
This book explains engineering practice, what engineers actually do in their work. The first part explains how to find paid engineering work and prepare for an engineering career. The second part explains the fundamentals of engineering practice, including how to gain access to technical knowledge, how to gain the willing collaboration of other people to make things happen, and how to work safely in hazardous environments. Other chapters explain engineering aspects of project management missed in most courses, how to create commercial value from engineering work and estimate costs, and how to navigate cultural complexities successfully. Later chapters provide guidance on sustainability, time management and avoiding the most common frustrations encountered by engineers at work. This book has been written for engineering students, graduates and novice engineers. Supervisors, mentors and human resources professionals will also find the book helpful to guide early-career engineers and assess their progress. Engineering schools will find the book helpful to help students prepare for professional internships and also for creating authentic practice and assessment exercises.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Table of Contents
  6. Preface
  7. Author biography
  8. Acknowledgements
  9. Part 1 Preparation for an engineering career
    1. 1 Engineering: doing more with less
    2. Transforming the planet
    3. Engineering disciplines
    4. 2 Engineering practice
    5. How to use this book
    6. 3 Seeking paid engineering work
    7. Fear of failure
    8. Stage 1: Preparation
    9. Step 1: Create your job-seeking diary, build your job-seeking contact list
    10. Step 2: Start building your network of contacts
    11. Step 3: Prepare your résumé and online profiles
    12. Common mistakes
    13. Review your online presence
    14. Key attributes
    15. Leadership
    16. Teamwork
    17. Initiative
    18. Persistence
    19. Reliability and responsibility
    20. Local work experience
    21. Ability to learn from experience
    22. Step 4: Expand your engineering knowledge: research suppliers
    23. Step 5: Expanding your knowledge and skills
    24. Standards
    25. Programming
    26. Contractors
    27. Material, labour, and component costs
    28. Logistics
    29. Economics
    30. Predictions
    31. Stage 2: Visit engineering suppliers and potential employers
    32. Step 6: Planning
    33. Step 7: Visiting engineering suppliers
    34. Step 8: Continue researching new job opportunities
    35. Step 9: Visiting a prospective employer
    36. Step 10: Follow-up opportunities and consider starting your own business
    37. Relocating for opportunities?
    38. 4 Neglected perception skills
    39. Perceiving reality
    40. Prior knowledge influences perception
    41. 5 Listening
    42. Practice exercise: observing listening lapses
    43. Active listening and paraphrasing
    44. Writing accurate notes
    45. Contextual listening
    46. Helping others to listen
    47. An imperfect, interactive, interpretation performance
    48. More listening and note-taking exercises
    49. 6 Reading documents
    50. Practice exercise: reading documents to learn from them
    51. Practice exercise: written requirements
    52. 7 Reading people
    53. Avoid email and text messages for sensitive conversations
    54. 8 Seeing and creativity
    55. Why is sketching so difficult?
    56. Practice exercise: evaluate your seeing skills
  10. Part 2 Workplace learning
    1. 9 Learning the ropes
    2. 10 Engineering knowledge
    3. Knowledge and information
    4. Types of knowledge
    5. Explicit, codified, propositional knowledge
    6. Procedural knowledge
    7. Implicit knowledge
    8. Tacit knowledge
    9. Embodied knowledge
    10. Contextual knowledge
    11. Knowledge transfer
    12. Acquiring new knowledge—learning
    13. 11 Knowledge is a social network
    14. Mapping knowledge
    15. Distributed knowledge
    16. Distributed cognition
    17. 12 Making things happen
    18. Step 1: finding a peer
    19. Step 2: discovery, organisation
    20. Step 3: monitoring—another discovery performance
    21. Contriving casual encounters
    22. Step 4: completion and handover
    23. Informal leadership, face to face
    24. Social culture
    25. Practice exercise—knowledge network mapping
    26. 13 Working safely
    27. Identify hazards
    28. Identify hazardous events
    29. Identify likelihood, consequences, and risks
    30. Risk control measures
    31. First steps
    32. Cultural influences
    33. Human behaviour
    34. 14 Making big things happen
    35. Information, knowledge, and diversity
    36. Project life cycle
    37. Project planning
    38. Negotiate and define the scope of work, calculate the time schedule
    39. Specifications
    40. Test specification
    41. Method specification
    42. Inspection and testing plans
    43. Responsibility for inspections and testing
    44. Risk analysis and management
    45. Approvals
    46. Final Investment Decision (FID) approval
    47. Monitoring progress—continuous learning
    48. Completing the project
    49. 15 Generating value
    50. Innovation, research and development (1)
    51. Product differentiation (2)
    52. Efficiency improvements (3)
    53. Reducing technical uncertainties (4)
    54. Performance forecasts (5)
    55. Inspection, testing, and design checking (6)
    56. Project and design reviews (7)
    57. Compliance with standards (8)
    58. Reliable technical coordination (9)
    59. Teaching, building skills (10)
    60. Social licence to operate: co-creating value with communities (11)
    61. Sustainment: operations, asset management, and maintenance (12)
    62. Environmental protection (13)
    63. Defence and security (14)
    64. Small and medium enterprises
    65. Product and process improvement, research and development, and anticipating future developments
    66. Collaboration
    67. Business development research and understanding customer needs
    68. Cost monitoring, control, and reduction
    69. Risk management and reducing uncertainties
    70. Balancing value generation with cost
    71. Quantifying value generation
    72. Learning more
    73. 16 Estimating costs
    74. Estimating
    75. Labour cost
    76. What does it cost to employ you?
    77. Low-income countries
    78. 17 Navigating social culture
    79. What’s different?
    80. (1) Respect for authority
    81. (2) Navigating the labyrinth of social power
    82. (3) Misunderstandings on labour cost
    83. (4) Documentation and organisational procedures
    84. (5) Language barriers
    85. (6) Centralised decision-making
    86. (7) Access to financial information
    87. (8) Learning from specialised engineering suppliers
    88. Some products can succeed
    89. Think in terms of value generation
    90. Outsourcing
    91. Opportunities
    92. 18 Sustainability
    93. Climate change
    94. UN sustainable development goals
    95. Overcoming resistance to change
    96. Renewable energy
    97. Efficiency gains, new ideas, or behaviour change?
    98. Opportunities
    99. 19 Time management
    100. Understand daily physiological patterns
    101. Classify tasks
    102. Adapt your schedule
    103. Keep records
    104. Schedule major tasks
    105. Allocate time to help others
    106. Say “no” by saying “yes”
    107. Defer or delegate: documentation and filing is the key
    108. Unforeseen disruptions, avoiding overwork
    109. 20 Frustrations
    110. Frustration 1: Working hard is not getting me anywhere
    111. Frustration 2: I can’t get a job without experience and advertised jobs require experience
    112. Frustration 3: Admin, meetings, accounts, and procedures: this is not what I was educated for
    113. Frustration 4: This job does not have enough intellectual challenges for me
    114. Frustration 5: Has this been done before?
    115. Frustration 6: Constrained by standards?
    116. Frustration 7: Yearning for hands-on work
    117. Frustration 8: I can’t get other people to understand my ideas
    118. Frustration 9: This company is run by accountants
    119. Frustration 10: They always cut the maintenance budget first
    120. Frustration 11: They are only interested in the lowest price
    121. Frustration 12: Net Present Value (NPV) shows the project is fine—why don’t they approve it?
    122. Frustration 13: My skills and knowledge are only valued in rich countries
    123. Frustration 14: I would much prefer a job where I could do something to help people
    124. Frustration 15: My emails go unanswered
  11. Epilogue – next steps
  12. Online Appendices
  13. Index