Picture Faults


If shots on the answer print are too dark or too light either the grader has picked the wrong light for the shot or the printing machine has missed its cue at the start of the shot. Again, the remedy lies with the laboratory. Ask the laboratory to check, and give them exact details of the scenes you are not happy with. If the whole print is too light or too dark the trouble may be due to faulty processing. Again, the faults are not cutting faults.

Prints from out of sync A & B rolls

If the answer print contains black frames the fault may well be in the cutting room. The A and B rolls of the camera original may be out of sync. Clear, flash frames can also be caused by the same fault. The remedy is to wind through A and B rolls of the original in a synchroniser and check each cut against the cutting copy. If the A and B rolls are out of sync you will find dissolves occur in the wrong places in your answer print. Again, the remedy is to check the camera original in the synchroniser. If the rolls are out of sync, adjust the spacing, joining in more frames or removing them, as necessary, until the two rolls compliment each other. You will then have to reprint and, if you neg cut the film and send the A and B rolls in out of sync, you will have to pay for the reprint.

Other print faults

What other print faults may you find? Perhaps you are expecting to see a fade at a particular point and it has not been produced on the answer print. Did you remember to tell the laboratories where you wanted the fade? If you did not provide instructions when you sent the edited camera original for grading you should not expect to see the fades produced in your print. Small white dots might also appear from time to time — sometimes there are so many they look like a small snowstorm. This fault is known as sparkle and it is usually caused by loose specks of dirt on the camera original. The remedy is to clean the original and reprint.



Check print against originals
The negative cutter has cut one frame too soon at the end of scene 1 leaving a frame of black spacing which shows as a clear (flash) frame on the print. At the cut from scene 2 to 3 he has left one frame too many on roll A giving a double frame of one frame at that point. The remedy is to adjust the A/B rolls by cutting in the spacing between the shots, check again and then reprint.

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