This Book’s Example Files

You can download the example files for this book from this location:

All code examples are written using pure ActionScript 3, when possible, and are not tied to any framework or IDE. This is to allow the reader to implement the code examples in whichever environment he/she chooses.

The examples are all ActionScript 3 (AS3) class files which can be compiled to AIR, APK, EXE, BAR, IPA, et cetera, using Flash Professional, Flash Builder, FDT, FlashDevelop, or any other IDE which can be configured to process and output Flash content.

For most of the mobile examples with figures, we are setting the <aspectRatio> node within the <initialWindow> node in the application descriptor file to “landscape” and the <autoOrients> node within the <initialWindow> node to “false”. This is not required, but you may wish to do this yourself when using these examples in order to produce a similar output as is detailed by the figures present in this book.

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