
16-bit images, printing, 263


Adjustment Brush

Auto Mask mode, 173–174

hand-coloring images with, 177–178

localized adjustments with, 169–172

sharpening with, 179–182

Soften Skin effect preset, 175–176

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. See Lightroom

Airtight AutoViewer gallery, 296

appearance attributes, selecting, 304

output settings, 310

Airtight PostcardViewer gallery, 297

appearance attributes, selecting, 305

output settings, 310

Airtight SimpleViewer gallery, 298

appearance attributes, selecting, 306

output settings, 309

appearance attributes for web galleries, selecting, 301–306

aspect ratio, constraining while cropping, 136

Attribute filter, 98–101

attribute searches, 98–101

auto black-and-white adjustments, 211–212

Auto Import feature, 21–22

Auto Mask mode, 173–174

Auto Sync feature

applying keywords and metadata, 94

for develop settings, 192

auto tone adjustments

in Develop module, 142

with Quick Develop, 120


backdrops for slideshows, creating, 279–280

backing up

catalogs, 8

imported photos, 11, 14, 17

before/after views, comparing in Develop module, 133

black-and-white images

auto black-and-white adjustments, 211–212

converting color images to, 208–209

custom black-and-white adjustments, 213–214

hand coloring, 177–178

split tone images, creating, 215–216

white balance settings, applying, 210

blacks adjustments

with Quick Develop, 124

shadow clipping point, setting, 144

Blacks slider, 146

blemishes, removing

in Clone mode, 164–165

in Heal mode, 166–167

red eye removal, 168

Bridge, importing photos via, 23–24

brightness, adjusting with Quick Develop, 121, 125

browsing photos

with Filmstrip, 51

in Grid view, 45

in Loupe view, 46


camera, importing photos from, 10–12

Camera Raw

opening photos in, 198

viewing in Lightroom, 199

captions in web galleries, 307

capture time, editing, 80

card reader, importing photos from, 10–12

Catalog panel, selecting photos in, 37

Catalog Settings dialog box

backup options, 8

preview cache settings, 9


backing up, 8

browsing photos

with Filmstrip, 51

in Grid view, 45

in Loupe view, 46

creating, 6

exporting photos from, 25–27

importing photos from, 19–20

opening, 7

removing photos from, 68

selecting photos in, 37

chromatic aberration, correcting in Develop module, 158

clarity, adjusting

in Develop module, 149

localized adjustments, 179–180

with Quick Develop, 127

Clarity slider, 149

Clone mode, removing blemishes with, 164–165

collection sets, creating, 109

collections. See also grouping photos

creating, 107–108

Quick Collection, saving photos to, 105

smart collections

creating, 110

exporting, 111

importing, 112

Target Collections, grouping photos into, 106


hand-coloring images, 177–178

in web galleries, 300

color casts, correcting with Quick Develop, 117–118

color enhancements, HSL adjustments in Develop module, 154–157

color halos, removing, 158

color labels

applying, 59, 61

custom color label sets, 60

filtering by, 100

color management options, selecting, 257–262

color noise, reducing, 228–229

color photos, converting to black and white, 208–209. See also photos

color saturation, adjusting

in Develop module, 147

with Quick Develop, 130

color temperature, adjusting with Quick Develop, 118

color tint, adjusting with Quick Develop, 119

color vibrance, adjusting

in Develop module, 148

with Quick Develop, 128

comments, adding to Flickr photos, 319

Compact Cell view options, changing, 42

Compare view, 48–49


before/after views in Develop module, 133

photos, side-by-side, 48–49

configuring Page Setup dialog box, 253–254

constraining aspect ratio while cropping, 136

contrast, adjusting with Quick Develop, 126

Convert to Black and White command, 208

converting photos

to black and white, 208–209

to DNG (Digital Negative Format), 30–32

to grayscale with Quick Develop, 116

copying develop settings, 193–194

Crop Frame tool, 135

Crop Guide Overlay categories, 135

crop marks, printing, 250

Crop Overlay mode, 134, 137

crop ratios, applying, 136

cropping photos

in Develop module, 134–136

with Quick Develop, 115

rotated crops, applying, 137–138

custom black-and-white adjustments, 213–214

Custom Package layout style, 238–239

customizing Identity Plate, 4–5


dark corners. See vignettes

Darks slider, 151

default settings, resetting to, 197

deleting. See removing

Develop module

auto tone adjustments, 142

before/after views, comparing, 133

chromatic aberration, correcting, 158

clarity, adjusting, 149

copying and pasting develop settings, 193

film grain, applying, 162

highlight clipping point, setting, 143

history states

accessing, 186

saving as snapshots, 187–188

synchronizing snapshots with edits, 189

HSL adjustments, 154–157, 209

overexposure, correcting, 145


cropping, 134–136

opening, 132

rotated crops, applying, 137–138

saturation, adjusting, 147

shadow clipping point, setting, 144

tone curve adjustments, 150–153

underexposure, correcting, 146

vibrance, adjusting, 148


creating, 160–161

removing, 159

white balance settings, applying, 139–141

develop settings. See also Develop module; Quick Develop panel

with Adjustment Brush, 169–172

applying previous, 195

copying and pasting, 193–194

for imported photos, 12, 15, 18, 22

resetting to default, 197

saved develop settings, applying, 114

saving as presets, 196

synchronizing, 191–192

DNG (Digital Negative Format), converting photos to, 30–32

draft mode, printing in, 255


adding keywords via, 83

from Bridge to Lightroom alias, 23

importing photos via, 16–18



Adjustment Brush strokes, 171

capture time, 80

external editing preferences, selecting, 200–201

metadata for multiple photos, 77

ending screens, inserting in slideshows, 281–284

Expanded Cell view options, changing, 43

Export as Catalog command (File menu), 25–27


keywords, 90

photos from catalog, 25–27

slideshows, 290–292

smart collections, 111

web galleries, 312


adjusting with Quick Develop, 121

highlight clipping point, setting, 143

overexposure, correcting, 145

recovery adjustments with Quick Develop, 122

underexposure, correcting, 146

Exposure slider, 145, 146

external editing preferences, selecting, 200–201


filenames, changing, 73

fill light adjustments with Quick Develop, 123

Fill Light slider, 146

film grain, applying, 162


filter controls, 104

navigating with, 51

Filter Bar, searching photos with, 40

attribute searches, 98–101

Metadata filter, 102–103

text searches, 96–97

filtering keywords, 83. See also searching photos

flagging photos, 57

with Painter tool, 61

searching flag status, 98


adding/viewing comments in, 319

uploading photos to, 315–318

flipping photos, 55


importing photos from, 13–15

managing in Folders panel, 39

watched folders

saving in Bridge Favorites, 24

setting up, 21–22

Folders panel, managing folders in, 39

full-screen mode, playing slideshows, 288


Graduated Filter tool, 183–184

graphic watermarking presets, creating, 248–249

graphical Identity Plate

creating, 5


as intro or ending screen in slideshows, 283–284

for print process, 244–245

in slideshows, 273–274

grayscale, converting photos to with Quick Develop, 116

Grid view

changing options, 41–43

navigating, 45

grids, displaying, 240–241

grouping photos. See also collections

collection sets, creating, 109

collections, creating, 107–108

smart collections, creating, 110

into stacks, 64

promoting photos in stacks, 65

removing photos from stacks, 66

unstacking photos from, 67

into Target Collections, 106

guides, displaying, 240–241


hand-coloring images, 177–178

hard disk, removing photos from, 69

Heal mode, removing blemishes with, 166–167

hierarchy of keywords, creating, 88–89

highlight clipping point, setting in Develop module, 143

highlights, recovery adjustments with Quick Develop, 122

Highlights slider, 151

history states

accessing, 186

saving as snapshots, 187–188

synchronizing snapshots with edits, 189

HSL adjustments

converting to black and white, 209

in Develop module, 154–157

Hue slider, 154


Identity Plate

customizing, 4–5

inserting as intro or ending screen in slideshows, 281–284

inserting overlays

for print process, 242–245

in slideshows, 271–274

image display options for slideshows, selecting, 270

image information in web galleries, 307

image settings for print process, selecting, 232–233

images. See photos

Import from Catalog command (File menu), 19–20

Import Photos command (File menu)

from camera/card reader, 10–12

from folder, 13–15

import settings, saving, 16


keywords, 90


adding keywords during, 85

Auto Import feature, 21–22

from camera/card reader, 10–12

from catalog, 19–20

from folder, 13–15

via Bridge, 23–24

via drag-and-drop, 16–18

via tethered capture, 33–34

smart collections, 112

intro screens, inserting in slideshows, 281–284

iPhone, publishing photos to, 320–322


JPEG files, printing to, 264

JPEG slideshows, exporting, 291


Keyword List panel

adding keywords to, 82

creating keyword hierarchy, 89

removing keywords from, 87

keyword sets

applying, 91

saving, 92

Keyword Suggestions feature, 93

Keywording panel

adding keywords via, 81

applying keyword sets, 91

applying related keywords, 93

creating keyword hierarchy, 88

saving keyword sets, 92


adding, 81–85

by dragging, 83

during import process, 85

to Keyword List panel, 82

with Keywording panel, 81

with Painter tool, 84


with Auto Sync feature, 94

with keyword sets, 91

related keywords, 93

creating hierarchy, 88–89

defined, 71

exporting, 90

filtering, 83

for imported photos, 12, 15, 18, 22, 34

importing, 90

removing, 86–87


labels, color

applying, 59, 61

custom color label sets, 60

filtering by, 100

layout styles for web galleries, selecting, 294–298

legacy photos, updating, 218

Library module

Catalog panel, selecting catalog photos with, 37

collections, creating, 107

Compare view, 48–49

copying and pasting develop settings, 194

Filter Bar, searching photos with, 40

Folders panel, managing folders in, 39

Grid view

changing options, 41–43

navigating, 45

Loupe view

changing options, 44

navigating, 46

zoom views in, 47

Navigator panel, previewing photos with, 36

photo organization

changing sort order, 63

color labels, 59

custom color label sets, 60

flagging photos, 57

flipping photos, 55

grouping photos into stacks, 64

with Painter tool, 61

promoting photos in stacks, 65

rating photos, 56

rejecting photos, 58

removing photos from catalogs, 68

removing photos from hard disk, 69

removing photos from stacks, 66

rotating photos, 54

sorting photos, 62

unstacking photos, 67

Survey view, 50

Toolbar, 38


Camera Raw edits, viewing, 199

functions of, 1


in Mac OS X, 3

in Windows, 2

Lightroom Flash gallery, 295

appearance attributes, selecting, 303

output settings, 308

Lightroom HTML gallery, 294

appearance attributes, selecting, 301–302

output settings, 308

Lights slider, 151

localized adjustments

with Adjustment Brush, 169–172

with Auto Mask mode, 173–174

with Graduated Filter tool, 183–184

hand-coloring images, 177–178

removing blemishes

in Clone mode, 164–165

in Heal mode, 166–167

red eye removal, 168

sharpening, 179–182

skin softening, 175–176

Loupe view

changing options, 44

navigating, 46

zoom views in, 47

Luminance mode, sharpening in, 223–225

luminance noise, reducing, 226–227

Luminance slider, 156


Mac OS X

Managed by Lightroom print settings, 259–260

Managed by Printer print settings, 257

metadata presets, removing, 75

Page Setup dialog box, configuring, 253

starting Lightroom in, 3

Managed by Lightroom print settings

in Mac OS X, 259–260

in Windows, 261–262

Managed by Printer print settings

in Mac OS X, 257

in Windows, 258

managing folders in Folders panel, 39

margin widths for slideshows, specifying, 269

masking photos with Auto Mask mode, 173–174

master photos, searching by, 101

metadata. See also keywords

applying with Auto Sync feature, 94

custom metadata, adding, 73

defined, 71

editing for multiple photos, 77

filtering by, 102

for imported photos, 12, 15, 18, 22, 34

saving to XMP, 78, 198

synchronizing, 79

updating, 86–87

Metadata filter, 102, 103

Metadata panel

capture time, editing, 80

custom metadata, adding, 73

metadata presets

removing, 75–76

saving, 74

multiple photos, editing metadata for, 77

view modes, changing, 72

metadata presets

applying with Painter tool, 84

removing, 75–76

saving, 74

midtone contrast, adjusting with Clarity slider, 149

movies, searching by, 101

music, adding to slideshows, 286



with Filmstrip, 51

Grid view, 45

Loupe view, 46

Navigator panel, previewing photos with, 36

negatives, exporting catalogs

with negatives, 26

without negatives, 25

New Catalog command (File menu), 6

noise reduction, 218, 226–229


Open Catalog command (File menu), 7


catalogs, 7


in Camera Raw, 198

in Develop module, 132

in Photoshop, 202–203

in Photoshop Elements, 205–206

as smart objects in Photoshop, 204

organizing photos. See Library module, photo organization

output settings for web galleries, 308–310

overexposure. See exposure


for printing, inserting identity plate overlays, 242–245

for slideshows

identity plate overlays, inserting, 271–274

star ratings, inserting, 275–276

text overlays, inserting, 277–278


page information, printing, 250

page numbers, printing, 250

Page Setup dialog box, configuring, 253–254

Painter tool

adding keywords via, 84

applying ratings/flags/color labels, 61

pasting develop settings, 193–194

PDF slideshows, exporting, 290

photo information, printing, 251–252

photos. See also black-and-white images

auto tone adjustments

in Develop module, 142

with Quick Develop, 120

before/after views, comparing in Develop module, 133

blacks adjustments

with Quick Develop, 124

shadow clipping point, setting, 144

blemishes, removing

in Clone mode, 164–165

in Heal mode, 166–167

red eye removal, 168

brightness, adjusting with Quick Develop, 125


with Filmstrip, 51

in Grid view, 45

in Loupe view, 46

chromatic aberration, correcting, 158

clarity, adjusting

in Develop module, 149

with Quick Develop, 127

color labels, applying, 59

color temperature, adjusting with Quick Develop, 118

comments in Flickr, 319

comparing side-by-side, 48–49

contrast, adjusting with Quick Develop, 126


to black and white, 208–209

to DNG (Digital Negative Format), 30–32

to grayscale with Quick Develop, 116


in Develop module, 134–136

with Quick Develop, 115

rotated crops, applying, 137–138

custom color label sets, 60

develop settings. See develop settings

exporting from catalog, 25–27


adjusting with Quick Develop, 121

highlight clipping point, setting, 143

overexposure, correcting, 145

underexposure, correcting, 146

filenames, changing, 73

fill light adjustments with Quick Develop, 123

film grain, applying, 162

flagging, 57

searching flag status, 98

flipping, 55


creating collection sets, 109

creating collections, 107–108

creating smart collections, 110

into stacks, 64

into Target Collections, 106

HSL adjustments in Develop module, 154–157


adding keywords during, 85

Auto Import feature, 21–22

from camera/card reader, 10–12

from catalog, 19–20

from folder, 13–15

via Bridge, 23–24

via drag-and-drop, 16–18

via tethered capture, 33–34

localized adjustments

with Adjustment Brush, 169–172

with Auto Mask mode, 173–174

with Graduated Filter tool, 183–184

hand-coloring images, 177–178

skin softening, 175–176

multiple photos, editing metadata for, 77

noise reduction, 218, 226–229


in Camera Raw, 198

in Develop module, 132

in Photoshop, 202–203

in Photoshop Elements, 205–206

as smart objects in Photoshop, 204

Painter tool, applying ratings/flags/color labels, 61


with Navigator panel, 36

in Survey view, 50

printing. See print process

promoting in stacks, 65


to Flickr, 315–318

to iPhone, 320–322

rating, 56, 99

recovery adjustments with Quick Develop, 122

rejecting, 58


from catalog, 68

from hard disk, 69

keywords from, 86

from stacks, 66

renaming, 28–29

rotating, 54

saturation, adjusting

in Develop module, 147

with Quick Develop, 130

saving to Quick Collection, 105


attribute searches, 98–101

with Filmstrip filter controls, 104

with Filter bar, 40

with Metadata filter, 102

saving results to Quick Collection, 105

text searches, 96–97

selecting in Catalog panel, 37


applying with Quick Develop, 129

localized adjustments, 179–182

in Luminance mode, 223–225

Sharpen Narrow Edges preset, 221–222

Sharpen Wide Edges preset, 219–220

updating legacy photos, 218

sorting, 62–63

split tone images, creating, 215–216

tint, adjusting with Quick Develop, 119

tone curve adjustments in Develop module, 150–153

unstacking, 67

vibrance, adjusting

in Develop module, 148

with Quick Develop, 128

viewing in Slide Editor, 268


creating, 160–161

removing, 159

virtual copies, creating, 190

web galleries. See web galleries

white balance settings

in Develop module, 139–141

with Quick Develop, 117

zoom views in Loupe view, 47

Photoshop, opening photos in, 202–204

Photoshop Elements, opening photos in, 205–206

Picture Package layout style, 236–237

rulers/grids/guides, displaying, 241

playback options for slideshows, specifying, 285

playing slideshows, 288

Point Curve presets, applying, 150

preview cache settings, 9, 22



with Navigator panel, 36

in Survey view, 50

slideshows, 287

web galleries, 311

previews, exporting catalogs with, 27

previous develop settings, applying, 195

Print module, creating collections, 108

print process

16-bit images, 263

color management options, selecting, 257–262

crop marks, 250

Custom Package layout style, 238–239

draft mode, 255

identity plate overlays, inserting, 242–245

image settings, selecting, 232–233

JPEG files, 264

page information, 250

page numbers, 250

Page Setup dialog box, configuring, 253–254

photo information, 251–252

Picture Package layout style, 236–237

rulers/grids/guides, displaying, 240–241

sharpening, applying, 256

Single Image/Contact Sheet layout style, 234–235

templates, saving as, 265

watermarking presets, creating, 246–249

promoting photos in stacks, 65

publishing photos

to Flickr, 315–318

to iPhone, 320–322


Quick Collection, saving photos to, 105

Quick Develop panel

auto tone adjustments, 120

blacks adjustments, 124

brightness, adjusting, 125

clarity, adjusting, 127

contrast, adjusting, 126

converting photos to grayscale, 116

cropping photos, 115

exposure, adjusting, 121

fill light adjustments, 123

recovery adjustments, 122

saturation, adjusting, 130

saved develop settings, applying, 114

sharpening, applying, 129

vibrance, adjusting, 128

white balance settings, applying, 117


rating photos, 56. See also star ratings

with Painter tool, 61

searching by rating, 99

recovery adjustments with Quick Develop, 122

Recovery slider, 145

Red Eye Correction tool, 168

reducing noise. See noise reduction

rejecting photos, 58

related keywords, applying, 93



in Clone mode, 164–165

in Heal mode, 166–167

red eye removal, 168

color halos, 158

keywords, 86–87

metadata presets, 75–76


from catalog, 68

from hard disk, 69

from stacks, 66

vignettes, 159


folders, 39

imported photos, 12, 15, 18

photos, 28–29

resetting to default settings, 197

rotated crops, applying in Develop module, 137–138

rotating photos, 54

rulers, displaying, 240–241


saturation, adjusting

in Develop module, 147

with Quick Develop, 130

Saturation slider, 147, 155, 209

saved develop settings, applying, 114


Adjustment Brush settings, 172

color management options, 260

develop settings as presets, 196

history states as snapshots, 187–188

import settings, 16

keyword sets, 92

metadata filter presets, 103

metadata presets, 74

metadata to XMP, 78, 198

noise reduction settings, 229

photos to Quick Collection, 105

print settings as templates, 265

slideshow settings as templates, 289

watched folders in Bridge Favorites, 24

web gallery settings as templates, 314

searching photos. See also grouping photos

attribute searches, 98–101

with Filmstrip filter controls, 104

with Filter bar, 40

with Metadata filter, 102

saving results to Quick Collection, 105

text searches, 96–97


appearance attributes for web galleries, 301–306

color management options, 257–262

external editing preferences, 200–201

image display options for slideshows, 270

image settings for print process, 232–233

layout styles for web galleries, 294–298

photos in Catalog panel, 37

shadow clipping point, setting, 144


blacks adjustments with Quick Develop, 124

fill light adjustments with Quick Develop, 123

underexposure, correcting, 146

Shadows slider, 151

Sharpen Narrow Edges preset, 221–222

Sharpen Wide Edges preset, 219–220



localized adjustments, 179–182

during print process, 256

with Quick Develop, 129

in Luminance mode, 223–225

Sharpen Narrow Edges preset, 221–222

Sharpen Wide Edges preset, 219–220

updating legacy photos, 218

side-by-side comparisons, 48–49

Single Image/Contact Sheet layout style, 234–235

rulers/grids/guides, displaying, 240

site information in web galleries, 299

skin softening, 175–176

Slide Editor, viewing photos in, 268

Slideshow module. See also slideshows

collections, creating, 108

margin widths, specifying, 269

Slide Editor, viewing photos in, 268

watermarking presets, creating, 248

slideshows. See also Slideshow module

backdrops, creating, 279–280

exporting, 290–292

identity plate overlays, inserting, 271–274

image display options, selecting, 270

intro and ending screens, inserting, 281–284

margin widths, specifying, 269

playback options, specifying, 285

playing, 288

previewing, 287

saving settings as templates, 289

soundtrack music, adding, 286

star ratings, inserting, 275–276

text overlays, inserting, 277–278

smart collections

creating, 110

exporting, 111

importing, 112

smart objects, opening photos in Photoshop as, 204


saving, 187–188

synchronizing with edits, 189

Soften Skin effect preset, 175–176

sort order, changing, 63

sorting photos, 62–63

soundtrack music, adding to slideshows, 286

split tone images, creating, 215–216

Spot Removal tool

Clone mode, 164–165

Heal mode, 166–167


grouping photos into, 64

promoting photos in, 65

removing photos from, 66

unstacking photos from, 67

star ratings, inserting in slideshows, 275–276

starting Lightroom

in Mac OS X, 3

in Windows, 2

Straighten tool, 138

styled text Identity Plate

creating, 4


as intro or ending screen in slideshows, 281–282

for print process, 242–243

in slideshows, 271–272

Survey view, 50

synchronizing. See also Auto Sync feature

develop settings, 191–192

metadata, 79

snapshots with edits, 189


tab-delimited text files, importing/exporting keywords, 90

Target Adjustment tool, 152–153, 157

Target Collections, grouping photos into, 106

temperature, adjusting

in black-and-white images, 210

with Quick Develop, 118

Temperature slider, 140

templates, saving

print settings as, 265

slideshow settings as, 289

web gallery settings as, 314

tethered capture, importing photos via, 33–34

text overlays, inserting in slideshows, 277–278

text searches, 96–97

text watermarking presets, creating, 246–247

thumbnails. See photos

tint, adjusting with Quick Develop, 119

Tint slider, 140

titles in web galleries, 307

tone curve adjustments in Develop module, 150–153

Toolbar in Library module, 38


underexposure. See exposure

unstacking photos, 67


legacy photos, 218

metadata, 86–87



to Flickr, 315–318

to iPhone, 320–322

web galleries, 313


vibrance, adjusting

in Develop module, 148

with Quick Develop, 128

Vibrance slider, 148

video slideshows, exporting, 292

view modes in Metadata panel, changing, 72


Camera Raw edits in Lightroom, 199

comments on Flickr photos, 319

photos in Slide Editor, 268


before/after views, comparing in Develop module, 133

Compare view, 48–49

Grid view

changing options, 41–43

navigating, 45

Loupe view

changing options, 44

navigating, 46

zoom views in, 47

Survey view, 50


creating, 160–161

removing, 159

virtual copies

creating, 190

searching by, 101


watched folders

saving in Bridge Favorites, 24

setting up, 21–22

watermarking presets, creating, 246–249

web galleries. See also Web module

appearance attributes, selecting, 301–306

color in, 300

exporting, 312

image information, 307

layout styles, selecting, 294–298

output settings, 308–310

previewing, 311

saving settings as templates, 314

site information, 299

uploading, 313

to Flickr, 315–318

Web module. See also web galleries

collections, creating, 108

watermarking presets, creating, 249

White Balance Selector, 141

white balance settings, applying

to black-and-white images, 210

in Develop module, 139–141

with Quick Develop, 117

wildcards in text searches, 97


Managed by Lightroom print settings, 261–262

Managed by Printer print settings, 258

metadata presets, removing, 76

Page Setup dialog box, configuring, 254

starting Lightroom in, 2


XMP, saving metadata to, 78, 198


zoom views in Loupe view, 47

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