Stepping Up to Complete Leadership

Perhaps no other animal is so torn between alternatives. Man might be described fairly adequately, if simply, as a two-legged paradox.

—John Steinbeck1

In a book about how to manage paradox, we will start with one that applies to you personally: The only way to become a finished leader is to remain an unfinished one. There you go. You thought we were going to distill the many insights in our book into a clear axiom. And instead, well, we made a statement that sounds complex and ambiguous.

Although this is a risky way to start a book, we want to make a point: If you're a leader—or an aspiring one, you can't afford to be scared off by complexity or ambiguity. You have to hunger to thrive in their midst. And if you're that kind of person, this book is for you. Step by step, we show you how to make better decisions and act more decisively in a complex world—practices that will prove useful even if you already recognize that you live in a world of paradox and have found ways to work with it productively.

Many people believe the way to solve complex problems is to reduce them to something simple. This is not our approach. As Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, “Everything must be made as simple as possible, but not one bit simpler.”2 We agree. If you're too much of a reductionist, you end up glossing over the rough edges that make most difficult problems so prickly.

And “as simple as possible” is getting more complex by the day. In fact, the most important problems we face—at home, in the office, in the factory, in the community—have increasingly taken on complex new forms full of illogic. Especially when it comes to leading people. Problems of the past were two-dimensional in comparison. As Chapter One explains, we call these simpler problems puzzles—straightforward, single-solution problems you can solve once and for all.

But these two-dimensional puzzles have morphed into multi-dimensional paradoxes. They bristle with contradictions. They pit the forces of one interest against another. You can't solve them once and for all. In fact, you can't always solve them at all—although you can manage them.

You may believe you can simplify every complex problem into an uncomplex essence. Then you can tirelessly work to find the single right solution for the problem in question, then close the book on that mind twister, pat yourself on the back, and declare: Mission Accomplished!

But with leadership paradoxes, you can't arrive at a single or right or definitive solution. The paradoxes may trick you into thinking you have to give in either to one opposing choice or to the other—the long term or the short term, for instance. Or they may tempt you into trying to turn every set of contradictions into complementarities. But they will confound you if you approach them this way, and instead of patting yourself on the back, you may want to tear your hair out and proclaim: Mission Impossible!

One of our consulting clients is CEO of a big company that faces an uncertain future. The company has thrived for many years with captive customers, stable technology, and seasoned management. But as the Internet has changed the product set, and as customers enjoy more choices from firms breaking down industry boundaries, he has decided the ability to thrive in the future will require new capabilities. He has also realized that nobody on his senior team has those capabilities, nor can anyone quickly learn them. So what does he do? Does he fire all of them? Does he send them to training? Does he hire young MBAs to work with them to understand and master the challenges of a suddenly alien business?

He has worked hard to build the company, and he wants to secure his legacy. His goal is to position the firm as sustainable for decades. So what's the best way to solve that problem? Does he decide based on people performance or company performance? Does he reward loyalty or skill? Does he think about the welfare of his colleagues or the entire employee base? Does he think about the short term or long term? The decision is full of contradictions. What do you think? What would you do?

After much thought about the paradoxes built into his dilemma, he reshaped his organization around the talents (and deficiencies) of his people. He came up with an innovative regrouping of products and services, highlighting the strengths of his key players, reducing the role of some, and positioning others for greater future responsibility. He added new people to his team, and removed one or two of the old ones. In short, he faced into paradox and rather than decide between either/or alternatives, he used paradox to spur innovation in his thinking and then his decisions.

We have been helping people like this CEO make difficult decisions for years, and we have found that these paradoxical situations have come up more and more. In fact, top leaders face paradoxes all the time. And the number of paradoxes they are facing has exploded, along with the numbers of choices in every aspect of business—new ways companies compete for customers, new technologies embedded in products, new ways to work and collaborate, new global marketplaces, new competitive players, and so on.

We have discovered much about how to help people faced with paradoxes. Confounding as the contradictions are, they can be managed if you approach them the right way. You cannot master this approach in business school, nor through traditional management experience. You have to learn it through direct experience in struggling with paradoxical problems, acknowledging them, sorting out the contradictions.

We help you get started with this book, offering a range of content to highlight an approach that works. We tell stories of leaders who are struggling with paradoxical questions. We summarize research to show you how the world has changed and how you can react effectively. We itemize our processes and tools for moving one step at a time to solutions. We base all of this on our decades of experience, in which we have observed patterns of dysfunction in handling multiplying paradoxes—and how to move beyond them.

We agree with many of the books on leadership today. They offer lots of good tips and techniques, from recruiting to motivating to inspiring. But this book adds something vital to the leadership bookshelf: It singles out one skill that most leaders desperately need today but don't have—especially veteran leaders who earned promotions when organizations faced fewer contradictions. It offers advice to these leaders as whole people, without separating the mental skills or personal characteristics needed on the job from those at home or in the community. This is not a book offering another theory. It is a how-to handbook for getting started.

We focus on collaborative problem solving because the heroic approach—the solo gunslinger protagonist going after antagonistic business forces—is not up to the task at hand. We focus on broad-based collaboration, because many people are required to help you out—not just those who sit in offices down the hall. You also need people sitting in other offices, living in your communities, or facing you across the dinner table. A company, after all, is only as smart as its people's capacity to collaborate on paradoxical problems.

You may have noticed that in the world today paradoxes seem to have paralyzed many institutions. Everywhere you look, leaders seem caught in the dysfunction of seeing problems only as offering either/or solutions, one extreme or the other. One side will not acknowledge the validity of the other side, creating problems that seemingly can't be addressed and get worse through inaction. The U.S. Congress leaps to mind here. But many business organizations are also slowed or sometimes stopped by paradox generated through matrix organizations or line-versus-staff, global-versus-local, product-versus-service conflicts, all of which are really paradoxes awaiting management.

Students of human organization patterns used to think that only the most senior leaders dealt regularly with paradoxes, but in today's organizations full of empowered people, just about everyone does. This book can help you begin the conversation on how to deal with them. How will your team, peers, boss, and even spouse manage amid so many contradictions? How can they become collaborators in bringing the toughest ones to resolution? When you wrestle with others over paradoxes, you will have a new insight: While contradictory forces can drive a wedge between people, you can also use those forces to unite people. Although paradox can spark strife, it can also spur possibility.

The advice we give in this book expands on our advice in earlier books, in which we called for the development of “head, heart, and guts” leaders. You use your head as an analytical tool. You use your heart to listen to and empathize with your collaborators' and stakeholders' points of view. You use your guts to summon the courage to act in the face of complexity and ambiguity. The CEO we described earlier found that his head, heart, and guts were telling him different things. You will find the same thing in the paradoxical challenges that are common today.

To deal in this world, it takes a specific approach, which we describe here: First, in Chapter One, we urge you to draw a distinction between straightforward puzzle-like problems and complex paradoxical ones. When you can identify the beast you're going after, you're more likely to succeed in subduing it. There's an old story about a rookie hunter who arrives at a game station bragging about the cow moose he shot. The wildlife officer retorts, “That's some poor honest farmer's mule!” The lesson, of course, is that knowing the size and shape of the problem you're going after makes all the difference.

Second, in Chapter Two, we urge you to recognize the human strengths that help people to solve puzzle-like problems but hinder their work on paradoxical ones. We highlight the natural human drives for control, consistency, and closure, for which most leaders have been rewarded over a lifetime. Who wants a leader who doesn't want to control events? A leader who doesn't act consistently? A leader who can't bring about closure? But with paradoxical problems, these drives get the problem-solving plane down the runway but fail to give it sufficient lift to take off. Leaders need to understand how to use control, consistency, and closure but also how to give away control to others, to tolerate inconsistency, and to accept a lack of closure.

Third, in Chapter Three, we urge you to take stock of the limitations the organization puts on managing paradoxical problem solving. Ironically, many things that make an organization run efficiently are antithetical to managing paradox effectively. Matrix organization creates multiple internal advocates for either/or choices—either theirs (good) or their rivals' (bad)—instead of a range of more reasonable options. Strategic planning assumes you can predict and control the future rather than act, react, and adapt. Performance review systems reward people for solving puzzles and, as an unintentional consequence, ignore most good work on paradoxes. Added to these organizational dysfunctions are personal ones such as arrogance and aloofness and perfectionism, and we discuss many of these in Chapter Three.

Fourth, in Chapters Four through Six, we urge you to start on the path to dealing with paradox by changing your thinking. By reworking the mechanics inside your head, you can engineer fresh perspectives that facilitate the collaborative search for solutions. We recommend practicing three mindsets, each helpful in different situations: the purpose mindset, the reconciliation mindset, and the innovation mindset. To oversimplify a bit, the innovation mindset calls for out-of-the-box thinking; the reconciliation mindset, inside-the-box thinking; and the purpose mindset, above-the-box thinking. They foster, in turn, invention, negotiation, and aspiration.

Fifth, in Chapters Seven through Eleven, we suggest five time-tested tools that we have found especially helpful in resolving paradoxical problems: scanning the environment, scenario thinking, stakeholder mapping, dialogue, and conflict management. These tools are not new, but as with tools in any trade, you can apply them in specific ways to fulfill particular objectives. We aim to show how to use them to engage in broad and deep conversations, allowing you to work with groups of people in an unbiased way. We have found that many people, even when they recognize paradoxes, feel overwhelmed and unable to deal with them. These tools break the paralysis. They get you to advance your thinking and to act in the face of ambiguity.

Finally, in Chapter Twelve, we show you how to develop your personal skills as a leader intent on mastering the paradoxes of our time. We focus especially on human weaknesses and how to identify and mitigate them. We hope in the process to give you permission to accept that, however hard you try, you will sometimes let the quirks of your personality thrust monkey wrenches into the spokes of smooth collaboration. You will sabotage your own best intentions, but you can often head off your self-destructive tendencies. We offer ways to help keep to your chosen path.

All this brings us to our opening paradox: “The only way to become a finished leader is to remain an unfinished one.” Becoming a finished leader means you have developed exceptional leadership skills, and you constantly upgrade your them as you recognize your failings. But practice does not make perfect. None of us is perfect. So keeping a sense that you're unfinished keeps you fresh and makes you better.

Along with engaging your head, heart, and guts, your unfinished attitude makes you a complete leader. You attitude of humility helps you to drive every day toward mastery, while accepting that you can never quite get there. You accept that your task is to keep trying—diving deep inside yourself, reaching broadly out to others, and embracing complexity without denying it. That's how you will find ways to act effectively in a world of paradox.

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