

1,000 true fans, 169176

2D design, 141143

3D ContentCentral, 136

3D printing

affordability, 15

earning money, 130

learning, 129

overview, 138139

using, 2021

3D scanning, 136138

8-Bit Lit, 177

100 true believers, 170176


A:A (artist-to-audience) ratio, 163

accelerator programs, 183

Adafruit website, 68, 153

Adams, Douglas, 1718

additive manufacturing, 138

aesthetics, 125

Altman, Mitch, 158

aluminum-box project, 66

Anderson, Chris

CAD for kids, 215216

DIY Drones, 3738, 193

laser cutter, 141

Makers, 132

niche products, 126

Anderson, Tim

forklift lesson, 5657

“The Free Yacht Saga,” 5255

Andon, Alex, 64

Antifragile, 124

apprenticeship, 117118


kit, 67

overview, 150152

team, 49

Argonaut Jr., 94

Artisan’s Asylum, 94

assistive technologies, 232

astronomy boom, 222223

Autodesk, 16, 133

Autodesk 123D, 131

Autodesk Fusion 360, 134

Autodesk Inventor, 135


bag business, 112114

Baichtal, John, 87

baidarkas, 208. See also kayak project

BeagleBone, 152153

Belliston, Larry, 7576

Berkeley Tool Lending Library, 95

Bernard, Jeff, 5

Bertie County, 217

best practices, 104

BioCurious, 2628

biohacking makerspaces, 90

birding, 221222, 225

Bohm, Harry, 67

BOM (bill of materials), 176

book scanner, 37

Boulton, Matthew, 66

boxes and hinges, 143144

Brand, Stewart, 103

Branwyn, Gareth, 5051

Brightworks, 209210

bubble logic, 228229

Bukiewicz, Joel, 1415, 108109

Bunny Chair, 130131


garage inventions, 14

switching, 89

Buxbury, Brian, 177


CAD (computer-aided design)

considering, 133135

for kids, 215216

precision, 135

CAM (computer-aided manufacturing), 147148

Campbell, Joseph, 1

cantenna, 29

Carroll, Lewis, 105

cave. See “The Legend of Hall City Cave”

centrifuge, 230

childhood making, 206208. See also kid-friendly makerspaces


as digital natives, 213215

teaching, 209

Christensen, Clayton, 223224

Cilliers, Jan, 3840, 42

citizen science, 222224, 226. See also frugal science; scientists

CNC milling, 145148

Coin Cube, 177179

collaboration, 225. See also DIT (Do-It-Together)

Collins, Jim, 181


building, 225228

encouraging, 3638

competition and cooperation, 231233

conservation websites, 227

constraints, embracing, 6871

Cooper, Caren, 221

craftsmanship. See also workmanship trends

overview, 107108

process, 109

reimagining, 125127

Crash Space, 210

Crawford, Matthew, 75

cribbage board, 68

crowdfunding platforms, 173

cube lamps, 177

CubeSat standard, 224225

curiosity of makers, 133

current, voltage, and resistance, 148

customer service, 193194


demand for products, surge in, 177, 185

design libraries, 135136

Desktop Jellyfish Tank project, 64

devices, charging, 30

Diffusion of Innovations Theory, 120121

DIFM (Do-It-For-Me), 205

digital fabrication, 132136, 144145

disruptive innovation, 223224. See also innovative ideas

distribution channels, 176

DIT (Do-It-Together), 11, 17, 236237. See also collaboration

DIY (Do-It-Yourself) concept, 1920, 33

DIY Book Scanner, 37

DIY Drones, 3738, 193, 214215

Dobsonian telescope, 222223

documenting projects, 5859

Dougherty, Dale, 218

drawing skills, developing, 7576

dreams, realizing, 237238

Druids versus Engineers, 125

Dweck, Carol, 62

Dyson, George, 208, 210


Earle, Sylvia, 42

Earth Optimism Summit, 231232

Ebersweiler, Cyril, 186188

electronics, basics, 148149

electronics resource, 8384

Ellsworth, Adam, 177178

emailing experts, 4144

Engineers versus Druids, 125

experimentation, 119

expert advice, getting, 3841

experts, emailing, 4144


fab labs, 1112, 89-91

FAB: The Coming Revolution on Your Desktop, 13

Facebook Group, 36


celebrating, 59

overcoming, 6162

FDM (fused deposition modeling), 138

Ferris, Timothy, 223

Fetterman, Abe and Lisa, 155159, 164, 172, 185186

field journal, 227228

Firefly, 225

“Fix It First” mentality, 7981

fixer, being, 7678

fixing things, 7881

fix-it clinics, 81

Flaherty, Adam, 29

flint knapping, 123124

Foldscope, 229

Ford, Edward, 146

Ford, 16

forklift lesson, 5657

forums, hosting, 36

“The Free Yacht Saga,” 5255

Frey, David, 122

frugal science, 229. See also citizen science


garage inventions, 14

gas welding, 116117

GeekDad blog, 37

Gentry, Eri, 2628

Gershenfeld, Neil, 1213, 89, 144, 228

Ghalib, Bilal, 129130

Glowaski, Alex, 179

goals, clarifying, 38

Godin, Seth, 173174

Good, Travis, 179180

Good to Great, 181182

Google and YouTube, 86

Google Groups, 36

Google Patents website, 204

GrabCAD, 136

Graham, Paul, 183184, 186

Gray, Jonathan, 95

Greene, Robert, 119

grill, buying versus making, 4748


joining, 2831

starting, 3538

growth mindset, 62

guidance, asking for, 100


hack, defined, 25

Hack a Day website, 193

Hackaday Prize, 232233

hackerspaces, 2829, 32, 87, 9192

Hall City Cave, 24

Hanks, Kurt, 7576

hardware startups, 184188. See also Open Source Hardware Community

Harrigan, Daniel, 48

Harrington Au, Jesse, 132136

Haxlr8r program, 156157, 185188

hinges and boxes, 143144

Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, 17

Hoff, Susan, 112114

Homicki, Gene, 9798

Horn, Martin, 70

Hornstein, Alex, 129

horseshoes, making, 122123

“How to Make (Almost) Anything,” 1213

Hughes, Thomas, 125126

The Hydrous, 138



protecting, 198204

versus reality, 209

iFixit website, 8081

“The ‘IKEA Effect,’” 7174

Industrial Revolution, 66

inexperience, benefit of, 191192

Innovation Curve, 120

innovative ideas, 174175. See also disruptive innovation

frugality, 228231


Nomadic Orchard, 55

NPR series, 52

platform, 37

website, 33, 36, 58


clarifying, 58

writing down, 63

Internet of Things, 168

Inventables, 136, 145

inventory, 194195

investor perspective, 184


Jackson, Doug, 3637, 94

jellyfish tank project, 64

Jensen, Vickie, 67

job loss, responses to, 78

Jobs, Steve, 171

Johnson, Zack, 5, 99, 195

“just-in-time” learning model, 13


Kaplan, Zach, 145146

kayak project, 162163. See also baidarkas

Kelly, Kevin, 169170

Key, Stephen, 195196

Kickstarter campaign, OpenROV, 173174

Kickstarter projects

Godin, Seth, 173174

increase in amounts, 235

kid-friendly makerspace, 211

OpenROV, 166, 195

pitch versus audience, 171

success, 171173

TGT wallet, 167

kid-friendly makerspaces, 211213. See also childhood making


CAD for, 215216

design education, 216218

“Kitchen Table Industrialists,” 85

kits. See also Known Projects; proto-products

defined, 25

finding, 6768

importance, 6667

as Known Projects, 66

underwater robots, 67

Klein, Zach, 214

Kloski, Nick, 139

knowledge. See also maker skills; skills

applying to making, 112114

graphic, 51

sharing, 5759

Known Projects, 65. See also kits


LA Makerspace, 212. See also makerspaces

Lam, Brian, 5

Lang, Robert, 162

laser cutter, 140141

Laser Tag, 196

layoff, responses to, 78

Learning Landscape playgrounds, 217

learning skills, 26. See also project-based learning

Lee, Andy, 189

Lee, Sharon Ann, 211

The Legend of Hall City Cave, 24, 34

LEGO Mindstorms, 3738

Lemnos Labs, 185

licensing, 195198

LightSail solar sailing, 225

Lindy Effect, 124

LinkedIn Learning, 135

Linux for Makers, 153

“low road” buildings, 103


M:A (maker-to-audience) ratio, 163, 169, 172173

Made By Hand series, 108

Madrigal, Alex, 86

Magic Bullet, 7677

Make: Electronics, 8384

Make for the Planet, 231232

Make: magazine, 910

Make: Projects, 33

The Maker Bill of Rights, 79

maker blog, creating, 63

maker businesses

school, 183184

skills, 192195

maker community, volunteering, 33

Maker Education Initiative, 207

Maker Faire. See also Mini Maker Faire; World Maker Faire

attending, 31

growth, 235

impact of, 810, 2124

maker group, starting, 3335

maker markets, 174

maker mentality, 4849, 52

maker movement, 12, 16, 219

Maker Sampling Quest, 109112

Maker Share

online platform, 218

website, 58

maker skills, 86. See also knowledge; skills

Maker Startup Weekend, 130, 231

maker tools, 8586, 110, 223

MakerBot, 15, 235

makerhood, creating, 103104


aesthetic, 125

becoming, 14

characteristics, 11

curiosity, 133

defined, 24

lingo, 2425

meeting, 3138

personal trainers, 99101

process, 163

as scientists, 220221

technologies, 15

tools, 1112

understanding, 1011

makerspaces. See also LA Makerspace

creating, 9294

explained, 11

Mt. Vernon, 92

overview, 8890

visiting, 32

Make:SF, 28, 30


best practices, 104

defined, 24

identifying objects, 165

nature of, 48

what you know, 112114

making characteristic, 48

making gene, 48

making skills, developing, 910

MapBox, 226

MATE (Marine Advanced Technology Education), 40

McCracken, Dave, 3

McElligott, Peter, 95

McMaster-Carr, 136, exploring, 3132

metalworking courses, 116

Mets, Matt, 158

Michel, Drew, 4041

MIG (metal inert gas) welding, 115

Miller, Matthew, 217

Miller, Mike, 124

Mindset, 62

Minecraft, 216

Mini Maker Faire, 85. See also Maker Faire; World Maker Faire

MintyBoost, 30

MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 12

money, saving, 8485

MongaBay Wildtech, 227

Moore, Geoffrey A., 120121

Morris, William, 125126


nature versus nurture, 4748

NDA (nondisclosure agreement), 198

Newton, Jim, 165

NextEngine 3D Scanning, 136137

niche products, 126

Ning, 3637

NOAA’s National Agenda for Ocean Exploration, 221

Noisebridge, 29, 32

Nomadic Orchard, 55

Nomiku Sous Vide Cooker, 159

Norton, Michael, 7172

novelty requirement for patents, 202

NYC Resistor, 9192, 94


observation, role in apprenticeship, 119

ocean exploration, 2

Ocean Exploration 2020 conference, 220221

Ohm’s law, 148

OmniCorp hackerspace, 92

online group, starting, 3538

Onshape, 134

Open Education Database, 93

Open Hardware Licenses, 201

Open Hardware Summit 2011, 49

Open qPCR, 226

Open Source Hardware Community, 199201. See also hardware startups

OpenExplorer, 227228

openness, foundation of, 224

OpenROV. See also World Maker Faire

3D container, 131

design, 6

digital field journal, 227228

HQ, 101102

Kickstarter campaign, 173174, 195

maker products, 236

MATE competition, 40

Ocean Exploration 2020 conference, 220221

priorities, 161

water testing, 6063

website, 3536

OpenSCAD, 134

OpenStreetMap, 226

operations-shipping, 194195

origami, 142

Oru Kayak, 162163


PAIR (Public Patent Application Information Retrieval), 204

Paperfuge, 230231


and commitment, 5

and creativity, 14

and curiosity, 22

and energy, 8

finding, 3334

for projects, 16

patent infringement, 200, 202


creating, 201

expiration, 204

filing, 202203

“first-to-invent” process, 203

as learning tools, 203

novelty requirement, 202

searching, 204

PCH International, 185

people, connecting with, 2526

personal narrative, rebuilding, 89

personal trainers, 99101

Pettis, Bre, 193

Pilloton, Emily, 217218


Facebook Group, 36

Instructables, 37

Ning, 37

Platt, Charles, 8384, 149

“Pocket Factory” tour, 129130

Prakash, Manu, 228230

Pringles Cantenna, 29

printing, 3D, 138139

priorities, setting, 161

problem solving, 231

process, valuing, 7174

project advice, asking for, 100

Project H Design, 217

project-based learning, 6466. See also learning skills

projects, documenting, 5859

prosumers, 174

protecting ideas, 198204

proto-products, 174176. See also kits

ProtoTank, 181183

prototypes, 165169. See also rapid prototyping

PTM (persistent-tinkering mentality). See also Tinkering School

cultivating, 6364

overview, 5963

Puig-Suari, Jordi, 224225


Quirky website, 197


Rabinovitch, Darren, 214

Ragan, Sean Michael, 143

Rainforest Connection, 226

Randolph, Barry, 92

rapid prototyping, 189190. See also prototypes

Raspberry Pi, 152153

raster cutting, 140141

Reetz, Daniel, 37

resistance, current, and voltage, 148

re-skilling, 160

résumés, building, 190191

Rhinoceros, 134

Riley, Britta, 193194

Robb, John, 216

robots. See ROVs (remotely operated vehicles)

Rogers, Everett, 120121

Rohn, Jim, 25

Ross, Gary, 198

ROVs (remotely operated vehicles)

buoyancy, 5

design, 6

discussions, 3435

electrical system, 45

lighting, 5

navigating in cavern, 67

placing in water, 5

resources and experts, 40

shell, 5

using, 2, 4

rubber band wallet idea, 166

runway, explained, 182

Rush, Andrew, 199

Ruxpin, Teddy, 196


safety guidelines, 4956

Saffo, Paul, 125

Saxon, Isaiah, 214

Schrage, Michael, 66, 175176

science, broadening scope, 225

Science of Digital Fabrication conference, 144

scientific research, tools, 223

scientists, makers as, 220222. See also citizen science

Sea Perch kit, 67

“secondarily liable,” 200

Seidle, Nathan, 5152

ShapeOko, 146147


first-mover advantage, 168169

knowledge, 5759

as resources, 9899

as strategies, 9899

tools, 8485

visions, 179180

shields, options, 151

ShopBot, 6970, 144145

side jobs, 182183

SketchUp Make, 134

skills. See also knowledge; maker skills

acquiring, 26, 119

maker businesses, 192195

re-skilling, 160

targeting, 4849

SLS (selective laser sintering), 138

SLA (stereolithography), 138

Sliwinski, Andrew, 85, 214

SmartThings, 168

SoC (systems on a chip), 152

software and hardware, 187

Sonicare toothbrush, hacking, 196197

Sorem, Bran, 5

sourcing, 194195

sous vide, 50, 157, 159

SparkFun, 51, 68, 153

Sphero, hacking into, 181

Squarespace website, 63

stacking, 142143

Stackpole, Eric, 2, 34, 40

starfish experiment, 137

startup incubation, 183185

steam engine design, 66

Studio H curriculum, 217218

Sturges, Jeff, 91. See also makerspaces

success, self-defining, 160162

Sutter, Jack, 166167

SV Seeker website, 3637


Taleb, Nassim, 124

techniques, value of, 120


accessibility and modularity, 236

endurance, 124


angular sheet metal, 66

described, 88

Dream Coach (Zack), 69, 99

and employees, 16

founder, 165

versus Noisebridge, 32

part-time work, 182183

side jobs, 182183

“tenacity,” 209

Tether product, 198

TGT Kickstarter campaign, 167169

TGT wallet, 166167

Thingiverse, 135

thinking visually, 7476

Thomas, AnnMarie, 75, 206207

Thwaites, Thomas, 1720, 3840, 42

TIG (tungsten inert gas) welding, 115116

Tiger Brown, Tara, 210211

Tikkun Olam Makers, 232

TinkerCad, 134

Tinkering School, 209. See also PTM (persistent-tinkering mentality)

TM Technologies, 116

toaster project, 1720, 3839, 42

Tolson, Edgar, 47

tool-lending libraries, 9498

tools, sharing, 8485

Torrone, Phil, 150, 193

trade schools, 118

Triple Cities Makerspace, Inc., 89

true believers, 170176

True Fandom, 169

Tulley, Gever, 208210

Turner, Ryan, 48

TV-B-Gone, 158

Twiggs, Bob, 224225

Twine, 168


underwater ROVs, 2, 67

unemployment, 8

Unknown Projects, 65

Unnovation Curve, 121122


valuing process, 7174

Vancouver Tool Library, 98

vector cutting, 141

visual thinking, 7476

Vitamix blender, 80

vocational training, reinventing, 217

voltage, current, and resistance, 148


Wallach Kloski, Liza, 139

wallet idea, 166

Ward, Danny, 122123

Watt, James, 66


3D ContentCentral, 136

Adafruit, 68, 153

Arduino, 152

Arduino kit, 67

BeagleBone, 153

conservation, 227

Desktop Jellyfish Tank project, 64

DIY Book Scanner, 37

DIY Drones, 37

Druids versus Engineers, 125

flint knapping, 123

Foldscope, 229

forums, 36

GeekDad blog, 37

Google Groups, 36

Google Patents, 204

GrabCAD, 136

Hack a Day, 193

Hackaday Prize, 232233

iFixit, 8081

“The ‘IKEA Effect,’” 71

Instructables, 33, 36, 58

Inventables, 136

Linux for Makers, 153

Made By Hand series, 108

Make for the Planet, 231

Maker Share, 58, 218

McMaster-Carr, 136

Mongabay, 227

Open Education Database, 93

Open Hardware Licenses, 201

OpenExplorer, 227228

OpenROV, 35

Oru Kayak, 162

Quirky, 197

Raspberry Pi, 153

Science of Digital Fabrication conference, 144

SparkFun, 68, 153

Squarespace, 63

starfish experiment, 137

SV Seeker, 3637

Thingiverse, 131, 135

Tikkun Olam Makers, 232

Vancouver Tool Library, 98

Wildlabs, 226227

WordPress, 36, 63

welding, 114117

West Seattle Tool Library, 9798

White, Kent, 75, 116117

Wildlabs, 226227

“wildlife watchers,” 221

Willis, Anton, 162, 164, 172

WordPress, 36, 63

workmanship trends, 126. See also craftsmanship

workshop, building, 101104

World Maker Faire, 50, 139. See also Maker Faire; Mini Maker Faire; OpenROV

writing process, developing, 63

writing skills, 192193


Y Combinator, 183184

YouTube and Google, 86


Zande, Jill, 40

Zero to Maker

in 30 days, 111

column, 6364

concept, 7

Gentry, Eri, 28

goal, 1314

goals, 19

process, 49

transition, 16

trends, 16

“Zero to Maker in 30 Days,” 10

Zooniverse, 226

Zullinger, Chip, 217

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