© Peter A. Carter 2018
Peter A. CarterSecuring SQL Serverhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4161-5_14

14. Whole Value Substitution Attacks

Peter A. Carter1 
London, UK

In Chapter 5, you learned about the SQL Server encryption hierarchy and how data can be encrypted as part of a defense-in-depth strategy. In some situations, however, encrypted cells can become vulnerable to attack. In this chapter, you will learn about whole value substitution attacks and how to prevent them.

During a whole value substitution attack, instead of attempting to decrypt or stealing encrypted value, the attacker replaces the encrypted value with a different encrypted value, which benefits him.

Understanding Whole Value Substitution Attacks

To follow the examples in this chapter, you will need to run the script in Listing 14-1. This script will create the Application.Salary table in the WideWorldImporters database. The table contains employees’ names and salaries. For easy reference, both an unencrypted and encrypted version of the Salary column are included.
USE WideWorldImporters
CREATE TABLE Application.Salary
      SalaryID     INT                      NOT NULL    PRIMARY KEY      IDENTITY,
      FirstName    NVARCHAR(50)             NOT NULL,
      LastName     NVARCHAR(50)             NOT NULL,
      Posistion    NVARCHAR(50)             NOT NULL,
      Salary       INT                      NOT NULL,
      SalaryEncrypted     VARBINARY(256)    NULL
) ;
INSERT INTO Application.Salary (FirstName, LastName, Position, Salary)
VALUES ('Simon', 'Cutler', 'Warhouse Manager', 50000),
('Mark', 'Walsh', 'Sales Manager', 65000),
('Gerrard', 'Long', 'IT Manager', 54000),
('Oviler', 'Stoneman', 'DBA', 38000),
('Grant', 'Culberston', 'HR Administrator', 20000),
('Michael', 'Ramsdon', 'CEO', 90000) ;
UPDATE Application.Salary
       SET SalaryEncrypted = ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('Pa$$w0rd',CAST(Salary AS NVARCHAR)) ;
Listing 14-1

Create the Application.Salary Table


The algorithm used is not relevant. All algorithms, even the most complex, are susceptible to whole value substitution.

Salary Manipulation Example

In order to understand a whole value substitution attack, imagine that WideWorldImporters had unknowingly employed a dishonest worker. Grant Culberston is an HR administrator and therefore has the SELECT and UPDATE permissions granted against the Application.Salary table. Consider the data in the new Application.Salary table. The plain text salary column has been left in for reference, but in a production scenario, this column would of course be dropped, so that only the encrypted salary value remains.

If Grant was to return data from this table using the query in Listing 14-2, then he would see the results in Figure 14-1.
Figure 14-1

Data visible to Grant

SELECT   FirstName
              , LastName
              , Posistion
              , SalaryEncrypted
FROM Application.Salary ;
Listing 14-2

Viewing the Application.Salary Table

While Grant is unable to determine the salary that Michael Ramsdon receives, he knows that as the CEO, his salary is a lot more than his own. Therefore, if Grant were to update his SalaryEncrypted value, using the query in Listing 14-3 he would increase his salary to be equal to the CEO’s.
UPDATE Application.Salary
SET SalaryEncrypted =
        SELECT SalaryEncrypted
        FROM Application.Salary
        WHERE FirstName = 'Michael'
                   AND LastName = 'Ramsdon'
WHERE FirstName = 'Grant'
AND LastName = 'Culberston' ;
Listing 14-3

Perform a Whole Value Substitution Attack

Let’s now look at the effect of the whole value substitution attack by returning the decrypted salary values for both Grant and Michael using the query in Listing 14-4.
SELECT FirstName
     , LastName
     , Posistion
     , CAST(DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('Pa$$w0rd',SalaryEncrypted) AS NVARCHAR) AS Salary
FROM Application.Salary
WHERE (FirstName = 'Michael' AND LastName = 'Ramsdon')
      OR (FirstName = 'Grant' AND LastName = 'Culberston') ;
Listing 14-4

Assessing the Impact of the Attack

The results in Figure 14-2 show that both employees now have the same salary. Assuming that the Application.Salary table drives the application that performs the salary payment run, Grant has increased his wage.
Figure 14-2

Results of assessment

Credit Card Fraud Example

Whole value substitution attacks can also be carried out by external attackers as well as internal attackers. Imagine that a WideWorldImporters customer, Valter Viiding, has gained access to the WideWorldImporters database by using an SQL injection attack.

With some exploration, Valter has managed to compile the query in Listing 14-5 in an attempt to steal the credit card details of other customers. The unencrypted credit card number has been left in for reference, but it would not exist in a production scenario.


The script to create the Application.CreditCards table can be found in Chapter 4. The script to add the encrypted card number column can be found in Chapter 5.

      , Cust.CustomerName
      , CardType
      , ExpMonth
      , ExpYear
      , cc.CustomerID
      , CardNumberEncrypted
  FROM Application.CreditCards cc
  INNER JOIN Sales.Customers Cust
      ON Cust.CustomerID = cc.CustomerID ;
Listing 14-5

Returning Credit Card Details

As you can see from the results of the query in Figure 14-5, which are partially displayed in Figure 14-3, Valter’s first attempt to steal credit card details has been thwarted, as the credit card number is encrypted.
Figure 14-3

Credit card details

Although the credit card numbers cannot be seen, it is still possible for Valter to perform a whole value substitution attack. The query in Listing 14-6 will replace Valter’s credit card number with Agrita Kanepa’s.
UPDATE Application.CreditCards
SET CardNumberEncrypted =
        SELECT CardNumberEncrypted
        FROM Application.CreditCards
        WHERE CardID = 15
ExpMonth =
        SELECT ExpMonth
        FROM Application.CreditCards
        WHERE CardID = 15
ExpYear =
        SELECT ExpYear
        FROM Application.CreditCards
        WHERE CardID = 15
WHERE CardID = 1 ;
Listing 14-6

Credit Card Whole Value Substitution Attack

We can now use the query in Listing 14-7 to evaluate the results of the attack.
      , Cust.CustomerName
      , CardType
      , ExpMonth
      , ExpYear
      , cc.CustomerID
     ,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(25),DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('Pa$$w0rd',cc.CardNumberEncrypted, 0)) AS CardNumber
FROM Application.CreditCards cc
INNER JOIN Sales.Customers Cust
      ON Cust.CustomerID = cc.CustomerID
WHERE CardID IN (15,1) ;
Listing 14-7

Assessing the Results of the Attack

The results of this assessment are shown in Figure 14-4.
Figure 14-4

Attack assessment results

The results of this attack are bad enough when you consider the obvious option of Valter now using Agrita’s card details to buy goods on his account. The situation becomes much worse, however, when you consider the bigger picture.

Assuming that the WideWorldImporters web app has the ability to view and edit your own credit card details, Valter now has a mechanism by which he can systematically reveal each customer’s credit card details in turn. These details can then be collated and sold on the dark web.

Protecting Against Whole Value Substitution Attacks

Luckily, protecting your encrypted data against whole value substitution attack is a straightforward process. To understand the mechanism, let’s quickly refresh the syntax of the ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE() function , discussed fully in Chapter 5. Specifically, let’s refresh ourselves of the parameters accepted by this function, which are detailed in Table 14-1.
Table 14-1





The passphrase that will be used to encrypt the data


The value to be encrypted


Specifies if an authenticator should be used


The value to be used to derive an authenticator

The key parameters to note are the add_authenticator and the authenticator parameters. These parameters provide you with the option to add contextual information, usually the primary key of the table, to the value being encrypted. This primary key value is encrypted, along with the sensitive value. Therefore, when decrypting the value, the same authenticator value must also be passed, ensuring that the sensitive value has not been moved between rows.


The authenticator should be both unique and static.

To demonstrate the use of an authenticator, let’s look again at our encrypted credit card column, which Valter had compromised. We will re-encrypt this column using an authenticator by using the script in Listing 14-8.
UPDATE Application.CreditCards
      SET CardNumberEncrypted = ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('Pa$$w0rd',CardNumber,1,CONVERT(VARBINARY, CardID)) ;
Listing 14-8

Re-encrypt Credit Card Details Using an Authenticator

Before assessing the impact that our change will have on attackers, let’s take this opportunity to refresh ourselves with the parameters accepted by the DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE() function. These are detailed in Table 14-2.
Table 14-2





The passphrase that will be used to decrypt the data

cipher text

The value to be decrypted


Specifies if an authenticator will be required to decrypt the data


The authenticator data

The important parameters to note are the add_authenticator and authenticator parameters. If data has been encrypted using an authenticator, then the same authenticator must be passed when decrypting the data.

Now let’s see what happens if we try to repeat the whole value substitution attack against the credit card column by re-running the script in Listing 14-6. The attack will appear to succeed, but let’s now assess the impact of the attack by using the script in Listing 14-9.

The script is similar to the original assessment script in Listing 14-7. The difference is that the DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE() function has been modified to pass the authenticator.
      , Cust.CustomerName
      , CardType
      , ExpMonth
      , ExpYear
      , cc.CustomerID
     ,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(25),DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('Pa$$w0rd',cc.CardNumberEncrypted, 1,CONVERT(VARBINARY, CardID)) ) AS CardNumber
FROM Application.CreditCards cc
INNER JOIN Sales.Customers Cust
      ON Cust.CustomerID = cc.CustomerID
WHERE CardID IN (15,1) ;
Listing 14-9

Assess Results of Attack With Authenticator

The results of the attack are displayed in Figure 14-5.
Figure 14-5

Results of repeating the whole value substitution attack

As you can see, even though Valter has replaced his credit card number with Agrita’s, he can no longer decrypt the value, and his credit card number is replaced with a NULL value. This is because the authenticator, which in this instance was the CardID column, did not match.


Authenticators can also be used when encrypting data with a passphrase using the ENCRYPTBYKEY( ), ENCRYPTBYASYMKEY( ) and ENCRYPTBYCERT( ) functions.

Performance Considerations

When working with security in SQL Server, there are usually trade-offs, and when it comes to encryption, those trade-offs are usually about performance. The script in Listing 14-10 demonstrates how performance can be benchmarked, with and without an authenticator. The Listing 14-10 encrypts the credit card column with no authenticator and runs a benchmarking query. It then re-encrypts the column with an authenticator and re-runs the benchmark.
--Encrypt with no authenticator
UPDATE Application.CreditCards
      SET CardNumberEncrypted = ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('Pa$$w0rd',CardNumber) ;
-- Tear down the buffer and plan caches to ensure a fair test and turn on IO statistics
--Run first benchmark
      , Cust.CustomerName
      , CardType
      , ExpMonth
      , ExpYear
      , cc.CustomerID
     ,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(25),DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('Pa$$w0rd',cc.CardNumberEncrypted, 1,CONVERT(VARBINARY, CardID)) ) AS CardNumber
FROM Application.CreditCards cc
INNER JOIN Sales.Customers Cust
      ON Cust.CustomerID = cc.CustomerID ;
--Encrypt with authenticator
UPDATE Application.CreditCards
      SET CardNumberEncrypted = ENCRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('Pa$$w0rd',CardNumber,1,CONVERT(VARBINARY, CardID)) ;
-- Tear down the buffer and plan caches to ensure a fair test and turn on IO statistics
--Run second benchmark
      , Cust.CustomerName
      , CardType
      , ExpMonth
      , ExpYear
      , cc.CustomerID
     ,CONVERT(NVARCHAR(25),DECRYPTBYPASSPHRASE('Pa$$w0rd',cc.CardNumberEncrypted, 1,CONVERT(VARBINARY, CardID)) ) AS CardNumber
FROM Application.CreditCards cc
INNER JOIN Sales.Customers Cust
      ON Cust.CustomerID = cc.CustomerID ;
Listing 14-10

Benchmarking Performance

The time statistics for the first benchmark are shown in Figure 14-6.
Figure 14-6

Results of first benchmark


Figures 14-6 and 14-7 show a partial output of relevant statistics.

The time statistics for the second benchmark are shown in Figure 14-7.


The performance difference shown here is meant for illustrative purposes only and should not be considered a representative benchmark against other queries or environments. The performance difference will depend on many factors, including the specification of your server and the amount of concurrent activity.

Figure 14-7

Results of second benchmark

As you can see, the second benchmark took 33% longer to execute. While we are still talking about ms, if you imagine this percentage being scaled up to a table with millions of rows, or if the action is performed millions of times a day, you can see the impact that may occur. As expected, there is a trade-off between security and performance.

Of course, the performance will depend on many factors, such as the specification of the server that the query is being run on and the amount of concurrent activity on the server.

If you must encrypt data with an authenticator, you should pay specific attention to processor utilization during your capacity planning, as additional CPU time will be required to compare the authenticator.

It is important to also note, however, that the bloat (amount of space used to store the data) will increase, due to the encryption of the authenticator. Therefore, for large datasets, more data pages will need to be read in order to fulfill the query. This will, in turn, put additional pressure on memory, forcing pages out of the buffer cache quicker, meaning that more data will need to be retrieved from disc.


Whole value substitution attacks can be used by attackers to manipulate data without needing to decrypt it first, by replacing an encrypted value, with a different encrypted value, that they know to be preferential.

Whole value substitution attacks can be deferred by using an authenticator. An authenticator is contextual information from a unique, static key, which ensures that the encrypted value has not been moved at the point when it is decrypted. If it has been, then the decryption will fail, and a NULL value will be returned.

An authenticator will not stop the encrypted data being moved, but it will prevent an attacker from revealing or utilizing that data. This comes at the expense of performance degradation, however.

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