A-class chickens, 26

aerial predators, 114, 121

Ameraucana, 39, 40

American Class of breeds, 26

American Poultry Association, 24, 27, 105

American Sebright, 32

American Standard of Perfection, 24, 26, 42

Amphotercin B, 150

Ancona, 36

Andalusian, 37

animal proteins, 125

animal-sourced byproduct meal, 124

antibiotics, 145, 172

ants, 15

arachidonic acid, 126

Araucana, 40

artemisia, 61

artistry, egg, 160

aspen shavings, 86

Aspergillosis, 150

Australorp, 34, 105

automatic coop door, 115

automatic egg turners, 70, 73

avian influenza (AI), 49, 154, 168, 173

aviary netting, 64, 102, 108, 114, 121

back cape, 23

backyard chicken eggs, cage-raised eggs vs., 13

backyard chicken movement, 8

bacterial infections, 147, 169

bagpod, 62

bantam chickens, 25, 101, 105

barbecue smoke, 65

Barnevelder, 42

Barred Plymouth Rock, 26

bay laurel, 61

beak, 23

bedding, for brooders, 86, 93

beetles, 15

biosecurity, 60, 136, 166

birdfeeders, 60, 102, 136

birds of prey, 121

Black Cooper Marans, 11

black locust, 62

Black Wyandotte, 32

Bladder pod, 62

Blue Andalusian, 37

blue-green shelled eggs, 39

Brahma, 42

breast (chicken), 23

breast feathers, losing, 133

breed selection. See chicken breeds

breed terminology, 26

Brinsea EcoGlow 20/50, 82, 83


access to, 89

bedding for, 86, 93

chicks flying out of, 87

cleaning, 87

commercial, 80, 81, 85

container, 81

cost of, 89

heat source for, 82

homemade, 81, 87

ICU (Intensive Care Unit), 91

introducing chicks to, 90

kiddie pool used for, 80

maintenance of, 92

number of chicks in, 87

parts of, 78

placement of, 89

selecting, 80

storing/reusing, 89

temperature, 83

types of, 81

waterers and feeders for, 85

brooder space, 54

brooding, in groups, 71

broody hens, 76, 77, 133

brown-shelled eggs, 25, 26

Buckeye, 28, 28, 105

Buff Orpington, 33

Buff Wyandotte, 32

bumble foot, 156

cage-raised poultry, eggs from, 13

calcium, 127, 130

candling/candler, 71, 73

canines, 59, 116

carbohydrates, 126

carved eggs, 165

castor bean, 62

cats, 58, 117, 172

CDC Healthy Pets, Healthy People website, 173

cedar shavings, 86

certified organic feed, 133

chain-link fences, 108

Chantecler, 30, 105

Chicken body lice, 152

chicken breeds

with other eggshell colors and accoutrements, 39

producing brown-shelled eggs, 26

producing white-shelled eggs, 35

selecting, 24

terminology, 26

chicken coops, 9, 55

automatic doors, 115

chicken run outside of, 102

flooring, 101, 108, 114

heat source for, 105

legal considerations, 48

location for, 55

maintenance of, 110

mobile, 55, 96

nesting boxes, 98, 99, 100

parts of, 98

placement of, 55, 104

planning, 64

plants and trees to place around, 61

predator-proofing, 108, 109, 112, 114

preventing wild birds from entering, 136

rock border for, 64

roosting poles, 98, 99, 101

selecting, 94

stationary, 55, 96

temperature of, 105

zoning requirements for, 55

chicken manure, as fertilizer, 15

chicken mites, 151

chicken runs, 55, 98, 99

cleaning, 103

designing, 102

maintaining multiple, 64

predator-proofing, 108, 114

rock border for, 64

throwing leftover food in, 13


advantages to owning, 12

anatomy of, 23

breeds of (See chicken breeds)

diet and nutrition for, 122

history of keeping, 8

illnesses and disease in (See disease(s))

mating and reproductive behavior, 18, 20

chicken tractors, 96

chicken wire, 98, 108, 109, 114

chicks, 77

brooding, 78

diet, 76, 130

hatching, 54, 66

health issues in new, 91

purchasing, 71, 147, 148

vaccination of, 76, 146

chick starters, 130

children, 16, 65, 88, 169, 171

chyrsanthemums, 61


biosecurity and, 167

brooders, 87, 92

chicken coops, 110

chicken runs, 103

disease prevention and, 140

food and water bowls, Salmonella and, 172

clothing, 139

clover, 64

Coccidiosis (Cocci), 130, 148

Cochins, 40, 77

Columbian Wyandotte, 32

comb, 23

comfrey, 61

commercial brooders, 80, 81, 85

compost, 15, 101

cooking eggs, 147

coops. See chicken coops

corn, 126, 129

corn cockle, 62

Cornish hens, 27

cowbane, 63

coyotes, 116

crowing, 20, 48

crown vetch, 62

curled toes, 157

Czechoslavakian drop-pull eggs, 164

death camas, 62, 63

decoupaged eggs, 164

deer netting, 108

Delaware Blue hen, 33

Delawares, 32

diagnosing diseases, 141

diet, 122


body preservation and, 145

from chickens eating insects, 15

common, 146

cost of veterinary care and, 134

diagnosing, 141

methods of spreading, 166

noninfectious ailments, 156

reducing risk of, 136, 166

safeguarding from, 49

wild birds carrying, 60

doghouses, used as coops, 97

dogs, 59, 116, 172

Dominiques, 26, 31

door, automatic chicken coop, 115

Dorking, 38, 105

drop-pull eggs, 164

dry-bulb temperature, 68

dust baths, 102, 105

Dutch breed, 105

eagles, 121

earlobe, brown-shelled eggs and, 25

education, as benefit of owning chickens, 16

egg artistry, 160

egg-bound hens, 158

egg cartons, 168


benefits of having fresh, 12

cage-raised vs. backyard, 13

encouraging chickens to lay, 100

fully cooking, 147

obtaining fertile hatching, 71

production of, 18, 20

rotating, 70, 73

washing, for incubation, 71, 72

eggshell color, 24, 25, 39


blowing out, 160

brown, 25

rinsing, 151

washing, for incubation, 71

egg turners, 70, 72, 73

Egyptian Fayoumi, 25

electricity, for chicken coops, 106

entertainment, as benefit of owning chickens, 17

extension poultry veterinarians, 143

external parasites, 151

external pipping process, 74

Fabergé eggs, 162

family pets, 58, 87, 88

farm animals, 50

fats, in chicken’s diet, 126

fat-soluble vitamins, 128

fatty acids, 126

Faverolles, 41

feather-eating, 131, 132

feather-pecking, 131

feathers, bird, 142

feathers, loss of, 131, 133


green, 142

rodent, 138

wild bird, 136


for chicks, 130

expired pre-mix, 129

formulas, 122

medicated/nonmedicated, 130

for mixed flock, 131

nutrition in, 124

organic, 133

prices, 129

storage, 138, 167

feeders, 85, 93, 98, 99, 106, 111, 136

fencing, 64, 98, 99, 102, 108, 136, 139

fertilizer, chicken manure as, 15

fire hazards, 81, 82, 84, 106

fishers, 119

fleas, 15


chicken coop, 101, 108, 114

chicken run, 102

fluff, 23

food scraps for chickens, 13, 129

footprints, 116

4-H competitions, 16

foxes, 117

foxglove, 62

free range eggs, 12

frostbite, 158

fungal infections, 101, 150

garden equipment, 168

garden plants, 60

Golden Laced Wyandottes, 32

gonads, 18

grains, 126

grass, chickens eating, 126

gray wolf, 116

green movement, 10

grower diet, 130

hackle feathers, 23

Hamburg, 38

handwashing, 90, 167


meeting demands for growing interest in backyard chickens, 11

NPIP certification from, 148

hatching. see also incubation

area for, 54, 66

automatic egg turner for, 70

process, 74

using hen power vs. incubators, 76

hawks, 108, 109, 121

hay, 101, 102

heat lamps, 20, 82, 84

heat source

for brooders, 82

for coops, 105


broody, 76, 77, 133

mating behavior, 20

reproductive behavior, 18, 20

high-energy, white-shelled egg layers, 35

highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI), 166

Holland breed, 105

homemade brooders, 81, 87

homemade feeders/waterers, 85

hormones, 18, 20

human activity, 65

human shoes and clothing, 139, 167

humidity, 68, 69, 72

hygrometers, 68, 69, 72

ICU brooders, 91

illnesses, in chicks, 91. see also disease(s)

incubation, 66

area for, 54

caring for chicks following, 75

egg rotation, 70, 72, 73

location for, 66

loss of breast feathers and, 133

materials for, 66, 68

obtaining fertile eggs, 71

preparing incubator, 72

two-part pipping process, 74

using hens, 76

washing eggshells and, 71

incubators, 68, 71, 72

infections. See disease(s)

insecticides, natural, 61

insulation, chicken coop, 106

internal layer, 159

internal parasites, 154

internal pipping process, 74

Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management, 112

Japanese beetles, 15

Japanese breed, 105

Japanese washi eggs, 162

Java, 26, 105

Jimsonweed, 63

kitchen scraps, 13, 129

lactose, 126

Lamona, 105

lamps, heat, 20, 82, 84

lavender, 61

lawn equipment, 168

lawnmowing, 64

laws, 11, 46, 55, 96, 112

layer diets/pellets, 76, 132

Leghorns, 36, 77, 77, 159. see also White Leghorn

lice, 61, 151, 152

light, 18, 20, 106, 108

Light Brahma breed, 42

light bulbs, for heat lamps, 82, 84

lime, powdered/pulverized, 103

linoleic acid, 126

living incubator, 76

low-protein, high-energy diet, 131

males. See roosters

manure, 15

Marans, 11, 44, 45

marbles, put in waterers, 85

Marek’s disease, 146

martens, 119

mating, 18

medicated feed, 128, 130

mice, 15, 49, 109

milkweed, 63

minerals, 127

minks, 119

mites, 61, 111, 151

mobile coops, 55, 96, 96

monosaccharides, 126

mother hens, 76

mowing, lawn, 64

mustelids, 119

Mycoplasma, 148

Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG), 148

Mycoplasma Meleagridis (MM), 148

Mycoplasma Synoviae (MS), 148

National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP), 147, 171

natural insecticides, 61

Neem tree, 61

nesting boxes, 98, 99, 100, 100

netting, 64, 88, 98, 102, 108, 114, 121

Newcastle Disease (ND), 154, 168

New Hampshires, 26, 30, 105

newspaper, for bedding, 86, 157

nightshade, 62

noise issues, 48, 108

noninfectious ailments, 156

nonmedicated feed, 130

Northern fowl mites, 152

NPIP certification, 148

nutrition, 122

Nystatin, 150

obesity, 131, 132

oleander, 62

opossums, 118

organic eggs, 12

organic feed, 133

Orpingtons, 33, 105

ovulation, 21

owls, 108, 121

oyster shells, 127, 131

parasites, 102, 128, 130, 136, 148, 151

pasture rotation, 64

pasty butt, 91

pecking, 84

pest control, 15

pets, 58, 87, 88

phosphorous, 127

pine shavings, 86

pipping process, 74

plant proteins, 125

plants, 60

plant-sourced byproduct meal, 124

Plymouth Rocks, 26, 105

points, 23

Poison hemlock, 63

poisonous plants, 60, 62

Pokeberry, 63

Possums, 118

poster board, for brooders, 93

poultry netting, 108


calling cards, 114, 115

carrying diseases, 136, 138

family pets and, 58, 59

protection against, 64, 98, 101, 102, 108, 112, 121

types of, 116

probiotics, 147

prolapsed vent, 159

property values, 50

protein, 124, 130

pumpkins, 13

Pysanky eggs, 162

quarantine areas, 56, 140

rabies, 138

raccoons, 118

rare breeds, 11

rats, 49, 109, 120

rattlebox, 63

red earlobes, 25

red foxes, 117

red lamp bulb, 84

red mites, 151

regulations. See laws

reproductive behavior, 18, 20

respiratory distress, 143

Rhode Island Red, 27, 105

Rhode Island White, 28, 105

roaches, 15

rock borders, 64, 99

rodents, 49, 108, 138

Romanian eggs, 163

roofs, chicken coop, 114

roosters, 20, 48, 71

roosting poles, 98, 99, 101

Rose Comb Rhode White Cokerel, 28

rotation, egg, 70, 73

Rottweiler, 116

roundworms, 154

runs. See chicken runs

Salmonella, 147, 160, 169

Salmonella Enteritidis (SE), 138, 147

Salmon Faverolles, 41

salt, 127

scaly-leg mite, 153

scratch, 131

scratched eggs, 165

Sebright, 105

Sebright Cochin, 32

shade, 55

shaft lice, 153

shank, 23

shavings, wood, 86

shiny materials, deterring predators with, 115

shoes, human, 139, 167

sick birds. see also disease(s)

examining, 142

quarantining, 56, 140

sickles, 23

Silkie hens, 76, 77

Silver Laced Wyandotte, 32

Silver Sebright, 25

Single Comb White Leghorn, 24

skunks, 120

slugs, 15

smell, from chickens, 48, 51

snakes, 15, 108, 120, 121

snow, 108

soybean meal, 124, 125, 129

Speckled Sussex, 35

spiders, 15

spraddle leg, 86, 156

sprinklers, 64

stationary coops, 55, 96

stinkbugs, 15

store-bought eggs, 12

straw, 101

styrofoam coolers, 81

Sussex, 35, 105

table scraps, 13, 129

tail (chicken), 23

tansy, 61

tapeworms, 154


brooder, 83

chicken coop, 105

of fertile eggs, 71

incubator, 68, 69, 72

thermometers, 68, 72, 83

thigh (chicken), 23

thorn apple, 63

ticks, 15

tidbitting, 20

toenails, 20, 23

tomatoes, 13

traffic patterns, disease prevention and, 140

trypsin inhibitor, 125

turning eggs, 72, 73

turquoise shelled eggs, 39, 40

United States Department of Agriculture, 169

urban chicken movement, 8, 9



vaccinations, 76, 137, 144, 145, 146, 148

varieties (breed), 26

ventilation, chicken coop, 106

veterinarian, 143

veterinary care, 115, 134, 143, 145, 148, 154, 169

Veterinary Feed Directive, 145

Vitamin A, 13, 128

Vitamin C, 133

Vitamin D, 128

Vitamin E, 13, 128

Vitamin K, 128

vitamins, 91, 127, 128

vultures, 121

waltzing, 20

washi eggs, 162

washing eggs, 71, 72

waterers, 49, 56, 85, 85, 92, 93, 98, 106, 111

water hemlock, 63

water, in chicken’s diet, 124

watermelon, 13

water-soluble vitamins, 128

water sources, 56, 98, 99. see also waterers

wattage, heat lamp bulb, 84

wattles, 23

weak chicks, 91

weasels, 108, 119

Welsummer, 43

wet-bulb temperature, 69

wheat, 102, 126

White Leghorn, 24, 25

White Plymouth Rocks, 26

white-shelled egg layers, 35

White Wyandotte, 32

wild birds, 102, 136

windows, coop, 98, 99

wings, 23

winter, egg-producing behavior in, 18, 20

wire. See chicken wire

woodchips, 103

wood shavings, 86

wormwood, 61

wound care, 115

Wyandottes, 32

yard hazards, 60

yard preparation, 52, 64

yew, 63

yogurt, 126

yolks, 22, 23, 159

zoning requirements, 55

zoonotic organisms, 139

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