

3-D Format dialog, 255-256

3D graphics, 245

3-D Format dialog, 255-256

3D rotation

custom rotations, 251-254

object position, 255

preset rotations, 250

resetting, 255

text, 254

angle, 261

bezel, 256

capabilities and limitations, 249

consistency, 263

contour, 258

depth, 257

design tips, 262-263

lighting, 259-260

materials, 259

resetting, 262

sphere example, 245-248

surfaces, 259-261

4x4 Transformation Matrix, 254


Action buttons, 302

Action Settings dialog, 303-305


Action buttons, 302

Action Settings dialog, 303-305


creating interactive prototypes, 307-308

hiding links depending on audience reaction, 308-310

linking to first slide, 306-307

compared to hyperlinks, 306

types of, 303-305

Add Bullet command (SmartArt), 96

Add Shape command (SmartArt), 95

add-ins, Microsoft Office Sounds, 23

Align options, 278-279

Alt key

keyboard shortcuts

F6 key, 17

finding, 16

Office 2003 shortcuts, 16-17

resizing objects with, 275

rotating objects with, 277

angle (3D objects), 261


custom animations

adding, 288-289

Custom Animation pane, 286-287

options, 289-291

previewing, 291

Selection pane, 287-288

motion paths

creating, 292

editing, 294

preset animations, 284-285

SmartArt, 96-97

table cells, 142-143

text, 294-296

triggers, 296-299

Arc tool, 123

audio. See sounds

Auto Correction feature (Picture Manager), 80

AutoContent Wizard, 200

AutoCorrect, 44

clickable hyperlinks, creating, 45-46

custom phrases, 46

default text corrections, 44-45

pranks, 46

Smart Tag, 152-153

AutoCorrect dialog, 44-46

Autofit, 34

AutoSave, 364

auxiliaryThemeThumbnail. jpeg file, 213



adding, 175-176

background fills, 229-231

hiding, 178

batch editing (Picture Manager), 83-84

bevel, 256

bevel effect, 238

Beyond Bullets, 384

black-and-white color mode, 69

block arrows, stretching, 122


Microsoft employee blogs, 383

PowerPoint Blog, 383

PowerPoint Tips Blog, 384

brightness (pictures), 67

bulleted lists

Bullets and Numbering dialog, 43

custom bullets, 42-44

default bullets, 41

Bullets and Numbering dialog, 43


Calibri font, 32

Cambria font, 32

Candara font, 32

caps, formatting text as, 38


packaging presentations for, 165-166

publishing presentations to, 373-377

cells (tables)

animating, 142-143

margins, 149

sizing, 148

splitting and merging, 149

center tab stops, 48


charts, 111-112

color schemes, 24

default file format, 370

effect schemes, 212

font schemes, 207

pictures, 70

shapes, 242-243

slide layouts, 179-180

character spacing, 39

charts, 101

compatible objects, converting to PowerPoint 2007, 338-339

copying/pasting into PowerPoint, 102-103

formatting, 105-107

inserting from scratch, 103-105

inserting objects into, 107

layouts, 107

legacy charts

converting to Office 2007 format, 114-115

corruption, 115

undo operations, 115

modifying, 111-112

pie charts, 113-114

styles, 108-109


applying, 110-111

creating, 110

managing, 111

Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog, 87

clearing text formatting, 55

ClearType, 32

clickable hyperlinks, creating, 45-46

clipboard formats, 154-156

Coleman, Paul, 12

color. See also fills

color modes, 69

overview, 195

per-object color mode, 195-196

viewing, 195

color schemes, 24, 203-204, 208-210

lines, 232

recolor feature (duotone effect), 68-69

transparency, 70

columns (tables), inserting, 147-148

command-line parameters, 342-343


File menu, 14-15

finding, 11-12

Interactive PowerPoint 2003 to PowerPoint 2007 Command Reference Guide, 11-12

QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 19

SmartArt Create Graphic commands

Add Bullet, 96

Add Shape, 95

Layout, 96

Right to Left, 96


adding, 357

overview, 357

tips and guidelines, 357-358

community sites, 383

Compatibility Checker, 371

Compatibility mode, 371-372

compatible objects, converting to PowerPoint 2007, 338-339

compressing pictures, 69-70, 81, 373

confidential information, removing with Document Inspector, 367

configuring Slide Show

keyboard shortcuts, 329-330

overview, 324

Presenter View, 327-329

ranges of slides, 326

resolution, 326

show types, 324-326

widescreen slide sizes, 331-332

connectors, 126-127

customizing, 129-130

inserting, 128

rerouting, 129

SmartArt, 91

Consolas font, 32

Constantia font, 32

containers (PPTX files), 347

Content pane (SmartArt), 89-90

contour of 3D objects, 258

contrast of pictures, 67


existing content to SmartArt, 88-89

legacy charts to Office 2007 format, 114-115

objects, 338-339

placeholders to SmartArt, 97-98


charts, 102-103

copying and pasting, 154-156

Excel tables, 141

formatting with Format Painter, 239-241

slides from Slide Library, 161-162

text, 28

Corbel font, 32

corruption of OLE objects, 115

Create Graphic commands (SmartArt)

Add Bullet, 96

Add Shape, 95

Layout, 96

Right to Left, 96

cropping pictures, 71-72, 80

.crtx file extension, 110

Ctrl key

Ctrl+Enter keyboard shortcut, 187

moving objects with, 277

resizing objects with, 273-274

rotating objects with, 276

Custom Animation pane, 286-287

Custom Shows, 299-300

Custom Tab Picker, 47


3D rotations, 251-254


adding, 288-289

Custom Animation pane, 286-287

motion paths, 292-294

options, 289-291

previewing, 291

Selection pane, 287-288

text, 294-296

triggers, 296-299

AutoSave, 364

bullets, 42-44

default shapes, 239

headers/footers, 190

lines, 129-130

placeholders, 187-188

QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 17-19

slide layouts, 181-182

status bar, 22

tab stops, 47-48


decimal tab stops, 48

default bullets, 41

default file formats, changing, 370

default shapes, customizing, 239

default tab stops, 47

depth of 3D objects, 257

design templates, 200, 204

designing presentations

3D effects, 262-263

design templates, 200, 204


advantages, 199-200, 205

applying entire themes, 200-202

applying parts of themes, 202-203

color schemes, 203-204, 208-210

compared to design templates, 200, 204

compared to presentations, 204

creating, 214-215

effect schemes, 203, 210-212

font schemes, 203-207

overview, 199

saving, 214

slide layouts, 213

slide masters, 213

thumbnails, 212-213

diagrams. See also charts

compatible objects, converting to PowerPoint 2007, 338-339

SmartArt, 85-87

accentuating photos with, 98

advantages, 91-92

animations, 96-97

connectors, 91

Content pane, 89-90

converting existing content to, 88-89

converting placeholders to, 97-98

Create Graphic commands, 95-96

inserting, 87-88

layouts, 92-93

nodes, 90, 96

styles, 94

Text pane, 90

themes, 94

types, 86

dialog box launcher (Ribbon), 10


3-D Format, 255-256

Action Settings, 303-305

AutoCorrect, 44-46

Bullets and Numbering, 43

Choose a SmartArt Graphic, 87

Font, 39-40

Format Chart Area, 105

Format Selection, 105-107

Format Shape, 36, 219-220, 248-251

Grid and Guides, 270-271

Hyperlink, 301

Insert Object, 65, 133

Insert Table, 138-139

Open File, 337-338

Picture Fill, 227-228

Select Data Source, 111

Select Multiple Objects, 132

Size and Position, 265-267

Text Box, 34

dictionary, 57

direction of text, 30


hardware acceleration, 333

ScreenTips, 23

sounds, 23

Distribute options, 278

distributed text, 52

distributing presentations with sound, 165-166

docProps (PPTX files), 347

Document Inspector, 367-368

dragging text, 28-29

Draw Table option, 139, 149


during presentations, 321

ellipses, 234

Drawing Tools Format tab

shape fill, 121

shape styles, 120-121

drivers (graphics), 332-333

dummy text, generating, 60

duotone effect (pictures)

color modes, 69

dark variations, 68

light variations, 68-69

duplicating shapes, 118


Edit Points mode, 124


charts, 111-112

motion paths, 294

Photo Albums, 78

pictures, 66

associating text with, 73-75

brightness/contrast, 67

changing shape of, 72-73

compression, 69-70

cropping, 71-72

Picture Manager, 79-84

preset picture effects, 66

recolor feature (duotone effect), 68-69

restoring to original state, 71

transparency, 70

PPTX files, 348

shapes, 124-125

SmartArt nodes, 96


dictionary, 57

direction/orientation, 30

during presentations, 323-324

inline editing, 56-57

spelling checker, 57-58

thesaurus, 57-58

translation, 57-58

effect schemes, 203, 210-212

adding, 212

applying, 211-212

changing, 212


3D rotation, 238

applying to tables, 146

bevel, 238

effect schemes, 203, 210-212

adding, 212

applying, 211-212

changing, 212

glow, 237

reflection, 237


inner shadows, 236

perspective shadows, 236

setting, 236

soft versus hard, 235

soft edges, 237

ellipses, drawing, 234


fonts, 352-354

objects from other applications, 133-134

pictures, 63-64

sounds/video, 164-165

employee blogs (Microsoft), 383


hardware acceleration, 333

ruler, 268

encrypting presentations, 358-359

equalizing character heights, 38

Equation Shapes group, 122

Equation Tools Design ribbon, 169-170

equations, 169-170

Esc key, 134

Excel charts, 101

copying/pasting into PowerPoint, 102-103, 141

copying shapes to, 368-369

formatting, 105-107

inserting from scratch, 103-105

inserting objects into, 107

layouts, 107

legacy charts

converting to Office 2007 format, 114-115

corruption, 115

undo operations, 115

modifying, 111-112

pie charts, 113-114

styles, 108-109


applying, 110-111

creating, 110

managing, 111

Excel Spreadsheet option, 139


pictures from Picture Manager, 82-83

presentations as slideshows, 361

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 344


F6 key, 17

Fade Up Transform Effect, 55

File menu, 14-15


auxiliaryThemeThumbnail. jpeg, 213

default file format, changing, 370

migrating to PowerPoint 2007

converting objects, 338-339

Open options, 337-338

PDF format, 356

.potm files. See templates

.potx files. See templates

PowerPoint 2007 files, opening with PowerPoint 97–2003 compatibility pack, 340

PPTX format

advantages, 344-345

containers, 347

docProps, 347

editing, 348

online resources, 349

opening, 345-346

overview, 344

parts, 346

ppt, 347

relationships of parts, 348

saving, 345

.pps format, 354

.ppsx format, 354

presProps.xml, 347

table of file formats, 351-352

tableStyles.xml, 347

.thmx files. See themes

thumbnail.jpeg, 213

XPS format, 356

fills, 121

background fills, 229-231

gradient fills, 220-223

applying, 221

custom gradients, 221-223

gradient overlays, 223-226

picture fills, 226-228

solid fills, 220

Filtered HTML option, 367


commands, 11-12

keyboard shortcuts, 16

First-Line Indent Marker, 47

first slide, linking to, 306-307

Fitts Law, 15

flickering problems, troubleshooting

disabling hardware acceleration, 333

enabling hardware acceleration, 333

replacing graphics drivers, 332-333

floatie (mini toolbar), 20-21

Follow Path Transforms, 56

Font dialog, 39-40


Calibri, 32

Cambria, 32

Candara, 32

Consolas, 32

Constantia, 32

Corbel, 32

embedded fonts, 352-354

Font dialog, 39-40

font schemes, 203-207

adding, 207

applying, 206

changing, 207

Live Preview, 30-31

Office 2007 new fonts, 32

previewing, 30-31

replacing, 33

Segoe UI, 32

theme fonts, 31

footers, customizing, 190

Format Chart Area dialog, 105

Format Painter, 189

capabilities, 240

example, 240

overview, 239

tips, 240-241

Format Selection dialog, 105-107

Format Shape dialog, 36, 219-220, 248-251

formatting presentations

3D rotation, 238

bevel, 238

charts, 105-107

color modes

overview, 195

per-object color mode, 195-196

viewing, 195

copying formatting with Format Painter, 239-241

glow, 237

headers/footers, 190

line color, 232

line styles, 232-233

object fills

background fills, 229-231

gradient fills, 220-223

gradient overlays, 223-226

picture fills, 226-228

solid fills, 220


with Format Shape dialog, 219-220

overview, 218

with Ribbon, 219

with style gallery, 218


creating, 182-183

creating slides from, 183-184


custom placeholders, 187-188

definition, 185

moving between, 187

standard placeholders, 185-187

reflection, 237


inner shadows, 236

perspective shadows, 236

setting, 236

soft versus hard, 235

slide backgrounds

adding, 175-176

hiding, 178

slide layouts

applying, 179

changing, 179-180

customizing, 181-182

overview, 179

reordering slides with Thumbnail pane, 173-175

Slide Masters

creating, 177

hiding background graphics on, 178

modifying, 176-177

multiple Masters, 177-178

SmartArt nodes, 96

soft edges, 237

text, 29-30, 36

AutoCorrect, 44-46

character spacing, 39

clearing all formatting, 55

distributed text, 52

equalized character heights, 38

Follow Path Transforms, 56

inline editing, 56-57

justified text, 52

kerning, 40

keyboard shortcuts, 61-62

mouse shortcuts, 62

paragraph markers, 50-52

placeholders, 54-55

shape-editing mode, 53

small caps/all caps, 38

strikethrough, 38-39

subscript, 38

superscript, 38

tab stops, 46-50

text-editing mode, 53

underline, 36

warped text, 55

transparent overlay, 238

widescreen slide sizes, 331-332

Freeform tool, 123

functions, rand(), 60



overview, 11

Shapes, 117-118

glow, 237

gradient fills, 220-223

applying, 221

custom gradients, 221-223

gradient overlays, 223-226

gradient stop, 223

grammar checking, 57


3D graphics, 245

3-D Format dialog, 255-256

3D rotation, 250-255

angle, 261

bevel, 256

capabilities and limitations, 249

consistency, 263

contour, 258

depth, 257

design tips, 262-263

lighting, 259-260

materials, 259

resetting, 262

sphere example, 245-248

surfaces, 259-261


custom animations, 286-291

motion paths, 292-294

preset animations, 284-285

text, 294-296

triggers, 296-299

charts, 101

copying/pasting into PowerPoint, 102-103

formatting, 105-107

inserting from scratch, 103-105

inserting objects into, 107

layouts, 107

legacy charts, 114-115

modifying, 111-112

pie charts, 113-114

styles, 108-109

templates, 110-111

connectors, 126-127

customizing, 129-130

inserting, 128

rerouting, 129

custom bullets, 42-44

pictures, 63

associating text with, 73-75

auto correcting, 80

batch editing, 83-84

brightness/contrast, 67

changing format of, 82

changing shape of, 72-73

compressing, 69-70, 81

cropping, 71-72, 80

embedded pictures, 63-64

linked embedded pictures, 65-66

linked pictures, 64-65

Photo Album, 75-78

Picture Manager, 78-84

preset picture effects, 66

recolor feature (duotone effect), 68-69

resizing, 81-82

restoring to original state, 71

transparency, 70

shapes. See shapes

SmartArt, 85-87

accentuating photos with, 98

advantages of, 91-92

animations, 96-97

connectors, 91

Content pane, 89-90

converting existing content to, 88-89

converting placeholders to, 97-98

Create Graphic commands, 95-96

inserting, 87-88

layouts, 92-93

nodes, 90, 96

styles, 94

Text pane, 90

themes, 94

types, 86


adding, 297-298

sounds, 298

speed, 298

graphics drivers, 332-333

graphs. See charts

grayscale color mode, 69

Grid and Guides dialog, 270-271

grids, snapping objects to, 269-271


pictures/text, 73

Ribbon groups, 9

shapes, 135-136

guides, snapping objects to, 269-271


Handout Master, 193-194


Handout Master, 193-194

printing, 192-193

hard shadows, 235

hardware acceleration, 333

Harris, Jenson, 10, 15, 383

headers, customizing, 190


community sites, 383

Help feature, 381

Interactive PowerPoint 2003 to PowerPoint 2007 Command Reference Guide, 11-12

Microsoft employee blogs, 383

Microsoft Knowledge Base, 383

microsoft.public. powerpoint newsgroup, 382

ScreenTips, 23


background graphics, 178

links depending on audience reaction, 308-310

portions of pictures, 125-126

slides, 316

horizontal text boxes, 34

HTML, 365

Hyperlink dialog, 301

hyperlinks, 300-301

clickable hyperlinks, creating, 45-46

compared to actions, 306

to first slide, 306-307

hiding depending on audience reaction, 308-310

Hyperlink dialog, 301

linked embedded pictures, 65-66

linked narrations, 314-315

linked pictures, 64-65

sounds/video, 164


Insert Table dialog, 138-139

images. See graphics

Ink, 168-169, 320-322

inline text editing, 56-57

inner shadows, 236

Insert Object dialog, 65, 133

Interactive PowerPoint 2003 to PowerPoint 2007 Command Reference Guide, 11-12

interactive prototypes, 307-308

iPods, publishing presentations to, 361-362


Jones, Brian, 349, 383

justified text, 52

kerning text, 40

keyboard shortcuts, 16

Alt key

resizing objects, 275

rotating objects, 277

Ctrl key

Ctrl+Enter, 187

moving objects, 277

resizing objects, 273-274

rotating objects, 276

Esc key, 134

F6 key, 17

finding, 16

Office 2003 shortcuts, 16-17

positioning objects with, 272-273, 277-278

Shift key

moving objects, 277

resizing objects, 275

rotating objects, 276

Slide Show, 329-330

Tab key, 132

text formatting shortcuts, 61-62

Knowledge Base (Microsoft), 383


Layout command (SmartArt), 96


applying, 179

changing, 179-180

charts, 107

customizing, 181-182

overview, 179

SmartArt, 92-93

Left Indent Marker, 47

left tab stops, 48

legacy charts

converting to Office 2007 format, 114-115

corruption, 115

undo operations, 115

libraries, Slide Library

adding slides from PowerPoint, 159-160

adding slides from SharePoint, 160-161

checking slides for changes, 162-163

copying slides from, 161-162

overview, 157

setting up, 157-158

lighting (3D objects), 259-260

lines, 126-127

color, 232

customizing, 129-130

editing, 124-125

inserting, 128

rerouting, 129

styles, 232-233

links, 300-301

clickable hyperlinks, creating, 45-46

compared to actions, 306

to first slide, 306-307

hiding depending on audience reaction, 308-310

Hyperlink dialog, 301

linked embedded pictures, 65-66

linked narrations, 314-315

linked pictures, 64-65

sounds/video, 164


bulleted lists

custom bullets, 42-44

default bullets, 41

ordered lists, 42

shopping list, 48-49

Live Preview, 13-14, 30-31

Lock Drawing Mode, 119-120


presentations, 313

sounds, 166


.m3u playlists

applying to presentations, 168

creating, 167-168

overview, 166


adding to QAT, 197

creating, 196-197

online resources, 198

overview, 196

publishing, 352


table cells, 149

text boxes, 34

Mark as Final option, 355-356

materials (3D objects), 259

mathematical equations, 169-170

measurement units (ruler), 269

merging table cells, 149

microphones, testing, 314


employee blogs, 383

Knowledge Base, 383

SQM (Service Quality Monitoring), 10

Visual Studio Express, 346

Microsoft Graph, 101

Microsoft Office Sounds add-in, 23

microsoft.public.powerpoint newsgroup, 382

migrating files to PowerPoint 2007

converting objects, 338-339

Open options, 337-338

mini toolbar (floatie), 20-21

minimizing Ribbon, 10

modeless dialogs, 107

modifying. See changing

monitors, configuring for Presenter View, 328-329

motion paths

creating, 292

editing, 294


positioning objects with, 271

text formatting shortcuts, 62


lines, 129


copying and pasting, 28

dragging, 28-29

multimedia. See also sounds

distributing presentations with multimedia, 165-166

embedding, 164-165

linking, 164

looping, 166

overview, 163-164


applying to presentations, 168

creating, 167-168

overview, 166

sounds spanning multiple slides, 166

multiple monitors, configuring for Presenter View, 328-329

multiple Slide Masters, creating, 177-178

multiple undo operations, 242



linked narrations, 314-315

recording, 313-316

network shares, publishing presentations to, 363

New Slide button, 179

newsgroups, microsoft. public.powerpoint, 382

nodes (SmartArt), 90, 96


Notes Page, 191

Notes pane, 190-191

overview, 190

Presenter View, 327-329

when to use, 192

Notes Page, 191

Notes pane, 190-191


object linking and embedding. See OLE objects

objects. See also graphics; pictures;text

compatible objects, converting to PowerPoint 2007, 338-339


background fills, 229-231

gradient fills, 220-223

gradient overlays, 223-226

picture fills, 226-228

solid fills, 220


with Format Shape dialog, 219-220

overview, 218

with Ribbon, 219

with style gallery, 218

inserting into charts, 107

OLE (object linking and embedding) objects, 101, 133

converting to Office 2007 format, 114-115

corruption, 115

undo operations, 115

pasting, 154-156


Align options, 278-279

Distribute options, 278

with keyboard, 272-273, 277-278

with mouse, 271

ruler, 268-269

Size and Position dialog, 265-266

snapping to grids and guides, 269-271

zoom slider, 271-272


with Alt key, 275

with Ctrl key, 273-274

with Shift key, 275

Size and Position dialog, 266-267


with Alt key, 277

custom rotations, 251-254

object position, 255

options, 277

preset rotations, 250

resetting, 255

with Shift key, 276

SmartArt nodes, 96

text, 254

Office 2003, 12, 16-17

Office button, 14-15

Office Tips, 384

Office User Interface Blog website, 15

OLE (object linking and embedding) objects, 101, 133

converting to Office 2007 format, 114-115

corruption, 115

undo operations, 115

On-Screen Show, 332

Open and Repair option, 337

Open as Copy option, 337

Open as Read Only option, 337

Open command, 337-338

Open File dialog, 337-338

Open in Browser option, 337


PPTX files, 345-346

presentations, 337-338

ordered lists, 42

orientation of text, 30


creating, 182-183

creating slides from, 183-184

Overflowing Text Smart Tag, 153-154


gradient overlays, 223-226

transparent overlay, 238


Package for CD feature, 374-376

packaging presentations for CD, 165-166, 375-376

paragraph markers, 50-52

parts (PPTX files), 346

password protection, 358-360

Paste Smart Tag, 151-152

pasting objects, 154-156

charts, 102-103

Excel tables into

PowerPoint, 141

text, 28

PDF format, 356

per-object color modes, 195-196

perspective shadows, 236

Photo Album, 75-78

adding pictures to, 75-76

editing, 78

photos. See pictures

Picture Fill dialog, 227-228

Picture Manager, 78

advantages of, 82

batch editing, 83-84

changing picture formats, 82-83

compressing pictures, 81

editing pictures, 79-80

exporting pictures, 82-83

resizing pictures, 81-82

pictures, 63

accentuating with SmartArt, 98

associating text with

grouping pictures/text, 73

shapes with picture fill, 73-75

auto correcting, 80

batch editing, 83-84

brightness/contrast, 67

changing format of, 82-83

changing shape of, 72-73

compressing, 69-70, 81, 373

cropping, 71-72, 80

embedded pictures, 63-64

fills, 226-228

hiding part of, 125-126

linked embedded pictures, 65-66

linked pictures, 64-65

Photo Album, 75-78

adding pictures to, 75-76

editing, 78

Picture Manager, 78

advantages of, 82

batch editing, 83-84

changing picture formats, 82-83

compressing pictures, 81

editing pictures, 79-80

exporting pictures, 82-83

resizing pictures, 81-82


Align options, 278-279

Distribute options, 278

with keyboard, 272-273, 277-278

with mouse, 271

ruler, 268-269

Size and Position dialog, 265-266

snapping to grids and guides, 269-271

zoom slider, 271-272

preset picture effects, 66

publishing presentations to, 362-363

recolor feature (duotone effect), 68-69

color modes, 69

dark variations, 68

light variations, 68-69

resizing, 81-82

with Alt key, 275

with Ctrl key, 273-274

with Shift key, 275

Size and Position dialog, 266-267

restoring to original state, 71

saving as pictures, 362-363

transparency, 70

pie charts, 113-114


converting to SmartArt, 88-89, 97-98

custom placeholders, 187-188

definition, 185

moving between, 187

standard placeholders, 185-187

text placeholders, 54-55


applying to presentations, 168

creating, 167-168

overview, 166

positioning objects, 265

Align options, 278-279

Distribute options, 278

with keyboard, 272-273, 277-278

with mouse, 271


aligning objects, 268

enabling, 268

units of measurement, 269

Size and Position dialog, 265-266

snapping to grids and guides, 269-271

zoom slider, 271-272

.potm files. See templates

.potx files. See templates

PowerPoint 97, opening PowerPoint 2007 files in, 340

PowerPoint 97–2003 format, saving presentations as, 369-370

Compatibility Checker, 371

Compatibility mode, 371-372

PowerPoint 2007 files, opening with PowerPoint 97–2003 compatibility pack, 340

PowerPoint Blog, 383

PowerPoint FAQ, 383

PowerPoint Heaven, 383

PowerPoint Tips Blog, 384

PowerPoint Viewer, 373-374, 377

.pps format, 354

.ppsx format, 354

PPTX file format

advantages, 344-345

containers, 347

docProps, 347

editing, 348

online resources, 349

opening, 345-346

overview, 344

parts, 346

ppt, 347

relationships of parts, 348

saving, 345

presentations. See also Slide Show; slides


adding, 357

overview, 357

tips and guidelines, 357-358

compared to themes, 204

confidential information, removing with Document Inspector, 367

editing during slideshows, 323-324

encryption, 358-359


color modes, 195-196

copying with Format Painter, 239-241

reordering slides with Thumbnail pane, 173-175

slide backgrounds, 175-178

slide layouts, 179-182

Slide Masters, 176-178

widescreen slide sizes, 331-332

headers/footers, 190


linked narrations, 314-315

recording, 313-316

opening, 337-338


creating, 182-183

creating slides from, 183-184

packaging for CD, 165-166, 375-376

password protection, 358-360

pictures, 63

associating text with, 73-75

auto correcting, 80

batch editing, 83-84

brightness/contrast, 67

changing format of, 82

changing shape of, 72-73

compressing, 69-70, 81

cropping, 71-72, 80

embedded pictures, 63-64

linked embedded pictures, 65-66

linked pictures, 64-65

Photo Album, 75-78

Picture Manager, 78-84

preset picture effects, 66

recolor feature (duotone effect), 68-69

resizing, 81-82

restoring to original state, 71

transparency, 70


converting to SmartArt, 88-89, 97-98

custom placeholders, 187-188

definition, 185

moving between, 187

standard placeholders, 185-187

text placeholders, 54-55


to 97–2003 file format, 369-372

to CD, 373-377

compressing pictures, 373

Document Inspector, 367-368

embedded fonts, 352-354

to Excel, 368-369

file format issues, 370

to iPods, 361-362

macros, 352

Mark as Final option, 355-356

to network shares, 363

PDF format, 356

as pictures, 362-363

.pps format, 354

.ppsx format, 354

as slideshows, 361

table of file formats, 351-352

as web pages, 364-367

to Word, 369

XPS format, 356

rehearsing timings, 310-311

restarting on current slide, 320

self-playing presentations, 311-313

looping presentation, 313

recording how long to stay on each slide, 312

reviewing timings, 312

running, 313

windows, 341

presenter notes

Notes Page, 191

Notes pane, 190-191

overview, 190

Presenter View, 327-329

when to use, 192

Presenter View, 327-329

preset 3D rotations, 250

preset animations, 284-285

preset picture effects, 66

presProps.xml file, 347


animations, 291

fonts, 30-31

styles, 13-14

printing handouts, 192-193

proofing text

dictionary, 57

example, 58-59

spelling checker, 57-58

thesaurus, 57-58

translation, 57-58

prototypes, 307-308

publishing presentations

to 97–2003 file format, 369-370

Compatibility Checker, 371

Compatibility mode, 371-372

to CD, 373-377

comments, 357-358

compressing pictures, 373

Document Inspector, 367-368

embedded fonts, 352-354

encryption, 358-359

to Excel, 368-369

file format issues, 370

to iPods, 361-362

macros, 352

Mark as Final option, 355-356

to network shares, 363

password protection, 358-360

PDF format, 356

as pictures, 362-363

.pps format, 354

.ppsx format, 354

as slideshows, 361

table of file formats, 351-352

as web pages, 364-367

to Word, 369

XPS format, 356


QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 17

adding macros to, 197

commands, 19

customization limitations, 19

customization tips and tricks, 19

customizing, 18-19

rand() function, 60

random text, generating, 60

ranges of slides, presenting, 326

recolor feature (duotone effect)

color modes, 69

dark variations, 68

light variations, 68-69

recording narration, 313-316

linked narrations, 314-315

microphones, 314

sound quality, 314

reflection, 237

regrouping shapes, 135-136

rehearsing timings, 310-311

relationships of parts (PPTX files), 348

_rels directories, 348

reordering slides, 173-175

Repeat feature, 241-242

replacing fonts, 33

rerouting lines, 129

Reset Picture tool, 71


3D effects, 262

3D rotation, 255

resizing objects

with Alt key, 275

with Ctrl key, 273-274

pictures, 81-82

with Shift key, 275

tables, 147

resolution in Slide Show, 326


community sites, 383

Help feature, 381

Microsoft employee blogs, 383

Microsoft Knowledge Base, 383

microsoft.public. powerpoint newsgroup, 382

PPTX files, 349

restoring pictures to original state, 71

reusing slides

from another presentation, 156

overview, 156

with Slide Library

adding slides from PowerPoint, 159-160

adding slides from SharePoint, 160-161

checking slides for changes, 162-163

copying slides from, 161-162

overview, 157

setting up library, 157-158

Ribbon, 7-8

design, 8, 12

dialog box launcher, 10

Drawing Tools Format tab

shape fill, 121

shape styles, 120-121

Equation Tools Design ribbon, 169-170

formatting objects from, 219

galleries, 11

groups, 9

minimizing, 10

tabs, 8-9

right tab stops, 48

Right to Left command (SmartArt), 96


with Alt key, 277

custom rotations, 251-254

object position, 255

options, 277

preset rotations, 250

resetting, 255

with Shift key, 276

SmartArt nodes, 96

text, 254

rows (tables), inserting, 147-148


aligning objects, 268

enabling, 268

units of measurement, 269


Safe mode, 343-344


ink, 322

PPTX files, 345

presentations. See publishing presentations

themes, 214


color schemes, 203-204, 208-210

effect schemes, 203, 210-212

adding, 212

applying, 211-212

changing, 212

font schemes, 203-207

adding, 207

applying, 206

changing, 207

ScreenTips, 23

Scribble tool, 123

SDKs (Software Development Kits), 154

security, password protection, 358-360

Segoe UI font, 32

Select Data Source dialog, 111

Select Multiple Objects dialog, 132


shapes, 132

text, 27-28

Selection pane, 131-132, 287-288

self-playing presentations, 311-313

looping presentation, 313

recording how long to stay on each slide, 312

reviewing timings, 312

running, 313

sensitive information, removing with Document Inspector, 367

sepia color mode, 69

Service Quality Monitoring (SQM), 10

Set Transparent Color wand, 70


inner shadows, 236

perspective shadows, 236

setting, 236

soft versus hard, 235

shape-editing mode, 53

shapes, 117

Arc tool, 123

changing, 242-243

connectors, 126-127

customizing, 129-130

inserting, 128

rerouting, 129

converting to SmartArt, 88-89


to Excel, 368-369

to Word, 369

creating, 122-123

default shapes, customizing, 239

duplicating, 118

editing, 124-125

ellipses, 234

embedding from other applications, 133-134

fills, 121

background fills, 229-231

gradient fills, 220-223

gradient overlays, 223-226

picture fills, 226-228

solid fills, 220

Format Painter, 240


with Format Shape dialog, 219-220

with Ribbon, 219

with style gallery, 218

Freeform tool, 123

grouping, 135-136

hiding portions of pictures with, 125-126

inserting, 117-119


color, 232

styles, 232-233

Lock Drawing Mode, 119-120

new shapes, 122

of pictures, 72-75

regrouping, 135-136

Scribble tool, 123

selecting with Tab key, 132

Selection pane, 131-132

Shapes gallery, 117-118

styles, 120-121

turning text boxes into, 35-36

ungrouping, 135

yellow diamond adjust handles, 130-131

z-order, 132

Shapes gallery, 117-118


adding slides to Slide Library, 160-161

definition, 157

Shift key

moving objects with, 277

resizing objects with, 275

rotating objects with, 276

shopping list, 48-49

Single File Web Page save option, 166

Size and Position dialog, 265-267

sizing objects

with Alt key, 275

with Ctrl key, 273-274

pictures, 266-267

with Shift key, 275

table cells, 148

skins, 24

Slide Library

adding slides from PowerPoint, 159-160

adding slides from SharePoint, 160-161

checking slides for changes, 162-163

copying slides from, 161-162

overview, 157

setting up, 157-158

Slide Masters

creating, 177

hiding background graphics on, 178

modifying, 176-177

multiple Masters, 177-178

schemes, 213

Slide Miniature pane, 173-175

Slide Show

Custom Shows, 299-300

editing during presentations, 323-324

Ink feature, 320

advantages, 321

drawing during presentations, 321

saving ink, 322

keyboard shortcuts, 329-330

Presenter View, 327-329

ranges of slides, 326

resolution, 326

show types, 324-326

starting, 317-318

View mode buttons, 318-319

widescreen slide sizes, 331-332

slides. See also presentations

creating from outlines, 183-184

hiding, 316

layouts, 213

applying, 179

changing, 179-180

customizing, 181-182

overview, 179

linking to first slide, 306-307

reordering, 173-175


from another presentation, 156

overview, 156

with Slide Library, 157-163

Slide Library

adding slides from PowerPoint, 159-160

adding slides from SharePoint, 160-161

checking slides for changes, 162-163

copying slides from, 161-162

overview, 157

setting up, 157-158

Slide Masters

creating, 177

hiding background graphics on, 178

modifying, 176-177

multiple Masters, 177-178

schemes, 213

Slide Show

Custom Shows, 299-300

editing during presentations, 323-324

Ink feature, 320-322

keyboard shortcuts, 329-330

Presenter View, 327-329

ranges of slides, 326

resolution, 326

saving presentations as, 361

show types, 324-326

starting, 317-318

View mode buttons, 318-319

widescreen slide sizes, 331-332


adding, 297-298

sounds, 298

speed, 298

small caps, formatting text as, 38

Smart Tags

AutoCorrect Smart Tag, 152-153

contextual nature of, 154

Overflowing Text Smart Tag, 153-154

Paste Smart Tag, 151-152

Software Development Kit (SDK), 154

SmartArt, 85-87

accentuating photos with, 98

advantages, 91-92

animations, 96-97

connectors, 91

Content pane, 89-90

converting existing content to, 88-89

converting placeholders to, 97-98

Create Graphic commands

Add Bullet, 96

Add Shape, 95

Layout, 96

Right to Left, 96

inserting, 87-88

layouts, 92-93

nodes, 90, 96

styles, 94

Text pane, 90

themes, 94

types, 86

snapping to grids and guides, 269-271

soft edges, 237

soft shadows, 235

Software Development Kits (SDKs), 154

solid fills, 220


distributing presentations with sound, 165-166

embedding, 164-165

linking, 164

looping, 166

Microsoft Office Sounds add-in, 23


linked narrations, 314-315

recording, 313-316

overview, 163-164


applying to presentations, 168

creating, 167-168

overview, 166

sounds spanning multiple slides, 166

transitions, 298

spacing, character, 39

speed of transitions, 298

spelling checker, 57-58

spheres, creating, 245-248

splitting table cells, 149

SQM (Service Quality Monitoring), 10

standard placeholders, 185-187

starting Slide Show, 317-318

status bar

components, 22

customizing, 22

definition, 21

stretching block arrows, 122

strikethrough text, 38-39


charts, 108-109

line styles, 232-233

previewing, 13-14

shape styles, 120-121

style gallery, 218

table styles, 144-145

subscript text, 38

Super ScreenTips, 23

superscript text, 38

surfaces (3D objects)

angle, 261

lighting, 259-260

materials, 259


Tab key, selecting shapes with, 132

tab stops, 46-47

center tab stops, 48

Custom Tab Picker, 47

custom tab stops, 47-48

decimal tab stops, 48

default tab stops, 47

First-Line Indent Marker, 47

Left Indent Marker, 47

left tab stops, 48

right tab stops, 48

shopping list example, 48-49

tips, 50

Table button, 137-138



animating, 142-143

margins, 149

sizing, 148

splitting and merging, 149

columns, inserting, 147-148

Draw Table option, 149

effects, 146

Excel tables, copying and pasting into PowerPoint, 141


with Draw Table option, 139

with Excel Spreadsheet option, 139

with Insert Table dialog, 138-139

with Table button, 137-138

overview, 137

resizing, 147

rows, inserting, 147-148

styles, 144-145

tableStyles.xml file, 347

Tablet PCs, 168-169, 321

Tags, Smart. See Smart Tags


chart templates

applying, 110-111

creating, 110

managing, 111

compared to themes, 200, 204

testing microphones, 314

text, 27

3D rotation, 254

animating, 294-296

associating with pictures

grouping pictures/text, 73

shapes with picture fill, 73-75


clickable hyperlinks, creating, 45-46

custom phrases, 46

default text corrections, 44-45

pranks, 46

bulleted lists

custom bullets, 42-44

default bullets, 41

copying/pasting, 28

direction/orientation, 30

dragging, 28-29

dummy text, generating, 60

fonts, 30

Calibri, 32

Cambria, 32

Candara, 32

Consolas, 32

Constantia, 32

Corbel, 32

embedded fonts, 352-354

Live Preview, 30-31

Office 2007 new fonts, 32

previewing, 30-31

replacing, 33

Segoe UI, 32

theme fonts, 31

formatting, 29-30, 36

character spacing, 39

clearing all formatting, 55

distributed text, 52

equalized character heights, 38

Follow Path Transforms, 56

inline editing, 56-57

justified text, 52

kerning, 40

keyboard shortcuts, 61-62

mouse shortcuts, 62

paragraph markers, 50-52

placeholders, 54-55

small caps/all caps, 38

strikethrough, 38-39

subscript, 38

superscript, 38

underline, 36

warped text, 55

ordered lists, 42


dictionary, 57

example, 58-59

spelling checker, 57-58

thesaurus, 57-58

translation, 57-58

selecting, 27-28

shape-editing mode, 53

tab stops, 46-47

center tab stops, 48

Custom Tab Picker, 47

custom tab stops, 47-48

decimal tab stops, 48

default tab stops, 47

First-Line Indent Marker, 47

Left Indent Marker, 47

left tab stops, 48

right tab stops, 48

shopping list example, 48-49

tips, 50

text boxes

Autofit, 34

converting to SmartArt, 88-89

horizontal text boxes, 34

margins, 34

options, 34-35

text wrap, 34

turning into shapes, 35-36

vertical text boxes, 34

text-editing mode, 53

text wrap, 34

Text Box dialog, 34

text boxes, 34

Autofit, 34

converting to SmartArt, 88-89

horizontal text boxes, 34

margins, 34

options, 34-35

text wrap, 34

turning into shapes, 35-36

vertical text boxes, 34

text-editing mode, 53

Text pane (SmartArt), 90


advantages, 199-200, 205

applying entire themes, 200-202

applying parts of themes, 202-203

color schemes, 203-204, 208-210

compared to design templates, 200, 204

compared to presentations, 204

creating, 214-215

effect schemes, 203, 210-212

adding, 212

applying, 211-212

changing, 212

font schemes, 31, 203-207

adding, 207

applying, 206

changing, 207

overview, 199

saving, 214

slide layouts, 213

slide masters, 213

SmartArt, 94

thumbnails, 212-213

thesaurus, 57-58

.thmx files. See themes

Thumbnail pane, 173-175

thumbnail.jpeg file, 213

thumbnails, 212-213

timings, rehearsing, 310-311

toolbars, QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 17

commands, 19

customization limitations, 19

customization tips and tricks, 19

customizing, 18-19

floatie (mini toolbar), 20-21

transformed text

Follow Path Transforms, 56

warped text, 55


adding, 297-298

sounds, 298

speed, 298

translation, 57-58

transparency, 70

transparent overlay, 238

triggers (animations), 296-299

troubleshooting flickering, 332

disabling hardware acceleration, 333

enabling hardware acceleration, 333

replacing graphics drivers, 332-333

turning off

floatie (mini toolbar), 21

ScreenTips, 23

sounds, 23


underlining text, 36

undo operations

multiple undo, 242

OLE objects, 115

picture cropping, 72

ungrouping shapes, 135

units of measurement (ruler), 269

University of Chicago School of Business, 2

URLs, clickable hyperlinks, 45-46

user interface, 7

color schemes, 24

floatie (mini toolbar), 20-21

Interactive PowerPoint 2003 to PowerPoint 2007 Command Reference Guide, 11-12

keyboard shortcuts

F6 key, 17

finding, 16

Office 2003 shortcuts, 16-17

Live Preview, 13-14

Microsoft Office Sounds add-in, 23

Office button, 14-15

QAT (Quick Access Toolbar), 17

commands, 19

customization limitations, 19

customization tips and tricks, 19

customizing, 18-19

Ribbon, 7-8

design, 8, 12

dialog box launcher, 10

galleries, 11

groups, 9

minimizing, 10

tabs, 8-9

ScreenTips, 23

status bar

components, 22

customizing, 22

definition, 21


vertical text boxes, 34

video. See also sounds

distributing presentations with video, 165-166

embedding, 164-165

linking, 164

overview, 163-164


applying to presentations, 168

creating, 167-168

overview, 166

View mode buttons (Slide Show), 318-319

Viewer, 373-374, 377

Visual Studio Express, 346


warped text, 55

washout color mode, 69

web pages, publishing presentations to, 364-367

widescreen slide sizes, 331-332

windows, 341

wizards, AutoContent Wizard, 200


copying shapes to, 369

creating equations in, 169-170

paragraph markers, 51

WordArt, 29-30


XML (Extensible Markup Language), 344

XPS format, 356

z-order, 132

zoom slider, 271-272

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