Part 5
The Gizmos & Gadgets of Great Service

Great service depends on a satisfying relationship between Customer and Company. And to your customer, your company is both humanity and technology.

Personally Pleasing Memorable Interactions must be supported by solid technology that enables them. That’s technology as a tool for your employees.

And, increasingly, those interactions are totally dependent on technology. In fact, with automated support systems, your customers may be interacting with only your company’s technology! In that sense, your technology is more than a tool. It is your service to customers.

The remaining chapters in this book discuss technology: as a tool and as a provider of customer interactions.

We look at everything from headsets for your customer care representatives, to automated phone systems, to e-mail, and serving customers over the Internet.

You can’t give great service today without technology. So let’s look at how you can make the tools best serve you and your customers.


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