Key Points

•    Collaboration is extremely important to the innovation process. Lone innovators are very rare.

•    Collaboration can be learned; employees can be taught principles of innovation and grow in their capacity to work with others.

•    Action learning groups can accomplish much work together as they fine tune their ability to collaborate together.

•    Diversity, white space, creative abrasion, and watering holes are all essential for effective creative collaboration.

Creative Collaboration Assessment

Evaluate your organization by rating each question from 1 (Hardly ever) to 5 (Almost always). Calculate the average of your answers and rate your score:

1-2.5: We rarely speak the same language
2.5-4: We can move towards agreements
4-5:     We read each others’ minds

•    I enjoy attending our task force meetings.

•    I get a rush from all we accomplish in a short amount of time.

•    We appreciate differences in individuals even when those differences annoy us.

•    Informal brainstorming and meetings are encouraged.

•    Everyone understands the processes that it takes to get work done.

•    People feel free and willing to build on one another’s ideas.

•    We hire people with many different perspectives in our organization.

How do you rate?

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