

remember Bounds imply an input limitation between values, as in the first example. Constraints always involve a math expression comprising more than one variable, as in the second example.

The final linear programming requirement is for both the objective function and the inequalities to be linear expressions. This means that the objective function and inequalities can’t contain variables that multiply each other, or contain variables raised to a power (squared or cubed, for instance).

technicalstuff All the functions in an optimization should be linear expressions because the procedure represents them as lines in a Cartesian space. (If you need to review the concept of a Cartesian space, you can find useful information at As explained in the “Using Linear Programming in Practice” section, later in this chapter, you can imagine working with linear programming more as solving a geometric problem than a mathematical one.

Learning to simplify when planning

The problems that the original simplex algorithm solved were all of the kind that you usually read as math problems in a textbook. In such problems, all the data, information, and limitations are stated clearly, there is no irrelevant or redundant information, and you clearly have to apply a math formula (and most likely the one you just studied) to solve the problem.

In the real world, solutions to problems are never so nicely hinted at. Instead, they often appear in a confused way, and any necessary information isn’t readily available for you to process. Yet, you can analyze the problem and locate required data and other information. In addition, you can discover limitations such as money, time, or some rule or order that you must consider. When solving the problem, you gather the information and devise the means to simplify it.

Simplification implies some loss of realism but renders things simpler, which can highlight the underlying processes that make things move, thereby helping you decide what happens. A simpler problem allows you to develop a model representing the reality. A model can approximate what happens in reality, and you can use it for both managing simulations and linear programming.

For instance, if you work in a factory and have to plan a production schedule, you know that the more people you add, the speedier production will be. However, you won’t always obtain the same gain with the same addition of people. For example, the skills of the operators you add to the job affects results. In addition, you may find that adding more people to the job brings decreasing results when those people spend more time communicating and coordinating between themselves than performing useful work. Yet, you can make the model easier by pretending that every person you add to the task will produce a certain amount of final or intermediate goods.

Working with geometry using simplex

Classic examples of linear programming problems imply production of goods using limited resources (time, workers, or materials). As an example for depicting how linear programming approaches such challenges, imagine a factory that assembles two or more products that it must deliver in a certain time. The factory workers produce two products, x and y, during an eight-hour shift. For each product, they get a different profit (that you compute by subtracting costs from revenue), different hourly production rates, and different daily demands from the market:

  • Revenue in USD for each product: x=15, y=25
  • Production rate per hour: x=50, y=40
  • Daily demand per product: x=300, y=200

In essence, the business problem is to decide whether to produce more x, which is easier to assemble but pays less, or y, which guarantees more revenue but less production. To solve the problem, first determine the objective function. Express it as the sum of the quantities of the two products, multiplied by their expected unit revenue, which you know you have to maximize (only if the problem is about costs do you have to minimize the objective function):

f(x,y) = 15 * x + 25 * y

This problem has inequalities, which are bounded by x and y values that have to hold true to obtain a valid result from the optimization:

0 <= x <= 300
0 <= y <= 200

In fact, you can’t produce a negative number of products, nor does it make sense to produce more products than the market demands. Another important limitation is available time, because you can’t exceed eight hours for each work shift. This means calculating the time to produce both x and y products and constraining the total time to less than or equal to eight hours.

x/40 + y/50 <= 8

You can represent functions on a Cartesian plane. (For a refresher on plotting functions, consult Because you can express everything using functions in this problem, you can also solve the linear programming problems as geometry problems on a Cartesian coordinate space. If the problem doesn’t involve more than two variables, you can plot the two functions and their constraints as lines on a plane, and determine how they delimit a geometric shape. You’ll discover that the lines delimit an area, shaped as a polygon, called the feasible region. This region is where you find the solution, which contains all the valid (according to constraints) inputs for the problem.

remember When the problem deals with more than two variables, you can still imagine it using lines intersecting in a space, but you can’t represent this visually because each input variable needs a dimension in the graph, and graphs are bound to the three dimensions of the world we live in.

At this point, the linear programming algorithm explores the delimited feasible region in a smart way and reports back with the solution. In fact, you don’t need to check every point in the delimited area to determine the best problem solution. Imagine the objective function as another line that you represent on the plane (after all, even the objective function is a linear function). You can see that the solution you are looking for is the coordinate points where the feasible area and the objective function line first touch each other (see Figure 19-1). When the objective function line descends from above (arriving from outside the feasible region, where results occur that you can’t accept because of the constraints), at a certain point it will touch the area. This contact point is usually a vertex of the area, but it could be an entire side of the polygon (in which case each point on that side is an optimal solution).


FIGURE 19-1: Looking where the objective function is going to touch the feasible area.

As a practical matter, the simplex algorithm can’t make lines visually descend, as in this example. Instead, it walks along the border of the feasible area (by enumerating the vertexes) and tests the resulting objective function values at each vertex until it finds the solution. Consequently, the effective running time depends on the number of vertexes, which for its part depends on the number of constraints and variables involved in the solution. (More variables mean more dimensions and more vertexes.)

Understanding the limitations

As you gain more confidence with linear programming and the problems become more challenging, you require more complex approaches than the basic simplex algorithm presented in this chapter. In fact, the simplex isn’t used anymore because more sophisticated algorithms have replaced it —algorithms that geometrically cut through the interior of the feasible region instead of walking along it. These newer algorithms take a shortcut when the algorithm is clearly looking for the solution at the wrong side of the region.

You can also find working with floating-point numbers limiting because many problems require a binary (1/0) or integer answer. Moreover, other problems may require using curves, not lines, to represent the problem space and feasible region correctly. You find integer linear programming and nonlinear programming algorithms implemented in commercial software. Just be aware that both integer and nonlinear programming are NP-complete problems and may require as much, if not more, time than other algorithms you know.

Using Linear Programming in Practice

The best way to start in linear programming is to use predefined solutions, rather than create custom applications on your own. The first section that follows helps you install a predefined solution used for the examples that follow.

warning When working with a software product, you may find significant differences between open source software and commercial packages. Although open source software offers a wide spectrum of algorithms, performance could be disappointing on large and complex problems. Much art is still involved in implementing linear programming algorithms as part of working software, and you can’t expect open source software to run as fast and smoothly as commercial offerings.

Even so, open source provides some nice options for learning linear program. The following sections use an open source Python solution named PuLP that allows you to create linear programming optimizations after defining a cost function and constraints as Python functions. It’s mostly a didactical solution, suitable to help you test how linear programming works on some problems and get insight on formulating problems in math terms.

technicalstuff PuLP provides an interface to the underlying solver programs. Python comes with a default, open source, solver program that PuLP helps you access. The performance (speed, accuracy, and scalability) that PuLP provides depends almost entirely on the solver and optimizer that the user chooses. The best solvers are commercial products, such as CPLEX (, XPRESS (, and GuRoBi (, which provide a huge speed advantage when compared to open source solvers.

Setting up PuLP at home

PuLP is a Python open source project created by Jean-Sebastien Roy, later modified and maintained by Stuart Antony Mitchell. The PuLP package helps you define linear programming problems and solve them using the internal solver (which relies on the simplex algorithm). You can also use other solvers that are available on public domain repositories or by paying for a license. The project repository (containing all the source code and many examples) is at . The complete documentation is located at

PuLP isn’t readily available as part of the Anaconda distribution, thus you have to install it yourself. You must use the Anaconda3 (or above) command prompt to install PuLP because the older versions of the Anaconda command prompt won’t work. Open a command-line shell, type pip install pulp and press Enter. If you have Internet access, the pip command downloads the PuLP package and installs it in Python. (The version used by the examples in this chapter is PuLP 1.6.1, but later versions should provide the same functionality.)

Optimizing production and revenue

The problem in this section is another optimization related to production. You work with two products (because this implies just two variables that you can represent on a bidimensional chart), product A and B, which have to undergo a series of transformations through three stages. Each stage requires a number of operators (the value n), which could be workers or robots, and each stage is operative at most for a number of days in the month (represented by the value t). Each stage operates differently on each product, requiring a different number of days before completion. For instance, a worker in the first stage (called ‘res_1’) takes two days to finish product A but three days for product B. Finally, each product has a different profit: product A brings $3,000 USD each and product B $2,500 USD each. The following table summarizes the problem:

Production Stage

Time for Product A per Worker (Days)

Time for Product B per Worker (Days)

Uptime (Days)

















To find the objective function, compute the sum of each product quantity multiplied by its profit. It has to be maximized. Although not stated explicitly by the problem, some constraints exist. First is the fact that uptime limits productivity at each stage. Second is the number of workers. Third is productivity relative to the processed product type. You can restate the problem as the sum of the time used to process each product at each stage, which can’t exceed the uptime multiplied by the number of workers available. The number of workers multiplied by number of working days provides you the time resources you can use. These resources can’t be less than the time it takes to produce all the products you plan to deliver. Here are the resulting formulations with constraints for each stage:

objective = 3000 * qty_A + 2500 * qty_B
production_rate_A * qty_A + production_rate_B * qty_B
<= uptime_days * workers

You can express each constraint using the quantity of one product to determine the other (in fact, if you produce A, you can’t produce B when A’s production leaves no time):

qty_B <= ((uptime_days * workers) –
(production_rate_A * qty_A) ) / production_rate_B

You can record all the values relative to each stage for production_rate_A, production_rate_B, uptime_days, and workers for easier access into a Python dictionary. Keep profits in variables instead. (You can find this code in the A4D; 19; Linear Programming.ipynb file on the Dummies site as part of the downloadable code; see the Introduction for details.)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pulp

%matplotlib inline

res_1 = {'A':2, 'B':3, 't':30, 'n':2}
res_2 = {'A':3, 'B':2, 't':30, 'n':2}
res_3 = {'A':3, 'B':3, 't':22, 'n':3}
res = {'res_1':res_1, 'res_2':res_2, 'res_3':res_3}
profit_A = 3000
profit_B = 2500

Having framed the problem in a suitable data structure, try to visualize it using the Python plotting functions. Set product A as the abscissa and, because you don’t know the solution, represent the production of product A as a vector of quantities ranging from 0 to 30 (quantities can’t be negative). As for product B (as seen in the formulations above), derive it from the production remaining after A is done. Formulate three functions, one for each stage, so that as you decide the quantity for A, you get the consequent quantity of B — considering the constraints.

a = np.linspace(0, 30, 30)
c1 = ((res['res_1']['t'] * res['res_1']['n'])-
res['res_1']['A']*a) / res['res_1']['B']
c2 = ((res['res_2']['t'] * res['res_2']['n'])-
res['res_2']['A']*a) / res['res_2']['B']
c3 = ((res['res_3']['t'] * res['res_3']['n'])-
res['res_3']['A']*a) / res['res_3']['B']

plt.plot(a, c1, label='constrain #1')
plt.plot(a, c2, label='constrain #2')
plt.plot(a, c3, label='constrain #3')

axes = plt.gca()
plt.xlabel('qty model A')
plt.ylabel('qty model B')

border = np.array((c1,c2,c3)).min(axis=0)

plt.fill_between(a, border, color='yellow', alpha=0.5)
plt.scatter(*zip(*[(0,0), (20,0),
(0,20), (16,6), (6,16)]))

The constraints turn into three lines on a chart, as shown in Figure 19-2. The lines intersect among themselves, showing the feasible area. This is the area delimited by the three lines whose A and B values are always inferior or equal compared to the values on any of the constraint lines. (The constraints represent a frontier; you can’t have A or B values beyond them.)


FIGURE 19-2: Wondering which vertex is the right one.

According to the simplex method, the optimal solution is one of the five vertexes of the polygon (which are (0,0), (20,0), (0,20), (16,6), and (6,16)). You can discover which one is the solution by setting the necessary functions from the PuLP package. First, define the problem and call it model. By doing so, you determine that it’s a maximization problem and that both A and B should be positive.

model = pulp.LpProblem("Max profit", pulp.LpMaximize)
A = pulp.LpVariable('A', lowBound=0)
B = pulp.LpVariable('B', lowBound=0)

tip The PuLP solver can also look for integer solutions, something the original simplex can’t do. Just add cat='Integer' as a parameter when defining a variable: A = pulp.LpVariable('A', lowBound=0, cat='Integer'), and you get only whole numbers as a solution. Be aware that in certain problems, integer number results may prove less optimal than the decimal number results; therefore, use an integer solution only if it makes sense for your problem (for instance, you can’t produce a fraction of a product).

Next, add the objective function by summing the sum of the two variables defined by pulp.LpVariable and representing the ideal quantities of products A and B, multiplied by each unit profit value.

model += profit_A * A + profit_B * B

Finally, add the constraints, in exactly the same way as the objective function. You create the formulation by using the appropriate values (taken from the data dictionary) and the predefined A and B variables.

model += res['res_1']['A'] * A + res['res_1']['B'
] * B <= res['res_1']['t'] * res['res_1']['n']
model += res['res_2']['A'] * A + res['res_2']['B'
] * B <= res['res_2']['t'] * res['res_2']['n']
model += res['res_3']['A'] * A + res['res_3']['B'
] * B <= res['res_3']['t'] * res['res_3']['n']

The model is ready to optimize (it has ingested both the objective function and the constraints). Call the solve method and then check its status. (Sometimes a solution may prove impossible to find or may not be optimal.)

print ('Completion status: %s'
% pulp.LpStatus[model.status])

Completion status: Optimal

Having received confirmation that the optimizer found the optimal solution, you print the related quantities of product A and B.

print ("Production of model A = %0.1f" % A.varValue)
print ("Production of model B = %0.1f" % B.varValue)

Production of model A = 16.0
Production of model B = 6.0

In addition, you print the resulting total profit achievable by this solution.

print ('Maximum profit achieved: %0.1f'
% pulp.value(model.objective))

Maximum profit achieved: 63000.0

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