
Book Description

Special Edition Using Microsoft Expression Web

We crafted this book to grow with you, providing the reference material you need as you move toward Expression Web proficiency and use of more advanced features. If you buy only one book on Expression Web, Special Edition Using Microsoft Expression Web is the only book you need.

  • Create standards-compliant websites with Expression Web that will work consistently in all browsers.

  • Become proficient in the use of CSS by learning how to use the powerful CSS tools in Expression Web.

  • Learn how to take advantage of ASP.NET without the need to write any code.

  • Learn how to use Expression Web with the free Visual Web Developer Express Edition to develop robust ASP.NET applications.

  • Add dynamic, interactive content with Behaviors and Layers.

  • Design your website for accessibility using both Section 508 and WCAG compliance.

  • Category Web Development

    Covers    Microsoft Expression Web

    User Level    Intermediate—Advanced

    “There’s definitely more to this book than just how to use Expression Web. The chapter on tag properties not only clearly explains Expression Web’s Tag Properties task pane, but it also alleviates some of the mystery behind the use of tags in HTML. This is a great book for all users of Expression Web!”

    —Detra Newhouse, Readiness Lead,

    Microsoft Corporation

    Jim Cheshire is the owner of Jimco Software, the most well-known source of freeware add-ins for Microsoft FrontPage, and is the author of Special Edition Using Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003. Jim has been featured in numerous publications including MSDN Magazine and PC Magazine.

    Jim previously worked on the FrontPage team at Microsoft and is currently an Escalation Engineer on the ASP.NET and IIS teams.

         On the CD-ROM

  • Sample files from the author

  • FREE! full version of Logo Creator (retail value of $39.95)

  • FREE! full version of DHTML Menu Builder Lite (retail value of $25)

  • Electronic version of this book in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF)

  • Introduction xxix

    Part I An Overview

    Chapter 1 A Tour of Expression Web 3

    Part II Web Sites in Expression Web

    Chapter 2 Creating a Web Site                  25

    Chapter 3 Importing a Web Site           41

    Chapter 4 Web Site Management and Reporting    67

    Chapter 5 Publishing a Web Site            83

    Chapter 6 Using Personal Web Packages              93

    Part III Creating and Editing Web Content

    Chapter 7 Creating Pages and Content               103

    Chapter 8 Using Web Page Views      127

    Chapter 9 Using Tables and Layout Tables             149

    Chapter 10 Using Frames     179

    Chapter 11 Using Forms Controls           195

    Chapter 12 Editing Tag Properties          215

    Chapter 13 Using the Quick Tag Tools                        227

    Chapter 14 Using Graphics and Multimedia             241

    Chapter 15 Configuring Page Editor Options          257

    16 Using Find and Replace                            271

    Part IV Using CSS in Expression Web

    Chapter 17 Creating Style Sheets       289

    Chapter 18 Managing CSS Styles           311

    Part V Optimizing Your Web Site         

    Chapter 19 Accessibility Features in Expression Web          339

    Chapter 20 Designing for Compatibility                       349

    Part VI Scripting, DHTML, and Other Dynamic Content

    Chapter 21 Using Dynamic Web Templates        363

    Chapter 22 Using Interactive Buttons 381

    Chapter 23 Using Behaviors               393

    Chapter 24 Using Client Scripting        415

    Chapter 25 Using Layers    439

    Chapter 26 Creating VBA Macros       455

    Part VII ASP.NET Development in Expression Web

    Chapter 27 Using the ASP.NET Development Server         485

    Chapter 28 Using Standard ASP.NET Controls   495

    Chapter 29 Using ASP.NET Navigation Controls 527

    Chapter 30 Using ASP.NET Master Pages          549

    Chapter 31 Developing a Login System Using ASP.NET     569

    Chapter 32 Implementing Form Validation Using ASP.NET  595

    Chapter 33 Using ASP.NET Web Parts                607

    Part VIII Accessing Data in Expression Web

    Chapter 34 Primer on Data Access Technologies           629

    Chapter 35 Accessing Data with ASP.NET 2.0          635

    Part IX Appendices

    A Using Expression Web with Visual We

    Table of Contents

    1. Copyright
      1. Dedication
    2. About the Author
    3. Acknowledgments
    4. We Want to Hear from You!
      1. Reader Services
    5. Introduction
      1. Who Should Read This Book?
      2. Rest in Peace, FrontPage
      3. The Need for Expression Web
      4. A Comparison Grid
      5. How This Book Is Organized
        1. Special Elements
        2. Cross-References
        3. Notes, Tips, Cautions, and Sidebars
        4. Troubleshooting
      6. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus
    6. I. An Overview
      1. 1. A Tour of Expression Web
        1. The Expression Web Interface
          1. Task Panes
          2. The Folder List
          3. The Design Surface
          4. The Status Bar
        2. Working with Web Sites
          1. Creating Web Sites
          2. Features for Teams
          3. Web Site Reports
          4. Publishing Web Sites
        3. Tools for Creating Pages
          1. Powerful Table Tools
          2. Dynamic Web Templates
          3. Find and Replace
          4. Editing Tag Properties
          5. Quick Tag Tools
        4. Powerful CSS Tools
          1. Style Builder
          2. Manage Styles Task Pane
          3. Apply Styles Task Pane
        5. Site Optimization
          1. Accessibility Reports
          2. Compatibility Reports
          3. CSS Reports
        6. Scripting and Dynamic Content
          1. Interactive Buttons
          2. Behaviors
          3. Layers
        7. ASP.NET 2.0 Controls
        8. Data Access Features
        9. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Extending Expression Web
    7. II. Web Sites in Expression Web
      1. 2. Creating a Web Site
        1. What Is a Web Site?
        2. How Expression Web Maintains a Web Site
        3. Web Sites and Subsites
        4. Web Site Templates
        5. Types of Web Sites
          1. Disk-based Web Sites
            1. Creating a Disk-Based Web Site
          2. FTP Web Sites
            1. Creating an FTP Web Site
          3. HTTP Web Sites
            1. Creating an HTTP Web Site
            2. Creating a Site Using SSL
        6. Troubleshooting
          1. Don’t See _vti Folders
            1. Cannot Locate Server Error Creating FTP Site
            2. Repeatedly Prompted for Username and Password
        7. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Deciding on a Web Site Type
      2. 3. Publishing a Web Site
        1. What Is Publishing?
        2. Server Options for Publishing
          1. FrontPage Server Extensions
          2. WebDAV
          3. FTP
          4. File System
        3. Publishing Content
          1. Configuring Publish Options
          2. Optimizing HTML during Publishing
          3. The Copy Web Site View
          4. Troubleshooting HTTP Publishing
            1. HTTP Authentication Traffic
            2. Using Fiddler to Troubleshoot HTTP Publishing Errors
            3. Using Ethereal to Troubleshoot HTTP Publishing Errors
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. Username and Password Not Accepted
          2. FrontPage Server Extensions Aren’t Installed
            1. FrontPage Server Extensions Are Used Instead of WebDAV
          3. Content Missing after Publishing
          4. HTML Optimization Doesn’t Affect Web Files
          5. Ethereal Captures Nothing
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Hosting Your Web Site
      3. 4. Web Site Management and Reporting
        1. Web Site Settings
          1. General Tab
          2. Preview Tab
          3. Advanced Tab
          4. Language Tab
          5. Database Tab
        2. Using Expression Web Source Control
          1. Expression Web’s Source Control
          2. Visual SourceSafe Integrated Source Control
        3. Web Page Workflow
        4. Web Site Reports
          1. Configuring Reports
          2. Saving Reports
        5. Troubleshooting
          1. Page Encoding Doesn’t Affect Pages
          2. Source Control Options Disabled
          3. Workgroup Settings Aren’t Correct
        6. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Making the Most of Workflow
      4. 5. Importing a Web Site
        1. Using the Import Web Site Wizard
          1. Step 1: Choosing an Import Method
            1. FrontPage Server Extensions
            2. WebDAV
            3. FTP
            4. File System
            5. HTTP
          2. Step 2: Specifying a Destination Web Site Location
          3. Step 3: Finish
        2. Troubleshooting
          1. Import Web Site Wizard Skips Set Import Limits Step
          2. Username and Password Not Accepted
        3. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Importing Versus Publishing
      5. 6. Using Personal Web Packages
        1. What Are Personal Web Packages?
        2. Creating a Personal Web Package
        3. Importing a Personal Web Package
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. File Dependencies Incomplete
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Capitalizing on Personal Web Packages
    8. III. Creating and Editing Web Content
      1. 7. Creating Pages and Content
        1. Creating Web Pages
          1. General Page
          2. ASP.NET Pages
          3. CSS Layouts
          4. Style Sheets
          5. Frames Pages
        2. Importing Files
        3. Formatting Text
          1. How Expression Web Formats Text
          2. Font Families
          3. Font Sizes
        4. Creating Hyperlinks
          1. Targeting Hyperlinks
          2. Hyperlink Parameters
          3. HTML Bookmarks
          4. Hyperlink ScreenTips
        5. Spell-Checking
        6. Configuring Page Properties
          1. General Tab
          2. Formatting Tab
          3. Advanced Tab
          4. Custom Tab
          5. Language Tab
          6. Workgroup Tab
        7. Using Code Snippets
        8. Configuring File Editors
        9. Troubleshooting
          1. Spelling Errors Not Underlined
          2. Code Snippets Don’t Display
        10. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Making the Most of Code Snippets
      2. 8. Using Web Page Views
        1. Introduction to Page Views
        2. Working in Design View
          1. Visual Aids
            1. Block Selection
            2. Visible Borders
            3. Empty Containers
            4. Margins and Padding
            5. CSS Display:none and CSS Visibility:hidden Elements
            6. ASP.NET Non-visual Controls
            7. ASP.NET Control Errors
            8. Template Region Labels
          2. Formatting Marks
          3. Ruler and Grid
          4. Tracing Images
          5. Adjusting Page Size
        3. Working in Code View
          1. Customizing Code Formatting
          2. Quick Tag Tools
          3. IntelliSense
          4. Context Menu
        4. Working in Split View
        5. Troubleshooting
          1. Tracing Image Disappears
          2. Quick Tag Tools Not Visible
        6. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Taking Advantage of Page Views
      3. 9. Using Tables and Layout Tables
        1. The Origin of Tables
        2. The Makeup of an HTML Table Tag
          1. The align Attribute
          2. The border Attribute
          3. The cellpadding Attribute
          4. The cellspacing Attribute
          5. The frame Attribute
        3. Rows, Columns, and Cells
          1. The colspan and rowspan Attributes
          2. Aligning Content in Cells
            1. baseline
            2. bottom
            3. middle
            4. top
        4. Tables in Expression Web
          1. Inserting Tables
          2. Customizing Tables
            1. Selecting and Merging Cells
            2. Aligning Content in Cells
            3. Adjusting Table Width
            4. Adding and Deleting Rows and Columns
        5. Layout Tables and Cells
          1. Designing Layout with Tables
            1. Configuring Columns and Rows Using the Layout Tool
        6. Using the Layout Tables Task Pane
        7. Troubleshooting
          1. Table Is Too Wide
          2. Cannot Clear Contradicting Height or Width
          3. Cannot Drag and Drop Cells in Layout Table
        8. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Designing for Multiple Resolutions Using Tables
      4. 10. Using Frames
        1. Using Frames in Web Sites
          1. When to Use Frames
          2. When Not to Use Frames
        2. Creating Frames Pages
        3. Configuring Frames
          1. Splitting Frames
          2. Deleting Frames
        4. Creating Alternate Content
        5. Targeting Frames in Hyperlinks
        6. Adding and Configuring Inline Frames
        7. Troubleshooting
          1. Targeted Hyperlink Opens New Window
        8. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Tips for Frames
          1. Frame Borders
          2. Resizable Frames
          3. Breaking Out of a Frameset
      5. 11. Using Form Controls
        1. Understanding HTML Forms
        2. Using Form Controls in Expression Web
        3. Creating a Form
        4. Saving Form Results to a File or E-mail
          1. File Results Tab
          2. E-mail Results Tab
          3. Confirmation Page Tab
          4. Saved Fields Tab
        5. Saving Form Results to a Database
          1. Updating a Database with New Fields
        6. Troubleshooting
          1. Latest Results At End Checkbox Disabled
          2. Asked to Remove E-mail Recipient
          3. Cannot Enter Validation Failure Page
          4. Form Fields Not Mapped
        7. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Hidden Form Fields
      6. 12. Editing Tag Properties
        1. An Introduction to Tag Properties
        2. Understanding the Tag Properties Task Pane
        3. Viewing Tag Properties with the Tag Properties Task Pane
        4. Setting Tag Attributes with the Tag Properties Task Pane
          1. Creating a Page
          2. Setting Tag Properties
        5. Using Events with the Tag Properties Task Pane
        6. Troubleshooting
          1. Tag Properties Task Pane Not Visible
          2. Set Properties Don’t Appear First
        7. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Tag Properties and Web Standards
      7. 13. Using the Quick Tag Tools
        1. Introduction to the Quick Tag Tools
        2. Locating and Selecting Elements Using the Quick Tag Selector
        3. Editing Page Content Using the Quick Tag Editor
          1. Editing a Tag
          2. Removing a Tag
          3. Inserting HTML
          4. Wrapping a Tag
          5. Controlling Positioning
          6. Editing Tag Properties
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. Quick Tag Tools Unavailable
          2. Remove Tag Not Enabled
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: When to Use the Quick Tag Editor
      8. 14. Using Graphics and Multimedia
        1. Web Image Formats
          1. The GIF Format
          2. The JPEG Format
          3. The PNG Format
        2. Inserting Images
        3. Formatting Images
          1. Resizing Images
          2. Changing Picture Properties
        4. Converting Images
        5. Creating Image Thumbnails
          1. Configuring Auto Thumbnails
        6. Creating Image Maps
        7. Page Transitions
        8. Troubleshooting
          1. Images Sometimes Not Visible
          2. Larger Image Appears Too Small
          3. Page Transitions Don’t Work
        9. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Inserting Multimedia
      9. 15. Configuring Page Editor Options
        1. Accessing Page Editor Options
        2. Editing Page Editor Options
          1. The General Tab
          2. AutoThumbnail Tab
          3. Default Fonts Tab
          4. Code Formatting Tab
          5. CSS Tab
          6. Color Coding Tab
          7. Authoring Tab
          8. Picture Tab
          9. Code Snippets Tab
          10. Ruler and Grid Tab
          11. IntelliSense Tab
          12. Font Families Tab
        3. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Experiment to Learn More
      10. 16. Using Find and Replace
        1. An Introduction to Find and Replace
        2. Finding and Replacing Text
          1. Using Regular Expressions
          2. Finding Text
          3. Replacing Text
        3. Using HTML Rules in Find and Replace
        4. Finding and Replacing HTML Tags
        5. Saving Queries
        6. Troubleshooting
          1. Cannot Select Search Direction
          2. Find in Source Code Disabled
          3. Source Code Searches Don’t Work
        7. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Editing and Removing Recent Searches
    9. IV. Using CSS in Expression Web
      1. 17. Creating Style Sheets
        1. The Purpose of CSS
        2. How CSS Is Applied to Web Pages
          1. External Style Sheets
          2. Embedded Style Sheets
          3. Inline Styles
        3. Formatting Content with CSS
        4. Positioning Content with CSS
        5. CSS Classes
          1. Basic Application of a CSS Class
          2. Applying Multiple CSS Classes
          3. Pseudo-Classes
          4. Pseudo-Elements
        6. Troubleshooting
          1. Attach Style Sheet Link Is Disabled
          2. Prompted to Save Embedded File
          3. CSS Class Not Visible
          4. :hover Pseudo-Class Doesn’t Work
        7. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: CSS Background Images
      2. 18. Managing CSS Styles
        1. Expression Web’s CSS Tools
          1. Apply Styles Task Pane
          2. Manage Styles Task Pane
          3. Link Style Sheet Dialog
          4. CSS Properties Task Pane
          5. CSS Reports
          6. Style Builder
        2. Working with Styles
          1. Using the Manage Styles Task Pane
          2. Using the Apply Styles Task Pane
          3. Using the CSS Properties Task Pane
          4. Using the Style Builder
          5. Using the Attach Style Sheet and Link Style Sheet Dialogs
        3. CSS Reports
          1. Checking for CSS Errors
          2. Checking CSS Usage
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. No Styles Appear in Task Pane
          2. Selected Styles Don’t Display Preview
          3. Cannot Remove CSS Elements
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Arranging CSS Styles
    10. V. Optimizing Your Web Site
      1. 19. Accessibility Features in Expression Web
        1. An Introduction to Accessibility
        2. Designing for Accessibility
          1. Accessible Hyperlinks
          2. Accessible Tables
          3. Accessible Frames
          4. Other Accessibility Considerations
        3. Using the Accessibility Checker
          1. Checking Accessibility
          2. Working with the Accessibility Task Pane
        4. Generating Accessibility Reports
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Seeing Color
      2. 20. Designing for Compatibility
        1. A Brief History
        2. What Is Compatibility?
        3. Compatibility Features in Expression Web
          1. Identifying Code Problems
            1. doctype
              1. The Schema
          2. Marking Invalid Code in Code View
          3. Using Reports to Find Problems
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. doctype Not Added to Page
            1. Code View Errors and Compatibility Checker Don’t Match
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Don’t Rely on Expression Web To Enforce Standards
    11. VI. Scripting, DHTML, and Other Dynamic Content
      1. 21. Using Dynamic Web Templates
        1. An Introduction to Dynamic Web Templates
        2. Creating a Dynamic Web Template
          1. Creating a Page Layout
          2. Adding Editable Regions
        3. Attaching a Dynamic Web Template
          1. Attaching to an Existing Page
          2. Attaching to a New Page
        4. Updating a Site with Dynamic Web Templates
          1. Modifying a Dynamic Web Template
          2. Modifying an Attached Page in Code View
        5. Managing Editable Regions
          1. Adding a New Editable Region
          2. Renaming an Existing Editable Region
          3. Resolving Mismatched Editable Regions
        6. Detaching a Dynamic Web Template
        7. Troubleshooting
          1. Dynamic Web Template Menu Items Disabled
          2. No Rename Button in Editable Regions Dialog
        8. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Under the Hood
      2. 22. Using Interactive Buttons
        1. Overview of Interactive Buttons
        2. Inserting and Configuring Interactive Buttons
          1. The Button Tab
          2. The Font Tab
          3. The Image Tab
        3. Saving an Interactive Button
        4. Editing an Interactive Button
        5. Troubleshooting
          1. Interactive Button Images Broken
          2. Multiple Image Copies Saved for an Interactive Button
        6. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Practical Uses For Interactive Buttons
      3. 23. Using Behaviors
        1. Understanding and Working with Behaviors
          1. Using the Behaviors Task Pane
          2. How Behaviors Work
          3. Adding Behaviors Within a Paragraph
        2. Expression Web Behaviors
          1. The Call Script Behavior
          2. The Change Property Behavior
          3. The Change Property Restore Behavior
          4. The Check Browser Behavior
          5. The Check Plug-in Behavior
          6. The Go To URL Behavior
          7. The Jump Menu Behavior
          8. The Jump Menu Go Behavior
          9. The Open Browser Window Behavior
          10. The Play Sound Behavior
          11. The Popup Message Behavior
          12. The Preload Images Behavior
          13. The Set Text Behavior
            1. Set Text of Frame
            2. Set Text of Layer
            3. Set Text of Status Bar
            4. Set Text of Text Field
          14. The Swap Image Behavior
          15. The Swap Image Restore Behavior
        3. Troubleshooting
          1. Open Browser Window Pops Up Behind Existing Window
        4. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Detecting Browsers
          1. Creating a Blank Page for Redirecting
          2. Editing the Check Browser Code
      4. 24. Client-side Scripting
        1. A History of Browser Scripting
        2. JavaScript Basics
          1. Adding JavaScript to a Web Page
          2. Linking to an External Script File
          3. Adding Inline JavaScript
        3. The Document Object Model
          1. The window Object
          2. The document Object
        4. Writing Simple Scripts
          1. Showing and Hiding Page Elements
          2. Accessing and Changing Attributes
            1. Preloading Images
            2. Writing a Function to Swap Images
            3. Adding the Images
          3. Form Field Validation
            1. Creating the Form to Validate
            2. Adding the JavaScript Validation Function
            3. Validating the Form Fields
            4. Adding the Call to the JavaScript Function
        5. Troubleshooting
          1. Divs Don’t Change on Rollover
          2. Images Don’t Swap Instantly
        6. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Debugging
      5. 25. Using Layers
        1. Introduction to Layers
        2. Inserting and Configuring Layers
          1. Adding Content to a Layer
          2. Resizing a Layer
          3. Creating and Working with Child Layers
        3. Positioning Layers
        4. Setting Layer Properties with Behaviors
          1. Setting the Visibility of Layers
          2. Adding Layer Interactivity
            1. Configuring the Products Submenu
            2. Configuring the Support Submenu
        5. Troubleshooting
          1. Behaviors Don’t Work
        6. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Z-Order Anomalies
      6. 26. Creating VBA Macros
        1. Introduction to Programming with Visual Basic for Applications
          1. Understanding Modules, Class Modules, and UserForms
            1. Module
            2. Class Module
            3. UserForm
        2. Accessing Web Sites with VBA
          1. The Application Object Model
          2. The Web Object Model
          3. The Page Object Model
        3. Writing a Macro
          1. Creating the UserForm
          2. Implementing the Functionality
          3. Finishing the Code
          4. Running the Macro
          5. When Something Goes Wrong—Debugging
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. UserForm Seems Hung
          2. Browse-time Comments Still Exist
          3. New Settings Don’t Take
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Protecting Macro Code
    12. VII. ASP.NET Development in Expression Web
      1. 27. Using the ASP.NET Development Server
        1. Introduction to the ASP.NET Development Server
        2. How to Use the ASP.NET Development Server
        3. Limitations of the ASP.NET Development Server
          1. Process Identity
          2. No Remote Access
          3. No Support for ASP Pages
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. Dynamic Content Warning with ASP.NET Development Server
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Starting the ASP.NET Development Server from the Command Prompt
      2. 28. Using Standard ASP.NET Controls
        1. ASP.NET 2.0: A Brief Introduction
        2. Creating ASP.NET Pages
        3. The Basics of ASP.NET Controls
          1. Understanding Control Properties
        4. An Overview of the Standard ASP.NET Controls
        5. The AdRotator Control
          1. Creating a Simple AdRotator Page
          2. Creating the Advertisement File
        6. The Calendar Control
          1. Formatting the Calendar Control
          2. Calendar Control Properties
            1. CaptionAlign
            2. DayNameFormat
            3. FirstDayOfWeek
            4. NextMonthText
            5. NextPrevFormat
            6. PrevMonthText
            7. SelectedDate
            8. SelectionMode
            9. SelectMonthText
            10. SelectWeekText
            11. ShowDayHeader
            12. ShowGridLines
            13. ShowNextPrevMonth
            14. ShowTitle
            15. TitleFormat
            16. UseAccessibleHeader
            17. VisibleDate
        7. The Wizard Control
          1. Wizard Steps
          2. Creating a Simple Wizard
            1. Step 1: Welcome
            2. Step 2: Name/E-mail
            3. Step 3: Address
            4. Step 4: Lists
            5. Step 5: Finish
        8. Making ASP.NET Work for You
        9. Troubleshooting
          1. ASP.NET Controls Do Not Appear in the Browser
          2. XML Error When Browsing ASP.NET Page
        10. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Formatting with Styles
      3. 29. Using ASP.NET Navigation Controls
        1. Overview of Navigation Systems
        2. Creating a Sitemap File
        3. Using the ASP.NET Menu Control
          1. Creating a Test Web Site
          2. Adding a Menu Control
          3. Formatting the Menu Control
            1. Using the AutoFormat Feature
            2. Using CSS Styles
        4. Using the ASP.NET TreeView Control
          1. Formatting the TreeView Control
            1. Using the TreeView Control’s Properties
              1. ExpandDepth Property
              2. ImageSet Property
              3. NodeIndent Property
              4. ShowCheckBoxes Property
              5. ShowExpandCollapse Property
              6. ShowLines Property
            2. Using CSS Styles
        5. Using the ASP.NET SiteMapPath Control
          1. Formatting the SiteMapPath Control
            1. Using SiteMapPath Properties
        6. Troubleshooting
          1. Warned to Browse Page from Web Server
          2. Cannot See Menu Control in Browser
          3. TreeView Not Visible in Browser
        7. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Improving Navigation with Master Pages
      4. 30. Using ASP.NET Master Pages and User Controls
        1. The Need For a Common Layout
        2. The Master Page
        3. The Content Page
        4. Developing a Master Page Web Site
          1. Creating the Master Page
          2. Creating the Content Page
        5. Troubleshooting
          1. Parser Error When Browsing Content Page
          2. Column Width Doesn’t Stick
          3. Cannot Drag Layout Cell
        6. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Converting an Existing Site to a Master Page Site
      5. 31. Developing a Login System with ASP.NET
        1. Web Site Login Systems
        2. Overview of ASP.NET 2.0 Login Controls
          1. The Login Control
          2. LoginStatus Control
          3. LoginName Control
          4. ChangePassword Control
            1. DisplayUserName Property
            2. MailDefinition Property
            3. PasswordHintText Property
            4. PasswordRecoveryUrl
            5. SuccessPageUrl Property
          5. PasswordRecovery Control
          6. CreateUserWizard
          7. LoginView Control
        3. Creating a Login Solution
          1. Configuring the Web Site (IIS)
          2. Configuring the Web Site (ASP.NET Development Server)
          3. Creating the Web Pages
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. ASP.NET Tab Is Missing
          2. Metabase Access Fails Browsing ASP.NET Page
          3. Failed to Start Monitoring Changes Error
          4. Access Denied Error
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Modifying Password Requirements
      6. 32. Implementing Form Validation Using ASP.NET
        1. The Need for Form Validation
          1. The ASP.NET Validation Controls
            1. CompareValidator
            2. RangeValidator
            3. RegularExpressionValidator
            4. RequiredFieldValidator
            5. CustomValidator
            6. ValidationSummary
          2. Common Properties
            1. ErrorMessage Property
            2. ControlToValidate
            3. Display
            4. EnableClientScript
            5. SetFocusOnError
            6. ValidationGroup
          3. Creating a Validated Form
            1. Creating the Form
            2. Adding Form Validation
            3. Testing the Form
        2. Troubleshooting
          1. Validation Controls Don’t Work
          2. Submit Button Does Nothing
        3. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Validation Groups
      7. 33. Using ASP.NET Web Parts
        1. An Introduction to Web Parts
        2. Creating ASP.NET User Controls
        3. Web Parts Controls in the Toolbox
        4. Creating a Web Parts Page
        5. Web Parts Page Display Modes
          1. Creating a User Control that Sets the Display Mode
          2. Adding Code to Change the Display Mode
        6. The Web Parts Catalog
        7. Troubleshooting
          1. WebPartManager Error When Browsing Web Parts Page
          2. Error Connecting to SQL Server
          3. Null Value Message When Browsing Web Parts Page
          4. Error When Browsing Page with User Controls
        8. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Editing Web Parts Controls
    13. VIII. Accessing Data in Expression Web
      1. 34. Primer on Data Access Technologies
        1. A History of Data Access
        2. Data Access Technologies in Expression Web
        3. ASP.NET and Other Web Application Platforms
        4. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Databases Aren’t Just for Online Spreadsheets
      2. 35. Accessing Data with ASP.NET 2.0
        1. ASP.NET 2.0 Data Source Controls
          1. AccessDataSource Control
          2. SqlDataSource Control
          3. SiteMapDataSource Control
          4. XmlDataSource Control
        2. Displaying Data with ASP.NET 2.0
          1. Displaying Data in Tabular Form
            1. Adding and Configuring a GridView Control
          2. Sorting the GridView
        3. Editing Data with ASP.NET 2.0
          1. Configuring the Data Source
          2. Configuring the GridView
          3. Testing the Page
        4. Troubleshooting
          1. Unable to See Data Source Control
          2. Toolbox Not Visible
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Creating a Master/Detail View
          1. Creating the Master View
          2. Creating the Detail View
    14. IX. Appendices
      1. A. Using Expression Web with Visual Web Developer Express Edition
        1. Building Robust ASP.NET 2.0 Applications
        2. Introduction to Visual Web Developer Express Edition
        3. Working with Web Sites in Visual Web Developer Express Edition
        4. Creating Pages in Visual Web Developer Express Edition
        5. Working with Controls in Visual Web Developer Express Edition
        6. Creating a Sample Site
          1. Creating the Web Page
          2. Adding ASP.NET Code
          3. Adding Form Validation
        7. Troubleshooting
          1. Don’t See Add New Item Dialog
          2. Click Event Not Added
        8. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Debugging ASP.NET
      2. B. Taking Advantage of E-Commerce
        1. The Power of E-Commerce
        2. E-Commerce Options
          1. Digital River
          2. Lulu
        3. Payment Processing
          1. PayPal
          2. Banks
          3. 2CO
        4. Putting It All Together In Expression Web
          1. Security
          2. Advertising and Affiliates
        5. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Is It Worth the Risk?
      3. C. The Future of Web Development
        1. Changing Standards
          1. Benefits of XHTML
        2. Emerging Technologies
          1. AJAX
            1. Using AJAX on Your Site
          2. Ruby on Rails
          3. Other Emerging Technologies
        3. Lagniappe (lan yap’) n., a gift or bonus: Understanding and Using RSS
          1. The RSS Feed
          2. The RSS Reader
      4. D. Resources on Expression Web, Web Design, and ASP.NET
        1. Online Resources on Expression Web
          1. JimcoBooks.com
          2. Expression Web Help
          3. The Expression Designers: Graphic, Interactive, and Web
          4. by-Expression
        2. Online Resources on Web Design
          1. InformIT
          2. Webmonkey
          3. O’Reilly Network
          4. World Wide Web Consortium
        3. Online Resources on ASP.NET
          1. asp.netPRO
          2. 4GuysFromRolla.com
          3. ASP.NET Official Web Site
          4. DotNetJunkies
    15. Appendix
      1. What’s on the CD-ROM
      2. Installation Instructions