Book Cover


© 2014 Smashing Magazine GmbH, Freiburg, Germany
ISBN: 978-3-945749-06-7 (ePUB)
Cover Design: Veerle Pieters
eBook Strategy and Editing: Vitaly Friedman
Technical Editing: Cosima Mielke
Planning and Quality Control: Vitaly Friedman, Iris Lješnjanin
Tools: Elja Friedman
Idea & Concept: Smashing Magazine GmbH

About This Book

Web design is more than a job. It’s a passion. However, keeping up with the immense pace at which the web industry is moving can feel quite intimidating at times. There’s always something new to catch up on, an urgent deadline requiring you to pull yet another all-nighter, or clients requesting support when you’re on vacation. Even if you are passionate about all of those things, your energy isn’t inexhaustible. Stress or even a burnout can strike all of us someday. With this eBook, we want to raise awareness for those aspects of our industry which (unfortunately) are not frequently talked about. It’s not about frameworks, code or scripts for a change — today it’s about you.

We want to inspire you to take two steps back, and rethink your current practices. It’s important to be aware what kind of role work plays in your life. This eBook focuses on practical tips and strategies to foster a balanced lifestyle, but we also want to take those moments into account when things get tougher as usual by addressing a topic which is still often a taboo: mental health. Consider this eBook as a permission to let go a little, to step away from the web from time to time, so that you can tackle the job you love with more energy and provide more room for fresh ideas. Even if you may feel like everything is going smoothly for you (which is fantastic!), there are still a good number of valuable eye-openers in here which will prove to be useful to everyone who is a part of this fast-moving industry.

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