Also by Joseph Jaworski


The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation


Continuing the journey he began in Synchronicity, Jaworski tells the story of the development of the U Process, which enables people to access the Source from which truly profound innovation flows, and his deep exploration of the “bottom of the U,” the part of the process where creative breakthroughs occur. Jaworski’s key discoveries form a four-part statement of principles on which the structure of the book is based.

Action based on knowledge gained through access to the Source is, in the words of one cognitive scientist Jaworski met, “shockingly effective.” Such access has a transformative impact on every aspect of leadership. Leaders gain the capacity to bring forth new realities, which is what the best leadership does. Using the combination of narrative and reflection that made Synchronicity so compelling, Jaworski has written a book that illuminates the fundamental nature not only of visionary leadership but also of relationships, consciousness, and, ultimately, reality itself.

Hardcover, 240 pages, ISBN 978-1-57675-904-2
PDF ebook, ISBN 978-1-57675-905-9




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A BK Business Book

This book is part of our BK Business series. BK Business titles pioneer new and progressive leadership and management practices in all types of public, private, and nonprofit organizations. They promote socially responsible approaches to business, innovative organizational change methods, and more humane and effective organizations.



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