Chapter 10
Making Your App Production Ready

Over the course of this book, we’ve covered the broadly diverse landscape of adoption. Much of our discussion has focused on preventing our application from breaking in the first place. When your application does fail, and it will, you’ll need the right kind of data to diagnose the problem. Just as a good user interface designer anticipates the needs of a user, you the developer must anticipate your future needs when it’s time to provide support.

In this chapter, you will learn how to listen for failures and the tools available to debug your system when things go wrong. We’ll primarily worry about logging. We’ll find ways to keep your logs efficient and easy to read.

When we’ve considered those sources of information, we’ll look at some Erlang libraries built for diagnostics. We’ll shift for a short time to debuggers. Finally, we’ll end on a discussion of CrashDump, another Erlang tool that can help you analyze the data that Erlang exports each time a VM crashes. This is the last step in your journey and an essential one, so let’s get started!

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