Abercrombie & Fitch, 18. See also L Brands

AB InBev, 2931, 38, 9597, 156

accountability at, 97

agility at, 179

workforce at, 9597, 99, 154, 169

zero-based budgeting at, 9899, 166

Abraham, Jack, 119

accountability, 4, 179

at AB InBev, 97

customer experience and, 68, 7273

erosion of, 66

mission and, 7374

ACT (Accelerated Cisco Transformation), 110111

agility, 177179

AIG, 56

Air China, 11

alignment, 32

Amazon, 55, 106, 130, 158, 167

Ambani, Dhirubhai, 167

Ambani, Mukesh, 167

American Customer Satisfaction Index, 53

Ameritrade, 58

Apollo Investment Corporation, 48

Apple, 7, 38, 141, 156

complexity reduction at, 70

core capabilities developed at, 145

focus on detail in, 27

insurgent focus at, 23

market value of, 131

redefined insurgency at, 140

refounding team at, 132

shrinking to grow at, 137

Arison, Ted, 47

Arista Networks, 109

attitudes. See founder’s mentality

Avon, 159

Bain & Company, 89, 5051, 73, 161, 177

Barnack, Oskar, 145146

Barnes & Noble, 159

Bath & Body Works, 18, 92. See also L Brands

Bennis, Warren, 163164

Berkshire Partners, 138

best practices, 79

Bezos, Jeff, 158

Bhambal, Poornima, 2526

bias to action, 28

Monday meetings and, 9193

self-assessment of, 35

Biesbroeck, Jo Van, 9697, 169

big-bang approach, 141

Blake, Frank, 54, 102104

blame, 130131

Blank, Arthur, 52, 103

Blockbuster Video, 55, 56

boards, 12

Bogle, John, 165

Bosack, Leonard, 108

bottlenecks, 80, 178

bottom-up perspective, 158

Brahma, 29

Brenneman, Greg, 54, 101102

Bristol-Myers Squibb, 51

British Association of Toy Retailers, 134

Brito, Carlos, 97, 154, 156

Buckley, George, 115117, 154


balkanization of, 2829

zero-based, 95, 9899, 166


aversion to, 28, 31, 35

campaigning against, 123

council of franchise players and, 94

at HP, 74

in matrix organizations, 68, 7072

self-assessment of, 35

stall-out and, 5054

struggling, 39

talent development and, 169

business life cycles, 1011

business models, 2

building new capabilities for, 170173

developing core capabilities for adapting, 132, 144147

disruption of, 6265

in free fall, 3, 5460, 125129, 129131

obsolescence of, 65

in stall-out, 105106

Capa, Robert, 146

capabilities, building, 132, 144147, 170173

capability matrix, 172173, 174

Carnival Cruise Line, 47

Cartier-Bresson, Henri, 146

CavinKare, 23

Centennial Funds, 138

Chambers, John, 108

chaos, embracing, 164

Charles Schwab, 5660, 125129, 132, 137

Charles Schwab: How One Company Beat Wall Street and Reinvented the Brokerage Industry (Kador), 57

Christensen, Clayton, 65

churn, 1011

Cimpress, 175176

Cisco, 108111

Coe, Nick, 92

commitment, 88

communications, 79

Compaq, 74

compass, creating a, 161163

complexity, 12

attacking from top down, 108

as killer of speed, 177

loss of founder’s mentality from, 33

in overload, 4546

owner’s mindset and, 2829

reducing, as way of life, 6970

stall-out caused by, 106

complexity doom loop, 6970

conflict, 7172, 9293, 178

consensus, 130131

core business

divestment of noncore and, 31

focus on/around, 8

focus on the core of the, 131, 133137

investing in new capabilities for, 132, 144147

limitless horizon for, 23

rebuilding in stall-out, 105106, 107111

rediscovering confidence in, 115117

saying no to say yes to, 165166

at 3M, 115117

Corporate Executive Board, 51


controlling, 2

at DaVita, 142

focus on, 28, 35

at Home Depot, 54

at Norwegian Cruise Line, 4950

reducing, 107111

self-assessment of, 35

of stall-out, 105

zero-based budgeting and, 95

council of franchise players, 94

Crown Castle, 137140, 145

culture, 2, 42

at Charles Schwab, 59

at DaVita, 143144

disruptions to founding, 67

curse of the matrix, 7072

customer advocacy, self-assessment of, 35


change in needs/buying behaviors of, 6265

at Charles Schwab, 126128

experience fragmentation, 68, 7273

front-line obsession with, 2427

at Home Depot, 5254, 102104

losing touch with, 67

mission defined around serving, 139140

ownership and experience of, 178

DaVita, 7, 85, 140, 141144, 155, 158, 163

decision making, 160

accountability in, 66

bias to action and, 28

conflict and, 9293

Janusian thinking for, 164165

in matrix organizations, 71

in resource allocation, 166167

rights of, 177

root cause identification in, 167168

saying no to say yes in, 165166

skills for, 163175

speed and agility in, 177179

delegation, 96

Dell, 9394, 149151, 153, 157

Dell, Michael, 94, 148151, 153

detail, attention to, 2427

differentiation, 160

capabilities in, 172173, 174

front-line obsession in, 2427

at 3M, 115117

at Yonghui Superstores, 22

digital technologies, 130

disruptions, 62, 65, 106, 129131. See also external vs. internal factors

distribution, 8283

Distribution Center 6094, 179183


at Charles Schwab, 59, 60

divesting from, 118

focusing on the “core of the core” and, 131, 133137

Donahoe, John, 118120, 154

double hating, 93

eBay, 118120, 154

Einstein, Albert, 164

EMC, 151

emotional intelligence, 25

empowerment, 8794

employee, 25

at Home Depot, 5354

self-assessment of, 35

Endeavor, 38

The End of Competitive Advantage (McGrath), 170

energy vampires, 7172, 177

engagement, 28, 68, 7374

at Home Depot, 5354

renewing, 114117

Enterprise Rent-A-Car, 8, 38

entrepreneurship, 9798, 116, 118120

entropy, 167

E*Trade, 58

experimentation, relentless, 35

Express, 18. See also L Brands

external vs. internal factors

at Charles Schwab, 5758

in free fall, 5758, 125129, 129131

on growth, 12, 42

interaction between, 6265

in performance, 12, 42, 5556

in stall-out, 105106


external vs. internal factors in, 12

rate of founders’, 77

Fairchild Semiconductor, 147

Ferguson, Niall, 106

“five whys,” 167168

flexibility, 51

Floyd, Jabo, 179183

FM100, 89, 63, 88, 8990

focus, 34. See also mission

complexity reduction and, 70

on constant improvement, 79, 97

on/around core business, 8

on cost, 28

on long-term goals, 173, 175176

at Norwegian Cruise Line, 4850, 80

saying no to say yes and, 165166

self-assessment of, 35

Fortune, 134

The Founder’s Dilemmas (Wasserman), 1213

founder’s mentality, 1543. See also front-line obsession; insurgent’s mission; owner’s mindset

bringing back, 102104

common ambition in, 159161

creating a compass in, 161163

data on, 3334

defining traits of, 1932

definition of, 34

diagnostic survey on, 3336

erosion of in overload, 6567

infusing in your organization, 3236

journey north and, 4042

keeping, 1920

loss of during growth, 57, 3637

managing as an asset, 160

mapping, 3640

as necessity vs. luxury, 154

net benefits of, 3740

personality vs., 32

power of, 7881

research methodology on, 89

self-awareness and, 157159

taking for granted, 46

franchise players, 94, 100, 133, 180

free fall, 3, 5460, 125152

building new refounding team for, 131, 132133

causes of, 5556

at Charles Schwab, 5660, 125129

core capability development in, 132, 144147

external vs. internal factors in, 125129

focus on the core in, 131, 133137

importance of overcoming, 10

prevalence of, 55, 131

redefining insurgency in, 131, 137141

refounding the company in, 131, 141144

reigniting insurgency in, 107114

stall-out compared with, 129131

steps in reversing, 131132

storms in, 63, 65, 130

systemic dysfunction in, 63, 65

time to reverse, 137

value creation and, 6062

front-line obsession, 4, 19, 2427. See also workforce

embedding, 8794

heroes/systems balance and, 8994

loss of voices from, 66, 157158, 160161

Monday meetings and, 9193

at Norwegian Cruise Line, 4850

performance impact of, 33

putting the front line first, 8889

renewing, 114117

self-assessment of, 35

Fujifilm, 145

functional agendas, 8990

future, building the, 132133

Gardemann, Alessandro, 38

Gateway, 56

Gazprom, 39

General Electric, 120, 178

General Motors, 39, 56

GEO Energética, 38

Gerstner, Lou, 136137, 145

GlobeScan, 163

goals, long-term, 173, 175176

Godrej, Adi, 28

Godrej Group, 28

Goldman, Charles, 58, 59, 126127

Google, 7, 38

Grove, Andy, 158


achieving profitable, at scale, 4042

complexity and, 12

crises of, 23, 4575

free fall in, 3, 5460, 125152

internal vs. external factors in, 12, 42, 6265

loss of founder’s mentality during, 57

overload in, 4550, 77100

pace of, 1011

paradox of, 114, 4142

shrinking to create, 136137

stall-out in, 23, 5054, 101123

sustainable, 1343

value creation in, 6062

Gunning, Tex, 160161

Haier, 8, 38

Harvard Business Review, 74

Hastings, Reed, 145

Heinz, 30

Henri Bendel, 18. See also L Brands

heroes and heroics, 79, 8994

Hewlett, Bill, 7374

Hewlett, Walter, 74

Hewlett-Packard, 7374

The Home Depot, 5254, 73, 101104, 115, 157158

Home Depot Expo, 103

The HP Way (Packard), 74

Huawei, 109

hypermarkets, 21

IBM, 136137, 145

IKEA, 8, 2324, 38, 163

improvement, continuous, 79, 97, 156


on founder’s mentality map, 39

stall-out in, 5054, 6774

incumbent bar, 61

incumbent mindset, 32

industry churn, 11


defending the past vs., 132133

at eBay, 119120

owner’s mindset and, 32

at 3M, 115117

at Yonghui, 8687


inspiration, 159

Instacart, 167

insurgent bar, 61


competition from new, 125129

on founder’s mentality map, 37

new business models of, 55

insurgent’s mission, 3, 4, 19, 2024

at Charles Schwab, 57

disrupting your own, 8587

in free fall, 131, 137141

great statements of, 2324

as group effort, 8285

linking new workers to, 90

loss of during growth, 57, 159161

performance impact of, 33

rebuilding in overload, 8287

redefining, 55, 131, 137141

rediscovering the past’s, 111114

reigniting in stall-out, 107114

threat from competing, 10

Intel, 158

Interbrew, 30

investors and shareholders, 12, 166167

long-term horizon for, 173, 175176

owner’s mindset in, 3132

private ownership and, 132, 147151

Janusian thinking, 164165

Jobs, Steve, 27, 70, 137, 145, 156

journey north, 4042

Juniper Networks, 109

Juris Technologies, 161

Kador, John, 57

Kaufmann, Andreas, 146147

Keane, Robert, 173, 175176

Kelly, John, 138139, 145

Kloster, Knut, 47

Kmart, 39, 53

Knudstorp, Jørgen Vig, 134136, 155

Kodak, 39, 56, 130, 145

Kraft, 3031

Kristiansen, Ole Kirk, 134

Kroc, Ray, 158

Lang Ping, 22

La Senza, 18. See also L Brands

L Brands, 8, 1519, 20, 24, 36, 40, 9192, 164

leaders and leadership, 12, 153183

accountability of, 66

in building capabilities, 146147

building new capabilities and, 170173

building new refounding teams for, 131, 132133

complexity doom loop and, 6970

creating a compass in, 161163

decision skills for, 163175

as entrepreneurs, 9798

as guardians of speed and agility, 177179

at Home Depot, 5354

investing in next-generation, 168169

Janusian thinking for, 164165

as learnable skill, 154

long-term focus of, 173, 175176

mission and, 159161

Monday meetings and, 9193

owner’s mindset in, 3132

personality vs. owner’s mindset in, 32

in rebuilding founder’s mentality, 7

re-empowering, 127

resource allocation in, 166167

reverence and responsibility of, 117

root cause identification and, 167168

saying no to say yes in, 165166

scale insurgency and, 154155

self-awareness and, 157159

sharing across the organization, 179183

stall-out and, 5054

throughout the organization, 154

time management and, 158

who you listen to and, 157158

lean organizations, 9598

The Lean Startup (Ries), 12

legacy, 117

LEGO Group, 134136, 155, 163165


Lehman Brothers, 56

Leica, 145147

Leitz, 145

Lemann, Jorge Paulo, 2931

Lerner, Sandra, 108

Lever, William, 163

The Limited, 1519

limitless horizons, 23

self-assessment of, 35

lines in the sand, 9394

listening, 168

Lloyd, Geoff, 112114

Love Story (movie), 17

Lowe’s, 53

managers, 2829, 142

accountability of, 66

at Home Depot, 53

leaders vs., 163164

Marcus, Bernard, 52, 103, 157158

Marico, 8285, 163

Mariwala, Harsh, 8285

market churn, 1011


creating new, 20

switching, 141

market value, 6162, 129, 131

in free fall, 56, 60

Marvel Entertainment, 141

matrix, curse of the, 68, 7072

Mazda, 51

McDonald’s, 158

McGrath, Rita Gunther, 170

McGraw, Ali, 17

McMillon, Doug, 180

McNabb, Bill, 165

meritocracy, embracing, 8485, 96, 97, 169

metabolisms, of industries, 1011

metrics, 157

at Charles Schwab, 60

external vs. internal factor focus in, 42

at Home Depot, 54

lines in the sand and, 9394

at Norwegian Cruise Line, 80

at Perpetual, 114

team-based, 181182

Mey Içki, 9293, 178179

Microsoft, 39

Miller, Ted, 137140, 119

mini-founder experiences, 117, 120122

mission, 34

bold, 23

at Charles Schwab, 57

complexity doom loop and, 6970

at DaVita, 143

embedding, 8485

loss of, 68, 7374, 159161

at Norwegian Cruise Line, 4850

at Perpetual, 114

professional managers and, 67

rediscovering a past, 111114

self-assessment of, 35

statements, great insurgent, 2324

uninspiring, 159

Yonghui Superstores, 22

Modelo, 30

Monday meetings, 9193, 100, 123, 178

Moore, Gary, 109110

Naevdal, Ronny Bakke, 120122

Nardelli, Robert, 5354, 102

Netflix, 20, 145

Net Promoter Score, 59, 126, 149

Net Promoter System, 128

Nintendo, 56

Nokia, 67, 65, 141

Norwegian Cruise Line, 4750, 60, 7781, 159, 163

NXP, 147148, 155

Oberoi, M. S., 2427, 158

Oberoi, P. R. S., 27

Oberoi, Vikram, 26, 88, 168

Oberoi Group, 2427, 8889, 168

Olam, 164, 168169, 170172

One Perpetual, 114

openness, 84

Oracle, 8

Orange Apron Cult, 103

organizational structure, 70

at DaVita, 143

growth of complexity in, 57

as killer of speed, 177

at Marico, 8485

matrix, 68, 7072

overload, 2, 4550, 77100

demanding owner’s mindset and, 9499

disrupting your own insurgency and, 8587

embedding front-line obsession and, 8794

group effort in overcoming, 8285

importance of overcoming, 10

rebuilding insurgency in, 8287

signs of, 8081

stress of, 80

value creation and, 6062

westward winds in, 63, 6567

ownership. See also owner’s mindset

private, returning to, 132, 147151

sense of, 117118

owner’s mindset, 4, 19, 2732

customer experience and, 68, 7273

at Dell, 150151

demanding, 9499

embedding with zero budgeting, 9598

going outside to renew, 118120

performance impact of, 33

recreating, 117122

self-assessment of, 35

Packard, David, 7374

Panasonic, 51, 56

PayPal, 119120

performance. See also growth

accountability for, 97

at DaVita, 143144

external vs. internal factors in, 12, 42, 5556

founder’s mentality in, 45, 3334

in free fall, 5556

Perpetual, 111114, 165

Philips, 51, 147148

politics, 68, 7072

Polman, Paul, 161163

portfolio simplification, 107111

potential, searching for full, 156

private equity industry, 31

problem-solving, 9193, 117

processes/systems, 2

addition of complex during growth, 57

complexity doom loop and, 6970

at Norwegian Cruise Line, 4850

overload and, 4750, 8081

rediscovering lost, 115117

at Yonghui, 8587

product substitution, 129130

professionalization, 8587, 8994, 159161


at Charles Schwab, 128

external vs. internal barriers to, 6365

founder’s mentality in continued, 89

mission and, 159

organization structure and, 70

scale and, 4142

profit drivers, 6265

profit pools, 130

Project Renaissance, 5859

raki, 9293

refounding teams, building, 131, 132133

Reichheld, Fred, 128

Reliance Industries, 167

repeatable models, 172, 175, 178

research methodology, 89


allocating, 166167

balkanization of, 2829

focus on long-term goals and, 175176

resources (continued)

focus on the core and, 131, 133137

freeing up, 107111

in matrix organizations, 72

at Perpetual, 113114

trapped, 72, 178

zero-based budgeting to liberate, 95, 9899

responsibility, 4

employee, 25

of leaders, 117

reverence, sense of, 117

Ries, Eric, 12

RIM, 56

Robertson, David, 135

root causes, 141, 157, 165, 167168

Rothenberg, Albert, 164

SABMiller, 30

Samsung, 7

SAP, 39

saying no to say yes, 165166

scale. See also growth

journey north and, 4042

net benefits of, 3738

overload and, 46

pace of, 1011

problems from, 4142

reversing benefits of, 6774

unscalable founders and, 65

scale insurgency, 1314

scale insurgency model, 3839

journey north in, 4042

for leaders, 154155

Schwab, Charles, 59, 60, 126128

Sears, Roebuck & Company, 157158

See Wai Hun, 161

self-awareness, 157159

Sharp, 51, 56

Sheehan, Kevin, 4850, 7881, 159

short term, tyranny of the, 158

shrinking to grow, 134137

Sicupira, Carlos Alberto, 2931

Silver Lake, 150

Skype, 118

social contract, 54

Sony, 39, 51

southward winds, 63, 6774

SpaceX, 20

Spielberg, Steven, 134

“spikiness,” 19, 23, 35, 72, 172173

in fund allocation, 166167

in investing, 118

leadership in, 8687

self-assessment of, 35

stall-out, 23, 5054, 101123

assaulting complexity costs in, 107111

bringing back founder’s mentality in, 102104

complexity doom loop in, 68, 6970

free fall compared with, 129131

growth as cause of, 51

at Home Depot, 5254

importance of overcoming, 10

inability to say no and, 165166

internal founders in, 117, 120122

prevalence of, 5051, 104105

recreating owner’s mindset in, 117122

rediscovering past insurgency and, 111114

renewing front-line obsession in, 114117

southward winds in, 63, 6774

speed of, 51, 52

success rate of reversing, 105106

symptoms of, 6768

value creation and, 6062

Star Cruises, 4748

start-ups, 1213

internal, 120

as war, 2024

status quo, 130, 132133

storms, 63, 65, 130

strategic agenda, 8990

stress, 130131

success, external vs. internal factors in, 12, 42

supply chain, 2122, 8687, 170172

sustainability, 162163

SustainAbility, 163

Symbion, 141

Tameer Microfinance Bank, 121122

TD Waterhouse, 59

Telenor, 120122

Telles, Marcel, 2931

Telling, Ed, 157158

Thiel, Peter, 12

Thiry, Kent, 7, 141144, 155, 158

3G Capital, 3031

3M, 115117, 122, 154

time management, 158

Time Warner, 51

TNT, 160161

Total Renal Care. See DaVita

Toyota Production System, 27, 29, 167168

TPG Capital, 92

training, 25

Transformation 2015, 113

transparency, 9899, 114

Travel & Leisure, 25

Trident Hotel, 26

trust, 89

The Trust Company, 113114

Uber, 106, 130

Unilever, 39, 161163

University of Michigan, 53

unscalable founders, 6465

U.S. Trust, 58, 129, 137

value creation, 6062, 83, 98

values, 4

ambiguity around, 178

creating a compass for, 161163

at DaVita, 142144

embedding throughout the organization, 9697

hiring and, 8889

loss of, stall-out and, 7374

at Marico, 8384

at Norwegian Cruise Line, 80

professional managers and, 67

at Unilever, 162

Vanguard, 165

Verghese, Sunny, 168169, 170172

Victoria’s Secret, 18, 38. See also L Brands

vision. See insurgent’s mission; mission

Walmart, 20, 149, 158, 179183

The Walt Disney Company, 141

Walton, Sam, 158, 180

Wasserman, Noam, 13

Welch, Jack, 178

westward winds, 63, 6567, 78

Wexner, Bella, 15

Wexner, Harry, 15

Wexner, Leslie, 1520, 24, 40, 91

White Barn, 92

workforce, 2

at AB InBev, 9597, 99

empowerment of, 25, 8794

engagement levels in, 28

failure to grow, 67

founder’s mentality in attracting/retaining, 155

going outside to renew, 118120

hiring and training, 8889, 96

at Home Depot, 5254, 102104

influential employees in, 94

leadership development in, 168169

loss of talent in, 57

mission/focus of, 34, 159161

in overload, 8081

owner’s mindset in, 2732

personal responsibility in, 4

private ownership and, 147

refounding teams from, 132133

rewarding heroes in, 79

at 3M, 115117

Worldwide Developers Conference, 70

WunWun, 167

Yonghui Superstores, 2023, 8587, 178

Yorgancioğlu, Galip, 9293

zero-based budgeting, 9899, 110, 166

Zero to One (Thiel), 12

Zhang Xuanning, 2023, 8587

Zhang Xuansong, 2023, 8587

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