
Note: Page numbers in italic format indicate figures and tables.

3-day weekends, taking advantage of 229

3D technology 106, 143, 286

4th Level information 15, 121, 122

Above the Line costs: account numbers 7, 121, 134, 21012; budget presentation and 126; creative costs and 120, 17283; digital video pilot 212; fringes and 183; introduction to 7; low budget films and 226; music video and 211; web video and 210

accident insurance see insurance

accountant, production 157, 185, 213, 25961, 267

Account Level information 15, 122, 124, 132

account numbers: Above the Line costs and 7, 121, 134, 21012; account description and 132, 133; for amortization 291; assigning of 1312; Below the Line costs and 7, 121, 134, 21012; category description 132

actionable checklists 222, 256, 267

actors see cast

Adobe Story software 31

advice and help, asking for 21920

Afterwriting software 31

Amazon Storywriter 31

amortization budget 291, 292

animal actors 194, 252, 253, 298

Art Director 155, 156, 1878, 214, 257 Assistant Director: breakdown processes and 90, 91; Detail Level information and 127; introduction to 5, 82; job of 184; resource management and 261; tasks for 257 assistant editors 155, 202, 204, 299

associate producer 4, 175, 199, 202

auditions 141, 181, 257, 305

audits and auditing 175, 259, 260, 269, 292

auto insurance 23940

backup plan: for alternative location 89; for scheduling 72; for shooting 96

banners 89, 97, 118

Below the Line costs: account numbers 7, 121, 134, 21012; budget presentation and 126; digital video pilot 212; editing and 134, 2034; fringes and 183, 201, 207; introduction to 7; low budget films and 226; music and 2045, 211; other expenses and 2078; post production 2023, 2057; production staff and 1837; script content and 120; web video and 210

Berne Convention 283

bidding process 234

blowing up process 106

breakdown information: importing 20, 21, 28; into schedule 7984, 90; to strips 13, 14, 73

breakdown processes: approaches for 446, 814; Assistant Director and 90, 91; color coding 35; creation of 20, 22; identifying resources for 1968; purpose of 20, 25; scene by scene 66, 68; of scripts 235, 28, 4462; setting up of systems in 3240; steps and stages 1214; tagging programs and 60; tools for 19

breakdown sheets: color codes on 43, 75; completing of 13, 14, 17; inventory 423; macro information 41; mechanics and logistics 412; production board strips and 35; props and 40, 42; scene details in 401; transferring information to 638

budget/budgeting: backing into a number 1357; building 122, 124, 153, 165208; calculation of 1289; category description 123; comparison of 2723; components of 12034; construction of 1212; cost plus version of 230; creating a picture of 2214; crew and 68; crowdfunding 164; currency conversion and 31719; department 264; for distribution expenses 2479, 2756; for documentary films 278, 282; double checking of 317; end uses of 1516; equipment rental and 23; factors impacting 14364; feature films 135; groups for 219, 270, 271; inflationary items related to 143; initial 119; introduction to 12; layers of 121, 122; locked 258, 306; for marketing 163, 2278, 2426, 2756; for a mobile film 287; needing someone in charge of 2312; numbering system 133, 134; pattern and amortization 2913; perfect world vision 230; preliminary 230; presentation of 1247; price resources 13842, 234; priorities for 2323; process of 1415, 138; proportions related to 2258; reasons for not distributing 1256; revision of 230; sample 20916; scheduling, script and 24, 21, 258; for shipping packages 252; shooting issues 34, 12; for short films 109, 137; software for 33, 124, 1313, 16671, 272, 305; special situations affecting 31420; stages of 119, 138; for television program 2903; tips for 221; total 271; unions and guilds and 1089; ways to reduce 3; who manages 45

cable programming 161

calendar management 11112

cameras 106, 196, 197, 264, 299

cash flow 259, 260, 269

cast: audition of 181, 257; celebrity 180; color coding of 37; freelance work of 4; fringes for 182; hiring of 140; identifying 389, 56, 61, 801, 84; no-budget film and 154; pay rates 179; screenplay components and 23; sorting by 904; strengthening relationship with 276; transporting of 140; ways to pay 12931; see also unions and guilds

casting director 1401, 17981, 241, 257

catering service 250, 257, 263, 315

Celtx software 30, 33, 62

CGI effects 191, 202, 204

check requisitions 260, 261

children, working with 143, 220, 251, 298

cloudy and overcast days see weather

collaboration software 301

collective bargaining 109, 152, 177

color coding: approaches for 357; on breakdown sheets 43, 75; of cast 37; categories of 34, 35; of extras 37, 55; props 34, 367; of schedule strips 7980

comedies 105, 174, 233, 290

coming-of-age stories 233, 298

commercial break points 2945

communication system 74, 3056, 308 Complete Film Production Handbook, The (Honthaner) 256

comprehensive general liability insurance 238

computer approaches: for breakdown process 456, 814; for color coding 367; for production management 89; for scheduling 74

contracts and written agreements 138, 142

copy and credit experience 154

copyright holder 174, 247, 316

copyright material 247, 282, 283

corporate and educational projects, budgeting for 2967, 301

cost report 9, 259, 260, 269

craft service 6, 157, 190, 199, 315

Creative Commons 283

creative costs 6, 120, 121, 17283, 217

crew: filmmaking history and 6; freelance work of 4; hiring of 140; no-budget film and 154; scheduling and budgeting and 68; strengthening relationship with 276; transporting of 140; ways to pay 12931; see also unions and guilds

crowdfunding: budget 164; financing and 1634; for independent filmmaking 107; marketing through 2423; for short films 145

currency conversion 31719

daily routine, establishing 267

daily time table 221

day breaks 96, 97, 98, 99

day out of days (DOOD) report 1023, 118, 179, 219

day shooting 265, 305

days off 80, 99, 111, 263, 267

deal making 138, 142, 2356

deferred pay 142, 154, 181

delivery date 73, 99, 161, 165, 285

department budgets 264

department heads 6, 14, 67

Detail Level information: Assistant Director and 127; budget building and 122, 124, 1723, 177; local line items and 270

development costs 1725

DGA director 108, 152

DGA members 177, 178, 179, 185, 186

digital cameras 11, 140, 193

digital format 105, 106, 251, 298, 31517

digital video 204, 212

Directors: hiring criteria 179; Loan Out corporation and 178; pay rates 159; shooting decisions by 97, 99; shooting ratio issues 1078; tasks for 257

Director’s Unit 6, 132, 177

distant shoots 198, 260, 263, 270, 271

distribution: budget for 2479, 2756; of short films 1445, 285, 2878

documentary films 159, 27784, 300

documentary timeline 223

drones usage 240

DubScript software 31

editing/editors: Below the Line costs and 134, 2034; choices for 203; digital files 162; nonlinear 162, 163; online 162; sound and pictures 120, 121, 123, 197; virtual reality and 146

educational and corporate films, budgeting for 2967, 301

effects: CGI 191, 202, 204; resource management and 265; special 43, 55, 1901, 233, 257; visual 134, 191, 203, 212

Eighths of a Page 44, 503, 30911

electric department 1956

elements: identifying 545, 59; tagging 61; transferring information about 66

employer’s liability insurance 239

employment contract 5, 14, 119, 172

equipment rental 23, 1412

errors and omission insurance 239, 247

exchange rates 317, 318

Executive Producer 127, 175, 176, 289, 300

experience: copy and credit 154; film festivals 244, 245; gaining 1447; shooting ratio and 1078

exporting: animals 252; files 301, 33, 62, 65, 82; screenplay 34

extras: casting assistance for 187; color coding of 37, 55; identifying 57; screenplay components and 23

facility rental 201

FadeIn software 30

fair use concept 2823

feature films: budget issues 135; length and format of 1613; licensing of 246; online presence for 246; sample schedule 11617; screenplay page 29; self-releasing of 248; special considerations for 2746; timeline for 224; see also marketing

Federal Department of Labor 93, 251, 263

film see feature films

film and lab 200, 206

film commissions 13940, 14851, 199, 240, 252

film festivals 144, 2426, 285 244

filmmaking: communication and accountability for 3056, 308; end uses of 1434; financing for 1634; history of 67; incentive programs for 110, 1478, 165, 317; software system for 33; special considerations for 269301; story rights and 1734; tasks related to 6; see also resources

film market attendance 2456

film production: delivery date and 73, 99, 161, 165, 285; shooting extension and 4; time divisions for 72; trends to consider 1011

Final Draft software: description of 30, 33; identifying cast in 61; inserting scene in 51; introduction to 28; scene numbers in 489; tagging elements in 61

Financial Core union members 155

financing: crowdfunding and 1634; exploiting sources of 274; production incentives and 110, 148; see also producers

First Assistant Director see Assistant Director

fiscal sponsorship 280

flat rate: budget calculation and 128; description of 129; example of 130; fringe benefits by 168; producers fees as a 1756

floater policies 239

Fountain app 31

freelance work 4, 162

fringe benefits: Above the Line costs and 183; Below the Line costs and 183, 201, 207; for cast 181, 182; by flat rate 1689; by percentage 1678; for unions and guilds 16770, 180, 201; for WGA members 173, 175

garbage disposal expenses 250

genres: most profitable 233; scripts and 1045

globals, setting up of 1667

Gorilla Film Production Software 33

grants 223, 278, 280

grips shading 189, 195

guilds see unions and guilds

guild travel accident insurance 240

hairdressing 126, 134, 1934

hair stylist 124, 1279, 157, 195

hell or high-water budget 230

help and advice, asking for 21920

hidden expenses 2502

hidden scenes 24, 45

high definition format 11, 106, 194, 204, 250

Highland software 31

IATSE Rates 156, 157

ID numbers 38, 39, 80, 81, 84

importing: animals 252; breakdown information 20, 21; files 28, 301, 33, 62, 65, 82

incentive programs 110, 1478, 165, 317

independent filmmaking see indie filmmakers/films

independent sales reps 246

indie filmmakers/films: crowdfunding for 107; low budget feature 21316; most profitable 234; rules of 153; shooting issues for 111

Industry Standard Screenplay Format 26

insurance: accident insurance 240; costs related to 208; floater policies 239; safety issues and 23840; worker’s compensation 182, 217, 238, 239

Internet TV 146

legal costs 208, 2401, 251

lighting 1956, 264

Line Producer (LP): Below the Line costs and 6, 7, 134, 184; introduction to 2; job of 5, 176; resource management and 261; tasks for 257

live musicians and tracks 205

Loan Out corporation 17880, 182

local shoots 143, 263, 271, 272

locations: budget issues 3, 5, 14, 68; cast availability for 93; comparison of 3045; creating a map of 262; grouping sets for 85, 91, 199; identifying and obtaining prices about 140; incentive programs 110, 1478; manager for 31213; scheduling and 94; scouting for 140, 312; traveling issues 1989; VR technology and 146

Logline software 31

long-form programming 147

low budget agreements 119, 135, 151

low budget film/filmmakers 151, 153, 21316, 225, 226

make-up 121, 134, 1945

manual approaches: for breakdown process 445, 801; for color coding 35, 36; for production management 89; for scheduling 74

marathon mentality 274

marketing: budget for 163, 2278, 2426, 2756; casting director and 17981; film festivals for 2426; selecting key scenes for 144; through crowdfunding 2423; through social media 274; video 115, 144

Master Use License Agreement 317

meal times 263, 267

Mechanical License Contract 316

microbudget digital video pilot 212

micro budget projects 125, 153, 154, 226

minors, hiring of 934, 111, 2512

mobile platforms 10

mobisodes 2867, 300

Montage and Contour Screenwriting Software 30

most profitable genres 233

Movie Draft software 31

Movie Magic Scheduling and Budgeting software 33, 76

Movie Magic Screenwriter 28, 30, 31

multi-episode series 2912

music 2045, 31617

music video 122, 146, 198, 211, 230

MyScreenplays software 31

narrative feature film 2746, 300

niche audiences 180, 236

no-budget film 1535

no-budget web video 210

No matter what the budget 154, 230

non-DGA members 177, 186

nonlinear editing 162, 163

non-union members 170, 171, 217

non-union productions 89, 93, 141, 152, 153

number systems 3740, 133, 134

offline editing 162

one-liner schedule 99101

online editing 162

optioning of scripts 173

P2 cards 106, 162, 200, 250, 31516

page numbers, setting up of 3940

pattern budget 290, 291, 301

pay rates 108, 136, 144, 153, 155

payroll service 131, 173, 182, 259

payroll taxes 153, 173, 180, 1823, 207

pay scales 119, 1357, 1523, 166, 217

petty cash system 220, 259, 260, 261, 315

photography: length of 143; original 265; principal 72, 198, 201, 202, 2234

picture vehicles and animals 134, 1934

pilot episodes, budgeting for 2935

post production: Below the Line costs and 2023, 2057; building time into 144; description of 72; equipment for 1412; film and lab 206; paying by time during 130; resource management and 260; supervisor for 202; timeline for 224

pre-production activities: for Assistant Director 257; description of 72; flow chart of tasks 2567; grouping like things and 85; resource management and 260; timeline for 222, 224

price resources 1389, 142

producers: credits 174, 176, 199, 289; different budget scenarios for 273; fees 1756

producer’s unit 4, 5, 6, 132

production: bible 289, 311; boards 8, 14, 35, 734, 80; incentives for 11, 139, 14850; information 81, 118, 151, 218; notes 413, 58, 64, 67; staff 121, 126, 134, 1837, 21013

production accountant 25961, 267

Production Designer 156, 1912, 214, 230

production management 1, 811, 33, 51, 77

Production Manager (PM) 2, 1846

production scheduling see scheduling

product placement 2356

profit participation 172, 1757, 241, 260

project length and format 1613

Property Master 192, 214

props: breakdown sheets and 40, 42; color coding 34, 367; identifying 57; screenplay components and 23

public domain 316

publicity costs 121, 134, 2078, 2426, 2745

purchase orders 2601

reality programming 10, 283, 290, 294

residual income 314

resources: breakdown processes 1968; budget 119216; coordinating and identifying 4, 20, 21; managing 25566; organizing 20, 21, 7199; price 13842

right-to-work states 109, 152, 153

run of show hiring 91, 92, 179

safety issues 23840

SAG-AFTRA actors 94, 1089, 111, 155, 161

Save the Cat software 31

scenarios, going through different 219

Scenechronize Production Tools 33

scene numbers 40, 469

scene(s): adding and deleting 4950; description of 24; exterior and interior 91, 95; grouping of 305; identifying 12, 13; transferring information from 63, 834; as a unit 25; see also breakdown processes

Scenios software 33

scheduling: of 12 hour work day 220; approaches for 74; backup plan and 72; calendar management and 11112; communication system for 74; creation of 728; crew and 68; documentary films 278; end uses of 1516; factors impacting 10412; grouping sets and 8595; honing 31112; introduction to 12; key points to consider for 78; locations and 94; for maximum efficiency 96103; mobile film 287; picture of 2214; revision of 229; sample of 11317; shooting and 967, 306, 3078; software for 89, 648, 74; before sorting 86; special situations affecting 30413, 320; steps and stages 1214; television program 289; tips for 21921; transferring breakdown information into 7984, 90; traveling issues 110; unions and guilds and 1089; who manages 45; workflow and consistency 748; see also breakdown processes; budget/budgeting; production management

scheduling strips 73, 7980, 99

screenplay: breaking down of 19; components of 23; revision of 34; software 301, 33; story rights and 172, 173

screenplay page 28, 29, 34

screenwriting software 278, 301, 35

scripts: accepted length of 24; Below the Line costs and 120; breaking down 311; components of 23; counting segments of 503; documentary films and 277; format 268; free 31112; genre and 1045; inconsistencies related to 311; locked 306; new versions of 311; optioning of 173; page margins and alignment 27; reading 46; working the 274; working without 2989, 301; see also budget/budgeting; scheduling

Scripts (iTunes) software 31

Scrivener software 31

second units 184, 200, 2634

self-marketing 248

series of episodes, budgeting for 2923

series programming 290

sets: construction of 1889; design of 134, 156, 1878; dressing 1912; grouping of 85, 89, 199; operations of 18990; sorting by 85; striking 189; visual cues for 89; see also locations

setting up: of color systems 347; of fringes 1679; of globals 1667; of number systems 3740; of software system 324; of units 16970

SEX files 33, 62, 65, 73, 82

shooting: analyzing and organizing 222; backup plan for 96; budget issues and 34, 12; changes during 2367; in a corporate or school environment 296; day for night 265; Directors’s role in 97, 99; doing it right the first time 309; format for 1057; getting around during 316; grouping like things for 85, 89; length of 11012; optimizing 2627; outside the country 265; on P2 cards 31516; scheduling and 967, 306, 3078; solid-state memory cards 315; weather issues 89, 2623, 308; see also locations; unions and guilds

shooting ratio 1078

shooting sites 96, 110, 223

short documentary 113

short films: budget issues and 109, 137; crowdfunding for 145; distribution of 1445, 285, 2878; sample schedule 114; special considerations for 2858, 300

Showbiz Scheduling and Budgeting software 33

sitcoms 286, 294

slug line 24, 45, 311

Slugline software 31

social media 1445, 2423, 246, 248, 274

software: for budget 33, 124, 1313, 16671, 272, 305; for production management 33, 513; for scheduling 89, 648, 74; for screenplay 301; for screenwriting 278, 301, 35; setting up of 324

sound: breakdown processes and 14, 19, 41, 43, 64; color coding 37; identifying 589; production 134, 196, 197, 2056; script format and 26

sound stages 198, 201

special effects 43, 55, 1901, 233, 257

spec television 146

stage play page 29

Storyist software 31

StoryO software 30

story rights 132, 133, 134, 1724

strip board 87, 89, 93, 99, 191

strip colors 34, 75, 76

strips: rearranging 13; scene 17, 38; transferring breakdown information to 13, 14, 73

stunts 423, 1045, 181, 233

sunrise and sunset shoots 2645

Superbudget template 166

support staff 176, 296

Synchronization License Contract 31617

syndication 144, 294

tagging features 54, 602, 69

Takes, The (software) 33

talent agents and agency 285, 293

Teamsters union 160, 194, 198

teamwork experience 2302, 256

television, special considerations for 28995, 3001

text banner 89, 97

theatrical rates 158, 174

time increments payment method 12931

Topsheet Level information 122, 126, 165, 279

transcription 2834

transfer of information 638, 73

transport/traveling: with bare minimum of people 316; being practical about 308; of cast and crew 140; filming on location 1989; incentives for 147, 148; obtaining right vehicles for 198; scheduling and 110

Trelby software 31

Truby’s (Write A) Blockbuster software 30

turnaround time 89, 99, 108, 263, 267

TV commercials 115, 198

TV pilot 114

union actors 91, 92, 141

union agreements 135, 241

unions and guilds: casting director and 141; collective bargaining and 109, 152, 177; fringes for 170, 180, 201; hidden expenses and 250; length of shooting dictation by 11012; pay rates 108, 136, 144, 153, 155; pay scales 119, 1357, 1523, 166, 217; scheduling issues and 1089; tier 1 rates 1568; understanding rules for 94, 109, 152; wages of 15161; web sites related to 155; work week 89, 97, 111, 158, 169

Unit Production Manager (UPM) 2, 5, 176, 184, 185, 261

units, setting up of 16970

unscripted material 299

unused supplies, donating or selling 250

video tape production 134, 200

Virtual Reality 10, 1067, 146, 211, 222

visual cues 89, 118

visual effects 134, 191, 203, 212

wages: budget calculation and 1289; unions and guilds and 15161

wardrobe 43, 193, 239

weather: checking historical 229, 251; cloudy and overcast days 265; shooting issues 89, 2623, 308; working with lighting and 195

web budgets 286

web distribution 1445

webisodes 114, 2858, 300

web videos 210, 2858, 300, 308

WGA members 173, 174, 175

WGA Writers 169, 173

“What if” scenarios 269

WIFM channel 232 244

worker’s compensation insurance 182, 217, 238, 239

“work for hire” films 145

working backward approach 3089

work week 89, 97, 111, 158, 169

wranglers 160, 184, 194

Writer (iTunes) software 31

WriterDuet software 30

written agreements 138, 142

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