I would like to thank Ken Dancyger for his provocative ideas, easy wit, and exemplary patience throughout our partnership on this project. He is a most gracious collaborator and a valued friend. I would also like to thank Mary Carlson for her perceptive comments on the first draft.


The notion of writing a book about scripting short films began with Pat Cooper. I have to thank her for her enthusiasm, her insights, and her commitment to students. And I thank her for bringing me into this project. She is a great friend and collaborator. At New York University, I’d like to thank Christina Rote and Delliah Bond, who assisted me in the preparation of the manuscript. Finally, I’d like to thank my wife, Ida, for her intelligent critiques of the manuscript at all phases.


On this latest edition we would like to thank our new scriptwriters—Gert Embrechts, Matthew Goldenberg, Michael Slavens, and Anthony Green—for allowing us to include their screenplays. We would also like to thank Elinor Actipis at Focal Press and Trevor MacDougall at Kolam, Inc. for their excellent and thorough edit.

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