
Please note that index links point to page beginnings from the print edition. Locations are approximate in e-readers, and you may need to page down one or more times after clicking a link to get to the indexed material.

Abbey, Edward, 104

abstract language, 174

Ackerman, Diane, 40

adjective/adverb “purge,” 198

“Adorable Things” (Shōnagon), 130–131

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Twain), 35, 38

“After Yitzl” (Goldbarth), 175

“Afternoon of an American Boy” (White), 10–11

“Against Technique” (Lott), 159

The Age of Missing Information (McKibben), 72–73

agenting approach, in workshop, 206–207

agents, literary, 222

Als, Hilton, 74

Andrew, Elizabeth Jarrett, 195–196

Angela’s Ashes (McCourt), 29

animals, 40–41

Another Bullshit Night in Suck City (Flynn), 142–143

Arsdale, Sarah Van, 35

The Art of the Personal Essay (Lopate), 103, 104, 153

arts, 69–77

moving image, 71–73

music as, 73–74

and “reading narratives,” 74–75

visual, 70–71

Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP), 220, 299, 300

attention to details, 81

audience, 197, 226

Aurelius, Marcus, 103

author bios, 226

autobiographical comics, 131–132

“Backtalk” (Hoffman), 108

Baldwin, James, 56, 112

Ballering, Zoe, 92–93

Barnes, Kim, 23

Beard, Jo Ann:

and attention to detail, 6, 172–174

and braided form, 127

and dialogue, 176–178

and memory, 8

Beavis, Catherine, 142

“Because, the Ferguson Verdict” (Sukrungruang), 52, 125, 279–281

Bechdel, Alison, 132

Beckett, Samuel, 142

beginnings, 130

“Behind the Screen” (Beard), 6

Bellingham Review, 139, 143, 233

Berry, Wendell, 38–40, 42

The Best American Essays 2008, 108

Between the World and Me (Coates), 60–61

biographer, stance of a, 25–26

bios, author, 226

Bird, Isabella, 104

Biss, Eula, 129, 154–156

Blake, William, 142

blanket-statement dodge, 161–162

blogs, 144–145

“Blood; Quantum” (Geller), 61–62

Bluets (Nelson), 125–126

Bly, Nellie, 104

bodies, 59–67

differences between, 64–65

and gender/sexual identity, 62–64

and race, 60–62

body image, 15–16

The Body of the Dead Christ in the Tomb (painting), 115

book proposals for publication, 224–227

Book View Café, 228

Borich, Barrie Jean, 63

Botany of Desire: A Plant’s-Eye View of the World (Pollan), 80

Bouldrey, Brian, 115

Boully, Jenny, 55, 154–156

“A Boundary Zone” (Hesse), 105

braided essays, 126–127

Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants (Kimmerer), 39–40

breadcrumbing, 220–221

breathing, for stress reduction, 293–295

Bresland, John, 115

Brevity (online journal), 61, 122

Brown, Michael, 52

Bucak, A. Papatya, 122

“Buckeye” (Sanders), 12–13

“Burl’s” (Cooper), 184–185

Burroway, Janet, 179

Bush, Vannevar, 144

Byron, George Gordon, 214

Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 142

Capote, Truman, 141

Cappello, Mary, 80–81, 84

Castro, Joy, 61

Center for Pacific Northwest Studies (Western Washington University), 90

challenges of creative nonfiction, 151–168

fact vs fiction as, 156–161

pact with reader as, 152–156

protecting oneself as, 161–162

solutions to, 162–164

writing from life as, 152

“A Chapter on Ears” (Lamb), 104

chapter-by-chapter outlines, 225

character development, 175–176

Chaucer, Geoffrey, 142

Chavez, Felicia Rose, 292

The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right (Gawande), 80

“Choom” (Boully), 154–156

Christman, Jill, 40

cinematic scenes, 13–14

Citizen Potawatomi Nation, 39

“The Clan of One-Breasted Women” (Williams), 82–83, 165

cliché, 174, 180

Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 60–61

Colbert, Stanley, 212

collage structure, 124–126

collections of essays, 222–223

command voice, 181

competition, 226

complexity, 83–85

consciousness, human, 39

“Consider the Lobster” (Wallace), 109–110

containers, 184–187

Cooper, Bernard:

omission of characters by, 160–161

and point of view, 154–155

and profluence, 184–185

and sound, 11, 28

“The Fine Art of Sighing,” 243–244

on writing process, 199

cooperative presses, 228

“The Coroner’s Photographs” (Staples), 25, 185–186, 274–278

cover letters, 221, 233

Cowley, Abraham, 110

Crazy Brave (Harjo), 141–142

Creative Nonfiction (journal), 86

cross-genre writing, 141–142

“Cubist Mother” (Ross), 123–124

cueing the reader, 162–163

cultural identity, 26–27

D’Agata, John, x, 153

Davenport, Guy, 69

de Gutes, Kate Carroll, 64

“Dead Christ” (video essay), 115

Deadpool (film), 163

decentering, 144

Deleuze, Gilles, 144

desk yoga, 294


attention to, 81

specificity and, 173–174

storytelling with, 5–8

dialogue, 176–177

Dickens, Charles, 113

Dickinson, Emily:

on flood subjects, 84

and humor, 187

“Tell all the truth but tell it slant,” v

and truth, ix, 102

Didion, Joan:

and collage structure, 125

in essay tradition, 104

on framing, 106

on immersion, 86

and looping essays, 186

and New Journalism, 108–109

and point of view, 154–155

and sensory detail, 9–10

digital literature, 143–144

Dillard, Annie:

and animals, 40–41

on poetry vs. prose, 169, 178

and scientific research, 85

disability, as identity, 64–65

discussion, 204–207

dodging, 161–162

Doty, Mark, 62

“A ‘Downwinder’ in Hiroshima” (Williams), 30

Doyle, Brian, 53, 183–184, 245–246

drafting, 194–195

“The Drama Bug” (Sedaris), 187

Duncan, David James, 4–5

earliest memory, 4–5

eBay, 131

Edgeworth, Maria, 104

editing, 231–235

Ehrlich, Gretel, 33

Einstein, Albert, 85

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (Wolfe), 108–109

The Elements of Style (Strunk), 174

Elkin, Stanley, 149

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 38

emotional truth, 158–160

The Empathy Exams (Jamison), 112

Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life (Rosenthal), 129–130

endings, 130

Enter the Dragon (film), 72

“An Entrance to the Woods” (Berry), 42

epistrophe, 183


braided, 126–127

collage, 124–126

collections of, 222–223

flash, 121–123

“hermit crab,” 127–130

of ideas, 111–112

looping, 185–186

lyric, x, 120–131, 181

meditative, 110

micro, 123–124

nonce, 130–131

object, 111

personal (see personal essays)

radio, 114

video, 115

Essays (de Montaigne), 103

“essays in disguise” (Plutarch and Seneca), 103

Essays in Idleness (Kenkō), 103

essays of ideas, 111–112

exposition, 170–173

factual truth, 158–160

Faery, Rebecca, 121

Fallaci, Oriana, 88–89

family, 23–32

biographer, stance of a, 25–26

and cultural identity via food, 26–27

issues with writing about, 28

motives for writing about, 30

permission to write about, 28–30

situating yourself in relation to, 24

Family Resemblance: An Anthology and Exploration of Eight Hybrid Literary Genres (eds. Sulak and Kolosov), 142

Faulkner, William, 237

feedback, 204

“Fifty Ways to Be a Brilliant Mom Without Having a Baby” (blog), 145

“The Fine Art of Sighing” (Cooper), 11, 27, 154–155, 243–244

Firebird (Doty), 62

“First” (Van Meter), 62, 179–180, 282–285

first-person narrator, 107

Fisher, M. F. K., 10

flash nonfiction, 121–123

flood subjects, 84

Flynn, Nick, 142–143

food, 26–27

“Forest in the Trees: The Challenges of Shaping a Book (Not a Collection) of Essays” (McClanahan), 223

form, 102, 107–114

“A Four-Hundred-Year-Old Woman” (Mukherjee), 36–37

“The Fourth State of Matter” (Beard), 127, 172–173, 177–178

fourth wall, breaking of, 163–164

Fowler, Gene, 194

Fragments: Memories of a Wartime Childhood (Wilkomirski), 159

framing, 106–107

Frankenstein (Shelley), 214

Franzen, Jonathan, 113

Frey, James, 159–160

Friedman, Bonnie, 297

Fries, Kenny, 64, 65

“From Soup to Nuts” (Tandoh), 27

Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic (Bechdel), 132

Fussell, Paul, 43, 44

Gawande, Atul, 80

Gay, Roxane, 15

Geller, Danielle, 61–62

gender identity, 62–64

Gerard, Philip, 79, 224

Glass, Ira, 114

global revision, 195

“Go Ahead: Write About Your Parents, Again” (Wilson), 25

Goldbarth, Albert, 175

Goldberg, Natalie, 196

“Goodbye to All That” (Didion), 9–10, 154–155

“Good-Bye to Forty-Eighth Street” (White), 35–36

Gopnik, Adam, 108

Gornick, Vivian, 107, 153

Granta (journal), 41

grants, for writers, 300

graphic memoirs, 131–132

The Graywolf Annual 3: Essays, Memoirs and Reflections (ed. Walker), 103

Guattari, Félix, 144

Guggenheim fellowships, 300

Gutkind, Lee, 86, 151

Hakala, Marjorie Rose, 41, 88, 247–254

Hamlet, 114

Hampl, Patricia, 157–158

Harjo, Joy, 141–142

Harry Potter series, 212

“Hateful Things” (Shōnagon), 130–131

Hazlitt, William, 104

hearing, sense of, 11

Hemingway, Ernest, 123

Hemley, Robin, 24, 29, 153

“Hereafter in Fields” (Vivian), 110

“hermit crab” essays, 127–130

Hesse, Douglas, 105

Hirshfield, Jane, 291

history, 51–58

as frame for nonfiction, 52–53

and perception, 56

protagonists in, 54–55

Hoffman, Richard, 108

Holbein, Hans, 115

Holocaust, 131–132, 159

home, writing about, 36–37

House Built on Ashes (Rodríguez), 7

“How to Become a Writer” (Moore), 128

Huber, Sonya, 16

Hughes, Ted, 214

Hugo, Richard, 200

human consciousness, 39

humor, 187

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body (Gay), 15

Hurd, Barbara:

and meditative essays, 110

and research essays, 83–84

and setting, 87–88

“To Keep an Ear to the Ground,” 255–258

hybrid forms, 142–143

hybrid presses, 228

I Am, I Am, I Am: Seventeen Brushes with Death (O’Farrell), 13–14

“I Cannot Explain My Fear” (Bucak), 122


cultural, 26–27

disability and, 64–65

and early memories, 4

gender/sexual, 62–64

racial, 60–62

illness memoirs, 16–17

image, 179–180

imagination, 157–158

“imagistic endurance,” 5–8

immersion research, 86–87

In Cold Blood (Capote), 141

inadvertent revelations, 129

independent publishers, 227

Indra’s net, 81

Internet, for research, 90–91

“Internet Sabbath,” 295

interrogative voice, 181

interviews, for research, 88–89

intuition, 14–15

“Inventing Peace” (Weschler), 70

Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir (ed. Zinsser), 107–108

The Iowa Review, 164

Istanbul: Memories and the City (Pamuk), 87

“It Wasn’t Enough” (Strong), 114

Iyer, Pico, 43

Jamison, Leslie, 112

Jane Eyre (Brontë), 35

Johnson, Jenny, 5

JSTOR, 90–91

“Jumping the Fence” (Hakala), 41, 88, 247–254

Just Breathe Normally (Shumaker), 224

“Just This Once” (Shumaker), 224

juxtaposition, 124, 139

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 293

Karr, Mary, 163–164

Keller, Helen, 9

Kenkō, 103

Kennedy, John, 123

Kesey, Ken, 109

Khan Academy, 91

Khomeini, Ayatollah, 89

Kimmerer, Robin Wall, 39–40, 42

King, Susan, 140

King Lear (Shakespeare), 142

Kingston, Maxine Hong, 113–114

Kitchen, Judith:

and character development, 175

on hybrid form, 142

and point of view, 178

on publishing, 231

Klaus, Carl, 126

“The Knife” (Selzer), 171–172

Knopp, Lisa, 162

Kotre, John, 4

Koul, Scaachi, 26–27

Kundera, Milan, 51, 52

Kushner, Tony, 203, 204

Kuusisto, Stephen, 59

Lamb, Charles, 104

Lamott, Anne, 187

Lannan Foundation, 300

Le Guin, Ursula K., 228

“Leap” (Doyle), 53, 183–184, 245–246

“Leaves from the Mental Portfolio of a Eurasian,” 54–55

Lectio Divina, 296

Lejeune, Philippe, 153

LeMay, Eric, 143

Lenney, Dinah, 111

Letters Like the Day: On Reading Georgia O’Keeffe (Sinor), 75

Levy, David, 295

The Liar’s Club (Karr), 163–164

libraries, 89–90

The Lifespan of a Fact (D’Agata), 153

Listening to the Savage: River Notes and Half-Heard Melodies (Hurd), 83–84

literary agents, 222

literary journalism, 108–110

literary journals, 218–219

LitLine (website), 220

“Living Like Weasels” (Dillard), 40–41

Living Revision: A Writer’s Craft as Spiritual Practice (Andrew), 195–196

looping essays, 185–186

Lopate, Phillip, 103, 104, 153

Lott, Bret, 159

Lying: A Metaphorical Memoir (Slater), 163

lyric essays, x, 120–131, 181

Madden, Patrick, 131

The Made-Up Self: Impersonation in the Personal Essay (Klaus), 126

Mailer, Norman, 108–109

main clause, 176

Mairs, Nancy, 64–65

“Man and Boy” (Sutin), 139, 175

Maps to Anywhere (Cooper), 160

Margolick, David, 74

marketing, 226–227

“Marketing Memory” (Cooper), 160–161

Martone, Michael, 131

“Math 1619” (Wallace), 62, 128–129, 286–289

Maus I (Spiegelman), 131–132

Maus II (Spiegelman), 131–132

McClanahan, Rebecca, 223

McCourt, Frank, 29

McKibben, Bill, 72–73

mechanics of personal essays, 105

Meditations (Aurelius), 103

meditative essays, 110

“Memoir? Fiction? Where’s the Line?” (Schwartz), 158–159

memoirs, 107–108

memory, 3–22

and body image, 15–16

earliest, 4–5

and illness memoirs, 16–17

and imagination, 157–158

and “imagistic endurance,” 5–8

metaphorical, 8

muscle, 8–9

senses of, 9–15

“shocks” of, 5, 108, 173

“Memory and Imagination” (Hampl), 157–158

“The Mental Load: Honoring Your Story Over Your To-Do List” (Chavez), 292

metaphor, 82, 161, 179–180

metaphorical memory, 8

“Michael Martone’s Leftover Water” (Madden), 131

micro essays, 123–124

A Million Little Pieces (Frey), 159–160

Mindful Tech: How to Bring Balance to Our Digital Lives (Levy), 295

Mindfulness for Beginners (Kabat-Zinn), 293

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), 293

mixed media, 137–147

blogs/social media as, 144–145

cross-genre writing as, 141–142

digital literature as, 143–144

hybrid form as, 142–143

scope of, 137–140

Momaday, N. Scott, 3

“moments of being,” 5, 83

moments of transition, 293–294

money, as resource, 300

Montaigne, Michel de:

in essay tradition, 103–104

on his process, 110, 119

“Of Smells,” 259–261

Moore, Lorrie, 128

Morábito, Fabio, 111

The Moth: True Stories Told Live (radio show), 114

Mount Baker, 34

moving image arts, 71–73

Mrs. Dalloway (Woolf), 181–182

Mukherjee, Bharati, 36–37

muscle memory, 8–9

music, 73–74

My Lesbian Husband: Landscapes of a Marriage (Borich), 63

Nabokov, Vladimir, 193

NaMeWriMo (National Memoir Writing Month), 215

Nan A. Talese, 159

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), 215

NaPoWriMo (National Poetry Writing Month), 215

National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), 300

nature writing, 37–42

Nelson, Maggie, 125–126

New Journalism, 108–110

New Pages (website), 220

Nguyen, Beth, 205

“The Night My Mother Met Bruce Lee” (Rekdal), 26, 62, 72, 270–273

“No Name Woman” (Kingston), 113–114

Nola: A Memoir of Faith, Art, and Madness (Hemley), 153

nonce forms, 130–131

The Noonday Demon (Solomon), 109

The Normal School (magazine), 71

“Notes of a Native Son” (Baldwin), 56, 112

“Nuns Fret Not at Their Convent’s Narrow Room” (Wordsworth), 121

object essays, 111

“Object Lessons” (Bloomsbury Books), 111

The Object Parade (Lenney), 111

“Of Greatness” (Cowley), 110

“Of Smells” (Montaigne), 10, 259–261

O’Farrell, Maggie, 13–14

On Autobiography (Lejeune), 153

“On Being a Cripple” (Mairs), 65

“On the Pleasure of Hating” (Hazlitt), 104

“On Touching Ground” (Parms), 71, 126–127, 262–268

online journals, 219

Oprah’s Book Club, 159

Orwell, George, 104, 126

outlines, chapter-by-chapter, 225

Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void (Roach), 86

“The Pain Scale” (Biss), 129

Pain Woman Takes Your Keys, and Other Essays from a Nervous System (Huber), 16

Pamuk, Orhan, 87

Paper Lion (Plimpton), 86

Paris Review, 86

Parker, Dorothy, 182

Parms, Jericho, 71, 126–127, 262–268

participatory research, 86–89

“The Pat Boone Fan Club” (Silverman), 74

“People Are Starving” (Rivecca), 15, 178–179

“Perdition” (Radtke), 14, 131, 269

“perhapsing,” 162

“Perhapsing: The Use of Speculation in Creative Nonfiction” (Knopp), 162

personal essay(s):

essays of ideas as, 111–112

meditative essays as, 110

memoirs as, 107–108

New Journalism as, 108–110

object essays as, 111

radio essays as, 114

sketches/portraits as, 113–114

video essays as, 115

personal essays, 101–117

forms of, 102

framing in, 106–107

mechanics of, 105

tradition of, 103–104, 107–114

personality, 106

perspective, 165

Petrie, Lindsay, 180

photography, 106

pitfalls of creative nonfiction, 164–166

place-based research, 87–88

Plath, Sylvia, 214

Plimpton, George, 86

Plutarch, 103

poetry, 181–184

Poets & Writers magazine, 299, 300

point of view, 177–179

Polidori, John William, 214

Pollan, Michael, 80

pop-culture references, 72

porosity, 81

portraits, 113–114

A Postcard Memoir (Sutin), 71, 139–140

practices, 292–298

of mind and body, 293-295

of reading, 295-296

of writing, 297-298

A Prairie Home Companion (radio show), 114

present tense, 5–6

primary sources, 91–92

privileged observers, 54

profluence, 184

pronouns, 177–179

proofreading, 234

prose, 197–200

protagonists, 54–55

Proust, Marcel, 9, 75

publication, 217–230

book proposals for, 224–227

of books, 222–227

breadcrumbing, 220

literary agents in, 222

researching, 220–221

self-directed, 227–228

in small presses, 227

submission for, 221–222

targeting work toward, 220

venues for, 218–219

PubMed, 90

Pulitzer Prize, 131–132

the “punch” (end words), 198–199

Purpura, Lia, 297

racial identity, 60–62

radio essays, 114

Radtke, Kristen, 14, 131, 269

Rambo (film), 43

reading as a writer, 239-241, 296

reading, practices of, 295–296

“Reading History to My Mother” (Hemley), 24, 29

“reading narratives,” 74–75

Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Place (Williams), 82–83

Rekdal, Paisley:

and family, 28

and imagination, 25–26

“The Night My Mother Met Bruce Lee,” 270–273

and pop-culture references, 72

and race, 62

Remembrance of Things Past (Proust), 9, 75

representative scenes, 172–173

research, 79–97

attention to detail in, 81

developing skills for, 89–92

escalating complexity in, 83–85

immersion, 86–87

interviews as, 88–89

of key events, 82–83

metaphors in, 82

participatory, 86–89

place-based, 87–88

research maps, 92–94

scientific/technical, 85

in topical nonfiction, 80–81

retreats, for writers, 299

“revenge prose,” 164–166

revision, 195–200

rhythm, 181–184

Rivecca, Suzanne, 15, 178–179

Roach, Mary, 85, 86

Rodríguez, José Antonio, 7, 8, 12

Rona Jaffe Award, 300

Roosevelt, Franklin, 123

Rose, Phyllis, 74–75

Rose Metal Press, 142

Rosenthal, Amy Krouse, 129–130

Ross, Michelle, 123–124

Rowling, J. K., 212

Safekeeping: Some True Stories from a Life (Thomas), 164

Salon magazine, 132

Sand, George, 54

Sanders, Scott Russell, ix, 12–13

SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope), 221–222

Savarese, Ralph James, 59

“search and destroy” (to be verbs), 197-198

scene, 130, 170–173

Schwartz, Mimi, 29, 158–159

scientific research, 85

Sedaris, David, 187

self-directed publication, 227–228

Self-Publishing Review, 228

Selzer, Richard, 171–173, 176, 177

Seneca Review, x, 121

Seneca the Younger, 103

senses, 9–15

September 11 terrorist attacks, 113, 183


as characters, 35–36

home as, 36–37

nature as, 37–42

settings, 33–49

and travel writing, 42–44

witnesses of, 44–45

sexual identity, 62–64

Shakespeare, William, 114, 142, 187

Shapes of Native Nonfiction (eds. Warburton and Washuta), 102

Shelley, Mary, 214

Shelley, Percy, 214

“shocks of memory,” 5, 108, 173

Shōnagon, Sei, 103, 130–131

“A Short Essay on Being” (Boully), 55

Shumaker, Peggy, 224

sight, sense of, 13–14

Silverman, Sue William, 74

Sin Far, Sui, 54–55

Sinor, Jennifer, 75

“Sir, Ma’am, Sir: Gender Fragments” (de Gutes), 64

The Situation and the Story (Gornick), 107

“sixth” sense, 14–15

Six-Word Memoirs (journal), 123

sketches, 113–114

Slater, Lauren, 163

“The Sloth” (Christman), 40

“Slouching Towards Bethlehem” (Didion), 125

small presses, 227

smell, sense of, 9–10

The Smoking Gun (website), 159

social media, 144–145

Solomon, Andrew, 109

Sontag, Susan, 194, 217

specific scenes, 172–173

specificity, 173–174

Spiegelman, Art, 131–132

Stafford, Kim, 297

Stallone, Sylvester, 43

Staples, Blake, 186

Staples, Brent, 25, 185–186, 274–278

Staring Back: The Disability Experience from Inside Out (Fries), 64

Stegner, Wallace, 106

Stieglitz, Alfred, 75

The Story of World War II’s Heroic Army of Deception (Gerard), 224

Strange Fruit: The Biography of a Song (Margolick and Als), 74

“Street Haunting” (Woolf), 186

Strong, Charlene, 114

structures, 184–187

Strunk, William Jr., 174

subjectivity, 207

submissions, 221–222, 234–235

Submittable (online submission manager), 220

Sukrungruang, Ira:

“Because, the Ferguson Verdict,” 279–281

and collage structure, 62, 125

and formative moments, 52

on race, 61

Sutin, Lawrence, 71, 137, 139–140, 175

Swallow: Foreign Bodies, Their Ingestion, Inspiration, and the Curious Doctor Who Extracted Them (Cappello), 80–81

“Swimming Pool Hedonist,” 82

syntactic symbolism, 182

taglines, 162

Talese, Gay, 108–109

Tandoh, Ruby, 27

targeting your work, 220, 226

taste, sense of, 10–11

technical research, 85

technology, dealing with, 295

TED talks, 91

Textbook (Rosenthal), 129–130

Thelma and Louise (film), 73

themes, 130

“therapist’s couch prose,” 164–166

“There’s No Recipe for Growing Up” (Koul), 26–27

“A Thing Shared” (Fisher), 10

“Things of This Life” (Kitchen), 175, 178

This American Life (radio show), 114

Thomas, Abigail, 164

Thoreau, Henry David, 37–40, 104

time, as resource, 299

“Time and Distance Overcome” (Biss), 154–156

titles, 123

“To Keep an Ear to the Ground” (Hurd), 40, 83–84, 87–88, 110, 255–258

Toolbox (Morábito), 111

topical nonfiction, 80–81

touch, sense of, 12–13

tradition of personal essays, 103–104, 107–114

transcendentalists, 38

transition, moments of, 293–294

travel writing, 42–44

Treading the Maze: An Artist’s Book of Daze (King), 140

Triquarterly (journal), 115

Trueblood, Kate, 213

truth, 155–161

Truth Serum (Cooper), 160

The Vampyre (Polidori), 214

Van Meter, Ryan, 5, 62, 179–180, 282–285

venues for publication, 218–219

Vermeer, Johannes, 70

video essays, 115

Video Night in Kathmandu (Iyer), 43

virtual retreats, 299

visual arts, 70–71

Vivian, Robert, 110

Walden; or, Life in the Woods (Thoreau), 38, 104

Walker, Scott, 101, 103

Wallace, David Foster, 109–110

Wallace, Gwendolyn, 62, 128–129, 286–289

Warburton, Theresa, 102

Washuta, Elissa, 102

Weschler, Lawrence, 70–71

Western Washington University, xi, 233

Where the Bluebird Sings to the Lemonade Springs (Stegner), 106

Whetham, Jen, 82

White, E. B., 10–11, 35–36, 126

White Gloves: How We Create Ourselves Through Memory (Kotre), 4

Whiting Foundation, 300

whole truth, 160–161

Wilkomirski, Binjamin, 159

Williams, Terry Tempest, 30, 82–83, 165

Wilson, Tarn, 25

Winfrey, Oprah, 159–160

Winterson, Jeanette, 99

witness, stance of, 30, 44–45, 53–54, 183, 253

Wolfe, Tom, 80, 108–109

Woolf, Virginia, 5, 181–182, 186

Wordsworth, William, 121

“The World as I See It” (Einstein), 85

“Writing About Family: Is It Worth It?” (Schwartz), 29

writing communities, 203–216

checklist for, 210–212

creating, 212–213

discussion in, 204–207

feedback in, 204

guidelines for, 208–209

small vs. large, 209

as writing practice, 214–215

“Writing Daily, Writing in Tune” (Stafford), 297

Writing Fiction (Burroway), 179

writing from life, 152

Writing Past Dark (Friedman), 297

writing practice, 214–215

writing process, 193–201

drafting in, 194–195

revision in, 195–200

writing skills, 169–191

in character development, 175–176

in dialogue, 176–177

in humor, 187

in image/metaphor, 179–180

and point of view, 177–179

in rhythm, 181–184

in scene/exposition, 170–173

in specificity/detail, 173–174

in structures/containers, 184–187

The Year of Reading Proust: A Memoir in Real Time (Rose), 75

Yee, Rodney, 294

yoga, desk, 294

YouTube, 71

Zinsser, William, 107–108

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