2.12. Cylindrical coordinates

In problems where there is axial symmetry, cylindrical coordinates are often useful, as shown in Fig. 2.16. We shall use these for planar circular radiators. In the xy plane of the rectangular coordinate system, the x and y ordinates are replaced by polar ordinates w and ϕ where the radial ordinate w is given by
image (2.155)
and the azimuthal ordinate ϕ is given by
image (2.156)
image (2.157)
image (2.158)
The rectangular z ordinate simply becomes the axial cylindrical ordinate. The three-dimensional wave equation in cylindrical coordinates is
image (2.159)
where the Laplace operator is given by
image (2.160)
which is often written in the following short form:
Figure 2.16 Cylindrical coordinates.
image (2.161)
Let the solution to Eq. (2.159) be of the form
image (2.162)
Substituting this in Eq. (2.159), multiplying through by w 2, and dividing through by W n (w n (ϕ)Z(z) yields
image (2.163)
image (2.164)
If both sides of Eq. (2.163) are equated to a constant of separation n 2, then Eq. (2.163) can then be separated into three equations for each ordinate as follows.

The radial equation in w

image (2.165)
The solution to this equation is of the form
image (2.166)
where H n (1)(x) and H n (2)(x) are Hankel functions defined by
image (2.167)
image (2.168)
where J n (x) and Y n (x) are Bessel functions of the first and second kind respectively, as plotted in Figs. 2.17 and 2.18. The “2” in parentheses denotes an outgoing cylindrical wave and the “1” denotes an incoming one.
Figure 2.17 Bessel functions of the first kind.
Figure 2.18 Bessel functions of the second kind.

The azimuthal equation in ϕ

image (2.169)
The solution to this equation is of the form
image (2.170)
It can be seen that the integer n denotes the nth harmonic of the azimuthal modes of vibration where ϕ   =   2π represents a full rotation about the z axis. The values of A n and B n depend on where the nodes and antinodes lie on the circumference. For example, setting B n   =   0 would place the nodes at ϕ   =   0, π, and 2π.

The axial equation in z

image (2.171)
The solution to this plane wave equation is of the form
image (2.172)
where the + sign denotes a forward traveling wave and the  sign a reverse one. From Eq. (2.164) we observe that
image (2.173)
Hence for k   <   k w the forward traveling term becomes an evanescent decaying one. Evanescent waves typically occur close to sound sources in the form of nonpropagating standing waves.
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