
Book Description

Collaboration has become a popular approach to environmental policy, planning, and management. At the urging of citizens, nongovernmental organizations, and industry, government officials at all levels have experimented with collaboration. Yet questions remain about the roles that governments play in collaboration--whether they are constructive and support collaboration, or introduce barriers. This thoughtful book analyzes a series of cases to understand how collaborative processes work and whether government can be an equal partner even as government agencies often formally control decision making and are held accountable for the outcomes. Looking at examples where government has led, encouraged, or followed in collaboration, the authors assess how governmental actors and institutions affected the way issues were defined, the resources available for collaboration, and the organizational processes and structures that were established. Cases include collaborative efforts to manage watersheds, rivers, estuaries, farmland, endangered species habitats, and forests. The authors develop a new theoretical framework and demonstrate that government left a heavy imprint in each of the efforts. The work concludes by discussing the choices and challenges faced by governmental institutions and actors as they try to realize the potential of collaborative environmental management.

Table of Contents

  1. Front cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Contents
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. About the Authors
  8. 1. Governmental Roles in Collaborative Environmental Management
  9. Part I: Government as Follower
    1. 2. Citizen-Initiated Collaboration:The Applegate Partnership
    2. 3. Nonprofit Facilitation:The Darby Partnership
  10. Part II: Government as Encourager
    1. 4. Encouragement through “Carrots”and “Sticks”: Habitat Conservation Planning and the Endangered Species Act
    2. 5. Encouragement through Grants: Ohio’s Farmland Preservation Task Forces
  11. Part III: Government as Leader
    1. 6. Science-Based Collaborative Management: The Albemarle–Pamlico Estuarine Study
    2. 7. Government-Led Community Collaboration: The Animas River Stakeholder Group
  12. Part IV: Reconsidering Governmental Roles
    1. 8. Government as Actor and as Institution
    2. 9. Envisioning the Roles of Government
  13. Methodological Appendix
  14. Notes
  15. References
  16. Index