

accessibility, 138–139, 240, 341–348, 371

accountability, 291, 356–357, 418–419, 622–623, 657, 803–805

accountability buddies, 694

Ackoff, Russell, 188

acquisition professionals, 493

action idea list, 41, 44

action-learning taskforce, 570

ACTION stages, TLA model, 357–358

action thought perspective, 829

adaptive learning, 844

ADDIE model, 173–176

Adobe After Effects, 380

Adobe Captivate, 368, 369, 373, 378

Adobe Illustrator, 380

Adobe Photoshop, 380

Adobe Premiere Pro, 380

adult learning, 23, 35–47

advertising industry, 220

advocacy, in department of one, 723–724

affirmative action programs, 778–779


ICS team, 324

in learning cultures, 764–765

organizational, 802, 813–822

project management, 137–138

TD function, 413–414, 745–746

work-based learning, 501–502

agreement phase, of consulting, 597

agricultural and mechanical (A&M) education, 17

alignment, 191–192, 551–552, 597, 716. See also strategic alignment

alt text, 347

ambiguity appreciator mindset, 81

Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), 343

analysis planning, 195–196

analytics training, 493

animation, 261, 374

application activities, 114

applications (apps), 269

apprenticeships, 15–16

APTD certification, 97

aptitude, attitude vs., 79–80

Arena, Michael, 802

art, design inspiration from, 220

Articulate Rise 360 program, 367, 368

Articulate Storyline 360 program, 368, 372, 373, 378

Articulate Studio 360 suite, 376

artificial humans, 840–841

artificial intelligence (AI), 314, 831, 842–843

Asia Pacific Institute for Learning and Performance, 109–110

assessment, 6–7, 188–190, 216, 379, 485, 541, 552–553, 843–844

asset management tools, 383

Association for Talent Development (ATD), 97, 109

asynchronous online training, 242, 244, 246–249, 345, 494

attitude, 79–80, 289, 407–408

Audacity, 380

audience, 134–135, 189, 259, 261, 387–388, 395

audio descriptions, of videos, 347

audio equipment, 263–264

audio recordings, 267, 374, 380

auditory access, 347

augmented reality (AR), 253, 398, 837–838

authoring tools (e-learning), 364–377

authority, 727

author role, 47

Autodesk, 763–764

automation, 19, 27


bachelor’s degree, 101

balanced communication, 624–626

Barker, Eric, 572

BAR model, 165

baseline, results compared to, 721–722

Behavior (Level 3), Kirkpatrick, 286

behavioral psychology, 19

behavior modeling, 655

believing in yourself, 678–679

bencmarking studies, 485

benefit-cost ratio (BCR), 300, 301

benefit maximization, 133

Bersin, Josh, 819

bias, 481

Biech, Elaine, 730

bind talent strategy, 554

black box thinking, 308

blended learning, 253, 327–339

blogs, 494

Bloom, Benjamin, 20

Bloom’s taxonomy, 19, 245

boards of directors, diverse, 775

borrow talent strategy, 431, 554

bottom liner mindset, 81

bounce talent strategy, 554

bound talent strategy, 554

brain, 36–37, 145–147, 220–221, 272–275

brainstorming, 208, 218

branching scenarios, 378

BranchTrack, 378

breakout rooms, 268

Breakthrough Growth, 610

breakthrough moments, 3–11

breathing techniques, 154

Brown, Simon, 760

budget, 260, 430

Build-a-Bear-Workshop, 637

Building Personal Capabilities domain, 86–87, 664

build talent strategy, 430–431, 553, 554

burnout, 626–627, 763

business acumen, building, 595, 689–695

business case

for DEI efforts, 779–784

for improving EQ, 149–150

for L&D function, 65–74

for TD efforts, 429–430

business-centered thinking, 201

business impact, 671, 803–805, 855

business needs, 71, 229–236

business news, 691

business objectives, 663, 692

business outcomes, 652–653, 848–850

business unit goals, 719

buy-in, 469–476, 583–584, 753

buy talent strategy, 431, 553, 554


calibration, 671–672

camera angles, 262–263

camera shots, 261–262

Canva, 380

capabilities, 72, 219–221, 523–524

Capability Model. See Talent Development Capability Model

Captivate workshop, 279–280

career development, 87, 103, 110, 557, 561–573

career lattice, 564

career planning, 315, 511–514

Carey, Lou and James, 176–178

Carlson, Rachel, 819–820

cascading recruitment process, 582

causal analysis, 189

celebrations, 494, 671

Centre for Global Inclusion, 777

CEO. See executives

certificates, 99, 104–105

certification, 97, 99, 105, 114, 611–612

chain of evidence, 296, 720–721

challenging yourself, 680–681

change, 228, 353, 404–405, 549, 762–763, 827–830

change agents, 403–408, 592

change chaser mindset, 82

change fatigue, 763

change management, 89, 492, 640–641, 825–833

change readiness, 406, 826–827

“chapters” of careers, 315

Charan, Ram, 800

chatbots, 359–360, 842

CHG Healthcare, 815–816

Christiansen Institute, 330

chunking, 249

CIO model, 165

CIPD New Profession Map, 110

clarity, 266, 623–624

Clark, Dorie, 571–572

classroom training, 329–330, 389

client attraction strategy, 607–608

client–consultant relationship, 593–594, 605–606

Clifton, J., 811

Closers, in CORE model, 40–42

close-up shots, 262

cloud-based authoring tools, 376

coaching, 88, 252, 253, 315, 449–452, 516–517, 539, 647–648, 655

Coach M chatbot, 360

coach role, 47

co-facilitation, with SMEs, 444–445

cognitive challenges, 316, 347

cognitive load theory (CLT), 56

cognitive neuropsychology, 36–37

cognitive neuroscience, 36–37

cohort-based training, 364

collaboration, 29, 86, 416–417, 439–453, 502–506, 512–513, 593, 595, 757–759, 808

collective leadership, 754–755

command-and-control style, 503

commitment, 104, 205, 289

common purpose, 475


about career and development, 542, 567–568

about change, 828, 829, 852–853

about TD structure, 670–671

about technology implementation, 528

in breakthrough moments, 3–4

in Capability Model, 86

in digital learning mindset, 516

for effective teams, 624–626

with executives, 469–476, 731, 792–793

generational differences in, 831

identity and, 492

in onboarding, 703–704

in ROI Methodology Process Model, 308

with stakeholders, 639

communication channels, 337–338, 625

communication guides, 625

communication skills, transferability of, 569

communications training, 138

communities, 758–759, 805

Community Academy initiative, 793

compatibility, in RISSCI methodology, 837

competencies, 24, 111, 594–595, 604–608, 831–832

completeness, of data, 193

complex personalization, 229–230

compliance, 86, 778–779

compound time, 567

concept matrix, for accessibility, 348

conferences, 494, 737

confidence, 289

conflict management, 9–10, 475, 492

connection(s), 55–56, 220, 519, 682, 757–759

conscious connector mindset, 81

consistency, 248, 264, 518

constructivism, 23

consultation, 88, 596–597. See also internal consultants; solo consultant practice

contact phase, of consulting process, 597

context, 346–347, 518, 851

continuous learning, 112, 113. See also lifelong learning

contracting professionals, 493

control, 506

CORE model of training, 40–45

core values, 752–753, 802, 806

corporate universities, 22

corporate vision, achieving, 651–660

cortisol, 274, 275

cost savings, 133–134, 328, 804, 854

courage, leading with, 419–420

Covey, Stephen, 407–408

COVID-19 pandemic, xiii, xiv, 314, 316, 332, 598–600, 653, 701–704, 800, 802–803, 832–833

CPR rule, 164

CPTD certification, 97

creativity, 492, 570–571

credentials, 91, 95–105

credibility, 307–308, 595, 596

critical behaviors, 290

critical roles, 551–552

cross-functional teams, 528, 681, 809

crowdsourcing, 233

cultural awareness, 86. See also organizational culture

customer outcomes, 288, 849–850

customer service, 492

cyber threats, 316


Dare approach, 632, 634–637

data, 89, 193, 194, 471, 548–549

data analysis, 89, 188–190, 195–196, 307–308, 316, 782–783, 843

data collection, 194–196, 306

data layer, of technology ecosystem, 523

day-to-day coaching, 647–648

decision making, 86, 258, 275, 276, 278, 281–282, 507, 690–691

deductive analysis, 195

deep fake videos, 840–841

deep generalist capabilities, 608

define phase, in Dare approach, 635–636

degrees, as credentials, 100–101, 105

DEI Key Questions chart, 783–784

DEI maturity, of organization, 786

DEI-specific learning, 484–486

Delaney, Kevin, 753

delegation, 541, 649–650

deliberate practice, 58, 683–684

delivery of training

for blended learning, 335

in Capability Model, 87

coaching SMEs on, 449–452

from facilitative trainers, 458–459

learner preferences for, 233–236

and learning transfer, 353

modality selection, 239–254

as orderly conversation, 441–442

story-minded, 272

in videos, 260

virtual, 390–395

democratization, of development, 743

dependencies, 506

Descript, 380

descriptive statistics, 195

design thinking, 71–72, 199–209, 345–346

detachment, for consultants, 595

detail, in graphics, 264

Developing Professional Capabilities domain, 87–88, 664


to achieve corporate vision, 653–655

at agile organizations, 820–821

democratization of, 743

discussing, with employer, 567–568

experiential, 744–745

growth vs., 98

ownership of, 563, 608, 723–724, 733, 742

as a way of work, 10–11

developmental managers, 533–544

developmental planning of work, 535–536

development goals, 108, 110–111

development outcomes, business and, 652–653

Dick, Walter, 176–178

digital capabilities, 530

digital layer, of technology ecosystem, 524

digital lead, 530

digital learning mindset, 516–517

digitization, 844–845

direct costs of L&D, 134

direction, company, 692

discovery, 505, 743–744

dissolve transitions, 265

diversity, xvii, 480, 481, 483–484, 487–489

diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts, 479–495

business case for, 779–784

compliance view of, 778–779

defined, 480

environments that foster, 489–491

in interpersonal skills training, 491–492

in L&D activities, 493–494

in long-term strategy, 486–493

organizational benefits of, 480–482

performance monitoring, 776, 784–786

relevant DEI-specific learning, 484–486

and roles of TD professionals, 493

sustainability of, 773–787

in TD initiatives, 482–483

diversity climate, 777–778

doctorates, 101–103

doctor role, of consultant, 592

documentation, 621–623, 638–639

document reviews, 484–485

drama beats, of story, 276–278

Drucker, Peter, 800

dry runs, of presentations, 451

Dump and Clump strategy, 463

Dupont Sustainable Solutions, 766

Dweck, Carol, 678–679

dysfunctional teams, 626–629


ease of use, in user experience, 202

Eddy, David, 654, 660

editing videos, 265–266

educational psychology, 19–20

effective teams, 619–626

Eisner, Elliot, 320

e-learning, 25–26, 242, 247–249, 314

e-learning tools, 363–383

asset and file management, 383

authoring, 364–377

hosting and tracking, 383

interaction, 377–379

media, 379–380

project management, 382

prototyping, 382

for quality assurance/reviews, 382–383

storyboarding, 381–382

elevator speech, 464–466

emerging technologies, 835–845

emotional agility, 814

emotional component, of adult learning, 37–38

emotional intelligence (EQ), 86, 143–156

empathy, 315, 449

empathy mapping, 207

employee–employer relationship, 561–563

employee orientation, 217–218, 699

employee outcomes, people analytics and, 849–850

employee ownership of career development, 561–573, 742

Energizers, in CORE model, 44–45

energy level, facilitative trainers’, 459

engaged leadership, 752–756

engagement, in Kirkpatrick model, 288. See also learner engagement

Engstrom, Craig, 98, 104

enjoyment, 202, 684

enterprise goals, 717–718

entrepreneurial mindset, 563–564

entry requirements, professional, 97

environmental analysis, 190

envisioner mindset, 80

equipment, video, 259, 263–264

equity, 136–138, 480, 481, 519. See also diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts

ethical behavior, 86, 131–141

evaluation, 305–306, 338, 353, 597, 671–672, 709

evidence collection, 193–194

excellence, aspiring to, 679–680

exclusionary phrases, 488–489

executives. See also senior leaders

buy-in from, 469–476, 583–584, 753

communication with, 469–476

expectations of, 68–71

impact and ROI results for, 303–304

involving, in development, 655

partnerships with, 791–797

sponsorship by, 583–584, 653

expectations, 68–71, 191, 386–387, 626, 723

experience layer, technology ecosystem, 524–525

experiential learning and development, 744–745, 767

experimentation, 506, 530

expertise, 324–325

expert role, for consultant, 592

extended reality (XR), 840

external consultants, 588–591. See also solo consultant practice

extreme close-up shot, 262

eye contact, 450

eye-level angle, 262


facilitation, 87, 245, 444–445, 450–451

facilitative trainers, 455–466

facilitator guides, 447–448

facilitator role, 47

factory schools, 17

fade transitions, 265

failure, 481–482, 767

fashion industry, 220

feasibility, 305

feedback, 111, 153, 155, 243, 451–452, 492, 506, 516–517, 541, 597, 682, 683

field technicians, 836

field trips, 44

file management tools, 383

financial assistance, for credentialing, 105

financial goals, of company, 692

financial impact, 69–70

financial performance, 780, 781

first-time leaders, 8–9

Five Fundamentals of Learning Leadership, 676–686

Five Moments of Learning Need, 226–227, 332

five-step process for developing TD structure, 667–672

fixed approach to learning, 505

fixed mindset, 122–128, 678–679

flexibility, 328, 570, 764, 802, 808, 809

“flipping the classroom,” 329–330

focused specialty competencies, 832

focus groups, 484

following through, 306, 541, 659–660

forced-choice questions, 474–475

formal learning touchpoint, 231, 232

4D Branding Model, 566

four corners (activity), 44

Four Levels of Training Evaluation. See Kirkpatrick Model

framing learning conversations, 445–447

free authoring tools, 365–366

functional competencies, 832

future readiness, 89, 795–797


Gagné, Robert Mills, 22

gallery walk (activity), 44

game playing, 219

gamification, 249, 379

general learners, 40, 162–163

general onboarding, 700, 705–706

generationally-diverse teams, 830–831

get one, give one (activity), 41

Global Competencies Index (GCI), 485

global mindset, 414–415

goal owner expectations, 723

goals, 108, 110–111, 275–277, 486–487, 528, 646–647, 717–719

Golden Rule, 135

Goodman, Frederick, 322–325

Google, 9–10, 767

Google Docs, 381

Google Slides, 381

Gottfredson, Conrad, 332

governance, 526–527

graphics, 264, 380

gratitude practices, 764

group learning, in breakthrough moments, 9, 10

growth, 98, 808

growth mindset, 119–128, 678–679, 752–753

Guetzkow, Harold, 321

guilds, 16

gun mics, 264


handheld recording devices, 264

hands-on experience, 243

Hanson, Merle, 565

Hargadon, Andy, 564

Harter, J., 811

health-related workplace disruptions, 316

Heider, Fritz, 272–273

heritage events, 494

Hermann-Nehdi, Ann, 571


introduction of, 275–277

learner as, 276–280

high-angle shot, 262

high-five review, 41

high-performance-workplace practices, 802, 806–809

high-potential programs, 558, 655–656

hiring, 645–646

Hoffer, Eric, 810

Hoitt, Rob, 100, 103

Holler, Drew, 820

home-based work. See remote working

horizontal development, 125, 127–128

hormonal response to storytelling, 274–275

hosting tools, for e-learning, 383

HR Certification Institute (HRCI), 110

human-centered design, 200–201, 322–323. See also design thinking

human lineup (activity), 45

human performance improvement (HPI), 21

human performance systems, 188–190

human resource development (HRD), 25

human resources training, 493

human scramble (activity), 45

hybrid programs and environments, 268, 314, 598–599


icebreakers, 165

Ideas-Driven Growth, 610

IEEI format, 459–461

illustrations, 374

immediate learning touchpoint, 231, 232

immediate supervisors, 582

impact. See also organizational impact

business, 671, 803–805, 855

discussing, with management, 695

for facilitative trainers, 459–461

learning science on, 58–60

of people analytics, 849–850

positive, of program, 305–308

and ROI determination, 302

of technology providers, 526

Impacting Organizational Capability domain, 88–89, 664


aligning, 192

of Behavior (Level 3), 289–290

in consulting process, 597

of Learning (Level 2), 289

of learning technology ecosystem, 528–529

of people analytics, 850–855

of Reaction (Level 1), 288

of Results (Level 4), 293–294

inclusion, 86, 136–138, 342, 345–346, 480, 481, 490, 757–758. See also diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts

independent wealth mindset, 613–614

indirect costs of L&D, 134

individual assessment, of DEI efforts, 485

individual interviews, 484

individual learning, in breakthrough moments, 9, 10

individual use of Capability Model, 90–91

inductive analysis, 195

industries, inspiration from other, 220–221

industry meetings, 694

inferential statistics, 195

influence, 281–282, 415–416, 492, 690–691, 694–695

informal learning, 27

information phase, of consulting process, 597

informative learners, 40, 162

initiation, of TD effort, 423–437

initiative, for consultants, 595

innovation, 492, 530, 765–767, 837

innovative design, 211–221

in-person learning, 345, 389

inquirer mindset, 80

inquiry skills, 541

insight, 243, 837

inspiration, 220–221, 457–458

installed authoring tools, 375

instructional design, 61, 87, 345–348, 351–355

instructional design models, 168

instructional design theories, 168

instructional goals, 333

instructional systems design (ISD), 18, 26, 167–183, 640

instructional systems development model, 168–169

instructor-led training

as delivery modality, 242–244

online, 242, 244, 246–247

participant-centered method for, 38–40

instructors, 414, 489

intangible benefits, 308

integration of learning, 246

integration strategy, technology, 527–528

integrity, 417

intellectual capital, 604–605

intelligence quotient (IQ), 145

intentional practice, 57–58

interaction tools, 377–379

Interactive Communications and Simulations (ICS) group, 322–325

interactive design, 372–374, 386–389

interactive exercises, 248, 387–388

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), 485

interleaving instruction, 57

internal consultants, 513, 539, 587–601, 735

International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction (ibstpi), 110

International Coaching Federation (ICF), 100

internships, 556

interpersonal skills training, 491–492

Interservice Procedures for Instructional Systems Development (IPISD) model, 170–173

interviews, 484

interview-style videos, 260–261

Ismaili, Vedran, 698

isolation, on teams, 627–628

iterations, 219, 530


job aids, 220

job equality, 820–821

Job Instructor Training (JIT) program, 18

job rotation assignment, 570

journaling, 41


Kempczinski, Chris, 815

Kemp model, 178–180

key concepts, sharing, 41

key message, of presentation, 472–473

key roles, 551

key takeaways, for executives, 470–471

Killian, Annalie, 571

kinetic graphics, 264

Kipling, Rudyard, 501

Kirkpatrick, Donald, 286, 297

Kirkpatrick Foundational Principles, 294–296

Kirkpatrick Model (Four Levels of Training Evaluation), 19, 285–297, 671

knowledge, in Kirkpatrick model, 289

knowledge-based objectives, 336

knowledge management, 87, 516, 743–744

Knowles, Malcolm, 24

Kriegel, Jessica, 572


labs, 244

lapel mics, 264

Launch step, in TD structure development, 670

launch strategy, 427–428

layered architecture, for technology ecosystem, 522–525

L&D Oath of Ethics, 131–141

leaders, 92, 582, 685–686, 694–695. See also executives


of agile organizations, 815–818

in Capability Model, 86

design thinking for, 71–72

and diversity climate, 777–778

leading by example, 139–140

leading with courage, 419–420

in learning culture, 752–756

modeling, 645–650

leadership development

in Capability Model, 87

DEI topics in, 492–493

equity and inclusion in, 137

Five Fundamentals model, 676–686

in learning cultures, 753–754

for line managers, 655–659

as self-development, 685

in strategic workforce planning, 558

leadership potential, 676–678

Leadership Practices Inventory, 676–677

leadership skills, transferabilty of, 568–569

leadership transitions, 4–6

leading indicators, Kirkpatrick model, 292–293

Lean principles, 501

Learn, in LCD model, 229

learner assessments, 216

learner-centered mindset, 58

learner characteristics, 241, 314–315

learner data, collecting, 433

learner engagement, 387–388, 390–396, 449–450, 458, 459, 461–463

learner personas, 207, 230, 519–520, 523, 525

learner roles, in story-minded programs, 276–280

learning. See also lifelong learning

as core value, 752–753

curators of, 314–315

custodians of, 72–73

defining, 53–54

for developmental managers, 536

focus areas of, 505

growth mindset and, 120–121

as job, 741–742

in Kirkpatrick models, 286

making time for, 567

nine elements of, 227

push training vs., 332

removing barriers to, 138–139

steps in, 54–58

work-based, 497–507

learning activity preferences, 163

learning agility, 764–765

Learning and Development Capability Framework, 109–110

Learning and Development (L&D) function

and corporate vision, 651–660

DEI in activities of, 493–494

drivers of evolution for, 225

learning science applications for, 60

Oath of Ethics for, 131–141

onboarding as responsibility of, 698

project management by, 632–633

strategic plans for, 406–407

tailoring, to organization, 652

learning and development model for change management, 831–832

Learning and Performance Institute Capability Map, 109

Learning Cluster Design model, 228–229

learning conversation, 441–443, 445–450

learning culture, 424–425, 749–768

learning data, in ROI Model, 306

learning data strategy, 359–360

learning ecosystem mindset, 59

learning environments, 344–345, 489–491

learning experience design (LXD), 202–208, 319–325, 521–522

learning journey, 204–205, 207–208, 276–281

learning management systems (LMS), 376, 494, 733

learning materials, curating, 113

learning mindset, 802, 810

learning objectives, 331, 346, 353

learning organizations, 26

learning plans, designing, 108, 112–114

learning preferences, 39–40, 161–163, 751

learning programs, impact from, 305–308

learning purpose preferences, 161–162

learning resources, 113–114, 732–733

learning science, 51–62, 87

learning skill, 108, 115–116

learning solutions, 434–436

learning strategy success factors, 71–73

learning structure, preferences in, 162–163

learning team capabilities, 72

learning technology ecosystem, 515–531

benefits of developing, 517–519

building a right-fit, 519–530

and digital learning mindset, 516–517

governance process for, 526–527

implementation process for, 528–529

integration strategy for, 527–528

iteration and experimentation with, 530

keeping pace with innovation in, 530

layered architecture for, 522–525

learner personas for, 519–520

learning experience design for, 521–522

measurement strategy for, 529

organizational priorities for, 520–521

technology providers for, 525–526

learning touchpoints, 230–232

learning transfer, 250, 351–361, 506–507

learning transfer strategy, 359–360

Learn stage, of learning journey, 205

leave-behind documents, 476

Lectora, 368, 369

lectures, 244

legacy of leader, 685–686

legality mindset on accessibility, 343–344

lessons-learned reviews, 761

L.I.F.E. paradigm, 686

lifelong learning, 86, 107–117, 511, 684

line managers, 655–659

listening, 274–275, 473, 541, 694

live events, in blended learning, 336–337

location-defined teams, 619

location scouting, for videos, 264–265

logical thought perspective, 829

long-term memory, 54

long-term strategy, 425–426, 486–493

low-angle shot, 262

low-performing teams, 628–629


machine learning, 314, 831, 843–844

Mager, Robert F., 21

Make Me Feel Good About Me (MMFG-AM), 37–38

management development programs, 492–493, 558

manage phase, in Dare approach, 636

managers, 91–92, 533–544, 582, 655–659, 692, 756

marketing, 220, 607–608, 852–853

Market leadership phase, 612–613

Market penetration phase, 612–613

master’s degree, 101

mastery, 55, 57–58, 109, 116–117, 331–332, 335–336

matching activity, 45

maturity models, 768, 786

McDonald’s, 815

McKeachie, Wilbert, 320–322

meaningful improvements, 132–134

meaning making, 122

measurement, defined, 709

measurement strategy, technology, 529

Medhat, Aya, 99, 103–104

media options, authoring tool, 374–375

media skills, 257–269, 733

media tools, e-learning, 379–380

medium shot, 262

medium-sized companies, 837

meetings, 494, 541, 648–650, 694, 806

Me Learning, 667, 669–670

memory, 55–57, 273–275

mentees, benefits for, 581

mentor, role of, 47

mentoring programs, 577–586

potential participants in, 579–584

purpose of, 578–579

tracking results of, 584–585

mentors, 276–280, 581

mentorship programs, 252–253, 694

metacompetence, 498, 810

metrics, 430, 709–710, 794–795

microlearning, 249

micromanagement, 628

microphones, 263–264

Microsoft PowerPoint, 374–376, 378, 381

Microsoft Word, 381

microteaching, 267–268

middle managers, 582

mid shot, 262

mindfulness programs, 764

mindset. See also specific mindsets

about career, 563–564

about development, 538–540

on accessibility, 342–344

assessing your current, 124

of change agents, 407–408

of facilitative trainers, 457–459

functions of, 121–122

learning science on, 58–60

of TD professionals, 79–82

mirror race (activity), 45

mixed reality (MR), 840

mnemonics, 45

mobile devices, 248, 249, 767, 806

mobile learning (m-learning), 248, 249

modeling leadership, 645–650

modernizing learning assets, 234

modern learners, 223–236

characteristics of, 224–226

delivery preferences of, 233–236

Five Moments of Learning Need for, 226–227

LCD model, 228–229

meeting needs of, 767

needs of businesses and, 229–236

nine elements of learning for, 227

personalized training for, 229–231

up-to-date content for, 231–233

modern teams, 618–619

modular talent development, 742–743

Moments of Care module, 796

monetary value, 307

monitoring, of performance, 554–555, 784–786, 854

monologues, in presentations, 473

mood, 155

Morrison, Ross, and Kemp (MRK) model, 178–180

Mosher, Bob, 332

motivating stories, 280

motivation, 115, 280–282, 502–506, 679–680, 736–737

motivators, on empathy maps, 207

multipath development, 658–659

Multi-Store Model of Memory, 53–54

museum exhibits, 219

music, in videos, 266


Nadella, Satya, 800

narrowing in on solutions, 218

needs assessments and analysis, 187–196, 229–236, 333–334, 727–728

network finder and minder mindset, 82

networks and networking, 530, 569–570, 606–607, 758–759, 808

neural pathway, for emotional intelligence, 145–147

neuroscience, 36–37, 220–221

new leaders, assessment for, 6–7

newsletters, 494

New World Kirkpatrick Model, 287–293

Next Chapter platform, 820

next steps recommendations, 476

9 Questions to Determine Suitability for Remote Work, 703

nine elements of learning, 227

nine events of instruction, 23

90/20/8(4) rule, 164

90-day plan, 426–427

Notice stage, of learning journey, 204

nudges, for learners, 315


oath of ethics, 131–141

obstacles, sizing up, 275–277

occupations, professions vs., 96–98

off-site meetings, 494

OhioHealth, 759–760

onboarding, 556, 584–585, 697–711, 726–730

Onboarding Communications Status Tool, 704

on-demand learning, 767

one-on-one coaching and training, 252, 648–650

one-person TD department, 725–737

one platform fallacy, 517

one-time purchase agreements, for authoring tools, 366

one word whip (activity), 42

online learning resources, DEI in, 494

on-the-job training and learning, 14, 291

openers (opening activities), 42–43, 165, 387

operable web content, 342–343

Opportunistic Growth, 609

opportunities assessment, 187–196

optimization, technology, 528

opt-in organizations, 808

orderly conversations, 441–443

organizational capability, 88–89, 664, 734

organizational culture. See also learning culture

at agile organizations, 814–818

attracting talent with, 816

organizational culture (continued)

in Capability Model, 88

DEI as part of, 774–777

developmental, 536–537

future of TD function and, 745

of learning, 424–425, 749–768

of lifelong learning, 511

and organizational design, 802, 806

people analytics to change, 852

organizational design (OD), 799–811

organizational development, 20, 88

organizational environment, consultants’, 594

organizational growth, DEI for, 480–482

organizational health and performance data, 433

organizational impact, 715–724

demonstrating results, 720–723

isolating, 723–724

of onboarding programs, 709–710

reporting, 795

and return on investment, 301–308

and ROI, 723–724

strategic alignment for, 716–720

of technology, 766

organizational needs assessment, 727

organizational performance, 101, 481

organizational priorities, 429, 520–521, 668, 717–718

organizational resilience, 762–765, 800–802, 809

organizational strategy, 429, 551, 692. See also strategic alignment


benefits of mentoring for, 583

Capability Model for use by, 92

learning science applications for, 61

organized thought perspective, 829

organizing, in project management, 635

orientation, employee, 217–218, 699

Osman, Hassan, 572

outcome, realizing, 275, 276, 278–279

outside contacts, 694

overall competencies, 832


of career development, 561–573, 742

of learning transfer, 352, 356

of organizational culture, 745

of people analytics implementation, 854

total cost of, 526

O WOW format, for elevator speech, 465

oxytocin, 274



of change, 404–405

of learning, 9, 10, 248

pain points, 207

pair of hands role, for consultant, 592

Pareto Optimality (Pareto Efficiency), 303

participant-centered method, 38–40

participative learners, 40, 163


in Capability Model, 88

between consultants, 590–591

with developmental managers, 534

with executives, 791–797

Kirkpatrick Principle on, 295

learning strategies for, 73

in TD department of one, 735

passive attitude, 408

pausing, in presentations, 450

payback period (PP), 301

Pay-Your-Age-Day promotion, 637

peer-learning networks, 758–759

peer-mentoring, 543, 582

people analytics, 847–856

people development, 652–660

perceivable web content, 342


improving, 89, 805

in learning cultures, 759–760

team, 623, 628–629

performance consultants, 593

performance management, 493, 535, 557, 649, 755

performance needs, 331–332

performance objectives, 234, 235, 334, 486, 853

performance planning, 646–647

performance reviews, 648–649

performance support, 241, 242, 250–251, 516, 756

“permanent beta mode” for career, 564

Perry-Knights, Shermaine, 102, 104

persona-based ecosystem design, 523

personal balance, 808

personal branding, 564–566

personal capabilities, 86–87, 664, 734

personal development, 102–103, 568, 654–655

personality, 144–145

personalized learning, 9, 10, 229–231, 518–519, 767, 844

personalized support, 242, 251–253

personal learning plan, 734

personal presence, 471–472

personal responsibility, 288, 418

personas, learner, 207, 230, 519–520, 523, 525

perspective taking, 323

phased approach to implementation, 528

Philips, Jack J., 300

photos, 374

PHR certification, 100

physical access, 347–348

Piaget’s model of development, 21

piece to camera (PTC) videos, 260

pilot testing, 208, 218–219

Pinocchio (film), 277

planned impact, 717–719

planning phase

in Dare approach, 636

in project management, 635

in strategic workforce planning, 553–555

of video making, 261–263

planning skill, 115

PMP certification, 100

podcasts, 267, 494

point-of-need training, 832

policy reviews, 484–485

polish, in presentations, 471–472

polls, 42, 393–394

pop-ups, 42

positive training approach, 491

post-project reviews, 641

POUR approach to accessibility, 341–342

practical learners, 40, 162


deliberate, 58, 683–684

to develop EQ, 152

digital learning mindset about, 517

in ILPC method, 39

in learning science, 56–57

with shifting mindsets, 126

Practice Growth Matrix, 609–610

practice growth model, 604–610, 612–613

praise, 647

pre-active attitude, 408

pre-onboarding, 700, 705

presence, in presentations, 471–472

presentations, 215–217, 472–473

prior experience or knowledge, 39, 396

priorities, organizational, 429, 520–521, 668, 717–718

Prioritize step, in developing TD structure, 668–669

private practice, credentialing for, 103

proactive attitude, 408

proactive goal alignment, 717–719

problem definition, 218

process, defined, 633

process consultants, 592

procuring assets, for TD efforts, 432–433

productivity improvements, 804–805

profession, of talent development, 96–98

professional capabilities, 87–88, 664, 734

professional doctorate, 102–103

professional excellence, 108–110

professional gatherings, 114

professional learner mindset, 59–60

professional organizations, 97, 737

program alignment, in ROI Model, 305

program costs, in ROI Model, 308

program effects, in ROI Model, 307

program interest, in Kirkpatrick model, 288

programmed instruction, 21

programming code, for e-learning, 365

program value, 37

Progress Review Forms, 359

project, defined, 633

project charters, 635–636

project management, 86, 137–138, 382, 493, 631–642, 732

project manager, defined, 634

project objectives, 434–435, 639

Project Outreach, 320–322

project schedule, 636, 640

project selection, in TD department of one, 731–732

project sponsor, defined, 634

proposed L&D Oath of Ethics, 131–141

prototyping, 208, 323–324, 382

psychological safety, 767, 809, 822

published output, of authoring tools, 371

pull approach to learning, 332, 796

pulse checker mindset, 81

purpose, 424–425, 623, 807

purpose-driven organizations, 599–600

push training, 332


qualitative data, 193, 195, 553

quality assurance, 382–383

quantitative data, 193–195, 552

question features, of authoring tools, 370


asking, 393, 474, 829–830

from executive leadership, 474–475

quizzing, 370, 379


rapid prototyping, 323–324

Raptivity, 379

rarely-used skills, 250

reach, in RISSCI methodology, 836

Reaction (Level 1), in Kirkpatrick models, 286

reaction data, in ROI Model, 306

reactive alignment, 719–720

reactive attitude, 408

recognition, 735, 737, 808

recruitment, for mentoring programs, 580–582

redirection, 648

references, of technology providers, 526

reflection, 114, 205, 355–356, 483–484, 536

reflective learners, 40, 163

reframing forced-choice questions, 474–475

reinforcement, 517

relationship-based trust, 620

relationship building, 541, 569–570, 693–694

Relationship-Driven Growth, 609–610

relationship management skills, 148–149, 155

relationship thought perspective, 829

relevance, 193, 288, 484–486

reliability, data, 193

remembering step, in learning, 55–57

remote working, 314, 405, 701–703, 757, 831

repetition, 205

required drivers, Kirkpatrick model, 290–291

research mindset, 58–59

resilience, 420–421, 653, 681, 762–765, 800–802, 809

reskilling, 29–30, 70–71, 112, 511, 556–557, 760–761, 818–820

resolution beats, of story, 276, 278–279

resource consumption, 132–134

resourcefulness, 115, 595

resource management, 302–303

responsibility, personal, 288, 418


aligning, 191–192

baseline comparison of, 721–722

demonstrating, 720–723

in Kirkpatrick models, 286

Kirkpatrick Principle on, 294

presenting early, 434–436

tracking, 584–585

results-based accountability, 802–805

results-driven training, 161–165, 521

results optimization, in ROI Model, 307, 308

results orientation, in culture, 759–761

results planning, in ROI Model, 305

retention, of blended learning, 328

retrieval practice, 57

return on expectations (ROE), 294–295

return on investment (ROI), 299–309

benefit-cost ratio vs., 301

in business case, 430

communicating, 470, 695, 795

defined, 300–301

for DEI efforts, 782

ensuring delivery of, 305–308

and organizational impact, 723–724

organizational importance of, 301–304

for people analytics, 853–854

question answered by, 303

target, 301

for TD function, 671

reusing materials, 232

review features, of e-learning tools, 382–383

review phase, in Dare approach, 636–637

Re-vision step, in TD structure development, 669–670

Revisiters, in CORE model, 43–44

right-fit learning technology ecosystems, 519–530

risk management, 637–638

RISSCI methodology, 836–837

road maps, technology provider, 526

robotics, 314

robust web content, 343

ROI Institute, 304, 782

ROI Methodology Process Model, 305–308

role(s) of TD professionals, xiv

in adult learning, 46–47

as catalysts for learning, 72–73

and corporate vision, 651–660

DEI skills and, 493

and developmental managers, 537–540

as internal consultants, 591–594

planning beyond current, 511–514

in story-minded programs, 276–280

in strategic workforce planning, 555–558

in TD department of one, 730–733, 736

role-specific onboarding, 700, 706

roll-out plans, 234

Ruffy, Eleonore, 815–816



psychological, 767, 809, 822

in RISSCI methodology, 837

sales skills, of consultants, 607–608

Sander, Dawn, 415–416

Santhanam, Janardhan, 818–819

savviness, of consultants, 595

scaffolding, 356

scalability, 507, 518, 837

schedules and scheduling, 390, 567, 636, 640, 726

schemata, 54

scholarly doctorates, 102

science, defined, 52–53

scope of project, documenting, 638–639

SCORM standard, 371

screen capture videos, 261, 378

screen simulations, 375

script writing, for videos, 266

security, of technology providers, 526

self-awareness skills, 147–148, 153, 540

self-development, 685

self-directed learning, 115–116, 570

self-efficacy, 115

self-engineering, 314

self-governing teams, 809

self-management skills, 148, 153–154, 608

self-organizing teams, 504

self-paced learning, 336, 364

self-protection, fixed mindset for, 124–125

self-sourcing content, 233

self-study, 252

self-talk, 154

senior leaders, 582, 694–695. See also executives

sensitivity training, 23

sensory register, 54

sentence length, in videos, 266

serendipity, 808

set-up beats, of story, 276, 277

Seven Transformative Story Beats, 275–280

70-20-10 framework, 499–500

shared conversation, 393–394

shared values, 304

shotgun mics, 264

shots, camera, 261–262

SHRM-CP certification, 100

SHRM-SCP certification, 100

side hustles, 571–572

siloed strategic workforce planning, 550

Simmel, Marianne, 272–273

Simmons, Michael, 567

simple personalization, 229–230

simulations, 375, 378, 655

single data point risk, 584

single source of truth (SSoT) approach, 622

sit-stand activity, 42, 45

Six Bs framework, 553–554

Skelia, 817

skills and skilling

business need for, 70–71

complexity of skills, 9, 10

for developmental managers, 540–541

digital learning mindset about, 516, 517

in Kirkpatrick model, 289

learning team skills, 72

SkillsFuture program, 821

skill stacking, 111

Skinner, B.F., 18

slide design, presentation, 388, 448–449

slide notes, 447–448

small companies, 837

SmartBuilder, 378

social awareness skills, 148, 154–155

social component of adult learning, 37–38, 45–46

social engagement, 246, 388

social learning, 27–29, 113, 231, 232, 767

social media, 269

social presence, in virtual training, 390–392

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 110, 778

sociotechnical-systems theory, 22–23

software training, e-learning for, 378

solo consultant practice, 603–614

solutions, aligning, 192

“so what,” of communication, 470

spacing effect, 57, 246, 328, 485–486

speaker, role of, 46

specific learners, 40, 162–163

speed, learning, 518, 764

SPHR certification, 100

sponsorship, 583–584, 634, 653

spot learning plans, 112

stakeholders, 67–68, 73, 294–295, 304, 634, 638, 639

Startup phase, for solo practice, 612–613

storyboards and storyboarding, 261, 381–382

story-minded training programs, 271–283, 323, 394–395

strategic alignment

and impact, 716–720

in learning cultures, 759

in organizational design, 802, 805–806

in partnerships, 793–794

of people analytics, 850

in systems-oriented framework, 190–192

of TD and organization, 663, 693

strategic imperative, for change, 827–828

strategic integration of digital ecosystem, 527–528

strategic objectives, 234, 235, 424–425

strategic performance objective (SPO), 234, 235

strategic planning

embedding DEI in retreats for, 494

of TD efforts, 425–428

by TD professionals, 406–407

workforce, 511, 547–559

strategy (generally)

developing, to maximize transfer, 357–359

executing, in learning culture, 761

people analytics to enhance, 848, 849

purpose of, 848

strategy blueprint, 206–207

strengths-based training, 111, 657–658

subject matter experts (SMEs), 432, 439–453, 530, 730–731

subscription-based e-learning authoring tools, 366

Successive Approximation Model (SAM), 180–183

suites of authoring tools, 376

summaries, 476, 694–695

supply and demand assessment, 553

support, 291, 526, 538, 681–683, 732–733, 736

support materials, 639–640

Surround, in LCD model, 229

surveys, 484, 723, 785

Sustainability phase, for solo practice, 612–613

sustainable change, 659–660

sustainable diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts, 773–787

sustainable organizations, DEI at, 480–482

sustainable practices, defined, 775

Sustain Over Time stage, of learning journey, 205

synergistic delivery style, 392

systematic training, 17–19

Systems Approach Model, 176–178

systems-oriented framework for assessing needs and opportunities, 187–196


taking a stand, with executives, 473, 475

talent continuum mindset, 59

Talent Development Body of Knowledge (TD BoK), xiv, xvii, 96

Talent Development Capability Model (Capability Model), xiv, xvii, 83–93, 109, 664–666

talent development cohorts, 543

talent development field

contributing to, 102

evolution of, xiv, 13–31

future trends in, 313–317, 741–746

relevance of, 101

Talent Development Framework, 664–666, 672

Talent Development function

agility of, 745–746

DEI within, 483–484

as department of one, 725–737

learning science on impact of, 58–60

ownership of culture by, 745

strategic alignment of, 693

talent development initiatives

demonstrating results of, 720–723

initiating, 423–437

integrating DEI in, 482–483

reactive alignment for, 719–720

talent development leaders, global mindset for, 414

talent development (TD) professionals. See also specific topics

essential skills for, 411–421

growth vs. development for, 98

learning science on, 60–61

mindsets of, 79–82

Talent Development Reporting principles (TDRp), 26–27

talent development structure, 663–672

talent gaps, strategies to close, 553–554

talent management, 27–28, 88

talent optimization, 803–804

talent strategy, in Capability Model, 88

Talent Wheel, 784

talking head-style videos, 260

Target, 776–777

target audience, video, 259

target performance, delivery based on, 241–242

task, defined, 633

task analysis, 189–190

task-based trust, 620

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), 818–819

teams, 617–629

Capability Model for use by, 91–92

DEI in training for, 492

dysfunctional, 626–629

effective, 619–626

for initiating TD effort, 430–432

modern, 618–619

teamwork, 512

technical detail, in presentations, 473

technical integration of digital ecosystem, 527–528


applying, in Capability Model, 87

for blended learning, 335

in business environment, 66–67

and future of talent development, 314

generational differences in use of, 830

in learning cultures, 766

learning technology ecosystem, 515–531

for onboarding, 707–709

and partnerships with executives, 796

for personalized support, 253

for strategic workforce planning, 555

in successful learning strategies, 73

technology providers, 525–526

TechSmith Camtasia, 378, 380

TechSmith SnagIt, 378, 380

TED Talks, 543

testing, of technology ecosystem, 528

themed presentations, 215–217

thought leadership, 102

360-degree multirater feedback, 654, 657–659

toe touch review, 41

tone, of video script, 266

tools, considering (story beat), 275, 276, 278

TopGear platform, 751

top 10 list (activity), 45

Torres, Patricia, 101, 103

total cost of ownership, 526

touchpoints, 538, 808

Track, in LCD model, 229

tracking tools, e-learning, 383

trade schools, 16

trainer role, 46, 61, 443–444, 455–466

training. See also specific types

modeling leadership in, 646–649

pull learning vs., 332

in TD department of one, 735

work-based learning vs., 500

Training Arcade, 379

training development, defined, 24

training directors, 19

transactional roles, 551

transfer, of learning, 250, 351–361, 506–507

transferable skills, 568–571

transition strategies phase of consulting, 597

translation capabilities, authoring tool, 372

trend analysis, 111

triple bottom line, 775

tripod, 263

trust, 593, 596, 620–621, 744

Turning Learning Into Action (TLA) model, 357–358


Uhl, Trish, 359

UL, 758–759

Ulrich, Dave, 801

understandable web content, 343

understanding step, in learning, 54–56

unexpected materials, 214

universal accessibility, 138–139

University of Michigan–Ann Arbor, 320–325

updated materials, 250

update infrastructure, 232–233

Upgrade, in LCD model, 229

upskilling, 29–30, 70–71, 112, 511, 556–557, 760–761, 818–820

up-to-date content, 231–233

US Access Board, 343–344

user-driven learning, 767

user experience, 202–203, 322

utilitarianism, 133


validity, data, 193

Value, Flow, Quality (VFQ) program, 502, 506

value, user experience and, 202

value chain, 67

value creation, 295–296, 564–565

value definition, 506

value delivery, 506

value proposition, 595, 607

values modeling, 420

Vandesande, Olivia, 817

Vermueulen, André, 821

vertical development, 125–126

vestibule training, 17

video(s), 258–266, 374, 380, 543, 840–841

virtual instructor-led training (vILT), 244, 247, 268

virtual presence, 390–392

virtual reality (VR), 398, 838–840

VirtualStory workshop, 282

virtual teams, 618–619

virtual training, 214–215, 364, 385–398, 451

virtual worlds, 841–842

vision, 517

visual access concerns, learners with, 347

visualization, 506

vocational education and training (VET), 16

voice-overs, in videos, 266

volunteering, 563, 568

Vyond, 380, 381


wall chart list, 45

Walmart, 792–796, 820

warning stories, 280–281

Watson, Russell Wayne, 173–176

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), 344

webinars, 268, 330

Welch, Jack, 651, 652

We Learning, 667, 670

well-being, 763–764

What’s in It for Me (WII-FM), 37, 818

whiteboards, online, 394

wide shot, 261

Wingron, Sharon, 412–413

wipe transitions, 265

Wipro, 751

word choice, in scripts, 266

work assignments, 542

work-based learning, 497–507

work environment, 241, 246

workforce assessment, 552–553

workforce development, 558

workforce readiness, 30

working memory, 54

workshops, 244

wrap-up strategies, 464–466

written communication, for executives, 472


xAPI standard, 371


You Learning, 667, 669

You-Me-We Learning model, 666–672


Zoom, 268, 625

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