

3G networks, 334335

3GPP (3rd Generation Partnership Program), 335

3GPP2 (3rd Generation Partnership Project 2), 335

releases and revisions to, 384385

table of, 383384

4G networks, 333335. See also LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks

5G networks, 335, 359361

utility pole attachments, 138139

VR (virtual reality) and, 37

10G-EPON (Gigabit Ethernet PON), 224

21st Century Fox, 126

40/100Gbps Ethernet switch standards, 74

128 Technology, 183184

802.11 standards

802.1pq, 118

802.11ac, 372

802.11n, 370371

capacity requirements, 372373

table of, 368369, 385387

911 call centers, 264265


AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), 31

A-CAM (Alternative Connect America Model), 141142

Access Control Lists (ACLs), 184

access networks. See last-mile access networks

access points, 376

ACLs (Access Control Lists), 184

Acme Packet, 183


filtering, 243244

IP (Internet Protocol), 96. See also MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching)

dynamic, 249

IPv4, 275, 296297

IPv6, 275, 296297

in Layer 3 switches, 71

static, 249

structure of, 294297

MAC (Media Access Control), 72

Adelphia, 134

Admeld, 158

Adsense, 277

ADSL (Asymmetric DSL), 267

Adtran, 206

Advanced Audio Coding (AAC), 31

Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPANET), 23

agents, 153154

aggregation routers, 292

air interfaces, 355358

Akamai Technologies, 52, 193195

Alcoa, 83

Alert Logic, 55

alerts, 9697

Alexa, 116117, 159, 160


compression, 3031, 3233

search engines, 278280

AlienVault, 133

Alltel Corporation, 151

Alphabet, 156. See also Google

Alternative Connect America Model (A-CAM), 141142

Altice USA, 135

Amazon, 5

advertising, 159

as agent, 153154

Alexa, 116117

Amazon Web Services, 257

brick-and-mortar stores, 308

cloud computing, 44, 4950, 53

data centers, 80

expansion and diversification, 159

expenses, 126

Fire TV, 283

machine learning in, 22

network neutrality issues, 313314

services and offerings, 159

subscriber numbers, 216

subsidiaries and purchases, 159160

video conferencing services, 109

American Movil, 327328

American Tower, 349

amplifiers, 910

analog signaling, 63


DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems), 354

MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output), 356357, 359, 370371

any-to-any networks, 237. See also MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching)

AOL, 135

APDs (avalanche photodiodes), 17

APIs (application programming interfaces), 47, 260

Apollo Global Management, 47



AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), 31

acquisitions by, 166167

Apple Music, 5, 31

AppleTV, 283

devices and offerings, 165166

appliances, 242

application programming interfaces (APIs), 47, 260

applications, cloud computing and, 5860

aQuantive, 165

AR (augmented reality), 37

ARM Holdings, Plc.21

ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency), 23

asymmetric channels, transitioning to symmetric

coaxial cable capacity, 214

DOCSIS standards, 213215, 225

QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), 214215

Asymmetric DSL (ADSL), 267

asynchronous protocols, 191


breakup of, 128, 168

cable TV services, 129130

co-location facilities, 223

expenses, 126

FTTH (fiber to the home), 208209

ISP services, 276

large enterprise reliance on, 130

lobbying by, 148

mergers and acquisitions, 126, 129130, 132133, 151152, 329

rate of return guarantees, 139

resellers, 155

rural availability of, 315

spectrum blocks, 327

subscription services, 216

Wi-Fi hotspots, 379380

zero rating, 313

Atlantic Broadband, 153


attacks, 296298

distributed Denial of Service (DoS), 52

DoS (Denial of Service), 52, 119

insider breaches, 299300

ransomware, 304

recognition of, 301

redress against hackers, 304305

resistance to, 298299

response to, 301

security software, 299

auctions, allocating spectrum with, 326328, 160

augmented reality (AR), 37


streaming media, 290

three-factor, 242243

two-factor, 242243

automation, WA SDNs (Wide Area Software Defined Networks), 261

avalanche photodiodes (APDs), 17

Azure, 52, 53, 163, 257


backbone networks, 14, 104, 120

backhaul (middle-mile) networks, 152153, 175, 197199, 340341


cellular, 263

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology, 263

duplicate fiber cabling, 263264

mesh configuration, 192193

in-band, on-channel (IBOC), 64

band steering, 376

bandwidth capabilities, 187

Gigabit Ethernet, 188190

LANs (local area networks), 76

legacy systems, 187

bare metal servers, 47

Barnes & Noble, 159

base stations, 339


backup, 204

life of, 365366

beamforming, 372

Beats Electronics, 167

“beauty contests”326

Bell Laboratories, 128, 323

Bennett, Geoff, 6

Berklee College of Music, 9394

Berners-Lee, Tim, 274

Best Buy, 153154

Bezos, Jeff, 159


carrier networks, 28

signaling and, 221

Bitcoin, 303

bits, 39

black day viruses, 244

blade servers, 120

Blink, 160

Block Chain, 302303

blocks, spectrum, 325326

Bluetooth, 331332

Blum, Rod, 199

Boingo, 379

bonding, 213, 248

Borders, 159

Boston 360, 35

Boston Conservatory of Music, 9394

BPON (Broadband PON), 224

bps (bits per second), 39

Bps (bytes per second), 39

Brightcove, 290

Brin, Sergey, 155

broadband networks, 172173, 228229. See also LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks; signaling; VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

access to, 127

actual versus advertised speeds, 231

availability of, 275277, 315316

backups, 263265

bandwidth capabilities, 187

Carrier GigE (Gigabit Ethernet), 249251

Gigabit Ethernet, 188190

legacy systems, 187

cloud connections, 257258

co-location facilities, 222223

comparison of services, 262, 266267

core networks, 175176

definition of, 175

NFV (Network Function Virtualization), 177184

SDN (Software Defined Networking), 176177, 182184

submarine network systems, 185187

dedicated wavelengths, 251

cloud connections, 257258

inter-exchange mileage, 254

local channels, 254

MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks), 253254

network topology on, 252253

T1 services, 251252, 267

T3 services, 251252, 267

WANs (Wide Area Networks), 253254

definition of, 229230

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology

backups, 263

bonding, 248

DSLAMs (DSL Access Multiplexers), 201202

history of, 247

how it works, 247

limitations of, 247248

replacing with fiber and wireless, 249

standards for, 267268

emergency call reporting, 264265

entertainment content, transmission of

headends, 195196

hub sites, 196

MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks), 196197

expansion into new territories, 209

international availability, 230

IP VPNs (Internet Protocol Virtual Private Networks), 238239

advantages and disadvantages, 239240

security, 240243

last-mile access networks

access networks in cable operators’ networks, 209216

capacity, adding, 200

definition of, 174, 199

DSLAMs (DSL Access Multiplexers), 201202

fiber-optic cabling, transitioning to, 201, 202204

legacy circuit-switching service, 200201

PONs (Passive Optical Networks), 204209, 224

power issues, 203

managed services

advantages of, 245

definition of, 245

typical offerings, 246247

MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks), 196197

dedicated services in, 253254

definition of, 174

mesh configuration backups, 192193

middle-mile networks, 152153, 175, 197199, 340341

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 235

CoS (Class of Service), 238

implementation, 236237

multinational locations, 237

routes and security, 236

service components, 238

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), 235

WA SDNs (Wide Area Software Defined Networks), 262

national emergencies, services in, 217

Internet security, 219220

reliability and sustainability, 218220

NFV (Network Function Virtualization), 172, 178

OTNs (Optical Transport Networks), 191192, 193195

private data networks, 176

public networks, 173175

SDN (Software Defined Networking), 172


authentication, 242243

cloud computing, 5556

containers, 47

firewalls, 243245

IP VPNs (Internet Protocol Virtual Private Networks), 240243

IPsec (Internet Protocol Security), 241242

L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), 241, 242

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 236

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 242

TLS (Transport Layer Security), 241, 242

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), 258259

in Sub-Saharan Africa, 338


common configurations, 255257

on dedicated lines, 252253

transport networks, 223

WA SDNs (Wide Area Software Defined Networks)

comparison of broadband services, 262

enterprise use of, 259260

implementation challenges, 262

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 262

orchestration and automation, 261

Broadband PON (BPON), 224

Broadcom, 21

Brown, Reggie, 162

Buda, Eric, 195

Bungee, 165

bytes, 85


C Spire Wireless, 151

Cable Modem Termination Systems (CMTSs), 210, 211212

cable modems, 210, 212

cable operators’ networks, access networks in

cable modems, 209210, 212

CMTSs (Cable Modem Termination Systems), 211212

competition, 215216

satellite TV, 216

set-top boxes, 210211, 212

symmetric channels, transitioning to

coaxial cable capacity, 214

DOCSIS standards, 213215, 225

QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), 214215

cable TV

competition in, 135137

price of, 126

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 128130

CableLabs, 212

Cablevision, 135

cabling, 76. See also DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology; PONs (Passive Optical Networks)

coaxial, 214


in commercial organizations, 1617

connecting fiber to, 17

disadvantages of, 18

fiber-optic compared to, 1012

full duplex operation, 9

standards, 1819

UTP (unshielded twisted pair), 1920

fiber-optic, 5

advantages of, 910

amplifiers, 910

backups with, 263264

coherent fiber optics, 8

in commercial organizations, 1416

connecting copper cables to, 17

connecting copper to, 17

dark fiber, 12

demand for, 56

DWDMs (dense wavelength division multiplexers), 78

FTTH (fiber to the home), 208209

FTTP (fiber to the premises), 201, 213214

half duplex operation, 9

Infinera, 13

information content provider use of, 67

lasers, 8

in last-mile access networks, 201, 202204

multi-mode, 1314

regenerators, 910

replacing DSL with, 249

single-mode, 1314

super channels, 8

submarine network systems, 186187

caching, 293

CAF (Connect America Fund), 137

Cambridge Analytica, 162

CAPWAP (Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points), 387

Carbonite, 52

Cardano, 303

Carrier GigE (Gigabit Ethernet), 249251

Carrier IQ, 133

carriers, 25, 276277. See also competition; individual carrier companies

agents for, 153154

bandwidth capabilities, 187

Gigabit Ethernet, 188190

legacy systems, 187

capital depreciation at, 182

carrier hotels, 222223

churn rates, 150

co-location facilities, 222223

consolidation of, 149152

largest companies by revenue, 25

network neutrality issues, 311314

pricing and competition, 316

resellers, 154155

rural areas, 131132

broadband availability in, 131132, 315316

CAF (Connect America Fund), 137

A-CAM (Alternative Connect America Model), 141142

e-rate subsidies, 143

Internet connectivity costs in, 198199

Lifeline subsidies, 142143

categories, unshielded twisted pair, 1920

CATV (Community Antenna TV), 135

CBS, 285

CCA (Competitive Carrier Association), 329

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), 334, 383

CDNs (Content Delivery Networks), 293

cellular networks. See Wi-Fi and mobile networks

Cellular Service on Wheels (CoW), 354

Centennial, 151

Central Office Re-architected as a Data Center (CORD), 172, 181184


co-location facilities, 223

CORD (Central Office Re-architected as a Data Center), 182

FTTH (fiber to the home), 208209

history of, 128

ISP services, 276

large enterprise reliance on, 130

lobbying by, 148

mergers and acquisitions, 132, 133134

as resellers, 155

rural availability of, 315

subscription services, 215216

channel bonding, 372


local, 254


coaxial cable capacity, 214

DOCSIS standards, 213215, 225

QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), 214215

Chapman, Jim, 97

charging batteries, 365366

Charter, 135

charts, network monitoring with, 98

China, broadband services in, 230

chips, 21

Cincinnati Bell, 151, 155

circuit-switched voice, 189

circuit-switching service, 200201

Cisco WebEx, 109

Class of Service (CoS), 118, 238

Clearwire, 151

client software, 79, 242

client steering, 376

Clift, Steve, 310

cloud computing, 4749

Amazon, 44, 4950, 53

applications, 5860

automatic updates, 59

challenges of, 6162

compatibility issues, 5657

data centers, impact on, 8182

DevOps, 56

direct dedicated interconnections to, 257258

fiber-optic networks and, 6

growth of, 45

IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 51, 53

international regulations, 6061

monitoring, 5758

network monitoring systems, 9899

PaaS (Platform as a Service), 51, 52

privacy, 6061

private, 49

public, 49

rationale for, 4950, 6162

regulations, 54

SaaS (Software as a Service), 5152

security, 5556

spinning applications to cloud, 5354

submarine network systems, 186

video conferencing, 109110

virtualization and, 4344

Wi-Fi management with, 376377

Cloud Xpress, 8

Clyburn, Mignon, 144, 230

CMTSs (Cable Modem Termination Systems), 210, 211212

coaxial cable capacity, 214

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), 334, 384

codecs, 34

Cogeco, 153

coherent fiber optics, 8

collaboration software, 108109

co-location facilities, 222223

Comcast, 135136, 284

lobbying by, 148

mergers and acquisitions, 134

as resellers, 155

set-top boxes, 211

Wi-Fi hotspots, 379

ComiXology, 160

Common Public Radio Interface (CPRI), 352

Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS), 111

Community Antenna TV (CATV), 135

community forums, 309310

competition, 130131, 148149. See also individual companies

access networks in cable operators’ networks, 215216

agents, 153154

consolidation via mergers

competition and, 148149

impact on consumers, 151

mobile operators, 149152

pre-2011 mergers, 132133

current state of, 126128

ISPs (Internet service providers), 316

MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators), 154155

nontraditional competitors

Amazon, 159160

Apple, 165167

Facebook, 161162

Google, 155159

Microsoft, 163165

Snapchat, 162163

Twitter, 165

overbuilders, 153

prisoner telephony providers, 155

quarterly residential subscriber losses, 131

rural areas, 131132

broadband availability in, 131132, 315316

CAF (Connect America Fund), 137

A-CAM (Alternative Connect America Model), 141142

e-rate subsidies, 143

Internet connectivity costs in, 198199

Lifeline subsidies, 142143

streaming media, 286

wholesale providers, 152

Competitive Carrier Association (CCA), 329

compression, 29

algorithms, 3031, 3233

applications, 3334

codecs, 34

quality and, 102

standards, 64

conditional access, 211

conferencing, UC (Unified Communications)

cloud solutions, 109110

collaboration software, 108109

desktop video conferencing, 107109

immersive HD video conferencing, 110

Connect America Fund (CAF), 137

Consent Decree, 168

Consolidated Telecommunications Services, 152

consolidation via mergers

competition and, 148149

impact on consumers, 151

mobile operators, 149152

pre-2011 mergers, 132133

contact centers, 111112

CRM (customer relationship management) services, 114

dispersed, 112

e-mail response management software, 113114

staffing, 112113

statistics, 113

virtual, 112

containers, 4, 4547

Content Delivery Networks (CDNs), 293

Contingent Network Services, 134

continuous data center operation, 8384

Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points (CAPWAP), 387

control plane, 176177, 261

controllers, 79, 376377

COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), 146

copper cabling, 76. See also DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology

in commercial organizations, 1617

connecting fiber to, 17

disadvantages of, 18

fiber-optic compared to, 1012

full duplex operation, 9

standards, 1819

UTP (unshielded twisted pair), 1920

CORD (Central Office Re-architected as a Data Center), 172, 181184

core networks, 175176

definition of, 175

NFV (Network Function Virtualization), 177

CORD (Central Office Re-architected as a Data Center), 181184

implementation of, 182184

Open Source MANO (Management and Organization), 179181

VNFs (virtual network functions), 178179

SDN (Software Defined Networking), 7879, 172, 176177, 182184, 192

submarine network systems, 185

cable cuts in, 186187

cloud and content providers, 186

power limitations, 186

technological advances in, 185186

CoS (Class of Service), 118, 238

CoW (Cellular Service on Wheels), 354

Cox Communications, 135

CPaaS (Communications Platform as a Service), 111

CPRI (Common Public Radio Interface), 352

C-RAN (Centralized or Cloud based Radio Access Networks), 360

CRM (customer relationship management) services, 51, 114, 163

crosstalk, 18

Crown Castle Fiber, 152, 349

cryptocurrency, 302303

customer relationship management (CRM) services, 51, 114, 163

cyber terrorism, 305


Dano, Mike, 330

dark fiber, 12, 152

DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems), 354

data centers

cloud computing, impact of, 8182

continuous operation, 8384

definition of, 80

environmental controls in, 8284

security, 81

Data Over Cable System Interface Specifications. See DOCSIS standards

data plane signals, 261

databases, LTE (Long-Term Evolution), 343344

DCS (Digital Cellular System), 382

dedicated wavelengths, 251

cloud connections, 257258

inter-exchange mileage, 254

local channels, 254

MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks), 253254

network topology on, 252253

T1 services, 251252, 267

T3 services, 251252, 267

WANs (Wide Area Networks), 253254

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI), 25, 2629, 92

Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, 52, 119

dense wavelength division multiplexers (DWDMs), 78, 191

desktop video conferencing, 107109

desktop virtualization, 9091

DevOps, 56

DID (Direct Inward Dialing), 106

digital assistant software, 117118

Digital Cellular System (DCS), 382

digital divide, 315316

Digital Signal Processors (DSPs), 92, 104105

digital signaling, 63, 92, 104105, 267

Digital Subscriber Line. See DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology

Direct Inward Dialing (DID), 106

DirecTV, 129130, 133, 216

Dish Network, 145, 216, 327328

disk mirroring, 87

dispersed contact centers, 112

Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS), 354

distributed Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, 52

distribution hubs, 196

DNC (do-not-call) list, 145

DNO (Do Not Originate) Registry, 145146

DNS (Domain Name System), 295

Docker, 47

DOCSIS standards, 213215, 225

Domain Name System (DNS), 295

domain names, 295296

do-not-call (DNC) list, 145

DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, 52, 119

DoubleClick, 158, 277

Dow Chemical Company, 83

DPI (Deep Packet Inspection), 25, 2629, 92

drones, 364, 365366

drop wires, 153

DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology

backups, 263

bonding, 248

DSLAMs (DSL Access Multiplexers), 201202

history of, 247

how it works, 247

limitations of, 247248

replacing with fiber and wireless, 249

standards for, 267268

DSLAMs (DSL Access Multiplexers), 201202

DSPs (Digital Signal Processors), 92, 104105

Dunbrack, Linda, 310

DWDMs (dense wavelength division multiplexers), 78, 191

dynamic IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, 249


EarthLink, 137

East-West traffic, 180

echo, 102

Echo (Amazon), 159

e-commerce, 308309

E-Democracy forums, 309310

edge routers, 92, 291292

efficiency, spectral, 328

Eggerton, John, 199

ElasticBox, 134

Electrocution PLLC, 138139

electromagnetic interference (EMI), 10

Emagic, 167


community e-mail lists, 309310

response management software, 113114

UC (Unified Communications), 107

emergency call reporting, 264265

EMI (electromagnetic interference), 10


contact centers, 112113

security breaches by, 299300, 303304

eNBs (Micro Evolved eNodeBs), 352

encryption, 54, 302

Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio (ESMR), 383

eNodeB, 338

enterprise backbone, 104

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), 163

enterprise VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services, 231234

entertainment content, transmission of. See also streaming media

headends, 195196

hub sites, 196

MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks), 196197

environmental controls, 8284

Equinix, 223, 257

e-rate subsidies, 143

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), 163

ESMR (Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio), 383

Essence Group, 116

Ethereum, 303

Ethernet, 40, 77

10G-EPON (Gigabit Ethernet PON), 224

40/100Gbps Ethernet switch standards, 74

Carrier GigE (Gigabit Ethernet), 249251

FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet), 88

Gigabit Ethernet, 188190

PoE (Power over Ethernet), 105

Synchronous, 188

ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), 179180, 212. See also DOCSIS standards

evolved packet core (LTE), 343344

exabytes, 21

extenders, 372

Extensible Markup Language (XML), 41

extradition treaties, 297

extranets, 319

Exxon Mobile, 83


FaaS (firewalls as a service), 244

Facebook, 5, 21, 52

data centers, 80

data privacy issues, 162

expenses, 126

lobbying by, 148

network neutrality issues, 313

political influence of, 162

privacy issues, 127

subsidies and apps, 161

FastFilmz, 33

FastTCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 195

FCC (Federal Communications Commission)

approval of AT&T purchase of time Warner, 126

broadband defined by, 229230

in-home battery backup requirements, 204

incentive auctions, 327328

media consolidation issues, 144

NECA (National Exchange Carrier Association), 198

network neutrality, 311314

regulatory issues, 138140

A-CAM (Alternative Connect America Model), 141142

e-rate subsidies, 143

ICC (Intercarrier Compensation) fees, 139141

Lifeline subsidies, 142143

media consolidation issues, 144

rate of return guarantees, 139

universal service, 139

utility pole attachments, 138139

FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet), 88

FDM (Frequency-Division Multiplexing), 355

Federal Communications Act, 168

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 83

Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 60

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 145

Feldman, Jeffrey, 138139

femtocells, 353354

FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission), 83

fiber to the home (FTTH), 208209

fiber to the premises (FTTP), 201, 213214

fiber-optic cabling, 5, 76. See also PONs (Passive Optical Networks)

advantages over copper, 910

amplifiers, 910

backups with, 263264

coherent fiber optics, 8

in commercial organizations, 1416

connecting copper cables to, 17

dark fiber, 12

demand for, 56

DWDMs (dense wavelength division multiplexers), 78

FTTH (fiber to the home), 208209

FTTP (fiber to the premises), 201, 213214

half duplex operation, 9

Infinera, 13

information content provider use of, 67

lasers, 8

in last-mile access networks, 201, 202204

multi-mode, 1314

regenerators, 910

replacing DSL with, 249

single-mode, 1314

super channels, 8

FiberTower, 133, 135, 329

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), 88

file compression. See compression

file servers, 79, 120

file streaming. See streaming media

Fire TV, 159, 283

firewalls, 303

benefits of, 243244

definition of, 29

FaaS (firewalls as a service), 244

first-mile networks. See last-mile access networks

FirstNet, 218219

FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act), 60

flash memory, 8687

Fleetmatics, 135

FLIP (Free Lossless Image Format), 3233

Flipkart Pvt Ltd, 308309

Fogerty, Trey, 264

forums, online, 309310

Frambors, 309310

frames, 77

Framgov, 309310

Framingham, Massachusetts, community forums in, 309310

Free Lossless Image Format (FLIP), 3233

frequencies, 324

frequency-division air interfaces, 355356

Frequency-Division Multiplexing (FDM), 355

Frontier, 130, 137, 155, 315

FTC (Federal Trade Commission), 145

FTTH (fiber to the home), 208209

FTTP (fiber to the premises), 201, 213214

full duplex, 9, 214


G.711 standard, 119

G.723.1 standard, 119

G.726 standard, 64

G.729 standard, 119

Gantis, Caroline de, 209

gateways, 344

Gbps (gigabits per second), 39

General Data Protection Regulation, 61

Genius Bar (Apple), 165

geosynchronous satellites, 380

GFWX (Good, Fast Wavelet Codec), 33

Gigabit Ethernet, 188190

Gigabit Ethernet PON (10G-EPON), 224

Gigabit PON (GPON), 206, 224

Global Positioning System (GPS) chips, 361

Global Tel Link, 155

goggles (VR), 3536

Good, Fast Wavelet Codec (GFWX), 33

Goodreads, 160

Google, 21

Apps, 4950

Chrome, 283

cloud computing, 53

data centers, 80

Docs, 52

Glasses, 37

lobbying by, 148

Maps, 277

Play Music, 31

power purchases, 83

search engines, 277280, 306307

software and service offerings, 155159

video conferencing services, 109

GPON (Gigabit PON), 206, 224

GPS (Global Positioning System) chips, 361

GPUs (graphic processing units) chips, 22

Grande, 153

graphs, network monitoring with, 98

ground stations, 380

guard bands, 332


H.264 standard, 64

H.323 standard, 119

hacking. See security

half duplex, 9, 215

handshakes, 210, 333

hardware failure, impact of, 89

HCI (hyper-converged infrastructure), 89

HDR (High Dynamic Range), 30

headends, 195196

head-mounted displays (HMDs), 3536

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 60

HeNBs (Home eNodeBs), 352

hertz, 324

HetNets (Heterogeneous Networks)

characteristics of, 351

DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems), 354

definition of, 350

equipment in, 352

femtocells, 353354

pico cells, 353354

High Dynamic Range (HDR), 30

High Speed Packet Access Plus (HSPA+), 334

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 60

HMDs (head-mounted displays), 3536

Home eNodeBs (HeNBs), 352

Home Subscriber Services (HSSs), 345

hospitals, Wi-Fi in, 373

hosted IP PBX (Private Branch Exchange), 110111

Hotmail, 165

hotspots, Wi-Fi, 378380

hot-swappable cards, 292293

HSPA+ (High Speed Packet Access Plus), 334

HSSs (Home Subscriber Services), 345

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 4041, 275

HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol), 275

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure), 41

Huawei, 206

hub sites, 196

hub-and-spoke topology, 256

Hulu, 4, 134, 216

hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI), 89

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), 4041, 275

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS), 41

HyperText Transport Protocol. See HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol)


IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), 51, 53

IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority), 296297

IBM, 53

IBOC (in-band, on-channel), 64

ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), 295296

ICC (Intercarrier Compensation) fees, 139141

iCloud, 165

iControl Networks, 134

IDPSs (Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention Systems), 301

IDSs (Intrusion Detection Systems), 301

IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 188. See also Ethernet

IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), 258259

IMDB (Internet Movie Database), 160

immersive HD video conferencing, 110

IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), 347348

IMSense, 167

IMT-2000 (International Mobile Telephone), 335

incentive auctions, 326328

Indefeasible Rights of Use, 209

industry structure. See telecommunications industry

Infinera, 6, 13

information services, 219

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 51, 53

input-output operations per second (IOPS), 85

Instagram, 161

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 188. See also Ethernet

integration, cloud computing, 5859

Intel, 21

intellectual property, 244

Interactive Video Technologies, 289

Intercarrier Compensation (ICC) fees, 139141

interconnection points, 199

inter-exchange mileage, 254

interference, mitigation of, 331

interlaced displays, 30

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 19

International Telecommunications Union. See ITU (International Telecommunications Union)

Internet, 272274. See also broadband networks

community forums, 309310

definition of, 273274

digital divide, 315316

e-commerce, 308309

extranets, 319

history of, 273274

Internet2, 280

intranets, 317318

ISPs (Internet service providers), 276277

network neutrality issues, 311314

pricing and competition, 316

protocols, 274275

search engines, 277280

security, 296298

cyber terrorism, 305

firewalls, 303

insider breaches, 299300, 303304

IoT (Internet of Things), 364

privacy issues, 306307

ransomware, 304

recognition of attacks, 301

redress against hackers, 304305

resistance to attacks, 298299

response to attacks, 301

security software, 299

sustainability, 219220

streaming media

accessing, 282

ad revenue on, 286

competition in, 286

content available on, 284285

definition of, 280281

ease of use, 281282, 287289

growth in, 281

Pay-TV, 289

set-top boxes for, 283

technical challenges, 289290

worldwide availability, 287

structure of

address structures, 294297

aggregation routers, 292

CDNs (Content Delivery Networks), 293

edge routers, 291292

peering points, 293294

reliability, 292293

root servers, 294295

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), 296297

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), 295296

Internet exchanges. See peering points

Internet Movie Database (IMDB), 160

Internet of Things. See IoT (Internet of Things)

Internet Protocol. See IP (Internet Protocol)

Internet service providers. See carriers

Internet small computer system interface (iSCSI), 88

Internet2, 280

interoffice connections, MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 235

CoS (Class of Service), 238

implementation, 236237

multinational locations, 237

routes and security, 236

service components, 238

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), 235

intranets, 317318

Intrusion Detection and Intrusion Prevention Systems (IDPSs), 301

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), 301

Invidi, 133

IOPS (input-output operations per second), 85

IoT (Internet of Things)

applications, 362363

drones, 364, 365366

privacy issues, 364

security, 364

Iowa Wireless Services, 151

IP (Internet Protocol), 275. See also IP PBX (Private Branch Exchange); IP VPNs (Internet Protocol Virtual Private Networks); VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)

addresses, 96. See also MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching)

dynamic, 249

IPv4, 275, 296297

IPv6, 275, 296297

in Layer 3 switches, 71

static, 249

structure of, 294297

IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), 347348

IPsec (Internet Protocol Security), 241242

IPv4, 275, 296297

IPv6, 275, 296297


advantages of, 100101

DID (Direct Inward Dialing), 106

media gateways, 104105

power sources, 105

protocols, 118120

security, 101102

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), 105106

voice QoS (quality of service), 101102, 119

IP Core (LTE), 343344

IP PBX (Private Branch Exchange), 99

advantages of, 100

architecture of, 103104

DID (Direct Inward Dialing), 106

hosted systems, 110111

manufacturers, 100101

IP VPNs (Internet Protocol Virtual Private Networks), 238239

advantages and disadvantages, 239240

security, 240243

IPsec (Internet Protocol Security), 241242

Ipswitch, 97

IRUs (Indefeasible Rights of Use), 209

iSCSI (Internet small computer system interface), 88

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), 19

ISPs (Internet service providers). See carriers

ITA travel service, 158, 278

ITU (International Telecommunications Union)

DOCSIS standards, 213215, 225

G.726 standard, 64

H.264 standard, 64

ITU-R, 330

PON standards, 206

Radiocommunications Sector, 330

Synchronous Ethernet, 188

WRU (World Radiocommunication Conferences), 330

iTunes, 165


jacks, 234235, 308309

jitter, 102

Jobs, Steve, 165

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 64


Karp, Hannah, 32

Keyhole Technologies, 158, 278

Kimberly-Clark Corporation, 83

Kindle, 159


L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), 241, 242, 167

LAMP programs, 57

LANs (local area networks). See also protocols; storage systems; virtualization; WANs (Wide Area Networks)

backbone networks, 120

bandwidth needs, 76

data centers

cloud computing, impact of, 8182

continuous operation, 8384

definition of, 80

environmental controls in, 8284

security, 81

definition of, 6970

demand for, 6869

media, 7576


alerts, 9697

changes, discovering, 96

charts and graphs, 98

cloud solutions, 9899

LAN-connected devices, 9394

purpose of, 9495

system setup, 9596

NOSs (Network Operating Systems), 79


functionality of, 9193

network functions virtualization, 92

SDN (Software Defined Networking), 7879

statistical multiplexing in, 3839

switches, 7074

Layer 2, 7174, 121

Layer 3, 71, 7374, 121

Layer 4, 121

user errors, 75

VDI (Virtual Desktop Integration), 9091

VLANs (virtual LANs), 75, 121

definition of, 75

prioritizing voice and video on, 103

lasers, 8

last-mile access networks

in cable operators’ networks

cable modems, 209210, 212

CMTSs (Cable Modem Termination Systems), 211212

coaxial cable capacity, 214

competition, 215216

DOCSIS standards, 213215, 225

QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), 214215

satellite TV, 216

set-top boxes, 210211, 212

capacity, adding, 200

definition of, 174, 199

DSLAMs (DSL Access Multiplexers), 201202

fiber-optic cabling, transitioning to, 201, 202204

legacy circuit-switching service, 200201

PONs (Passive Optical Networks)

architecture of, 204205

direct fiber to enterprises and multi-tenant buildings, 208

FTTH (fiber to the home), 208209

ONTs (Optical Network Terminals), 207

OTLs (Optical Line Terminals), 206207

splitters, 205

standards, 205206, 224

power issues, 203

LATA (Local Access And Transport) areas, 168

latency, 102

Layer 2 switches, 71, 121

40/100Gbps Ethernet switch standards, 74

criticality of, 73

MAC (Media Access Control) addresses in, 72

Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), 241, 242

Layer 3 switches, 121

criticality of, 73

IP addresses in, 71

redundancy, 74

Layer 4 switches, 121

layers, OSI (Open Systems Interconnection), 4142, 65

LC (Little Connector), 14

LEDs (Light-Emitting Diodes), 17

legacy systems, 187, 200201

legislation. See regulatory issues

LEO (low earth orbiting) satellites, 381

Level 3 Communications, 134, 152, 195

Library of Things, 316

Lifeline subsidies, 127, 142143

Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs), 17

light-source transducers, 17

Limelight, 195

Linc VoIP, 233

LinkedIn, 52, 163

Little Connector (LC), 14

load balancing, 120

lobbying, 147148

Local Access And Transport (LATA) areas.168

local area networks. See LANs (local area networks)

local channels, 254

Loews, 36

Long-Term Evolution. See LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks

loss, packet, 102

low earth orbiting (LEO) satellites, 381

LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks, 335339

4G LTE, 336337

architecture, 341342

capacity, 338

cell site functionality, 338

customer connections, 349350

evolved packet core databases, 343344

frequency-division air interfaces, 355356

HetNets (Heterogeneous Networks)

characteristics of, 351

DAS (Distributed Antenna Systems), 354

definition of, 350

equipment in, 352

femtocells, 353354

pico cells, 353354

history of, 335

IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), 347348

IP Core, 343344

MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) antennas, 356357, 359, 370371

OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing), 357358

time-division air interfaces, 355356

types of, 358359

VoLTE (Voice over LTE), 345347


M2M (machine-to-machine) mobile services, 367

MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, 72

machine learning, 5, 2223

macro cells, 351352

magicJack, 233

managed services, 235. See also MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching)

advantages of, 245

definition of, 245

typical offerings, 246247

MANO (Management and Organization), 179181

MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks), 196197

dedicated services in, 253254

definition of, 174

manufacturers, IP telephony, 100101

Maps (Google), 277

Markley Group, 82, 223

Massive MIMO antennas, 359

Mbps (millions of bits per second), 39

MCI Case, 168

media. See also entertainment content, transmission of

consolidation issues, 144

entertainment content, transmission of. See also streaming media

headends, 195196

hub sites, 196

MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks), 196197

gateways, 104105

streaming, 3132

accessing, 282

ad revenue on, 286

competition, 215216

competition in, 286

content available on, 284285

definition of, 280281

ease of use, 281, 287289

growth in, 281

industry impact, 127

Pay-TV, 289

set-top boxes for, 283

technical challenges, 289290

worldwide availability, 287

types of, 7576

megahertz, 324


caching, 293

flash memory, 8687

spinning disks, 8687


competition and, 148149

impact on consumers, 151

mobile operators, 149152

pre-2011 mergers, 132133

mesh design, 192193, 256, 374376

messages, UC (Unified Communications), 107

Messenger, 161

metered pricing, 28

Metropolitan Area Networks. See MANs (Metropolitan Area Networks)

Micro Evolved eNodeBs (eNBs), 352

microchips, 21

Micron, 21

Microsoft. See also Skype

acquisitions by, 163165

Azure, 52, 53, 257

expenses, 126

middle-mile networks, 152153, 175, 197199, 340341

middleware, 53

mileage, inter-exchange, 254

MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) antennas, 356357, 359, 370371

mini Remote Access Multiplexers (mini-RAMs), 202

minors, COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), 146

MME (Mobility Management Entity), 344

mobile networks. See Wi-Fi and mobile networks

mobile operators. See individual companies

mobile payments, 366367

Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs), 154155

Mobility Management Entity (MME), 344

modems, 210, 212, 341

Molla, Rani, 316

Monero, 303


cloud computing, 5758

LANs (local area networks)

alerts, 9697

changes, discovering, 96

charts and graphs, 98

cloud solutions, 9899

LAN-connected devices, 9394

purpose of, 9495

system setup, 9596

MotionBox, 289

Motorola Mobility, 278

moving applications between providers, 5960

MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) standards, 31, 64

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 235

CoS (Class of Service), 238

implementation, 236237

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 262

multinational locations, 237

routes and security, 236

service components, 238

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), 235

MSOs (Multiple Service Operators), 152, 209. See also individual companies

MT-RJ connectors, 14

multi-core processors, 21

multi-mode fiber, 1314

multinational locations (MPLS), 237

Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) antennas, 356357, 359

multiplexing, 3738

DSLAMs (DSL Access Multiplexers), 201202

DWDMs (dense wavelength division multiplexers), 78, 191

FDM (Frequency-Division Multiplexing), 355

OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing), 338, 357358, 369

SONET, 189, 224

statistical multiplexing, 3839

TDM (Time Division Multiplexing), 189, 224

TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing), 38, 233, 356

multipoint topology, 256

Multi-Protocol Label Switching. See MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching)

Multi-User MIMO (MU MIMO), 371

MU-MIMO (Multi-User MIMO), 371

Murphy, Bobby, 162



algorithms, 3031, 3233

applications, 3334

codecs, 34

standards, 64

streaming, 3132

MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators), 154155


nanometers, 7

NAPs (Network Access Points). See peering points

NAS (network attached storage), 88

national emergencies, services in, 217

Internet security, 219220

reliability and sustainability, 218220

National Exchange Carrier Association (NECA), 198

National Telecommunications and Information Association (NTIA), 330

natural language speech recognition, 116

NBC Universal, 134, 152

NECA (National Exchange Carrier Association), 198

NEF, 152

Nest, 158

Netflix, 4, 5, 53

content available on, 284285

industry impact, 127

network neutrality issues, 313314

plug-ins, 34

subscriber numbers, 216

NetSuite, 51

Network Access Points (NAPs). See peering points

network attached storage (NAS), 88

Network Function Virtualization. See NFV (Network Function Virtualization)

network interface cards (NICs), 19

network neutrality, 311314

network operating centers (NOCs), 201, 221

Network Operating Systems (NOSs), 79

Network Reliability Steering Committee (NRSC), 217

neutral co-location facilities, 223

neutrality, network, 311314

New Dimensions in Testimony project, 33

NeXT, 167

Next Generation Passive Optical Network 2 (NG PON2), 206

NextDC, 134

Nextel Mexico, 133

NFV (Network Function Virtualization), 92, 172, 177

CORD (Central Office Re-architected as a Data Center), 181184

implementation of, 182184

Open Source MANO (Management and Organization), 179181

OTNs (Optical Transport Networks), 192

VNFs (virtual network functions), 178179

White Boxes, 178

NG PON2 (Next Generation Passive Optical Network 2), 206

Niantic Labs, Pokémon Go, 37

NICs (network interface cards), 19

Niddel, 135

Nintendo, Pokémon Go, 37

NOCs (network operating centers), 201, 221

Nokia, 206, 323

non-interlaced displays, 30

nontraditional competitors

Amazon, 159160

Apple, 165167

Facebook, 161162

Google, 155159

landmark acts and court rulings, 167168

Microsoft, 163165

Snapchat, 162163

Twitter, 165

North-South traffic, 180

NOSs (Network Operating Systems), 79

Notscot Neighbors, 309310

NRSC (Network Reliability Steering Committee), 217

NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Association), 330

Nuance, 2223, 116

Nvidia, 21

NXP, 21


O’Brien, Chris, 289

Oculus Rift, 3536

Oculus VR, 161

OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing), 338, 357358, 369

One Touch Make Ready (OTMR), 139

OneTwoSee, 134

online shopping, 308309

ONTs (Optical Network Terminals), 207

Ooyola, 290

Open APIs, 260

Open Source MANO (Management and Organization), 179181

open source operating systems, 46

Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) architecture, 4142, 65

Optical Line Terminals (OTLs), 206207

Optical Network Terminals (ONTs), 207

Optical Transport Networks. See OTNs (Optical Transport Networks)

Optimum, 135

Oracle, 51, 53, 257

Orchestrate, 134

orchestration (WA SDN), 261

Orr, Steve, 310

Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM), 338, 357358, 369

Ory, Andy, 183

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) architecture, 4142, 65

OTLs (Optical Line Terminals), 206207

OTMR (One Touch Make Ready), 139

OTNs (Optical Transport Networks), 191192, 193195

OTT (Over-the-Top) streaming. See streaming media

Otter Media, 133

out-of-band signaling, 258259

over the air service, 215216

overbuilders, 153

overhead addressing, 2425

Over-the-Top (OTT) streaming. See streaming media


PaaS (Platform as a Service), 51, 52

Packet Data Network Gateways (PGW), 344


concept of, 23

contents of, 2425

definition of, 77

DPI (Deep Packet Inspection), 25, 2629

latency, 102

loss, 102

per packet flexible routing, 2425

stateful inspection, 29

throughput, 25

Traffic Shaping, 25, 2829

Page, Larry, 155

Pai, Ajit, 144, 311

Pan Yue, 230

Pandora, 5, 31

Passive Optical Networks. See PONs (Passive Optical Networks)

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), 60

Pay-TV, 289

PBX (Private Branch Exchange). See IP PBX (Private Branch Exchange)

PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard), 60

PCRF (Policy and Charging Rule Function), 345

PCS (Personal Communication Service), 382

peering points, 293294


Personal Communication Service (PCS), 382

petabytes, 21, 85

photonic chips, 13

pico cells, 353354

pings, 9697

PINs (positive intrinsic negatives), 17

Placebase, 167

plain old telephone service (POTS), 203

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 51, 52

plug-ins, 34

PoE (Power over Ethernet), 105

Points of Presence (POPs), 198, 237

point-to-point topology, 256

Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), 241

Pokémon Go, 37

policies, control plane, 177

Policy and Charging Rule Function (PCRF), 345

PONs (Passive Optical Networks)

architecture of, 204205

direct fiber to enterprises and multi-tenant buildings, 208

FTTH (fiber to the home), 208209

ONTs (Optical Network Terminals), 207

OTLs (Optical Line Terminals), 206207

splitters, 205

standards, 205206, 224

POPs (Points of Presence), 198, 237

port speeds, 238

portability of cloud computing applications, 5960

positive intrinsic negatives (PINs), 17

Post, Glen, 182

POTS (plain old telephone service), 203

Power over Ethernet (PoE), 105

power sources, 105

PowerCloud System, 134

PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol), 241

prepaid mobile services, 368

presence, 237

presence theft, 119

PrimeSense, 167

prisoner telephony providers, 155

privacy. See also security

cloud computing, 6061

COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), 146

digital assistant software, 118

Facebook, 127

Internet, 306307

IoT (Internet of Things), 364

Privacy Shield, 61

private cloud, 49

private data networks, 176

Privacy Shield, 61

Project Fi, 158

protocolssee individual protocols

proxy servers, 102, 119

PSAP (Public Safety Answering Point), 218, 264

PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), 140, 220

public cloud, 49

public networks, 173175

Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), 218, 264

Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), 140, 220

punch-down blocks, 234235


QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), 214215, 372

QoS (quality of service), 119

definition of, 92

IP PBX (Private Branch Exchange), 101102, 119

QQ, 5, 234

Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM), 214215, 372

Qualcomm, 21

quality of service. See QoS (quality of service)

Quan, Mike, 35

Quattro Wireless, 167


Rackspace, 47, 53, 82

Rand Corporation, 23

ransomware, 304

rate of return, 139, 141

rate shaping, 200

RBOCs (Regional Bell Operating Companies), 128, 168

RCN Telecom LLC, 153

Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), 120

recognition of attacks, 301

Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers (ROADMs), 193195

Red Hat, 46

redress against hackers, 304305


controllers, 79

Layer 3 switches, 74

storage systems, 87, 89

regenerators, 910

Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs), 128, 168

registered jacks, 234235

regulatory issues, 138140

A-CAM (Alternative Connect America Model), 141142

cloud computing, 54

COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), 146

e-rate subsidies, 143

ICC (Intercarrier Compensation) fees, 139141

landmark acts and court rulings, 167168

Lifeline subsidies, 142143

lobbying, 147148

media consolidation issues, 144

rate of return guarantees, 139

robocalls, 144146

Telecommunications Act, 128130

Telecommunications Act of 1996, 128130

universal service, 139

utility pole attachments, 138139

Rekognition, 159

Relay Nodes (RNs), 352


Internet, 292293

national emergencies, services in, 218220

Remote Radio Heads (RRHs), 352

repeaters, 354

reports, streaming media, 289290

Requests for Comments (RFCs), 221

resellers, 154155

residential VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) services, 231232

resistance to hacking, 298299

retransmission agreements, 216


from search engines, 279

from streaming media, 286

RFCs (Requests for Comments), 221

Ring, 160

ring topology, 189190

RingCentral, 233

ringless robocalls, 146

Ripple, 303

RJ11c jacks, 234235

RJ21x jacks, 234235

RJ45 data jacks, 103

RJ48 jacks, 235

RNs (Relay Nodes), 352

ROADMs (Reconfigurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers), 193195

roaming, 332333, 378380

Robo Strike Force, 145

robocalls, 127, 144146

Rocket, 46

Roku, 283

root servers, 294295

Rosenworcel, Jessica, 315


aggregation, 292

definition of, 121

edge, 291292

functionality of, 9193

network functions virtualization, 92

routing, per packet, 2425

RRHs (Remote Radio Heads), 352

RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol), 120

rural areas, 131132

broadband availability in, 131132, 315316

CAF (Connect America Fund), 137

A-CAM (Alternative Connect America Model), 141142

e-rate subsidies, 143

Internet connectivity costs in, 198199

Lifeline subsidies, 142143

Rural Cellular, 151


SaaS (Software as a Service), 5152

Safe Harbor agreement, 6061, 51, 53

SANs (storage area networks), 88

satellite networks, 380382

satellite TV, 216

SCCP (Skinny Client Control Protocol), 120

Schneiderman, Eric T.231

SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy), 191

SDN (Software Defined Networking), 7879, 172, 176177

implementation of, 182184

OTNs (Optical Transport Networks), 192

SEAL, 134

search engines, 277280, 306307

secondary hub-and-spoke topology, 256

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 242

Secure Telephone Identity Revisited (STIR), 145


authentication, 242243

Block Chain, 302303

cloud computing, 5556

containers, 47

data centers, 81

DoS (Denial of Service) attacks, 52, 119

encryption, 302

firewalls, 29, 303

benefits of, 243244

definition of, 29

FaaS (firewalls as a service), 244

Internet, 296298

cyber terrorism, 305

insider breaches, 299300, 303304

IoT (Internet of Things), 364

privacy issues, 306307

ransomware, 304

redress against hackers, 304305

resistance to attacks, 298299

security software, 299

sustainability, 219220

IP PBX (Private Branch Exchange), 101102

IP VPNs (Internet Protocol Virtual Private Networks), 240243

IPsec (Internet Protocol Security), 241242

L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), 241, 242

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 236

recognition of attacks, 301

response to attacks, 301

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 242

TLS (Transport Layer Security), 241, 242

Wi-Fi and mobile networks, 377378

Securus Technologies, 155

Sensity Systems, 135


bare metal, 47

blade, 120

definition of, 42, 121

file, 79, 120

proxy, 102, 119

root, 294295

sprawl, 45

virtualization, 4344

cloud computing and, 4344

containers, 4547

energy savings, 43

management of, 4445

scalability, 43

virtual machines, 4243

White Boxes, 178

Service Level Agreements (SLAs), 82, 257

services, managed. See managed services

Serving Gateway (SW), 344

Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), 92, 105106, 120, 221, 258259

set-top boxes, 210211, 212

Shaban, Hamza, 147

shadow IT, 56

SHAKEN (Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information using toKENs), 145

shared spectrum, 325

Shazam, 167

SHDSL (Symmetric High-Data Rate DSL), 268

Shoah Foundation, 33

shopping, 308309

ShuttleFund, 303

signaling, 220221

analog versus digital, 63

billing and monitoring with, 221

control plane, 261

data plane, 261

digital, 63, 92, 104105, 267

DSPs (Digital Signal Processors), 104105

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), 92, 105106, 120, 221, 258259

Signature-based Handling of Asserted Information using toKENs (SHAKEN), 145

signatures, DPI (Deep Packet Inspection), 29

Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), 41

Sina, 5

Sinclair Broadcast Group, 144

single-mode fiber, 1314

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), 92, 105106, 120, 221, 258259

Siri, 167

skinny bundles, 216

Skinny Client Control Protocol (SCCP), 120

Sky, 134

Skype, 109, 163, 165, 233

SLAs (Service Level Agreements), 82, 257

Slim, Carlos, 327328

Snap, 162

Snapchat, 162163

Snapfish, 289

Snowden, Edward, 296

SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), 41

social media

Facebook, 5, 21, 52

data privacy issues, 162

expenses, 126

lobbying by, 148

political influence of, 162

privacy issues, 127

subsidies and apps, 161

Instagram, 161

Snapchat, 162163

Twitter, 165

soft set-top boxes, 211, 212

SoftBank Group Corp.21

SoftCom, 289

Software as a Service (SaaS), 5152

Software Defined Networking. See SDN (Software Defined Networking)

SONET (Synchronous Optical Network), 189, 191, 224

Sony Pictures Entertainment, 285

Spalter, Jonathan, 312

spam calls, 144146

speaker-dependent speech recognition, 116

speaker-independent speech recognition, 115

spectral efficiency, 215, 328

Spectrum, 155

spectrum, Wi-Fi, 323

acquisition through corporate acquisitions, 329330

blocks, 325326

cellular structures, 323

frequencies, 324

incentive auctions, 326328

interference, mitigation of, 331

international synchronization of, 330331

profits on secondary market, 328329

shared, 325

unlicensed, 331332

wavelength characteristics, 324325

speech recognition, 115117

speeds, broadband, 231

Carrier GigE (Gigabit Ethernet), 250251

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 238

spiders, 278279

Spiegel, Evan, 162

spinning applications to cloud, 5354

spinning disks, 8687

splices, 16

splitters, 205

Spotify, 5, 31


ISP services, 276

mergers and acquisitions, 151

proposed merger with T-Mobile, 126127

resellers, 155

SS7 (Signaling System 7), 220

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), 242

ST (Straight Tip) connectors, 14

stacks, 57

Staples, 153154

star topology, 256

stateful inspection, 29

static IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, 249

statistical multiplexing, 3839

statistics, contact center, 113

steering, band, 376

steering, client, 376

STIR (Secure Telephone Identity Revisited), 145

storage area networks (SANs), 88

storage systems

HCI (hyper-converged infrastructure), 89

memory, 8687

need for, 8485

performance monitoring, 85

redundancy, 87, 89

SANs (storage area networks), 88

storage components, 86

Straight Path Communications, 135, 329

Straight Tip (ST) connectors, 14

streaming media, 3132, 290. See also entertainment content, transmission of

accessing, 282

ad revenue on, 286

competition, 215216

competition in, 286

content available on, 284285

definition of, 280281

ease of use, 281, 287289

growth in, 281

industry impact, 127

Pay-TV, 289

set-top boxes for, 283

technical challenges, 289290

worldwide availability, 287

Stringify, 134

submarine network systems, 185

cable cuts in, 186187

cloud and content providers, 186

power limitations, 186

technological advances in, 185186

Sub-Saharan Africa, mobile service in, 338


e-rate, 143

Lifeline, 142143

SuddenLink, 135

super channels, 8

Superclick, 133

sustainability, 218220

SW (Serving Gateway), 344

switches, 7074

Layer 2, 71, 121

40/100Gbps Ethernet switch standards, 74

criticality of, 73

MAC (Media Access Control) addresses in, 72

Layer 3, 121

criticality of, 73

IP addresses in, 71

redundancy, 74

Layer 4, 121

user errors, 75

symmetric channels, transitioning to

coaxial cable capacity, 214

DOCSIS standards, 213215, 225

QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation), 214215

Symmetric High-Data Rate DSL (SHDSL), 268

Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH), 191

Synchronous Ethernet, 188

Synchronous Optical Network. See SONET (Synchronous Optical Network)

synchronous protocols, 191


T1 services, 251252, 267

T3 services, 251252, 267

tandem offices, 276

Target, 153154

TBH app, 161

Tbps (terabits per second), 39

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), 275

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 40, 78

TDM (Time-Division Multiplexing), 38, 189, 224, 233, 356

Telapex, Inc.151

telecommunications, definition of, 219

Telecommunications Act, 128130, 219

telecommunications industry, 132. See also individual telecommunications companies

cable TV, 126, 135137

capital depreciation in, 182

churn rates, 150

competition, 130131, 148149. See also consolidation via mergers

agents, 153154

MVNOs (Mobile Virtual Network Operators), 154155

nontraditional competitors, 155167

overbuilders, 153

prisoner telephony providers, 155

quarterly residential subscriber losses, 131

rural areas, 131132

wholesale providers, 152

consolidation via mergers

competition and, 148149

impact on consumers, 151

mergers and acquisitions, 132133

mobile operators, 149152

current state of, 126128

jacks, 234235

regulatory issues, 138140

A-CAM (Alternative Connect America Model), 141142

COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), 146

e-rate subsidies, 143

ICC (Intercarrier Compensation) fees, 139141

Lifeline subsidies, 142143

lobbying, 147148

media consolidation issues, 144

rate of return guarantees, 139

robocalls, 144146

universal service, 139

utility pole attachments, 138139

rural areas, 131132

broadband availability in, 131132, 315316

CAF (Connect America Fund), 137

A-CAM (Alternative Connect America Model), 141142

e-rate subsidies, 143

Internet connectivity costs in, 198199

Lifeline subsidies, 142143

Telecommunications Act, 128130, 219

Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), 19

Telehouse, 223

Tellabs, 206

TellMe, 165

TelMex, 153154

Telogis, 135

Tencent, 5

thin-client technology, 91

This Technology, 134

Threat Stack, 55

three-factor authentication, 242243

throttling, 28, 313

throughput, 25

TIA (Telecommunications Industry Association), 19

Tier 1 carriers, 293

Tier 2 carriers, 293

Tier 3, 134

time in flight, 85

time synch, 376

Time Warner, 126, 133

Time Warner Cable, 134, 151152, 284

time-division air interfaces, 355356

Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM), 38, 189, 224, 233, 356

TiVo, 210

TLS (Transport Layer Security), 241, 242

T-Mobile, 327328

mergers and acquisitions, 126127, 151

resellers, 155

top-level domains, 295296


common configurations, 255257

on dedicated lines, 252253

ring, 189190

TPG, 153

TracFone Wireless, 153154


DPI (Deep Packet Inspection), 25, 2629

multiplexing. See multiplexing

per packet flexible routing, 2425

shaping, 25

stateful inspection, 29

throughput, 25

Traffic Shaping, 2829

Traffic Shaping, 25, 2829

transducers, light-source, 17

Transmission Control Protocol. See TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

Transport Layer Security (TLS), 241, 242

transport networks, 223, 340341

Tropicana, 83

Trump, Donald, 220

trunks, 104, 258259

Twitch, 160

Twitter, 165

two-factor authentication, 242243


Ubuntu, 46

UC (Unified Communications), 107


cloud solutions, 109110

collaboration software, 108109

desktop video conferencing, 107109

immersive HD video conferencing, 110

e-mail and messaging, 107

UHD (Ultra High Definition) TV, 30

Unified Communications. See UC (Unified Communications)

Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) systems, 82

Unity, 36

universal service, 139

Universal Service Fund (USF), 141

universities, Wi-Fi in, 373

unlicensed spectrum, 331332

unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cabling, 1920

upgrading set-top boxes, 211, 212

UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) systems, 82

U.S. Army Research Laboratory, 33

U.S. Cellular, 151, 327328

USC Shoah Foundation, 33

USF (Universal Service Fund), 141

USTelecon, 312

utility pole attachments, 138139

UTP (unshielded twisted pair) cabling, 1920


VDI (Virtual Desktop Integration), 9091

VDSL (Very-High-Bit-Rate DSL), 268


cable TV services, 129130

co-location facilities, 223

expenses, 126

FTTH (fiber to the home), 208209

history of, 128

ISP services, 276

large enterprise reliance on, 130

lobbying by, 148

mergers and acquisitions, 132, 134135, 151

resellers, 155

rural availability of, 315

spectrum blocks, 327

user privacy issues, 307

Very-High-Bit-Rate DSL (VDSL), 268

Vessel, 135

Viacom, 285

Viber, 234



algorithms, 3031, 3233

applications, 3334

codecs, 34

standards, 64


cloud solutions, 108109

collaboration software, 108109

desktop video conferencing, 107109

immersive HD video conferencing, 110

streaming, 3132

video processing engines, 290

video streaming. See streaming media

virtual contact centers, 112

virtual LANs (VLANs), 75, 103

virtual machines, 4243, 4445

Virtual Private Cloud, 44

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), 5354

virtual reality. See VR (virtual reality)

virtualization, 4344

cloud computing and, 4344

containers, 4547

energy savings, 43

hardware failure, impact of, 89

management of, 4445

network functions virtualization, 92

NFV (Network Function Virtualization), 177

CORD (Central Office Re-architected as a Data Center), 181184

implementation of, 182184

Open Source MANO (Management and Organization), 179181

OTNs (Optical Transport Networks), 192

VNFs (virtual network functions), 178179

scalability, 43

VDI (Virtual Desktop Integration), 9091

virtual machines, 4243, 4445

Virtual Private Cloud, 44

VLANs (virtual LANs), 75, 103, 121

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), 5354

viruses, black day, 244

Visible World, 134

Visio, 165

Vizio, 307

VLANs (virtual LANs)

definition of, 75, 121

prioritizing voice and video on, 103

VMware, Inc.43

VNFs (virtual network functions), 178179


VOD (video-on-demand). See streaming media

Voice over LTE (VoLTE), 345347

Voice Response Units. See VRUs (Voice Response Units)

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), 2829, 231. See also IP PBX (Private Branch Exchange)

advantages of, 100101

DID (Direct Inward Dialing), 106

ICC (Intercarrier Compensation) fees, 140

impact on traditional carriers, 234

IP PBX (Private Branch Exchange), 99

advantages of, 100

DID (Direct Inward Dialing), 106

hosted systems, 110111

manufacturers, 100101

media gateways, 104105

power sources, 105

protocols, 118120

residential versus enterprise services, 231234

security, 101102

SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), 105106

voice QoS (quality of service), 101102

VoLTE (Voice over LTE), 345347

Vonage, 233

VPNs (Virtual Private Networks), 5354

IP VPNs (Internet Protocol Virtual Private Networks), 238239

advantages and disadvantages, 239240

security, 240243

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 235

VR (virtual reality), 3435

HMDs (head-mounted displays), 3536

technical and content availability challenges, 37

VRUs (Voice Response Units), 114115

digital assistant software, 117118

speech recognition, 115117

Vyatta, 133


WA SDNs (Wide Area Software Defined Networks), 235

comparison of broadband services, 262

enterprise use of, 259260

implementation challenges, 262

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 262

orchestration and automation, 261

Wal-Mart, 153154, 308309

Walt Disney Co.126, 285

WANs (Wide Area Networks)

dedicated services in, 253254

definition of, 121

statistical multiplexing in, 3839

WA SDNs (Wide Area Software Defined Networks)

comparison of broadband services, 262

enterprise use of, 259260

implementation challenges, 262

MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching), 262

orchestration and automation, 261

warehouses, Wi-Fi in, 373

Watch, 161

Watchwith, 134


characteristics of, 324325

definition of, 7

splitting fiber-optic cabling into, 78

Waymo LLC, 158

Wayport, 133, 380

Waze GPS, 278

WCDMA (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access), 334, 385

Web site tracking, 306307

WebEx, 109

WebRTC, 108

Weibo, 5, 234

Weixin, 234

WhatsApp, 161, 234

Where2, LLC, 158, 278

White Boxes, 178

white spaces, 332

Whole Food Market, 160, 308

wholesale providers, 152

Wide Area Networks. See WANs (Wide Area Networks)

Wide Area Software Defined Networks. See WA SDNs (Wide Area Software Defined Networks)

Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WSDMA), 334, 385

WideOpenWest (WOW), 135

Wi-Fi Alliance, 379

Wi-Fi and mobile networks, 92, 322323

3G technologies, 334335

releases and revisions to, 384385

table of, 383384

4G technologies, 333335. See also LTE (Long-Term Evolution) networks

5G technologies, 335, 359361

802.11 standards, 368373, 385387

access points, 376


M2M (machine-to-machine) mobile services, 367

mobile payments, 366367

prepaid mobile services, 368

backhaul, 340341

Bluetooth, 331332

controllers, 376377

CoW (Cellular Service on Wheels), 354

in enterprises, 373374

in homes, 374

hotspot services, 378380

IoT (Internet of Things)

applications, 362363

battery life, 365366

drones, 364

privacy issues, 364

security, 364

LTE (Long-Term Evolution), 335339

4G LTE, 336337

architecture, 341342

capacity, 338

cell site functionality, 338

customer connections, 349350

evolved packet core databases, 343344

frequency-division air interfaces, 355356

HetNets (Heterogeneous Networks), 350355

history of, 335

IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem), 347348

IP Core, 343344

MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) antennas, 356357, 359, 370371

OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing), 357358

time-division air interfaces, 355356

types of, 358359

VoLTE (Voice over LTE), 345347

mesh networks, 374376

mobile services worldwide, 382383

modems in, 341

pedestrian injuries during mobile use, 361

roaming, 332333

satellite networks, 380382

spectrum, 323

acquiring through corporate acquisitions, 329330

blocks, 325326

cellular structures, 323

frequencies, 324

incentive auctions, 326328

interference, mitigation of, 331

international synchronization of, 330331

profits on secondary market, 328329

shared, 325

unlicensed, 331332

wavelength characteristics, 324325

Wi-Fi Certified Home Design, 375

Wi-Fi Direct, 387

WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2), 377378

Wi-Fi Certified Home Design, 375

Wi-Fi Direct, 387

Wilco Electronic Systems, 134

Windstream, 130, 137, 155

WinZip, 31

wireless networks. See Wi-Fi and mobile networks

wiring centers, 174

Workplace, 161

World Radiocommunication Conferences (WRC), 330

WPA2 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 2), 377378

WRU (World Radiocommunication Conferences), 330


Xavier, Bob, 9394

Xbox One, 163

XG PON1 (10 Gigabit PON), 206

XGS PON (10 Gigabit Symmetric PON), 206

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 41

XO Communications, 135, 329


Yahoo!, 135

YouTube, 158, 278


Zagat, 277

Zappos, 160

Zeash, 303

zero rating, 313

Zipdash, Inc. 158, 278

Zuckerberg, Mark, 162

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