Abbott, Edwin A., 71

Activity vs. commitment, 12

Aetna Insurance Company, 112

After Fifteen Years, 193

Albert, Michael, 219

Alemann, Roberto T., 165

ALF. See American Leadership Forum

“Alignment,” 6

“Alliance,” 208, 209

Amateurs, The, 97

American College of Trial Lawyers, 27–28

American Leadership Forum (ALF), xv, 4, 66, 184, 201

curriculum, 99–108, 124–25

dialogue and, 111–14, 115–17

eight propositions on leadership, 96–97

genesis of, 60–62, 64–65, 69, 75, 134

growth of, 91–98

location of classes, 102

successes of, 113–17

wilderness experience, 99–108

objectives, 101–2, 107–8

Anglo-American Mining Corporation, 148

“Anti-leadership vaccine,” 64

Art of Loving, The, 46–47, 58

“Art of Seeing,” 218, 219

Artists, gift of, 8

Aspect, Alain, 79

Atlantic Council, 170

Attractiveness principle, 139

“Authentic presence,” 179–80, 185


Bach, Richard, 38

Baja encounter, 222

Baker, Royce, 28–29

Ball, Robert, 69, 87

Barricades scenario, 154–59, 221

Basic human need, 207

Being vs. doing, 185

Belief systems, 207, 220

Bell, J. S., 79

Bell’s theorem, 79

oneness and, 79

Bennis, Warren, 93, 96, 143

Bernadette, friend of Joseph Jaworski, 47–48

Berry, Thomas, 182

Beyond Certainty, 206

BFI. See Browning & Ferris Industries

Biglow, John, 97

Blueprints outcomes, 222

Bohm, David, 5–8, 11, 120, 128, 172

background, 77–78

and consciousness, 204

on collective intelligence, 81, 100

on dialogue, 109–11, 214

dialogue on, 211

on general fielding, 149

generosity of, 203

on implicate order, 79–83, 204, 211

injunction to Joseph Jaworski, 88

ink droplet experiment, 80

legacy of, 211

relation between reality and language, 174

on “undiscussables,” 110

Bork, Robert, 17

Boundaries, transcendence of, 55, 57

Bracewell and Patterson, xv, 26–29, 55, 73–76

Bradley, Tom, 93

Bretton Woods, 186–97

Bretton Woods International Monetary Conference, 187

Brown, Dean, 207, 212

Browning & Ferris Industries (BFI), 61

Buber, Martin, 51, 119, 181, 184

I and Thou orientation, 55

on seeing things whole, 117

on will, 133, 190

Buchannan, Mary Ann, 118

Burns, James MacGregor, 93, 96


Cahier, Bernard, 43, 171

Campbell, David, 96

Campbell, Joseph, x, 74, 84, 103, 118–19, 188, 200

on following bliss, 135

Canon, Inc., 164–65, 171


Korean model, 158

national, 158

Castaneda, Carlos, 84

Center for Creative Leadership, 96

Central Intelligence Agency, 24

Chandra, Dinesh, 192

Chapel for the Presbyterian Church, 87

Chief Joseph, 223

Chrislip, David, 101

Ciba Geigy (Argentina), 165

CIGNA, 114

Circle J Enterprises, 28

quarter horse breeding, 28–29

sale of, 36–37

Clare, Robert, 27

Cleveland, Harlan, 5, 93, 96, 166

Collective intelligence, 109–12

David Bohm on, 81, 100

“flow state,” 45

Collective leadership, 116

Collective thinking. See Collective intelligence

Collyns, Napier, 216, 217, 218, 221

“Colonel, The.” See Jaworksi, Leon, Sr.

Colorado Outward Bound School, 101

Commager, Henry Steele, 96

Commitment, 76, 131–35

of being, 12–14

of doing, 12–13

ground of being, 133–34

shift in nature of, 184

surrendering to, 12

synchronicity and, 14

to take action, 133

vs. activity, 12

Consciousness, importance of, 82, 201

Contemplative practice, 214

Coronado Club, 145

Corporate evolution, 164–65

Cox, Archibald, 17

Cronin, Tom, 91, 96

“Cubic centimeter of chance.”

See Synchronicity


Dachau Concentration Camp, 192

Daumal, René, 106

de Geus, Arie, 5, 147, 174

Dean, John, 17, 22

Declaration of Independence, 95

Deitz, Manny, 41, 44, 49, 82

Demian, 73

Deming, W. Edwards, 11

Demonstration Projects, 222

Dialogue, 109–17. See also Bohm, David

Collective intelligence

ALF and, 111–17

commercialization of, 214

compared to superconductivity, 111

definition, 13, 110

power of, 112

premises of, 116

Dialogue Project, 110

Direct experience, 207

Divine, presence of, 222

Doing, commitment of, 12–13

Doing vs. being, 185

Duncan, Norman, 140, 172

Dunne, Brenda, 212, 220


Eckhart, Meister, 58, 216

Economy of means, 13, 139–40

Ehrlichman, John, 17

Einstein, Albert, 7, 9, 82

Eliot, T. S., 186

Embodied Mind, The, 175

Enfolding. See Implicate order

Entrepreneurial impulse, 209, 220

European Community, 170

Executive Ventures Group, xv, 128

Explicate order, 6. See also Implicate order, makeup of, 78


Fatjo, Tom, 61, 65, 74, 95, 120

Federal Bureau of Investigation, 24

Fields, 149–50

universal physical, 149

Fifth Discipline, The, xiii, 5, 206

Filer, John, 112

Flatland, 71

“Flow state,” 45

Flowers, Betty Sue, xv, 9, 155, 186

at Bretton Woods, 188–97

Ford Foundation, 112

Foresight, 219–20

Forrester, Jay, 94

Forum Club of Houston, 172


from circumstances, 38

destiny and, 75

to follow life’s purpose, 38

French plan, 219

Fritz, Bob, 126

Fromm, Eric, 46, 58

on being, 58

Frost, Robert, 125

Fundamental nature, 207

Future, creating, 40


Gandhi, Mohandas K., 2

Gardner, John W., 5, 63–64, 91–93, 96, 143, 223

“anti-leadership vaccine,” 64

on leadership, 66

Rebirth of a Nation talk, 172

GATT, 156, 168

“general fielding,” 149

Generative leadership, 3

Generative order, 6, 135, 185. See also Implicate order

Generative orientation, 182

Generative scenarios, 221–22

Generon, 208, 215

Globalization, 156

connection to liberalism, 155

Global Leadership Initiative, 222

God, 223

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 15

Gordenston School in Scotland, 100

Gotti, Dr., 40

Gozel, Taher, 211

“Grand will,” 133–35

Greenleaf, Robert K., ix, 1–2, 58, 118, 220

essence of leadership, 59

Grigsby, Jim, 114

Ground of being, 179

definition, 133

implicate order and, 134–35

Guide, 202


Hadamar Trial, 192

Hahn, Kurt, 100–01

Haig, Alexander, 18, 24

Halberstam, David, 97, 104

Haldeman, H. R., 17, 22

Handy, Charles, 206

Harman, Willis, 93–94, 96, 207, 216

Hartford Courant, 115

Hero with a Thousand Faces, The, x, 103, 118, 200

Heroic quest, x, 118

cycle of, 89

fear of, 119

guidance, 119

“road of trials,” 88, 120


dependency, 123–27

overactivity, 127–30

responsibility, 121–23

wilderness experience as, 103

Hesse, Hermann, 3, 58, 73


corruption and, 1

leadership and, 4

of needs, 64

power and leadership, 1–2

Holocaust, The, 192

Houston Lyceum, 140


Implicate order, 6, 139, 148–49, 174, 176–77, 182, 211, 212. See also Explicate order



David Bohm on, 78–83, 174, 176–77

ground of being and, 134–35

Joseph Campbell on, 135

makeup of, 78

Inauthentic life, 31, 119

Incoherent thought, 110

Ink drop analogy, 211

Integrity of surrender, 12

International Monetary Fund, 170

International Racing Press Association, 43

Isaacs, William N., 110

Italian Grand Prix, 40–43


Jahn, Robert, 211, 212, 220

Janus, 88

Jaworski, Fran, 26

divorce, 32, 36

Jaworski, Joseph

Admiral James Bond Stockdale and, 93, 96

Anthony Radcliff and, 64–67

Baja encounter, 222

birth of children, 28, 144

in Cairo, 64–67

in Cannes, 47–48

as catalyst for change, 65

Charles Kiefer and, 94–95, 126

Chief Joseph, 223

David Bohm and, 77–83, 88, 100

David Campbell and, 96

death of nephew David, 68–70

divorce, 32, 36

Don Michael and, 96

Douglas McGregor and, 94

Elsa Porter and, 93, 96

encounter with Bernadette, 47–48

encounter with two gray whales, 222

Francisco Varela and, 175–80

in Grand Tetons, 51–52

Harlan Cleveland and, 93, 96

Henry Steele Commager and, 96

The Holocaust and, 192–94

inauthenic life, 31, 119

initial introspection, 33

at Italian Grand Prix, 40–45

James MacGregor Burns and, 93, 96

Jay Forrester and, 94

John W. Gardner and, 91–93, 96, 172

key insights, 48–50

law practice, 26–29

leaving law firm, 73–76

in London, 91

loss of boundaries and, 57

Manny Deitz and, 44

Mary and state of being, 49

Mavis Webster Jaworski and, 84–87, 142–43

Michael Macoby and, 93

Norman Duncan and, 140

notions of freedom, 38–39

oneness, 51–56

ermine and, 51–52, 55

jeep accident, 53

skeet shooting experience, 81–82

tornado experience, 52–53

trial experience, 53–54

whale encounter, 222

Paris trip, 37–39

personal crisis, 31–35

Peter Senge and, 94

R. Kaku and, 171

reconciliation with father, 144–45

Renata Karlin and, 141

retreat in Colorado, 59–61

robbery incident, 131–32

Rosabeth Moss Kantor and, 93, 96

Tom Bradley and, 93

Tom Cronin and, 91–92, 96

trip to Las Vegas, 29–30

understanding synchronicity, ix, x

Warren Bennis and, 93, 96

Watergate and, 17–19, 21–25

wild years, 20

wilderness experience, 102

Willis Harman and, 93–94, 96, 207, 216

work with Royal Dutch Shell, 141–42, 147, 150–70, 208, 216

Barricades scenario, 154–59

New Frontiers scenario, 160–70

World War Two and, 19

Jaworski, Leon, Sr., xvi, 3–4, 18–19

death of, 146

and The Holocaust, 192–94

reconciliation with Joseph Jaworski, 144–45

Watergate and, 20–25

World War Two and, 19–20

Jaworski, Mavis Webster, xvi, 84–87

premonitions of, 142–43

Jaworski family ranch, 20–21, 28–29

Circle J Enterprises, 28–29, 36–37

John of the Ladder, xiv

Johnson, Lyndon B., 20

Jonathan Livingston Seagull, 38, 40

love and, 60

Josephson, Brian, 220

Journey to the East, 3, 58

Jung, C. G., ix, 88, 134

on God, 190, 223

Jusela, Gary, 209


Kahane, Adam, 162

Kaku, R., 164–65, 171

Kantor, Rosabeth Moss, 93, 96

Karlin, Renata, 141–42, 147

Kemp, Jack, 143

Kiefer, Charles, 94–95, 126

Kierkegaard, Søren, 99

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 2

Koestler, Arthur, 88, 185

Kofman, Fred, 173

Korean model of national capitalism, 158


LaFontaine, Hernan, 115

Language, 78

Language and reality, 177–79

Lao-Tzu, 57–58

Lauda, Niki, 40, 42

Lawrence, Paul, 51

Leadership, 57, 182–83

“anti-leadership vaccine,” 64

collective, 116

crisis in, 63–64

description, 66, 182

essence of, 59

fundamental shifts toward creative, 183–85

generative, 3

hierarchical, 4

hierarchy and power, 1–2

John W. Gardner on, 66

purpose of, 3

servant, 1–2, 58–61, 64–66, 118

transformational, 60

in the United States, 63

Western view, 2–3

Leadership and Mastery course, 125

“Leadership in the New Economy: Sensing and Actualizing Emerging Futures,” 210

Learning organization, xiii

Letters, 199–205

Liberalization, 156

connection to globalization, 155


choice to serve, 2

“flow state” of, 44–45

inauthentic, 31, 119

natural flow of, 47–49

Love, 11, 47, 200, 215, 216

Jonathan Livingston Seagull and, 60

mature, 46

Luce Foundation, 112

Luce, Henry, Jr., 112, 115

Luther, Martin, 119


Machado, A., 134

Mach’s principle, 83

Macoby, Michael, 93

Malmborg, Eric, 101

Mannai, A., 95

Mary, friend of Joseph Jaworski, 49

May, Rollo, 75

McDonald, Mike, 53

McGregor, Douglas, 94

McKinsey & Company, 166

Mead, Margaret, 65

Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, 69

Merrow, Harry F., xv

Metanoia, 94

Metanoic organizations, 94

Metaphysics, 207

Michael, Don, 96

Miller, Beth, xvi, 150

Miller, Charles, xvi, 150

Milstead, Merilee, 115

Milton, John P., 207, 222–23

Miracles, predictable. See Predictable miracles

MIT Center for Organizational Learning, 13, 110, 173

“Moment of swing,” 133, 202

Mont Fleur Scenarios, 162–63

Morgan, Jim, 209

“Morrow, Lance,” 63

Moyers, Bill, 135, 188

Mullane, Dennis, xv

Multinational corporations, 4–5

Murray, W. N., 137


“National capitalism,” 158

New Frontiers scenario, 160–70, 217, 221–22

Nichol, Lee, 214

Nixon, Richard M., 4, 22

Notes to Myself, 33

Nouwen, Henri J. M., xiv

Nuer, Claire, 191, 194–97

Nuer, Lara, 194–97

Numinous, 204


O’Brien, Bill, 215

OECD. See Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

Ohmae, Kenichi, 166

On Dialogue, 109, 214

O’Neil, Peter, 101

Oneness. See also Implicate order



Bell’s theorem and, 79

Bill Russell on, 54–56

blocks to, 81–82, 100

Fran Tarkenton on, 54

implicate order, 148

ink droplet experiment, 80

Joseph Jaworski’s experiences of, 51–56, 81–82

religion and, 88

Source and, 215

transcendence of boundaries, 55, 57

OPEC. See Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Optimal functioning, 219

Order. See Explicate order

Generative order

Implicate order

Organization, learning, xiii

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 170

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), 148

Organizational incoherence, 127, 129

Outward Bound movement, 101


Paine, Thomas, 95, 160

Pari, 211–13

Peat, David, 211, 212

Peck, M. Scott, ix, 87

Perez, Eddie, 113

Phelps, Reola, 101

Piersanti, Steve, 199

Porter, Elsa, 93, 96

Power of Myth, The, 118, 135, 188

Prajnanpad, Svami, 218–20

Prather, Hugh, 33

Predictable miracles, ix, 14, 175–77, 182–83, 185

Bohm interview as, 79

examples of, 186, 189

Presence of the divine, 222

Prigogine, Ilya, 176

Primary knowing, 220

Princeton, 211–13

“Puny, unfree will,” 133


“Quantum leaps,” 149

Quest, heroic. See Heroic quest


Radcliff, Anthony, 64–67

Radin, Dean, 220

Ramsey, Robin, 206

Reaching Out, xiv

Reality. See also Implicate order


creating, 182–83

language and, 177–79

nature of, 10–14, 57, 79–83, 148, 176–80

perception of, 8–11

Western view, 9

Regazzoni, Clay, 42

“Relatedness,” 57

vs. “thingness,” 88

Relationship, 184

between leader and led, 1–2

shift in understanding of, 183

Religion, oneness and, 88

Richardson, Elliot, 17

“Road of Trials,” 88, 120

Royal Dutch Shell, 4, 140–41, 217, 219

scenario planning, 148, 154–70, 187, 217

Ruckelshaus, William, 17

Russell, Bill, 54, 115

Russelsheim Death March, 192


“Saturday Night Massacre,” 17

Scenario planning, 141, 148, 181, 187, 217

Barricades scenario, 154–59

Mont Fleur scenario, 162–63

New Frontiers scenario, 160–70

Shell scenarios, 217

Scharmer, Otto, 210

Schekter, Jody, 42

Schwartz, Peter, 5

Scottish Himalayan Expedition, The, 137

Second Wind, 54

Seeing, 219, 220

Self-Renewal, 91

Senate Watergate Committee, 17

Senge, Peter, xiii, xv, 94–95, 126, 173, 186, 210

at Bretton Woods, 187–97

introduction to book, 1–14

Servant as Leader, The, 58

Servant Leadership, 1, 3, 118

Servant leadership, ix, 58–61, 64–66, 118. See also Leadership

choice to serve life, 2

institute for. See American Leadership Forum relation between leader and led, 1–2

state of being, 1

Shaw, George Bernard, 131

Sheldrake, Rupert, 149–50

Shell Group. See Royal Dutch Shell

Shell Oil Company, 172, 208

Sherman and Sterling, 27

Shifts of mind, fundamental, 10–12, 183–85

Sirica, Judge John Joseph, 23


connection to, 214, 215

definition, 212–13

dialogue with, 213–14

God and, 223

path to, 216

primary knowing, 220

principles of connecting to, 208, 213, 216

and U-Process, 215, 222

Source, The Inner Path of Knowledge Creation, 199, 208, 209, 212

South Africa, 148–49

Mont Fleur Scenarios, 162–63

Stage IV leaders, ixx

Stapp, Henry, 79, 184

State of being, 49. See also Oneness

authentic presence, 179–80, 185

being vs. doing, 185

benefits of, 48

Bernadette encounter as example, 47–48

commitment of, 12–14

Fromm’s definition, 58

ground of, 133–35, 179

leadership aspect of, 57

Mary as example, 49

in servant leadership, 1

Staying power, development of, 100

St. Clair, James, 24

Stewart, Jackie, 45

Stockdale, Admiral James Bond, 93, 96

Stow Village project, 113

Strategy formation, 220

Sullivan, Bernie, 115


to commitment, 12

integrity of, 12

state of, 185

“Swing,” moment of, 97

Synchronicity, ix, 84–88. See also Implicate order


“alignment,” 6

collectivity, ix

definition, ix, 88

economy of means, 13, 139–41

“flow state” and, 44–45

“moment of swing,” 97

as result of commitment, 14

surrender and, 12, 14, 185

Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, ix, 88


Tarkenton, Fran, 54

“Thingness,” vs. “relatedness,” 88


habits as traps, 123

incoherent, 110

as limiter, 6, 9–10, 39

Tilton, Glenn, 209

To Have or To Be, 58

Tollaksen, Jeffrey, 212

Tolstoy, Lev N., 155

“Transformational leadership,” 60


definition, 121

dependency, 123–27

overactivity, 127–30, 221

responsibility, 121–23

thought habits as, 123

Tree of Knowledge, The, 175

Trungpa, Chögyam, 179


Unfolding Meaning, 110, 215

United Kingdom Foreign Office, 170

United Nations, 170

Unity conciousness. See Oneness

Universal wisdom, 206

Universe, organizing principle of, 57, 184. See also Implicate order



Unlimited Wisdom, 201

U-Process, 210, 215, 222

U-Process Leadership Lab, 210

U-Theory, 210, 216


Vaccine, “anti-leadership,” 64

van der Veer, Jeroen, 221

Varela, Francisco, 8, 174–80


Wack, Pierre, 5, 148, 162, 217–21

Walter, Roy, 106

War and Peace, 155

Warren, Jack, 123–24

Watergate, 4, 17, 19–25

Western mind, 203, 204

Wheatley, Margaret, 184

White House Fellows Program, 60, 91

Wholeness and the Implicate Order, 7, 77, 191

Will, 133–35

World, shift in mental model of, 183

World Bank, 169

Worldview, deterministic, 161

Worldview, Western scientific-materialistic, ix, 203, 204

Wouters, Alain, 175

Wukasch, Don, 106

Wynne, Ken, 29–30


Zacharian, John, 115

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