
Book Description

Around the globe, DIYers are building an infrastructure out of low cost sensors, cheap computers, and cloud-based data sharing. One of the most important environmental conditions to monitor is the quality of the atmosphere. Atmospheric Monitoring With Arduino shows you how to create your own gadgets to measure what's inside every breath you take; the kind and size of dust particles from smoke to smog, how much haze is in the upper atmosphere, the transparency of the night sky, and more!

You'll also learn how to share your data with people across your community, your nation, and the world, and how to build rugged enclosures to protect your gadgets in the field.

Table of Contents

  1. Atmospheric Monitoring with Arduino
  2. Dedication
  3. Preface
    1. Conventions Used in This Book
    2. Using Code Examples
    3. Safari® Books Online
    4. How to Contact Us
  4. 1. The World’s Shortest Electronics Primer
    1. What Is Arduino?
    2. Electronic Circuits and Components
    3. Programming Arduino
    4. First Sketch: Make an LED Blink
      1. Parts
      2. Install the IDE
      3. Breadboard the Circuit
      4. Write the Code
      5. Things to Try
  5. 2. Gadget: Tropospheric Gas Detector
    1. How Gas Sensors Work
    2. Which Gases Can We Monitor?
    3. How This Gadget Works
    4. Transistorized!
    5. Build the Gadget
    6. Load the Sketch
    7. Displaying and Storing Your Data
      1. Liquid Crystal Displays
      2. Reading Data Off EEPROM
      3. Reading Data from an SD Card
    8. Things to Try
      1. Other Sensors
      2. Solar Powered
      3. GSM
    9. Do Not Deploy Your Gadget in Public Without Official Permission
      1. Get Official Permission
      2. Get Your Community Involved
  6. 3. A Brief Introduction to LEDs
    1. What Is a Diode?
    2. What Is a Light Emitting Diode?
    3. How Are We Using LEDs in the LED Photometer?
  7. 4. Gadget: LED Sensitivity Tester
    1. Mission: Inputtable
      1. Build the Gadget
  8. 5. Gadget: LED Photometer
    1. Build the Gadget
    2. Load the Sketch
      1. Calibrate the Gadget: Air Mass, Atmospheric Optical Thickness, and Extraterrestrial Constant
    3. Calculating Atmospheric Optical Thickness
    4. Things to Try
      1. Detecting “Ozone Holes”: Measuring the Ozone Layer
      2. Add an Accelerometer
  9. 6. Using the LED Photometer
    1. Atmospheric Aerosols
    2. Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR)
    3. Water Vapor (WV)
    4. Extracting Data from the LED Photometer
      1. Graphing Data in a Spreadsheet
      2. Sending Data to COSM
  10. 7. Doing Science: How to Learn More from Your Atmospheric Data
    1. The Scientific Method
    2. Steps in the Scientific Method
      1. Observe Something in the World
      2. Ask an Answerable Question
      3. Formulate a Hypothesis
      4. Compare the Predicted to Actual Results, Considering the Results
      5. Ask Another Question
  11. Colophon
  12. Copyright