
Truth 1

1. Kenji Hall, "Sony Walkman Wants the Spotlight Back," BusinessWeek (October 13, 2006),, accessed January 1, 2008.

Truth 2

2. Quoted in Jack Neff, "P&G Boosts Design's Role in Marketing," Advertising Age 1 no. 2 (February 9, 2004): 52.

Truth 3

3. Deborah J. Mitchell, Barbara E. Kahn, and Susan C. Knasko, "There's Something in the Air: Effects of Congruent or Incongruent Ambient Odor on Consumer Decision Making," Journal of Consumer Research 22 (September 1995): 229–38.

4. Maxine Wilkie, "Scent of a Market," American Demographics (August 1995): 40–49.

5. Nicholas Wade, "Scent of a Man Is Linked to a Woman's Selection," New York Times Online (January 22, 2002).

6. Nina M. Lentini, "KFC Targets the Nostrils of Hungry Office Workers" (August 29, 2007), Marketing Daily, Accessed August 29, 2007.

Truth 4

7. Michael Lev, "No Hidden Meaning Here: Survey Sees Subliminal Ads," New York Times (May 3, 1991): D7.

Truth 5

8. Nicholas Bakalar (August 14, 2007), "If It Says McDonald's, Then It Must Be Good," New York Times Online, accessed August 14, 2007.

9. Albert H. Hastorf and Hadley Cantril, "They Saw a Game: A Case Study," Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 49 (1954): 129–134.

10. Benedict Carey, "Knowing the Ingredients Can Change the Taste," New York Times Online (December 12, 2006).

Truth 6

11. James Ward, Barbara Loken, Ivan Ross, and Tedi Hasapopoulous, "The Influence of Physical Similarity on Generalization of Affect and Attribute Perceptions from National Brands to Private Label Brands," in Terence A. Shimp et al., eds., American Marketing Educators' Conference (Chicago: American Marketing Association, 1986), 51–56.

Truth 7

12. Raymond R. Burke and Thomas K. Srull, "Competitive Interference and Consumer Memory for Advertising," Journal of Consumer Research 15 (June 1988): 55–68.

13. Rik G. M. Pieters and Tammo H. A. Bijmolt, "Consumer Memory for Television Advertising: A Field Study of Duration, Serial Position, and Competition Effects," Journal of Consumer Research 23 (March 1997): 362–372.

14. Erik Sass, "Study Finds Spectacular Print Ads Get Spectacular Recall,", February 23, 2007, accessed February 23, 2007.

15. Werner Krober-Riel, "Effects of Emotional Pictorial Elements in Ads Analyzed by Means of Eye Movement Monitoring," in Thomas C. Kinnear, ed., Advances in Consumer Research 11 (Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 1984): 591–596.

16. Hans-Bernd Brosius, "Influence of Presentation Features and News Context on Learning from Television News," Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 33 (Winter 1989): 1–14.

17. Edward F. McQuarrie and David Glen Mick, "Visual and Verbal Rhetorical Figures Under Directed Processing Versus Incidental Exposure to Advertising," Journal of Consumer Research (March 2003): 29, 579–587; cf. also Ann E. Schlosser, "Learning Through Virtual Product Experience: The Role of Imagery on True Versus False Memories," Journal of Consumer Research 33, no. 3 (2006): 377–383.

Truth 8

18. Keith Naughton and Bill Vlasic, "Nostalgia Boom," BusinessWeek (March 23, 1998): 59–64.

19. Robert M. Schindler and Morris B. Holbrook, "Nostalgia for Early Experience as a Determinant of Consumer Preferences," Psychology & Marketing 20, no. 4 (April 2003): 275–302; Morris B. Holbrook and Robert M. Schindler, "Some Exploratory Findings on the Development of Musical Tastes," Journal of Consumer Research 16 (June 1989): 119–124; Morris B. Holbrook and Robert M. Schindler, "Market Segmentation Based on Age and Attitude Toward the Past: Concepts, Methods, and Findings Concerning Nostalgic Influences on Consumer Tastes," Journal of Business Research 37 (September 1996)1: 27–40.

20. Stacy Menzel Baker, Holli C. Karrer, and Ann Veeck, "My Favorite Recipes: Recreating Emotions and Memories Through Cooking," Advances in Consumer Research vol. 32, no. 1 (2005): 304–305.

Truth 9

21. Mary Kay Ericksen and M. Joseph Sirgy, "Achievement Motivation and Clothing Preferences of White-Collar Working Women," in Michael R. Solomon, ed., The Psychology of Fashion (Lexington, MA: Lexington Books, 1985), 357–369.

22. "Survey Tells Why Gardening's Good," Vancouver Sun (April 12, 1997): B12.

Truth 10

23. Russell W. Belk, "Possessions and the Extended Self," Journal of Consumer Research 15 (September 1988): 139–168; Melanie Wallendorf and Eric J. Arnould, "'My Favorite Things': A Cross-Cultural Inquiry into Object Attachment, Possessiveness, and Social Linkage," Journal of Consumer Research 14 (March 1988): 531–547;,6903,1562293,00.html, accessed June 30, 2007; cf. also and June 30, 2007.

24. Marsha L. Richins, "Special Possessions and the Expression of Material Values," Journal of Consumer Research 21 (December 1994): 522–533.

25. David Brooks, "Why BoBos Rule," Newsweek (April 3, 2000): 62–64.

Truth 11

26. Emily Burg, "Whole Foods Is Consumers' Favorite Green Brand," Marketing Daily,, accessed May 10, 2007.

27., accessed June 30, 2007.

28. Adrienne W. Fawcett, "Conscientious Consumerism Drives Record New Product Launches in 2006,", accessed January 24, 2007.

29. Sarah Mahoney, "Wal-Mart: The Average Joe Is Greener Than You Think," Marketing Daily, available from, accessed April 19, 2007.

30., accessed June 30, 2007.

Truth 12

31. Gary Rivlin, "Facing the World with Egos Exposed," New York Times Online (June 3, 2004).

32. Marsha L. Richins, "Social Comparison and the Idealized Images of Advertising," Journal of Consumer Research 18 (June 1991): 71–83; Mary C. Martin and Patricia F. Kennedy, "Advertising and Social Comparison: Consequences for Female Preadolescents and Adolescents," Psychology & Marketing 10 (November–December 1993): 513–530.

33. Philip N. Myers, Jr. and Frank A. Biocca, "The Elastic Body Image: The Effect of Television Advertising and Programming on Body Image Distortions in Young Women," Journal of Communication 42 (Summer 1992): 108–133.

34. Charles S. Gulas and Kim McKeage, "Extending Social Comparison: An Examination of the Unintended Consequences of Idealized Advertising Imagery," Journal of Advertising 29 (Summer 2000): 17–28.

Truth 14

35. A. L. E. Birdwell, "A Study of Influence of Image Congruence on Consumer Choice," Journal of Business 41 (January 1964): 76–88; Edward L. Grubb and Gregg Hupp, "Perception of Self, Generalized Stereotypes, and Brand Selection," Journal of Marketing Research 5 (February 1986): 58–63.

36. Benedict Carey, "With That Saucy Swagger, She Must Drive a Porsche," New York Times Online (June 13, 2006).

37. Russell W. Belk, "Shoes and Self," Advances in Consumer Research (2003): 27–33.

Truth 15

38. Diane Goldner, "What Men and Women Really Want…to Eat," New York Times (March 2, 1994): C1 (2).

39. "Defining Metro Sexuality" Metrosource (September/October/November 2003).

40. "National Poll Reveals the Emergence of a 'New Man,'", accessed April 15, 2006.

Truth 20

41. Linda Keslar, "What's in a Name?" Individual Investor (April 1999): 101–102.

42. Seth Stevenson, "How to Beat Nike," New York Times Online (January 5, 2003).

43. Gabriel Kahn, "Philips Blitzes Asian Market as It Strives to Become Hip," Wall Street Journal Online (August 1, 2002).

44. Erin White, "Volvo Sheds Safe Image for New, Dangerous Ads," Wall Street Journal Online (June 14, 2002).

Truth 21

45. "Consumers Willing to Trade Off Privacy for Electronic Personalization,", accessed January 23, 2007.

Truth 23

46. Julie Bosman, "Chevy Tries a Write-Your-Own-Ad Approach, and the Potshots Fly," The New York Times (April 4, 2006).

Truth 25

47. Gary Belsky, "Why Smart People Make Major Money Mistakes," Money (July 1995): 76; Richard Thaler and Eric J. Johnson, "Gambling with the House Money or Trying to Break Even: The Effects of Prior Outcomes on Risky Choice," Management Science 36 (June 1990): 643–660; Richard Thaler, "Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice," Marketing Science 4 (Summer 1985): 199–214.

48. Geoffrey C. Kiel and Roger A. Layton, "Dimensions of Consumer Information Seeking Behavior," Journal of Marketing Research 28 (May 1981): 233–239.

49. Richard Thaler, "Mental Accounting and Consumer Choice," Marketing Science 4 (Summer 1985): 199–214, quoted on p. 206.

Truth 27

50. "Customer Product Reviews Drive Online Satisfaction and Conversion," (January 24, 2007).

Truth 28

51. John et al., "Sampling Data for Covariation Assessment: The Effects of Prior Beliefs on Search Patterns," Journal of Consumer Research 13 (June 1986): 1;38–48.

Truth 29

52. John P. Robinson, "Time Squeeze," Advertising Age (February 1990): 30–33.

53. "We're Hating the Waiting; 43% Prefer Self-Service," Marketing Daily (January 23, 2007),

Truth 30

54. Gary L. Clark, Peter F. Kaminski, and David R. Rink, "Consumer Complaints: Advice on How Companies Should Respond Based on an Empirical Study," Journal of Services Marketing 6 (Winter 1992): 41–50.

Truth 31

55. Dyan Machan, "Is the Hog Going Soft?" Forbes (March 10, 1997): 114–119.

Truth 36

56. Lawrence F. Feick, Linda L. Price, and Robin A. Higie, "People Who Use People: The Other Side of Opinion Leadership," in Richard J. Lutz, ed., Advances in Consumer Research 13 (Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 1986): 301–305.

57. Scale items adapted from Lawrence F. Feick and Linda L. Price, "The Market Maven: A Diffuser of Marketplace Information," Journal of Marketing 51 (January 1987): 83–87.

Truth 37

58. Barbara Kiviat, "The End of Management," Time Inside Business (July 12, 2004). [,9171,994658,00.html], accessed October 5, 2007.

Truth 38

59. Robert Lohrer, "Haggar Targets Women with $8M Media Campaign," Daily News Record (January 8, 1997): 1.

60. Jennifer Steinhauer, "Mars and Venus: Who Is 'the Decider'?" New York Times Online (April 26, 2006), accessed April 26, 2006; "Tailor-Made," Advertising Age (September 23, 2002): 14.

Truth 39

61. "Kids Strongly Influence Brand Decisions," (February 22, 2007).

62. Russell N. Laczniak and Kay M. Palan, "Under the Influence," Marketing Research (Spring 2004): 34–39.

63. Stephanie Thompson, "Mrs. Butterworth's Changes Her Target," Advertising Age (December 20, 1999): 44.

Truth 40

64. Steve Kroft, "The Echo Boomers," (October 3, 2004), accessed October 3, 2004.

65. Laurel Anderson and Julie L. Ozanne, "The Cyborg Teen: Identity Play and Deception on the Internet," Advances in Consumer Research 33, no. 1 (2006).

Truth 41

66. Amy Merrick, "Gap Plans Five Forth & Towne Stores for Fall," The Wall Street Journal (April 22, 2005): B1.

Truth 43

67. Shelly Reese, "The Many Faces of Affluence," Marketing Tools (November–December 1997): 44–48.

68. Martin Fackler, "Pajamas: Not Just for Sleep Anymore," Opelika-Auburn News (September 13, 2002): 7A.

Truth 45

69. Robert V. Kozinets, "Utopian Enterprise: Articulating the Meanings of Star Trek's Culture of Consumption," Journal of Consumer Research 28 (June 2001): 67–88, quoted on p.74.


About the Author

Michael R. Solomon, Ph.D. is Professor of Marketing and Director of the Center for Consumer Research in the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph's University in Philadelphia. He is also Professor of Consumer Behaviour at the Manchester School of Business, The University of Manchester, U.K. Professor Solomon's primary research interests include consumer behavior and lifestyle issues, branding strategy, symbolic aspects of products, psychology of fashion, decoration, and image, services marketing, and the development of visually oriented online research methodologies. Professor Solomon has been recognized as one of the 15 most widely cited scholars in the academic behavioral sciences and fashion literature and as one of the 10 most productive scholars in the field of advertising and marketing communications. His textbook, Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, published by Prentice Hall, is widely used in universities throughout North America, Europe, and Australia and is now in its eighth edition.

In addition to his academic activities, Professor Solomon is a frequent contributor to mass media. His feature articles have appeared in magazines such as Psychology Today, Gentleman's Quarterly, and Savvy. He has been quoted in numerous national magazines and newspapers, including Allure, Elle, Glamour, Mademoiselle, Mirabella, Newsweek, The New York Times, Self, USA Today, and The Wall Street Journal. He frequently appears on television and radio to comment on consumer behavior issues, including The Today Show, Good Morning America, CNBC, Channel One, Inside Edition, Newsweek on the Air, The Wall Street Journal Radio Network, the Entrepreneur Sales and Marketing show, the WOR Radio Network, and National Public Radio. Professor Solomon provides input as a marketing consultant to a variety of organizations on issues related to consumer behavior, branding, services marketing, retailing, and advertising. He frequently speaks to business organizations around the world about new trends in consumer behavior.


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