ABC, see Activity-based costing

Absorption costing, 1055

Accelerated-depreciation method, 480

Accounts, 5458

chart of, 6465

correct titles for, 6061

permanent, 167168

temporary, 167168

Accounts payable, 13

as current liabilities, 524

for statement of cash flows, 810

transaction analysis for, 19

Accounts payable (creditors’) subsidiary ledger, 332335

Accounts receivable, 431441

disposing of, 438440

recognizing, 430432

for statement of cash flows, 809

valuing, 432438

Accounts receivable (customers’) subsidiary ledger, 332335

Accounts receivable turnover, 447, 852

Accounting, 412

accrual- vs. cash-basis, 100

activities of, 45

assumptions in, 1011, 129

career opportunities in, 2931

cost, 940

ethics in, 78

financial, 894

generally accepted accounting principles, 89

managerial, 30. See also Managerial accounting

payroll, 532543

as recruiting tool, 6

responsibility, see Responsibility accounting

users of accounting data, 57

Accounting cycle, 174177, 573. See also specific steps in cycle

Accounting equation, see Basic accounting equation

Accounting information, in budgeting process, 1076

Accounting reports, 4, 5. See also Financial statements

Accounting systems (accounting information systems), 330349

cash payments journal, 344347

cash receipts journal, 339342

computerized, 330332

general ledger, 330331

IFRS and GAAP for, 371372

manual, 332

purchases journal, 342344

sales journal, 336338

special journals, 335348

subsidiary ledgers, 332335

Accruals, 103

adjusting entries for, 110116

expenses, 103, 112115

liabilities, 524

revenues, 103, 110112

Accrual-basis accounting, 100, 114

Accumulated depreciation, 180

Accuracy, in financial reporting, 75

Acid-test ratio, 850851

Activity base, 949

Activity-based costing (ABC), 910, 10001001, 10061008

Activity index (CVP), 1032

Additions and improvements, 483

Adjustable interest rates, 697

Adjusted trial balance, 119123, 163, 165

Adjusting entries, 104116

in accounting cycle, 230

for accruals, 110116

for deferrals, 10411, 124128

IFRS and GAAP for, 157

for merchandising companies, 230232

prior period, 659660

relationships of, 116117

types of, 103

on worksheet, 163165, 246248

from worksheets, 167

Admission of partners, 585589

Affiliated company, 746

Agents, of corporations, 608609

Aggregated data, 4

Aging schedule, 437

Aging the accounts receivable, 437

Airlines, costs and profits of, 909


purchase, 223224, 243244

sales, 227228, 244

Allowance method, 433438

Alternative accounting methods, 865

Amortization, 489

effective-interest method, 711714

straight-line, 715716

Analysis of information, 4

Annual rate of return, 12411242

Annuities, present value of, 707709, G5G7, H2

Appel, Jennifer, 572

Arm's-length transactions, 430

Articles of co-partnership, 571572

Articles of incorporation, 611


in accounting equation, 1213

capital leases, 699700

on classified balance sheet, 177179

current, 178179

depreciation of, 106107

in double-entry system, 5556

fixed, 180

IASB definition, 50

intangible, 180, 488493

natural resources, 486488

of partnerships, 568569

pension, 547

property, plant, and equipment, see Plant assets

Asset turnover, 493, 854

Associate investments, 773

Assumptions in accounting, 1011, 129

Auditing, 29

Auditors, internal, 383

Audit trail, 331

Authorized stock, 613

Available-for-sale securities, 271, 748, 750751

Average collection period, 448449, 852

Average-cost method, 281, 282, 285286, 298299


Background checks, 384

Bad debts, see Uncollectible accounts

Balanced scorecard, 910911, 11941197

Balanced Scorecard Institute, 1223

Balance sheet, 2124

budget, 10931094

classified, 177184

effect of cost flow methods on, 288

and errors in inventory accounting, 291292

horizontal analysis of, 843844

investments on, 752753

merchandising and manufacturing costs on, 905906

for partnerships, 577

recovery of bad debts on, 434

stockholders’ equity section of, 626627

transfer to worksheet, 246

unpaid notes payable on, 697

vertical analysis of, 846, 847

write-off of bad debts on, 434

Balsam, Craig, 556

Banks, 394402

for internal control, 394

reconciling bank account, 397400

statements from, 395396

writing checks, 394395

Bank reconciliations, 375, 432.

See also Reconciling bank accounts

Bank service charge, 396, 399

Bank statements, 395396

Barnum, P.T., 7

Basic accounting equation, 1221

assets and liabilities in, 1213

owner's equity in, 1214

in transaction analysis, 1521

Batch jobs, 940

Bearer bonds, 687

Benford's Law, 849

Best-efforts contracts, 613n.2

Bezos, Jeff, 1030

Blank, Arthur, 4

Board of directors, 896

Bonds, 686696

converting into common stock, 695696

discount/premium on, 691692

issued for credit, 790

issuing, 687694, 698

long-term, 689

market value of, 688689

present value of, 705711, G7G9

recording transactions with, 741743

redeeming, 695

types of, 687

Bonds payable, 804, 810

Bond amortization:

effective interest method, 711714

straight-line, 715718

Bond indentures, 687

Bonding of employees, 383

Bond interest expense, 693

Bond issues, 687694

at a discount, 692693

at face value, 690691

at a premium, 693694

procedures for, 687688


on admission of a partner, 587588

as fringe benefits, 533

on withdrawal of a partner, 590591

Bookkeeping, 5

Book (carrying) value, 107, 476, 479480, 692

Bowerman, Bill, 606

Bowline, Lyle, 1074

Break-even analysis, 10431047

Break-even point, 1043

Brock, Paula, 1134

Budgets, 1076

continuous 12-month, 1077

flexible, 11261135

standards vs., 1178

static, 11251126

Budgetary control, 11241135

flexible budgets, 11261135

static budgets, 11251126

Budgetary optimism, 1082

Budgetary planning, 10761100

accounting information in, 1076

budget balance sheet, 10931094

budget income statement, 10891090

cash budget, 10901093

direct labor budget, 10861087

direct materials budget, 1084

financial budgets, 10901095

foundation for, 10761077

and human behavior, 10781079

length of budget period, 1077

and long-range planning, 1079

manufacturing overhead budget, 1087

master budget, 10791080

for merchandisers, 10951096

in non-manufacturing companies, 10951097

for not-for-profit organizations, 10961097

process for, 10771078

production budget, 10821083

sales and administrative expense budget, 10871088

sales budget, 10811082

for service enterprises, 1096, 1097

Budgetary slack, 1079

Budget balance sheet, 10931094

Budget committee, 1078

Budget income statement, 10891090

Budget period, length of, 1077

Budget reforecasting, 1134

Budget reports, 1124, 1126, 11331135

Budget shortfalls, 1097

Buffett, Warren, 657, 840841

Buildings, 473, 809

Business documents, 59, 226

Business transactions, 15. See also Transaction analysis

in double-entry system, 5558

in partnerships, 573

purchasing, 221226

sales, 226229

By-laws of corporations, 611


Calendar years, 100

Callable bonds, 687


corporate acquisition of, 609

owner's, 13

working, 528

Capital budgeting, 12401249

annual rate of return, 12411242

cash payback, 12431244

discounted cash flow, 12451249

evaluation process in, 12401241

Capital deficiency (partnership liquidation), 581583

Capital expenditures, 483, 1241

Capital leases, 699700

Capital ratios, for partnerships, 575

Capital stock, 626

Careers in accounting, 2931

Carrying value, see Book value

Carrying (book) value method, 696

Cash, 402

and fraud, 386

IFRS definition, 426

net change in, 790791

reporting, 402404

for statement of cash flows, 811

Cash-basis accounting, 100

Cash bonuses, 533

Cash budget, 10901093

Cash controls, 386393

Cash disbursements, internal controls for, 389392

Cash discounts, 431

Cash dividends, 650

Cash equivalents, 402, 426, 838

Cash flows. See also Statement of cash flows

ability to generate, 778

classification of, 778779

free, 793795

Cash management, 1093

Cash payback, 12431244

Cash payments:

in direct method, 800803

schedule of, 580581

Cash payments (cash disbursements) journal, 344347

Cash purchases, transaction analysis for, 1617

Cash (net) realizable value, 434, 443

Cash receipts:

in direct method, 800

internal controls for, 386389

transaction analysis for, 19

Cash receipts journal, 339342

Cash register tapes, 226

Cash withdrawals, transaction analysis for, 1920

Castle, Ted, 160

CEO (chief executive officer), 609, 896

Certified public accountants (CPAs), 29, 30

CFO (chief financial officer), 897

Changes in accounting principle, 863864

Channel stuffing, 866

Charter, corporate, 610611

Chart of accounts, 6465


altered, 380

for payroll, 537538

writing, 394395

Check register, 389

Chenfield, Cliff, 556

Chief executive officer (CEO), 609, 896

Chief financial officer (CFO), 897

China, 114, 180, 569

Claims, fictitious, 378

Classified balance sheet, 177184

IFRS and GAAP for, 212214

investments on, 754755

for merchandising companies, 232, 236

Closely held corporations, 608.

See also Privately held corporations

Closing entries:

in accounting cycle, 230231

for merchandising companies, 230231, 245246

for partnerships, 574575

posting, 170171

preparing, 168170

Closing the books, 167174

post-closing trial balance, 172174

posting closing entries, 170171

preparing closing entries, 168170

with virtual closes, 171

CM (credit memorandum), 397

Code of ethics, 898

Collaboration, 1137

Collusion, 385

Commercial substance (exchanges), 497

Common-size analysis, 846.

See also Vertical analysis

Common stock, 612, 617620

allocating cash dividends to, 652653

converting bonds into, 695696

earnings per share for, 664

no-par value, 618619

par value, 618

for services or noncash assets, 618619

for statement of cash flows, 804, 810l

Communication, 4, 5, 377

Comparability, 129

Competitive environment, 909

Component depreciation, 517

Components, make-or-buy decisions for, 12321234

Compound entries, 6061

Compound interest, H2

Comprehensive income, 753, 864

Computerized accounting systems, 330332

Computer recycling, 116

Computer-system tampering, 331

Conservatism, 289

Consigned goods, ownership of, 279

Consistency principle, 129, 288

Consolidated financial statements, 746747

Constraints, theory of, 910

Construction of buildings, 473

Consumer cooperatives (co-ops), 216217

Contingent liabilities, 529531, 564

Continuous 12-month budgets, 1077

Contra accounts:

for assets, 106

for bonds at a discount, 692

for revenue, 228

for stockholders’ equity, 621622

Contractual interest rate, 687, 691

Contributed capital, 626. See also Paid-in capital

Contribution margin per unit

(CVP analysis), 10411042, 1048, 1239

Contribution margin ratio (CVP analysis), 10421043, 1048

Control, internal, see Internal control

Control accounts, 333, 944

Control environment, 377

Controllability of items, 1138

Controllable margin, 1144, 11471148

Controllable revenues/costs, 1137

Controllable variance (overhead), 1191, 12031205

Controllers, 609, 897

Controlling interest, 746

Convergence, 9

Convertible bonds, 687, 695696

Co-ops, 216217

Co-ownership of property, 568569

Copyrights, 489490

Corporate capital, 615617

Corporate social responsibility, 25, 181, 617, 911, 1192

Corporations, 11, 608617

characteristics of, 608610

corporate capital, 615617

forming, 611

multinational, 48

owner's equity accounts in, 183

ownership rights of stockholders, 612

reasons for investing, 740741

stock issues, 612615. See also Stock

subchapter S, 570

Correcting entries, 176177, 398399


in computation of depreciation, 476477

controllable vs. noncontrollable, 1137

of copyrights, 489490

depreciable, 477

factory labor, 943, 947948

fixed, see Fixed costs

freight, 222223, 243

in incremental analysis, 12301232

inventoriable, 901

labor, 900, 901, 943, 947948, 985987

in managerial accounting, 899

manufacturing, see Manufacturing costs

material, 985987

materials, 900, 942, 945947

mixed, 10351036

in noncash transactions, 619

non-recurring, 863

opportunity, 12331234

organization, 611

of patents, 489

period, 901

for plant assets, 472475

product, 900901

research and development, 491492

standard, see Standard costs

unit production, 995

variable, 10321033, 1087, 1130

warranty, 529

Cost accounting systems, 940941

Cost behavior analysis, 10321039

Cost centers, 1142, 1143

Cost constraints, 130

Cost drivers, 1000

Cost flows:

in merchandising companies, 219221

in process vs. job order cost systems, 985

Cost flow assumptions/methods:

average-cost, 285286

effects of, 286288

first-in, first-out, 282283

in inventory costing, 281285

last-in, first-out, 284285

in perpetual inventory systems, 297300


absorption, 1055

activity-based, 910, 10001001, 10061008

full, 1055

inventory, see Inventory costing

job order, see Job order costing

operations, 998

for service industries, 908909

variable, 10551058

Cost method:

for stock investments, 743

for treasury stock, 621622

Cost of goods manufactured, 903905

Cost of goods manufactured schedule, 904905

Cost of goods purchased, 902

Cost of goods sold, 218219, 242, 243, 953

Cost-plus contracts, 956

Cost principle (historical cost principle), 9, 472

Cost reconciliation schedule, 995996

Cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis, 10401053

break-even analysis, 10431047

and changes in business environment, 10501051

CVP income statement, 10401043

margin of safety, 10481050

target net income, 10471048

Cost-volume-profit (CVP) graph, 10451046, 1048

Cost-volume-profit (CVP) relationships, 10321039

cost behavior analysis, 10321039

fixed costs, 1033

identifying cost types in, 10761077

mixed costs, 10351036

relevant range in, 10341035

variable costs, 10321033

Coupon bonds, 687

Covenants, 702

CPAs (certified public accountants), 29, 30

Credits, 5458, 74

Credit agreements, 431

Credit balance, 54

Credit cards, 438440, 522

Credit crisis, 446

Crediting accounts, 5455

Credit losses, 432433

Credit memorandum (CM), 397

Creditors, 13

Creditors’ subsidiary ledger, 333

Credit purchases, 1618, 344

Credit terms, 223

Cross-footing a journal, 341

Cumulative dividends, 625

Current assets, 178179, 786787

Current liabilities, 524528

bond interest payable, 691

on classified balance sheet, 182

current maturities of long-term debt, 526527

leases, 700

noncash, 785772

notes payable, 524525

order of listing, 527

sales taxes payable, 525

statement presentation and analysis, 527528

unearned revenues, 526

Current ratio, 528, 850, 851

Current replacement cost, 289

Customers, as external users, 7

Customers’ subsidiary ledger, 333

CVP analysis, see Cost-volume-profit


CVP graph, 10451046, 1048

CVP income statement, 10401043, 10521053

CVP relationships, see Cost-volume-profit relationships


Days in inventory, 293, 853

Debenture bonds, 687

Debits, 5458, 74

Debit balance, 54

Debiting accounts, 5455

Debit memorandum (DM), 397

Debt covenants, 702

Debt investments, 741743

Debt to assets ratio, 701, 857858

Decentralized companies, 1136

Decision-making, see Management decision-making

Declaration date (cash dividends), 651

Declining-balance depreciation, 479481

Deferrals, 103104

adjusting entries for, 104110, 124128

alternative treatment of, 124127

basic relationships for, 127

Defined-benefit plans, 548

Defined-contribution plans, 547548

Depletion (natural resources), 487

Depreciable cost, 477


accumulated, 180

adjusting entries for, 106107

computing, 476477

declining-balance method, 479481

and income taxes, 476477

indirect method, 802

of plant assets, 475483

recognizing, 476

revising estimates of, 482

for statement of cash flows, 810

straight-line method, 477478, 481

units-of-activity method, 478479, 481

Depreciation expense, 785

Depreciation schedule, 478

Differential analysis, 1228. See also Incremental analysis

Direct fixed costs, 11431144

Direct labor, 900

Direct labor budget, 10861087

Direct labor price standard, 1181

Direct labor quantity, 1181

Direct labor variances, 11881190

Direct materials, 900

Direct materials budget, 1084

Direct materials price standard, 1180

Direct materials quantity standard, 11801181

Direct materials variances, 11851187

Direct method (statement of cash flows), 782783, 798804

investing and financing activities, 803804

net change in cash, 805

operating activities, 799803

Direct write-off method, 432433

Disbursements, 389393

Disbursements journal, 344347


clarity of financial, 234

of contingent liabilities, 530532

Discontinued operations, 861862


bond, 691693, 711713, 715716

cash, 431

purchase, 224225

sales, 228229

Discounted cash flow method, 12451249

Discount period, 224225

Discount rate, 1245

Dishonored notes, 445


of accounts receivable, 438440

of notes receivable, 444445

of plant assets, 484486

of treasury stock, 622624

Divestments, owner's drawings as, 20

Dividends, 650656

ability to pay, 778

cash, 650654

IFRS and GAAP for, 682

on preferred stock, 625

stock, 654656

from stock investments, 743746

Dividends in arrears, 625

DM (debit memorandum), 397

Documentation procedures, 380381, 484

Dollar signs, use of, 75

Double-declining-balance method, 480

Double-entry system, 5558

Double taxation, 610

Drawings (by owners), 14, 20, 56

Dual posting, 347


rotating, 383384

segregation of, 379380


Earnings, quality of, 865866

Earnings per share (EPS), 664, 856

Earnings statement, 23. See also Income statement

Earning power, 861

Ebbers, Bernie, 483

Economic entity assumption, 1011, 129

Effective-interest amortization, 711714

Electronic funds transfers (EFTs), 401

Electronic spreadsheets, 162.

See also Worksheets

“Employee Benefits” (IAS 19), 564

Employee compensation, see Payroll accounting

Employee earnings record, 536

Employee theft, 385

Employer (pension plans), 546547

Employer payroll taxes, 539541

Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

systems, 331, 910

Envelope budgeting, 1174

EPS (earnings per share), 664, 856

Equal Employment Opportunity

Act, 1178


cost of, 473474

retaining vs. replacing, 12351236

for statement of cash flows, 802, 809810

Equity, 50

Equity method (stock investments), 744745

Equivalent units, 990994

ERP (enterprise resource planning)

systems, 331, 910


in bank accounts, 398399

correcting entries for, 176177

inventory, 290292

irregularities vs., 75

in trial balances, 75


depreciation, 482

inventories, 297300

uncollectible accounts, 434

Ethics issues:

appearance of liquidity, 182

arm's-length transactions, 430

available-for-sale securities, 750

changes in accounting principle, 864

comparing cash from operations to net income, 778

computer-system tampering, 332

credit agreements, 431

disclosure of details, 235

discounted future cash flows, 1246

documentation control, 946

and economic entity assumption, 10

employee theft, 393

errors in statements, 176

expectations for EPS, 664

in financial reporting, 78, 226

fraudulent disbursements, 393

fraudulent documents, 59

inventory fraud, 290

lease accounting, 700

in managerial accounting, 897899

manipulating current ratio/cash balance, 849

meeting standards, 1179

minimizing debt reported, 687

motivating employees, 533

non-owner managers, 609

overstating market value, 751

partnership agreements, 571572

partnership liquidations, 578

purchase price allocation, 476

software for fraud control, 331332

specific identification method, 281

standards of conduct for management accountants, I1I2

telecommunications to remote areas, 908

temporary employees, 910

treasury stock purchase, 622

unrealistic budgets, 1079

Eurich, Beecher, 982

Europe, accounting in, 55

European Union, 9

Evaluation of companies, 793795.

See also Financial statement analysis

Exchange of plant assets, 497498

Exotic Newcastle Disease, 1134


accrued, 103, 112115

in double-entry system, 57

IASB definition, 50

owner's equity decrease from, 14

payroll, 537

prepaid, 104107, 125126, 809

recognizing, 100102

on single-step income statement, 234

transaction analysis for, 1819

Expense recognition principle, 101, 130

Expense reports, fraudulent, 382383

External transactions, 15

External users, 67

Extraordinary items, 862863


Face value:

of bonds, 687, 691, 705707

of notes, 443

Factors, 439

Factory labor costs, 943

Factory overhead, 900

Fair Labor Standards Act, 1178

Fair value, 444, 748

Fair value principle, 9, 130

Faithful representation, of financial information, 9

FASB, see Financial Accounting Standards Board

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 30

Federal Insurance Contribution Act (FICA), 533534

Federal Trade Commission, 7

Federal unemployment taxes, 539

Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA), 539

Fees, 532

FICA (Federal Insurance Contribution Act), 533534

FICA taxes, 533534, 539

FIFO, see First-in, first-out

Financial accounting, managerial accounting vs., 894

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 9, 49, 50

definitional structure of, 96

on financial instrument accounting, 444, 468, 736, 774

financial statement presentation project of, 213214, 682683, 838

financial statement structure project of, 271, 890

framework for accounting standards of, 372373, 736

pension project of, 564565

revenue recognition project of, 158

Financial budgets, 10791080, 10901095

Financial instruments, 444

Financial markets, 48

Financials (Oracle), 331

Financial statements, 4, 2127.

See also individual statements

accuracy of, 75

from adjusted trial balance, 119122

of, Inc., D1D4

of Apple Inc., A1A4

balance sheet, 2124

of The Coca-Cola Company, C1C4

consolidated, 746747

current liabilities on, 527528

depreciation on, 106107

effect of cost flow methods on, 286288

going beyond, 25

income statement, 2123

intangible assets on, 492493

inventories on, 292294

investments on, 748756

long-term liabilities on, 700702

manufacturing costs in, 902909

for merchandising companies, 233238

monthly, 944

natural resources on, 492493

owner's equity statement, 2124

partners’ capital statement, 575576

for partnerships, 576577

of PepsiCo, Inc., B1B5

plant assets on, 492493

receivables on, 447449

statement of cash flows, 2124

stockholders’ equity on, 626627, 661665

time periods for, 100

of Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., E1E4

from worksheets, 165167

of Zetar plc, F1F4

Financial statement analysis, 842866

changes in accounting principle, 863864

comprehensive income, 864

earning power, 861

horizontal, 843846

IFRS and GAAP for, 889890

irregular items, 861864

need for, 842

quality of earnings, 865866

ratio, 848859

vertical, 846848

Financing activities, 779, 789790, 803804

Finished goods inventory, 276, 952953

First-in, first-out (FIFO), 282283, 286288, 297, 865

First-in, still here (FISH), 284

Fiscal year, 100

FISH (first-in, still here), 284

Fixed assets, 180, 472. See also Plant assets

Fixed costs:

in CVP, 1033

in flexible budget, 1130

in manufacturing overhead budget, 1087

for profit centers, 11431144

static budget reports for, 1126

Fixed interest rates, 697

Fixed ratios (income), 575

Flexible budgets, 11261135

case study of, 11301132

developing, 11281129

and management by exception, 11371138

and manufacturing, 1139

uses of, 11271128

Flexible budget reports, 11331135

FOB (free on board), 222223

FOB destination, 222223, 278279

FOB shipping point, 222223, 278279

Food production, 1034

Footing a journal, 341

Forensic accounting, 30

For-profit corporations, 608

401(k) plans, 547

Franchises, 490

Fraud, 376

altered checks, 380

bank reconciliation, 431432

cash as susceptible to, 386

employee theft, 385

fake expense reports, 382383

fake invoices, 380

fictitious claims, 378

and forensic accounting, 30

in hotel housekeeping, 384

and IFRS, 425426

inventory, 279, 290

involving payroll, 542543

net income, 483

and numeric relationships, 849

and payroll accounting, 541

reimbursement requests, 381

sales commissions, 382

software controls for, 331332

statement of cash flow, 788

and stock options, 620

theft of merchandise, 227

Fraud triangle, 376

Free cash flow, 793795

Free on board (FOB), 222223

Freight costs, 222223, 243

Freight-in, 243

Fringe benefits, 539, 545546.

See also Payroll accounting

Full costing, 1055

Full disclosure principle, 130, 531, 780

FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax Act), 539


GAAP, see Generally accepted accounting


Gains, 485, 578, 749, 753, 861

Geneen, Harold, 2

General journal, 5962

adjusting entries in, 117118

closing entries in, 168, 170

effects of special journals on, 347

posting to ledger from, 6364

General ledger, 6265

chart of accounts in, 6465

control account in, 333

and post-closing trial balance, 172174

posting to, 6364, 337338

standard form of account in, 74

General ledger accounting systems, 330331

Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), 8, 9

for accounting systems, 371372

for adjusting accounts, 157158

for allowance method, 433

for classified balance sheet, 212

for dividends, 682

for financial statement analysis, 889890

financial statements required by, 21

IFRS vs., 4850

for inventories, 324327

and inventory write-downs, 289

for investments, 773774

for liabilities, 564, 735736

for merchandising operations, 271

for plant, property, and equipment, 517519

and quality of earnings, 865

for receivables, 467, 468

recording process for, 96

for revenue/expense recognition, 101

for statement of cash flows, 837, 838

and stockholders’ equity, 644645

General partners, 570

Gift cards, accounting for, 109

Going concern assumption, 129

Goods in transit, ownership of, 278279

Goodwill, 180, 181, 488, 490491

Government accounting careers, 30

Governmental budgets, 10961097

Graham, Benjamin, 840

Green, selling, 229

Greenhouses, 1034

Gross earnings, 532

Gross profit, 233

Gross profit method, 301302


Health insurance, 546

Held-to-maturity securities, 748

High-low method (CVP), 10371038

Historical cost principle, 9, 130

Honored notes, 444

Horizontal analysis, 843846

Human behavior:

and budgetary planning, 10781079

and performance evaluation, 11381139

Human resource controls, 227, 384, 541


IAASB (International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board), 426

IAS 1 (standard), 271, 564, 735, 889

IAS 19 (standard), 564

IAS 37 (standard), 564, 735

IASB, see International Accounting Standards Board

Ideal standards, 1179

Identification of economic events, 45

IFRS, see International Financial Reporting Standards

Ig Nobel Prize, 426

IMA, see Institute of Management Accountants

IMA Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, 898

Imprest system, 390

Improper recognition, 866

Incentives, creating, 898

Income, 50, 278

Income from operations, 234

Income ratios, 575, 580

Income statement, 2123

budget, 10891090

CVP, 10401043, 10521053

effect of cost flow methods on, 286288

and errors in inventory accounting, 290291

horizontal analysis of, 844845

merchandising and manufacturing costs in, 902905

for merchandising companies, 232236

multiple-step, 233235

stockholders’ equity on, 663

transfer to worksheet, 248

variances on, 1194

vertical analysis of, 846848

Income taxes:

on corporation income statements, 663

for corporations, 611

and depreciation, 463

payroll deductions for, 533

Income taxes payable, 787, 810

Incremental analysis, 12281239

for accepting an order at a special price, 12301232

for allocating limited resources, 1239

for eliminating unprofitable segments, 12361238

for making vs. buying, 12321234

management decision-making process in, 1228

for retaining vs. replacing equipment, 12351236

for selling vs. processing further, 12341235

types of decisions involving, 1230

Indefinite life, 489

Independent contractors, 532

IN-10 Subject Index

Independent internal verification, 382383

of bank reconciliations, 432

and inventory fraud, 279

of net income, 484

of payroll expenses, 541

of statement of cash flows, 788

of write-offs, 849

Indirect fixed costs, 1144

Indirect labor, 900

Indirect manufacturing costs, 900

Indirect materials, 900

Indirect method (statement of cash flows), 782793

investing and financing activities, 789790

net change in cash, 790793

operating activities, 784789

worksheet for, 806811

Industry averages (norms), 842

Information, for internal control, 377

Information technology, 48

Initial public offering (IPO), 611

Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), 898, 935936, 979


adjusting entries for, 105106

health, 546

Intangible assets, 488493

accounting for, 488491

on classified balance sheet, 180

and research and development costs, 491492

statement presentation and analysis of, 492493

Intercompany comparisons, 842

Interest, 112113, G1G2

accrued, 112113

on bonds, 686687, 741742

on buildings, 473

on notes receivable, 443

to partners, 575576

on partners’ capital, 575

Interest coverage, 858

Interest payments (annuities), 707709

Interest rates:

for bonds, 687, 691

for mortgages, 696697

Internal auditors, 383

Internal control, 376385

with accounting software, 331332

for bank reconciliations, 432

components of, 377

and fraud, 376, 849

and inventory fraud, 279

limitations of, 384385

for net income, 484

over cash, 386393

for payroll, 542543

principles of, 378384

and Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 29, 49, 103

for statements of cash flow, 788

and theft of merchandise, 227

by using banks, 394402

Internal rate of return (IRR) method, 12471248

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 7, 30, 482, 541, 561

Internal transactions, 15

Internal users, 56

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), 9, 48, 49

definitional structure of, 96

on financial instrument accounting, 444, 468, 735736, 774

financial statement presentation project of, 213214, 682683, 838

financial statement structure project of, 271, 890

framework for accounting standards of, 372373, 735736

on liabilities, 564

pension project of, 564565

revenue recognition project of, 158

International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), 426

International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), 9, 4851

for accounting systems, 371372

for adjusting accounts, 157

for classified balance sheet, 212214

for dividends, 682

for financial statement analysis, 889890

financial statements required by, 21

and fraud, 425426

for inventories, 324327

for investments, 773775

for liabilities, 564, 735736

for merchandising operations, 271272

for plant, property, and equipment, 517519

for receivables, 468

recording process for, 96

for statement of cash flows, 837838

and stockholders’ equity, 644645

Internet, value chain and, 910

Interpretation of information, 4, 5

Intracompany comparisons, 842

Inventoriable costs, 901

Inventory(-ies), 276293

cost flow methods, 297300

determining quantities, 277278

errors in accounting for, 290292

estimating, 297300

excessive levels of, 293

in financial statements, 292294

IFRS and GAAP for, 324327

and income, 278

for manufacturing companies, 276, 905906

for merchandising companies, 905906

periodic system for, 220221, 247

perpetual system for, 219221, 297300

for statement of cash flows, 809

Inventory costing, 280290

consistency principle in, 288

cost flow assumptions, 281285

lower-of-cost-or-market, 289290

specific identification method, 280281

Inventory turnover, 293, 294, 852853

Investing activities:

cash flows from, 778, 779

direct method for, 803804

indirect method for, 789790

noncash, 780

Investments, 740756

on classified balance sheet, 179

debt investments, 741743

IFRS and GAAP for, 773775

by owner, 13, 1516

in partnerships, 586588

reasons for making, 740741

short-term, 752

stock investments, 743747

valuing and reporting, 748750

Investment centers, 1142, 11451148

Investment portfolio, 743


fake, 380

purchase, 221222

sales, 226

IPO (initial public offering), 611

Irregular items, 861864

Irregularities, 74

IRR (internal rate of return) method, 12471248

IRS, see Internal Revenue Service


Japan, 277, 491

Jean, Wyclef, 8

JIT (just-in-time) inventory, 276277, 910

JIT (just-in-time) processing, 9981000

Job cost data, reporting, 958959

Job cost sheet, 944, 945

Job order cost flow, 941958

accumulating manufacturing costs, 941944

assigning costs to cost of goods sold, 953

assigning costs to finished goods, 952953

assigning manufacturing costs to work in process, 944952

Job order costing, 940941

advantages and disadvantages, 957958

cost accounting systems, 940941

job order cost flow, 941958

reporting job cost data, 958959

for service companies, 955956

Job order cost systems, 940, 985

process cost systems vs., 985987

standard cost accounting system with, 12001202

Journals, 5962. See also General journal cash payments (disbursements), 344347

cash receipts, 339342

cross-footing, 341

footing, 341

posting to, see Posting

purchases, 342344

sales, 336338

simple and compound entries in, 6061

special, see Special journals

Journalizing, 5960

adjusting entries, 117118, 167

cash payments transactions, 344347

cash receipts transactions, 339341

closing entries, 168170, 245246

credit purchases, 344

credit sales, 336337

illustration of, 7172

special journals for, 336

with standard cost accounting system, 12001202

Just-in-time (JIT) inventory, 276277, 910

Just-in-time (JIT) processing, 9981000


Knight, Philip “Phil,” 4, 606, 609

Korean discount, 10


Labor costs, 900, 943, 947948, 985988

Labor productivity, in auto industry, 900

Labor quantity variance, 1189

Labor unions, as external users, 7

Labor variances:

direct, 11881190

price, 1090, 11881189

quantity, 11891190

total, 1188

Land, 472473, 476, 803, 809

Land improvements, 473

Last-in, first-out (LIFO), 284285

financial statement and tax effects, 287288

and IFRS, 325

in periodic inventory systems, 281282

in perpetual inventory systems, 298

and quality of earnings, 865

Last-in, still here (LISH), 283

LCM (lower-of-cost-or-market method), 289290

Lean manufacturing, 909

Leases, 699700

Leasing, 475

Ledgers, 6265. See also General ledger; Subsidiary ledgers

proving, 337, 339, 342

with standard cost accounting system, 1202

Lenders, information from, 446

Leveraging, 855

Liabilities (financial):

in accounting equation, 1213

accrued, 112

on classified balance sheet, 177178, 182

contingent, 529531, 564

current, 182, 524528

in double-entry system, 5556

IASB definition, 50

IFRS and GAAP for, 564, 735736

long-term, 183. See also Long-term liabilities

payroll, 537

pension, 547

Liability (legal), in partnerships, 569570

Licenses, 490, 611

Life insurance benefits, 546

Life of a corporation, 609

LIFO, see Last-in, first-out

LIFO conformity rule, 288

Limited liability, 11, 569570, 608609

Limited liability companies (LLCs), 569, 570

Limited liability partnerships (LLPs), 569, 570

Limited life, 489

Limited partners, 570

Limited partnerships (Ltd., LP), 569570

Line positions, 896

Liquidating dividends, 650


of partnerships, 578583

of preferred stocks, 625626


defined, 182, 527

excess, 182

listing current liabilities in order of, 527

of receivables, 447

short-term creditor interest in, 842

Liquidity ratios, 850853

LISH (last-in, still here), 283

LLCs (limited liability companies), 569, 570

LLPs (limited liability partnerships), 569, 570

Loans, bad, 446

Long-range planning, budgetary planning and, 1079

Long-term bonds, 689

Long-term debt, 526527, G7G9

Long-term debt due within one year, 527

Long-term investments, 179, 752753

Long-term liabilities, 686696

bonds, 686696

on classified balance sheet, 183184

on financial statements, 700702

leases, 699700

notes payable, long-term, 697698


from discontinued operations, 861862

on disposal of plant assets, 485, 486

realized, 578, 753

on sale of equipment, 785

unrealized, 749, 753

Lower-of-cost-or-market method (LCM), 289290

LPs (limited partnerships), 569570

Ltd. (limited partnerships), 569570


Machine time used, 988

MACRS (Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System), 482

Madoff, Bernard, 401

Mail receipts, cash, 388

Make-or-buy decisions, 12321234

Maker (promissory notes), 441

Management accountants, ethical conduct for, I1I2

Management accounting, see Managerial accounting

Management by exception, 11371138

Management consulting, 30

Management decision-making:

for accepting an order at a special price, 12301232

for allocating limited resources, 1239

for eliminating unprofitable segments, 12361238

financial and nonfinancial information in, 1228

incremental analysis for, 1228

for making vs. buying, 12321234

process for, 1228

for retaining vs. replacing equipment, 12351236

for selling vs. processing further, 12341235

Management of corporations, 609

Managers, functions of, 894896

Managerial accounting, 30, 894915

activities in, 894

business ethics in, 897899

cost concepts in, 899

financial accounting vs., 894

managers’ functions in, 894896

manufacturing costs, 899900, 902909

organizational structure, 896897

practices of, 909911

product vs. period costs, 901

Manual accounting systems, 332

Manufacturing companies, 899900

classifying inventory in, 276277

flexible budgets for, 1139

lean manufacturing by, 909

process cost systems for, 984

units-of-activity depreciation for, 478479

Manufacturing costs, 899900. See also Job order cost flow; Process cost system accumulating, 941944

assigning, to work in process, 944952

in balance sheet, 905906

cost concepts, 906908

and costing for service industries, 908909

cost of goods manufactured, 903905

in income statement, 902905

in job order cost system, 985

journal entries for, 988

in process cost system, 985989

Manufacturing overhead, 900, 943944, 948951

under activity-based costing, 10061007

journal entries for, 987989

process vs. job order cost systems for, 985

under- or overapplied, 958959

Manufacturing overhead budget, 10871088

Manufacturing overhead variance, 11901192

Margin of safety, 10481050

Margin of safety ratio (CVP), 10481050

Marketable securities, 752

Market interest rate, 691

Market positioning, 1247

Market value:

of bonds, 688689

of stock, 614

Marshall, John, 608

Master budget, 1079

Matching principle, 101

Matching principle (expense recognition principle), 101

Materials, sell-vs.-processing further decisions for, 12341235

Materials costs, 900, 942, 945947

journal entries for, 987988

process vs. job order cost systems for, 985

Materials price variance, 1186, 1187

Materials quantity variance, 1186, 1187

Materials variances, direct, 11851187

Materiality, 483, 1138

Materiality principle, 483

Maturity date:

for bonds, 687, 695

for notes receivable, 442

Measurement principles, 910, 129

Medicare deductions, 533534

Members (LLCs), 569

Merchandise, theft of, 227

Merchandise purchases budget, 10951096

Merchandising companies, 218238, 899

adjusting entries for, 230232

budgetary planning for, 10951096

closing entries for, 230231, 245246

cost of goods in, 904908

flow of costs in, 219221

forms of financial statements for, 233238

IFRS and GAAP for, 271272

operating cycles in, 218219

periodic inventory system for, 242245

recording purchases of merchandise, 221226

recording sales of merchandise, 226229

worksheets for, 240241, 246248

Merchandising profit, 233

Mergers and acquisitions, 48

Mintenko, Stephanie, 374

Mixed costs, in CVP, 10351036

Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS), 482

Monetary unit assumption, 10, 129

Monitoring, for internal control, 377

Mortgages, 696697

Mortgage bonds, 687

Motion Picture Association of America, 1148

Moving-average method, 298299

Multinational corporations, 48

Multiple-step income statement, 233235

Murdock, Wilbert, 522

Mutual agency, in partnerships, 568


Natural resources, 486488, 492493

Net annual cash flow, 12431247

Net cash from operating activities, net income vs., 780

Net change in cash:

direct method, 805

indirect method, 790791

Net income, 23

converting from accrual to cash basis, 782, 784789, 799803

and fraud, 483

on multiple-step income statement, 234

net cash from operating activities vs., 780

for partnerships, 69, 574576

on worksheet, 165

Net losses, 23

closing entry for, 658

for partnerships, 569, 574576

on worksheet, 165

Net pay, 535

Net present value (NPV) method, 12451247

Net (cash) realizable value, 434

Net sales, 233

Net 30, 224

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 614

No capital deficiency (partnership liquidation), 579581

Nominal accounts, 168. See also Temporary accounts

Noncash activities, 780

Noncash current assets, changes to, 785787

Noncash current liabilities, changes to, 786787

Noncontrollable revenues/costs, 1137

Non-manufacturing companies, budgetary planning for, 10951097

Nonoperating activities, on multiple-step income statement, 234235

Non-recurring charges, 863

No-par value stocks, 615, 618619

Normal balances, in double-entry system, 55

Normal capacity, 1182

Normal range, see Relevant range

Normal standards, 1179

Notes payable, 13

as current liabilities, 524525

long-term, 696697

Notes receivable, 430, 441446

computing interest on, 443

disposing of, 444445

maturity date for, 442

recognizing, 443

valuing, 443

Not-for-profit corporations/organizations, 8, 608, 10961097, 1178

Not sufficient funds (NSF) checks, 396, 397

NPV (net present value) method, 12451247

NSF (not sufficient funds) checks, 397

Numeric relationships, fraud and, 849

NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), 614


Obsolescence, 476

Off-balance-sheet financing, 700

Olympic Games, 1093

Operating activities, 236

cash flows from, 778, 779

direct method, 799803

indirect method, 782789

Operating budgets, 10791080

Operating cycles, 179, 218219

Operating expenses, on multiple-step income statement, 234235

Operating leases, 699

Operations costing, 998

Opportunity costs, 1229, 12331234

Order of magnitude, for current liabilities, 527

Ordinary repairs, 483

Organizational structure, 896897

Organization charts, 896897

Organization costs, 611

Other comprehensive income, 271

Other expenses and losses, for merchandising companies, 234

Other receivables, 430

Other revenues and gains, for merchandising companies, 234


under activity-based costing, 10061007

journal entries for, 987989

manufacturing, 900, 943944, 948951, 958959

process vs. job order cost systems for, 985

standard predetermined, 1181

Overhead variances, 12031205

controllable, 1191, 12031205

manufacturing, 11901192

total, 11901191

volume, 1191, 1204

Over-the-counter cash receipts, 386388

Owner's capital, 13, 5658

Owner's equity. See also Corporate capital in accounting equation, 1214

on classified balance sheet, 177178, 183

decreases in, 14

in double-entry system, 5657

increases in, 1314

Owner's equity statement, 2124

Ownership of goods, 278279

Ownership rights:

in corporations, 608, 609

preemptive, 612

of stockholders, 612


Pacioli, Luca, 5n.2

Paid absences, 545546

Paid-in capital, 616, 626, 650

Paid-in capital in excess of par value, 618

Paper (phantom) profit, 287288

Parent company, 746

Participative budgeting, 10781079

Partners, 570

admission of, 585589

withdrawal of, 589591

Partners’ capital statement, 575576

Partnerships, 11, 568591

admission/withdrawal of partners, 585591

advantages and disadvantages of, 571

characteristics of, 568569

dividing net income/net loss, 574576

financial statements for, 576577

forming, 572573

liquidation of, 578583

owner's equity account in, 183

partnership agreements, 571572

types of, 569570

Partnership agreements, 571572

Partnership dissolution, 568

Partnership liquidation, 578583

capital deficiency, 581583

no capital deficiency, 579581

realization for, 578

Par value, 614615, 618

Patents, 489

Payee (promissory notes), 441

Payment date (cash dividends), 651652

Payout ratio, 857

Payroll accounting, 532543

determining payroll, 532535

employer payroll taxes, 539541

filing/remitting payroll taxes, 541542

and fraud, 541

internal control for, 542543

recording payroll, 535538

Payroll deductions, 533

Payroll processing centers, 539

Payroll register, 536

Payroll taxes, 539541

Payroll tax expense, 539

PCAOB (Public Company Accounting Oversight Board), 376

Peachtree, 330, 331

Pensions, 546547

P/E (price/earnings) ratio, 664n.3, 856857

Percentage of receivables basis (uncollectibles), 436438

Percentage of sales basis (uncollectibles), 436437

Performance evaluation, 11371139, 1179

Performance obligations, 101, 108

Period costs, 901

Periodic inventory systems, 220221, 242245, 247, 277, 281

Periodicity assumption, 100. See also Time period assumption

Permanent accounts, 167168, 173

Perpetual inventory systems, 219221

in cost accounting systems, 940

cost flow methods in, 231232, 297300

determining quantities in, 277

entries for periodic system vs., 245

merchandising entries with, 231232

Petty cash fund controls, 390393

Phantom profit, 287288

Physical controls, 227, 381

Physical inventory, 277278

Physical unit flow, 994

Physical units, 994

Pickard, Thomas, 4

Plan administrators, 546547

Plant and equipment, 472. See also Plant assets

Plant assets, 472496

buildings, 473

depreciation of, 475483

determining cost of, 472475

disposal of, 484486

equipment, 473474

exchange of, 497498

expenditures during useful life of, 483

land, 472473

land improvements, 473

statement presentation and analysis of, 492493

Ponzi schemes, 401

Post-closing trial balance, 172174

Posting, 6364

of adjusting entries, 117118, 167

cash payments journal, 345, 347

cash receipts journal, 341342

of closing entries, 168, 170171, 245246

of correcting entries, 176

dual, 347

illustration of, 7172

purchases journal, 344

sales journal, 336338

special journals for, 336

Post retirement benefits, 546548

Practical range, see Relevant range

Preferred stock, 624626, 652653, 855


on bonds, 691693, 713714, 716718

on stock, 618

Prenumbering documents, 381

Prepaid expenses (prepayments), 103

adjusting entries for, 104107

alternative treatment of, 124127

for statement of cash flows, 809

“Presentation of Financial Statements” (IAS 1), 271, 564, 735, 889890

Present value, 689

of an annuity, 707709, G5G7, H2

and bond pricing, 705711

of bonds, 689

of face value, 706707

of leases, 700

time periods in computing, 709710

Price/earnings (P/E) ratio, 664n.3, 856857

Price variances:

labor, 1090, 11881189

materials, 1187

Prior period adjustments, 659660

Private accounting, 30. See also Managerial accounting

Privately held corporations, 608

Process cost flow, 987

Process cost system, 940941, 9841004

and activity-based costing, 10001001

assigning manufacturing costs, 987989

equivalent units, 990993

example of, 993998

job order cost systems vs., 985987

and just-in-time processing, 9981000

process cost flow, 987

for service companies, 985

uses of, 984

Products, sell-vs.-processing further

decisions for, 12341235

Product costs, 901, 908909

Production budget, 10821084

Production cost report, 993, 996997

Product warranties, 529530

Profitability, creditor interest in, 842

Profitability ratios, 853857

Profit and loss statement, 23. See also Income statement

Profit centers, 1142, 11431145

Profit margin, 853854

Pro forma income, 865

Promissory notes, 441442. See also Notes receivable

Property, plant, and equipment, 180, 472, 517519. See also Plant assets

Proprietorships, 1011, 183

Proving ledgers, 337, 339, 342

Provisions, 564

“Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets” (IAS 37), 564, 735

Public accounting, 2930

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 376

Publicly held corporations, 608

Pull approach to manufacturing, 999


of buildings, 473

of merchandise, recording, 221226

recording, 243

transaction analysis for, 1617

Purchase allowances, 223224, 243244

Purchase discounts, 224225, 244

Purchase invoice, 221222

Purchases journal, 342344

Purchase of an interest (partnerships), 586

Purchase returns, 223224, 243244

Push approach to manufacturing, 998


Quality of earnings, 865866

Quantity variances:

labor, 11891190

materials, 1187

Quarterly tax reports, 541

QuickBooks®, 328331

Quick ratio, 850. See also Acid-test ratio


Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, 293

Ratio analysis, 842, 848859

liquidity ratios, 850853

profitability ratios, 853857

solvency ratios, 857858

Raw materials, 262, 900

Raw materials costs, 942, 945947

R&D (research and development) costs, 491492

Real accounts, 168. See also Permanent accounts

Real estate taxes payable, 13

Realized gain/loss, 753

Reasonable assurance concept, 384385

Receivables, 430449

accounts receivable, 431441

on financial statements, 447449

IFRS and GAAP for, 468

notes receivable, 441446

types of, 430

Reconciling bank accounts, 397400

electronic funds transfers, 401

entries form, 400402

illustration of, 400402

procedure for, 397400

Reconciling items, for statement of cash flows, 809810

Record date (cash dividends), 651652

Recording process, 5277, 244

accounts in, 5458

activities in, 4, 5

for contingent liabilities, 529530

debits and credits in, 5458

for employer payroll taxes, 539540

illustrated, 6572

for payroll, 535538

with periodic inventory system, 243245

for purchases of merchandise, 221226

for sales of merchandise, 226229

for special and general journals, 347

steps in, 5865

trial balance in, 7377

Record-keeping, segregation of physical custody and, 380, 387

Recycling, 116, 992

Redeeming bonds, 695

Registered bonds, 687

Regular partnerships, 569

Regulations, government, 1178

for corporations, 610

as standards, 1178. See also Standard costs

Regulatory agencies, 7

Reimbursement requests, fraud involving, 381


of figures, 9

of financial information, 128

Relevant costs, 1229

Relevant range, 10341035, 1130

Repairs, ordinary, 483

Repurchase of shares, 623

Required rate of return, 1242, 1245

Research and development (R&D) costs, 491492

Reserves, 644

Residual claims, 612

Residual equity, 13. See also Owner's equity

Residual value, 518

Resource allocation decisions, 1239

Responsibility, establishment of, 377

Responsibility accounting, 11351149

controllable vs. noncontrollable revenues/costs, 1137

responsibility centers, 11421149

responsibility reporting system, 11391142

Responsibility centers, 11421149

Responsibility reporting system, 11391142

Restricted cash, 403

Retailers, 218

Retail inventory method, 302303

Retained earnings, 616, 658661

payment of cash dividends from, 650

prior period adjustments, 659660

restrictions on, 658659

for statement of cash flows, 804, 810

Retained earnings statement, 660661, 845846

Retirement of plant assets, 484485


purchase, 223224

sales, 227228

Return on assets, 854855

Return on common stockholders’ equity, 662, 855

Return on investment (ROI), 11451148, 1195, 1196

Revenues, 1314

accrued, 103, 110112

controllable vs. noncontrollable, 1137

in double-entry system, 57

recognizing, 101

for service companies, 957

on single-step income statement, 234

from stock investments, 745746

unearned, see Unearned revenues

Revenue expenditures, 483

Revenue recognition principle, 101, 130

Reversing entries, 175, 177, 188189

RFID technology, 293

Risk assessment, 377

Risk levels of activities, 385

ROI, see Return on investment

Rolling Stones, 1049

Romania, 425

Rowlings, J.K., 488


Safe cash payments schedule, 580. See also Schedule of cash payments

Salaries, 532533. See also Payroll


accrued, 114116

to partners, 575576


of bonds, 741743

credit card, 438440

of equipment, loss on, 785

of merchandise, recording, 226229

of notes receivable, 445

of plant assets, 485486

of receivables, 439

recording, 244245

of stocks, 744

Sales and administrative expense budget, 10871088

Sales budget, 10811082

Sales commissions, fraud involving, 382

Sales discounts, 228229, 244245

Sales forecasts, 1077, 10811082

Sales invoices, 226

Sales journal, 336338

Sales returns and allowances, 227228, 244

Sales revenue (sales), 218

Sales taxes payable, 13, 525

Salvage value, 477, 480

SAP, 331

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002):

and accuracy of financial reports, 75

and corporation management, 609

and ethics, 7

and fraud, 376377, 425, 426

and human resources, 384

and internal auditor's job, 30

and internal control, 29, 49, 103

and monitoring software, 331

Schedule of cash payments, 580581

Scudamore, Brian, 1122

SEC, see Securities and Exchange Commission

Secured bonds, 687


available-for-sale, 271, 748, 750751

held-to-maturity, 748

marketable, 752

trading, 749752

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 7, 9, 30, 401, 751, 772

Segments, in responsibility accounting, 1136

Segregation of duties, 379380, 432

Serial bonds, 687

Service companies:

budgetary planning for, 1096

industry trends for, 218

job order costing in, 950951, 955956

operating cycles for, 218

process cost systems for, 985

process vs. job order cost systems for, 985

product costing for, 908909

revenue for, 957

Service revenue, 957

Shares, sale of, 11

Shareholders’ equity, 615. See also Corporate capital

Short-term investments, 752

Short-term paper, 752

Simple entries, 60

Single-step income statement, 234

Sinking fund bonds, 687

“Slush” funds, 391

Social responsibility, see Corporate social


Social Security, 546

Social Security taxes, 533534


for customization, 331

entry-level, 331

for fraud control, 331

for internal control, 331

network compatibility of, 331

Solvency, creditor interest in, 842

Solvency ratios, 857858

South Korea, 10

SOX, see Sarbanes-Oxley Act (2002)

Special journals, 335348

cash payments, 344347

cash receipts, 339342

effects on general journal, 347348

purchases, 342345

sales, 336338

Special order-price decisions, 12301232

Specific identification method (inventory), 281

Staff positions, 896

Standards. See also Standard costs budgets vs., 1178

government, 1178

ideal vs. normal, 1179

Standard costs, 11781194

analyzing variances from, 11841194

need for, 1178

reporting variances from, 11931194

setting, 11781183

Standard cost accounting system, 12001202

Standard hours, 1191

Standard predetermined overhead, 1181

State income taxes, 534

Statement of cash flows, 2124, 778796

classification of cash flows, 778779

company evaluation based on, 793795

direct method for, 782783, 798804

format of, 780781

IFRS and GAAP for, 837838

indirect method for, 782793

preparation of, 782793

significant noncash activities, 780

usefulness of, 778

worksheet for, 806811

Statement of comprehensive income, 889890

Statement of earnings, 537538

Statement of operations, 23. See also Income statement

State unemployment taxes, 539

Static budgets, 11251126

Static budget reports, 11251126

Stocks, 612615

authorized, 613

capital, 626

common, 612, 617620

direct issues, 613

indirect issues, 613

issued for credit, 790

market value of, 614

no-par value, 615

par value of, 614615

preferred, 624626

treasury, 620624

Stock certificates, 612613

Stock dividends, 654656


limited liability of, 608609

ownership rights of, 612

Stockholders’ equity, 183, 615. See also Corporate capital

on balance sheet, 626627

contra account for, 621622

effect of dividends on, 655656

on financial statements, 661665

and IFRS/GAAP, 644645

Stock investments, 743747

Stock option plans, 533, 620

Stockpiling, 1085

Stock splits, 656657

Straight-line amortization, 715718

Straight-line depreciation, 477478, 481

Su, Vivi, 428429

Subchapter S corporations, 570

Subsidiary (affiliated) company, 746

Subsidiary ledgers, 332335

job cost sheets as, 944, 945

posting from cash receipts journal to, 341342

posting from purchases journal to, 344

Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportione et Proportionalite (Luca Pacioli), 5n.2

Summary entries, 943

Sunk costs, 1229

Supplies, adjusting entries for, 104105

Sustainability reporting, 377, 488


Tabular summaries, 54

T-accounts, 5455

Take-home pay, 535. See also Net pay

Target net income, 10471048


as accounting area, 30

on corporations, 611

and depreciation, 463

on dividends, 653

double taxation, 611

effect of cost flow methods on, 286, 288

on employers, 539541

FICA, 533534

income, see Income taxes

for partnerships, 568

payroll, 533, 539541

sales taxes payable, 525

and time period divisions, 100

Taxing authorities, 7


investment in, 1244

value chain and, 910

Temporary accounts, 167168, 174

Term bonds, 687

Theft, 227, 385

Theory of constraints, 910

Three-column form of account, 63

Tilton, Glenn, 1197

Times interest earned, 701, 858

Timeliness, 129

Time period assumption, 100102, 129, 157

Time value of money, 688, G1G9

Time Warner, 748

Total labor variance, 1188

Total materials variance, 1185

Total overhead variance, 11901191

Total quality management (TQM), 910

Total standard cost per unit, 1182

TQM (total quality management), 910

Trademarks, 490

Tradenames, 490

Trade receivables, 430. See also Accounts receivable; Notes Receivable

Trading on the equity, 855

Trading securities, 749752

Transaction analysis, 1521, 70. See also Business transactions

Transportation-in, 243

Transposition error, 75

Treasurers, 609, 897

Treasury stock, 620624

Trend analysis, 843. See also Horizontal analysis

Trend forecasting, 1247

Trial balances, 7377

adjusted, 119123

limitations of, 74

outdated information in, 103

post-closing, 172174

on worksheet, 163164, 246247

Triple bottom line, 911

Trustees (bonds), 687

Turner, Ted, 738


Uncollectible accounts, 432438

allowance method, 433438

direct write-off method, 432433

Understandability, 129

Underwriting, 613614

Unearned revenues, 103

adjusting entries for, 108110

alternative treatment of, 124127

as current liabilities, 526

Unemployment taxes, 539

United Nations, 1034

Units-of-activity depreciation, 478479, 481

Units-of-production method, see Units-of-activity depreciation

Unit production costs, 994995

Unlimited liability, 569571

Unprofitable segment elimination decisions, 12361238

Unrealized gains/losses, 749, 753

Unsecured bonds, 687

Useful financial information, 128130

Useful life, 477, 483

Users of accounting data, 57


Vacations, required, 383384


of accounts receivable, 432438

cost allocation vs., 476

of investments, 748750

of notes receivable, 443

Value chain, 909910

Variable costs:

in CVP, 10321033

in flexible budget, 1130

in manufacturing overhead budget, 1087

Variable costing, 10551058

Variances from standards, 11841194

direct labor variances, 11881190

direct materials variances, 11851187

manufacturing overhead variance, 11901192

overhead, 12031205

reporting, 11931194

Venture capital firms, 569

Verifiability, 129

Verification, independent internal, see Independent internal verification

Vertical analysis, 842, 846848

Virtual closes, 171

Voucher register, 389

Voucher system controls, 389390


Wages, 532. See also Payroll accounting

Wage and Tax Statement (Form W-2), 542

Wages payable, 13

Warranties, product, 529530

Wear and tear, 476

Weighted average method, 990992

Weighted average unit cost, 285286

West, Laura, 328

West, Paul, 328

Wholesalers, 218

Withdrawal of partners, 589591

Working capital, 528

Work in process, 276, 944952

Work in process inventory, 903

Worksheets, 162167

for merchandising companies, 240241, 246248

preparing adjusting entries from, 167

preparing financial statements from, 165167

for statement of cash flows, 806811

steps in preparing, 163165

Write-offs, 849


Years, fiscal, 100

Year-end, 24

Year-end balance, 959


Zero-interest bonds, 688

Zuckerberg, Mark, 611

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