Author's Acknowledgments

I'm deeply grateful to everyone at Wiley Publishing who helped produce this book. Their professionalism, courtesy, and good humor were much appreciated. I supplied some words, and the editors and production staff at Wiley molded them into the finished product.

Out of the blue, I got a call in 1996 from Kathy Welton, then Vice President and Publisher for the Consumer Publishing Group of the For Dummies books. Kathy asked if I'd be interested in doing this book. It didn't take me very long to say yes. Thank you again, Kathy!

I can't say enough nice things about Pam Mourouzis, who was project editor on the first edition of the book. The book is immensely better for her insights and advice. The two copyeditors on the book — Diane Giangrossi and Joe Jansen — did a wonderful job. Mary Metcalfe provided valuable suggestions on the manuscript. Thanks to Holly McGuire and Jill Alexander who encouraged me to revise the book. The second edition benefited from the editing by Norm Crampton and Ben Nussbaum.

I thank Stacy Kennedy, acquisitions editor, for asking me to do this and the previous revision. Joan Friedman was the project editor on this and the previous edition. Evidently, Wiley assigned me the best editor they have. Joan kept a steady hand on the tiller as we sailed through the choppy waters of the revisions. Joan was a delight to work with, and it goes without saying that she made the book much better. Thank you most sincerely Joan, and I hope to work with you again on the next revision.

One reason I like to write books goes back to an accounting class in my undergraduate days at Creighton University in Omaha. I took a course taught by the Dean of the Business School, Dr. Floyd Walsh. I turned in a term paper, and he said that it was very well written. I have never forgotten that compliment. I think my old Prof would be proud of this book and might even give me an "A" on the assignment.

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