
Book Description

Learn the fundamentals of soldering—and pick up an essential skill for building electronic gadgets. You’ll discover how to preheat and tin your iron, make a good solder joint, desolder cleanly (when things don't quite go right), and how to use helping hands to hold components in place. This concise book is part of MAKE’s Getting Started with Soldering Kit.

Table of Contents

  1. Learn to Solder
  2. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
  3. Welcome
    1. Basic Tools
    2. Advanced Tools
    3. Project 1: Learn to Solder Skill Badge
    4. Project 2: 555 Timer Blinky
    5. Contact Us
  4. 1. Getting the Workspace Ready
    1. 1: Attach the Tip
    2. 2: Secure the Tip
    3. 3: Wet the Soldering Station Sponge
    4. 4: Set the Station’s Temperature
    5. 5: Wipe the Iron’s Tip
    6. 6: Tin the Iron’s Tip
    7. Go Make Your Learn to Solder Skill Badge
  5. 2. How to Solder
    1. Working with Solder
    2. Keeping the Circuit Board from Moving
    3. Tinning Solder Pads
    4. Placing a Component in the Board
    5. Knowing Which Way a Component Goes In
    6. Stabilizing and Straightening Components
    7. Safely Soldering Sensitive Components
    8. Soldering a Component in Place
    9. Trimming Your Leads
    10. Going From Solderless Breadboard to PCB
    11. Soldering Jumper Wire
    12. Bridging Joints with Solder
    13. Relieving Strain on Cables
    14. Getting the Perfect Solder Joint
  6. 3. Desoldering
    1. The Desoldering Wick
    2. Preparing the Wick
    3. Desoldering with the Wick
    4. Desoldering with the Solder Sucker
  7. 4. What’s Next?
    1. Teach the World to Solder
    2. Make More Things
      1. Supercap Racer Kit
      2. Wee Blinky Kit
      3. MintyBoost
  8. About the Authors
  9. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly