Chapter 36

Methodology to Evaluate Automated Testing Tools

This part provides an outline of the steps involved in acquiring, implementing, and using testing tools. The management of any significant project requires that the work be divided into tasks for which completion criteria can be defined. The transition from one task to another occurs in steps; to permit the orderly progress of the activities, the scheduling of these steps must be determined in advance. A general outline for such a schedule is provided by the steps described. The actual time schedule depends on many factors that must be determined for each specific tool use.

Step 1: Define Your Test Requirements

The goals to be accomplished should be identified in a format that permits later determination that they have been met (i.e., Step 15). Typical goals include reducing the average processing time of C++ programs by one fifth, achieving complete interchangeability of programs or data sets with another organization, and adhering to an established standard for documentation format. The statement of goals should also identify responsibilities, particularly the role that headquarters staff may have, and specify coordination requirements with other organizations. When a centralized management method is employed, the statement of goals may include a budget and a desired completion date. Once these constraints are specified, funding management may delegate the approval of the acquisition plan to a lower level.

Step 2: Set Tool Objectives

The goals generated in Step 1 should be translated into desired tool features and requirements that arise from the development and operating environment identified. Constraints on tool cost and availability may also be added at this step. For example, a typical tool objective for a program format is to provide header identification, uniform indentation, and the facility to print listings and comments separately for all Pascal programs. In addition, the program must be able to run on the organization’s specific computer under its operating system. Only tools that have been in commercial use for at least one year and at no fewer than N sites should be considered. (The value of N is determined by the number of sites the organization has.)

Step 3a: Conduct Selection Activities for Informal Procurement

The following tasks should be performed when an informal procurement plan is in effect.

Task 1: Develop the Acquisition Plan

The acquisition plan communicates the actions of software management both up and down the chain of command. The plan may also be combined with the statement of tool objectives (Step 2). The acquisition plan includes the budgets and schedules for subsequent steps in the tool introduction, a justification of resource requirements in light of expected benefits, contributions to the introduction expected from other organizations (e.g., the tool itself, modification patches, or training materials), and the assignment of responsibility for subsequent events within the organization, particularly the identification of the software engineer. Minimum tool documentation requirements are also specified in the plan.

Task 2: Define Selection Criteria

The selection criteria include a ranked listing of attributes that should support effective tool use. Typical selection criteria include the following:

  1. ■ The ability to accomplish specified tool objectives

  2. ■ Ease of use

  3. ■ Ease of installation

  4. ■ Minimum processing time

  5. ■ Compatibility with other tools

  6. ■ Low purchase or lease cost

Most of these criteria must be considered further to permit objective evaluation, but this step may be left to the individual who does the scoring. Constraints that have been imposed by the preceding events or are generated at this step should be summarized together with the criteria.

Task 3: Identify Candidate Tools

This is the first step for which the software engineer is responsible. The starting point for preparing a list of candidate tools is a comprehensive tool catalogue. Two lists are usually prepared, the first of which does not consider the constraints and contains all tools that meet the functional requirements. For the feasible candidates, literature should be requested from the developer and then examined for conformance with the given constraints. At this point, the second list is generated, which contains tools that meet both the functional requirements and the constraints. If this list is too short, some constraints may be relaxed.

Task 4: Conduct the Candidate Review

The user must review the list of candidate tools prepared by the software engineer. Because few users can be expected to be knowledgeable about software tools, specific questions should be raised by software management, including the following:

  1. ■ Will this tool handle the present file format?

  2. ■ Are tool commands consistent with those of the editor?

  3. ■ How much training is required?

Adequate time should be allowed for this review, and a due date for responses should be indicated. Because users often view this as a low-priority, long-term task, considerable follow-up by line management is required. If possible, tools should be obtained for trial use, or a demonstration at another facility should be arranged.

Task 5: Score the Candidates

For each criterion identified in Task 2, a numeric score should be generated on the basis of the information obtained from the vendor’s literature, tool demonstrations, the user’s review, observation in a working environment, or the comments of previous users. Once weighting factors for the criteria have been assigned, the score for each criterion is multiplied by the appropriate factor; the sum of the products represents the overall tool score. If the criteria are merely ranked, the scoring will consist of a ranking of each candidate under each criterion heading. Frequently during this process, a single tool will be recognized as clearly superior.

Task 6: Select the Tool

This decision is reserved for software managers; they can provide a review of the scoring and permit additional factors that are not expressed in the criteria to be considered. For example, a report from another agency may state that the selected vendor did not provide adequate service. If the selected tool did not receive the highest score, the software engineer must review the tool characteristics thoroughly to avoid unexpected installation difficulties. (Tool selection concludes the separate procedure for informal procurement. The overall procedure continues with Step 4.)

Step 3b: Conduct Selection Activities for Formal Procurement

The following tasks should be performed when a formal tool procurement plan is in effect.

Task 1: Develop the Acquisition Plan

This plan must include all the elements mentioned for Task 1 of Step 3a, as well as the constraints on the procurement process and the detailed responsibilities for all procurement documents (e.g., statement of work and technical and administrative provisions in the request for proposal).

Task 2: Create the Technical Requirements Document

The technical requirements document is an informal description of tool requirements and the constraints under which the tool must operate. It uses much of the material from the acquisition plan, but should add enough detail to support a meaningful review by the tool user.

Task 3: Review Requirements

The user must review the technical requirements for the proposed procurement. As in the case of Step 3a, Task 4, the user may need to be prompted with pertinent questions, and there should be close management follow-up for a timely response.

Task 4: Generate the Request for Proposal

The technical portions of the request for proposal should be generated from the technical requirements document and any user comments on it. Technical considerations typically include the following:

  1. ■ A specification of the tool as it should be delivered, including applicable documents, a definition of the operating environment, and the quality assurance provisions.

  2. ■ A statement of work for which the tool is procured. This includes any applicable standards for the process by which the tool is generated (e.g., configuration management of the tool) and documentation or test reports to be furnished with the tool. Training and operational support requirements are also identified in the statement of work.

  3. ■ Proposal evaluation criteria and format requirements. These criteria are listed in order of importance. Subfactors for each may be identified. Any restrictions on the proposal format (e.g., major headings, page count, or desired sample outputs) may be included.

Task 5: Solicit Proposals

This activity should be carried out by administrative personnel. Capability lists of potential sources are maintained by most purchasing organizations. When the software organization knows of potential bidders, those bidders’ names should be submitted to the procurement office. Responses should be screened for compliance with major legal provisions of the request for proposal.

Task 6: Perform the Technical Evaluation

Each proposal received in response to the request for proposal should be evaluated in light of the previously established criteria. Failure to meet major technical requirements can lead to outright disqualification of a proposal. Those deemed to be in the competitive range are assigned point scores that are then considered together with cost and schedule factors, which are separately evaluated by administrative personnel.

The automated testing tool may need to be customized to the test automation environment. To demonstrate the capability and compatibility of the tool with the application, a proof of concept (POC) should be requested from the vendor. In the POC, one of the business scenarios should be automated using the tool covering various business verification points and actions.

Task 7: Select a Tool Source

On the basis of the combined cost, schedule, and technical factors, a source for the tool is selected. If this is not the highest-rated technical proposal, managers should require additional reviews by software management and the software engineer to determine whether the tool is acceptable. (Source selection concludes the separate procedure for formal procurement. The overall procedure continues with Step 4.)

Step 4: Procure the Testing Tool

In addition to verifying that the cost of the selected tool is within the approved budget, the procurement process considers the adequacy of licensing and other contractual provisions and compliance with the fine print associated with all government procurements. The vendor must furnish the source program, meet specific test and performance requirements, and maintain the tool. In informal procurement, a trial period use may be considered if this has not already taken place under one of the previous steps.

If the acquisition plan indicates the need for outside training, the ability of the vendor to supply the training and any cost advantages from the combined procurement of the tool and the training should be investigated. If substantial savings can be realized through simultaneously purchasing the tool and training users, procurement may be held up until outside training requirements are defined (Step 7).

Step 5: Create the Evaluation Plan

The evaluation plan is based on the goals identified in Step 1 and the tool objectives derived in Step 2. It describes how the attainment of these objectives should be evaluated for the specific tool selected. Typical items to be covered in the plan are milestones for installation and dates and performance levels for the initial operational capability and for subsequent enhancements. When improvements in throughput, response time, or turnaround time are expected, the reports for obtaining these data should be identified. Responsibility for tests, reports, and other actions must be assigned in the plan, and a topical outline of the evaluation report should be included.

The acceptance test procedure is part of the evaluation plan, although for a major tool procurement it may be a separate document. The procedure lists the detailed steps that are necessary to test the tool in accordance with the procurement provisions when it is received, to evaluate the interaction of the tool with the computer environment (e.g., adverse effects on throughput), and to generate an acceptance report.

Step 6: Create the Tool Manager’s Plan

The tool manager’s plan describes how the tool manager is selected, the responsibilities for the adaptation of the tool, and the training that is required. The tool manager should be an experienced systems programmer who is familiar with the current operating system. Training in the operation and installation of the selected tool in the form of review of documentation, visits to the tool’s current users, or training by the vendor must be arranged. The software engineer is responsible for the tool manager’s plan, and the tool manager should work under the software engineer’s direction. The tool manager’s plan must be approved by software management.

Step 7: Create the Training Plan

The training plan should first consider the training that is automatically provided with the tool (e.g., documentation, test cases, and online diagnostics). These features may be supplemented by standard training aids supplied by the vendor for in-house training (e.g., audio- or videocassettes and lecturers). Because of the expense, training sessions at other locations should be considered only when nothing else is available. The personnel to receive formal training should also be specified in the plan, and adequacy of in-house facilities (e.g., number of terminals and computer time) should be addressed. If training by the tool vendor is desired, this need should be identified as early as possible to permit training to be procured along with the tool (see Step 4). Users must be involved in the preparation of the training plan; coordination with users is essential. The training plan must be prepared by the software engineer and approved by software management. Portions of the plan must be furnished to the procurement staff if outside personnel or facilities are used.

Step 8: Receive the Tool

The tool is turned over by the procuring organization to the software engineer.

Step 9: Perform the Acceptance Test

The software engineer or staff should test the tool in an as-received condition with only those modifications made that are essential for bringing the tool up on the host computer. Once a report on the test has been issued and approved by the software manager, the tool is officially accepted.

Step 10: Conduct Orientation

When it has been determined that the tool has been received in a satisfactory condition, software management should hold an orientation meeting for all personnel involved in the use of the tool and tool products (e.g., reports or listings generated by the tool). The objectives of tool use (e.g., increased throughput or improved legibility of listings) should be directly communicated. Highlights of the evaluation plan should be presented, and any changes in duties associated with tool introduction should be described. Personnel should be reassured that allowances will be made for problems encountered during tool introduction and reminded that the tool’s full benefits may not be realized for some time.

Step 11: Implement Modifications

This step is carried out by the tool manager in accordance with the approved tool manager plan. It includes modifications of the tool, the documentation, and the operating system. In rare cases, some modification of the computer (e.g., channel assignments) may also be necessary. Typical tool modifications involve deletion of unused options, changes in prompts or diagnostics, and other adaptations made for efficient use in the current environment. In addition, the modifications must be thoroughly documented.

Vendor literature for the tool should be reviewed in detail and tailored to the current computer environment and to any tool modifications that have been made. Deleting sections that are not applicable is just as useful as adding material that is required for the specific programming environment. Unused options should be clearly marked or removed from the manuals. If the tool should not be used for some resident software (e.g., because of language incompatibility or conflicts in the operating system interface), warning notices should be inserted in the tool manual.

Step 12: Train Tool Users

Training is a joint responsibility of the software engineer and the tool users and should help promote tool use. The software engineer is responsible for the content (in accordance with the approved training plan), and the tool user controls the length and scheduling of sessions. The tool user should be able to terminate training steps that are not helpful and to extend portions that are helpful but need further explication. Retraining or training in the use of additional options may be necessary and can provide an opportunity for users to talk about problems associated with the tool.

Step 13: Use the Tool in the Operating Environment

The first use of the tool in the operating environment should involve the most qualified user personnel and minimal use of options. This first use should not be on a project with tight schedule constraints. Resulting difficulties must be resolved before expanded service is initiated. If the first use is successful, use by additional personnel and use of further options may commence.

User comments on training, first use of the tool, and the use of extended capabilities should be prepared and furnished to the software engineer. Desired improvements in the user interface, in the speed or format of response, and in the use of computer resources are all appropriate topics. Formal comments may be solicited shortly after the initial use, after six months, and again after one year.

Step 14: Write the Evaluation Report

Using the outline generated in Step 5, the software engineer prepares the evaluation report. User comments and toolsmith observations provide important input to this document. Most of all, the document must discuss how the general goals and tool objectives were met. The report may also include observations on the installation and use of the tool, cooperation received from the vendor in installation or training, and any other lessons learned.

Tool and host computer modifications are also described in this report. It may contain a section of comments useful to future tool users. The report should be approved by software management and preferably by funding management as well.

Step 15: Determine Whether Goals Have Been Met

Funding management receives the evaluation report and should determine whether the goals that were established in Step 1 have been met. This written determination should address the following:

  1. ■ Attainment of technical objectives

  2. ■ Adherence to budget and other resource constraints

  3. ■ Timeliness of the effort

  4. ■ Cooperation from other agencies

  5. ■ Recommendations for future tool acquisitions

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