

13 Bankers, 294

60 Minutes, 343

401(k) plans, 48

1720 Bubble Act, 53


AAA tranches, 203

Abacus transactions, 197-199, 339

Abbey, Edward, 362

ABN-Amro, 197

ABS CP (asset-backed securities commercial paper), 190

ABS PAYG CDS (asset-backed securities pay-as-you-go credit default swaps), 196

Absolute Strategy Research, 357

ABX.HE (asset-backed securities home equity), 196

Abyssinian Baptist Church, 164

ACA Capital, 197


ark-to-market, 56

errors, 285

mark-to-market (MtM), 286-288

rules, 81, 349

standards, 289

value, 286-287

accreting interest rate swaps, 160

accumulator contracts, 219

Ackoff, Russell, 309

acquisitions, 57-59, 310

General Electric (GE), 61

Adelphia, 154

adjustable rate bonds, 213

adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs), 148, 182-184

adjusted model prices, 289

Aeneid, 338

affinity fraud, 313

Affluent Society, The, 43

affluenza, 46

Africa, 22

Against The Gods: The Remarkable History of Risk, 129

Age of Turbulence, The, 302

Agnelli, Giovanni, 222

AIG, 230-234, 270

Airline Partners Australia (APA), 156

airlines, leveraged buyouts (LBO), 156-157

airports, 158, 161

Albanese, Tom, 59

Alcan, 59

Alcar, 124

alchemy, 131-132

algorithmic trading, 242

Alice in Wonderland, 31

Allco Equity Partners, 156

Allco Finance Group, 156

Allen, Paul, 179

Allied Signal, 60

alpha (outperformance), 241

Alt A (Alternative A) mortgages, 182


assets, 154

investments, 252

paper money, 35

Altman, Edward, 143

amakudari (descent from heaven), 316

Amaranth, 227

hedge funds, 250-252, 97

America. See also United States

China’s relationship with, 87

dollars, 22

American Express, 71

American Finance Association, 127

American Nairn Linoleum Company, 133

American Psycho, 313

American Rust, 141

Ameriquest, 195

Amherst, 196

amortization, 182

Amphlett, Christina, 218

Andersson, Roy, 50

Angelides, Phil, 291

Angstrom, Harry “Rabbit”, 27, 46, 363

annihilation, 38

annuity income, 70

anti-debt, 93

AOL (America Online), 58

apical ballooning syndrome, 177

Applegarth, Adam, 200

AQR Capital Management, 126, 255

arbitrage, 190, 235, 242

Arnason, Ragnar, 277

Arnold, John, 319

Arrow, Kenneth, 128

Artus, Patrick, 303

Ascent of Money, The, 157

Asian crisis, 280

Asness, Clifford, 126, 255

Asquith, Paul, 144

assay marks, 25

asset-backed securities (ABSs), 169


hiding, 288

lite strategies, 55

loans, 70

rise of prices, 296

supply of, 267

asymmetric information, 119

Atlantic Monthly, 95

Atlas Shrugged, 110, 302

attachment theories, 316

aussies (Australian dollars), 21

austerity, 357

Australia, 91, 159

Austrian School, 103

Austro-Hungarian Empire, 103

automated credit scores, 181

automobile industry bailouts, 344

Autovolanter, 322

avoidance of taxes, 48-49

Aztec cultures, invention of money, 24


BAA (British Airport Authority), 161

Babson, Robert, 347

Bacevich, Andrew, 43

Bachelier, Louis, 118, 121

backfill bias, 243

Bacon, Louis, 250, 254

Bagehot, Walter, 63, 67, 201, 278

Bailey, George, 65, 74, 180

bailouts, 344

AIG, 234. See also AIG

Greece, 355

Baker, Martin, 239

Bakkavo, 275

balance sheets, parking assets, 288

balloon payment mortgages, 182

Balls, Ed, 82

Baltic Dry Index, 344

Baltimore, Maryland, 333

Banco Santander, 79

bancor, 30

Bank of America, 191

merger with Merrill Lynch, 339

Bank of America (BA), 291

Bank of China, 333

Bank of England, 25, 50, 81, 195, 240, 272, 299, 342

analysis of financial networks, 272

Bank of International Settlement (BIS), 74-75, 268

Bank of Manhattan Trust, 79

Bank, The, 308


earnings, 323-324

extravagances of, 322-323

Bankers Trust (BT), 141

Bankhead, Tallulah, 247

bankruptcies, 56, 242

Enron, 49

Lehman Brothers, 333, 339

banks, 32-33

bad loans (2008), 343-344

capital injections into, 348-350

CitiGroup, 75-77

credit cards, 71-72

culture of, 311-312

exotic products, 73-74

failures, 179, 358

investment, 57

jobs, 307-308

leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 147-148

loans, 70-71

networks, 270

regulations, 65-67

risks, 67-70

shadow banking system, 192

Banks, Tyra, 322

banksters, 294

Banksy, 365

Barbarians at the Gate: The Fall of RJR Nabisco, 135

Barclaycard, 71

Barclays Bank, 71, 275

Barclays Global Investors (BGI), 123

Barings, 227

BARRA, 123

Barrack, Tom, 327

Barron’s financial paper, 34

Barron, Clarence, 34

bartering, 23

Bartiromo, Maria, 93

Basel 2, 200

Basel III, 353

Basel, Switzerland, 74

basis risk, 213

Bass, Robert M., 137

Bateman, Patrick, 313

Baum, L. Frank, 26

Bauman, Zegmunt, 44, 312

Beach Boys, The, 157

Bean, Charles, 50

Bear Stearns, 162, 191, 204, 249, 316, 318, 326, 338

Asset Management, 191

Beasley, Jane, 62

Beat the Market, 121

Beatles, The, 157, 166

Beatrice, 141

Beckham, David, 339

Beerbohm, Max, 253

beggar-thy-neighbor policies, 349

behavioral economists, 125-126

bell-shaped normal distribution curves, 117

Beller, Ron, 321

benchmarking exercises, 315

benefits, employee, 47

Benna, Ted, 48

Berdymukhamedov, Gurbanguly, 299

Bergdorf Goodman, 330

Bergerac, Michel, 147

Berkshares program, 36

Berkshire Hathaway, 261, 322. See also Warren Buffet

Berle, Adolf, 54

Berlin Wall, fall of, 101, 295

Bernanke, Ben, 170, 182, 203, 303, 338, 366

debt, 267

Great Moderation, 277

on 60 Minutes, 343

September, 2008, 342

Bernstein, Peter, 26, 129, 208

Besley, Tim, 278

Best, George, 88

beta (market returns), 241

Beveridge Report, 47

Beveridge, Sir William, 47

Beyond Belief, 338

Bhagavad Gita, 339

Bhide, Amar, 312

BHP Billiton, 59

bias, 243

Bieber, Matthew, 198

Bierce, Ambrose, 326

Big Short, The, 198

Biggs, Barton, 99

Bild, 358

Billboard Top 100 Chart, 124

Billings, Josh, 233

billionaire drivel, 327

bills of exchange, 32

bimetallism, 26

bio-fuels, 334

Bird, John, 91, 320

Black Swan, The, 95, 126

Black Wednesday, 240

Black, Fischer, 121, 127

black-box trading, 242

Black-Scholes models, 120-122, 277

Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) option, 121

Blackrock, 170

Blackstone, 167, 325

Blackstone Group, The, 154, 318

Blair, Tony, 81

Blankfein, Lloyd, 239, 364

Blinder, Alan, 129

Blomkvist, Mikhael, 360

Bloomberg TV, 92

Bloomberg, Michael, 164

Bloomsbury group, 29

Blue Force, 264

Blumberg, Alex, 185

Boao Forum, 324

boards of directors, knowledge of business operations, 292-293

BOAT (Best of All Time), 228

Boesky, Ivan, 147, 244

Bogle, Jack, 123

Bohr, Niels, 101, 257

Boiler Room, 185

Bonanza, 31

Bond, James, 26

Bonderman, David, 154, 164, 318

bonds, 169

adjustable rate, 213

failure of securitization, 204-205

high opportunity, 143

insurance, 176

junk, 143, 145-146

Milken’s mobsters, 146-147

municipal, 211-214

PAC (planned amortization class), 178

ratings, 143, 282-285

securitization, 173

TAC (target amortization class), 178

TOBs (tender option bonds), 222

U.S. Treasury, 87, 174

VADM (very accurately defined maturity), 178

Bonfire of the Vanities, 239

bonuses, 317-318

books, financial, 96-98

boom and bust cycles, 305

Booth School of Business, 116

Borges, Jorge Luis, 210

Born, Brooksley, 300

borrowing levels, increase in, 265, 267-268

Boston Post, 34

Bottomley, Horatio, 89

Bourdieu, Pierre, 308

Bouton, Daniel, 227

Bowers, David, 357

Bowie Bonds, 168

Bowie, David, 157, 168, 186

Bowsher, Charles, 272

Boy, John, 330

BP (British Petroleum), Gulf of Mexico oil spill, 361

Braddock, Ben, 308

Brandenburg Gate, Ronald Reagan’s speech at, 101

Brazilian reals, 21

Breeden, Richard, 292, 296

Bretton Woods, 29-30

BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), 90

bridges, 150, 158

Bridgewater, 327

Bright-Sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America, 186

British Aluminum (BA), 57

British pound sterling, 22

Brodsky, Joseph, 44


money, 22

mortgages, 186

Brown, Gordon, 81, 342, 347

Brown, Ian Harold, 35

Bryan, William Jennings, 26, 324

bubbles, 277-278

economies, 39, 54

end of, 329

price, 299

Buckely, Christopher, 98

budget deficits, 1970s, 104

Buffett, Warren, 154, 202, 276, 325-326

bonuses, 319

compensation, 316

derivatives, 211, 225, 236

end of bubble, 329

Financial Times, 206

Gen Re Securities, 231

GE stock, 344

hedge funds, 261

ownership percentage of Moody’s, 283

purchase of, 322

bugs, gold, 28

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 34

bullion, gold. See gold

Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin), 259

Bundy, McGeorge, 117

Bunning, Jim, 342

Bureau 39, 24

Burnett, Erin, 93

Burrough, Bryan, 324

Burry, Mike, 256

Bush, George H. W., 65

Bush, George W., 44, 341, 346

2001 tax cuts, 298

business schools, 308-313

bonuses, 317-318

compensation, 313-320

BusinessWeek, 170

buy and flick, 139

Byrd, Richard Evelyn, 256

Byrne, David, 46

Byrne, Rhonda, 45


Caesar, 295

calculators, 122

call options, 209

Volkswagen (VW), 257

Callan, Erin, 288, 329

Calomiris, Charles, 273

Canadian dollars, 21

Canary Wharf, 79

Cantor, Eddie, 338


definition of, 280

flows, 205

gains, 160

injections into banks, 348-350

introductions, 247

leveraged, 244

Modigliani-Miller propositions, 119

structure arbitrage, 242

velocity of, 69

capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 117

capitalism, 102

Capitalism: A Love Story, 165

Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, 297

CAPM (capital asset pricing model), 173

Capra, Frank, 65

carceral continuum, 312


certifications, 309-310

finance, 308-313

bonuses, 317-318

compensation, 313-320

Carlyle Group, The, 154, 163, 318

Carlyle, Thomas, 102

Carnegie Mellon University, 119

Carr, Fred, 145

Carroll, Lewis, 31

CARS (certificate for automobile receivables), 173

Carter, Jimmy, 74, 364

Caruso-Cabrera, Michelle, 95

Casablanca, 77, 311

Case, Steve, 58

cash flow, 138

forecasting, 160

General Electric (GE), 61

cash for clunkers, 348

Cassano, Joseph, 232

Cat’s Cradle, 339

catastrophe risk, 232

Catillo, Bernal Díaz del, 131

Cavendish Laboratory (Cambridge, England), 101

Cayman Islands, 220

Cayne, James, 318

CBOs (collateralized bond obligations), 173

CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), 173, 176

defaults of, 284

celebrity central bankers, age of, 297-300

celebrity financiers, 324-326

Celtic tiger, 83. See also Ireland

Centaurus Energy, 319

Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP), 131

Centlivre, Susannah, 75

central banks, 309

age of celebrity central bankers, 297-300

dissenters, 300-302

regulations, 279-281

risk transfers, 281-282

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 310

CEOs (chief executive officers)

earnings, 323-324

knowledge of business operations, 292-293

Cerberus, 162

certifications, finance, 309-310

CFA (certified financial analyst), 309

Chains or Chain Link, 269

chains, mortgage, 183

Chancellor, Edward, 161

Chanos, Jim, 161

chaos theory, 274

Chase Manhattan Bank, 79

Chassagne-Montrachet, 304

Cheney, Dick, 265

Chesterton, G.K., 226

Chettle, Geoff, 228

Chicago, 104-105

Chicago Board of Option Exchange (CBOE), 122

Chicago Interpretation, the, 104, 130

Chicxulub crater, 339

Chiemgauer, 35

China, 82

Chinese Communist Party, 350

Chinese paper, 144

Chinese renminbi, 21

Chinese walls, 66

debt, purchase of American dollars, 87

as a financial center, 84-85

global credit process, 88

growth of, 86

relationship with America, 87

slowdown in economic activity, 350-351

China Aviation Oil (Singapore) Corporation, 56

Chinalco, 59

chits, 22

A Chorus Line, 164

Christianity, 65

Christie’s, 323

Chrysler, 162

Building, 79

purchase by Fiat, 344

Cioffi, Ralph, 191, 365

circulation of money, 32

Citadel Funds, 196, 241, 256

Citibank, 71

Citicorp Venture Capital, 154

Citicorp, merger of with Travelers, 75

Cities Services, 137

CitiGroup, 41, 75-77, 165, 290, 315

Center, 79

Todd Thompson, 93

City, the (London), 79

CIVETS (Colombia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Egypt, Turkey, and South Africa), 91

civilization, 38

Clarke, David, 159

Clarkson, Brian, 284

clickety-clicks, 39. See also housewife traders

clientele, hedge funds, 247-250

Clinton, Bill, 170

CLOs (collateralized loan obligations), 173

Clough, Arthur Hugh, 326

CMOs (collateralized mortgage obligation), 170

CNBC, 92, 338, 357

Cohen, Steve, 244, 253, 311, 322-324

Cold War, 30, 38, 310

bartering during, 24

Coldplay, 157

Collapse of Complex Societies, The, 349


of gold standard, 30-31

of Lehman Brothers, 288, 346

of Orange County, 283

of subprime mortgage market, 304, 329

collateral, debt as, 188

collateralization, 247

Colonialism, 84

Columbia University, 363

commercial banks, separation from investment banks, 66

commercial real estate vacancy rates, 349

Commissioners of Trade (England), 53

Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, 352

commodities, 24, 55, 124

Kazakhstan, 72

Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), 300

communism, 30

Communist Party (China), 85, 350

Compagnie d’Occident (the Mississippi Company), 28


bonuses, 317-318

finance jobs, 313-320

Jack Welch, 62

concentrations, risk, 273

Condé Nast Portfolio, 329

condo flippers, 181

conduits, 190

conflicts of interest, 66

Confucius, 131

conglomerates, 60

Congoleum, 133-134

Connally, John, 87

connections, 270

Conrad, Joseph, 337

conspicuous consumption, 41

conspicuous leisure, 41

consulting fees, 316

consumerism, 43-44

consumption, 20

competition, 44, 46

Contact, 348

continuous and instantaneous rebalancing, 121

continuous time mathematics, 121

Controladora Commercial Mexicana SAB, 218

controls, foreign exchange, 22

conventional wisdom, 301

convertible bond arbitrage, 242


Indian rupees, 22

risk, 270

Conway, William, 165, 318

Coolidge, Calvin, 52

Cootner, Paul, 121

Copenhagen Interpretation, the, 101

copper, 56-58

core portfolios, 241

core-satellite approach, 124

Cornell Business School, 179

Corporate Bond Quality and Investor Experience, 143


debt, 173

limited liability, 53

practice, 124-125

raiders, 146

restructuring, 57

correlation, 128, 246, 254

default, 177

swaps, 255

Correy, Stan, 285

Corrigan, Gerald, 234

costs, 245. See also fees

cutting, 60

leveraged buyouts (LBO), 148-149

loans, 188

Cotton Candy, 268

Cotton, Charles Caleb, 282

Coulter, James, 154, 318

Council of Economic, 129

Council on Foreign Relations, 347

counterfeit money, 28. See also money

Countrywide Financial, 183-184, 195, 328

cov-lite (covenant light) loans, 155

Coxey march of unemployed men (1894), 26

CQF (certificate in quantitative finance), 309

Cramer, Jim, 92, 96, 338, 340, 343

creative destruction, 103

credit. See also debt

global credit process, 88

market-based, 269

ratings, 282

risk, 74, 223

scores, 70, 181

standby lines of, 281

supply of, 273

credit cards, 71-72

credit default swaps (CDSs), 173, 232, 237

credit money, 25. See also money

Credit Opportunities fund, 256

Credit Opportunities II fund, 256

Credit Suisse, 134

Credit Suisse First Boston, 79

CreditSights, 283

Crimson Tide, 312

crises, financial

preparation for, 264-278

Crisis of Global Capitalism, The, 327

crowded trades, 250

Cruise, Tom, 153

Cullen, Michael, 208


banks, 311-312

money, 20

Cummings, Elijah, 245

currencies, 124


accumulators, 217

gold, 26. See also gold

types of, 21-23

world reserve, 30

Czech Republic, 24


D’Aniello, Daniel, 318

D.E. Shaw & Co., 315

da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 346

Daily Mirror, 295

Daily Show, The, 96, 330

Dali, Salvador, 321

Dalio, Ray, 327

Dallas, 147

Darling, Alastair, 81

Darst, Douglas, 35

Darst, Seymour, 34

Dartmouth College, 44

Darwinian schemes, 34

Das Kapital, 33

data mining, 127

Davenant, William, 353

Davidson, Adam, 185

Davies, Glynn, 24

Davos World Economic Forum, 163, 324

day trader phenomenon, 92

De Grauwe, Paul, 126

de Jong, Han, 298

de Montaigne, Michel, 305

De viribus quantitates, 286

de Vito, Danny, 21

De-Laurey, Joyti, 321

death bonds. See life insurance

Debreu, Gerard, 128

debt, 20, 33-35, 119, 133

CDOs (collateralized debt obligations), 173, 176

as collateral, 188

corporate, 173

credit cards, 71-72

European debt crisis, 357-359

General Electric (GE), 61

gold, 26. See also gold

increase in borrowing levels, 265-268

Japan, 357

leveraged buyouts (LBO), 135-136

Congoleum, 133-134

cost of debt, 148-149

Drexel Harriman Ripley, 144

fees, 141, 143

Drexel system, 151-152

high opportunity bonds, 143

hostile bids, 149-150

investment banks, 147-148

junk bonds, 145-146

KKR (Kohlberg, Kravis, and Roberts), 135-137

Michael Jensen, 138-139, 141

Milken’s mobsters, 146-147

percentage of GDP, 45

privatization to payoff government, 158

securitization of, 188-192

and speculation, 274-275

sovereign, 236-238

Suze Orman, 93

debt-fueled consumption, 295

debt-to-income limits, 181

decolonization after the Second World War, 84

deconstruction, derivatives, 235-236

decoupling hypothesis, 350


CDOs, 285

correlation, 177, 220

first-to-default (FtD) swap, 220-221

mortgages, 171, 179, 337

risk, 74

defense of record, Alan Greenspan, 303-304

defined benefit (DB) schemes, 47

defined contribution (DC) schemes, 47

DeLong, Brad, 279

demand, shadow banking system, 192

Deming, Edward, 139

Democratic Convention (1896), 26

Democratic Republic of Congo, 26

Demon of Chance, 118

Deng, Wendy, 323

deposits, 70. See also banks

deregulation, 20, 301

financial markets, 279

of the financial system, 66

derivatives, 55, 169, 208-209. See also exotic products

AIG, 230-234

arbitrage, 242

central banks, 281-282

deconstruction, 235-236

first-to-default (FtD) swaps, 220-221

Harvard case studies, 214-215

hedging, 216-217

Italy, 215-216

Jerome Kerviel, 226-230

managing risk, 124

markets, 235, 334

municipal bonds, 211-214

price movements, 210-211

risk, 218-219

design of, 225

Fiat, 222-223

Greece, 223, 225

sale of to ordinary investors, 332-333

sovereign debt, 236-238

TARDIS trades, 217-218

TOBs (tender option bonds), 222

Derman, Emanuel, 309

Derrida, Jacques, 236

Descartes, René, 228

Detroit, 42

Deutsche Bank, 79, 195, 272, 312

Devaney, John, 255

di Lampedusa, Giuseppe, 353

digitals, 211

Dillion Read, 201

Dimon, Jamie, 283, 290

dinars, 21

Diners Club, 71

Dirac, Paul, 104

dirty bombs, 26

disaster capitalism, 342

discrete time intervals, 121

dismal science, 102-104

dispersion swaps, 255

distressed debt trading, 242

distributions, normal, 126

diversification, 122-124

dividends, 119

Dixon, Geoff, 156

documentation requirements, 181

DOG (debt overburdened group), 161


American, 21-22, 28, 87

aussies, 21

kiwis, 21

Zimbabwe, 23

domain knowledge, 64

domestic corporate profits, United States, 276

Dominion Bond Rating Service, 283

doomsday clock, 34

Dorgan, Bryan, 67

Douglas, Michael, 167, 310

Dow 36,000, 99

Dow 40,000: Strategies for Profiting from the Greatest Bull Market in History, 97

Dow 100,000, 97

Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), 89, 97, 126

Dr. Doom, 95

Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, 35

Drexel Burnham Lambert, 140, 230

Drexel Harriman Ripley, 144

Drexel system, 151-152

Druckenmiller, Stanley, 261

Drucker, Peter, 63

drunk trading, 40

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), 82-83

Dublin as a financial center, 83

Duncan, Richard, 235

Dunninger, Karl, 355

Duquesne Capital Management, 261

Durand, David, 116, 119

DVT (deep vein thrombosis), 166

Dynamite Prize in Economics, 304


early return of capital, 156


General Electric (GE), 61

loans, 70

Eastern Europe, reintegration of after fall of Berlin Wall, 295

Eaton Leonard LBOs, 150

eBay, 345

Ebbers, Bernie, 54

economic growth, risk, 295-296

economic rents, 276-277

economics, definition of, 102

Economics of Happiness, The, 364

Economist, The, 62, 77, 327

Edens, Wesley R., 239

education, finance careers, 308-313

bonuses, 317-318

compensation, 313-320

efficient market hypothesis (EMH), 118, 303

Ehrenreich, Barbara, 186

Einarsson, Sigurdur, 275

Einhorn, David, 256, 259, 274

Einstein, Albert, 90, 126, 128

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 294

El-Dorado economics, 84-85

Electric & Musical Industries, 157

Elias, David, 97

Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity, 313

Eliot, T.S., 321

Ellis, Bret Easton, 313

embedded loss leverage, 193

EMEA Trading in Local Currency, 318

emerging markets, 124

EMI Group, 157, 162

emotional market hypothesis, 303

Emperor Franz Joseph I, 163

employee benefits, 47

energy, 251

engineering, financial, 55-57

engineers, financial, 308

Engle, Louis, 131

Enron, 49, 55-56, 154, 283, 307, 313

Enron, 288, 307, 328

Enterprise Fund, 145

equilibrium, markets, 327

equities, 55

equity, 119

long-short funds, 240-242

private, 155, 164

failures, 162-163

infrastructure, 158

public sector services, 161

tranches, 170, 192

Equity Office Properties, 155

Ernst & Young, 244

EU (European Union), stabilization funds, 354

Eurex, 227

European debt crisis, 357-359

euros, 21

event-driven funds, 242

Ewing, J.R., 147

ex ante (expected risk), 246

ex post (based on actual risk), 246

excess spreads, 169

exchanges, money, 23-24

Exor, 222

exotic products, 73-74

expensive capital, reduction of, 75

expiry, 120

exploding ARMs, 183

exploitation, 38

exports from China, 85

exposure to catastrophic weather events, 251


Fair Isaacs Corporation, 181

fallen angels, 144

falsifying financial statements, 289-291

Fan, Henry, 218

Fannie Mae, 339

fascism, 29

fat tails, 126

fata morgana, 130-131

Faust, 36

FCIC testimony, Alan Greenspan, 304-305

Fear of Flying, 73

fear of loss of status, 43

FEB Trucking, 150

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or Freddie Mac), 180

Federal Housing Administration (FHA), 179

Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or Fannie Mae), 179

Federal Reserve, 97, 316

Federated Department Stores, 150


consulting, 316

derivatives, 215

hedge funds, 245

leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 141-143

Feldstein, Martin, 316

Ferguson, Charles, 316

Ferguson, Niall, 87, 156

Ferguson, Nicholas, 163

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, 65

Fiat S.P.A. (Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino or Italian Automobile Factory of Turin), 222-223

purchase of, 344

fiat money, 27-28. See also money

FIBS (France, Italy, Britain, and the States), 354

FiDi (Financial District), 80

Fiennes, Ralph, 153

finance careers, 307-313

bonuses, 317-318

compensation, 313-320

finance certifications, 309-310

Financial Accounting Standard Board (FASB), 286

financial alchemy, 131-132

financial centers, 82-88

financial crises, preparation for, 264-278

Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission (FCIC), 291, 302, 325

financial districts, London, 53

financial engineering, 55-57

financial engineers, 308

financial frontiers, 52

financial gravity, 347

financial groupthink, 296-297

financial institutions, networks, 270

financial markets, deregulation of, 279

financial news, 89

newspapers, 89-91

video, 91-99

financial pornography, 92

Financial Products (FP), 230

Financial Services Authority (FSA), 81, 236

financial sponsors, 154

financial statements

bad loans (2008), 343-344

falsifying, 289-291

financial supermarkets, 67, 75

financial system, deregulation of, 66

Financial Times (FT), 38, 89, 206, 280, 298, 310, 329-330, 351

Joel Stern, 124

ShokcGen, 226

financialization, 20, 38, 41, 54-57

General Electric (GE), 59-62

Japan, 38-39

management, 63


celebrity, 324-326

end of bubble, 332

Fink, Lawrence, 170

firewalls, 66

First Boston, 134, 170

First Executive Insurance, 145

First Investors Fund for Income, 145

First World War, 34, 74, 103

first-to-default (FtD) swaps, 220-221

Fisher, Irving, 35, 98, 268

Fitch, 141, 282

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 41, 257, 343, 366

Fix, Saul, 141

fixed income arbitrage, 242

fixed rate mortgages, 170. See also mortgages

Fleming, Ian, 26

flip clauses, 221

flow monsters, 74

Flynt, Larry, 344

FoFs (fund-of-funds), 245

FOG (full of gearing), 161

FOMC (the Federal Open Market Committee), 341

food, rising prices, 334

Fooled by Randomness, 126

For the Love of God, 338

Forbes magazine, 41, 247, 282

Ford Foundation, 117

Ford, Gerald, 292

Ford, Henry, 42, 172

foreclosure mills, 272

foreign exchanges

bonds, 55

controls, 22

foreign treasure, 86

forms of money, 25

Forster, E.M., 98

Fort Knox, 25-26

Fortress, 164, 318

Fortune magazine, 152, 240

Fortune, John, 91, 320

forwards, 208

Foucault, Michel, 312

Fountainhead, The, 294

Fox Network, 149

fractional banking, 32

Francis, Joe, 344

Francis, Mike, 185

Franco-Prussian War, 227

Francon, Dominique, 294

Frank, Robert, 41

Frank, Thomas, 129

Frankfurt as a financial center, 78

Franklin, Benjamin, 93, 305

Fraser, Steve, 80

fraud, 280

affinity, 313

Freddie Mac, 339

Frederick the Great, 233

free cash flow, 138

free floats, 258

free markets, deregulation and, 301

French Revolution (1789), 365

Freud, David, 291

Freud, Sigmund, 31, 296

Friedland, Dion, 242

Friedman, Milton, 100, 104, 303-304

Friedman, Thomas, 50, 282

Fuld, Richard, 290, 312, 318

fund managers, 73

fund-of-funds, 240

fundamentalism, 100-109, 111-115

Future of Capitalism, The, 364

futures, 208

FX Beauties Club, 40


Gaffney, David, 67

Gaige Kaifang (reforms and openness), 85

Galbraith, John Kenneth, 27, 32, 43, 77, 157, 161, 262, 301-307, 315, 328, 354

Galileo, 129

Gallatin, Albert, 33

Galleon hedge fund, 244

gamma swaps, 255

Garner, Mike, 185

Gates, Bill, 326

gating, 255

GDP (gross domestic product), percentage of debt, 45

GE (General Electric), 344

GE Credit, 59

Gecko, Gordon, 310, 319

Gedanken, 296

Geest, 275

Geisst, Charles, 199

Gekko, Gordon, 150, 167, 323

Gelman, Andrew, 363

General Electric. See GE

General Motors (GM), 47, 56

Building, 79

John Raskob, 97

General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC), 56

General Reinsurance, 325

General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, 29, 103. See also John Maynard Keynes

genocide, 38

George, Lloyd, 48, 340

Gere, Richard, 326

Germany, 312

gold, 359

inflation in, 22

get-rich investment and trading-secrets books, 98

Gherkin, 79

Gibson Greetings, 135

Gipp, George, 97

Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The, 360

Girls Gone Wild, 344

Gladwell, Malcolm, 329

Glass, Carter, 66

Glass-Steagall Act of 1933, 66, 201

Glassman, James, 97, 99

Gleacher, Eric, 148

Glengarry Glen Ross, 185

global credit process, 88

Global Crossing, 154

global financial crisis, 310, 346-347

aftermath, 361-366

European debt crisis, 357-359

Greece, 354-356

solutions, 352-354

global saving glut thesis, 303

globalization, 38, 41

GNH (gross national happiness), 364

Go-Between, The, 185

Godfather, The, 147

gold, 21, 25-27, 58

China’s investment in, 87

circulation of, 32

effect of speculators on price, 28

Germany, 359

reserves, 30

Sons of Gwalia (SoG), 216

standard, 29-31

golden ring, 314

golden years, 46. See also retirement

Goldfinger, 26

Goldilocks Economy, 296, 348

Goldman Sachs, 76, 81, 122, 191, 195, 289

David Viniar, 126

indictment of, 325

Jim O’Neill, 90

Milken’s mobsters, 146

Ron Beller, 321

SEC suit against, 196

Trading Corporation, 198, 338

Goldman, David, 287

Goldsmith, Sir James, 137

Gono, Gideon, 22, 345

Goodspeed, Bennett W., 96

Gorbachev, Mikhail, 101

Gorton, Gary, 232

governance, 290

Government Accountability Office (GAO), 353

government-sponsored entities (GSEs), 180

Göttingen (Germany), 101

Graduate Business School (GBS), 116

Graduate, The, 262, 308

Grais, David, 284

Gramm, Phil, 67

Grand Central Station (New York), 80

Grant’s Interest Rate Observer, 71

Grant, Duncan, 25

Grant, Emily, 71

Grant, James, 71, 178

Grantham, Jeremy, 265

Grapes of Wrath, The, 360, 365

Gravity; Our Enemy Number One, 347

gravity, financial, 347

Great Crash (1929), 332

Great Crash, The, 157

Great Depression, 29, 42, 102-103, 307

mortgage defaults, 179

great expectation machine, 54

Great Gatsby, The, 343

Great Moderation, 296

Great Moderation, 267, 277, 348

Great Slump of 1930, The, 306

Great Society, 30

Great Wave of Kanagawa, The, 324

Greece, 223, 225

global financial crisis, 354-356

greenbacks, 21, 28

Greenberg, Hank, 170

Greenberg, Maurice R., 230

Greenberger, Michael, 300

Greenburg, Ace, 326

greenmail, 137

Greenspan put, 280

Greenspan, Alan, 32, 44, 57, 129, 180, 215, 296

2002 interest rate cut, 154

adjusted rate mortgages (ARMs), 183

advocacy of derivatives, 213

Asian crisis, 280

as a celebrity central banker, 297

defense of record, 303-304

derivatives, 235, 238

dissenters, 300-302

FCIC testimony, 304-305

Great Moderation, 277

regulation, 279

U.S. House Oversight Committee, 302-303

Grice, Dylan, 29, 349

Griffin, Kenneth, 196, 241

Griffith, Bill, 95

Grímsson, Ólafur Ragnar, 275

gross domestic product (GDP)

debt as a percentage of, 265

Greece, 354

Ireland, 344

United States, 357

Gross, Bill, 96, 124, 285

Groucho and Me, 97

groupthink, 296-297


of China, 86-87

debt-fueled consumption as driver of, 295

economic, 295-296

Grubman, Jack, 76

guaranteed investment contracts (GICs), 145

Guare, John, 269

Guernsey, 165

Guevara, Che, 229

Guilliani, Rudy, 150

Gulf and Western Industries, 60

Gulf of Mexico, BP disaster, 361

Gulf Oil, 137

Gulliver’s Travels, 130

GUT (grand unifying theory), 122

Gutfreund, John, 290


habitus, 308

Haghani, Victor, 248

Hagman, Larry, 147

haircuts, 247

Haldane, Andrew, 272, 361

Hamanaka, Yasuo, 56, 227

Hambros Bank, 67

Hamlet, 265

handheld calculators, 122

Hands, Guy, 154, 157, 165

Harding, David, 256

Hare, David, 278, 290, 314, 332

Harkey, Sue Anne, 365

Hart, Robert, 85

Hartley, L.P., 185

Harvard Business Review, 120

Harvard Business Schools, 140, 305

Harvard case studies, 214-215

Harvard Graduate School of Business, 144

Harwood, Richard, 89

Has Financial Development Made the World Riskier?, 301

Hasset, Kevin, 97

Havel, Václav, 359

Hawala, 22, 24

Hawkin, Greg, 248

Hawking, Stephen, 126

Hayek, Frederick, 103

HE (home equity), 181

Heathrow Airport, 161

Hederman, Abbot Mark Patrick, 361

Hedge Fund Alley, 239

hedge funds, 73, 77, 80, 260

Alfred Winslow Jones, 240

Amaranth, 250, 252

Centaurus Energy, 319

clientele, 247-248, 250

compensation, 314

fees, 245

formula for, 239

Fortress, 318

George Soros, 240

Hedgestock, 252, 261-262

Hyman Minsky, 260-262

leverage, 254

markets, 241

Porsche, 257-260

returns, 243-244, 255-257

Sharpe ratios, 246-247

strategies, 241-243

structure of CDOs, 195

Hedgestock, 261-262

hedge funds, 252

hedging, 235

aspect of Black-Scholes model, 122

derivatives, 216-217

Heine, Heinrich, 38, 64

Heisenberg, Werner, 101

Heller, Walter, 129

Hellman, Lillian, 350

HELOC (home equity line of credit), 181

Hennessy, Peter, 278

Heritage Foundation, 350

Herodotus, 74

Hertz, 155

Hewlett-Packard (HP), 122

Heyman, William, 270

Hickman, W. Braddock, 143

Hidden Persuaders, The, 43

Higgins, Jay, 146

High Grade Structured Credit Fund, 204

High Grade Structured Credit Strategies Enhanced Leverage Fund, 191

High Grade Structured Credit Strategies Fund, 191

high opportunity bonds, leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 143

High Street, 80. See also New York

High Yield Bond Conference (Drexel), 146

high-risk mortgages, 196. See also mortgages

Hilibrand, Lawrence, 248

Hilton Hotels, 162

Hirst, Damien, 323, 338

Ho, Karen, 313

Hockne, David, 75

Hoffman, Dustin, 308

Holidays in Hell, 293

home equity, 45

credit cards, 72

Honda, 56

Hong Kong

as a financial center, 78, 82

and Shanghai Bank, 202

Hoover, Herbert, 102, 359

hospitals, 158

hostile bids, leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 149-150

hostile takeovers, 57

Rio Tinto, 59

hot hedge funds, 245

Hotel New Hampshire, The, 29

Household Finance, 202

housewife traders, 40-42

housing market, 179-182

adjusted rate mortgages (ARMs), 183-184

prices, 337-338

Houston Natural Gas, 55

Howard, Alan, 261

Huc-Morel, Nicolas, 229

Hughes, Robert, 324

Hume, David, 126

Hundi, 22

Hunter, Brian, 227, 250

Hurricane Katrina, 251

Hussein, Saddam, 282

hustle as strategy, 312

Hustler, 344

hybrid capital, 280

hyperinflation, 22


I Like Stocks, 40

i-banks, 76. See also investment banks

Iania, Leonardo, 126

IBM, 244

Icahn, Carl, 137, 146

Iceland, 279, 345

collapse of banking system, 275

stock market, 84

Ideal Husband, The, 53

IFIL Investments, 222

Ikebe, Yukiko, 40

illiquid markets, 287

Immelt, Jeffrey, 63, 344

imports from China, 85

income, annuities, 70

increase in borrowing levels, 265-268

incubators, 247, 254

independent contracting, 181

indexed gold put options (IGPOs), 216

India, 22

gold in, 27

rupees, 21-22

individual retirement accounts (IRAs), 48

industrialization, 38

inflation, 49, 145

after fall of the Berlin Wall, 101

effect on conglomerates, 60

hyperinflation, 22

in Zimbabwe, 22


asymmetries in securitization, 271

determining from noise, 125-127

transparency, 283

infrastructure, 124

innovation, 77

innovative debt structures. See debt

Inside Job, The, 316, 353

insolvency, 280

Institute of Theoretical Physics (Copenhagen, Denmark), 101


bonds, 176

life, securitization of, 178

prices, 209. See also options

profits, 121

risk, 124

intellectual property rights, securitization of, 168

interest rates

cutting of, 340-341

lowering of, 348

International Accounting Standards Board, 289

International Grain Council, 334

International Institute of Finance (IIF), 289

International Monetary Fund (IMF), 96

international reply coupons (IRCs), 33


bubble (1990s), 54

stocks, 58

InterNorth, 55

interviews on financial TV shows, 94

invention of money, 24-25

investment banks, 57, 309

leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 147-148

percentage of jobs in, 313

separation from commercial banks, 66


alternative, 252

exotic products, 73-74

hedge funds

Amaranth, 250-252

clientele, 247-250

fees, 245

Hedgestock, 252

markets, 241

returns, 243-244

Sharpe ratios, 246-247

strategies, 241-243

incentives, 348

IO (interest only) bonds, 178

Ireland, 83, 344

Irish Times, The, 356

Iron Chef, The, 168

Irving, John, 29

Ising model, 204

It’s A Wonderful Life, 65, 180

Italy, derivatives, 215-216

ITT Corporation, 60


Jackson, Marjorie, 156

Jackson, Michael, 21

Jackson, Tony, 363

James, Oliver, 274


debt, 357

financialization, 38-39

housewife traders, 40-41

lost decades, 357

retirement, 49-50

six sigma, 60

Jefferson County, Alabama, 211-214

Jefferson, Thomas, 91

Jenkins, Simon, 302

Jenson, Michael, 120, 138-141

Jiabao, Wen, 86-87

Jian, Ma, 295

Jintao, Hu, 363

jobbers, 53


certifications, 309-310

finance, 307-308

Jobs, Steve, 164

John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage Award, 301

Johnson, Lyndon, 30, 129

Johnson, Samuel, 352

Johnson, Simon, 96, 294

Joint Economic Committee, 203

Jonas, Adam, 259

Jones, Alfred Winslow, 240

Jones, Norah, 157

Jones, Paul Tudor, 256

Jong, Erica, 73

Jorgenson, Andrew, 64

Joseph, Fred, 146

JP Morgan, 191, 272, 280, 283, 337, 360

jumbo loans, 182

Jünger, Ernst, 233

junk bonds, 143

leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 145-146

JWM Partners LLC, 257


Kadlec, Charles W., 97

Kahn, Herman, 35

Kahneman, Daniel, 126

Kaltwasser, Pablo Rovira, 126

Kapur, Ajay, 41

Karinthy, Frigyes, 269

Kasouf, Sheen, 121

Katainen, Jyrki, 356

Kaufman, Henry, 292

Kaupthing Bank, 275, 288, 345

Kazakhstan, 72

keiretsu, 139

Kell, Kevin, 99

Keller, Marianne, 64

Kelly, Don, 141

Kennedy, Robert, 359

Kennedy, John F., 81, 364

Kerkorian, Kirk, 137

Kerviel, Jerome, 226-230

Kessler, Andy, 316

ketchup economics, 116

Keynes, John Maynard, 25-29, 33, 77, 100, 303, 347, 362-364

China’s use of philosophy, 87

diversification, 123

Great Depression, 103

risk, 127

uncertainty, 366

warnings about speculation, 88

Kierkegaard, Søren, 130, 179

Kim, Dow, 315

Kimberly-Clark, 92

kimono traders, 40

King Kullen, 208

King’s College, 29, 123

King, Mervyn, 195, 342

KISS, 327

kiwis (New Zealand dollars), 21

KKR (Kohlberg, Kravis, and Roberts), 135, 137

Klein, Naomi, 342

Klempere, Otto, 157

Kluge, John, 149

Knebworth House, 262

Knight, Frank, 128

knock-ins, 211, 217

knock-outs, 211, 217-219

Kogan, Valery, purchases of, 322

Kohn, Donald, 270, 301

Koppel, Ted, 90

Kotov, Alexander, 252

Kravis, Henry, 162

Krawcheck, Salli, 316

kronas (Iceland), 275

Krug Grande Cuvée champagne, 304

Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth, 329

Kubrick, Stanley, 35

Kuhn, Thomas, 273

Kuwati dinars, 21

Kwak, James, 294

kwatcha, 21

Kynikos Associates, 161


L’engrenage, Mémoires d’un trader, 229

La Défense, 227

LA Galaxy, 339

LaBelle, Patti, 164

Ladies’ Home Journal, 97

Laffer Curve, 65, 110

Lahde, Andrew, 256, 330

Lamont, Thomas, 337

Last Chronicle of Barset, 173

Laurence J. Peter, 144

Law of Attraction, 186

Law, John, 28

laws, Sarbane-Oxley (SOX), 81

Lay, Kenneth, 55

Leach, Jim, 67

leadership styles, Jack Welch, 62-63

Lee, Thomas H., 156

Leeson, Nick, 227

Legal Tender Act of 1862, 28

Legg Mason Value Trust Fund, 245

Lehman Brothers, 154, 162, 292, 312, 316

bankruptcy of, 221, 329, 333, 339

bonuses, 319

collapse of, 288, 346

contracts, 270

Milken’s mobsters, 146

Lehman Risk Committee, 292

lending practices, 70. See also loans

Letterman, David, 286

leverage, 266, 366

capital, 244

finance groups, 154

hedge funds, 254

loans, 154

leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 133-136

of airlines, 156-157

Congoleum, 133-134

cost of debt, 148-149

Drexel Harriman Ripley, 144

Drexel system, 151-152

fees, 141-143

high opportunity bonds, 143

hostile bids, 149-150

investment banks, 147-148

junk bonds, 145-146

KKR (Kohlberg, Kravis, and Roberts), 135-137

Michael Jensen, 138-141

Milken’s mobsters, 146-147

recovery of, 153-154

Levin, Gerald, 58

Levine, Dennis, 150

Levitt, Arthur, 300

Levy, Paul, 118

Lewes pound, 36

Lewis, Michael, 80, 198, 211, 290, 308

Li, David Xiang Lin, 177

Liar’s Poker, 211, 308

life insurance, securitization of, 178

life spans, Japan, 49

Light, Jay, 305

limited liability, 53

Limits to Power, The, 43

Lincoln, Blanche, 352

Ling-Temco-Vought (LTV), 60

linoleum, 133

Lintner, John, 117

Lipper Analytical Services, 144

Liquidated, 313

liquidity, 281

evaporation of, 338

factory, 269

put mechanisms, 205

risks, 74

Little, Arthur D., 121

Litton Industries, 60

Lo, Andrew, 254

loan-to-value (LVR) ratios, 181


banks, 70-71

costs of, 188

credit cards, 71-72

increase in borrowing levels, 265-268

leveraged, 154

repackaging of, 271-272

virtual, 195-196

Logic of Collective Action, The, 294

Lombard Street, 63, 201


as a financial center, 78-82

financial district of, 53

London Abbey Road recording studios, 157

London Business School, 156

London Financial Guide, 89

London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR), 213

London School of Economics, 278

London Stock Exchange, 200

Long Johns, the, 91

long short equity, 254

Long Term Capital Management (LTCM), 122, 204, 244, 248-252

Loomis, Carol, 240

loonies, 21

Lorca, Federico García, 84

Lord Poole of Lazards, 70

Lorie, James, 123

loser effect, 126

Lottery of Babylon, The, 210

Louis Vuitton, 350

low productivity, 334

Lower Saxony, 258

Lucas, Robert, 347

Lucky Chance Oil Company, 54


Mack, John, 202

Mackay, Charles, 88

MacNamara, Robert, 274

Macquarie Bank, 156-158, 314

Macquarie model, 158-161

Macquarie, Lachlan, 159

macro funds, 242

macroeconomics, definition of, 102. See also John Maynard Keynes

Mad Money, 96. See also Jim Cramer

madness of crowds, 296

Madoff fund, 292

Madoff, Bernard, 244, 313

Madrid, 79

magazines, 90. See also financial news

Magnetar, 195

Magnum Funds, 242

Maheras, Thomas, 304

Malay Archipelago, 23

Malaysia, 328

Malkiel, Burton, 123

Mamet, David, 185


earnings, 323-324

fees, 245

financialization, 63

Jack Welch leadership style, 62-63

knowledge of business operations, 292-293

risk, 124-126, 130, 274

techniques, 318

Mandelbrot, Benoit, 126, 274

manipulation, 38, 56

Maounis, Nick, 251

Marakon Consulting, 124

Mark (Germany), 22

mark-to-make-believe or mark-to-myself, 286

mark-to-market (MtM) accounting, 56, 231, 286-288

losses, 203

mark-to-model, 231, 286

mark-to-myself, 231

market-based credit, 269


adjusted rate mortgages (ARMs), 183-184

chain reaction in securitization, 202-204

color (commentary), 311

corporate control, 120

deregulation, 279

derivatives, 235, 334

equilibrium, 327

hedge funds, 241

housing, 179-182

instability of, 337-338

leadership, 60

neutral arbitrage, 242

panic, 340-341

regulation, 300. See also regulation

Marketwatch, 338

Markopolos, Harry, 292

Markowitz, Harry, 116-117

Marshall, Alfred, 78

Marx, Groucho, 97, 354

Marx, Karl, 33

Master’s Voice record label, 157

MasterCard, 71-72

Masters of the Universe, 257, 262, 308, 332-333, 343, 366

Masters, Michael, 334

Mauboussin, Michael, 246

Mauger, Charlie, 202

Maxim, 162

Maximum City, 44

MBSs (mortgage backed securities), 173

arbitrage, 242

McCaw Cellular, 146

McClure’s Magazine, 52

McCulley, Paul, 269

McDade, Herbert, 288

McDaniel, Raymond, 284

McGraw, Terry, III, 284

MCI, 146

McKinley, William, 26

McLuhan, Marshall, 72, 89, 366

McNamara, Frank, 71

mean-variance approach, 117

Meaning of Life, The, 180

Means, Gardiner, 54

Meckling, William H., 120

Media, financial news, 89-99

Mehta, Suketa, 44

Melamed, Leo, 125

Mencken, H.L., 80, 329

Mephistopheles, 36

Merchant of Venice, 117, 366

mergers, 57-59, 242, 310

CitiGroup, 75

General Electric (GE), 61

Meriwether, John, 248-249

Merkel, Angela, 325

Merlin Entertainments, 163

Merrill Lynch, 66, 76, 148, 178, 191, 280, 315, 330

bonuses, 319

Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP), 131

merger with BoA, 339

MERS (Mortgage Electronic Registration System), 271

Merton, Robert K., 121, 130, 248

Metallgesellschaft, 56

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 155

Metromedia, 149

Metromedia Broadcasting Corporation, 149

Metropolitan Club, 304

Meyer, Phillipe, 141


“mezz” debt, 154

notes, 170-171

Mickey Mouse, 324

microeconomics, definition of, 102

middle class for blue-collar workers, 42

Middle East, 264

petro-dollars, 82

Mikado, The, 128

Milgram, Stanley, 335

military industrial complex, 294

Milken, Michael, 141, 144-150, 152, 168, 244

1987 equity crash, 153

Milken’s mobsters, 146-147

purchases of, 322

Mill, John Stuart, 126, 305

Millennium Challenge, 264-265

Miller, Bill, 245, 360

Miller, Daniel, 130

Miller, Merton, 116, 119, 248

Mills, Susan, 299

Milton, John, 359

Minibonds, 220

Minogue, Kylie, 157

Minsky machines, 261. See also hedge funds

Minsky moments, 261

Minsky, Hyman, 260-262

minutes to midnight, 34

Mirrored Room, The, 36, 64, 238

Mishkin, Frederic, 316

Mississippi Company, 28, 275

MIST (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey), 91

Mitchell, Andrea, 299

mobile phone airtime credits, 24

Mobile, Alabama, 55


risk, 246

securitization, 177

Modern Corporation and Private Property, The, 54

modern portfolio theory (Markowitz), 117

Modigliani, Franco, 119

Modigliani-Miller propositions, 119-120

Mohamme, Mahathir, 328

Molden, Mike, 184

momentum, 242

monetization, 38


circulation of, 32

cultures, 20

exchanges, 23-24

gold. See gold

invention of, 24-25

paper, 27-28

transfer systems, 22

transformations of, 35-36

types of, 21-23

waster of, 41

Money and Trade Considered with a Proposal for Supplying the Nation with Money, 28

Money Honey, 92. See also Maria Bartiromo

monolines, 176

Montag, Tom, 198

Monty Python, 97, 180

Moody’s Investor Services, 141, 282

Warren Buffett’s defense of, 325

Moore Capital, 250

Moore, Michael, 165

Moore, Nicholas, 159

moral hazards, 319

Morgan Stanley, 76, 99, 148, 185

Morgan, J.P., 324

Morning Joe, 93

mortality, Japan, 49

mortgages, 179-182

adjusted rate mortgages (ARMs), 183-184

brokers, 186

decline of housing prices, 337-338

defaults, 171, 179

repackaging of, 271-272

scrutiny of ratings agencies, 283

subprime, 70

Moss, Allan, 159, 314

Mossin, Jab, 117

Motherwell, Robert, 200

Motorola, 60

Movement of the Machines, 275

Mozilo, Angelo R., 183, 328


Mullins, David, 144, 248

multistrategy, 243

Mumbai Stock Exchange, 91

Münchau, Wolfgang, 351

Mundell, Robert, 170

municipal bonds, 211-214

TOBs (tender option bonds), 222

Murakami, Takashi, 324

Murder on the Orient Express, 302

Murdoch, Rupert, 149, 164, 322

Museum of Modern Art, 324

mutually assured destruction (MAD), 38

My Broker: A Monk Tycoon Reveals the 7 Laws of Spiritual Growth, 98


Nader, Ralph, 326

Narvik, Norway, 221

National Australia Bank (NAB), 228

National City Bank, 342

national debt clock, 34

National Economic Council, 215

National Health Service, 47

National Homeownership Strategy, 181

National Public Radio (NPR), 185

natural gas, 251

negative amortization, 182

Nemesis, 366

nest eggs, 27

net risk, 240

networks, 270

vulnerability of, 272-273

Neues Deutschland, 260

Neutron Jack. See Jack Welch

Never Never, 67

new austerity, 357

New Century Financial, 195, 202

New Scientist, 363

New York

as a financial center, 78-79

FiDi (Financial District), 80

New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 80

New York Times, The, 120, 196

Ayn Rand, 297

Michael Milken, 152

newspapers, 89-91

Nicholson, Eddy, 134

Nietszche, Frederich, 300

NINJA borrowers, 70

Nintendo DS, 40

NIVA (no income verified assets) loans, 182

Nixon, Richard M., 31, 104, 342

Nobel prize in Economics, 104

Black and Scholes, 122

nolo contendere (no contest), 150

normal distributions, 126

Norris, Stephen, 154

North Korea, 24

Northern Rock, 200, 205

Norway, 221

Noyer, Christian, 228

nuclear war, 34

nuclear winter, 339


O’Neal, Stan, 178, 201, 291, 315, 319, 330

O’Neill, Eugene, 46

O’Neill, Jim, 90

O’Rourke, P.J., 293

Obama, Barack, 215, 325, 342, 358, 362

objective truths, 130

objects d’art, 176

Och, Daniel, 318

Och-Ziff Capital Management, 318

Oddsson, David, 275, 279

off-balance sheets, 190, 288

off-market interest, 224

oil, 57

banks, 57

petro-dollars, 82

rise in prices, 334, 337-338

Old Lane Partners, 319

Olso, Mancur, 294

Once in a Lifetime, 46

One Market, One God, 129

one-touch, 211

Onex Group, 156

Onion, The, 341, 361

opacity, 61

Oppenheimer, Robert, 339

options, 182, 209

Orange County, collapse of, 283

Organisation, The, 296

originate and hide, 270

originate-to-distribute models, 68

Orman, Suze, 92-93

Orwell, George, 365

Orzag, Peter, 358

Osgood, Charles, 353

Other People’s Money, 21, 40, 64

over-collateralization, 169

overcapitalization, 54

oversight, 290

Oversight Panel Report, 340

Oxley, Michael G., 154


PAC (planned amortization class) bonds, 178

Pacioli, Luca, 285

Packard, Vance, 43

Paille, Antoine, 228

Paine, Thomas, 36

PaineWebber, 201

Pakistan, 22

Palin, Sarah, 95

Pandit, Vikram, 290, 319, 346

panic, markets, 340-341

paper losses, 203

paper money, 27-28. See also money

parallel tranching, 178

parasitism, 33

Parisian Parliament, 275

parking assets, 288

part-time employment, 181

Partnoy, Frank, 206

Patient Zero, 354

patterns in data, 128

Patterson, David, 357

Paul the Octopus, 243

Paulson & Co, 256

Paulson, Henry (“Hank”), 170, 198, 314, 338, 341

purchases of, 322

Paulson, John, 256-257, 304, 329

pay options, 182

pay-in-kind (PIK) notes, 148

PAYG (pay-as-you-go) systems, 47

PCF (primary credit facility), 340

PDCF (primary dealer credit facility), 340

Peck, Gregory, 64

Peleton Partners, 204

pension plans, 50

General Electric (GE), 61

percentage returns, 243. See also returns

perfect default correlation, 220

performance fees, 245

Permira, 154

Perry, Fred, 81

personal finance writers, 90

Peter Principle, The, 144

Peterson, Peter, 154, 318

petro-dollars, 82

phase transition, 204

philanthropy of the financial elite, 326

Phillips, William, 351

physical frontiers, 52

Physical Impossibility of Death in the Mind of Someone Living, The, 131, 253, 323-324, 338

Picasso, Pablo, 221

pick a payment, 182

pick’n pay, 182

Pickens, T. Boone, 137, 146, 149

Piëch, Ferdinand, 257

Piga, Gustavo, 224

piggyback loans, 182

PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Spain), 354

PIK (pay in kind) debt, 154

Pimco (Pacific Investment Management Company), 96, 285

Pingyao as a financial center, 84

Pink Floyd, 157

Pirate Capital, 254

Pires, Tome, 82

pitch books, 310

PIYC (pay if you can), 155

Pizarro, Hernán Cortés de Monroy, 131

planned obsolescence, 43

Playboy magazine, 94

plutonomy, 41-42

PO (principal only) bonds, 178

Policymakers, preparation for financial crises, 264-278

Polonius, 265

Ponzi schemes, 34

Ponzi, Charles, 33

Poor Richard’s Almanac, 93

Porsche, 55, 257-260

Porter, Cole, 41

Porter, Michael, 120

Portfolio Management Workshop, 21

Portfolio Selection, 117


risk, 117, 124. See also risk

risk-free, 121

ports, 158

Posner, Richard, 291

Posner, Victor, 137

postal reply coupons, 33

pounds, 21

devaluation of, 240

sterling, 22

Power Lunch, 95

Power of Yes, The, 278, 290-291, 298, 332

POWS (physicists on Wall Street), 211

Prebble, Lucy, 288, 307

precomputer analysis, 143

Predator’s Ball, 147

premiums, 120

preparation for financial crises, 264-278

prepayment tranching, 178

Presley, Elvis, 298

price bubbles, 299

Price Is Right, The, 119


insurance, 209. See also options

movements, 210-211

stocks, 117-118

strike, 120

prime brokerage units, 73

prime mortgages, 181. See also mortgages

Prince, Chuck, 201, 315, 319, 329

princes of industry, 54

Principal Finance Group, 154

prisons, 158

private banks, 73

private equity, 155, 164

failures, 162-163

infrastructure, 158

public sector services, 161

returns, 162

Private Equity Council, 167

Private Equity Growth Capital Council, 167

private equity managers, compensation, 314


of government-owned banks, 66

to pay off government debt, 158

Proctor & Gamble, 56

Product Disclosure Statements, 219


General Electric (GE), 60

improvements in the 1960s, 47

miracle of 1996, 41

Profit from Property, 96

profits, 20, 231

General Electric (GE), 61

insurance, 121

property rights, protection of, 41


in Ireland, 83

trading, 352


of property rights, 41

rackets, 73, 282-285

Protégé Partners, 261

Proust, Marcel, 335

Prudential Insurance Company, 134

Ptolemaic systems, 129

Ptolemy, 129

public private partnerships (PPP), 158

public sector services, 161

Publishers Weekly, 97

Pudd’nhead Wilson, 123. See also Mark Twain

purchases by bankers, 322-323

pure plays, 60, 139

put options, 120, 209

Pynchon, Thomas, 352

pyramid schemes, 34


Qantas, 156, 162

Qing dynasty, 84

Qishan, Wang, 346

QSPEs (qualified special purpose entities), 288

quantification of risk, 130


easing, 340

equity market neutral, 254

funds, 242

Quantos, 211

Quantum Fund, 240

quantum theory, 126

quasi-currency, 24. See also currency

Quayle, Dan, 95

Queen, 157

Queen Elizabeth, 278


Rabbit Is Rich, 363

Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act, 150

Radaker, Byron, 134

Rain Man, 153, 166

rainbows, 211

Raines, Sylvain, 309

Rains, Claude, 77

Rajaratnam, Raj, 244

Ralphie’s Funds, 191, 204

Ramones, The, 79

RAND Corporation, 35

Rand, Ayn, 294, 296

random walks, 118

rands, 21

Range Rover, 346

Ranieri, Lewis, 170

Rapid American, 143

Rappaport, Alfred, 124

Raskob, John, 97

Ratergate (2008), 285


agencies, 141

bonds, 282-285

CDOs, 285

credit, 282

Rational Man, 119

Rattner, Steven, 274

Raynes, Sylvain R., 196

re-re-securitizations, 191

re-securitizations, 191

Reagan, Ronald, 65-66, 97, 101, 298, 364

real estate, 179-182

adjusted rate mortgages (ARMs), 183-184

reals, 21

recessions, 350

recovery, 359-360

rates, 171

recruitment of finance candidates, 310

recycling in Japan, 39

Red Force, 264

Redline, 186

Reed, John, 71, 75

reflexivity, 327

Regnault, Jules, 118

regulations, 81

banks, 65-67

Basel 1, 74

Basel 2, 200

central banks, 279-281

self-regulating markets, 102

synthetic securitization, 176


preparation for financial crises, 264-278

understanding of securitization, 282

regulatory arbitrage, 75

Reid, Harry, 299

relative value funds arb (arbitrage) market inefficiencies, 242

religious prohibitions on usuries, 32

remote risk of loss, 220

renminbi, 21

rentiers, 33

repackaging corporate debt, 173

repos (repurchase agreements), 288


banking, 32

gold, 30

resources, financial news, 89-99

restructures, corporations, 57

retirement, 20, 46, 48

Japan, 49-50

pension plans, 50

self-funded savings, 180


benchmarking, 123

on capital, 57

hedge funds, 243-244

private equity, 162

Revco drug stores, 150

Reykjavík, Iceland, 275

as a financial center, 84

Reynolds, Glenn, 283

Reynolds/Tube, 58

Rhodesia. See Zimbabwe

Richard, Cliff, 157

Richistan, 41

Rio Tinto, 58

Rise and Decline of Nation, The, 294

Rishengchang as a financial center, 84

risk, 35

Bank of International Settlement (BIS), 74-75

banks, 67-70

basis, 213

capital asset pricing model (CAPM), 117

catastrophe, 232

central banks, 281-282, 300-302

concentrations, 273

converting, 270

derivatives, 208-209, 218-219

AIG, 230-234

design of, 225

Fiat, 222-223

first-to-default (FtD) swaps, 220-221

Greece, 223, 225

Harvard case studies, 214-215

hedging, 216-217

Italy, 215-216

LTOBs (tender option bonds), 222

municipal bonds, 211-214

price movements, 210-211

sovereign debt, 236-238

TARDIS trades, 217-218

economic growth, 295-296

exotic products, 73-74

financial groupthink, 296-297

hedge funds, 246

of individual securities and portfolios, 117

insurance, 124

management, 126, 130, 274

reduction, 122-124

risk-free portfolios, 121

securitization, 170-172

taming, 120-122

tranches, 175

unification of, 130

riyals, 21

RJR Nabisco, 139, 149-150, 155

Ro, Arundhati, 365

Road to Serfdom, The, 103

roads, 158

Roark, Howard, 294

Robbins, Larry, 259

Robeldo, Alfredo, 215

Roberston, Julian, 243

Roberts, George, 157

robo signing, 272

Rochefoucauld, François Duc de La, 349

Rockefeller, John D., 338

Rockne, Knute, 97

Rogers, Will, 42-43, 332, 348

rogue traders, 227

Rohatyn, Felix, 148

Rolling Stone magazine, 364

Rolling Stones, the, 164

Rolls Royce jet engines, 24

Rome, 295

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 279, 290, 365

Ropes & Gray, 244

Roseman, Joel, 255

Rosenbaum, Alisa. See Ayn Rand

Rosenberg, David, 357

Rosenfield, Eric, 248

ROT (ruse on toll roads), 161

Rothschild, Baron, 28, 123

Roubini, Nouriel, 95

roubles, 21

Rowling, J.K., 328

Royal Commission, 299

Röpke, Wilhelm, 295

RTN (road to nowhere), 161

Rubenstein, David, 154, 163, 318

Rubin, Howard, 178

Rubin, Robert, 129, 200, 205, 215, 292, 300, 315

Rubinstein, David, 164

Rukeyser, Louis, 91, 94-97

Rumsfeld, Donald, 90, 94, 264

rupees, 21-22

Russell, Frank, 123

Russian roubles, 21


S.G. Warburg, 57, 201

Sadek, David, 186

Sagan, Carl, 348

salaries, 323-324

Salomon Brothers, 80, 122, 170, 248, 292, 325

bonuses, 319

Michael Lewis, 308

municipal bonds, 211

Salomon North, 248

Saltarelli, Gerald, 140

Salter, Malcolm, 140

Samaras, Lucas, 36, 238

Samuelson, Paul, 119, 121

Sants, Hector, 302

Sarbanes, Paul, 154

Sarbanes–Oxley Act (2002), 81, 154

Sarkozy, Nicolas, 346, 355, 364

Saudi riyals, 21

Savage, Tom, 232

Saville Row, 44

saving, 266, 358

saving and loans associations (S&Ls), 145

scalability, 254

scales, ratings, 143

scams, 23

Schacter, Barry, 125

Schadenfreude, 343

Schäuble, Wolfgang, 353

Schiffrin, Anya, 312

Schjedahl, Peter, 131

Schneider, Ralph, 71

Scholes, Myron, 248

schools, 158

Schroder Ventures, 154

Schularick, Moritz, 87

Schultz, George, 342

Schumpeter, Joseph, 103

Schwarzman, Stephen, 154, 164, 318

Schwed, Jr., Fred, 243

Science Museum (London), 351

Scion Funds, 256

Scissors, Derek, 350

Seabright, Paul, 35

Seagram, 79

Second World War, 84, 102

Secret of FX, The, 40

Secret, The, 45

Secrets of Wealth, 96

Securities, exotic products, 73-74

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 131

Securities Exchange Company, 34

Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (Sifma), 213

securitization, 68, 169, 188, 207

adjusted rate mortgages (ARMs), 183-184

bonds, 173

central banks, 281-282

chain reaction in markets, 202-204

of debt, 188-192

failure of bonds, 204-205

housing market, 179-182

information asymmetries in, 271

of intellectual property rights, 168

of life insurance policies, 178

models, 177

rating agencies, 282

regulators understanding of, 282

risks, 170, 172

security, trading, 66

self-employment, 181

self-regulating markets, 102

selling, 311

senior debt, 148

senior management, knowledge of business operations, 292-293

senior tranches, 171

Sentamu, John, 346

seppuku, ritualized suicide, 200

September 11, 2001, 44

September, 2008 market crash, 341-343

sequential tranching, 178

Serin, Casey, 187

setsuyaku no tatsujin (master penny-pincher), 39

sewer bonds, 214. See also municipal bonds

shadow banking system, 192, 195

Shakes, Ronnie, 43

Shakespeare, William, 36, 117

Shang Kong, 82

Sharpe ratios, hedge funds, 246-247

Sharpe, William, 117

Shaw, George Bernard, 30, 42

Shearer, Tony, 275, 288

Shearson Lehman Hutton, 149

shell games, 293

shift of assets, 288

Shin, Hyun Song, 273

Shiva, 339

ShockGen, 229

shopping after September 11, 2001, 44

A Short History of Financial Euphoria, 77

Short, Martin, 164

shorting of credit risk, 176

Sigur Ros, 345

silver, 58

Silver State Mortgage, 185

Simmel, Georg, 36, 328

Simmon, Gene, 327

Simon, David, 333

Simon, William, 135

Sinatra, Frank, 157

Sinclair, Upton, 305

Singapore as a financial center, 78, 82

Singer & Friedlander, 275, 288

single premium deferred annuity (SPDA), 145

SIVA (stated income verified assets) loans, 182

SIVs (structured investment vehicles), 190

Six Degrees of Separation, 269

six sigma, 60

Skeel, David, 206

Skilling, Jeffrey, 55-56, 288, 307, 313, 328

Skinner, B.F., 274

Skull and Bones, 148

Sloan School of Management at MIT, 96

slowness movements, 364

Slutsky, Eugene, 128

small-firm effect, 126

Smith, Adam, 23, 102, 129, 252, 320, 361

paper money, 27

Snail House, 351

snuff movies, 335

Social Insurance and Allied Services, 47

social security, 48

Société Générale (SG or Soc-Gen), 29, 226-228, 349

solid forms of money, 25

Solomon, David, 145

solutions, global financial crisis, 352-354

Sons of Gwalia (SoG), 216

Soros, George, 240, 242, 302, 326-327, 341

Sosin, Howard, 230

Sotheby’s, 323

South African rands, 21

South Sea Company, 53

Southern District of New York, 150

sovereign debt, 236-238

Soviet Union, 30

special economic zones (SEZ), 85

special purpose entity rules (SPE), 57

Spectator ab Extra, 326

speculation, 311

bubble economies, 54

debt and, 274-275

economy, 52

speculators, 88

Spencer, Herbert, 281

spontaneous symmetry breaking, 204

spreads, 169

Square Mile, the (London), 79

Squawk Box, 94


funds, 354

of global trade, 349

Stadler, Robert, 302

stagflation, 138

stagnation, 357

Stamford, Connecticut, 80

Standard & Poor’s (S&P), 141, 282

Standard Oil of Ohio (Sohio), 57


accounting, 289

gold, 29-31. See also gold

standby lines of credit, 281

Stanziale, Bruno, 251

State Reserve Bureau (China), 56

state securities, 128

State Street Global Markets, 91

statements, financial

bad loans (2008), 343-344

falsifying, 289-291

statistical quantum field theory, 204

status, 43

Status Seekers, The, 43

Steagall, Henry B., 66

Steil, Benn, 347

Stein, Ben, 65

Steinbeck, John, 360

Steinberg, Saul, 137

Steinhardt, Michael, purchases of, 322

Stern Stewart & Co, 124

Stern, Joel, 124

Stevenson, Adlai, 354

Stewart, James, 65, 180

Stewart, Jon, 96, 330

Stewart, Potter, 352

Stewart, Rod, 164

Stiglitz, Joseph, 129, 352

Stillman, James, 342

Stillman, W.J., 95

stock market crashes

1929, 66, 97, 102

1987, 39

September, 2008, 341-343

Stockholm syndrome, 284


Internet, 58

prices, 117-118

valuations, 58

strategies, hedge funds, 241-243

Strauss-Kahn, Dominique, 303

Street Signs, 93

Street Sweetie, 92. See also Erin Burnett

stress cardiomyopathy, 177

strike prices, 120, 209

strip mining, 156


bids, 192

credit, 188

finance, 188

style drift, 242

subjective truths, 130

subordinated (“sub” or “junior”) debt, 148

subordination levels, 172

subprime mortgages, 70. See also mortgages

shorting (2005/2006), 256

subsidies, 334, 348

Suma Oriental, 82

Sumitomo, 227

Summers, Lawrence, 116, 129, 214, 300, 304, 315

Sunday Times, 364

super jumbo loans, 182

Super Return annual industry conference, 162

super senior tranches, 175

supply of assets, 267

survivorship bias, 243

suspension of deep-water drilling, 362

Suze Orman Show, The, 93

Suze Orman’s Financial Freedom, 93


correlation, 255

credit default swaps (CDS), 232, 237

dispersion, 255

Fiat, 222-223

first-to-default (FtD), 220-221

gamma, 255

total return swap (TRS), 209

Swensen, David, 124

Swift, Jonathon, 130

Sydney Airport, 159

synchronous lateral excitation, 273

synthetic securitization, 173, 176

systematic risk, 118


TAC (target amortization class) bonds, 178

TAF (term auction facility), 340

tail risk, 246

Tainter, Joseph, 349

takeovers (risk arb), 242

Taleb, Nicholas Nassim, 126, 246

Talking Heads, The, 46

taming risk, 120-122

Tang dynasty, 351

tansu savings, 39

Tao Jones Averages, The, 96

TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space) trades, 217-218

target redemption forwards, 217

Tavakoli, Janet, 177


avoidance, 48-49

cuts, 348

Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), 82-83

favorable regimes, 41

leveraged buyouts (LBOs), 138

VAT (value added tax), 262

tchotchkes, 162

Teenage Cancer Trust, 262

Teledyn, 60

television, financial news, 91-99

Templars, 32

temporary suspension of deep-water drilling, 362

Terra Firma Capital Partners, 154, 157, 162, 165

terrorism, 44

Texas Instruments (TI), 122

Texas International, 146

Texas Pacific Group, 154

Textron, 60

Thain, John, 291, 319, 330

Thaler, Richard, 126

Thatcher, Margaret, 66, 81, 158

the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA or Ginnie Mae), 179

theoretical profits, 231

theories, bubbles, 277-278

Theory of the Leisure Class, The, 41

This American Life, 185

Thompson, Todd, 93

Thoreau, Henry David, 359

Thornton, John, 76

Thorp, Edward, 121

thought leaders, 90

thundering herd, the, 66

TICKETs (tradable interest bearing convertible to equity trust securities), 160

Tierney, John, 98

Tiger Fund, 243

Time, 45, 129

Time Warner, 58

Tobias, Seth, 322

TOBs (tender option bonds), 222

toggle loans, 154

toilets, Japanese, 38

Tokyo as a financial center, 78

tools, six sigma, 60

Torii, Mayumi, 43

Toscanini, Arturo, 157

total return swap (TRS), 209

Tourre, Fabrice, 199

toxic currency structures, 218-219

toxic waste, 172

Toynbee, Arnold, 354

Toys R Us, 155

TPG, 156

trade protectionism, 334, 349

trading, 23-24

alleys, 92

banks, 73

proprietary, 352

securities, 66

stabilization of global trade, 349

traditional banking models, 68

tranches, 169

AAA, 203

equity, 192

innovation of, 178

super senior, 175

synthetic CDOs, 174

Z, 170, 178


risk, central banks, 281-282

systems, money, 22

Transformers, 278

Travelers, merger of with Citicorp, 75

Treynor, Jack, 117

trickle-down economics, 42-43

Triffin dilemma, 31

Triffin, Robert, 31

Trollope, Anthony, 173

Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), 340

troy ounce bars, 25. See also gold

TSLP (term securities lending facility), 340

tunnels, 158

turn-of-the-year effect, 126

Turner Broadcasting, 146

Turner, Lord Adair, 236, 280, 298

Tversky, Amos, 125-126

Twain, Mark, 123

Tweedie, David, 289

Twilight, 327

Tyco, 154

types of money, 21-23


U.S. Bankruptcy Court, 319

U.S. Civil War, 28

U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 215

U.S. Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), 181

U.S. Corporate and Auditing Accountability and Responsibility Act (2002), 154

U.S. Employee Retirement Income Security Act (1974), 123

U.S. Financial Reform Act, 353

U.S. House Oversight Committee, Alan Greenspan, 302-303

U.S. Internal Revenue Service, 140

U.S. Office of Management and Budget, 358

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 196

U.S. Treasury bonds, 87

UBS, 201

UK Financial Services Act (2001), 279

UK House of Commons, 288

ultra prosperity, 99

uncertainty, 366

unintended consequences, 130

United Airlines (UAL), 166

United States

debt levels as a percentage of GDP, 265

domestic corporate profits, 276

universal banks, 75

University of California at Berkeley, 42

University of Chicago, 34, 101, 104

collaboration between Black and Scholes, 121

University of Surrey, 363

Unocal, 137

Updike, John, 27, 46, 363

Urbanek, Zdener, 91

urbanization, 38

Urdu, 22

ushinawareta junen (the lost decade), 39

usuries, 32


vacancy rates, commercial real estate, 349

VADM (very accurately defined maturity) bonds, 178


accounting, 286-287

of commodities, 24

of modern money, 35

stocks, 58

value at risk (VAR) models, 125

Van der Starr, Cornelius, 230

Van Riper, Paul, 264

Vanguard Group, 123

Vanity Fair, 324

vapidity of life, 328

VAT (value added tax), 262

Veblen, Thorstein, 41, 52, 245

Veil, Jean, 229

velocity of capital, 69

Velvet Revolution (1989), 359

vertical segmentation, 170. See also tranches

Vertin, James, 123

Viagra, 326

video, financial news, 91-99

Vienna landmark, 163

Vietnam War, 30, 274

Viniar, David, 126, 198

Virgil, 338

virtual loans, 195-196

volatility, 254

hedge funds, 246

LCTM, 250

of currencies, 125

Volcker rule, 353

Volcker, Paul, 78, 145, 352, 359

Volkswagen (VW), 55, 146, 257

Volvo AB, 343

von Bismarck. Eduard Leopold, 47

von Clemm, Michael, 79

von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang, 36

von Rothschild, Karl Mayer, 343

Vonnegut, Kurt, 339


banking, 65, 77, 366

economics, 65

vulnerability of networks, 272-273

vulture funds, 242


Wada, Yuki, 39

Wade, Robert, 280

Wade, Virginia, 81

Wakabayashi, Fumie, 42

Wal-Mart, 323

Wall Street, 150, 167, 319, 323

Wall Street Journal, The, 89, 120, 122, 177, 274, 330

Joel Stern, 124

Susan Faludi, 149

Wall Street Week, 91, 96

Joel Stern, 124

Wallace, A.R., 23

Walter Industries, 150

Walters, Barbara, 299

war, 38

war games, 264-278

Wära, 35

Warburg, Siegmund, 57, 81

Ward, Anthony, 334

Warhol, Andy, 87, 186

Warren, Elizabeth, 225, 340

Washington Mutual, failure of, 339

Washington Post, 89, 97

Waste Makers, The, 43

waste of money, 41

Watanabes, Mrs., 40, 92

watered stock, 54

Waterford Wedgwood, 345

Watermark Place, 349

watermarks, 245

Waxma, Henry, 302

Way to Wealth, The, 93


competition, 44, 46

concentration of, 41

management businesses, 73

Wealth of Nations, The, 102

Weber, Max, 31

Weill, Sandy, 75, 291

Weimar Republic (Germany), 22

Weinberger, David, 128

Welch, Jack, 59-60, 344. See also General Electric (GE)

leadership style of, 62-63

Straight from the Gut, 62

Wells Fargo, 123, 333, 339

Marakon Consulting, 124

Wen Jiabao put, 351

West Virginia, 54

Wharton Business School, 143, 309

Where Are The Customer’s Yachts?, 243

whistleblowers, 292

White Zombie, 65

White, Harry Dexter, 29

White, William, 268, 301

Why the Bust is Really a Boom, 96

Why the Real Estate Boom Will Not Bust?, 96

Whyte, William, 296

Wiedeking, Wendelin, 257

Wilde, Oscar, 53

Williams, Robbie, 157

Williams, Robin, 164

Williams, Rowan, 346

Williams, Tennessee, 339

Wilson, Harold, 40

WIN (whatever is necessary), 342

winner’s curse, 241

Wire, The, 333

Wired, 99

WIT (whatever it takes), 342

Wizard of Oz, 26

Wolf, Eric, 144

Wolf, Martin, 280

Woodstock, 252, 262

Woodstock Experience, 255

Woolf, Virginia, 179

World Economic Forum (2011), 312

WorldCom, 54, 154, 283

worst-case daily change, 247

worst-off, 211

Wriston, Walter, 89

Wurstelprater, 163


Xiaochua, Zhou, 363

Xiaoping, Deng, 85

Yale, 232

Yale Endowment, 124

Yasgu, Max, 252

Yellen, Janet, 298

yen carry trade, 40

You the Living, 50

YSP (yield spread premium), 184

Z tranche, 170, 178

Zabel, William, 62

zaibatsu, 139

Zambian kwatcha, 21

Zelie, Mademoiselle, 23

zero interest rate policies (ZIRP), 348

Zertifikate, 332

Ziegler, Jean, 334

Zimbabwe, 22

Zimbabwe dollar, 22

Zuccaro, Robert, 98

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