
  1. ABC
  2. ABS
  3. Accepted Market Practices
  4. Account Information Service
  5. Account Information Services Provider (AISP)
  6. Account Servicing PSPs
  7. accounts receivable
  8. active management
  9. Additional Tier 1 capital (AT1)
  10. adequacy (under GDPR)
  11. Advanced Measurement Approach
  12. advisory business
  13. AFM
  14. AIF
  15. AIFM
  16. AIFMD
  17. AISP
  18. algorithmic management
  19. algorithmic trading
  20. alt–A
  21. Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
  22. Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)
  23. Alternative Investment Fund Manager Directive (AIFMD)
  24. alternative investment
  25. AML
  26. AMLD
  27. angel investor
  28. Annual Percentage Rate (APR)
  29. Annual Percentage Rate of Charge (APRC)
  30. Anti Bribery Corruption (ABC)
  31. Anti Money Laundering (AML)
  32. Anti Money Laundering Directive (AMLD)
  33. APA
  34. Approved Publication Arrangement (APAs)
  35. Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARMs)
  36. APR
  37. APRC
  38. ARM
  39. Asset Backed Security (ABS)
  40. asset finance
  41. Asset Separation Tool
  42. AT1
  43. auctions
  44. auto bank
  45. auto loan
  47. Bail–in Tool
  48. balloon loan
  49. bancassurance
  50. bank transfer
  51. Banking Recovery and Resolution Directive (BRRD)
  52. Basel Committee for Banking Supervision (BCBS)
  53. Basic Indicator Approach (BIA)
  54. BCBS
  55. BIA
  56. bilateral contract
  57. block trade
  58. bond future
  59. bond
  60. breakable deposit
  61. Bridge Institution Tool
  62. broker research
  63. broker/dealer
  64. broker
  65. BRRD
  66. bullet loan
  67. buy–to–let mortgage
  69. call option
  70. capital lease
  71. capital markets
  72. Capital Requirements Directive (CRD)
  73. Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR)
  74. captive advisor
  75. captive company
  76. car insurance
  77. card ABS
  78. card payment
  79. card scheme
  80. cardholder (not) present
  81. cash ETF
  82. CBO
  83. CCP
    1. access by third–country trading venues
    2. default fund
    3. non–discriminatory access to
  84. CDO
  85. central clearing counterparty (central counterparty) (CCP)
    1. access by third–country trading venues
    2. default fund
    3. non–discriminatory access to
  86. certificate
  87. certificate of deposit
  88. CESR
  89. CET1
  90. CFPB
  91. CFTC
  92. cheque
  93. Chinese Wall
  94. CID
  95. CJEU
  96. clearing
  97. clearing house
  98. clearing member
  99. clearing obligation
  100. clearing service
  101. clearing threshold
  102. CLO
  103. closed–ended fund
  104. CMBS
  105. CNB
  106. CNMV
  107. collateralised bond obligation (CBO)
  108. collateralised debt obligation (CDO)
  109. collateralised loan obligation (CLO)
  110. Combat Terrorist Finance (CTF)
  111. Commercial Mortgage Backed Security (CMBS)
  112. Commercial Real–Estate (CRE)
  113. commitment fee
  114. commodity futures market
  115. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
  116. Common Equity Tier 1 capital (CET1)
  117. common funds
  118. competent authorities
  119. conduct supervision
  120. Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS)
  121. conforming mortgage market
  122. consolidated supervision
  123. Consolidated Tape Providers (CTP)
  124. construction finance
  125. consumer contract
  126. Consumer Contracts Directive
  127. consumer credit
  128. Consumer Credit Directive
  129. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
  130. consumer protection
  131. consumer rights
  132. consumers, definition
  133. continuous trading
  134. corporate banking
  135. corporate credit
  136. corporate lending
  137. counterparty credit charge
  138. counterparty credit risk
  139. Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU)
  140. CRAs
  141. credit card loan
  142. credit card receivables
  143. credit derivative
  144. credit exposure
  145. credit guarantee
  146. credit institution
  147. Credit Institutions Directive (CID)
  148. credit insurance
  149. credit intermediary
  150. credit line
  151. credit rating agencies (CRAs)
  152. credit research
  153. credit risk
  154. credit risk mitigation
  155. credit union
  156. Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA)
  157. creditor
  158. cross–border payment
  159. Cross Border Payments Regulation (CBPR)
  160. cross–collateralised business loan
  161. cross–currency payment
  162. CRR
  163. CSBS
  164. CTF
  165. CTP
  166. custodian
  167. custody
  168. customer due diligence measures
  169. CVA
  170. cyber crime
  171. cyber security
  173. dark pool
  174. data accountability
  175. data accuracy
  176. data controller
  177. data integrity and confidentiality
  178. data lawfulness, fairness and transparency
  179. data minimisation
  180. data processor
  181. data protection certification mechanisms
  182. data protection seals and marks
  183. data reporting
  184. data service
  185. data subject
  186. DCM
  187. dealer
  188. debit
  189. debit card
  190. Debt Capital Markets (DCM)
  191. Deposit Guarantee Scheme
  192. Deposit Guarantee Scheme Directive (DGSD)
  193. Depository Service Provider
  194. derivative credit line
  195. derivative
    1. trading
  196. derivatives clearing
  197. derivatives clearing houses
  198. derivatives exchange
  199. derivatives line
  200. derivatives novation
  201. DGSD
  202. direct account access
  203. discretionary managers
  204. Distance Marketing in Financial Services Directive
  205. domestic payment
  207. early intervention phase
  208. early stage investment
  209. early–stage start–up
  210. EBA
  211. ECAI
  212. ECB
  213. ECHR
  214. ECJ
  215. ECM
  216. economic research
  217. EDGAR
  218. EEA
  219. EIOPA
  220. EL
  221. Electronic Money
  222. Electronic Money Directive (EMD)
  223. Electronic Money Institutions
  224. Electronic Money Issuers
  225. eligible counterparty
  226. EMD
  227. EMIR
  228. emission allowances
  229. endorsement
  230. enhanced customer due diligence
  231. equipment loan
  232. equities research
  233. equity brokers
  234. Equity Capital Market (ECM)
  235. equity tranche
  236. equivalence
  237. equivalence regime
  238. ESC
  239. ESIS
  240. ESMA
  241. ESRB
  242. ETF
  243. European agencies
  244. European Banking Authority (EBA)
  245. European Central Bank (ECB)
  246. European Commission
  247. European Court of Human Rights (ECHR)
  248. European Data Protection Board
  249. European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA)
  250. European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)
  251. European Parliament
  252. European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA)
  253. European Securities Committee (ESC)
  254. European Standardised Information Sheet (ESIS)
  255. European system of financing arrangements
  256. European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB)
  257. European Union
    1. Member States
    2. Single Market
  258. exchange–traded securities
  259. exchange–traded derivatives
  260. exchange–traded funds (ETF)
  261. exchanges
  262. expected loss (EL)
  263. External Credit Assessment Institution (ECAI)
  265. factoring
  266. family office
  267. FATF
  268. FCA
  269. FDIC
  270. Fed
  271. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
  272. Federal Insurance Office (FIO)
  273. Federal Reserve System
  274. Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
  275. financial advisory
  276. Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
  277. Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)
  278. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
  279. financial instrument
  280. Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
  281. Financial Policy Committee (FPC)
  282. Financial Stability Board (FSB)
  283. financing
  284. FinCEN
  285. finished goods inventory
  286. FINRA
  287. FIO
  288. FIU
  289. FMA
  290. FoF
  291. forum shopping
  292. four–party scheme
  293. FPC
  294. framework contract
  295. free delivery risk
  296. freedom to provide services
  297. front contract
  298. FSB
  299. Fund of Fund (FoF)
  300. fungible
  302. G20
  303. gambling serice
  304. gated fund
  305. GDPR
  306. General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  307. general investment advice
  308. general purpose lines
  309. general risk
  310. gift card
  311. Globally Systemically Important Banks (G–SIBS)
  312. Globally Systemically Important Financial Institutions (G–SIFIs)
  313. going–concern capital
  314. gone concern capital
  315. Government Financial Stabilisation Tool
  316. G–SIBS
  317. G–SIFIs
  319. health insurance
  320. hedge fund
  321. HELs
  322. HFT
  323. high frequency trading (HFT)
  324. high net worth (HNW)
  325. High Risk Third Country
  326. Highly Leveraged Fund
  327. HNW
  328. Home Equity Loans (HELs)
  329. home insurance
  330. home regulator
  331. host regulator
  333. IAIS
  334. ICAAP
  335. ICSD
  336. IDBs
  337. Identifiable Natural Person
  338. illiquid security
  339. indemnity
  340. independent advisor
  341. independent investment research
  342. index fund
  343. index manager
  344. individual safe deposit
  345. infrastructure lending
  346. initial margin
  347. Initial Public Offering (IPO)
  348. inside information
  349. insider dealing
  350. instalment payment
  351. institution
    1. credit
    2. electronic money
    3. non–credit
  352. Institutions for Occupational Retirement Provision Directive (IORPD)
  353. insurable risk
  354. insurance
  355. insurance advice
  356. insurance broker
  357. insurance premium
  358. insured deposit
  359. inter dealer broker (IDBs)
  360. interest–only loan
  361. interest rate swap
  362. Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP)
  363. Internal Ratings Based Approach (IRBA)
  364. International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)
  365. International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
  366. intra–group transaction
  367. inventories
  368. inventory financing
  369. investible index
  370. investment banking
  371. Investment banking advisory
  372. investment bank
  373. investment certificate
  374. Investment company
  375. investment compartments
  376. investment firm
    1. definition
    2. initial capital requirements of
    3. intermediary, responsibilities of
  377. investment grade bond
  378. investment grade rating
  379. investment research
  380. investor compensation scheme (ICSD)
  381. invoice financing
  382. invoice
  383. IORPD
  384. IOSCO
  385. IPO
  386. IRBA
  387. ISVAP
  388. IT infrastructure provider
  390. Joint Controller
  391. Joint Forum
  392. jumbo market
  393. junk bond
  395. Key Information Document (KID)
  396. Key Investor Information Document (KIID)
  397. Know Your Customer (KYC)
  399. large–corporate credit
  400. large corporation
  401. large exposure
  402. late–stage investment
  403. LCR
  404. leasing
  405. leasing company
  406. leasing contract
  407. ledger
  408. lending
  409. letter of credit (LoC)
  410. leverage ratio
  411. leveraged loan
  412. LGD
  413. life insurance
  414. limit order
  415. Limited Network Instrument
  416. limit
  417. Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR)
  418. liquidity reporting
  419. Liquidity Restoration Plan
  420. liquidity risk
  421. living will
  422. loan documentation
  423. loan servicing
  424. loan
  425. LoC
  426. Loss Given Default (LGD)
  428. M&A
  429. macro–prudential regulation
  430. MAD
  431. management company
  432. margined derivatives
  433. market abuse
  434. Market Abuse Directive (MAD)
  435. Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)
  436. market maker
  437. market manipulation
  438. market orders
  439. market risk
  440. Market Risk Standardised Approach
  441. market sounding
  442. markets
  443. Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID / MIFIR)
  444. Material Non Public Information (MNPI)
  445. maturity date
  446. mergers and acquisitions
  447. mezzanine debt
  448. mezzanine tranche
  449. micro–prudential regulation
  450. micro–prudential supervision
  451. mid–market
    1. lending and credit
  452. MiFID / MiFIR
  453. Minimum Required own funds and Eligible Liabilities (MREL)
  454. MNPI
  455. money laundering
  456. money market fund
  457. money transfer
  458. monoline insurance company
  459. monoline insurers
  460. monthly debit
  461. mortage advice
  462. mortgage
  463. mortgage broker
  464. Mortgage Credit Directive
  465. mortgage loan
  466. mortgage originator
  467. mortgage servicer
  468. most favourable execution
  469. MREL
  470. MSRB
  471. MTF
  472. multi–currency transaction accounts
  473. Multilateral Trading Facility (MTF)
  474. multinational
  475. Multi–Tenant Residential Property
  476. Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB)
  477. municipality
  478. mutual bank
  479. mutual fund
  480. mutualisation of risk
  482. NAIC
  483. NASDAQ
  484. National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)
  485. National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)
  486. National Credit Union Administration (NCUA)
  487. national financing arrangements
  488. National Futures Association (NFA)
  489. national identification numbers
  490. NCUA
  491. NCWO
  492. Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)
  493. NFA
  494. No Creditor Worse Off (NCWO)
  495. non–action–letter
  496. non–conforming market
  497. non–credit institutions
  498. non–recourse
  499. novation
  500. NYDFS
  502. obliged entity
  503. OCC
  504. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC)
  505. ombudsman
  506. online brokerages
  507. open–ended fund
  508. open–ended agreement
  509. operating lease
  510. operational analysis
  511. operational risk
  512. option
  513. organised trading facility (OTF)
  514. originate–to–distribute model
  515. origination
  516. OTC
  517. OTF
  518. out–of–court settlement
  519. out–of–the–money
  520. overdraft facility
  521. over–the–counter (OTC)
  522. own funds
  524. P2P lending
  525. Packaged Retail and Insurance–based Investment Product (PRIIP)
  526. Packaged Retail and Insurance–based Investment Products Regulation (PRIIPR)
  527. passive management
  528. passive segment
  529. passporting
  530. pawnbroker
  531. payday lender
  532. Payment Initiation Service Provider (PISP)
  533. Payment Initiation Service
  534. Payment Institution (PI)
  535. Payment Instrument
  536. Payment Service Provider (PSP)
    1. Account Servicing
  537. Payment Service
  538. Payment Systems Regulator (PSR)
  539. Payments Services Directive (PSD)
    1. PSD2
  540. PD
  541. PE
  542. pecking order of creditors
  543. pension advice
  544. pension
  545. PEP
  546. PI
  547. Pillar 3 disclosure
  548. PISP
  549. place of settlement
  550. Politically Exposed Person (PEP)
  551. portfolio compression
  552. PRA
  553. PRIIP
  554. PRIIPR
  555. primary markets
  556. prime brokerage
  557. principles–based regulation
  558. private banking
  559. private equity (PE)
  560. private equity funds
  561. private side
  562. Probability of Default (PD)
  563. professional client
  564. professional investor
  565. project finance
  566. property and casualty insurance
  567. proportionate regulatory regime
  568. proprietary trading
  569. prudential regulation
  570. Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA)
  571. prudential requirements
  572. prudential supervision
  573. PSD
    1. PSD2
  574. pseudonymisation
  575. PSP
  576. PSR
  577. Public Equity Support Tool
  578. public side
  579. purpose limitation
  580. put option
  582. RAR
  583. rating agency
  584. Rating Agencies Regulation (RAR)
  585. raw materials inventory
  586. real estate lending
  587. real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC)
  588. real money investors
  589. recourse
  590. recovery plan
  591. registrar
  592. regulated exchanges
  593. regulator
  594. regulatory arbitrage
  595. regulatory capture
  596. regulatory college
  597. regulatory passporting
  598. regulatory sandbox
  599. reinsurance
  600. REMIC
  601. remittance
  602. remittances service
  603. remuneration policy
  604. reporting
  605. repo
  606. repurchase agreement (repo)
  607. research
  608. resolution and recovery
  609. Resolution Authority
  610. Resolution Plan
  611. Resolution Tool
  612. retail
  613. retail brokerage
  614. retail client
  615. retail investment
  616. retail mortgage backed security (RMBS)
  617. reverse repo
  618. revolving
  619. right of establishment
  620. right to be forgotten
  621. rights issue
  622. Risk Weighted Assets (RWA)
  623. RMBS
  624. roll
  625. rules–based regulation
  626. RWA
  628. Sale of Business Tool
  629. sales and trading
  630. savings account
  631. savings bank
  632. screenscraping
  633. SEC
  634. SECCI form
  635. secondary markets
  636. secondary offering
  637. secured lending transaction
  638. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  639. securities clearing house
  640. securities lending
  641. securities trading
  642. securitisation
  643. self regulatory organisations (SRO)
  644. sell–side research
  645. senior debt
  646. senior tranche
  647. settlement
  648. settlement risk
  649. shell bank
  650. short selling
  651. significant branches
  652. simplified customer due diligence
  653. Single Payment Service Provider
  654. Single Payment Transaction
  655. small business
  656. SME
  657. SME growth market
  658. Solvency
  659. Solvency Directive (SOLVD)
  660. Special Personal Data
  661. Special Resolution Manager
  662. Special Resolution Unit (SRU)
  663. specialised lending
  664. specific risk
  665. spread
  666. SREP
  667. SRO
  668. SRU
  669. Standard European Consumer Credit Information Form
  670. Standardised Approach for Credit Risk
  671. static
  672. storage limitation
  673. strategic analysis
  674. Stressed VaR
  675. strike price
  676. Strong Customer Authentication
  677. structured deposit
  678. sub–investment grade rating
  679. subordinated debt
  680. subprime mortgage
  681. subprime securitisation
  682. suitable product
  683. Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP)
  684. syndicated loan
  685. synthetic ETF
  686. systematic internaliser
  688. tax planning advice
  689. Temporary Public Ownership Tool
  690. term deposit
  691. terrorist financing
  692. three–party schemes
  693. tied agent
  694. Tier 1 capital
  695. Tier 2 capital
  696. title insurance
  697. trade finance
  698. trade repository
  699. tradeable asset
  700. tradeable loan
  701. tradeable right
  702. tradeable security
  703. trading venue
  704. transaction account
  705. transaction service
  706. triple–A rating
  707. two way price
  709. UCC
  710. UCITS
  711. UCITSD
  712. Undertakings for Collective Investments in Transferable Securities (UCITS)
  713. Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities Directive (UCITSD)
  714. Unfair Commercial Practices Directive
  715. Uniform Commercial Code (UCC)
  716. uninsurable risk
  717. universal bank
  718. unlawful disclosure
  719. unsecured personal loan
  720. US Federal Reserve System (Fed)
  721. US Treasury
  723. Value–at–Risk (VaR)
  724. variation margin
  725. VC
  726. vendor financing
  727. venture capital (VC)
  728. voice brokerage
  730. whistle blower
  731. wholesale credit
  732. working capital
  733. working capital finance
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