6.5. Thiele–Small parameters [5]

A complete low-frequency model of a loudspeaker drive unit can be defined by just six parameters known as the Thiele–Small parameters, which are
So far, we have introduced all of these except for V AS . The parameters Q ES , Q MS , f S , and S D are defined by Eqs. (6.11), (6.12), (6.8), and (6.22), respectively. The parameter V AS is the equivalent suspension volume. In other words, it is the volume of air having the same acoustic compliance as the suspension and is defined as
image (6.26)
The use of this parameter will make more sense when we consider the performance of the loudspeaker with an enclosure of volume V B , which in its simplest approximation is an extra compliance in the loop of Fig. 6.4b. Straight away, we can say that mounting the drive unit in a box of volume V B   =   V AS will result in a total compliance that is half that of the drive unit in free space or an infinite baffle. Hence, the suspension resonance frequency will be raised by a factor of 2 image . From these six parameters, we can furnish our equivalent circuit of Fig. 6.4b with all the required element values:
image (6.27)
Then from Eq. (6.8)
image (6.28)
and from Eq. (6.12)
image (6.29)
Inserting Eq. (6.28) into Eq. (6.11) yields
image (6.30)
where we have ignored R g because this is not a drive unit parameter. Finally, M MD   =   M MS     2M M1, where M M1 is given by Eq. (6.5). Another parameter that is commonly found in loudspeaker data sheets, although it is not a Thiele–Small parameter, is the maximum (linear) displacement or x max. It is a difficult parameter to specify in any meaningful way because it depends on how much distortion can be tolerated and varies with frequency [6].
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