

! (not) logical operator, 125–130

!= (not equal to) operator, 114

#define directive, 76–78

#include directive, 72–75

placement, 75–76

#include statement, 19

% (modulus) operator, 93

random values, 213

%= (compound modulus) operator, 107

& (ampersand)

address-of operator, 258–260

pointer variables, 85

scanf( ) function, 85

&& (and) logical operator, 125–130

’ (apostrophe), character data, 20

“” (quotation marks), character data, 21

(( )) parentheses, order of operators, 96

* (asterisk)

dereferencing operator, 258–261

multiplication operator, 92

*= (compound mulitiplication) operator, 106

+ (addition) operator, 92

++ (increment) operator, 138–140

+= (compound addition) operator, 106–107

- (subtraction) operator, 92

-- (decrement) operator, 92, 138–140

-= (compound subtraction) operator, 107

-> (structure pointer) operator, 299

/ (division) operator, 92–93

// (double slash), comments, 33–34

/= (compound division) operator, 106

; (semicolon)

commands, 40

for loops, 162

functions, 40

statements, 118

< (less than) operator, 114

<= (less than or equal to) operator, 114

<> (angled brackets), #include files, 73

= (equal sign), assignment operator, 54–55

== (equal to) operator, 114

> (greater than) operator, 114

>= (greater than or equal to) operator, 114

?: (conditional) operator, 136–138

[] (brackets), character arrays, 63

“ (quotation mark) escape sequence, 41

\ (double backslash), escape sequence, 41

{} (braces), main( ) function, 19

|| (or) logical operator, 125–130


a (alarm) escape sequence, 41–42

absolute value, 209–211

addition (+) operator, 92

address-of (&) operator, 258–260


memory, 256–257

variables, 259

allocating heap memory, 282–285

with arrays of pointers, 286–288

alphabetizing characters, 246

ampersand (&)

pointer variables, 85

scanf( ) function, 85

and (&&) logical operator, 125–130

ANSI C, 11

apostrophe (’), character data, 20


conditional (?:) operators, 136–138

decrement (--) operators, 138–140

expressing in radians, 211–212

fopen( ) function, 311

increment (++) operators, 138–140

passing, 344–345

by value, 345–347

arrays, 62

character, 62–65

defining, 63, 224–225

initializing, 222–225

scanf( ) function, 86–87

string concatenation, 200–202

string length, 269–271

defining, 65, 222–225

elements, 64, 222

filling, 232–237

floating-point, 224

initializing, 65, 223–226

integer, 266

names, 266–268

numeric, 225–226

of pointers, 271–273

heap memory allocation, 286–288

of strings, 272–273

of structure variables, 299–300

parallel, 233

passing by address, 347–351

printing, 190

referencing, 266

searches, 233–237, 246–250

sorting, 242–250

storing string values in, 63

subscripts, 64, 225


storing in, 226–227

swapping, 244–246

ASCII table, 380–389

assigning values

to strings, 268–269

to variables, 97

assignment (=) operator, 54–55

assignment operators, 97


binary states, 9

Blackjack program, 372–378

Borland C++, 8

braces ({}), main( ) function, 19

brackets ([]), character arrays, 63

break statements, 170–172

including in switch statements, 180–181

bubble sorts, 242–246


%c (character) conversion character, 43

C compilers, 8–9

ANSI C, 11

debugging with, 10

editors, 9

screen clearing functions, 152


absolute value, 209–211

converting non-integers into integers, 208–209

logarithmic functions, 211–213

negative values, 92

numeric functions, 208–209

operators, 92–94

logical, 124–130

parentheses (( )), 96

precedence order, 94–96

relational, 114–116

right-to-left associativity, 97

powers, 210–211

random values, 213–214

square roots, 210–211

trigonometric functions, 211–213


functions, 334–336

strings, 201–202

case sensitivity

character input, 199

commands, 17

functions, 17–18

case statements, 181

ceil( ) function, 208–209

char variable, 51

character (%c) conversion character, 43

character arrays, 62–65

brackets ([]), 63

defining, 63, 224–225

initializing, 222–225

printing, 190

scanf( ) function, 86–87


concatenating, 200–202

length, 269–271

values, swapping, 244–246

character functions

character-changing, 199–200

character-testing, 198–199

character I/O functions, 188–194

getch( ), 193–194

getchar( ), 188–192

gets( ), 201–202

isalpha( ), 198–199

isdigit( ), 198–199

islower( ), 199

isupper( ), 199

putchar( ), 188–191

puts( ), 201–202

tolower( ), 199–200

toupper( ), 199–200

characters, 20–21

alphabetizing, 246

ASCII table, 380–389

conversion, 43–44

scanf( ) function, 83

input, 188–191

case sensitivity, 199

output, 188–191, 234

pointer variables, 270

strings, 21

printing, 40–41

scanf( ) function, 86–87

clearing screen, 152–153

closing files, 311

random-access, 321

code, see source code


case sensitivity, 17

semicolon (;), 40

commenting out source code, 32

comments, 28–30

example, 31

future of, 33–34

syntax, 30

white space, 32–33


loops, 160

values, 114–116

compiling programs, 8

compound addition (+=) operator, 106–107

compound assignment operators, 104–107

precedence order, 107–108

compound division (/=) operator, 106

compound modulus (%=) operator, 107

compound multiplication (*=) operator, 106

compound relational operators, 124

compound statements, 116

compound subtraction (-=) operator, 107

concatenating strings, 200–202

conditional (?:) operators, 136–138

constant data, 50


defining, 76–78

named, 76

context-sensitive help, 74

continue statements, 172–174

controlString, 39

conversion characters, 43

escape sequences, 41

conversion characters, 43–44

scanf( ) function, 83


floating-point values to integers, 284

non-integers to integers, 208–209

cos( ) function, 211

counter variables, 104

loops, simulating, 160


%d (integer) conversion character, 43


inserting in structures, 299–301

testing, 114–116

if statements, 116–117

if-else statements, 117–119

data types

characters, 20–21

floating-point numbers, 22–23

integers, 21–23

return, 359–360

typecasting, 108–109

values, 140–141

deallocating heap memory, 282, 286

debugging, 10

decimal points (floating-point numbers), 22–23

declarations, variables, 52–53

decrement (--) operator, 92, 138–140

decrementing variables, 105, 139–140

#define directive, 76–78


arrays, 65, 222–225

character, 63

of structure variables, 299–300

subscripts, 225

constants, 76–78

file pointers, 309–310

floating-point pointer variables, 258

floating-point variables, 258

integer arrays, 266

integer pointer variables, 258

integer pointers, 282

integers, 258

members, 296

pointer variables, 257–260

pointers to structures, 299

structures, 294–299

variables, 52–53

int, 295

multiple, 53

program design, 336–338

structure, 294–298

degrees, expressing arguments in, 212

dereferencing (*) operator, 258–261

dereferencing pointers, 260–261


#define, 76–78

#include, 72–75

placement, 75–76

preprocessor, 72

disk files, see files

dispTitle( ) function, 152

division (/) operator, 92–93

do-while loops, 153–154

continue statements, 172–174

terminating, 170–172

dot operator, 299–301

double variables, 51


editing sequential-access files, 314–315

editors, 9

elements (arrays), 64, 222

Enter keypress

converting to null zero, 202


with getch( ) function, 193–194

with getchar( ) function, 191–192

equal sign (=), assignment operator, 54–55

equal to (==) operator, 114

errors, debugging, 10

escape sequences, 41–42

scanf( ) function, 83

executing programs, 7

exit( ) function, 180

exp( ) function, 212


decrement operators, 139

increment operators, 139

operators, 92

order of, 94–96

parentheses (( )), 96

typecasts, 109

values, 97


%f (floating-point) conversion character, 43

fabs( ) function, 209–210

fclose( ) function, 311

feof( ) function, 313–314

fgets( ) function, 271, 312–314

file pointers, 309–310

files, 308–309

closing, 311

creating, 311

header, 74–75

merges, 72–75

MYDATA.DAT, 312–315

names, 309

opening, 309–311

outputting characters to, 324

random-access, 309

closing, 321

creating, 321

fopen( ) function modes, 321–322

navigating, 322–325

opening, 320–322

writing to, 323–324

reading, 311

sequential-access, 309

editing, 314–315

navigating, 323

reading, 312–314

writing to, 312

flag variables, 236

float variables, 51

floating-point (%f ) conversion character, 43

floating-point arrays, 224

floating-point numbers, 22–23

absolute values, 209–211

conversion characters, 44

memory, 22–23, 140–141

floating-point values, converting to integers, 284

floating-point variables, 258

floor( ) function, 208–209

fopen( ) function, 309–311

arguments, 311

random-access modes, 321–322

for loops

arrays of strings, 272–273

continue statements, 172–174

counting down, 163–165

format, 160–162

indents, 161

nesting, 164

simulating with counter variables, 160

source code, repeating, 160–163

terminating, 170–172


#include directive, 72


do-while, 153

for, 160–162

while, 150


conditional, 136–137

dot, 299

placeholders, 39

printf( ) function, 38–40

program design

functions, 332–336

variables, 336–338


break, 170

if, 116–117

struct, 295

switch, 178

typecasts, 108–109

free heap, 278

free( ) function, 286

fscanf( ) function, 314

fseek( ) function, 322–325

functions, 17–19

calling, 334–336

case sensitivity, 17–18

ceil( ), 208–209

character I/O, 188–194

getch( ), 193–194

getchar( ), 188–192

gets( ), 201–202

isalpha( ), 198–199

isdigit( ), 198–199

islower( ), 199

isupper( ), 199

putchar( ), 188–191

puts( ), 201–202

tolower( ), 199–200

toupper( ), 199–200

character-changing, 199–200

character-testing, 198–199

cos( ), 211

dispTitle( ), 152

exit( ), 180

exp( ), 212

fabs( ), 209–210

fclose( ), 311

feof( ), 313–314

fgets( ), 271, 312–314

floor( ), 208–209

fopen( ), 309–311

random-access modes, 321–322

free( ), 286

fscanf( ), 314

fseek( ), 322–325

getAns( ), 154

gets( ), 357

isalpha( ), 198

isdigit( ), 198

log( ), 212

log10( ), 212

logarithmic, 211–213

main( ), 17–19

program formats, 333

malloc( ), 282–285

numeric, 208–209


arguments, 344–347

arrays, 347–351

placeholders, 39

pow( ), 210–211

printf( ), 38

controlString, 39–41

conversion characters, 43–44

escape sequences, 42

format, 38–40

strings, printing, 40–41

program design, 332–336

prototyping, 360–362

rand( ), 213–214

return data types, 359–360

scanf( ), 82

ampersand (&), 85

conversion characters, 83

escape sequences, 83

printf( ) function prompt, 83–84

troubleshooting, 84–87

semicolon (;), 40

sin( ), 211

sizeof( ), 140–141, 226

sqrt( ), 210–211

srand( ), 214

strcat( ), 200–202

strcpy( ), 66

string, 200–202

strlen( ), 189

tan( ), 211

trigonometric, 211–213

values, returning, 356–358


getAns( ) function, 154

getch( ) function, 193–194

getchar( ) function, 188–192

gets( ) function, 201–202, 357

global variables, 53

passing, 362

program design, 336–338

returning, 362

greater than (>) operator, 114

greater than or equal to (>=) operator, 114


header files

#include directive, 72–75

structures, reusing, 297

heap memory, 278–281

allocating, 282–285

with arrays of pointers, 286–288

deallocating, 282, 286

shortage of, 285

structures, 299

heap structures, 300–301

help, 74


I/O functions, see character I/O functions; input; output

if statements, 114–117

logical operators, 125–130

precedence order, 130–132

nesting, 178

if-else statements, 117–119

conditional operators, 137–138

#include directive, 72–75

placement, 75–76

#include statements, 19

increment (++) operator, 138–140

incrementing variables, 105, 139–140


for loops, 161

source code, 17

infinite loops, 150


arrays, 65, 223–226

character, 222

integer, 266

of strings, 272–273

strings, 65–66


character-changing functions, 199–200

character-testing functions, 198–199

characters, 188–191, 199

Enter keypress, eliminating

with getch( ) function, 193–194

with getchar( ) function, 191–192

scanf( ) function, 84–87

inserting data in structures, 299–301

int * typecast, 284

int variable, 51, 295

integer (%d) conversion character, 43

integer arrays, 266

integer division, 93

integer pointers

defining, 282

variables, 258

integers, 21–23


floating-point values to, 284

non-integers into, 208–209

defining, 258

division (/) operator, 93

leading zeros, 22

memory, 22–23, 140–141, 268

negative values, 209

isalpha( ) function, 198

isdigit( ) function, 198

islower( ) function, 199

isupper( ) function, 199

iteration, 172–173



character input, 188–191

Enter keypress, 202

keywords, variables, 51


leading zeros, 22

less than (<) operator, 114

less than or equal to (<=) operator, 114

literal constants

decrement operators, 139

increment operators, 139

literal data, 50

local variables, 53

program design, 336–338

log( ) function, 212

log10( ) function, 212

logarithmic functions, 211–213

logical operators, 124–130

precedence order, 130–132

long int variable, 51

loops, 150

break statements, 170–172

comparing, 160

continue statements, 172–174

counting subscripts with, 227

do-while, 153–154


counting down, 163–165

format, 160–162

indents, 161

printing arrays of strings, 272–273

simulating, 160

source code, repeating, 160–163

infinite, 150

nesting, 164

terminating, 170–172


format, 150

simulating, 160

source code, repeating, 152–153

variables, 151


machine language, 9

main( ) function, 17–19

braces ({}), 19

program formats, 333

malloc( ) function, 282–285


defining, 296

structures, 294


addresses, 256–257

allocating with pointer variables, 280

data type values, 140–141

floating-point numbers, 22–23, 140–141

heap, 278–281

allocating, 282–288

deallocating, 282, 286

shortage of, 285

structures, 299

integers, 22–23, 140–141, 268


character arrays, 200–202

files, 72–75

modulus (%) operator, 93

random values, 213

multiplication (*) operator, 92


(newline) escape sequence, 41–42


arrays, 266–268

constants, 76

disk files, 309

pointer variables, 258

structure variables, 299

variables, 51–52

storing pointers, 260

navigating files

random-access, 322–325

sequential-access, 323

negative values, 209

calculating, 92


if statements, 178

loops, 164

statements, 124

not (!) logical operator, 125–130

not equal to (!=) operator, 114

null values, 285

null zero, 60–62

converting Enter keypress to, 202

numeric arrays, 225

strcpy( ) function, 66

numbers, 21–23

absolute values, 209–211

conversion characters, 43–44

floating-point, 22–23

integers, 21–23

isdigit( ) character-testing function, 198

raising to powers, 210–211

square roots, 210–211

numeric arrays, 225–226

numeric functions, 208–209

numeric values, reading, 314


opening files, 309–311

random-access, 320–322

operators, 92–94

addition (+), 92

assignment, 97

assignment (=), 54–55

compound assignment, 104–107

precedence order, 107–108

conditional (?:), 136–138

decrement (--), 92, 138–140

division (/), 92–93

dot, 299–301

expressions, 92

increment (++), 138–140

logical, 124–130

precedence order, 130–132

modulus (%), 93

random values, 213

multiplication (*), 92

pointer, 258–260

precedence order, 94–96

relational, 114–116

combining, 124–130

right-to-left associativity, 97

structure pointer (->), 299

subtraction (-), 92

or (||) logical operator, 125–130

order of operators, 94–96

compound assignment, 107–108

logical, 130–132

output, 7

characters, 188–191

conversion, 43–45

printf( ) function, 38–40

sending strings to screen, 201–202

writing to printers, 315


parallel arrays, 233

parentheses (( )), order of operators, 96


arguments, 344–345

by value, 345–347

arrays, 347–351

global variables, 362

placeholders, 39

pointer constants, 266

pointer operators, 258–260

pointer typecasts, 284

pointer variables, 268

ampersand (&), 85

defining, 257–260

memory allocation, 280

names, 258


array names, 266–268

arrays of, 271–273

heap memory allocation, 286–288

defining, 299

dereferencing, 260–261

file pointers, 309–310

heap values, 282

integer pointers, 282

storing, 260

postfix decrement operator, 139–140

postfix increment operator, 139–140

pow( ) function, 210–211

prefix decrement operator, 139–140

prefix increment operator, 139–140

preprocessor directives, 72

printers, writing output to, 315

printf( ) function, 38

controlString, 39

escape sequence, 41

conversion characters, 43–44

escape sequences, 42

format, 38–40

strings, printing, 40–41


arrays, 190

of strings, 272–273

conversion characters, 43–44

strings, 40–41, 201–202

values, 43

programmers, 6


Blackjack, 372–378

comments, 28–30

compiling, 8

data types, 19–23

debugging, 10

definition, 6–7


functions, 332–336

variables, 336–338

executing, 7

output, 7

overview, 16–17

running, 7

source code, 9

terminating, 180

white space, 32–33

writing, 9–10

prompts, scanf( ) function, 83–84

prototyping functions, 360–362

putchar( ) function, 188–191

puts( ) function, 201–202


quotation marks (“”), character data, 21

radians, expressing arguments in, 211–212

rand( ) function, 213–214

random values, 213–214

random-access files, 309

closing, 321

creating, 321

fopen( ) function modes, 321–322

navigating, 322–325

opening, 320–322

writing to, 323–324

random-number generator, seeding, 214


files, 311–314

numeric values, 314

strings, 271

records, 294

referencing arrays, 266

relational operators, 114–116

combining, 124–130

remainders (integer division), 93

repeating source code

with for loops, 160–163

with while loops, 152–153

return data types, 359–360


global variables, 362

values, 356–358

prototyping functions, 360–362

running programs, 7


%s (string) conversion character, 43

scanf( ) function, 82–83

ampersand (&), 85

conversion characters, 83

escape sequences, 83

printf( ) function prompt, 83–84

troubleshooting, 84–87


character output, 188–191

clearing, 152–153

sending strings to, 201–202

searches, arrays, 233–237, 246–250

seeding random-number generator, 214

semicolon (;)

commands, 40

for loops, 162

functions, 40

statements, 118

sequential searches, 237

sequential-access files, 309

editing, 314–315

navigating, 323

reading, 312–314

writing to, 312

sharing variables, 344

sin( ) function, 211

sizeof( ) function, 140–141, 226

sorting arrays, 242–250

source code, 9

commenting out, 32

comments, 28–30

indents, 17


with for loops, 160–163

with while loops, 152–153

sqrt( ) function, 210–211

square roots, 210–211

srand( ) function, 214


break, 170–172, 180–181

case, 181

compound, 116

continue, 172–174

if, 114–117

logical operators, 125–132

nesting, 178

if-else, 117–119

conditional operators, 137–138

#include, 19

nested, 124

semicolon (;), 118

struct, 295–296

switch, 178–181


pointers, 260

strings, 269–271


arrays, 63, 226–227

variables, 54–55

strcat( ) function, 200–202

strcpy( ) function, 66

string (%s) conversion character, 43

string functions, 200–202


arrays of, 272–273

calling, 201–202

characters, 21

concatenating, 200–202

initializing, 65–66

length, 61–62, 269–271

null zero, 60–61

printing, 40–41, 201–202

reading, 271

scanf( ) function, 86–87

terminating, 60–61


assigning to, 268–269

printing, 43

storing in arrays, 63

strlen( ) function, 189

struct statement, 295–296

structure pointer (->) operator, 299

structures, 294

defining, 294–299

heap memory, 299–301

members, 294

defining, 296

pointers to, 299

reusing, 297


arrays of, 299–300

defining, 294–298

inserting data, 299–301

names, 299

subscripts (arrays), 64, 225

referencing, 266

subtraction (-) operator, 92

swapping values (variables), 244–246

switch statements, 178–180

break statements, 180–181

switch variable, 180

syntax, comments, 30


(tab) escape sequence, 41–42

tan( ) function, 211


loops, 170–172

programs, 180

strings, 60–61


data, 114–116

if statements, 116–117

if-else statements, 117–119

values, multiple, 136–138, 178

tolower( ) function, 199

toupper( ) function, 199

trigonometric functions, 211–213

troubleshooting scanf( ) function, 84–87

true/false results, 114–116

Turbo C++, 8, 10

typecasts, 108–109, 284


unallocated heap memory, 278

updating variables, 104–107

user input, scanf( ) function, 84–87


absolute, 209–211


filling, 232–237

sorting, 246–250


to strings, 268–269

to variables, 97

comparing, 114–116

data types, 140–141

decrementing, 105

expressions, 97

floating-point, 284

incrementing, 105

negative, 92, 209

null, 285

numeric reading, 314

printing, 43

random, 213–214

returning, 356–358

prototyping functions, 360–362

sorting, 242–246


in arrays, 226–227

in variables, 54–55

strings, 63

testing, multiple, 136–138, 178


changing, 104–107

passing by, 345–347

swapping, 244–246


addresses, 259

assignment operators, 54–55

char, 51

character arrays, 62–65

character pointer, 270

counter, 104

simulating loops, 160

data types, 108–109

declarations, 52–53

decrementing, 105, 139–140

defining, 52–53

double, 51

file pointer, 309–310

flag, 236

float, 51

floating-point, 258

global, 53, 336–338, 362

incrementing, 105, 139–140

int, 51, 295

integer pointer, 258

keywords, 51

local, 53, 336–338

long int, 51

names, 51–52

pointer, 268

ampersand (&), 85

defining, 257–260

memory allocation, 280

names, 258

program design, 336–338

sharing, 344–351


arrays of, 299–300

defining, 294–298

inserting data, 299–301

names, 299

switch, 180

types, 50–51

updating, 104–107


assigning, 97

changing, 104–107

storing, 54–55

swapping, 244–246

while loops, 151

Visual C++, 8


while loops

continue statements, 172–174

format, 150

simulating, 160

source code, repeating, 152–153

terminating, 170–172

variables, 151

white space, 32–33


output to printers, 315

programs, 9–10

to files

random-access, 323–324

sequential-access, 312


leading, 22

null, 61–62

converting Enter keypress to, 202

strcpy( ) function, 66

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