
Chapter 1 – Introduction and Good Advice

What is Parallel Processing?

Start Small and Think Big

Give your Enterprise the Tools they need

Model the Business with ERwin

Educate the Business on the Business by Sharing the Model

Load Your Models and have the SQL Built Automatically

Five Brilliant Pieces of Teradata (1 of 5) is MPP

Five Brilliant Pieces (2 of 5) are Tactical Queries

Five Brilliant Pieces (3 of 5) Is a Traffic System

Five Brilliant Pieces (4 of 5) Is Viewpoint

Five Brilliant Pieces (5 of 5) Are Data Processing Options

Support Large Queries, but Monitor them closely

Experiment and Improve Loading Data Strategies

Compress Your Data with Multi-Value Compression

Separate your Production System from Your Test System

Chapter 2 - Teradata Architecture Fundamentals the DBA must know

Parallel Architecture

The Teradata Architecture

All Teradata Tables are spread across ALL AMPS

Teradata Systems can Add AMPs for Linear Scalability

AMPs and Parsing Engines (PE's) live inside SMP Nodes

Each Node is Attached via a Network to a Disk Farm

Two SMP Nodes Connected Become One MPP System

There are Many Nodes in a Teradata Cabinet

This is the Visual You Want to Understand Teradata

Responsibilities of the DBA

Chapter 3 – The Primary Index is the Axis of all Teradata Systems

The Primary Index is defined when the table is CREATED

A Unique Primary Index (UPI)

Primary Index in the WHERE Clause - Single-AMP Retrieve

A Non-Unique Primary Index (NUPI)

Primary Index in the WHERE Clause - Single-AMP Retrieve

A conceptual example of a Multi-Column Primary Index

Primary Index in the WHERE Clause - Single-AMP Retrieve

A conceptual example of a Table with NO PRIMARY INDEX

A Full Table Scan is likely on a table with NO Primary Index

Table CREATE Examples with four different Primary Indexes

What happens when you forget the Primary Index?

Why create a table with No Primary Index (NoPI)?

Chapter 4 – A DBA's best friend - The Data Dictionary

The Data Dictionary Resides in User DBC

The DBC.DBCInfoV View

Querying the Data Dictionary

Using the Keyword USER

Restricted Views have an X at the End of their Name

The V is New with Teradata V12

The V and the Restricted X are Now Often Combined

A Recap of What We Have Learned So Far

The DBC.DatabasesV View

The DBC.Users View

The DBC.Tables View

Using DBC.Tables to find out about Fallback

The DBC.Indices View

The DBC.Columns View

Clever Queries for the DBC.ColumnsV View

New V14 - The DBC.PartitioningConstraintsV View

The DBC.AccountInfo View

The DBC.AMPUsage View

Clearing Out the DBC.AMPUsage Data

The DBC.AllTempTables

The DBC.Triggers

The DBC.All_RI_ChildrenV

DBC.SessionInfoV Information


AllRoleRights, AllRightsV, UserRightsV and UserGrantedRightsV

The DBC.Profiles View

RoleMembers, RoleInfo, UserRoleRights and ProfileInfoVX,

Understanding that Space is based on a Per-AMP Basis

Total Space for a Single Database or User

Using the Data Dictionary to see the Space for Everyone

Finding the Perm Percent Used

Finding the Perm Percent Used with a HAVING Clause

Finding the Perm Percent Left with a HAVING Clause

Creating a Macro for Perm Percent Used with a Dynamic %

Orphaned Spool Files That Need to be deleted

Finding Table Sizes

Finding Skew in the Tables in a Database

Finding Skew in a Table

Display the Distribution of a Column per AMP

Your Users and Databases

DBC Tables used in the Collect Statistics Process

The DBC Table DBC.Next

DBA Advice - ClearPeakDisk to Reset Peak Space

DBA Advice – Clean out these Tables Periodically

The DBC.AssociationV View

The DBC.JournalsV View

DBC.Databases2V is for Unresolved Reference Constraints

The DBC.All_RI_ChildrenV for Inconsistent RI

The DBC.ShowColChecksV View

The DBC.ShowTblChecksV View

The DBC.PartitioningConstraintsV View

The DBC.AccessLogV View

The DBC.AccessLogV View for Today's Queries

The DBC.AccessLogV View Denials for Today




ResUsage Macros

Executing the ResUsage Macro DBC.Resnode

The DBC.IdCol Table

Chapter 5 - How Teradata Tracks Objects

Teradata Assigns each Object a Unique Numeric ID

The Table ID

The Table ID in Greater Detail

Looking at the TableID inside the actual Cylinders

A More Detailed View of TableID inside the actual Cylinders

The Blocks Below are All Associated with the Same Table

Bits, Bytes and More

Cylinder Sizes

Chapter 6 - Creating Users and Databases

Creating Users and Databases

Password Security Meanings

Now we have Two Users in the Teradata System

A Grant Statement so others Create a Database or User

And so the Teradata Hierarchy Begins

Creating a Database

Users are Given Passwords While Database are Not

Teradata Administrator Can CREATE Users

The Modify User Statement

A Clever Way to Reset a User Password

Accounts and their Associated Priorities

Creating a User with Multiple Account Priorities

Self-Nicing to change Account Priorities

Account String Expansion (ASE)

The DBC.AccountInfo View

The DBC.AMPUsage View

Account String Expansion (ASE) in Action

Test – Run queries Under All Accounts for TeraTom

The DBC.AMPUsage View

Chapter 7 - Profiles


Getting Started for Profile Creation

Creating A Profile and a User

Password Security

Password Security Meanings

Creating A Profile and then Modifying a User

Quiz – What are the Profile Values?

Answer to Quiz – What are the Profile Values?

Quiz – What are the Profile Values After Null?

Answer to Quiz – What Are the Profile Values After Null?

The DBC.ProfilesVX View

The DBC.ProfilesV View

The DBC.AccountInfoVX View

ProfileInfoVX, RoleMembers, RoleInfo and UserRoleRights

Teradata Administrator Can CREATE Profiles (1 of 2)

Teradata Administrator Can CREATE Profiles (2 of 2)

Dropping a Profile

The Effects of Dropping a Profile

Chapter 8 – Roles


Getting Started for Role Creation

Create A Role and then Assign that Role It's Access Rights

Create a User and Assign them a Default Role

A Role vs. a Profile

Granting a Role to a Current User

Active Roles

Setting Your Active Role to ALL

Roles and Valid Objects

Roles and Invalid Commands

Nesting of Roles

Nesting of Roles in Action (1 of 3)

Nesting of Roles in Action (2 of 3)

Nesting of Roles in Action (3 of 3)

Quiz – What Databases Does Mandy Have Access To?

Answer – What Databases Does Mandy Have Access To?



RoleMembers, RoleInfo, UserRoleRights and ProfileInfoVX,

DBC Tables for AllRoleRights, AllRightsV, UserRightsV and UserGrantedRightsV

Chapter 9 - Access Rights

The Objects That Require Access Rights

Objects and Available Access Rights

A Few Examples to Get You Started

There are Three Types of Access Rights

There are Three Types of Access Rights

There are Three Types of Access Rights

A Dinner Invitation of Access Rights

One of the Problems with Access Rights

The Rights for SysDBA and TeraTom

The GRANT Statement

Create A Role and then Assign that Role It's Access Rights



GRANT Using the ALL Keyword

GRANT Database Strategy for Users, Views and Tables

Inheriting Access Rights

GRANT at the Column Level

GRANT for the Ability to CREATE Secondary Indexes

Access Rights to CREATE Triggers

The REVOKE Command

DBC Tables for AllRoleRights, AllRightsV, UserRightsV and UserGrantedRightsV

The GIVE Statement

A DROP User can be Better than a GIVE Statement

Removing a Level in the Teradata Hierarchy

Chapter 10 - Collect Statistics

The Teradata Parsing Engine (Optimizer) is Cost Based

The Purpose of Collect Statistics

When Teradata Collects Statistics it creates a Histogram

The Interval of the Collect Statistics Histogram

Histogram Quiz

Answers to Histogram Quiz


Why Collect Statistics?

How do you know if Statistics were collected on a Table?

A Huge Hint that No Statistics Have Been Collected


COLLECT STATISTICS Examples for a better Understanding

The New Teradata V14 Way to Collect Statistics

COLLECT STATISTICS Directly From another Table

Where Does Teradata Keep the Collected Statistics?

The Official Syntax for COLLECT STATISTICS

How to Recollect STATISTICS on a Table

Teradata Always Does a Random AMP Sample

Random Sample is Kept in the Table Header in FSG Cache

Multiple Random AMP Samplings

How a Random AMP gets a Table Row count

Random AMP Estimates for NUSI Secondary Indexes

USI Random AMP Samples are Not Considered

There's No Random AMP Estimate for Non-Indexed Columns

A Summary of the PE Plan if No Statistics Were Collected

Stale Statistics Detection and Extrapolation

Extrapolation for Future Dates

How to Copy a Table with Data and the Statistics

How to Copy a Table with NO Data and the Statistics


Examples of COLLECT STATISTICS Using only a SAMPLE

Examples of COLLECT STATISTICS for V14

How to Collect Statistics on a PPI Table on the Partition

Teradata V12 and V13 Statistics Enhancements

Teradata V14 Statistics Enhancements

Teradata V14 Summary Statistics

Teradata V14 MaxValueLength

Teradata V14 MaxIntervals

Teradata V14 Sample N Percent

Teradata V14.10 Statistics Collection Improvements

Teradata V14.10 Statistics Collection Threshold Examples

Teradata V14.10 AutoStats feature

Teradata Statistics Wizard

Chapter 11 – Locking

The Four Major Locks of Teradata

The Read Lock

The Read Lock and Joins

The Write Lock

The Exclusive Lock

The Three Levels of Locking

Locking at the Row Hash Level

Locking at the Table Level

Locking at the Database Level

The Ongoing Battle between Read and Write Locks

Compatibility between Read Locks

Why Read Locks Wait on Write Locks

Why Write Locks Wait on Read Locks

The Access Lock is Different from the Other Locks

What is the Purpose of an Access Lock?

Locking Modifiers - Locking Row, Table or Database

All Views should consider the Locking for Access Statement

What is a Dead Lock or a Deadly Embrace?

Pseudo Tables are designed to minimize Dead Locks

Pseudo Tables are referenced in the Explain Plan

Incompatible Locks Wait on each Other

The Checksum Lock of Teradata

The Nowait Option for Locking

The Automatic Locking for Access Button inside Nexus

Viewpoint Lock Viewer

Viewpoint Lock Viewer Lets You Configure Your View

What is a Host Utility (HUT) Lock?

Chapter 12 – Protection Features

A List of the Protection Features

Transient Journal Protects the Transaction Integrity

The Transient Journal in Action

A Single Transaction could Involve All AMPs

The Secret to turning off the Transient Journal

The Transient Journal's Write Ahead Logging (WAL)

A Node with 40 AMPs and 40 Dedicated FSG Caches

The Transient Journal's Write Ahead Logging (WAL)

Working Example of the Write Ahead Log (WAL)

The First Step in our Example of the Write Ahead Log (WAL)

The Second Step in our Example of the Write Ahead Log

The Third Step in our Example of the Write Ahead Log

The Fourth Step in our Example of the Write Ahead Log

The Last Step in our Example of the Write Ahead Log

Fallback to Protect against an AMP Failure

Fallback Clusters

AMPs in a Cluster are Physically Separated

The Reason AMPs in a Cluster are Physically Separated

The Price you pay for Fallback

How to Create a Table with Fallback

How to Create a Table with No Fallback

How to Alter a Table to Add or Drop Fallback

What is a Virtual Disk?

Why do AMPs each have Four Physical Disks?

Is a Mirror just like Looking into a Mirror?

RAID 1 Mirroring – Redundant Array of Independent Disks

What does RAID Protect?

How Does RAID Fail?

Do RAID and Fallback have a Connection?

What is a Clique?

If a Node goes down the AMPs migrate within the Clique?

Does Teradata Reset during a Node Failure?

Four Node Cliques

Migrating AMPs in Four Node Cliques

The Hot Spare Node

The Hot Spare Node in Action

With a Hot Spare a Second Teradata Reset isn't Needed

A Node, It's AMPs and their Disks

How Cliques are Physically Defined

Cliques are cabled so Migrating AMPs can access their Disks

A Review of Fallback and Clusters

An Example of Fallback and Clusters

Quiz 1 – How Many Clusters do you see?

Quiz 1 Answer – How Many Clusters do you see?

Quiz 2 – How Many Cliques do you see?

Quiz 2 Answer – How Many Cliques do you see?

Quiz 3 – What have we lost? Multiple Choice Answer

Quiz 3 Answer – What have we lost? Multiple Choice Answer

Quiz 4 – What have we lost? Multiple Choice Answer

Quiz 4 Answer – What have we lost? Multiple Choice Answer

Quiz 5 – What have we lost? Which Answer is False?

Quiz 5 Answer – What have we lost? Which Answer is False?

Quiz 6 – What have we lost? Pick Two True Answers

Quiz 6 Answer – What have we lost? Pick Two True Answers

Summary of the facts for Fallback, Clusters, and Cliques

Quiz 7 –How Many Virtual Disks (Vdisks) are in this System?

Quiz 7 Answer –How Many Virtual Disks are in this System?

Quiz 8 –How Many Physical Disks are in this System?

Quiz 8 Answer–How Many Physical Disks are in this System?

Quiz 9 – How Many Transient Journals in this System?

Quiz 9 Answer –How Many Transient Journals in this System?

Quiz 10 – How Many Transient Journals are Open?

Quiz 10 Answer – How Many Transient Journals are Open?

Quiz 11 – How Much Space?

Quiz 11 Answers – How Much Space?

Quiz 12 – How Much Space with Fallback?

Quiz 12 Answers – How Much Space with Fallback?

Quiz 13 – How Many Disks could we lose with RAID 1?

Quiz 13 Answer – How Many Disks could we lose?

Quiz 14 – How Many Disk losses could Kill Us?

Quiz 14 Answer – How Many Disk losses could Kill Us?

Quiz 15 – How Many AMPs could we lose if Lucky?

Quiz 15 Answer – How Many AMPs could we lose if Lucky?

Quiz 16 – How Many AMPs could we lose if Unlucky?

Quiz 16 Answer – How Many AMPs could we lose Unlucky?

The Permanent Journal

Difference between the Transient and the Permanent Journal

Difference Between the Before and After Permanent Journal

Full System Backup compared to an After Journal

How Full System Backups work with the After Journal

The Many Different Permanent Journal Options

Where is the Permanent Journal Stored?

Using Common Sense about Journal Locations

After Journals are Never stored in the Same Node or Clique

What is a Dual After Journal?

What is a Dual Before Journal?

What is a Journal?

Creating a Table with Fallback and a Before and After Journal

Does Fallback Affect a Permanent Journal?

Permanent Journal Rules

Example 1: Permanent Journal Scenarios to Test the Rules

Example 2: Permanent Journal Scenarios to Test the Rules

Example 3: Permanent Journal Scenarios to Test the Rules

How to Create Database with a Permanent Journal

Creating Tables under different Journal Circumstances

Permanent Journal's Three Main Areas

The Current Journal consists of the Active and Saved Areas

Permanent Journal Commands

Deleting a Permanent Journal

Some Great Advice for Maintaining the Permanent Journals

Recovery Using the Permanent Journals

The Journals View in DBC (DBC.Journals)

Archive Recovery Console (ARC)

Reasons You Might Utilize ARC

ARC raising the BAR (Backup Archive Restore)

ARC Commands in Alphabetical Order

An ARC Example of an Archive and then a Restore

Chapter 13 – Top SQL Commands Cheat Sheet

SELECT All Columns from a Table and Sort

Select Specific Columns and Limiting the Rows

Changing your Default Database

Keywords that describe you

Select TOP Rows in a Rank Order

A Sample number of rows

Getting a Sample Percentage of rows

Find Information about a Database

Find information about a Table

Using Aggregates

Performing a Join

Performing a Join using ANSI Syntax

Using Date, Time and Timestamp

Using Date Functions

Using the System Calendar

Using the System Calendar in a Query

Formatting Data

Using Rank

Using a Derived Table

Using a Subquery

Correlated Subquery

Using Substring

Basic CASE Statement

Advanced CASE Statement

Using an Access Lock in your SQL

Collect Statistics

CREATING a Volatile Table with a Primary Index

CREATING a Volatile Table that is Partitioned (PPI)

CREATING a Volatile Table that is deleted after the Query

Finding the Typical Rows per Value for specific column

Finding out how much Space you have

How much Space you have Per AMP

Finding your Space

Finding Space Skew in Tables in a Database

Finding the Number of rows per AMP for a Column

Finding Account Information

Ordered Analytics

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