Getting Started


Any successful journey requires direction, guides, and a plan. We are delighted to help you start your learning journey by asking—no, insisting!—that you commit to your own success.

Then you will be invited to set your starting point by taking a self-assessment. This assessment can be repeated several times as you go through the workbook to track your improvements. How often you do this is up to you. But we strongly urge you, at a minimum, to repeat this assessment at the conclusion of the workbook.

You’ll make progress as you go along. This process may sound simple, even though it isn’t. Complaint handling is complex. But when it works well, it’s very rewarding!


My Commitment to Success

You are here! It’s time to start this learning experience. This means you are taking a big step to improve your complaint-handling skills. Congratulations!

LTIO: To get ready, we recommend you study this list of tasks and put a check in each box that you commit to. These choices will enhance your learning process. Come back every once in a while so you can make sure you are following through.

Images Schedule time to work on this workbook. Control interruptions.

Images Choose a comfortable place to read and do the activities.

Images Have your computer, smartphone, or tablet nearby to watch the videos, and complete similar activities.

Images Do the activities in order or skip around.

Images Be ready to stretch. Some activities will get you out of your comfort zone.

Images Be honest. The activities are just for you. No one is checking.

Images Join our Facebook community for more perks and monthly enhancement sessions.

Images Advance at your own pace.

Images Use colored markers or highlighters to grab your attention.

Images If you like, have your favorite food and beverage at hand so you can stimulate your senses.


What’s My Starting Point?

We assume you want to show improvement in your complaint handling. You would probably also like to feel good at the end of your work shift—and so would your customers.

We’ll start with a self-assessment about your complaint behaviors. You can also take this assessment after you have gone through this workbook to see what changes you have made. We’re confident you will have made improvements.

Complaint handling is complex. But when it works well, it’s remarkable. If your customers walk away happy and satisfied, you’ll finish your shift feeling you contributed to others and have energy for other parts of your life.

LTIO: Go to a self-assessment quiz at where you will assess yourself on a scale from 1 to 5.



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