Chapter 5 Application Modeling

1: True or False: Polymorphism is the concept that states a class's data is hidden from outside entities and can only be accessed by external entities through the operations provided by that class.
A1: Answer: False
2: What restriction does a rolename apply to a class?
A2: Answer: Rolenames partition the behavior(s) a class presents in an association with another class.
3: A qualifier selects specific object instances of the class:
  1. On the end of the association nearest to the qualifier

  2. On the far end of the association

A3: Answer: b. On the far end of the association
4: True or False: In an aggregation, when the “whole” is destroyed, all the parts are not necessarily destroyed.
A4: Answer: True. When you have a composition (or a composite aggregation), the parts are destroyed with the whole.
5: Which of the following are not a type of visibility:
  1. Private

  2. Partial

  3. Virtual

  4. Public

  5. Abstract

  6. Package

  7. Protected

A5: Answer: b. Partial, c. Virtual, and e. Abstract
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