Symbols and Numbers

$ (cash symbol)

and log date format, 555

for username, 190

:: (double-colon substitution), in IPv6 addresses, 134

= or == (equal signs), 349

(line-continuation character), 306307, 459

~ (tilde), for user’s home directory, 190

4K drives, 202

32-bit compatibility libraries, 33

32-bit Intel-style processor, 17

32-bit number, 129

64-bit Intel-style processor, 17

386BSD, xxxvi


ABI (application binary interface), 413414

ACK packet, 464

ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface), 59

active memory, 535

active slices, 223

add-on software, 336

addr keyword, for CIFS configuration, 312

adduser(8) program, 171

administrative group, creating, 182184

aesni(4) kernel module, 482, 526

agent, in SNMP, 557

aggregation protocols, 163

AIX, xli

alert log message, 547

aliased mailing lists, 504


for files, disabling, 237

for IPv6 addresses, 147148

for network card, 68

and outgoing connections, 148

for pkg(8) subcommands, 349

ALL EXCEPT keyword

for login restriction, 187

for TCP wrapper, 458459

ALL keyword

for login restriction, 187

for TCP wrapper, 458459

allow option, for TCP wrapper rule, 459

AllowGroups option, for SSH, 496

AllowTcpForwarding, 495

AllowUsers option, for SSH, 496

Amanda, 87

AMD, xlii

amd64, 17

“ancient crap,” 20

Ansible, 64

a.out binaries, 408

Apache web server

and httpd program, 456

packages, 341

Apple, macOS, xl

applications, boot environment and, 279

applications (of OSI), 126

apropos mount_, 282

apropos(1), 5, 910


compression for, 91

creating in tar, 8890

list mode for, 90

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 141142

ARP table, 141142

ashift property, 268

asynchronous mounts, 235236

AT&T, xxxiv

UNIX work, xxxvxxxvi

atime (access-time stamp), disabling, 236

attach rules, for devd(8), 299

attachments, building kernel and, 106107

attackers. See intruders

authoritative nameservers, 150

autoboot_delay option, 58

AUTO_INSTALL, for mergemaster, 447

automounting, 318

autonegotiation, by switch, 141

autoremoval of software, 350351

AUTO_UPGRADE, for mergemaster, 447

avail memory, 61


background fsck, 66, 247248

backslash (), for line continuation, 306307, 459


of jail, 564

system, 84

tapes for, 8487, 106

verifying, 8990

of working kernel, 107

Bacula, 87


and performance, 526

PF and, 467

Banner option, 495

base 2, 129

base 10, 129

base-dbg, 33

baseboard management controller (BMC), 7677

BATCH environment variable, 374


baud rate, 7475

beadm activate command, 278

beadm create command, 278

beadm destroy command, 279

beadm(8) program, 277

beastie_disable option, 58

begemotSnmpdCommunityString MIB, 561

Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), xxxivxxxv, xxxvi

release of code, xxxvi

BGL (Big Giant Lock), 397398

bhyve(8), 24, 564

developers, xlix

Big Giant Lock (BGL), 397398

binary branding, 414

binary files

compression and, 273

for logs, 556

binary math, 129

binary updates, 428434

scheduling, 434

binary values, 99

BIOS (basic input/output system), 20, 5051

bits, 129

blacklistctl dump command, 474

blacklistd(8), 319, 470475

configuring, 471473

configuring clients, 473474

de-blacklisting, 474475

managing, 474

blacklisting, 454

blocking on disk, 532


in FFS, 232

fsck(8) program to verify, 246


Bluetooth, 319

bonding, 163

boot blocks, 51. See also loader

/boot/defaults/loader.conf file, 16, 57

boot environment, 259, 276279

activating, 278

and applications, 279

at boot, 279

creating and accessing, 277278

removing, 279

viewing, 277

/boot/kernel directory, 97, 107

/boot/kernel.good directory, 107

boot loader, 30, 77

for boot disk, 226

and kernel, 96

and tftpd(8), 590591

/boot/loader file, 51

/boot/loader.conf file, 16, 57

boot menu, options, 5859

boot messages file, 62

/boot/modules directory, 97

Boot Multi User loader option, 51

boot process, 4982

/dev at, 295297

configuring VLANs, 165

on legacy hardware, 222

loader, 5152, 57

configuration, 5758

loader prompt, 5557

loading modules, 105

multiuser startup, 6371

/etc/rc.conf.d/ file, 6471

sysrc(8), 6364

ntpd(8) in, 506

options, 5859

power-on, 5051

serial consoles, 7482

configuration, 7779

IPMI setup, 7677

physical setup, 7576

using, 7982

single-user mode, 5254

startup messages, 5962

tmpfs(5) at, 289

boot-time tunables, 57, 101

testing, 103

BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol), 588

bootstrap code, 223

boot_verbose="NO" option, 58

botnets, 169

bottlenecks, 545

analysis with vmstat(8), 528532

brandel(1), 417

branding software binaries, 417418

bridge module, 562

broadcast address, 133

broadcast domain, 140

broadcast protocol, Ethernet as, 140

BSD 4.4-Lite, xxxvi

BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution), xxxivxxxv, xxxvi

license, xxxv

BSD labels, 224, 227229

BSD partitions, assigning specific letters, 228229

bsdinstall(8), 31, 34

bsdlabel(8), 215

BSDstats Project, xxxix

bsdtar, 88

bsnmpd(8), 557

configuring, 560561

loading modules, 562

buffer overflow, 168

bug reports, 599, 600605

actions after submitting, 605

bad, 602603

before filing, 601602

filing, 603605

speculation vs. evidence, 603

Bugzilla, 601602

buses, building kernel and, 106107

bytes, 130

bzip compression, 91


CA (Certificate Authorities), 478479

cables, for Ethernet, 140

caching nameserver, 153154

camcontrol(8), 202203

Capsicum security system, 319

carmount dataset property, 262

ca_root_nns package, 478

cash symbol ($), for username, 190

cdrtools package, 283, 286


burning, 27

filesystem for, 283

“certificate signer is unknown” warning, 481

certificates, 478481

creating request, 479480

self-signed, 480481

CFLAGS (compiler flags) options, 324325

CHANGES file, in Ports Collection, 365

checksum, 372

SHA512/256, 486

chflags(1), 194

chmod(1) program, 183184

chown(1) program, 183184

chpass(1), 175176

chrooting, 594

tftpd(8) support for, 520

CIFS (Common Internet File System), 301, 310315

configuring, 311

file ownership, 315

kernel modules for support, 311

mounting share, 313314

name resolution, 313

prerequisites, 310

ciphertext, 475

Cisco switches, 163

class environment, 190191

clean login, for jailed environment, 577

cleartext, 475

client list, for wrappers, 457458


access to NFS export, 307

configuring for blacklistd, 473474

diskless, 588

MAC addresses for, 514

showing available mount for NFS, 309

for SSH, 497498

clock synchronization at boot, 506

cloud-scale management, 586587

clri(8) program, 247

clustering, disabling, 236237

code freeze, 423

cold backup, 90

comconsole, 78

command line, xlvi

customization options, 374375

command prompt, 47, 452


question mark for listing, 55

running in jail, 576578

service support for, 73

committers, xxxviixxxviii

becoming, 605

Commodore 64, emulator, 413

Common Access Method (CAM), 202203

common name, for server, 480

communities, for SNMP security, 560

comparison operators, in /etc/syslog.conf file, 549

COMPAT_FREEBSD32 option, for kernel, 115

components, connections, 61

Components src world kernel option, for freebsd update, 429

compress(1) command, 91

compressed installation media, 2627


for archives, 91

for log files, 556

in ZFS, 273

Computer Systems Research Group (CSRG), xxxiv

/conf/base directory, for diskless farms, 593

/conf/base/etc/diskless_remount, 593

/conf/default directory, for diskless farms, 593

confidentiality, of cryptosystems, 475

configtest command, 73

configuration files, in packages, 337

connected protocol, 138

connectionless protocol, 137

connections, outgoing, and aliases, 148

console, 584

insecure, 585

consumer, for geoms, 206

context switch, 396

continuation line, (backslash) for, 306307, 459 file, in Ports Collection, 365

contributors, xxxviii

cookies, 379

Coordinated Universal Time, 504


copy-on-write (COW), 270271

copycenter, xxxv

copying files, over SSH, 498499

COPYRIGHT file, in Ports Collection, 365

core settings, 3032

configuring, 46

trimming kernel for, 113115

corrupted files, 354, 372

cpio, 87


bottleneck analysis with vmstat(8), 531

and performance, 526

threads waiting for, 529

trimming kernel for type, 113

usage, 543

CPU core, 399

cpu entry, in kernel configuration file, 108

CPU package, 399

crash dump, 608609

configuring, 608

and security, 611612

swap partition for, 25

testing, 609610

types, 610

crashinfo(8), 609

crit log message, 547

cron(8), 520523

crontabs, 520

cryptography, 911

generating key, 597

CSRG (Computer Systems Research Group), xxxiv

CTM, 435

CUPS (Common Unix Printing System), 516

current resource limits, 190

customizable builds, xliii

customization files, 16

customization options

global, 375376

Ports Collection, for command line, 374375

setting default versions, 376377

CVS (CVSup), 435



daemon, name in wrapper, 456

DAEMON provider, 404

data integrity. See also integrity check

and lost data, 245

database files

backup process and, 90

changes, 88

updating for mergemaster, 447

database software, shutdown and, 74

datagram protocol. See UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

datalink layer (of OSI), 125, 127128, 138

datasets, 258263

creating, 261

destroying and renaming, 261262

moving files to new, 262263

properties, 260261

inheritance, 261

unmounted parent, 262


ISO 8601 time format, 555

for password changes, 176

DB9-to-RJ45 converters, 7576

dd(1), 288, 597, 598

ddb(8) utility, 319, 610611

deadlock, 399

deadly embrace, 399

debug log message, 548

debugging Linux mode, 418420

debugging symbols, 33

debug.kdb.panic sysctl, 609

DEBUG_LEVEL, in pkg.conf file, 340

decimal math, 129

for computing netmasks, 132

default accept vs. default deny, 454455

default config, not copying, 17

default directory, 16

default files, 1617

default GPT partitioning, 36

default groups, 171, 184185

DEFAULTS file, 109

DEFAULT_VERSIONS variable, 376377

Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), xxxiv

DEGRADED pool state, 275


partitions, 216217

shared libraries, 445

slices, 226

user accounts, 178

deny option, for TCP wrapper rule, 459

DenyGroups option, for SSH, 496

DenyUsers option, for SSH, 496

dependencies, 346

for jails, 575

packaged, 378

in poudriere, 392

removing, 350

desktop FreeBSD, xlvi

DESTDIR setting, 569

detach rules, for devd(8), 300

/dev, at boot, 295297

/dev/console, 584

/dev/esa0 device node, 85

/dev/nsa0 device node, 85

/dev/pts, 584

/dev/sa0 device node, 85

/dev/ttyu, 584

/dev/ufs file, 239

devd(8) daemon, 320

dynamic device management with, 299300

devfs(5) program, 281, 295300

in jail, 570

devfs.conf(5), 297

devfs_hide_all rule, 297

devfs.rules file, 297

“device busy” error, 217

device daemon, 320

device drivers, 5

Common Access Method (CAM), 202203

hints for, 102103

in kernel, 115

loading, 105

man pages for, 61

for proprietary hardware, 19

device name, for root partition, 53

device nodes, 62

filesystem for managing, 295300

MBR, 224225

permissions of, 296

for tape drives, 85


devices entry, in kernel configuration file, 108

df command, 232, 250

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 41, 144, 149, 512516

for diskless farms, 590

global settings for clients, 514515

how it works, 513514

for IPv6, 42

rogue servers, 513

server setup, 588591

subnet settings, 515

dhcpd, 513

configuring, 514515

diagnostic messages, in boot process, 60

dial-up terminal, 584

diff mode, 89

digital certificates, 478. See also certificates

digital signatures, 476


adding to shared library, 407408

backups, 90

exporting multiple, in NFS, 306

hierarchies, 325

for unprivileged users, 452

dirty disks, forcing read-write mounts, 248

dirty filesystems, 244245

disable soft updates flag, 65

disaffected users, 169

disconnecting serial consoles, 80

disk controllers, SATA, 24

disk ID labels, 212213

disk images, mounting, 292293

disk partitioning schemes

assigning, 217218

removing, 217

disk space, for jails, 382

disklabel, 224

and MBR alignment, 225

diskless farms, DHCP for, 590

diskless FreeBSD, 587594

clients, 588

DHCP server setup, 588591

farm configuration, 592594

finalizing setup, 594595

security for, 591

userland, NFS server and, 591592

diskless remounting, 593594

disks, 2025

bottleneck analysis with vmstat(8), 530

installing files on new, 253254

labeling, 211214

lies, 201202

partitioning, 20, 23, 3441, 252253

as performance bottleneck, 532

schemes for, 217218

in single-user mode, 5253

viewing, 5556

ZFS and block size, 267268

distfile, 372

distfiles directory, in Ports Collection, 366

distinfo file, 370

DNS (Domain Name Service), 150154

configuring, 4243

/etc/hosts, local names with, 151152

host/IP information sources, 151

nameservice configuration, 152153

documentation, 114, 33

domain, accessing in CIFS, 314315

domain keyword, 152

download timing, 344

Dragonfly BSD, xxxixxl

Dragonfly Mail Agent (DMA), 499, 500503

forwarding mail beteen users, 503504

drives. See also disks

reattaching and detaching, 276

replacing, 276

DTrace, xli

du(1) program, 251

dual console, 78

dual-stack setup, 130

DuckDuckGo, 11

dump partition, 37

dump(8) command, 87

backup level for, 210

and snapshots, 244

dumps. See crash dump

DVD images, 27

Dvorak keyboard layout, 69

dynamic device management, with devd(8), 299300



ECDSA key, 493

ED25519 key, 493

$EDITOR environment variable, 175

EFI (Extensible Firmware Interface), 20

ejecting removable media, 285

ELF binaries, 408

email, 499504

attachments, 13

etiquette for requesting help, 1213

mailwrapper(8), 499500

email signatures, 13

emerg log message, 547

emergency disk space, 252

empty filesystem file, creating, 293294

emulation, ABI reimplementation vs., 414

encapsulation, 127128

Encrypt Disks option, 39

Encrypt Swap option, 39

encryption, 595598

evaluating need for, 596

of filesystems, 2223

of partitions, 65

public-key, 475482

enterprise network, 580

environment variables, 356

cron and, 521

EoL (End of Life), of release, 26

epochal seconds, and real dates, 487488

equal signs (= or ==), 349

erase command, 87

err log message, 547

error messages, xlvii

Escape to loader prompt option, 52

/etc/adduser.conf file, configuring, 172173

/etc/ file, 318

/etc/auto_master file, 318

/etc/blacklistd.conf file, 319, 471

/etc/bluetooth file, 319

/etc/casper directory, 319

/etc/cron.d, 319

/etc/crontab file, 319, 520

format, 521523

/etc/csh.*, 319

/etc/ddb.conf file, 319

/etc/defaults/devfs.rules file, 320

/etc/defaults/periodic.conf, 327328

/etc/defaults/rc.conf file, 62

/etc/devd.conf file, 320

/etc/devfs.conf file, 296297, 320

/etc/devfs.rules file, 320

/etc/dhclient.conf file, 320

/etc directory, 317333

across Unix versions, 317333

/etc/disktab file, 320

/etc/dma/dma.conf file, 501, 502

/etc/exports file, 304, 307

/etc/freebsd-update.conf file, 429430, 579

/etc/fstab file, 209210, 416

configuring, 253

and file-backed filesystems, 294

for jail, 573

and memory disks, 292

mounting partitions listed, 234

and removable media, 285286

/etc/ftp.* file, 321

/etc/group file, 180181, 441442

/etc/hostid file, 321

/etc/hosts file, 151

local names with, 151152

/etc/hosts.allow file, 456462

example, 462

/etc/hosts.equiv file, 321

/etc/hosts.lpd file, 322

/etc inetd.conf file, 509510

/etc/jail.conf file, 568, 569573, 574

/etc/localtime file, 322

/etc/locate.rc file, 323

/etc/login.*, 323

/etc/login.access file, 185

/etc/login.conf file, 188, 189

environment settings, 190191

/etc/mail/aliases file, 503504

/etc/mail/mailer.conf file, 500

/etc/make.conf file, 324325, 375, 439, 448449

for poudriere, 387388

and single ports, 376

WRKDIRPREFIX option, 380

/etc/master.passwd file, 173174

editing, 176178

/etc/motd file, 325

/etc/mtree directory, 325

/etc/netstart shell script, 54, 326

/etc/network.subr shell script, 326

/etc/newsyslog.conf file, 553

sample entry, 557

/etc/newsyslog.conf.d/ directory, 553

/etc/nscd.conf file, 326

/etc/nsmb.conf file, 311

keywords, 311313

options, 314315

/etc/nsswitch.conf file, 151, 507

/etc/ntpd.conf file, 505506

/etc/opie*, 326327

/etc/pam.d/*, 327

/etc/passwd file, 173174

/etc/pccard_ether script, 327

/etc/periodic.conf file, 327328, 355

/etc/pf.conf file, 328, 465467

/etc/pf.os file, 328

/etc/phones file, 328

/etc/pkg file, 356

/etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf file, 356357

/etc/printcap file, 329, 517518

/etc/profile file, 329

/etc/protocols file, 126, 329

/etc/pwd.db file, 173174, 329

/etc/rc*, 329330

/etc/rc script, 6263, 7174, 380, 539

debugging custom, 405

ordering, 402403

providers, 404405

REQUIRE statement in, 405

and securelevel, 197

service(8) command, 7173

/etc/rc.conf file, 62, 145146, 568

changing from command line, 6364

cloned_interfaces, 164

to enable sshd at boot, 492

frozen with schg, 198

ifconfig statements in, 148

for jail, 574

/etc/rc.conf.d/ file, 6471

console options, 6970

to enable blacklistd, 471

filesystem options, 6566

kern_securelevel_enable, 195

network daemons, 6667

network options, 6768

network routing options, 6869

startup options, 6465

/etc/rc.d/sendmail script, 503

/etc/rc.subr file, 404

/etc/regdomain.xml file, 330

/etc/remote file, 7980, 330

/etc/resolv.conf file, 152, 153

/etc/rpc, 330

/etc/sc.d/localpkg, 405

/etc/security/ directory, 330

/etc/services file, 138139

/etc/shells file, 179

/etc/skel file, 331

/etc/snmpd.config file, 560

/etc/spwd.db file, 173174

/etc/src.conf file, 331, 439, 448449


/etc/ssh, 331

/etc/ssh/sshd.config file, 473, 494

/etc/ssl/ directory, 331

/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf file, 477

/etc/sysctl.conf file, 160

/etc/syslog.conf file, 548

comparison operators, 549

space or tabs, 551

/etc/syslog.d/ directory, 548

/etc/termcap, 332

/etc/termcap.small, 332

/etc/ttys file, 332, 584

console entry, 585

format, 584585

/etc/unbound/, 332

/etc/wall_cmos_clock file, 332

/etc/zfs/ directory, 333

Ethernet, 125, 140142

speed, 141

evaluations, in queries, 348349

exec.clean option, for jail(8), 570

exec.stop command, 571

exports, mounting, 309

EXT filesystem, 283

Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI), 20

extracommands command, 73

extract mode, for tar, 90

extracted files, permissions for, 91

ezjail, 581


failover, 163

fallback brand, sysctls to set, 418

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), 78, 9

Fast EtherChannel (FEC), 163

Fast File System (FFS), xxxiv, 232233

for kernel, 114

FAT (MS-DOS), 283

FAT32, formatting media, 286

FAULTED pool state, 275

faults, bottleneck analysis with vmstat(8), 531

FCODES variable, 323

fdesc(5), 301

fdisk(8), 215

FETCH_RETRY option, 344

FETCH_TIMEOUT option, 344

FFS. See Fast File System (FFS)

file-backed filesystems, and /etc/fstab, 294

file descriptor filesystem, 301

file flags, 192194

limitations, 197

setting and viewing, 194

files, xlviii

aliases for, disabling, 237

autoupdate unchanged, 447

backups to, 90

checking for obsolete, 444445

copying over SSH, 498499

corrupted, 354, 372

customization, 16

default, 1617

filesystems in, 293294

installing on new disks, 253254

moving to new dataset, 262263

ownership, 183184

in CIFS, 315

tftpd and, 519

filesystem table, 209210

filesystems, xliii, 2025. See also foreign filesystems

coherence, 88

dirty, 244245

on encrypted devices, 597598

encryption, 2223

file-backed, and /etc/fstab, 294

in files, 293294

jailed access to part, 564

lesser-known, 300301

memory, 288292

mount(8) to view mounted, 210211

mounting and unmounting, 233237

problems, 66

selecting, 34

size for, 243

user mounting of, 284

viewing current settings, 241242

FILESYSTEMS provider, 404

FILESYSTEMS variable, 323

find(1) program, 244


man pages, 5

packages, 340342

snapshots, 244

firewall, 67, 465

blacklistd(8) and, 470

NFS and, 308

flags, for log rotation, 556

flash drives, foreign filesystems for, 284

flash (.img) format, 26

floppy disk drive, 102103

fonts, on console, 69

Force 4K Sectors option, 39

foreign filesystems, 281315

and permissions, 283284

for removable media, 284288

supported, 282283

fortune(6), 511

forums, 2, 8

old information, 336

posting to, 14

searching, 11

fragments, 249

in FFS, 232

PF and, 466

frame, 127128

free memory, 535536

FreeBSD. See also upgrading FreeBSD

basics, xxxivxxxvii

birth of, xxxvixxxvii

development, xxxviixxxix

getting, 2526

problem-solving resources, 911

resources for troubleshooting, 601602

security announcements, 170171

shrinking, 448449

and SNMP, 557562

strengths, xliixliii

support model, 426

testing, 426427

versions, 26, 422427

FreeBSD-current, 422423

FreeBSD-stable, 423425

snapshots, 425

which to use, 427

who should use, xliiixliv

FreeBSD attitude, 2

freebsd-boot partition, 36

FreeBSD community, 613614

reasons for volunteers, 615

ways of supporting, 615616

FreeBSD Foundation, 9

FreeBSD fringe, 583598

cloudy FreeBSD, 586587

diskless farm configuration, 592594

diskless FreeBSD, 587594

storage encryption, 595598

terminals, 584586

FreeBSD Journal, 9

FreeBSD mirrors, 26, 27

FreeBSD Porter’s Handbook, 393

FreeBSD Project

leadership, 614

submitting improvements to, 600

FreeBSD-specific time, 555

freebsd-update cron command, 434

freebsd-update install command, 433434

freebsd-update rollback command, 434

freebsd-update upgrade command, 431

freebsd-update(8), 428, 579

running, 430434

FreeBSD.conf file, 390

FREEBSD_HOST variable, 383

FREEBSD_ID option, for mergemaster, 447 website, 78

FreeNAS, xl

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), 78, 9

FreshPorts, 9, 342

fsck(8) program, 52, 246248, 608

background, 247248

-y flag, 247

fsdn(8) program, 247

fstyp(8) program, 284

ftpd(8) daemon, 321

and user login, 179

full dump, 610

fully qualified domain name, 67


GBDE (GEOM-Based Disk Encryption), 22, 65, 595596

GELI, 22, 65, 596, 597

geli init, 597

GENERIC file, 109, 438

GENERIC install, 105

GENERIC kernel, 420

building, 439440

GENERIC.hints file, 109

GEOM, 204208

autoconfiguration, 205

control programs, 207208

device nodes and stacks, 208

journaling, 238, 240241

labels, 214

vs. volume managers, 206

withering, 214

GEOM classes, 205

geom_eli.ko kernel module, 596

geom_journal kernel module, 240

getty(8) program, 539

GhostBSD, xl

GIDs file, in Ports Collection, 365

git(1), 16

gjournal label command, 240

gjournal provider, creating, 240

gjournal(8), 238, 240241

glabel create command, 214

glob(3), 556

gmirror(8) class, 205

Google, 11

gpart add command, 229

gpart bootcode command, 222

gpart create command, 217, 227

gpart delete command, 226

gpart destroy command, 217, 252253

gpart modify command, 221

gpart resize, 221

gpart show command, 215, 218, 220, 221, 226, 227228, 229, 285

gpart(8) command, 214217, 220

for managing MBR slices, 225226

GPT (GUID Partition Tables), 20, 209, 595598

creating partitions, 219220

default partitioning, 36

device nodes, 218219

expanding disks, 223

GUID labels, 213

labels, 213214


changing labels and types, 221

resizing, 221

types, 219

scheme creation, 252

and UEFI, 222223

gptboot(8), 218, 222

gptzfsboot(8), 218

Greenwich Mean Time, 504

group ID (GID), 181, 183

groups of users, 180185

administrative group, creating, 182184

to avoid root, 182

creating, 181

default, 184185

for logs, 553554

membership changes, 181

system accounts, 182

growfs(8) command, 243

growisofs(1) command, 287288

gstat(8), 532

GUID (globally unique identifier), for GPT partition, 211

GUID Partition Tables (GPT), 20, 23

partitioning scheme, 218223

gvinum(8), 206

gzip compression, 91


hacking, 170, 490

halt(8) command, 74

Handbook, 78, 9

hard disks, 208209

multiple, 24

hardening options for system, 4445


cryptographic support, 482

customized with FreeBSD, 583

device names for, 62

as files, xlviii

for FreeBSD, 1720

hot-swappable, 299300

optimizing network, 159

proprietary, 19

hardware clock, 60

hardware MIBs, 100

hardware threading, 400

help, 600

asking for, 1114

composing message, 1213

responding to email, 14

mailing lists and forums for, 2

man pages, 36

finding, 5

navigating, 5

sections, 4

minimizing requests, 2

providing, 616617

resources, 114

hexadecimal numbers, 129130

home directory, 46

for user, 172

$HOME environment variable, 570

$HOME/.nsmbrc file, 311

/home partition, 23

host addresses, for login restriction, 187

“host key has changed” message, 595

host, logging to, 550551

host.allow option, 192

host.deny option, 192

Hostess module, 562

hostname, 67

false, for Dragonfly, 501

installer request for, 3132

for login restriction, 186

hot-swappable hardware, 299300

HTML, 1213

HTTP_PROXY environment variable, 356

hubs, for Ethernet, 140

human errors, recovery from, 55

hushlogin environment variable, 191

HyperThreading, 400

hypervisors, FreeBSD on, 20


i386 platform, 17

ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), 126, 136137

PF and, 468

redirects, 6768

ident entry, in kernel configuration file, 108

ifconfig(8) command, 68, 144145

to create VLAN interfaces, 164165

to enable polling, 162

name keyword, 148149

ignorelogin environment variable, 191

illumos, xli

Image Writer for Windows, 27

inactive memory, 535

INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE option, 117118

INDEX file, in Ports Collection, 365

INET networking option, for kernel, 114

inet6 keyword, 145146

inetd(8) daemon, 66, 508512

changing behavior, 512

jail for, 567

sample configuration, 511

servers configuration, 510511

starting, 511512

wrappers and, 456

infinite loop, memory allocation with, 25

info log message, 548


of dataset properties, 261

repositories, 357358

init(8), 539

inodes (index nodes), 232

fsck(8) program to verify, 246

input in Unix, xlviixlviii


and performance, 526

top(1) tool and, 538

install clean command, 380

installation images, 2627


files on new disks, 253254

jail packages, 578

kernel, 439

Linux packages, 419

packages on diskless client, 594595

pkg(8), 338339

poudriere, 383

poudriere ports tree, 386

software, 342344

from Ports Collection, 370381

installing FreeBSD, 2947

core settings, 3032

disk partitioning, 3441

distribution selection, 3233

UFS installs, 3438

ZFS installs, 3941

finishing, 4647

network and service configuration, 4146

planning, 1528

configuration with UCL, 17

default files, 1617

disks and filesystems, 2025

getting FreeBSD, 2526

hardware, 1720

network installs, 2728

integers, 99

integrity check

of cryptosystems, 475

for packages, 354355

resiliency and, 237

in ZFS, 265

for zpool, 273276

Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), 7677


multiple IP addresses on single, 147148

renaming, 148149

testing, 146

internet, accessibility of old data, 14

Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), 126

Internet Protocol (IP), 125

interruptible NFS mount, 309


mtree for preparing for, 485489

network targets, 198199

ioapic device, 61

iocage, 581

iostat(8), 528

IP addresses

attaching syslogd(8) to single, 552

for BMC, 76

for interface, 68

for jails, 566, 568

list for wrappers, 457458

multiple on interface, 147148

setting, 146147

sshd listening to, 494

unusable, 133

IP Filter, 463

IP (Internet Protocol), 125

adding to interface, 145146

IPFW, 463

IPMI (Intelligent Platform Management Interface), 7677

SOL (Serial-over-LAN) connections, 8081

IPMItool, 8081

IPSEC networking option, for kernel, 114

IPv4, 41

IPv4 addresses, 131133

IPv4-only stack, 130

IPv6 addresses, 133136

aliases, 147148

assigning, 136

IPv6 network, 42

exporting to, 307

IPv6-only stack, 130

ISC DHCP server, 513

ISO 8601 time format, for logs, 555

ISO 9660 filesystem, 283

burning to optical media, 287

creating, 286287

IVCSW (involuntary context switches), 538


jail ID, 575

jails, 381, 563581

for ancient FreeBSD, 580581

basics, 564565

at boot, 568

clean login for, 577

creating, 383386

customizing, 579580

defaults, 571572

defining, 570

dependencies, 575

disk space, 382

host server setup, 565568

networking, 565568

in-jail startup, 571

installing packages, 578

notes on, 581

parameters as variables, 572573

processes in, 575576

rules, 298299

running commands in, 576578

setup, 568575

userland, 569

startup and shutdown, 574

testing and configuring, 573574

updating, 578579

viewing, 386, 575

jexec(8) command, 576578

jls(8), 575

job control, xxxiv

job scheduler, 520524

cron(8), 520523

periodic(8), 323, 327, 523524


GEOM, 238, 240241

and recovery, 246

and soft updates, 238, 242

Joy, Bill, xxxv

JSON, 17


KeepModifiedMetadata, for freebsd update, 429

kenv(8), 101

Kerberos authentication, 10, 301

KERNCONF variable, 110, 439

kernel, 95121

assumptions, 396397

basics, 9697

booting alternate, 111112

building, 105112

buses and attachments, 106107

preparation, 106

troubleshooting, 118119

working kernel backup, 107

building, installing, and testing, 439440

configuration file format, 107109

configuration, no option and include, 119

custom configuration, 112119

trimming, 112118

enabling crash dumps, 44

environment, 101103

inclusions, exclusions and expansion, 119121

and jails, 564

locks, 399

network capacity in, 157158

options, 58

kernel-dbg, 33

kernel debugger configuration utility, 319

kernel memory, minidump of, 25

kernel modules, 19, 103105

loading and unloading, 104

loading in boot process, 105

skipping, 121

viewing loaded, 103104

kern.elf32.fallback_brand sysctl, 418

kern.elf32.nxstack sysctl, 485

kern.elf64.fallback_brand sysctl, 418

kern.elf64.nxstack sysctl, 485

kern.hostname sysctl, 97

kern.ipc.nmbclusters systcl, 160

kern.ipc.somaxconn systcl, 161

kern.maxusers systcl, 160

key fingerprint, 493, 497

keyboard, console options for, 6970

keymap, selecting, 31

KeyPrint option, for freebsd update, 429

keystrokes, script to copy, 92

keyword searches, on man pages, 5

Keywords directory, in Ports Collection, 365

kldload(8), 104

kldstat(8) command, 103104

kldunload(8), 104

knobs, 62. See also tunables

KNOWN keyword, for TCP wrapper, 458

kqueue(2), 413

krb5, 10


labels. See also BSD labels

changing for GPT partition, 221

for disks, 211214

for partition, 37

UFS, 239, 243

viewing, 212

LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol), 163

lagg(4), 163

configuring, 164

laptop theft, 596

ldconfig(8), 406407

and weird libraries, 408409

ldconfig_local_dirs variable, 407

ldconfig_paths variable, 407

LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, 71, 409410

LD_PRELOAD environment variable, 409410

legacy boot, 20

legacy hardware, boot process on, 222

legacy mode, 50

LEGAL file, in Ports Collection, 365

legal restrictions

on Ports Collection, 369370

on software, 337

Let’s Encrypt, 481

Level 2 Adaptive Replacement Cache (L2ARC), 267

libarchive(3) command, 88, 92

libiconv.ko module, 311

libmap file, 410, 456

libmchain.ko module, 311

libraries. See shared libraries

LibXo, 586587

license, 337

line-continuation character (), 306307, 459

link aggregation, 163

linprocfs(5), 301, 416

Linux, xli

commercial software, 420

Linux mode, 415, 418420

debugging, 418420

testing, 417

Linux packages, installing, 419

Linux process filesystem, 301


installing and configuring, 415

userland, 416

Linuxisms, 413

ListenAddress, 494

listeners on ports, 156157

live system, activating, 93

lm75 module, 562

load average, 534

load, once-in-a-lifetime vs. standard, 161

loader, 5152

booting from, 57

configuration, 5758

variables, 56

loader configuration file, 16

loader prompt, 5557

loader.conf file, 104

loader_logo option, 58

local blacklistd rules, 471

local build, installing jail from, 385386

local configuration files, 16

LOCAL, for login restriction, 187

local-link addresses, 135136

local mail delivery, disabling, 501

local partitions, mounting, 53

LOCALBASE variable, 381

localpkg script, 405

local_unbound, 44, 154

locate(1), 323

lock order reversal, 399


SMP and, 397398

user accounts, 178

log rotation, 553

log sockets, 552553

logical block addressing (LBA), 202

logical port, 138

login(8), 539

login classes, 172, 188192

class definitions, 188

LoginGraceTime, 495


control, 191192

restricting, 185188

on serial console, 81

logs, 66

backup process and, 90

changes, 88

of connection attempt, 460

file management, 553557

overlap, 551

for poudriere, 389

rotation by size and time, 555

from script(1) command, 92

sending messages to programs, 550

specifying senders, 552

with syslogd, 546553

message levels, 547

in verbose mode, 553

loopback device, 117

lost+found directory, 246

lp (default printer), 517

lpd(8) printing daemon, 70, 516, 517518

LPD (Line Printer Spooler Daemon), 516

ls command, for viewing flags, 194

ls(1) program, 183184

lsdev, 5556

lsof package, 490

lz4 compression algorithm, 273


MAC addresses, 141142

for clients, 514

for DHCP client, 589

MAC table, 141142

macOS, xl

macros, configuring for PF, 466

MAIL environment variable, 190

mail server, 499

mail, status mail, 545546

mailing lists, 2

aliased, 504

archives, 8

searching, 11

for FreeBSD-stable, 424

general questions, 13

old information in archives, 336

MAILNAME, for dma(8), 501

mailq(1) program, 500

MailTo root option, for freebsd update, 429

mailwrapper(8), 499500

maintenance jobs, 327, 545546

major release, 422

make build command, 373

make buildkernel command, failure, 118

make buildworld command, 438

make check-old command, 444

make check-old-libs command, 445

make checksum command, 372

make clean command, 380

make config command, 371372

make config-recursive command, 377

make configure command, 373, 374

make deinstall command, 379

make delete-old-libs command, 445

make depends command, 373

make extract command, 373

make fetch command, 372

make install command, 373

make installkernel command, 111, 439

make installworld command, 443446

make missing command, 378

make package command, 379

make patch command, 373

make pretty-print-config command, 374375

make readmes command, 369

make rmconfig-recursive command, 377

make showconfig command, 375

make(1) program, 362

SMP and, 400

make_buildkernel command, 110

make_distribution command, 569

Makefile, 362, 365, 370

makefs(8) program, 286287

makeoptions entry, in kernel configuration file, 108

malloc-backed memory disks, 290

man pages, 36, 600

contents, 6

for cryptography, 910

finding, 5

navigating, 5

sections, 4, 6

manpath environment variable, 191

MASQUERADE, for dma(8), 501

MaxAuthTrie, 495

maximum resource limits, 190

MBR (master boot record), 20, 208209, 218, 222

device nodes, 224225

and disklabel alignment, 225

partitioning, 23

partitioning scheme, 223226

mbrowse, 559

mbufs, 157, 159160

mdconfig(8), 291, 292

mdmfs(8), 290291, 292293

memory, 61

allocation in infinite loop, 25

bottleneck analysis with vmstat(8), 529

and network optimization, 159161

and performance, 526

for /tmp, 65

usage, 535536, 542

memory disks, 117, 289, 290292

creating and mounting, 290291

and /etc/fstab, 292

shutdown, 291

memory filesystems, 288292

MergeChanges option, for freebsd update, 429

merged from current (MFC), 424

mergemaster(8), 440443, 446

customizing, 446447

message of the day (motd) file, 325

metadata, 232

MIBs (management information base), 9899

SNMP, 558559

Microsoft Outlook, email from, 13

minidump, 610

of kernel memory, 25

MINIMAL file, 110

MINIMAL kernel, 111

minor release, 422

Mirror Swap option, 39

mirror VDEVs (virtual devices), 266, 274

mirrors, 26, 27

mixpasswordcase option, 192

Mk subdirectory, in Ports Collection, 366

mkisofs(1), 287

mksnap_ffs(8) program, 244

modular kernel, 96



console options for, 69

display on, 70

monitoring system security, 489490

mount point, 209

temporary, for new partition, 253

mount(8) program, 233237

for foreign filesystems, 282284

options, 210

mountd(8) daemon, 303


disk images, 292293

exports, 309

filesystems, 233237

local partitions, 53

share in CIFS, 313314

thumb drive, 285


showing available for NFS client, 309

stackable, 254255

mount_smbfs(8), 313314

mouse, 6970

MOVED file, in Ports Collection, 365


files to new dataset, 262263

package cache, 345

msdosfs mount type, 283

mt(1) command, 87

mtree(1), 485489

exclusion file, 488

spec file output, 487488

checking for differences, 488489

saving, 488

multitasking, preemptive, 397

multiuser startup, 6371


name service, 150. See also DNS (Domain Name Service)

switching, 507508

named(8) program, 553


for boot environment, 277

for interfaces, changing, 148149

nameserver, caching, 153154

nameserver list, 153

navigating man pages, 5

nbns keyword, for CIFS configuration, 312

NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol), 142

net-snmp, 559

NetBSD, xxxvi, xxxix

Netflix, xxxvii

Netgraph module, 562

net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedhigh, 139

net.inet.ip.portrange.reservedlow, 139 sysctl, 528

netmasks, 131133

computing in decimal, 132

netstat, 489, 527

netstat(8) program, 154155

to calculate mbuf clusters, 160

per-protocol performance statistics, 158

viewing open network connections, 156157

network, 123142

activity, 154158

bandwidth, and performance, 526

bits and hexes, 128

capacity in kernel, 157158

configuration, 142165

prerequisites, 144149

installing jail from, 384

interface selection, 41

layers, 124126

optimizing performance, 158162

maximum incoming connections, 161

memory usage, 159161

polling, 161162

performance monitoring, 527528

in single-user mode, 54

time, 504507

traffic control, 454

network adapter

aliases for, 68

teaming, 162164

Network Address Translation (NAT), PF and, 467

Network Configuration screen, 4142

network daemons, 66

Network File System (NFS). See NFS (Network File System)

network installs, 2728

network layer (of OSI), 125, 127, 128

network number, 133

network-related options, for kernel, 114

network secure mode, 196

network stacks, 130

Network time protocol (NTP), 505, 567568

NETWORKING provider, 404

newfs(8) command, 253, 294

newfs_msdos(8) program, 286

newsyslog(8), 553

NFS (Network File System), 301310

enabling client, 308310

exporting multiple directories, 306

exports configuration, 304308

and firewalls, 308

interoperability, 302

and jails, 567

kernel options supporting, 115

mount options, 309310


configuration, 302303

and diskless client userland, 591592

and upgrades, 448

and users, 305306

versions, 302

zfs(8) for managing, 308

nfsd(8), 303

niceness, 543545

Nintendo GameCube, emulator, 413

nmbclusters, 160

noasync mounts, 236

nobody account, 453

noexec mount option, 236

nologin environment variable, 191

nomatch rules, for devd(8), 300

nonautomatic packages, 346

changes, 352

nonexecutive stack, 484485

nonrepudiation, of cryptosystems, 475

normal, defining, 527

nosymfollow option, 237

“not a working copy” error, 436

NOTES file, 110, 119, 438

notice log message, 548

notify rules, for devd(8), 300

nscd(8) service, 326

NTP (Network time protocol), 505, 567568

ntpd(8) program, 44, 504, 553

configuring, 505506

null memory disk, 290

null modem cable, 75

NULLCLIENT option, for Dragonfly, 502


obsolete files, checking for, 444445

offline command, 87

OFFLINE pool state, 275

ONLINE pool state, 275

opaque sysctls, 97

opaques, 99

open files, listing all, 490

Open System Interconnection (OSI) network protocol stack, 124

applications, 126

datalink layer, 125, 127128, 138

network layer, 125, 127, 128

physical layer, 124, 128

transport layer, 126, 127, 128

OpenBSD, xxxix

openntpd package, 568

OpenSolaris, xli

OpenSSL, 476, 477

clients, 497

passwords and keys, 499

openssl s_client command, 481

operating systems

multiple, 24

packages and upgrades, 449450

panic, 606612

running software from wrong, 412418

OPIE (One-time Passwords In Everything), 326327

optical disk (.iso) format, 26

optical media

burning ISOs to, 287

burning UDF to, 287288

creating, 286287

/etc/fstab entry for, 285

foreign filesystems for, 284

options entry, in kernel configuration file, 108

OPTIONS_SET variable, 376

OPTIONS_UNSET variable, 376

Oracle Solaris, xl

organization employees, security risks from, 169

output. See also input/output

in Unix, xlviixlviii


of device node, changing, 296

of files, 183184

in CIFS, 315

log files, 553554

in TFTP, 519


package cache, 345

package database

changing, 351352

querying, 346347

packaged dependencies, 378

packages, 336356

branches, 358359

building, 379

fetching, 344

files in, 337, 353

finding, 340342

information and automatic installs, 346

installing on diskless client, 594595

integrity, 354355

for jails, installing, 578

locking, 352353

maintenance, 355

networking and environment, 355356

Ports Collection and, 363

repositories, 356358, 389

building, 371

customization, 357

private, 381391

remote custom, 390391

security, 490

and system upgrades, 449450

uninstalling, 350351

upgrading, 359360

packaging system, xliii

packet filtering, 454, 462470

default accept vs. default deny, 463464

and stateful inspection, 464465

packet sniffers, 492

packets, 127

normalization in PF, 466

pagedaemon, 529

pages of memory, 529

paging, 530, 540541

PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules), 327

panic, 599, 606612

recognizing, 606607

responding to, 607612

serial consoles and, 609

parallel builds, limiting, 391

PARANOID keyword, for TCP wrapper, 458

parent datasets, unmounted, 262

partition table, 38

partitioning schemes, 23, 35, 208209

MBR (master boot record), 223226

partitions, 20, 208209

adding new, 37

alignment, 220

BSD label, creating, 227228

for disk, 23, 3441, 252253

encrypted, 65

mount point for, 209

removing, 216217

removing space, 250251

UFS for, 2324

viewing, 215216

passphrase, 597

for certificate, 480

for full-disk encryption, 39

passwd, 54, 174

passwd_format option, 191


changing, 174

in CIFS, 314

control, 191192

default for new users, 173

for dma(8), 502

expiration, 176

for group, 181

for OpenSSL, 499

root, 41, 46, 179180

for single-user mode, 585

for user, 172

password keyword, for CIFS configuration, 312


levels, 422

updating to latest, 430434

PATH environment variable, 190, 191

path, for log file, 553

patterns, for queries, 347

pax, 87


computer resources and, 526527

monitoring, 526562

bottleneck analysis with vmstat(8), 528532

disk I/O, 532

network, 527528

with top(1), 533538

per-protocol statistics, from netstat, 158

tuning, 541545

periodic(8), 323, 327, 523524

Perl modules, 341342


of device node, 296

for extracted files, 91

and foreign filesystems, 283284

for logs, 554

PermitRootLogin, 495

PF module, 562

PF (packet filter), 463

and blacklistd(8), 471

configuring, 465467

managing, 468470

small server example, 467469

pfctl(8), 463, 468470, 475

for active anchor, 471

pf.ko module, 463

pfSense project, xl

PGID (process group ID), 539

pgrep(1), 576

physical address, 141

physical layer (of OSI), 124, 128

physical serial lines, 79

pidfile, 556557

ping, 146

pipes, xlviixlviii

pkg autoremove command, 351

pkg check command, 355

pkg-check(8) tool, 354

pkg clean command, 345

pkg-create(8), 345

pkg delete command, 350

pkg-descr file, 370

pkg help command, 338

pkg-help file, 370

pkg info command, 346, 353

pkg install command, 342343, 354, 390

pkg-plist file, 370

pkg query command, 347

pkg remove command, 379

pkg unlock command, 353

pkg update command, 358

pkg upgrade command, 359

pkg which command, 353

pkg(8), 336, 337338

command aliases, 349

common options, 339

configuring, 339340

fetch, 344

installing, 338339

and jails, 578

repository download, 390

pkg.conf file, 390

customizing download behavior, 344



PKG_ENV section, 356

pkgNG, 336

pkg_query(8), 387

PKG_REPO_SIGNING_KEY variable, 393

pkg_static(8), 449

pkg_tools, 336

pkg_upgrade command, 449

plaintext email, 1213

PMBR (protective master boot record), 218, 222


mode, 527

on network, 161162

pool. See zpool (storage pool)

portability of FreeBSD, xlii

porting, 412

portmaster, 371

ports, 138139

listeners on, 156157

open, 155156

review of open, 198

updating installed, 450

Ports Collection, xliii, 336, 358, 361393

cleaning up ports, 380

contents, 365367

customization options, 373381

for command line, 374375

install path, 380381

installing software from, 370381

and Linux mode, 418

port flavors, 378

problem ports, 389

tracking build status, 379380

uninstalling and reinstalling ports, 379

ports index file, 367370

ports tree, 363. See also Ports Collection

read-only, 380

portsnap cron update command, 364

portsnap(8), 364, 393

portupgrade, 371

POSIX standard, 412413

posting to forums, 14

poudriere bulk command, 388

poudriere options command, 388

poudriere package-building system, 361, 371, 381391

configuring ports, 386388

installing and configuring, 383

installing ports tree, 386

large and small systems, 391392

make.conf for, 387388

package list for, 387

repository, 389

resources, 382

running, 388389

updating, 392393

poudriere ports command, 386

power-on, 5051

PowerPC, 18

preemptive multitasking, 397

preening, 246

prefix length, 131133. See also netmasks

PREFIX variable, 381

primary partitions, 223

Primordial Unix Compression, 91

print servers, 516518

printer, configuration information, 329

printing, 516518

/etc/princap file, 517518

priority environment variable, 191

private key, 476

private repository, 389391

process ID (PID), 533

for jails, 575

process state, 539


bottleneck analysis with vmstat(8), 529

following, 539540

in jails, 575576

priority in top(1) tool, 544

rescheduling to balance, 543

vs. thread, 401


multiple, 396

and SMP, 399401

virtual, 400

procfs(5) program, 281, 300

procfs (process filesystem), 416

production releases of FreeBSD, 26

programs, logging by name, 550

proprietary hardware, 19

protective master boot record (PMBR), 218

provider, for geoms, 206

proxy server, need for, 356

PRUNEPATHS variable, 323

ps(1) command, 534, 576

pseudodevices, in kernel, 116117

pseudorandom numbers, 117

pseudoterminal, 584

public-key encryption, 475482

certificates, 478481

public-key files, 493

PuTTY, 497

pw(8) command, 178

pwd_mkdb(8), 174, 176

PXE (Preboot Execution Environment), 588


qemu-user-static package, 382

quarterly branches, in package system, 358


evaluations in, 348349

remote, 347

QWERTY keyboard, 69


RAID controllers, 18, 204

ZFS and, 22

RAID-Z, 265, 266

and pools, 267

virtual devices, 274

RAID-Z2, 266

RAID-Z3, 266

RAM, 61. See also memory

random password generator, 172

random quote generator, 510511

range keyword, in dhcpd, 515

rcorder(8), 402403

read-only mounts, 235

read-only sysctls, 100

read-write mounts, forcing on dirty disks, 248

README file, in Ports Collection, 366, 369

real memory, 61

reboot(8) command, 74

rebooting, to test interface changes, 149

recursion, front-loading, 377378

recursive nameserver, 150

redundancy, 274

in ZFS, 265267

Reed, Darren, 463

regular expressions, in ruleset, 298

Release Engineering team, 424

releases of FreeBSD, 422

reload command, 73

remote blacklistd rules, 471, 472

remote computers, intruders and, 168

remote logins, SSH for, 6667

remote modems, phone numbers for, 328

removable hardware, kernel support for, 117

removable media

ejecting, 285

and /etc/fstab, 285286

foreign filesystems for, 284288

REMOVED pool state, 275

renice(8), 544545

repairs, 9293


inheritance, 357358

for packages, 356358, 389

customization, 357

remote custom, 390391

private, 381391

REQUIRE statement, in rc script, 405

requirehome environment variable, 191

reserved ports, 139

resilvering, 274

resolver, 150


and performance, 526527

user limits, 189190

restarting, services, 72

retension command, 87

rewind command, 87

rewinding tapes, 8485

rmuser(8) program, 178

rndc(8), 184

rollback of FreeBSD update, 434


email sent to, 503

in jail, 564

password change by, 174

server login as, 495

user changes by, 176

user groups to avoid, 182

root dataset, 259

root directory, for tftpd, 518

root filesystem

partition letter for, 228

as read-write, 53

root partition, for filesystem, 3738

root password, 41, 46, 179180

for jail, 574

requiring, 484

root user, and NFS server, 305

rootkit-hunting software, 490

rotating logs, by size and time, 555

routers option, in dhcpd, 515

rpcbind(8) daemon, 303

RPCs (remote procedure calls), 303, 330

RSA key, 493

rsync(8) program, 352

rtld(1), 406, 409

running processes, 534

runtime tunable sysctl, 101

RUN_UPDATES option, for mergemaster, 447


Safe Mode, 59

Samba, 315

sappnd flag, 193

SATA disk controllers, 24

savecore(8), 608609

/sbin/nologin, 183


to balance processes, 543

binary updates, 434

tasks, 520524

schg flag, 193

scp(1), 498

script(1) command, 92

script kiddies, 168169

scripts, startup and shutdown, 402405

scrubbing, 466

SCSI drives, for tape backups, 84

SCSI_DELAY option, for kernel, 115

SCTP transport protocol, in kernel, 114

searching ports index file, 368369

SEARCHPATHS variable, 323

sector size, 202

Secure Shell, 331

securelevels, 192, 195198

limitations, 197

security, 167199

attackers, 168170

and crash dump, 611612

data protecton, 428

default accept vs. default deny, 454455

for diskless systems, 591

file flags, 192194

FreeBSD announcements, 170171

global settings, 482485

install-time options, 483484

secure console, 484

hacking, 490

for inetd, 509

LD_ environment variables and, 409

login classes, 188192

monitoring system, 489490

network targets, 198199

for packages, 490

preparing for intrusions with mtree(1), 485489

removable media risks, 284

resource limits, 189190

securelevels, 192, 195198

in SNMP, 559560

TFTP and, 518

user security, 171178

for users, 185192

workstation vs. server, 199

security.bsd sysctl tree, 485

security.jail sysctl tree, 565

self-signed certificates, 480481

Sendmail, 499

shutting down, 503

sendmail(8) daemon, 70

sendmail_outbound_enable, 70

Separate Intent Log (SLOG), 267

serial consoles, 7482

configuration, 7779

disconnecting, 80

IPMI setup, 7677

and panics, 609

physical setup, 7576

using, 7982

serial port protocol, 7475

server security, vs. workstation, 199

ServerName option, for freebsd update, 429

SERVERS provider, 404

service(8) command, 7173, 402


configuration, 4146

for jails, 566

listing and identifying enabled, 7172

managing, 7273

restarting, 72

sysrc(8) to enable, 6364

set command, 56

setenv environment variable, 191

setuid programs, disabling, 236

severity option, for log message, 460

sftp(1), 498

shared libraries, 71, 405410

adding directories to search list, 407408

attaching to programs, 406409

obsolete, 445446

program requirements, 409

remapping, 410412

versions and files, 406

sharenfs property, for NFS exports, 308

shares, mounting in CIFS, 313314

shell environment variable, 191

$SHELL environment variable, 570

shell scripts, variables, 461

shells, 178179

selecting, 52

for user, 172

shorn write, 270

show command, 56

showmount(8) command, 309

shutdown, 7374

memory disks, 291

and stopping jails, 568

syncer and, 245

shutdown scripts, 402405

shutdown(8) command, 74

SID (session ID), 539

SIGHUP, logfile rotation on, 557

signal, for log rotation, 557

single-key ciphers, 475

single-user mode, 51, 5254

network in, 54

programs available, 5354

reproducing panic in, 611612

upgrades and, 448

skipping modules, 121


sleeping processes, 534

slice device node, 224225

slicer, 207208

slices, 223

activating, 226

creating, 225226

removing, 226

smart host, for Dragonfly, 501

SMB (Server Message Block), 310

smbfs.ko module, 311

smbutil(8) program, 310315

view command, 313

SMP (symmetric multiprocessing), 115, 396401

problems, 399

and processors, 399401

SMT (Simultaneous Multi-Threading), 400

snapshots, 271273

accessing, 272

creating, 271272

destroying, 273

disk usage, 244245

finding, 244

of FreeBSD-current and -stable, 425

taking and destroying, 244

UFS, 243245

vs. journaling, 238

ZFS, 276

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 557562

basics, 557560

MIBs (management information base), 558559

security, 559560

sockstat(1), 155, 198, 489, 566

soft updates, 237

for background fsck, 247248

and journaling, 238, 242


add-on, 336

attaching shared libraries to, 406409

building, 362

commercial for Linux, 419

installing, 342344

from Ports Collection, 370381

jail for, 565

running from wrong architecture or release, 420

running from wrong OS, 412418

ABI reimplementation, 413414

binary branding, 414

emulation, 413

recompilation, 412413

software binaries, branding, 417418

SOL (Serial-over-LAN), 74

IPMI connections, 8081

Solaris, xl, 21

solid-state disks, TRIM protocol, 242243

sort(1) program, 251

source code, 336

building FreeBSD from, 437448

for FreeBSD upgrade, 435

for kernel, 106

for port, 371

and software, 362363

updating, 436

upgrading from, 428

Sparc hardware, 18

sparse files, 293294

spawn option, for TCP connection, 461462

special mounts, 234

SRV record, 357

ssh-keygen command, 493, 595

SSH (Secure Shell), 44, 478, 491499

clients, 497498

configuring daemon, 494497

copying files over, 498499

keys and fingerprints, 493

diskless clients and, 595

for remote logins, 6667

server, 492493

enabling blacklistd in, 473

user access, managing, 496

sshd(8), 492493

jail for, 567

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 478

library, 376

stack guard page, 485

stack, nonexecutive, 484485

stackable GEOM classes, 205

stackable mounts, 254255

standard error, xlvii

standard input, xlvii

standard output, xlvii

STAPE environment variable, 85

startup scripts, 402405, 446

startup services, 44

startup/shutdown scripts, from vendors, 405

stateful inspection, 464465

stateful protocol, 138

stateless protocol, 137

status command, 73, 86

status mail, 545546


adding to UFS, 252255

device control programs, 205

device nodes, 202203

disks, lies, 201202

encryption, 595598

GEOM, 204208

hard disks, partitions and schemes, 208209

identifying devices, 204

on jail host, 565

streaming protocol, 138

strings, 99

striped VDEVs (virtual devices), 265

su(1) (switch user) command, 179

subnets, 133136

Subversion (SVN), 435

updates, 436

Sun Microsystems, xxxv, xl

sunlnk flag, 193

superblock, 232

SVN (Subversion), 435

svn(1), 16

svnlite(1) command, 435

for source code, 436

swap-backed memory disks, 290

swap partition, for crash dump, 608

swap space, 2425, 37, 39, 536, 540541, 542

partition letter for, 228


for Ethernet, 140

failure, 141

quality, 159

symbol versioning, 406

symlinks, disabling, 237

symmetric multiprocessing (SMP), 396401

SYN packet, 464

syncer, 245

synchronous mounts, 235

sysctl(8) program, 97101

MIBs (management information base), 9899

values and definitions, 99

sysctl.out file, 97


changing, 100101

runtime tunable, 101

to set fallback brand, 418

viewing, 100

syslog protocol, levels, 547

syslog server, 141

syslogd(8), 66, 460, 546553

customization, 552553

facilities as source of log entry, 546547

and jails, 566567

local facilities, 549

logging by program name, 550

processing messages with, 548553

sysrc(8), 6364

systat(1), 528

system accounts, 182

system administrator, xlvxlviii

system backups, 84

system calls, 419

system clock, setting, 43

system shutdown, 7374

system status, top(1) tool for overview, 533


tables, configuring for PF, 466

tape drives, density, 86


for backups, 8487

rewinding, 8485

tar(1) command, 8792, 254

modes, 8890

non-default storage, 90

verbose flag for, 90

tarball, 88

targets, for Makefile, 362

Tarsnap, 87

tasks, scheduling, 520524

tasting, 205

TCP/IP network protocol, 123, 124

basics, 136139

TCP port 22, 494

TCP port, for Dragonfly, 501

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 126, 137138

displaying retransmits, 157

NFS over, 303

TCP wrappers, 454, 455462

configuring, 456462

client list for, 457458

keywords, 458

TCP_HHOOK networking option, for kernel, 114

TCP_OFFLOAD networking option, for kernel, 114

telnet(1), 481, 492

Templates directory, in Ports Collection, 366

temporary mount point, for new partition, 253

term environment variable, 191

terminal emulators, 79

terminal server, 75

terminals, 332, 584586


crash dump, 609610

FreeBSD, 426427

interface, 146

changes, by rebooting, 149

jails, 573574

kernel, 439

Linux mode, 417

text editor window, 175

textdump, 610611

TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol), 518520

tftpd(8), 518

and boot loader, 590591

configuring, 519

threading library, 402

threads, 398, 401402

bottleneck analysis with vmstat(8), 529

three-way handshake, 138, 464

thumb drive

with partition table, mounting, 285

writing images to, 288

tiered hardware, 17, 18

“tilde-dot” disconnect sequence, 80

tilde (~), for user’s home directory, 190


epochal seconds and real dates, 487488

for logs, 554555

redistributing, 506507

time servers, 505

time slice, 397

time zone, 4344

local data, 322

setting, 504

time zone files, 430431

timecounter, 60

timed rc script, 404

times.allow option, 192

times.deny option, 192

timezone environment variable, 191

tip(1) program, 79

TLS (Transport Layer Security), 478

connecting to protected ports, 481482

enabling, 502

host key, 479

/tmp, memory for, 65

TMPDIR variable, 323

tmpfs(5) program, 289

Tools directory, in Ports Collection, 366

top(1) tool, 533

and I/O, 538

process list for, 537538

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 126

transport layer (of OSI), 126, 127, 128

transport protocol, ports, 138139

traps in SNMP, 558

TRIM protocol, 242243, 291

trimming kernel, 112118

troubleshooting, 599612. See also bug reports

dependency problems, 354355

kernel builds, 118119

resources for, 601602

TrueOS, xl

truncate(1) program, 293294

trunking, 163

truss(1), 418419

tsch shell, 46

nice vs., 544

tunables, 62, 102

tunefs(8), 241242, 249

tutorials, 8

twist option, for TCP connection, 460461

typescript file, 92

TZ environment variable, 505

tzsetup(8), 504


uappnd flag, 193

uart(4) device driver, 78

uchg flag, 193

UCL (universal configuration language), 17, 587

UDF (Universal Disk Format), 283

burning to optical media, 287288

creating, 287

UDP (User Datagram Protocol), 37, 126, 137

NFS over, 303

PF and, 468

UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), 50

and GPT, 222223

UFS (Unix File System), xliii, 20, 231255

adding new storage, 252255

block and fragment size, 239240

components, 232233

creating and tuining, 239243

expanding, 243

installs, 3438

for jails, 565

minimum free space, 242

mount options, 234237

mounting, 282

partitioning with, 2324

and poudriere, 383

recovery and repair, 245249

resiliency, 237238

in single-user mode, 5253

snapshots, 243245

disk usage, 244245

finding, 244

vs. journaling, 238

taking and destroying, 244

space reservations, 249

and top(1), 533536

tuning, 241243

UFS_DIRHASH option, for kernel, 114

UIDs file, in Ports Collection, 366

umask environment variable, 191

umount(8), 282, 285

UNAVAIL pool state, 275

uncompressed installation media, 2627


packages, 350351

ports, 379

universal configuration language (UCL), 17

University of California, Berkeley, xxxiv

Unix, xxxiv, xlvixlviii

versions, xlxlii

Unix administrator, xlv

Unix File System (UFS), xliii, 21. See also UFS (Unix File System)

Unix-like, xlii

Unix Sytems Laboratories (USL), xxxvi

UNKNOWN rule, for TCP wrapper, 457, 458

unmounted parent datasets, 262


filesystems, 233237

memory disks, 291

unprivileged users, 45, 452453

untarring, 90

UpdateIfUnmodified option, for freebsd update, 429


for building FreeBSD, 438

in Ports Collection, 366

updating FreeBSD, source code, 436

upgrading FreeBSD, 421450

binary updates, 428434

checking for obsolete files, 444445

and data risk, 428

methods, 428

optimizing and customizing, 434

packages and, 449450

release updates, 431434

reverting updates, 434

from source code, 435

versions, 26, 422427

uptime, 534

USB drives

creating key on, 597

for tape backups, 84

unmounting, 285

User Datagram Protocol (UDP). See UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

$USER environment variable, 570

user groups, 173

user ID (UID), 171, 183

user sessions, logging by, 550

userland, 97, 415, 444

building, 438439

diskless client, NFS server and, 591592

for Linuxator, 416


for dma(8), 502

false, for Dragonfly, 501

users, xxxix

account expiration, 176

adding, 4546

changing accounts, 175176

deleting accounts, 178

editing, 173178

filesystem mounting by, 284

groups, 180185

for jail, 574

locking accounts, 178

NFS and, 305306

nobody account, 453

resource limits, 189190

for running tftpd(8), 519

security, 171178, 185192

creating user, 171

unprivileged, 45, 452453

Uses directory, in Ports Collection, 366

/usr/campat/linux , 416

/usr/lib/compat directory, 445

/usr/local/etc/pkg/repos directory, 357

/usr/local/k1//k0etc/dhcpd.conf file, 514515

/usr/local/lib, vs. per-port library directories, 408

/usr/local/poudriere dataset, 383

/usr/ports directory, 364

/usr/ports/INDEX file, 367370

/usr/ports/LEGAL file, 369370

/usr/ports/packages directory, 379

/usr/ports/UPDATING file, 392

/usr/sbin/sendmail, 499, 501

/usr/share/snmp file, 559

/usr/src/UPDATING, 437

UTC (Universal Time Clock), 504

uunlnk flag, 194


/var/cache/pkg, 345

/var/crash, 609

/var/cron file, 520

/var/db/dhcpd.leases file, 514, 589

/var/db/freebsd-update, 430

/var/db/pkg/vuln.xml file, 490

/var/messages file, errors from background fsck, 248

/var/run/dmesg.boot file, 59, 62, 84

variables. See also tunables

VCSW (voluntary context switches), 538

VDEVs (virtual devices), 265267

vendors, startup/shutdown scripts, 405

verbose boot mode, 58, 59

verbose flag, for tar, 90

verbose mode, logs in, 553

verbose_loading variable, 16

verifying backups, 8990

version control system, for configuration file, 16

VersionAddendum, 494

vesa_load_ioctl function, 118

vesa_unload_ioctl function, 118

vfs.nfs.diskless_valid, 592

vfs.usermount sysctl, 284

Vigor, 175

Vinum, 206

vipw(8) program, 176178

virtual devices, selecting, 40

virtual disk, expanding, 223

virtual memory, bottleneck analysis with vmstat(8), 530

virtual network stack, for jails, 564

virtual processors, 400

virtual terminal, 584

virtualization, 24, 563

virtualization server, ZFS for, 21

vlan_ variable, 165

VLAN (virtual LAN), 164165

vmstat(8), 541

bottleneck analysis with, 528532

continuous, 531532

vnet(9), 564

vnode-backed memory disks, 290

vnodes (virtual nodes), 233

volume managers, vs. GEOM, 206

VuXML (Vulnerability and eXposure Markup Language), 490


warning log message, 547

wear-leveling, 242243

web interface, for configuring BMCs, 76

welcome environment variable, 191

whatis(1), 5, 10

wildcards, for log messages, 548549

wired memory, 536

wireless cards, 330

WITH environment variable, 375


WITNESS kernel option, 399

wlan module, 562

workgroup keyword, for CIFS configuration, 312

workstation, security, vs. server, 199

wrappers, 454. See also TCP wrappers


X Windows, 584

X11Forwarding, 495

Xenix, xli

XZ compression, 91


YAML, 17, 342


Zetabyte Filesystem (ZFS). See ZFS

zfs create command, 261

zfs destroy command, 261262

.zfs directory, 272

zfs get command, 260261

zfs list command, 258259

ZFS pools, 263265

zfs rename command, 262

zfs set command, 260

ZFS (Zetabyte Filesystem), xli, xliii, 2122, 257279

Advanced Replacement Cache, 536537

datasets, 258263

and disk block size, 267268

installs, 3941

for jails, 565, 581

and poudriere, 383

and RAID controllers, 1819

in single-user mode, 53

and top(1), 536


error messages, 270

for managing NFS, 308

zfs_destroy command, 273

zfs_list command, 272

zfs_scrub command, 274

zfs_snapshot command, 271272

zfs_status command, 273

zpool create command, 268

zpool get command, 264

zpool list command, 263

zpool online command, 276

zpool relace command, 276

zpool status command, 264, 268

zpool (storage pool), 259, 263

creating and viewing, 268269

destroying, 270

integrity and repair, 273276

managing, 267270

multi-VDEV, 269270

properties, 264265

and RAID-Z, 267

zpool(8), error messages, 270

zsetup(8), 322

zstatus_status command, 274

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