
  1. ‘2 and 20’ fee structure
  2. absolute returns
  3. accounting firms
  4. acquisitions of investors
  5. ad-hoc demands, investor relations
  6. administration costs
  7. administrators
  8. advertising restrictions
  9. agriculture
  10. AIM LSE sub-market
  11. air conditioning
  12. Allen, Woody
  13. ‘alpha’ returns to skill
  14. Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD)
  15. Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA)
  16. alternative investments
  17. aluminium
  18. Amaranth Advisors
  19. analytical skills
  20. annual reports
  21. anti-money laundering
  22. appendices
  23. arbitrage
  24. Articles of Association
  25. Asian developing economies
  26. asset allocations
  27. asset classes
  28. asset management
  29. assets under management (AUM)
  30. asymmetrical information
  31. attractiveness of energy commodities
  32. audits
  33. Australia
  34. Austria
  35. A.W. Jones & Co.
  37. back-office functions
  38. backwardation, futures
  39. Bacon, Louis
  40. Bahamas
  41. balance sheets of banks
  42. bankruptcies
  43. banks
  44. Basel III requirements
  45. beginning is half the journey proverb
  46. Belgium
  47. benchmarks, performance issues
  48. Berkshire Hathaway
  49. the big picture, energy commodities
  50. biomass
  51. Bloomberg
  52. boards of directors
  53. bonds
  54. bonuses
  55. bottom-up analysis
  56. brand values
  57. Brazil
  58. break-even points
  59. BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China)
  60. British Virgin Islands
  61. brokers
  62. budgets
  63. Buffet, Warren
  64. business continuity plans (BCPs)
  65. business cycles
  66. business management
  67. business plans
  68. business strategy development
  69. buy outs
  71. cables
  72. California
  73. call options
  74. capital adequacy requirements, banks
  75. capital flows
  76. capital gains
  77. capital sources see fundraising
  78. cash management
  79. cash-flow planning
  80. Caxton Associates
  81. Cayman Islands
  82. certification
  83. Channel Islands
  84. chief financial officers (CFOs)
  85. chief operating officers (COOs)
  86. China
  87. civil law
  88. clearing brokers
  89. clearing houses
  90. clients
  91. climate change
  92. CO2 emissions
  93. coal
  94. coal futures
  95. cocoa
  96. collaborative relationships
  97. collateral
  98. commodities
  99. Commodities Corporation
  100. commodities risk
  101. Commodity Futures Trading ­Commission (CFTC)
  102. common law
  103. common shares
  104. communications
  105. compensation expenses
  106. competitive advantages, ­
  107. complexity issues, energy commodities
  108. compliance
  109. compressors, gas
  110. conferences
  111. confidential explanatory ­memorandum see private placement memorandum
  112. confirmation
  113. conflicts of interest
  114. consistency needs
  115. consultant-based marketing efforts
  116. consumer retail markets
  117. contact details
  118. contango, futures
  119. contingency plans
  120. contingent liabilities
  121. contracts
  122. controls, taxation considerations
  123. convergence trends
  124. convertible arbitrage strategies
  125. cooling water, nuclear power
  126. core competencies
  127. corporate governance
  128. corporate partner pension funds
  129. correlated returns
  130. costs
  131. counterparty/settlement (credit) risk
  132. Covey, Stephen
  133. ‘crack spreads’
  134. credit terms
  135. Cruise, Tom
  136. cultural issues, business plans
  137. currency risk
  138. custodians,
  139. customer friendliness factors, domiciles
  140. CVs
  141. Cyprus
  143. data
  144. databases
  145. deferred futures contracts
  146. Delaware, USA
  147. demand and supply factors
  148. deregulation
  149. derivatives
  150. Deutsche Bank
  151. developing economies
  152. directional trading
  153. directors
  154. distributions
  155. diversification
  156. diversity of market participants
  157. dividends
  158. DJUBS CI
  159. documentation
  160. Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act
  161. domiciles
    1. common-law/civil-law factors
    2. definition
    3. legal/tax-domiciles
  162. drawdowns
  163. due diligence
  164. due diligence questionnaires (DDQs)
  166. early-stage under-one-year funds
  167. economic geography
  168. EDF
  169. the edge
  170. efficiency effects
  171. electricity
    1. see also coal...; gas...; nuclear...; oil...; renewable...
  172. emissions
  173. employees
  174. endowments
  175. energy commodities
    1. see also coal...; electricity...; emissions...; gas...; nuclear...; oil...; renewable...; weather...
    2. attractiveness
    3. checklist
    4. complexity issues
    5. definition
    6. developing economies
    7. fungibility factors
    8. future prospects
    9. logistics
    10. merit order
    11. opportunities
    12. physical characteristics
    13. solvability issues
    14. typical hedge fund strategies
    15. valuations
    16. versatility factors
    17. volatility
  176. energy exchanges
  177. environmental issues
  178. E.ON
  179. equity market indices
  180. ERISA
  181. ethics
  182. ethylene
  183. Europe
  184. European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS)
  185. European Energy Exchange (EEX)
  186. evolution considerations
  187. exchange-listed shares
  188. exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
  189. execution brokers
  190. expenses
  192. failure rates, hedge funds
  193. family offices
  194. FATCA
  195. feasibility testing
  196. feedback loops
  197. feeder funds
  198. fees
  199. fiduciary duties
  200. final thoughts
  201. financial institutions
  202. financial knowledge, basics
  203. financial macroeconomic dynamics
  204. financial resources
  205. financial statements
  206. the firm
  207. forecasts
  208. foreign exchange (FX)
  209. former teams
  210. Fortune
  211. forward foreign currency contracts
  212. forwards
  213. foundations
  214. founding investors
  215. fracking processes
  216. France
  217. fraud
  218. freight
  219. fund capacity preferences, investors
  220. fund management
  221. fund vehicles
  222. fund-of-funds (FoFs)
  223. fundamental analysis
  224. fundraising
  225. fungibility factors, energy commodities
  226. future prospects, energy commodities
  227. futures
    1. see also coal...; gas...; LNG...; oil...
  229. gas
  230. gas futures
  231. gas swaps
  232. gate provisions
  233. GDP statistics
  234. Gecko, Gordon (Wall Street character)
  235. general partners (GPs)
  236. geographies
  237. geothermal power
  238. Germany
  239. gigawatt-hours (GWH)
  240. Glencore
  241. Global Financial Crisis from (GFC)
  242. global investors
  243. globalization growth-driver of the hedge fund industry
  244. gold
  245. Goldman Sachs Asset Management
  246. governance processes
  247. growth-drivers of the hedge fund industry
  248. GSCI
  249. Guernsey
  251. harmonized markets
  252. hedge funds
    1. see also business...; trading...
    2. business valuations
    3. characteristics
    4. definitions
    5. failure rates
    6. future prospects
    7. growth-drivers of the industry
    8. historical background
    9. historical performance
    10. ‘lifecycle’ stages
    11. skill levels
    12. statistics
    13. successful hedge funds
    14. typical hedge fund strategies
  253. hedging
  254. ‘herd effects’
  255. hidden taxes, domicile selections
  256. historical performance
  257. holistic views
  258. Hong Kong
  259. Hostetter, Amos
  260. human capital,
  261. human resource management
  262. Hunter, Brian
  263. hydroelectricity
  265. ICE
  266. idiosyncratic risk
  267. implied volatility, definition
  268. in-house marketing teams
  269. incentive allocations
  270. indemnification terms
  271. India
  272. industrial economies
  273. inflation
  274. information
  275. Information Memorandum
  276. infrastructural issues
  277. Inland Revenue
  278. insolvencies
  279. institutional investors
  280. insurance funds
  281. integrated markets
  282. intellectual capital
  283. interest rates
  284. Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  285. International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA)
  286. Internet
  287. Investment Advisors Act
  288. investment advisors (IAs)
  289. investment advisory agreements
  290. investment banks
  291. Investment Company Act,
  292. investment (macro/long-term) strategy design
  293. investment management agreements
  294. investment management enterprise structure
  295. investment management groups (IMGs)
  296. investment managers (IMs)
  297. investment objectives
  298. investment sub-advisors
  299. investor bases
  300. investor planning and targeting
  301. investor relations
  302. investors
    1. see also fundraising
    2. acquisitions
    3. characteristics
    4. maintenance programmes
    5. requirements
    6. retention efforts
    7. selection criteria
    8. statistics
    9. types
  303. Ireland
  304. IT
  306. Japan
  307. Jersey
  308. Jones, Alfred Winslow
  309. Jones, Paul Tudor
  310. juristic persons
  312. key investment information
  313. key person provisions
  314. Keynes, John Maynard
  315. Knight, Bob
  316. knowledge economies
  317. Korea
  318. Kovner, Bruce
  319. Kyoto protocol
  321. late-stage more-than-one-year funds
  322. Latin American developing economies
  323. lawyers
  324. legal issues
    1. see also regulations
    2. basics for funds
    3. costs
    4. disclaimers
    5. entities
    6. environments
    7. form
    8. information about IMGs
    9. requirements
    10. segregation of assets and side-pocket structures
    11. systems
  325. legal service providers
  326. Leipzig Power Exchange (LPX)
  327. leverage
  328. liability transfers/retentions/­indemnifications
  329. liberalization of commodities markets
  330. licences
  331. ‘lifecycle’ stages of funds
  332. limited companies
  333. limited partners (LPs)
  334. Lincoln, Abraham
  335. liquefied natural gas (LNG)
  336. liquidity
  337. litigation
  338. LNG futures
  339. local biases, service providers
  340. lock-up periods
  341. logistics
  342. London Stock Exchange (LSE)
  343. long-short strategy
  344. Loomis, Carol
  345. Luxembourg
  346. Lynch, Peter
  348. Macau
  349. macroeconomic dynamics
  350. Madoff, Bernie
  351. maintenance programmes, investors
  352. manufacturing industries, developing economies
  353. margin requirements
  354. margin-to-capital ratio
  355. marginal costs, merit order
  356. mark-to-market
  357. market research
  358. market risk
  359. marketing
    1. see also advertising...; in-house...; monthly performance reports...; prime brokers; road shows; ­third-party...; word-of-mouth...
    2. fund-of-funds as channels
    3. tools
  360. markets
  361. Marks, Howard
  362. ‘marriage’ analogy, service providers
  363. master funds
  364. master-feeder fund structures
  365. meetings
  366. Memorandum of Association
  367. mergers
  368. merit order
  369. metals
  370. Microsoft PowerPoint
  371. Middle East
  372. minutes of meetings
  373. MIT
  374. money laundering
  375. money managers
  376. monitoring activities
  377. monopolies
  378. monthly performance reports (‘teasers’)
  379. Moore Capital Management
  380. multi-strategy hedge funds
  381. mutual funds
  383. Nabisco
  384. national biases, regulations
  385. nearby futures contracts
  386. negotiations
  387. net asset values (NAVs)
  388. Netherlands
  389. New York Mercantile Exchange (NYME)
  390. newsletters
  391. non-executive directors (NEDs)
  392. Nordic electricity market
  393. Nordpool Exchange
  394. Norway
  395. nuclear power
  396. numbers of market participants
  397. NYMEX
  399. Oaktree Capital
  400. off-shoot funds
  401. offering prices
  402. office space requirements
  403. offshore/onshore funds
  404. oil
  405. oil futures
  406. operating budgets
  407. operational costs
  408. operational risk
  409. operations
  410. optimization activities
  411. options–,
  412. organizational structures
  413. outsourcing considerations
  414. over-the-counter transactions (OTCs)
  415. ownership details of the investment firm
  417. partnerships
  418. passive beta benchmarks
  419. penalties, regulations
  420. pensions
  421. people see human capital
  422. performance issues
  423. ‘permanent presence’ doctrine
  424. petroleum
  425. PFIC status
  426. physical characteristics of energy commodities
  427. pipelines
  428. Poland
  429. political risk
  430. portfolio building
  431. portfolio management
  432. portfolios
  433. post-launch restructurings
  434. pre-launch funds
  435. prices–,
  436. prime brokers
  437. private equity
  438. private funds, definition
  439. private placement memorandum (PPM),
  440. privatizations
  441. procedures, back-office functions
  442. processes, back-office functions
  443. professional office funds
  444. professionalism factors
  445. psychological pressures
  446. public listings
  447. publications, information sources
  448. put options
  450. quantitative easing (QE)
  452. rail networks
  453. real and financial macroeconomic dynamics
  454. real-time information service providers
  455. record-keeping systems
  456. recruitment
  457. redemptions
  458. refrigeration tankers, LNG
  459. regionality aspects of electricity
  460. registered office service providers
  461. registration requirements, hedge funds
  462. regulations
  463. regulatory arbitrage
  464. regulatory risk
  465. relative returns, concepts
  466. relative value trading
  467. Renaissance Technologies
  468. renewable energy sources
  469. renovating/refitting processes, infrastructural issues
  470. reports
  471. reputations
  472. retail investors
  473. retention efforts, investors
  474. retirement plans
  475. return on equity (RoE)
  476. returns
  477. reviews, business plans
  478. Ricardo, David
  479. ring-fenced assets/investors
  480. risk
  481. risk appetite/tolerance, investors
  482. risk management
  483. risk-adjusted returns
  484. risk/reward ratios
  485. road shows, investors
  486. roundtables, conferences
  487. Rumsfeld, Donald H.
  488. Russia
  489. RWE
  491. Samuelson, Paul
  492. scenario analysis
  493. secondary markets
  494. Securities Act
  495. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  496. securities’ laws
  497. seeding see pre-launch funds
  498. segregated duties
  499. segregated portfolio companies
  500. servers
  501. service industries, developing ­economies
  502. service providers
  503. settlement
  504. ‘sexy’ business plans
  505. Shakespeare, William
  506. shale oil and gas
  508. Sharpe ratio
  509. shell companies
  510. shipping
  511. short positions
  512. short selling
  513. side letters
  514. side-pocket structures
  515. silver
  516. Singapore
  517. single-strategy niche FoFs
  518. site visits
  519. skill levels
  520. skills’ shortages
  521. ‘sniff’ tests
  522. solar power
  523. solvability issues, energy commodities
  524. sophistication levels, investors
  525. Sortino ratio
  526. South Africa
  527. sovereign wealth funds (SWFs)
  528. space heating
  529. Spain
  530. special purpose vehicles (SPVs)-6
  531. speculation
  532. ‘speed dating’ conferences
  533. spread trading strategy
  534. stamp taxes
  535. standard deviations
  536. start-ups
  537. statistical jargon
  538. steel
  539. structural design decisions
  540. structuring tools, taxation challenges
  541. subscriptions
  542. substance and control considerations, taxation
  543. successful hedge funds
  544. supranational service providers
  545. swaps
  546. Sweden
  547. Swenson, David
  548. Switzerland
  549. systems
  551. tankers
  552. taxation
    1. avoidance problems
    2. domiciles
    3. evasion problems
    4. exempt investors
    5. structural design decisions
    6. substance and control considerations
  553. teams
  554. technical analysis
  555. technology
  556. telecommunications
  557. ‘The Ten Commandments’
  558. term structure of forward prices
  559. terms
  560. tests
  561. third-party marketers (TPMs)
  562. third-party risk managers
  563. three Ps (people/processes/procedures)
  564. top-down analysis
  565. trade-offs, taxation domiciles
  566. trading DDQ information
  567. trading energy commodities
  568. trading (micro/short-term)
  569. training needs
  570. transaction costs
  571. transmission issues, electricity
  572. transparency issues
  573. transportation
  574. trust
  575. Tudor Investment Corporation
  577. UK
  578. ultra high-net-worth individuals ­(UHNWIs)
  579. unit trusts
  580. USA
  581. utilities
  583. valuations
  584. Vannerson, Frank
  585. venture capital, concepts
  586. volatility
  587. voting rights
  589. Wall Street (movie)
  590. warehousing
  591. weather dynamics
  592. West Texas Intermediate (WTI)
  593. Weymar, Helmut
  594. wholesale markets
  595. wind power
  596. winding-up powers
  597. word origins, hedge funds
  598. word-of-mouth marketing
  599. workstations
  600. world-class funds
  601. Yale University endowments (‘Yale Model’)
  602. Index compiled by Terry Halliday
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