

1-bit DAC, 439, 440

5.1-channel surround-sound system, 41112

8-VSB, 628, 629, 630

Absolute linear fader, 128

Accumulator, 108, 255

Active filters, 1867

Adaptation, 650

Adaptation layers, 591, 661, 663

Adaptive spectral perceptual entropy coding (ASPEC) system, 445

ADC parameters, 221

Additive colour matching, 80

Address generation:

in digital video processing, 2515

Advanced video coding (AVC), 328, 37581

coder and decoder, 3835

motion compensation in, 3813

and MPEG-4, 3679

AES-3-1992, 608, 611

AES 47, 662

Alternate mark inversion (AMI), 613, 614

Alternative convertors, 42831

Ampex, 2, 569

Analog fader, 127

Analog monochrome video, vertical/temporal spectrum of, 18990

Analog-to-digital conversion, 4238, 21320

Analog-to-digital convertor (ADC), 4, 1213, 18, 19, 978, 218, 221

Ancillary data, 603

Aperture effect, 779

Application independence, 657

Arithmetic logic unit (ALU), 114

Array sizes, in computer graphics, 271

Assemble edit, 276

Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL), 614, 615

Asynchronous serial interface (ASI), 592, 605

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), 589

AALs, 6603

broadband networks, 65760

Asynchronous transmission, 37

ATSC, 628, 6417

Audio Engineering Society/European Broadcast Union (AES/EBU), 587, 591, 60511, 662

Automatic gain control (AGC), 539, 540

Azimuth recording, 474


B channels, 61214

Back channel, 587, 614

Background strobing, 61

Backward masking, 405

Bandwidth and definition, 767

Basic Rate ISDN, 612, 613

Basis function, 163, 175

Bi-directional coder, 3526

Bi-directional coding, 3402, 618

Binary addition, 10610

Binary coding, 6, 7

Biphase mark code, see FM code

Birefringence, 46

Bit-cell centre transition, 489

Bit error rate (BER), 501

Bit errors, 25, 501, 596

Bits, 6

Black-level clamping, 73, 74

Blanking, 98, 99, 241, 603

Block code:

and convolutional code, 5079

Block interleaving, 513, 514

Block matching, 28990, 291

Blocks, 19

Blue hot, 42

Branch, 113

“Brick wall” filters, 184, 185

Broadband ISDN (B-ISDN), 614, 657

Broadband networks:

and Asynchronous Transfer Mode, 65760

Broadcast modulation techniques, 62736

Burst-correcting codes, 513

Burst error, 25, 28, 29

Butterfly, 167, 168, 170, 171

Byte, 6


Camcorder, 24, 33, 585

Camera-shake compensation, 30710

Canaletto paintings, 258

Candela (cd), 48

Carrier sense multiple access with collision detect (CSMA/CD), 6512

Cartographers, 250

Cathode ray tube (CRT), 2

CCIR-601, 237, 238

Central processing unit (CPU), 114, 115

Channel coding, 4846, 627

Channel-status block, 609, 610

Character generator, 265, 266, 267, 269

Chroma, 11

Chroma keying, 2426

Chucking, 570

Clock jitter, see Sampling clock jitter

Clocking system, for channel coding, 483, 484

Code book, 490

Code rate, 188, 490

Code word, 501, 505, 51617, 518, 519

see also Reed–Solomon codes

Codec, 318, 319, 386

Coding applications, 3423

Coding artifacts, 3858

Coding gain, 318, 3301, 346

Collision, 6523, 654

Colorimetry, 911, 808

Colour difference signals, 10, 11, 8893, 97, 190, 192, 224, 225, 231, 233, 234, 235, 238, 2423, 248, 320

Colour Look Up Table (CLUT), 271

Colour vision, 7980

Common part convergence sublayer (CPCS), 663

Communication systems, 587

AES/EBU, 591, 592, 60511, 662

ancillary data, 603

ASI, 605

ATM AALs, 6603

ATSC, 628, 6417

broadband networks:

and ATM, 65760

broadcast modulation techniques, 62736

digital television broadcasting, 61518

DVB, 63740

DVB receiver, 6401

error correction, 637

FireWire, 6547

HD-SDI, 6013

MPEG packets:

and time stamps, 61821

network arbitration, 64954

networks, 6479

production-related interfaces, 5912

program-specific information, 6213

SD-SDI, 597600

SDTI, 6035

serial digital video interfaces, 5924

synchronising, 5947

telephone-based systems, 61115

transport stream multiplexing, 6247

Compander, 318

Companding, 4467

Component video, digitizing, 2239

Composite video, 11, 69, 320, 387


and MPEG, 336

and packetizing, 1821

Compression factor, 318, 319, 330, 453

Compression system, 318, 321

Compression techniques

in television systems, 317, 319, 320

Computer, of digital video systems, 11013

Computer and video formats, converting between, 2704

Computer graphics card, 270

Concatenation loss, 388

Concealment, 577, 578

and error correction, 257

by interpolation, 5067

Connection-oriented protocol, 658

Connectionless protocol, 658

Context adaptive binary arithmetic coding (CABAC), 384

Context adaptive variable-length coding (CAVLC), 384, 385

Contouring, 201, 246, 248

Contrast index (CI), 50, 51

Controlling effects:

in digital video processing, 2634

Conversion, 179

analog-to-digital conversion, 21320

convertor quality, factors affecting, 2219

digital domain, colour in, 2305

digital-to-analog conversion, 21112

dither, introduction to, 2013

filter design, 1857

quantizing, 1956

quantizing error, 196201

reconstruction, 1835

requantizing and digital dither, 20311

sampling and aliasing, 1803

sampling clock jitter, 1925

two-dimensional sampling spectra, 18792

Convolution, 13841

Convolutional code:

and block code, 5079

Convolutional interleaving, 514, 515

Corrector, 519

Correlation surface, 293, 296, 297

Co-siting, 225

Critical bands, 40212

Critical flicker frequency (CFF), 56

Cross-fade, 237, 239

Cross-interleaving, 529

Crossword code, 507

Cyclic codes, 509

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 511, 519, 601

Cyclic redundancy check character (CRCC), 549, 604, 611

Cylindrical lens method, 558


D channel, 613

D-type latch, 104, 131

Data paths, 114

Data separation:

and equalization, 4778

Decimation, 151

Decode time stamps (DTS), 619

Defect handling, 5513

De-interlacing, 31014

Demultiplexer, 20, 36, 127

Density ratio (DR), 486

De-serializing, 492

Detent, 480, 481, 486, 541

Dielectric, 4634

Differential pulse code modulation (DPCM), 428, 430

see also Sigma-DPCM

Differential quadrature phase-shift keying (DQPSK), 628

Diffraction grating, 561

Digital audio, 378

in video:

alternative convertors, 42831

analog-to- digital conversion, 4238

choice of sampling rate, 41315

critical bands, 40212

digital-to-analog conversion, 41523

Dolby AC-3, 4578

level and loudness, 4002

MPEG audio compression, 44456

one-bit convertors, 43942

operating levels in, 4434

oversampling and noise shaping, 4319

sound, 397400

and video synchronisation, 444

Digital cinema, 38

Digital coding principles, 461

basic error correction, 5016

block and convolutional codes, 5079

channel coding, 4846

concealment, by interpolation, 5067

cyclic codes, 509

equalization and data separation, 4778

group codes, 4902

magnetic recording, 46874

optical disks:

and magneto-optical disks, 4757

randomizing and encryption, 493500

recording medium, types of, 4678

simple codes, 4869


and jitter rejection, 47884

transmission channel, types of, 4634

transmission lines, 4647

Digital dither:

and requantizing, 20311

Digital faders:

and controls, 12734

Digital filmmaking, 27880

Digital principles, 95

binary addition, 10610

binary code, 967

computer, application of, 11013

convolution, 13841

digital signal processors, 11721

discrete cosine transform, 1704

faders and controls, 12734

filters, 1347

FIR filters, 1427, 151

and IIR filters, 1412

Fourier transform, 16270, 175

gain control, by multiplication, 110

IIR filters, 1412

interrupts, handling of, 11317

multiplexing principles, 1247

processing, 1006

sampling-rate conversion, 14759

statistical multiplexing, 127

time base correction, 1214

transforms, 1378

and duality, 15962

wavelet transform, 1746

Digital recording, see Digital coding principles

Digital set top box, 2

Digital signal processors (DSPs), 11721

Digital system, 106

Digital television broadcasting, 61518

error correction in, 637

Digital video broadcasting (DVB), 63740

handheld devices, 17

receiver, 6401

Digital video cassettes, 5734

Digital video effects (DVEs), 259, 390

Digital video processing:

address generation

and interpolation, 2515

blanking, 241

camera-shake compensation, 30710

chroma keying, 2426

controlling effects, 2634

de-interlacing, 31014

digital filmmaking, 27880

digital vision mixer, 23741

edit-point location, 2824

editing, 2846

graphics, 26474

and paint systems, 2756

keying, 2412

linear editing:

and non-linear editing, 2767

motion-compensated standards conversion, 3017

motion compensation, applications of, 286300

noise reduction, 31415

non-linear workstation, 2802

non-planar effects, 2623

online editing:

and offline editing, 2778

perspective rotation, 25862

planar digital video effects, 251

simple effects, 24651

skew and rotation, 2558

Digital-to-analog conversion, 21112, 41523

Digital-to-analog convertor (DAC), 22, 98

Digital videotape, 56971

Digital VTR block diagram, 57480

Dim encoder, 392

Direct memory access (DMA), 545, 550

Direct modified discrete cosine transform (MDCT), 456

Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 1704, 570

Discrete Fourier transform, 162, 163, 170

Discrete frequency transform, 4501

Discrete time integrator, 108

Disk controller, 533, 54551

Disk servers, 553

Disk storage, 5347

Dither, introduction to, 2013

Dither techniques, 207

Dolby AC-3 system, 38, 4578

Dolby laboratories, 446

DTMF, 612

Duality, of transforms, 15962

DV and DVCPRO, 5805

DVD player, structure of, 5649

Dynamic element matching, 41718

Dynamic resolution, 56

motion portrayal, 601


E1, 613

Ear, 397, 398400

EBU timecode, 279

Edit decision list (EDL), 277, 3289

Edit-point location, 2824

Editing, in digital video processing, 2846

linear and non-linear editing, 2767

online and offline editing, 2778

EFMPlus coding, 5667

Elementary stream, 362, 454

structure of, 3645

Embedded-servo technique, 544

End of active video (EAV), 594, 601

Energy dispersal, 632

Equal loudness contours, 401, 402

Equalization, 606, 607

and data separation, 4778

Equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB), 405

Erasable optical disks, 536, 554

Erasure flags, see Error flags

Error bursts, 501

Error correction, 256, 27, 5016, 637

Error detection, 502

and handling, 592

Error flags, 529

Error propagation, 509

Ethernet, 588, 648, 651, 653

European Broadcast Union (EBU), 9, 605

Exchangeable-pack drives, 539, 546

Exclusive-OR (XOR) gate, 131, 502

Eye, 10, 5360, 90


Face and body animation, 369

Fast address generators, 255

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 162, 165, 167, 170, 171, 635, 640, 641

Figure of merit (FoM), 486, 491

File servers, 32

Filter design, for conversion, 1857

Filters, 1347

Finite field, 109

Finite-impulse response (FIR) filters, 141, 1427, 151, 254

FireWire, 648, 6547

Firmware, 112

First In First Out (FIFO) memory, 551

Flash convertor, 213, 214, 423, 431

Flash memory, 31

Flexible macroblock ordering (FMO), 376

Floating-point notation, 4468

FM code, 487, 488

Focus and tracking systems, 55764

Focus-error system, 557

Forward error-correcting schemes, 505

Forward error correction (FEC), 591

Forward masking, 405

Fourier transform, 16270, 175, 291

Fractional-ratio conversion, 150, 155, 158

Full adder, 106, 107


Gain control, by multiplication, 110

Galois, Evariste, 131

Galois field, 1313, 522, 529

Gamma conversion, 272

Gamma function, 5860

Gaussian distribution, 30

Gaussian PDF dither, 20910

Gibb's phenomenon, 142

Gradient matching, 290

Graphics art/paint system, 26476

Gray code, 128, 129

Group codes, 4902, 501

“Guard-band-less” recording, 474


Half adder, 106, 107

Hamming code, 596, 597

HANC/vertical blanking, 603

Hard-disk-based workstation, 280, 281

Hard-disk edit, 285

HD-SDI, 6013

HDA, see Head disk assembly

Head disk assembly, 546

Header, 20, 126

Headroom, 443

High-definition (HD) video, 89

Horizontal synchronising system, 726

Hub, 648

Huffman code, 3234

Human auditory system (HAS), 1

Human visual system (HVS), 1, 39, 513

see also Eye


I coding, see Intra-coding

I pictures, see Intra pictures

Identification code (ID), 20, 126

IEEE 1394-1995, 6545

Image-correlation process, 2967

Image-stabilizing cameras, 308, 309

Imperfect coding, 385

Implied seek, 545

In-loop deblocking, 380, 381

Infinite-impulse response (IIR) filter, 1412

Ingestion, 1

Inner code, 29, 529

Insert editing, 276

Integer-ratio conversion, 150, 151

Integrated digital network (IDN), 612

Integrated receiver-decoder (IRD), 2

Integrated services digital network (ISDN), 61213, 614

Intensity, 47

Intentional logic scheme, 102

Interactive video, 15, 587

Interaural delay (IAD), 406, 408

Inter-coded compression, 330

Interlaced scanning:

vs. progressive scanning, 648

Interleaving, 28, 51315, 529

International Electrochemical Commission (IEC), 444

International Standards Organization (ISO), 325, 444

Internetworks/internets, 588

Interpolator, 1534, 218

Interrupts, handling of, 11317

Intersymbol interference, 473, 477

Intra pictures, 331

Intra-coded compression, 329

Intra-coding, 330, 334, 339

Intranet, 588

Inverse gamma lookup table, 272

Inverse multiplexers (I-MUXes), 613

Inverse transform, 233, 293, 345

Isochronous transmission, 37

ITU-601, 224, 227


Jitter margin, 486

Jitter-rejection mechanism:

and slicing, 47884

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 32930

Juke box mechanisms, 536


Kaiser window, 144

Kell factor, 76

Keying, in digital video processing, 2412

Keying system, 268

Knife-edge method, 558, 560

Knots, 263, 264


Layer I MPEG decoder, 454, 455

Least significant bit (LSB), 6, 196

Lempel–Ziv–Welch lossless codes, 324

Lid/drawer mechanisms, 566

Light, 401

sources, 413

Light amplification, 554

Linear and nonlinear editing:

in digital video processing, 2767

Linear-phase system, 291, 292

“Linear quantizing”, 196

Lip sync loss, 37

Local area networks (LANs), 588, 648

Locator, 519, 521

Logic elements/gates, 100, 102

Lossless coding, 319, 325, 384

Lossy coding, 319

Loudness and levels, 4002

Low-loss dielectrics, 4634, 466

Low-pass filters (LPF), 143, 151, 15960, 183, 186

Lumen (lm), 47, 48, 49

Luminance, 47

Luminous efficiency function, 40, 49

Luminous flux, 47, 48

Luminous intensity, 47


M-ary coding, see Multilevel signalling

Macintosh, 272

Macroblocks, 336, 338, 339, 343, 351, 364, 365, 367, 382

Magnetic disk, 53740

Magnetic recording, 46874

Magneto-optic (MO) disks, 554

Magneto-optic component, 555

Magneto-optical recording, 4757

Manchester code, see FM code

Mantissa, 4468, 458

Map projection, 250

Masking pattern adapted universal subband integrated coding and multiplexing (MUSICAM), 4445, 451, 454

Masking tone, 405, 452

Mercator, 250

Merging, 491

Mesh object, 368

Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS), 105

Metropolitan area networks (MANs), 588

Mid-tread quantizer, 197, 198

Miller code, see Modified frequency modulation

Modified frequency modulation (MFM), 4889, 539

Modulation scheme, 590

Modulation transfer function (MTF), 50, 51, 253

Modulo-2, 109, 493, 516

Modulo-N arithmetic, 109

Monochrome video, 69

vertical/temporal spectrum of, 18990

Morse code, 323

Mosaicing system, 249, 251

Most significant bit (MSB), 6, 12, 13, 106, 213

Motion-compensated standards conversion, 3017

Motion compensation, 68, 220, 308, 332, 335, 337, 343, 361

applications of, 286300

in AVC, 3813

Motion estimation techniques, 289

block matching, 28990

gradient matching, 290

phase correlation, 201300

Motion Portrayal and Dynamic Resolution, 601

Motion vectors, 302, 303, 304, 336

Moving-head disk drive, 535

Moving Pictures Experts Group (MPEG), 16, 35, 36, 37, 320, 3259, 616

audio compression, 44456

packets and time stamps, 61821

and video compression, 336, 317

AVC, 37581

AVC codec, 3835

bi-directional coder, 3526

bi-directional coding, 3402

coding applications, 3423

coding artifacts, 3858

elementary stream, 3645

interlaced pictures, handling, 35862

intra-coding, 339

motion compensation, in AVC, 3813

MPEG-2 coder, 3624

MPEG-2 decoder, 3657

MPEG-4 and AVC, 3679

predictive coding, 3389

processing MPEG-2 and concatenation, 38894

scanning and RLC/VLC coding, 34852

slices, 357

spatial and temporal redundancy, 32938

spatial compression, 3438

texture coding, 36975

MPEG-1, 328, 445

MPEG-2, 320, 328, 370, 377, 623

processing and concatenation, 38894

MPEG-2 coder, 3624

MPEG-2 decoder, 3657, 624

MPEG-4, 328, 370, 373, 375, 377

and AVC, 3679

MPEG decoder, 454, 455, 568

Multilevel signalling, 628, 630

Multiplexing principles, 20, 1247


N-ISDN, 614, 657

Naive concatenation, 389

National Television Standards Committee (NTSC), 11, 63, 87, 230, 320, 387, 569, 599, 600, 646

Near-instantaneous companding, 448

Negative logic, 101, 102, 103

Negative/low true logic, 103

Negative overflow, 106

Network arbitration, 64954

Network information table (NIT), 621

Network termination equipment, 588

Networks, 18, 27, 534, 5889, 6479

NICAM 728 system, 38, 415

Noise and probability, 301

Noise reduction, in digital video processing, 31415

Noise shaping, 430

and oversampling, 4319

Noise-shaping convertors, 429, 430

Non-linear editing, 2767

Non-linear transfer function, 244, 245, 247

Non-linear workstation, 2802

Non-planar effects:

in digital video processing, 2623

Non-Return to Zero (NRZ) code, 486, 487

Non-Return to Zero Invert (NRZI) code, 487

Numerically locked loop (NLL), 192, 365, 622

Nyquist's theorem, 182


OFDM, 6336

Offline editing, 2778

Offset binary, 978, 99100, 240, 241

One-bit convertors, 43942

Online editing, 277

Open collector system, 101, 103

Operating levels, in digital audio, 4434

Optic flow axis, 60, 61, 286, 287, 288, 333

Optical and video principles, 39, 447

aperture effect, 779

bandwidth, 767

black-level clamping, 74

colour difference signals, 8893

colour vision, 7980

colorimetry, 808

eye, 5360

gamma, 5860

human visual system, 513

interlaced scan, 648

light, 401

sources of, 413

motion portrayal and dynamic resolution, 601

photometric units, 4751

progressive scan, 648

scanning, 628

SD and HDTV, scanning formats, 79

synchronising, 6976

Optical disks:

and magneto-optical disks, 4757

principles, 5547

Outer code, 29, 529, 6378

Overlapped block motion compensation (OBMC), 373, 375

Oversampling, 21520

and noise shaping, 4319


P coding, see Predictive coding

P pictures, see Predicted pictures

Packet identification code (PID), 620, 621, 626

Packet multiplexing, 20, 21, 36, 126, 127

Packetised elementary stream (PES), 618, 619, 620

Packets, 18, 20, 21, 126, 612, 619, 620

Palette, 271, 275

Parallel data, 594, 601

Parallel transmission, 8

Parity, 502, 503, 507, 509, 608

“Parking”, 546

Partial response, 496500

Payload, 20, 126, 620

PCM digital system, 3201

Peak-shift distortion, 473, 478

Perceptive coding, 319, 320, 325

Permanent virtual channel, 659

Persistence of vision, 56, 78

Personal video recorder (PVR), 15, 35

Perspective rotation, 25862

Phase Alternate Line (PAL), 11, 63, 320, 387, 569, 599, 600

Phase correlation, 291300

Phase correlator, 292

Phase linearity, 292

Phase-locked loop (PLL), 22, 23, 1912, 483, 595

Phase margin (Tw), see Jitter margin

Phase shift keying (PSK), 628, 630

Photometric units, 4751

Physical medium-dependent layer, 590

Pinhole camera, 258

Place theory, 400

Planar digital video effects, 2512

Planck, Max, 41, 43

Point spread function, 134, 135

Positions, 486

Positive/high true logic, 103

Positive logic, 101, 102, 103

Positive overflow, 106

Posterizing, 246

Predicted pictures, 331, 333, 335, 353, 354, 392

Predictive coding, 3389, 352, 383

Presentation time stamp (PTS), 619

Product codes, 289, 5079, 52930, 578

Production-related interfaces, 5912

Programmable timer, 118

Program association table (PAT), 621

Program Clock Reference (PCR), 6223, 626

Program counter (PC), 114, 115

Program map table (PMT), 621

Program-specific information (PSI), 6213

Progressive scanning:

vs. interlaced scanning, 648

Pseudo-random sequence (PRS), 131, 133, 493, 632, 639

Pulse code modulation (PCM), 3, 95, 428

Pure binary code, 967


Quadrature amplitude modulation (QUAM), 630, 631

Quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK), 628

Quadruplex, 2

Quantizing, 4, 1956

Quantizing error, 196201

Quincunx sampling, 187, 188, 189


Radiometry, 39

RAID arrays, 552

Random access memory (RAM), 18, 19, 23, 24, 25, 105, 112, 113, 567, 579

Random error, 25, 29, 529

Randomizing and encryption, 493500

Raster, 3, 60

Ratcheting, 242

Read only memory (ROM), 24, 31, 112, 113

Real time television, 367

Reclocking, 100, 103

Reconstruction filter, 1812, 185, 186

Recording medium, types of, 4678

Rectangular PDF dither, 2078

Recursive filters, 141

Red hot, 42

Redundancy, 321, 322, 505

Reed–Solomon codes (R-S codes), 51927, 637

Remultiplexing, 626

Rendering, 110

Requantizer, 432, 433

Requantizing, 240, 347

and digital dither, 20310

RGB signals, 230

Rotary head recorder, 19, 33, 474, 496, 513, 571, 572, 580

Rotary head tape transport, 5713

Rotation and skew:

in digital video processing, 2558

Routers, 591

Run-length-limited (RLL) codes, 491, 492, 539

Run-length/variable-length (RLC/VLC) coding, 34852


Saccadic motion, 56

Sampling, 3

Sampling clock jitter, 1925

Sampling-rate conversion, 14759

Sampling rate/sampling frequency, 3

Sampling theory, 182, 413

Scanning, 628

and RLC/VLC coding, 34852

Scanning formats, for SD and HDTV, 79

Scheduled velocity, 5412

Scrambling/pseudo-random coding, 593

SD-SDI, 597600

Search, 543

SECAM, 11, 320

Seek, 541, 545

Segmentation, 571, 5767, 581

Serial data transport interface (SDTI), 6035

Serial digital interface (SDI) standard, 27, 391, 5924, 603

Serial link, 22, 594

Serial transmission, 492, 592, 593

Servo-surface disks, 5434

Shannon's theory, 321, 434

Sharpness, 501

Sigma–delta convertor, 440, 441

Sigma-DPCM system, 430, 431, 435, 436, 440

Silicon graphics, 272

Single-frequency network (SFN), 635

Single program transport stream (SPTS), 619, 661

Skew, 462

and rotation, 2558

Slice groups, 376

Slices, 357

Slicing, 7

and jitter rejection, 47884

Slipper, 537, 538, 539

Soft keying, 242, 243

Solarization, 246, 247

Sony, 421, 570

Sound, 397400

Sound pressure level (SPL), 400, 401

Spatial and temporal redundancy, in MPEG, 32938

Spatial compression, 3438

Spatial luminance gradient, 290

Spatial sampling frequency, 3

Spectral power distributions (SPDs), 401, 42

Spline algorithm, 264

Splitter, 555, 614

Sprite, see Still texture object

Square pixel, 235

Stack pointer, 115

“Stacker” programs, 319

Standard definition (SD), 8

scanning formats, 79

Standard IBM graphics connector, 271

Start of active video (SAV), 594, 601

Static memories, 104

Statistical multiplexer (STATMUX), 625, 627

Statistical multiplexing, 36, 127, 621

Stereo and surround sound, 40612

Still texture object, 368


of digital video, 17, 18, 2933

Storage area networks (SANs), 589

Storage elements, 100, 1045, 1067

Storage technology, 533

blocks, accessing, 5413

defect handling, 5513

digital video cassettes, 5734

digital videotape, 56971

digital VTR block diagram, 57480

disk controller, 54551

disk servers, 553

disk storage, 5347

DV and DVCPRO, 5805

DVD player, structure of, 5649

focus and tracking systems, 55764

magnetic disks, 53740

optical disk principles, 5547

rotary head tape transport, 5713

servo-surface disks, 5434

Strobe, 656

Stuffing/packing, 127

Subband coding, 449, 451

Subtractive dither, 201

Superword, 123

Surround effect, 51

Surround sound, 38, 406, 412

Sync pattern, 492, 54950, 609, 610

Sync time, 73

Synchronising, 6976, 492, 5947

Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH), 657, 658

Synchronous optical network (SONET), 657, 658

Synchronous transmission, 37


TBC, 122, 123

Telephone-based systems, 61118

Television systems, 12

Temporal compression, see Inter-coded compression

Temporal sampling frequency, 3

Texture coding, 36975

“Thermomagneto-optics”, 554

Time base correction, 215, 1214

Time compression, 1821, 121, 571

Time-division multiplexed (TDM) system, 655, 657, 660

Timecode, 279

Timing reference and identification signals (TRS-ID), 594, 596, 599, 601

Token ring system, 653, 654

TotalZeros parameter, 385

Totem-pole output configuration, 103

Touch-tone dialling, 612

Trailing 1’s (T1’s), 385, 613

Transfer function, 196, 198, 221, 244, 245, 250

Transform pair, 15960, 161

Transforms, 1378

and duality, 15962


of digital video, 17, 18, 279

Transmission channel, types of, 4634

Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), 590

Transmission lines, 4647

Transmultiplexer, 626

Transport stream (TS) data, 605, 620, 625

Transport stream multiplexing, 617, 622, 6247

Transversal filter, 142

Trellis, 647

Triangular PDF dither, 209

Tristate bus system, 103

Tristimulus units, 51

Twisted-ring counter, 131, 132, 510

Two-dimensional sampling spectra, 18790

Two's complement system, 1214


“Uniform quantizing”, 196


VANC, 603

Variable-ratio conversion, 150, 151

VDSL, 615

Vector assignation, 302

Velocity profile, 542

Vertical blanking/HANC, 603

Vertical synchronizing system, 726

Video and computer graphics formats, converting between, 2704

Video and information technology (IT), convergence of, 1117

Video buffer verifier (VBV), 363, 364

Video compression:

and MPEG, 336, 317

AVC, 37581

AVC codec, 3835

bi-directional coder, 3526

bi-directional coding, 3402

coding applications, 3423

coding artifacts, 3858

elementary stream, 3645

interlaced pictures, handling, 35862

intra-coding, 339

motion compensation, in AVC, 3813

MPEG-2 coder, 3624

MPEG-2 decoder, 3657

MPEG-4 and AVC, 3679

predictive coding, 3389

processing MPEG-2 and concatenation, 38894

scanning and RLC/VLC coding, 34852

slices, 357

spatial and temporal redundancy, 32938

spatial compression, 3438

texture coding, 36975

Video object, 368

Video-on-demand, 15, 327, 328, 587, 660

Video signals, 24, 329

Video switcher, 241, 242

Virtual channel, 659

Virtual channel indicator (VCI), 660

Virtual path indicator (VPI), 660

Visual accommodation, 54

Visual display unit (VDU), 264, 265

Viterbi decoding, 499500

Voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (VCXO), 622, 623

Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 191, 211, 416, 483


Warping, 368

Wavelet transform, 1746, 331

White hot, 42

Wide area networks (WANs), 588, 648

Winchester technology, 535, 5468

Window, 25

Window margin, see Jitter margin

Word, 6

Word clock, 23

Word length, 6

Write-once-read-many (WORM) disks, 535


Yeltsin walk, 359


Zero-order hold system, 78

Zig-zag scanning, 348

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