

Acceptance testing, 257

approvals, obtaining, 258

complete acceptance test cases, 256257

complete acceptance test planning, 253256

conducting, 253259

defect types, 268269

documenting acceptance defects, 259

environment, establishing, 256

executing, 258259

new acceptance tests, executing, 259

plan, reviewing/approving, 257258

regression test, acceptance fixes, 258259

review, scheduling, 257258

schedule, finalizing, 255

system-level test cases, identification of, 257

team, organizing, 255256

tools, installing, 256

types, finalizing, 253255

Ad hoc testing, 6871, 318319

advantages, disadvantages of, 71

art of, 6871

Agenda, defining, 156

Agile testing, 371376

acceptance testing, 451

agile planning, 372374

compliance testing, 375376

continuous improvement, 444

formal requirements, agile user stories, contrasted, 371372

information gathering, 445

methodology, 137276, 443452

preparing for next spiral, 449

Quick Test Professional, 374

spiral test results, summarizing/reporting, 452

system testing, 450

test case design, 447

test development, 448

Test-Driven Development, 374

test execution/evaluation, 448

test planning, 446

types of, 374375

user story, defining, 372

Ambiguity review checklist, 536537

Application GUI components, identification of, 202

Application-specific function libraries, 336

Approval procedures, defining, 187188

Approvals, obtaining, 194, 206208

Architecture review checklist, 538

Attributes testing checklist, 514516

Automated testing, 399400, 410439, 492

acceptance test, 437

acquisition plan, developing, 432, 434

assessment, 323342

candidate review, conducting, 433

candidate tools, identification of, 433

candidates, scoring, 433

determine whether goals have been met, 439

evaluation methodology, 431439

evaluation plan, creation of, 436

framework, 334342, 382

implement modifications, 438

maturity, 329330

operating environment, tools in, 438439

orientation, conducting, 437438

procure testing tool, 436

proposals, solicitation of, 435

receive tool, 437

request for proposal, generation of, 434435

requirements, reviewing, 434

selection activities for formal procurement, conducting, 434435

selection activities for informal procurement, conducting, 432434

selection criteria, defining, 432433

selection of tool, 434

set tool objectives, 432

standard frameworks, 337339

technical evaluation, performing, 435

technical requirements document, creating, 434

test requirements, defining, 431

tool identification, 332333

tool in operating environment, 438439

tool manager’s plan, creation of, 436437

tool selection, 434

tool source, selection of, 435

training plan, creation of, 437

training tool users, 438

write evaluation report, 439

Automation maturity, 329330


Baldrige, Malcolm, 34

Baldrige performance excellence criteria, 35

Basis path testing, 557558

Black-box testing, 3940, 558559

extra program logic, 559

Bottom-up testing, 559

Boundary value testing, 559561

field ranges, 560

GUI, 561

nonnumeric input data, 560

nonnumeric output data, 561

number of outputs, 561

numeric input data, 560

numeric output data, 560

output range of values, 560

tables or arrays, 560561

Branch/condition coverage testing, 562563

Branch coverage testing, 561562

BTO. See Business technology optimization

Building test plan, 168188

Burnout tracking, 228231, 264266

Business technology optimization, 6


Capability maturity model, 2933

Capability Maturity Model for Software, 34

Cause-effect graphing, 563567

causes, 565

decision table, 566

effects, 565567

methodology, 564

specification, 564567

Change request form, 457

Change request procedures, establishing, 184185

Checklists, 493556

requirements phase defect checklist, 493494

China, emergence of software companies in, 387

Clarification request, template, 484485

Client/server challenge, 140141

Client/server spiral testing, psychology of, 141146

integration of QA, development, 143144

iterative/spiral development methodology, 144146

new school of thought, 141142

tester/developer perceptions, 142143

CMM. See Capability maturity model

CMMI, 3334

Coding phase defect checklist, 499502

Commercial vendor tool descriptions, 410

Compliance testing, 364365, 375376

Computer risk analysis, 163

Computer Society of Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, guidelines for writing software requirements specifications, 371372

Condition coverage, 567568

Configuration build procedures, defining, 186

Continuous competency development, 382

Continuous improvement phased approach, 88

Continuous improvement spiral testing, 151154

Continuous quality improvement, 280281

Control flow testing checklist, 523

Control testing checklist, 518523

CRUD testing, 568

Cultural differences, 394


Data design review checklist, 539540

Data-driven framework, 338

Data generation strategies, 401408

cutting-edge test case generator, requirements-based, 404408

data based on database, generating, 403404

sampling from production, 401402

seeding data, 402403

starting from scratch, 402

Database testing, 568600


definition, 584

vs. relationships, 586

column key integrity, 569570

columns, 574

compound primary keys, 575

CRUD testing, 569

customer address table, 589

customer/salesperson table, 584

customer table, 588589, 595

data modeling essentials, 571573

database integrity testing, 568571

definition, 594

dependency constraints constraint rule, 597600

desk table, 578

domain, 584585

domain integrity, 570

domain names, 585588

employee/project table, 581582

employee table, 578579, 581582, 587, 598599

entities, definition, 574575

entities vs. relationships, 583584

entity classes, 577

entity integrity, 568

entity subtypes, 594

first normal form, 588589

identification, 575577

identifying entities, 576577

line-item table, 597

many-to-many, 580

model, defining, 572

model creation, rationale, 572573

model refinement, 593

model use, in database design, 599

multiple relationships, 582583

normalization, 588597

defined, 586587

null values, 575576

one-to-many, 579580

one-to-one, 578579

order, 574

order table, 592593, 595, 597

primary key integrity, 569

problems with unnormalized entities, 587588

product/model/contract table, 593

product model table, 590591

product table, 591, 595

project table, 581582

purchase agreement table, 583

recursion, 598599

referential integrity, 570571, 594597

referential integrity test cases, 571

relational design, 600

relationship types, 577578

relationships, definition, 577584

rows, 574

sample table, 574

second normal form, 590591

table names, 573574

tables, definition, 573574

telephone line table, 580

third normal form, 591593

user-defined integrity, 570

Decision tables, 600601

decision table, 601

Defect gap analysis, 228, 264

Defect management process, 301307

defect category, 303

defect discovery, classification, 301302

defect meetings, 305

defect metrics, 305306

defect priority, 302303

defect summary, 304305

defect tracking, 303304

defect reporting, 304

quality control, 301

quality standards, 306307

Defect recording/tracking procedures, establishing, 182183

Defect report, template, 470472, 490

Defect severity status, 228, 264

Defects, method of finding, 266267

Defining metric objectives, test planning, 188193

Defining system/acceptance tests, 203206

Deming, Edward

contribution of, 7576

fourteen quality principles of, 7783

adoption of new philosophy, 78

awarding business on price tag alone, 79

barriers between staff areas, breaking down, 81

constancy of purpose, 7778

education, 82

fear, driving out, 8081

institute leadership, 80

mass inspection, ceasing dependence on, 7879

numerical codes, elimination of, 8182

pride of workmanship, removing barriers to, 82

production, service, improving, 79

retraining, 7980, 82

slogans, exhortations, targets for workforce, elimination of, 81

training, 7980

transformation, taking action to accomplish, 8283

Dependencies, defining, 177178

Design, reviewing/approving, 206208

Design and execution maturity, 328329

Desk checking, 601

Development acceptance, obtaining, 2526

Development methodology overview, 139154

client/server challenge, 140141

continuous improvement spiral testing, 151154

joint application designs, role of, 146

limitations of life-cycle development, 139140

prototypes, methodology for developing, 148151

demonstrating prototype to users, 150

production system, developing, 151

prototype, developing, 148149

prototypes to management, demonstrating, 149

specifications, revising and finalizing, 150151

prototyping, role of, 146148

psychology of client/server spiral testing, 141146

integration of QA, development, 143144

iterative/spiral development methodology, 144146

new school of thought, 141142

tester/developer perceptions, 142143

Division of responsibilities, 316317

Dollar estimation, 163164

Dynamic testing code, static testing, 131136


Effort estimation

maturity, 328

model project, 294296

Elements of software configuration management, 20

Emerging specialized areas in testing, 321396

Environment readiness checklist, 529530

Equivalence partitioning, 601604

equivalence class partitioning, test cases using, 603604

field ranges, 602

income/tax test cases, 602

income vs. tax percentage, 602

nonnumeric input data, 603

nonnumeric output data, 603

number of items, 603

number of outputs, 603

numeric input data, 602

numeric output data, 602

output range of values, 602

sets of values, 602

tables or arrays, 603

Error handling, defining, 337

Error testing checklist, 506508

Establish transparency, 394

Estimating test work effort, 292293

Evaluation of automated testing tools, 431439

acquisition plan, developing, 432, 434

candidate review, conducting, 433

candidate tools, identification of, 433

candidates, scoring, 433

determine whether goals have been met, 439

evaluation plan, creation of, 436

implement modifications, 438

orientation, conducting, 437438

perform acceptance test, 437

procure testing tool, 436

proposals, solicitation of, 435

receive tool, 437

request for proposal, generation of, 434435

requirements, reviewing, 434

selection activities for formal procurement, conducting, 434435

selection activities for informal procurement, conducting, 432434

selection criteria, defining, 432433

set tool objectives, 432

technical evaluation, performing, 435

technical requirements document, creating, 434

test requirements, defining, 431

tool in operating environment, 438439

tool manager’s plan, creation of, 436437

tool selection, 434

tool source, selection of, 435

training plan, creation of, 437

training tool users, 438

write evaluation report, 439

Evolution of automated testing tools, 811

Exception testing, 604605

test case/error exception test matrix, 605

Exploratory testing, 7273

advantages, disadvantages of, 73

art of, 72

Extreme programming, 8


Factors limiting testing tools, 429430

Field testing checklist, 502503

File test checklist, 505506

Final test report, publishing, 273276

Final test summary report, template, 491492

First computers, development of, 7

Folder structure, defining, 335336

Formal requirements, agile user stories, contrasted, 371372

FORTRAN, first 1GL programming language, 7

Foundation for Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 3437

Free-form testing, 605

Function, defects by, 264

Function/test matrix

building, 200

template, 464

Function tests, designing, 195200

Functional specification review checklist, 540546

Functional test requirements, refining, 195199

Functions tested and not tested, 267268


Goals of usability testing, 359364

accessibility testing, 361364

guidelines for usability testing, 361

Section 508, 361364

Gray-box testing, 41, 605606

GUI-based functional test matrix, template, 465

GUI component test matrix, template, 464

GUI design, guidelines, 200201

GUI tests

defining, 202203

designing, 200203


High-level business requirements, identification of, 161162

High-level functional requirements, defining, 170

High-level project activities, identification of, 292

Histograms, 606607

response time histogram, 606

response time of 100 samples, 606

History of software testing, 311

business technology optimization, 6

development of first computers, 7

evolution of automated testing tools, 811

extreme programming, 8

FORTRAN, first 1GL programming language, 7

historical software testing and development parallels, 68

popular scripting techniques, 11

static capture/replay tools with scripting language, 10

static capture/replay tools without scripting language, 10

testing principles, 5

variable capture/replay tools, 1011


Identifying high-level project activities, 292

Impact analysis checklist, 527528

India, emergence of software companies in, 387

Individual finding, defects by, 267

Industry best processes, 381

Information gathering, 155165

agenda, defining, 156

high-level business requirements, identification of, 161162


conducting, 156165

confirming findings, 165

preparing for, 156

summarizing, 165

participants, identification of, 156

project, understanding, 158159

project development methodology, understanding, 161

project objectives, understanding, 159160

project plans, understanding, 160161

project status, understanding, 160

risk analysis, performing, 162165

summarize findings, 165

Inspections, 102103, 607

Instinct, 163

Integrated Product Development Capability Maturity Model, 34

Integrated testing, development, 309313

development methodology, modifying, 312

incorporate defect recording, 313

integrated team, 313

quality control, 309

select integration points, 311312

tasks to integrate, identification of, 310311

test methodology training, 312313

test steps, tasks, customizing, 311

test team, organizing, 310

Integration testing

completeness of integration test conditions, evaluation of, 124125

creating cases, 122123

integration test conditions, creation of, 124

interfaces for completeness, reconciliation of, 124

methodology for, 123

unit interfaces, identifying, 123124

Interim report, publishing, 220221

International Standards Organization, 29


conducting, 156165

confirming findings, 165

preparing for, 156

summarizing, 165

IPD-CMM. See Integrated Product Development Capability Maturity Model

ISO. See International Standards Organization

ISO9000, 29

Iterative/spiral development methodology, 144146


JADs. See Joint application designs

Joint application designs, 40, 608

role of, 146


Knowledge acquisition process, 345346


Life-cycle testing, psychology of, 89

Limitations of life-cycle development, 139140

Load testing, 344

Logical design phase defect checklist, 494495


Maintenance process, defining, 337

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 3437

Management acceptance, obtaining, 25

Management overhead, 394

Manual/automated GUI/function tests, scripting, 209210

Manual/automated new spiral tests, executing, 219

Manual/automated system fragment tests, scripting, 210

Manual/automated test types, identification of, 171

Manual vs. automated testing, 41

Match/merge checklist, 511512

Methodology checklist, 109110

Methodology development, 139154

client/server challenge, 140141

continuous improvement spiral testing, 151154

joint application designs, role of, 146

limitations of life-cycle development, 139140

prototypes, methodology for developing, 148151

demonstrating prototype to users, 150

production system, developing, 151

prototype, developing, 148149

prototypes to management, demonstrating, 149

specifications, revising and finalizing, 150151

psychology of client/server spiral testing, 141146

integration of QA, development, 143144

iterative/spiral development methodology, 144146

new school of thought, 141142

tester/developer perceptions, 142143

role of prototyping, 146148

Metric points, defining, 189193

Minutes of meeting, template, 476478

Modern software testing tools, 397440

Modular framework, 338339


National Institute of Standards and Technology, 3437

New school of thought, 141142

NIST. See National Institute of Standards and Technology

Nonexistent, poor requirements, 6873

Nonexistent requirements, 6873

Nonfunctional testing, 343365

compliance testing, 364365

goals of usability testing, 359364

accessibility testing, 361364

guidelines for usability testing, 361

Section 508, 361364

knowledge acquisition process, 345346

load testing, 344

performance deliverables, 350351

performance monitoring, 344

performance testing, 343345

security testing, 351353

file integrity checkers, 356357

log reviews, 356

network scanning, 353354

password cracking, 355356

penetration testing, 357358

scope of security testing, identifying, 352

test case generation, execution, 353

types of, 353358

virus detectors, 357

vulnerability scanning, 354355

stress testing, 344

test development, 346350

usability testing, 358359

volume testing, 344

Numerical method for evaluating requirement quality, 5455


OAT. See Orthogonal array testing

On-site/offshore model, 383395

challenges, 393394

economic trade-offs, determining, 384

future of, 394395

implementing, 388389

application management, 389

detailed design, 388

knowledge transfer, 388

milestone-based transfer, 388389

steady state, 389

methodology, benefits of, 392394

outsourcing methodology, 385388

offshore activities, 387388

on-site activities, 386387

prerequisites, 389392

relationship model, 389391

standards, 391392

selection criteria, determining, 385

Open-source freeware vendor tools, 410

Operating model, 381382

Organizational architecture, 315

Organizational relationships, 317

Orthogonal array testing, 608610

parameter combinations, 610

parameter combinations with total enumeration, 609

Outsourcing methodology, 385388

offshore activities, 387388

on-site activities, 386387

Overview of testing techniques, 3950

black-box testing, 3940

gray-box testing, 41

joint application designs, 40

manual vs. automated testing, 41

static vs. dynamic testing, 4142

taxonomy of software testing techniques, 4250

white-box testing, 40


Parallels in development, software testing, 68

Pareto analysis, 610611

Participant roles, 103105

Participants, identification of, 156

PDCA. See Plan, do, check, act

People Capability Maturity Model, 33

Performance deliverables, 350351

Performance monitoring, 344

Performance testing, 343345

Physical design phase defect checklist, 496498

Placeware, 388

Plan, do, check and act, 84, 137276

continuous improvement through, 8384

test schedule, template, 481

Plan for review process, 105

Poor requirements, 6873

Popular scripting techniques, 11

Positive and negative testing, 611612

Potential acceptance tests, identification of, 206

Potential system tests, identification of, 203205

Preparation for next spiral, 223231

acceptance tests, updating, 225

function/GUI tests, updating, 223225

metric graphics, publishing, 227231

procedures, reassessing, 225227

publishing interim test report, 227231

refine tests, 223225

system fragment tests, updating, 225


procedures, and test environment, reassessing, 225227

reassessing, 225227

test control procedures, reviewing, 226227

test environment

reassessing, 225227

updating, 227

test team, evaluating, 225226

Prevention vs. detection, 1415

Prior defect history testing, 612

Procedures testing checklist, 517

Process evaluation methodology, 324330

analyzing information, 325326

analyzing test maturity, 326330

documenting findings, 330

gathering information, 325326

identify key elements, 324325

presenting findings, 330

Process for creating test cases from good requirements, 5564

name test cases, 5962

requirements, reviewing, 5558

test case descriptions and objectives, writing, 62

test cases

creating, 6263

reviewing, 6364

test plan, writing, 58

test suite, identifying, 5859

Product quality and project quality, 279280

Product scope and project scope, 283284

Program unit design phase defect checklist, 498499

Project, understanding, 158159

Project charter, 284

Project completion checklist, 530532

Project development methodology, understanding, 161

Project framework, 281283, 318319

components of, 280

continuous quality improvement, 280281

executing, monitoring, and controlling phases, 282283

implement phase, 283

initiation phase, 281282

planning phase, 282

where no quality infrastructure exists, 317318

Project goal, integration of QA, development, 143144

Project information gathering checklist, 525527

Project issue resolution procedures, defining, 186187

Project management framework, 279290

benefits of, 290

product quality and project quality, 279280

product scope and project scope, 283284

project charter, 284

project framework, components of, 280

project framework and continuous quality improvement, 280281

project framework phases, 281283

executing, monitoring, and controlling phases, 282283

implement phase, 283

initiation phase, 281282

planning phase, 282

project manager in quality management, role of, 285286

scope statement, 285

scoping project to ensure product quality, 283

summarizing/reporting tests results, 279

test manager advice, 288289

business knowledge, updating, 289

communicate issues as they arise, 288289

improve process, 289

knowledge base creation, 289

new testing technologies and tools, learning, 289

requesting help from others, 288

test manager in quality management role, 286288

analyzing requirements, 286

analyzing test results, 288

duplication and repetition, avoiding, 287

perform gap analysis, 286287

quality, 288

test data, defining, 287

validation of test environment, 287288

Project management methodology, 277320

Project manager in quality management, role of, 285286

Project objectives, understanding, 159160

Project plans, understanding, 160161

Project quality management, 291299

effort estimation, model project, 294296

estimating test work effort, 292293

identifying high-level project activities, 292

project quality management processes, 291

quality planning, 292

quality standards, 296299

test planning, 293294

Project status, understanding, 160

Project status report, template, 486488


demonstrating prototype to users, 150

demonstrating to management, 149

developing, 148149

methodology for developing, 148151

production system, developing, 151

review checklist, 546547

specifications, revising, finalizing, 150151

Prototyping, 612617

application prototyping, 615

cyclic models, 613

data-driven prototyping, 616

early-stage prototyping, 617

evolutionary and throwaway, 615

fourth-generation languages and prototyping, 614

iterative development accounting, 614

prototype systems development, 615616

replacement of traditional life cycle, 616

role of, 146148

user software engineering, 617

Psychology of client/server spiral testing, 141146

integration of QA, development, 143144

iterative/spiral development methodology, 144146

new school of thought, 141142

tester/developer perceptions, 142143

Psychology of life-cycle testing, 89

Public Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act of 2002. See Sarbanes-Oxley Act

Public Law 100–107, 3437

Publishing final test report, 273276

Publishing interim report, 220221, 227231

Publishing metric graphics, 227231


QTP. See Quick Test Professional

Quality, defined, 1314

Quality assurance components, 1718

software testing, 1718

Quality assurance framework, 1337

Baldrige, Malcolm, 34

Baldrige performance excellence criteria, 35

capability maturity model, 2933

Capability Maturity Model for Software, 34

CMMI, 3334

Foundation for Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 3437

Integrated Product Development Capability Maturity Model, 34

International Standards Organization, 29

ISO9000, 29

Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, 3437

National Institute of Standards and Technology, 3437

People Capability Maturity Model, 33

prevention vs. detection, 1415

Public Law 100107, 3437

quality, defined, 1314

quality assurance components, 1718

software testing, 1718

quality control, 1823

software configuration management, 1923

quality standards, 2637

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2629

software quality assurance, 1617

software quality assurance plan, 2325

software quality assurance plan, developing/implementing, 2326

Systems Engineering Capability Model, 34

total quality management program, 29

verification vs. validation, 1516

Quality control, 1823

software configuration management, 1923

Quality planning, 292

Quality principles of Deming, 7783

Quality standards, 2637, 296299

Quality through continuous improvement process, 7584

continuous improvement through plan, do, check, act process, 8384

Deming, Edward

contribution of, 7576

fourteen quality principles of, 7783

plan, do, check, act circles, 84

statistical methods, role of, 7677

case-and-effect diagram, 76

control chart, 77

flowchart, 76

histogram, 77

Pareto chart, 7677

run chart, 77

scatter diagram, 77

Quick Test Professional, 374


Random testing, 618

Range testing, 618

Record testing checklist, 503505

Recovery functions, defining, 337

Regression testing, 618620

establishing strategy, 172174

manual/automated spiral fixes, 217219

maturity, 329

range testing test cases, 619

Reporting procedures, establishing, 187

Reporting progress, 319320

Reporting tests results, 261276

approvals, obtaining, 273

final test report

preparing for, 263272

publishing, 273276

reviewing/approving, 272276

findings/recommendations, developing, 269272

metric graphics, analyzing/creating, 263269

perform data reduction, 261262

project framework, 279

project overview, preparing, 263

remaining defects to matrix, posting, 262

review, scheduling/conducting, 272273

test activities, summarizing, 263

test defects by test number, consolidating, 261262

tests executed/resolved, ensuring, 261

Requirement changes, identification of, 221

Requirement quality factors, 5254

modifiable, 53

necessary, 53

nonredundant, 53

within scope, 54

terse, 54

testable, 54

traceable, 54

understandable, 5253

Requirements, transforming to testable test cases, 5173

ad hoc testing, 6871

exploratory testing, 7273

nonexistent, poor requirements, 6873

numerical method for evaluating requirement quality, 5455

process for creating test cases from good requirements, 5564

name test cases, 5962

requirements, reviewing, 5558

test case descriptions and objectives, writing, 62

test plan, writing, 58

test suite, identifying, 5859

requirement quality factors, 5254

modifiable, 53

necessary, 53

nonredundant, 53

within scope, 54

terse, 54

testable, 54

traceable, 54

understandable, 5253

software requirements as basis of testing, 5152

transforming use cases to test cases, 6468

generating test cases, 6668

summary, 68

test data, generating, 68

use case diagram, drawing, 64

use case scenarios, identifying, 66

use case text, writing, 6466

Requirements definition maturity, 326327

Requirements review checklist, 547551

Requirements specification, 455456

Requirements traceability matrix, template, 461462

Retest matrix, template, 474475

Reusing generic functions, application-specific function libraries, 336

Review, scheduling

conducting, 194

preparing for, 206, 210212

Review agenda, developing, 106

Review report, creating, 106

Reviewing test planning, 194

Reviews types, 101103

Risk analysis, performing, 162165

Risk-based testing, 620

Robustness, modularize scripts/test data to increase, 11, 336

Root cause analysis, 266

Run charts, 620621


Sahi, 374

Sample run chart, 621

Sandwich testing, 621

Sarbanes-Oxley Act, 2629

Schedule review, 105

Scope statement, 285

Scoping project to ensure product quality, 283

Screen data mapping, template, 485

Scripting guidelines and review checklists, developing, 336337

Search test checklist, 510511

SECM. See Systems Engineering Capability Model

Security design strategy, 242243

Security testing, 351353

file integrity checkers, 356357

log reviews, 356

network scanning, 353354

password cracking, 355356

penetration testing, 357358

scope of security testing, identifying, 352

test case generation, execution, 353

types of, 353358

virus detectors, 357

vulnerability scanning, 354355

SEI-CMM. See Software Engineering Institute-Capability Maturity Model

Selenium, 374

Service Oriented Architecture testing, 367369

SOA testing. See Service Oriented Architecture testing

Software Engineering Institute-Capability Maturity Model, 2933

Software licensing, 394

Software quality, 184

Software quality assurance plan, 1617, 2325, 453454

executing, 26

implementation planning, 26

software quality assurance plan, developing/implementing, 2326

Software requirements as basis of testing, 5152

Software test plan, 9293

Software testing as continuous improvement process, 8992

Software testing techniques, 557628

Software testing trends, 399408

automated capture/replay testing tools, 399400

data generation strategies, 401408

cutting-edge test case generator, requirements-based, 404408

data based on database, generating, 403404

sampling from production, 401402

seeding data, 402403

starting from scratch, 402

necessary and sufficient conditions, 400401

test case builder tools, 400

Southeast Asia, emergence of software companies in, 387

Spiral software testing methodology, 137276

Spiral test defects, documenting, 219

Spiral testing methodology, 443452

acceptance testing, 451

continuous improvement, 444

information gathering, 445

preparing for next spiral, 449

spiral test results, summarizing/reporting, 452

system testing, 450

test case design, 447

test development, 448

test execution/evaluation, 448

test planning, 446

Spiral testing summary report, template, 476

SQA. See Software quality assurance plan

State transition testing, 622623

Statement coverage testing, 622

States testing checklist, 516517

Static capture/replay tools

with scripting language, 10

without scripting language, 10

Static testing

dynamic testing, contrasted, 4142

dynamic testing code, 131136

acceptance testing, 134135

defect recording, 135136

executing test plan, 132133

integration testing, 134

system testing, 134

testing coding with technical reviews, 131132

unit testing, 133

logical design, 115119

data model, process model, and linkage, 115117

refining system/acceptance test plan, 118119

testing logical design with technical reviews, 117118

physical design, 121125

completeness of integration test conditions, 124125

integration test cases, creating, 122123

interfaces for completeness, reconciliation of, 124

methodology for, 123

technical reviews, testing physical design with, 121122

test conditions, creation of, 124

unit interfaces, identifying, 123124

program unit design, 127129

creating unit test cases, 128129

with technical reviews, 127128

requirements, 107113

with ambiguity reviews, 108109

inspections, 109110

requirements traceability matrix, 110111

system/acceptance test plan, building, 111113

with technical reviews, 109

walkthroughs, 109110

Statistical methods, role of, 7677

case-and-effect diagram, 76

control chart, 77

flowchart, 76

histogram, 77

Pareto chart, 7677

run chart, 77

scatter diagram, 77

Statistical profile testing, 623

Strategy maturity, 327328

Stress testing, 344

checklist, 513514

Structured walkthroughs, 101102, 623625

state transition table, 624

Summarizing/reporting tests results, 261276

approvals, obtaining, 273

final test report

preparing for, 263272

publishing, 273276

reviewing/approving, 272276

findings/recommendations, developing, 269272

metric graphics, analyzing/creating, 263269

perform data reduction, 261262

project overview, preparing, 263

remaining defects to matrix, posting, 262

review, scheduling/conducting, 272273

test activities, summarizing, 263

test defects by test number, consolidating, 261262

tests executed/resolved, ensuring, 261

Syntax testing, 625

System/acceptance test plan, template, 460461

System fragment tests, designing, 205206

System summary report, template, 469470

System testing, 233252

approving, 250251

backup tests, designing/scripting, 247

compatibility tests, designing/scripting, 244245

complete system test cases, 239250

complete system test plan, 233239

conversion tests, designing/scripting, 245246

defect types, 268

environment, establishing, 238239

executing, 251252

installation tests, designing/scripting, 248249

monitoring, 240241

new system tests, executing, 251

other system test types, designing/scripting, 249250

performance tests, design/script, 239240

probe, 241

recovery tests, designing/scripting, 248

regression test, system fixes, 251

reviewing, 250251

schedule, finalizing, 235

script documentation tests, design/, 246247

security tests, designing/scripting, 242243

stress tests, designing/scripting, 243244

system defects, documenting, 251252

team, organizing, 235238

test drivers, 241

tools, installing, 239

types, finalizing, 233235

usability tests, designing/scripting, 246

volume tests, designing/scripting, 243

Systems Engineering Capability Model, 34


Table testing, 625626

Taxonomy, software testing tools, 409430

commercial vendor tool descriptions, 410

factors limiting testing tools, 429430

open-source freeware vendor tools, 410

test automation, 410430

testing tool selection checklist, 409410

Taxonomy of software testing techniques, 4250

TDD. See Test-Driven Development

Technical design review checklist, 552554

Technical reviews

as continuous improvement process, 96100

motivation, 101

Test approvals, template, 478

Test automation, 410430, 492

Test automation assessment, 323342

identifying applications to automate, 332

identifying best test automation tool, 332333

test execution, 333334

test script maintenance, 334

test scripting, 333

Test automation framework, 334342, 382

automation framework, basic features, 335337

hybrid framework, 341342

keyword-driven framework, 11, 339341, 635

standard automation frameworks, 337339

Test automation maturity, 329330

Test automation standard frameworks, 337339

Test automation strategy, template, 492

Test automation tool identification, 332333

Test case builder tools, 400

Test case design, 195208

application GUI components, identification of, 202

approvals, obtaining, 206208

defining system/acceptance tests, 203206

design, reviewing/approving, 206208

function/test matrix, building, 200

function tests, designing, 195200

functional test requirements, refining, 195199

GUI tests, 200201

defining, 202203

designing, 200203

potential acceptance tests, identification of, 206

potential system tests, identification of, 203205

review, scheduling/preparing for, 206

system fragment tests, designing, 205206

Test case execution status, 227228

Test case log, template, 466467

Test case preparation review checklist, 554555

Test case template, 466

Test checklist, 508509

Test condition vs. test case, template, 486

Test coverage through traceability, 213216

Test defect details report, template, 489

Test deliverables, defining, 174175

Test development, 209212, 346350

approving, 210212

manual/automated GUI/function tests, scripting, 209210

manual/automated system fragment tests, scripting, 210

reviewing, 210212

test scripts, developing, 209210

Test-Driven Development, 374

Test environment, establishing, 177

Test execution/evaluation, 217221

evaluation, 219220

manual/automated new spiral tests, executing, 219

metrics, analyzing, 219220

publishing interim report, 220221

regression test, manual/automated spiral fixes, 217219

requirement changes, identification of, 221

setup, 217219

spiral test defects, documenting, 219

test schedule, refining, 220221

testing, 217219

Test execution plan, template, 479

Test execution tracking manager, template, 490

Test exit criteria, identification of, 171172

Test log summary report, template, 468

Test management constraints, 315320

ad hoc testing, 318319

division of responsibilities, 316317

organizational architecture, 315

organizational relationships, 317

project framework, 318319

project framework where no quality infrastructure exists, 317318

reporting progress, 319320

traceability/validation matrix, 319

traits of well-established quality organization, 315316

Test manager, 286289

analyzing requirements, 286

analyzing test results, 288

business knowledge, updating, 289

communicate issues as they arise, 288289

duplication and repetition, avoiding, 287

improve process, 289

knowledge base creation, 289

new testing technologies and tools, learning, 289

perform gap analysis, 286287

quality, 288

requesting help from others, 288

test data, defining, 287

validation of test environment, 287288

Test plan components, 9596

Test plan template, 462463

Test planning, 167194, 293294

approval procedures, defining, 187188

approving, 95, 194

building test plan, 168188

change request procedures, establishing, 184185

configuration build procedures, defining, 186

defect recording/tracking procedures, establishing, 182183

defining metric objectives, 188193

dependencies, defining, 177178

development, 9395

high-level functional requirements, defining, 170

manual/automated test types, identification of, 171

metric points, defining, 189193

metrics, defining, 188189

preparing, 168170

project issue resolution procedures, defining, 186187

regression test strategy, establishing, 172174

reporting procedures, establishing, 187

review, scheduling/conducting, 194

reviewing, 95, 194

schedule test, 95

specifications development, 95

test deliverables, defining, 174175

test environment

defining, 95

establishing, 177

test exit criteria, identification of, 171172

test objectives, defining, 93

test schedule, creating, 178

test team, organizing, 175176

test tools, selection of, 178182

version control procedures, establishing, 185186

Test process assessment, 323324

Test project milestones, template, 480

Test schedule

creating, 178

refining, 220221

template, 472473

Test scripts, developing, 209210

Test strategy, template, 481484

Test team, organizing, 175176

Test templates, 459492

clarification request, 484485

defect report, 470472, 490

final test summary report, 491492

function/test matrix, 464

GUI-based functional test matrix, 465

GUI component test matrix, 464

minutes of meeting, 476478

plan, do, check, act test schedule, 481

project status report, 486488

requirements traceability matrix, 461462

retest matrix, 474475

screen data mapping, 485

spiral testing summary report, 476

system/acceptance test plan, 460461

system summary report, 469470

test approvals, 478

test automation strategy, 492

test case, 466

test case log, 466467

test condition vs. test case, 486

test defect details report, 489

test execution plan, 479

test execution tracking manager, 490

test log summary report, 468

test plan, 462463

test project milestones, 480

test schedule, 472473

test strategy, 481484

unit test plan, 459460

Test tools, selection of, 178182

Tester, defects by, 264

Tester/developer perceptions, 142143

Testing center of excellence, 377382

continuous competency development, 382

industry best processes, 381

operating model, 381382

test automation framework, 382

testing metrics, 381

Testing metrics, 381

Testing physical design with technical reviews, 121122

Testing principles, 5

Testing tool selection checklist, 409410, 524525

Thread testing, 626

Top-down testing, 626627

Total quality management program, 29

TQM program. See Total quality management program

Traceability, test coverage through, 213216

Traceability/validation matrix, 319

Traits of well-established quality organization, 315316

Transforming requirements to testable test cases, 5173

Transforming use cases to test cases, 6468


Unit test plan, template, 459460

Unit testing checklist, 532535

Usability testing, 358359

Use cases, transforming to test cases, 6468

generating test cases, 6668

summary, 68

test data, generating, 68

use case diagram, drawing, 64

use case scenarios, identifying, 66

use case text, writing, 6466


Variable capture/replay tools, 1011

Verification vs. validation, 1516

Version control procedures, establishing, 185186

Volume testing, 344


Waterfall development methodology, 8788

Waterfall testing review, 85136

Watir, 374

Web applications, functional testing tools, 374

Weighting risk attributes, 164165

White-box testing, 40, 627

regression test acceptance fixes, 258259

regression test manual/automated spiral fixes, 217219


XP. See Extreme programming

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