
Book Description

Learn the essentials of the JMP Scripting Language with this beginner’s guide.

Written in an easy-to-understand style based on the authors’ extensive experience, Jump into JMP Scripting, Second Edition teaches beginner scripters how to take advantage of the robust JMP Scripting Language (JSL) using step-by-step instructions and real-world situations. The authors demonstrate how JSL offers the freedom to create scripts from the very simple and specific to the most generic and complex.

With a new chapter on JSL language foundations, the first half of the book explains the fundamentals of JSL and walks you through creating your first scripts, such as opening a data table, adding columns, or selecting rows. A new chapter on the Dashboard and Application Builders provides helpful tips on creating custom dashboards and learning how to build applications. Also new to this edition, a chapter on advanced topics introduces more helpful tools and concepts in JSL. After learning the basics, you are ready to tackle specific tasks using JSL. The second half of the book provides more than 50 examples using a unique question-and-answer format.

This book is part of the SAS Press program.

Table of Contents

  1. About this Book
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. Section 1
    1. Introduction to JSL
  4. Chapter 1: Make JMP Work for You
    1. Overview
    2. Capturing Scripts from Your Analyses
    3. Capturing Scripts from Imported Data
    4. Capturing Scripts from Data Manipulations
    5. Creating a Combined Script
    6. Summary
  5. Chapter 2: Stitching It Together
    1. Overview
    2. Stitching Saved Scripts Together
    3. Combining Summary Data with an Analysis
    4. Combining Data Import, Summary, and Two Analyses
    5. Summary
  6. Chapter 3: The Double Layer Cake
    1. Overview
    2. Folding Back the Layers of the Results
    3. The Analysis Layer
    4. The Report Layer
    5. Summary
  7. Chapter 4: JSL Language Foundations
    1. Overview
    2. Fundamental Concepts
    3. Data Structures
    4. Namespaces
    5. Name Resolution
    6. Conditional Logic
    7. Looping
    8. Summary
  8. Chapter 5: Close Your Eyes and Jump!
    1. Overview
    2. The Script Editor
    3. Resources Available at Your Fingertips
    4. What to Do in Times of Trouble
    5. Summary
  9. Chapter 6: The Dashboard and Application Builders
    1. Overview
    2. Combine Windows, the Dashboard Builder, and the Application Builder
    3. Summary
  10. Chapter 7: Advanced Topics
    1. Overview
    2. Building Custom Dialogs
    3. Navigating Reports Programmatically
    4. Expression Handling
    5. Defensive Programming Strategies
    6. Summary
  11. Section 2
    1. Jump On!
  12. Chapter 8: Rows, Columns, and Tables
    1. Question 8.1: I can manipulate a data table interactively, such as by selecting and deleting rows, by adding new columns, and so on. How can I get JMP to produce the script for these actions?
    2. Question 8.2: How can I select rows where more than one condition is true? How can I select rows where at least one of the specified conditions is true?
    3. Question 8.3: There are already rows selected in my data table.  How can I select additional rows without deselecting any of the currently selected rows?
    4. Question 8.4: How can I select from the currently selected rows?
    5. Question 8.5: How can I perform a Select Where on numeric datetime values?
    6. Question 8.6: How can I determine the number of selected, excluded, or hidden rows in a data table?
    7. Question 8.7:  I am attempting to select some rows, and then create a subset data table. When no rows are selected, all the rows are included in the subset data table. How can I create a subset only i
    8. Question 8.8: How can I determine the number of selected columns in a table? How can I get a list of the selected columns?    201
    9. Question 8.9: I want to delete all the character columns in a data table. How can I do this?
    10. Question 8.10: Are there any JSL commands for recoding data, as in Cols ► Recode?
    11. Question 8.11: I have a set of values that I want to use as the control limits for a data table column. How can I use these values to create the Control Limits column property?
    12. Question 8.12: How can a character column containing datetime values be converted to a numeric column of JMP date values using a script?
    13. Question 8.13: I can replace all the missing numeric values in a table with zeros interactively by performing Edit ► Search ► Find and Replace. How can I do the same procedure usin
    14. Question 8.14:  How can I delete the formula from every column in my data table?
    15. Question 8.15:  How can I use a variable in a new column with a formula?
    16. Question 8.16: How can I add multiple columns with formulas in a loop?  I want one new column for each continuous column that calculates the mean by a grouping column
    17. Question 8.17: How can I get a list of all open data tables?
    18. Question 8.18: How can I open and concatenate multiple files that have the same format?
    19. Question 8.19: I have imported several files and performed some data cleanup.  How can I concatenate all the open tables without knowing exactly how many tables are open?
  13. Chapter 9: Dialog Windows
    1. Question 9.1: How can I prompt the user to select columns to be used in an analysis?
    2. Question 9.2: How can I stop a script if a user clicks the Cancel button in a dialog window?
    3. Question 9.3: How can I prompt the user to select a file in a specific directory? I want to display only those files of a specific type, such as text
    4. Question 9.4: Can a wildcard character be used to open several data tables that contain specific characters in the filename?    228
    5. Question 9.5: How can I can prompt the user for information, and then use that value in the SQL string for extracting data from a database?
    6. Question 9.6: How can I prompt the user to select starting and ending dates, as well as a title to be used in a report?. 232
    7. Question 9.7: How can I populate a Combo Box based upon what a user selects in another Combo Box, and then generate a subset table that meets the selection criteria?
    8. Question 9.8: How can I use Column Switcher to affect multiple graphs in the same window?
    9. Question 9.9: Is it possible to show or hide a display box based upon a user’s prior selection in the same window?
    10. Question 9.10: Why does the Excel Wizard open when I import data from my New Window?
    11. Question 9.11:  When I try to limit the columns shown in a Col List Box to numeric, no columns appear.  Why?
  14. Chapter 10: Analyses
    1. Question 10.1:  How can I save the Parameter Estimates table from my Bivariate analysis into a new data table?
    2. Question 10.2: How can I save the Parameter Estimates table from my Bivariate analysis into a new data table when I am using a By variable?
    3. Question 10.3: I am using the Neural platform and need to add the Prediction Profiler to the Neural report.  How can I do this?  252
    4. Question 10.4: How do I use global variables for limit values in a Control Chart script?
    5. Question 10.5: For a control chart, how do I request that JMP open and use a table of saved limits rather than those limits calculated at run time?
    6. Question 10.6: How do you save limits from the Control Chart analysis into the column property?
    7. Question 10.7:  How do you save limits from the Control Chart analysis into a new table?
    8. Question 10.8: How can I use spec limits that are stored in a separate data table?
    9. Question 10.9: I have many variables in my data table and want to perform a Stepwise regression analysis, and then run my new model. How do I script this?
    10. Question 10.10:  I need to close the Fit Model dialog window. How do I reference it?
    11. Question 10.11:  How can I use a list in place of the Fit Model effects?
    12. Question 10.12: How do I save X number of principal components of my multivariate analysis to the data table? I also want to include the eigenvectors in my report and save them into a new data table
    13. Question 10.13:  How can I save the Mahalanobis outlier, Jackknife distances, and  T-square values of the outlier analysis to the data table?
  15. Chapter 11: Graph Components
    1. Question 11.1:  How do I replace the default axis label with a different label in Graph Builder?
    2. Question 11.2:  The font size, type, style, and color of the axis labels need to be changed in my report. How do I accomplish this?
    3. Question 11.3: How do I specify a different font for the tick labels on my graph?
    4. Question 11.4:  The tick labels on an axis need to be rotated and formatted to two decimal places. How is this done?. 280
    5. Question 11.5: How can I specify the order of values on an axis?
    6. Question 11.6: How do I add a reference line on any graph?
    7. Question 11.7:  How can I remove a reference line?
    8. Question 11.8: How do I add annotations to my graph using a script?
    9. Question 11.9:  I have a spec limits table with columns holding limits for each process variable. I want to plot these limits on Oneway plots. How can I do this?
    10. Question 11.10: How can I get consistent legend colors when using a local data filter with Graph Builder?
  16. Chapter 12: Reports and Journals
    1. Question 12.1: At the top of my report, there is a text string that begins “Where...”. How can I remove this information from my report and instead show it in the top OutlineBox?
    2. Question 12.2: How can I use a variable in a Where statement so that the window title and Where text show the actual variable values rather than the variable name?
    3. Question 12.3: How can I arrange my report so that I have two graphs per row?
    4. Question 12.4:  How can I get a handle to the journal window so that I can save it?
    5. Question 12.5:  How can I change the name of the journal window?
    6. Question 12.6: How do I insert the contents of a data table into a journal, under a specific OutlineBox?
    7. Question 12.7: I need to save my report as a .jrp file in my script.  How is this done?
    8. Question 12.8: How can I use a map as a filter?
    9. Question 12.9: How do I create a tabbed report?
    10. Question 12.10: My graph has a local data filter.  How can I save both components as one interactive HTML file?
  17. Index