4.21. Plane circular piston radiating from one side only in free space

The specific impedance (N·s/m3) of the air load on a plane piston in free space, which has one surface vibrating sinusoidally while the other remains stationary, is given by Eqs. (13.254) and (13.255) and plotted in Fig. 4.39.

Table 4.5

Radiation impedance and admittance for one side of a plane circular piston in free space a .
Impedance Mechanical Specific Acoustic Analogous circuits
f   =   drop
u   =   flow
p   =   drop
u   =   flow
p   =   drop
U   =   flow
ka < 0.5:
Series resistance, R
Series resistance, R
Mass, M 1
Compliance, C 1 ka > 5:
Resistance, R 2
RM=8a6ρ0ω427πc3 image MM1=4a3ρ03 image CM1=16πaρ0c2 image
R M   =   πa 2 ρ 0 c
RS=8a4ρ0ω427π2c3 image MS1=4aρ03π image CS1=a6ρ0c2 image
R S   =   ρ 0 c
RA=8a2ρ0ω427π3c3 image MA1=4ρ03π2a image CA1=πa36ρ0c2 image RA=ρ0cπa2 image icon


u   =   drop
f   =   flow
u   =   drop
p   =   flow
U   =   drop
p   =   flow
ka < 0.5:
Series conductance, G
Mass, M 1
Compliance, C 1 ka > 5:
Conductance, G 2
GM=ω26πρ0c3 image MM1=4a3ρ03 image CM1=16πaρ0c2 image GM=1πa2ρ0c image GS=a2ω26ρ0c3 image MS1=4aρ03π image CM1=πa36ρ0c2 image GS=1ρ0c image GA=πa4ω26ρ0c3 image MA1=4ρ03π2a image CA1=πa36ρ0c2 image GA=πa2ρ0c image icon


a  This table gives element sizes for analogous circuits in the region where ka   <   0.5 and ka   >   5. All constants are dimensionless. For the region between 0.5 and 5.0, the chart of Fig. 4.38 should be used.

Graphs of the real and imaginary parts of the normalized mechanical impedance Z M a 2 ρ 0 c as a function of ka for a piston so mounted are shown in Fig. 12.36. It is simply the mean of the impedances of a plane circular piston in an infinite baffle and the same in free space.
To a fair approximation, the radiation impedance for a one-sided piston in free space may be represented over the entire frequency range by the same analogous circuits used for the piston in an infinite baffle and shown in Fig. 4.37, where the elements now are
image (4.161)
image (4.162)
image (4.163)
image (4.164)
Figure 4.39 Real and imaginary parts of the normalized specific radiation impedance Z s /ρ 0 c of the air load on one side of a plane circular piston of radius a radiating from one side only into free space. Frequency is plotted on a normalized scale, where ka   =   2πa/λ   =   2πfa/c.
image (4.165)
image (4.166)
image (4.167)
image (4.168)
image (4.169)
image (4.170)
image (4.171)
image (4.172)
image (4.173)
image (4.174)
In the frequency ranges where ka   <   0.5 and ka   >   5, analogous circuits of the type shown in Table 4.6 may be used.

Table 4.6

Radiation impedance and admittance for a plane circular piston radiating from one side only in free space a
Impedance Mechanical Specific Acoustic Analogous circuits
f   =   drop
u   =   flow
p   =   drop
u   =   flow
p   =   drop
U   =   flow
ka < 0.5:
Series resistance, R
Series resistance, R
Mass, M 1 ka > 5:
Resistance, R 2
RM=πa4ρ0ω24c image RM=16a2ρ0cπ image
M M1   =   2a 3 ρ 0
R M2   =   πa 2 ρ 0 c
RS=a2ρ0ω24c image RS=16ρ0cπ2 image MS1=2aρ0π image
R S2   =   ρ 0 c
RA=ρ0ω24πc image RA=16ρ0cπ3a2 image MA1=2ρ0π2a image RA2=ρ0cπa2 image icon


u   =   drop
f   =   flow
u   =   drop
p   =   flow
U   =   drop
p   =   flow
ka < 0.5:
Series conductance, G
Mass, M 1 ka > 5:
Conductance, G 2
GM=π16a2ρ0c image
M M1   =   2a 3 ρ 0
GM2=1πa2ρ0c image
GS=π216ρ0c image MS1=2aρ0π image GS2=1ρ0c image GA=π3a216ρ0c image MA1=2ρ0π2a image GA2=πa2ρ0c image icon


a  This table gives element sizes for analogous circuits in the region where ka   <   0.5 and ka   >   5. All constants are dimensionless. For the region between 0.5 and 5.0, the chart of Fig. 4.39 should be used.

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