
  • Accounts
    • economic, social and environmental
    • environmental
    • national time
    • resource
    • system of national, see System of National Accounts
  • Activities of Daily Living
  • Africa
  • American Time Use Survey
  • Arab Spring
  • Aristotle
  • Arts, the
  • Asia
  • Assets
    • economic
    • environmental
    • household
    • natural
    • overseas
    • price bubble
    • productive
    • tangible
    • usable
    • valuation
  • Attenborough, David

  • Banking, sustainable
  • Bentham, Jeremy
  • Better Life
    • Index (OECD)
    • initiative (OECD)
  • Beveridge, William
  • Beyond 2011
  • Beyond GDP (European Commission)
  • Bhutan
  • Big data
  • Business
    • accounting
    • corporate social responsibility

  • Campbell's law
  • Canada
    • economic growth
    • wellbeing
  • Capability
  • Capacity
    • building statistical
  • Capital
    • cultural
    • economic
    • environmental
    • human
    • physical
    • social
    • taking account of all types of
    • total stock
  • Capitalism
    • as described by Adam Smith
    • natural
    • neo-liberal
    • progressive
    • responsible
  • China
    • economic growth
    • life expectancy in
    • wellbeing initiatives
  • Climate change
    • intergovernmental panel
    • need for indicators
    • and sustainable development
  • Clinimetric indicator
  • Colombia, Republic of
  • Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (CMEPSP), see Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi Commission
  • Communication
    • technology
  • Consumption
  • Cromwell, Oliver
  • Culture

  • Darwin, Charles
  • Dashboard
    • examples of
    • of indicators
  • Data, see also Big data
    • capture
    • quality
    • revolution
  • Dda, Hywel
  • Declaration of Independence (US)
  • Depreciation
  • Depression
    • measures of
    • and wellbeing
  • Development, sustainable
    • definitions of
    • examples of
    • frameworks
    • indicators
    • policy
  • Doing Business indicators (World Bank)
  • Dr Foster

  • Easterlin paradox
  • Ecological
    • fallacy
    • footprint
  • Ecology
  • Ecosystem
  • Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro
  • Elections
  • Enlightenment, Age of
  • Enterprises, social
  • Environment, the, see also Accounts, Green growth, Sustainable development indicators, Sustainability, System of Economic and Environmental Accounts, Triple bottom line
    • and air travel
    • business impact on
    • as capital asset
    • China
    • condition of
    • and development
    • and economic growth
    • and politics
    • and quality of life
    • regulation of
    • value of
    • and wellbeing
  • Egypt
  • ESA95
  • ESA2010
  • Eudemonia
  • Evolution
  • Externalities

  • Factor analysis
  • Flows
  • Flynn effect
  • Frameworks
    • characteristics of
    • constructing
    • examples
    • for population subgroups
    • use of
  • France
  • Fraud
  • French constitution
  • Functioning
    • and capability
    • examples of
    • and flourishing
    • and wellbeing
  • Fundamental principles of official statistics
    • summary, 151 (Table 5.1)
    • use of

  • Gallup World Poll
  • GDP, see Gross domestic product
  • Germany
  • Gini coefficient
  • Global Alliance for Banking on Values
  • Global Green Growth Institute
  • GNH, see Gross national happiness
  • GNI, see Gross national income
  • GNP, see Gross national product
  • Good society, see Society, good
  • Goodhart's Law
  • Government
    • macroeconomic management
    • national debt
    • policy
    • performance of
    • role of
    • services
    • use of statistics
  • Graunt, John
  • Green Book
  • Gross domestic product (GDP)
    • definition
    • history
    • limitations
    • revisions
    • strengths
  • Gross national
    • happiness (GNH)
    • income (GNI)
    • product (GNP) see Gross national income
  • Growth
    • economic
    • green
    • limits to
    • personal
  • Guttman scale

  • Happiness
    • international day of
    • psychology
    • quantum of
    • and wellbeing
  • Happy Planet Index (HPI)
  • Hawthorne effect
  • HDI, see Human Development Index
  • Health Related Quality of Life
  • Hedonic
    • calculus
    • treadmill
  • Hedonimetry
  • Homeostasis
  • How's Life?
  • HPI, see Happy Planet Index
  • Human capital, see Capital, human
  • Human Development
    • Index (HDI)
    • Reports
  • Human Genome Project
  • Hutcheson, Francis

  • Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)
  • Index, synthetic
  • India
  • Indicators
    • combining multiple
    • composite
    • criteria for selection
    • environmental
    • green growth
    • outcome
    • resource
    • sets of. See also Indicators, composite
    • social
    • sustainable development indicators (SDIs) see Development, sustainable, indicators
  • Inequality
    • analysing
    • causes and effects
    • examples of
    • measuring
    • tackling
  • International Association of Research in Income and Wealth (IARIW)
  • International Classification of Diseases
  • International Day of Happiness
  • Interval scale, see Scale type, interval
  • ISEW, see Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare
  • Istanbul Declaration
  • Italy

  • Jefferson, Thomas

  • Kennedy, Robert
  • Kuznets, Simon

  • Laffer curve
  • Landscape
  • Leaders, business
  • Legatum Institute
    • Commission on Wellbeing Policy
    • Prosperity Index
  • Leisure
    • taking account of
    • time use
    • and wellbeing
  • Liabilities
  • Life Satisfaction Survey
  • Likert scale

  • Malthus, Thomas
  • Marx, Karl
  • Maslow's hierarchy of needs
  • McNamara fallacy
  • MDGs, see Millennium Development Goals
  • MEA, see Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
  • Measurement
    • change
    • constructing instruments
    • national household income
    • pragmatic
      • approach to composite indicators
      • aspects of procedures
      • definition of
      • frameworks
      • scales
      • validity
    • progress
    • properties
    • representational
    • scales
    • social welfare
    • subjective wellbeing
      • approaches and instruments
      • children
      • developing measures
      • guidelines
      • as measurement of progress. See also Easterlin paradox
      • national initiatives
      • observations on
      • Stiglitz et al recommendation on, 88 (Table 3.1)
      • use of
    • technology
  • Measures of Australia's Progress (MAP)
  • Measuring National Well-being (MNW) programme (UK)
  • Memory
  • Micawber
  • Mill, John Stuart
  • Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
    • potential in measuring wellbeing and progress
    • process
  • Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MEA)
  • Miller, George A.
  • MIMIC model
  • Misery index
  • MNW, see Measuring National Well-being

  • Natural and Political Observations Made Upon the Bills of Mortality
  • New Delhi, World Forum in
  • New Economics Foundation (nef). See also Happy Planet Index (HPI)
  • Nominal scale, see Scale type, nominal

  • Obsolescence, planned/built-in
  • OECD, see Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Ordinal scale, see Scale type, ordinal
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
    • data
    • environmental statistics
    • framework for measuring wellbeing
    • guidelines
      • measuring household wealth
      • measuring subjective wellbeing
      • societal progress indicators
    • and Stiglitz et al Commission
    • view of growth
    • wellbeing initiatives. See also Better Life, How's Life?
    • world forums. See also Istanbul Declaration

  • Petty, William
  • Philosophy
    • Ancient Greek
    • Chinese
    • wellbeing
  • Plato
  • Politics
  • Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
  • Poverty
    • child
  • Pragmatic measurement, see Measurement, pragmatic
  • Pre-distribution
  • Princeton Affect Time Survey
  • Producers of statistics
    • challenges
    • fundamental principles
    • national statistical systems
    • presentating and communicating outputs
    • role in measuring wellbeing and progress
  • Progess
    • economic growth
    • exploring what this means
    • historical concepts
    • and inequality
    • societal, definitions of
    • spheres of
    • variety of measures
    • wellbeing as new concept of
    • why measure
  • Psychometric
    • indicator
    • measurement

  • Qualitative reports
  • Quality, see also Capability
    • of data, see Data quality
    • of goods and services
    • of life (QoL)
      • cross-cultural comparisons
      • definitions
      • factors affecting
      • OECD approach
      • of future generations. See also Development, sustainable
      • Stiglitz et al Commission recommendations on measuring, 88 (Table 3.1)
  • Quantification
  • Quetelet, Adolphe

  • Race, global
  • Ratio scale, see Scale type, ratio
  • Reliability
  • Representational measurement, see Measurement, representational
  • Republic, Plato's
  • Resources, common
  • Rights, human
  • Rio+20
  • Royal Statistical Society
  • Rogers, Richard
  • Ryff's Psychological Wellbeing Theory

  • Sandel, Michael
  • Satisfaction with life scale
  • Savings
  • Scale type
    • interval
    • nominal
    • ordinal
    • ratio
  • Scotland
  • Security
    • economic
    • financial
    • national
    • personal
    • services
  • SEEA, see System of Economic and Environmental Accounts
  • Self-determination theory
  • Silent Spring
  • Sinclair, John
  • Smith, Adam
  • SNA, see System of National Accounts
  • Social
    • capital, see Capital, social
    • indicator(s) movement
    • network
    • progress. See also Progress, societal
      • Index (SPI)
  • Social security benefits
  • Social Trends (UK)
  • Society, good
  • Standard of living
  • Statistical Account of Scotland
  • Statistics
    • contested
    • official see also Fundamental principles of official statistics
  • Statistics Authority, UK
  • Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi Commission
    • domains
    • economic accounts
    • further work
    • political voice and governance
    • report and recommendations
    • social and environmental indicators
    • subjective wellbeing
    • sustainability
  • Stock, see Capital
  • Stone, Richard
  • Sustainability, see also Development, sustainable
    • economic
  • System of Economic and Environmental Accounts (SEEA)
  • System of National Accounts (SNA)

  • Technology
  • Telemark Museums
  • The Long Tail
  • The Spirit Level
  • The Wealth of Nations, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the
  • Thurstone scale
  • Totnes (England)
  • Triple bottom line

  • Uncertainty
    • feelings of
    • statistical
  • United Nations (UN)
    • Development Programme (UNDP)
    • High Level Panel
    • Resolution 65/
  • United States (US) indicators
  • User requirement
  • Users of statistics
  • U-shaped relationship between age and wellbeing
  • Utilitarianism
  • Utility
    • relative

  • Validity
    • content
    • criterion
    • construct
    • face
    • of measurement scale
  • Value
    • brands
    • cultural
    • of household assets
    • market price
    • of money
    • pluralism of
    • public
    • shareholder
    • social, see Value, public
  • Values
  • Visualisation, data

  • Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS)
  • Wealth, see also Capital
    • measuring
    • and Stiglitz et al Commission recommendations, 88 (Table 3.1)
    • and wellbeing
  • Wellbeing
    • affect/experience measures of
    • and growth
    • and inequality, see Inequality, The Spirit Level
    • and mental health. See also Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS)
    • children and young people
    • definitions
    • drivers
    • economic
    • eudemonic
      • measures
    • evaluative measures
    • flourishing
    • hedonic
    • individual
    • material see also Standard of living
    • measures of subjective, see Measurement of subjective wellbeing
    • national
    • objective aspects
    • older people
    • of people living under flight paths
    • and personality constructs
    • and sustainability
    • single measures of
    • subjective aspects
  • World Economic Forum
  • World Health Organisation (WHO)

  • Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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