
Diagnosability of Multiprocessor Systems

Chia-Wei Lee and Sun-Yuan Hsieh


The rapid advances in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) technology and wafer-scale integration (WSI) technology have made it possible to design and produce a multiprocessor system containing hundreds or even thousands of processors (nodes) on a single chip. As the number of nodes in a multiprocessor system increases, node fault identification in such systems becomes more crucial for reliable computing. The process of discriminating between faulty nodes and fault-free nodes in a system is called fault diagnosis. When a faulty node is identified, it is replaced by a fault-free node to maintain the system’s reliability. The diagnosability of a system is the maximum number of faulty nodes that the system can identify.

Determining the diagnosability of multiprocessor systems based on various strategies and models has been the focus of a great deal of research in recent years (e.g., see References 125). Among the proposed models, two of which, namely, the PMC model (after Preparata, Metze, and Chien [19] and the MM model (after Maeng and Malek [18]), are well known and widely used. In the PMC model, every node is capable of testing whether another node v is faulty if there exists a communication link between them. The PMC model assumes that the tests of faulty nodes performed by fault-free ones always return one and that the tests performed by faulty nodes return arbitrary results. The PMC model was also adopted in References 2, 4, 9, 15, and 16. In an attempt to have a more realistic representation of systems whose nodes have a rather complex structure, Barsi et al. [26] introduced a modification of the PMC model, namely, the BGM model (after Barsi, Grandoni, and Maestrini). The BGM model uses the same testing strategy as the PMC model, but it assumes that a faulty node is always tested as faulty regardless of the state of the tester. The BGM model was adopted in Reference 27.

In the MM model, on the other hand, a comparison is performed such that a node, chosen to be a comparator, monitors a pair of its neighboring nodes executing the same test input and compares their responses. We use (u, v)w to represent a comparison (or test) in which nodes u and v are compared by w. For this reason, the MM model is also called the comparison diagnosis model. The method of the MM model takes advantage of the homogeneity of multiprocessor systems in which comparisons can be made easily. This approach seems attractive because no additional hardware is required and transient and permanent faults may be detected before completing the comparison program. There is no faulty voter problem because the comparator can also be tested. Moreover, the MM model can be considered to be a generalization of the PMC model because if for each comparison edge (u, v)w, either w = u or w = v, then the comparison model corresponds directly to the PMC model [20]. Sengupta and Dahbura [20] further suggested a modification of the MM model, called the MM* model, in which any node has to test another two nodes if the former is adjacent to the latter two. The MM* model might be leading the way toward a polynomial-time diagnosis algorithm for the more general MM self-diagnosable systems, and complexity results on determining the level of diagnosability of systems. The MM* model was also adopted in References 4, 11, 13, 14, and 24.


An undirected graph (graph) G = (V, E) is composed of a node set V and an edge set E, where V is a finite set and E is a subset of {(u, v)|(u, v) is an unordered pair of V}. We also use V (G) and E (G) to denote the node set and edge set of G, respectively. For an edge (u, v), we call u and v the end nodes of the edge. A subgraph of G = (V, E) is a graph (VE′) such that V′ ⊆ Vand E′ ⊆E. Given UV (G), the subgraph of G induced by U is defined as G [U] = (U, {(u, v) ∈ E (G) |u, vU}). A multigraph is similar to an undirected graph, but there may exist multiple edges as well as self-loops between its nodes. A multiprocessor system can be modeled as a undirected graph G in which the nodes represent processors and the edges represent communication links.

The node connectivity (connectivity for short) of a graph G, denoted by κ(G), is the minimum size of a node set S such that G S is disconnected or contains only one node.1 A graph G is t-connected if κ(G) ≥ t. If (u, v) is an edge in a graph G, we say that u is adjacent to v. A neighbor of a node u in G = (V, E) is any node that is adjacent to u. Let V′ be a nonempty subset of V(G). The neighborhood set of node u in V ′ is defined as NG(u, V′) = {vV′|(u, v) ∈ E(G)}. When V′ = V(G) − u, NG(u, V') is reduced to NG(u). We also call each node in NG(u) a neighbor of u. The degree of a node u in a simple graph G, denoted by degG(u), is the number of edges incident to u, that is, degG (u) = |NG(u)|. The minimum degree of a graph G = (V, E), denoted by δ(G), is minuV{deg(u)}. For convenience, the subscript G can be deleted from the above notations if no ambiguity occurs. The relation between the minimum degree and the connectivity of a graph is formulated as follows:

Lemma 6.1   [28]    κ(G)δ(G).

The symmetric difference of two distinct sets, F1and F2, is defined as the set F1Δ F2 = (F1F2)∪(F2F1).

6.2.1   The (1, 2)-Matching Composition Networks ((1, 2)-MCN)

A matching in a graph G is a set of nonloop edges with no shared end nodes. The nodes incident to the edges of a matching M are saturated by M; the others are unsaturated. Two matchings are distinct if they have no common edge. A perfect matching in a graph is a matching that saturates every node. The class of (1, 2)-MCNs is defined as follows.

Definition 6.1    Suppose that G1 and G2are two graphs with the same number of nodes. Then, the resulting graph G, constructed from G1 and G2 by connecting V(G1) and V(G2) via an arbitrary perfect matching between V(G1) and V(G2) orvia two arbitrary distinct perfect matchings between V(G1) and V(G2), is called a(1, 2)-MCN.

Figure 6.1 illustrates (1, 2)-MCNs in which the bold lines and dotted lines represent two distinct perfect matchings. Note that each node vV(G1) has exactly one neighbor (respectively, two neighbors) in V(G2) if G is constructed from G1and G2by connecting V(G1) and V(G2) via a perfect matching (respectively, two distinct perfect matchings) between V(G1) and V(G2). For a (1, 2)-MCN G, we use the notation G(G1, G2; PM1) (respectively, G(G1, G2; PM2)) to represent that G is constructed from G1and G2by connecting V(G1) and V(G2) via a perfect matching PM1(respectively, two distinct perfect matchings PM2) between V(G1) and V(G2). Note that V(G(G1, G2; PMk)) = V(G1V(G2 and E(G(G1, G2; PMk)) = E(G1) ⋃ E(G2) ⋃ PMk for k ∈ {1, 2}.


FIGURE 6.1. Examples of (1, 2)-MCNs.

6.2.2   The Diagnosis Model

A system G is said to be t-diagnosable if all faulty nodes can be identified without replacement, provided that the number of occurring faults does not exceed t. The diagnosability of G, denoted by d(G), refers to the maximum number of faulty nodes that can be identified by the system. In other words, a system is t-diagnosable if and only if each pair of distinct sets S1, S2 V(G) with |S1|, |S2| ≤ t are distinguishable, and the diagnosability of G is max{t |G is t-diagnosable}.   The PMC Model   The PMC model diagnoses whether or not a node is faulty by sending a task from a node u to its neighbor v, and then checks the response. We use the notation image to represent the test performed by u on v. The outcome of image is 0 (respectively, 1) if u determines that v is fault free (respectively, faulty).

The test assignment of a system G can be modeled as a directed multigraph T = (V(G), L), where imageL implies that u and v are adjacent in G. The result of all tests in T = (V (G), L) is called a syndrome of the diagnosis. Given a syndrome σ, a set FV(G) is said to be consistent with σ if and only if the following conditions hold:

1. If uV (G) − F and vF, then σ (image) = 1.

2. If uV (G) − F and vV (G)−F, then σ (image) = 0.

Formally, a syndrome is a function σ: L → {0, 1} such that F is consistent with σ.

Lemma 6.2   [29]    A system G = (V, E) is t-diagnosable if and only if, for any two distinct sets F1, F2 V with |F1| ≤ t, | F2 |t, and F1F2, there exists at least one test performed by a node u in V (F1F2) on a node v in F1Δ F2 (see Fig. 6.2).

The following two results related to t-diagnosable systems were reported by Hakimi and Amin [12] and Preparata et al. [19], respectively.

Lemma 6.3   [12] The following two conditions are sufficient for a system G containing n processors to be t-diagnosable:

1. n ≥ 2 t + 1.

2. κ (G) ≥ t.


FIGURE 6.2. Illustration of Lemma 6.2.

Lemma 6.4   [19]  Let G = (V, E) be a graph representation of a system, where V represents the processors and E represents the interconnections among the processors. Then, the following two conditions are necessary for G to be t-diagnosable:

1. n ≥ 2 t + 1.

2. δ (G) t.   The MM* Model  The MM model deals with the fault diagnosis by sending the same task from a node w to a pair of distinct neighbors, u and v, and then comparing their responses. In order to be consistent with the MM model, the following assumptions are made:

  1. All faults are permanent.
  2. A faulty processor produces incorrect output for each of its given tasks.
  3. The outcome of a comparison performed by a faulty processor is unreliable.
  4. Two faulty processors, when given the same inputs and task, do not produce the same output.

The comparison scheme of a system G can be modeled as a multigraph without self-loops, denoted by M(V(G), L), where L is the labeled-edge set. If nodes u and v can be compared by another node w, then there is an edge (u, v) associated with a label w, denoted by (u, v)w, which represents a comparison (or test) in which nodes u and v are compared by w. An edge (u, v) may have multiple labels w1, w2,…,wk, which means that u and v can be compared by each wi for 1 ≤ ik. The result of all comparisons in M(V(G), L) is called the syndrome of the diagnosis. Briefly, a syndrome σ is a function from L to {0, 1}, and we use σ((u, v)w) to represent the result of the comparison (u, v)w in σ. In the special case of the MM model, called the MM* model, if u, v, wV(G) and (u, w), (v, w) ∈ E (G), then (u, v)w must be in L. In other words, all possible comparisons of G must be in the comparison scheme of G. Hereafter, the results reported in this chapter are for systems under the MM* model. Figure 6.3 illustrates a system with its comparison schemes under the MM and MM* models.

Let G be a system with its comparison scheme M(V(G), L). Given a node uV(G), we define the order graph of u, denoted by Gu = (Xu, Yu), as follows:

  1. Xu = {v|(u, v) ∈ E(G)or(uv)wL}; that is, Xu consists of all the nodes that are adjacent to u or can be compared with u by any node w.
  2. Yu = {(v, w)|v, wXu and (u, v)wL}; that is, edge (v, w) is in Yuif u can be compared with v by node w.

The order of u, denoted by orderG(u), is defined as the cardinality of a minimum node cover of Gu. Given V′ ⊆ V (G), we define the probing set of V′, denoted by P(G, V'), to be the set {uV′|(u, v)wL and v, wV(G) − V′}. It means that all nodes in V′ can be compared with some node in V(G) − V′ by another node inV(G) − V' (Fig. 6.4).

For a given syndrome σ, SV(G) is said to be a consistent fault set with σ if and only if the following conditions hold:

  1. If uS and v, wV (G) − S, σ((u, v)w) = 1.
  2. If u, vS and wV (G) − S, σ((u, v)w) = 1.
  3. If u, v, wV (G) − S, σ((u, v)w) = 0.

The syndrome σ can be produced from the situation where all nodes in S are faulty and all nodes in V(G) − S are fault-free. Because a faulty comparator w can lead to an unreliable result, the result by a faulty comparator may be 1 or 0 every time, and thus a given faulty set S may produce different syndromes. Let σ(S) denote all syndromes which S is consistent with.

Two distinct subsets S1, S2V(G) are said to be indistinguishable if σ(S1) ∩ σ(S2) ≠ Ø; otherwise, S1and S2are said to be distinguishable. (S1, S2) is said to be an indistinguishable (respectively, a distinguishable) pair if S1and S2are indistinguishable (respectively, distinguishable).

Sengupta and Dahbura [20] proposed necessary and sufficient conditions for two distinct sets being distinguishable:


FIGURE 6.3 (a) A system G, (b) a comparison scheme of G under the MM model, and (c) a comparison scheme of G under the MM* model.


FIGURE 6.4. The order graphs G1 and G 5 for graph G illustrated in Figure 6.3

Lemma 6.5   [20]  For any S1, S2V(G) and S1 ≠ S2, (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair if and only if at least one of the following conditions is satisfied (see Fig. 6.5):

  1. ∃ u, wV(G)S1−S2and ∃ v(S1−S2)(S2−S1) such that (u, v)wL.
  2. ∃ u, vS1−S2and ∃ wV(G) −S1−S2 such that (u, v)wL.
  3. ∃ u, vS2S1and ∃ wV (G) S1 S2 such that (u, v)wL.

Lemma 6.6   [20]   A system G is t-diagnosable if and only if for each pair of sets S1, S2V(G) such that S1 S2and |S1|, |S2| t, at least one of the conditions of Lemma 6.5, is satisfied.


FIGURE 6.5. Illustration of Lemma 6.5.

Lemma 6.7   Let G be a system with N nodes and S1, S2V(G) be two distinct sets with |S1|, |S2| ≤ t and |S1S2| = p, where 0 ≤ pt − 1. If |P(G, S1S2)| > p, then (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

Proof:     Let M(V(G), L) be the comparison scheme of G. If |P (G, S1S2) | > p, then there must exist a node uP (G, S1S2) such that u ∉ S1∩ S2. This implies that u ∈ (S1S2) ∪ (S2S1). By the definition of the probing set, there exist two nodes v, wV(G) − (S1S2) such that (u, v)wL, which satisfies condition 1 of Lemma 6.5 Therefore, (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.    ■

Lemma 6.8    Suppose that G = (V, E) is a connected graph with orderG(v) t for each node v in G, where t 0. If UV with |U | t, then P(G, U) = U.

Proof:   Let u be a node in U. Since orderG(u) ≥ t, the cardinality of the minimum node cover in the order graph Gu = (Xu, Yu) is also at least t. Clearly, U − {u} is not a node cover of Gubecause |U − {u}| < t. This implies that there exists an edge (v, w) in Yusuch that v and w are both in U. Moreover, by the definition of the order graph, (v, w) in Yuif the comparison (u, v)w exists. Therefore, uP (G, U) and P (G, U) = U.    ■


In this section, we consider the diagnosability of (1, 2)-MCNs under the PMC model. The following properties are useful for our analysis.

Lemma 6.9   Let G = (V, E) be a graph representation of a system, where V represents the processors and E represents their interconnections. Then, d(G) δ (G) under the PMC model.

Proof:     Let u be a node in G with deg(u) = δ(G). Suppose, by contradiction, that d(G) = δ(G) + 1 > δ(G). We then consider the following two distinct sets F1 = {u} ∪ N(u) and F2 = N(u). Clearly, F1F2, |F1|, |F2| ≤ δ(G) is no edge between V(G) − (F1F2) and F1ΔF2. According to Lemma 6.2, this contradicts the fact that G is (δ(G) + 1)-diagnosable. Therefore, the result holds.    ■

Lemma 6.10    Let G1and G2be two graphs with the same number of nodes N, and let t ≥ 2 be a positive integer. If both G1and G2are t-connected and N ≥ t + k, then G(G1, G2; PMk) is (t + k)- connected for k{1, 2}.

Proof:   Let G = G(G1, G2; PMk). Suppose, by contradiction, that κ(G) ≤ t + k − 1. Then, there exists a set UV(G) with |U| ≤ t + k − 1 such that GU disconnected. Let U1 = UV(G1), U2 = UV(G2), n1 = |U1|, and n2 = |U2|. Without loss of generality, we assume that n1n2and consider the following cases.  ■

Case 1: n1< t and n2< t. Since κ(Gi) ≥ t > n1n2for i ∈ {1, 2}, both G1U1and G2U2are connected. Since GU is disconnected, each edge (u, v) ∈ PMk must have uU or vU. Otherwise, if there is an edge (u, v) ∈ PMk with u U and v U, then GU could be connected by connecting the connected components of G1U1and G2U2via (u, v), which would be a contradiction. Moreover, because each node in Gi for i ∈ {1, 2} is incident to exactly k edges in PMk, |U| ≥ Nt + k, but this contradicts the assumption that |U| ≤ t + k − 1.

Case 2: n1 = t and n2k − 1 ≤ 1. Since n2k − 1 and each node in G is incident to exactly k edges in PMk, each node u in G1U1 has at least one neighbor in G2U2. Moreover, since G2is t-connected and n2 = k − 1 ≤ 1 < 2 ≤ t, G2U2is also connected. Therefore, GU is connected, but this is a contradiction.

Case 3: n1 = t + 1 and n2k − 2. Since n2≥ 0 and k ∈ {1, 2}, we have k = 2. Hence, G is constructed from G1and G2by connecting V(G1) and V(G2) via two distinct perfect matchings PM2between V(G1) and V(G2). As each node u in G1U1has two neighbors in G2and n2 = 0, GU is connected. This is also a contradiction.

By combining the above cases, we complete the proof. ■

Next, we demonstrate the diagnosability of (1, 2)-MCNs under the PMC model.

Lemma 6.11     Let t ≥ 2 be a positive integer and let G1and G2be two graphs with the same number of nodes N, where N t + 3 . If G1and G2are t-connected, then G(G1, G2; PMk) is (t + k)-diagnosable for k{ 1, 2}.

Proof:   We prove this lemma by showing that the condition of Lemma 6.2 holds. Let F1, F2V(G) be two distinct sets with |F1|, |F2| ≤ t + k for k ∈ {1, 2}; and let |F1F2| = p, where 0 ≤ pt + k − 1.

Since |F1F2| = |F1| + |F2| − |F1| ∪ |F2|, |F1F2| ≤ 2(t + k) − p; hence, we have|F1∪ F2| ≤ 2(t + k). Moreover, because |V (G1)| = |V (G2)| = Nt + 3, |V (G) − (t + k) = 6 − 2 k ∈ {2, 4} for k ∈ {1, 2}, so at least two nodes must be in G − (F1F2). Furthermore, |F1Δ F2| ≠ 0 because F1and F2are two distinct sets. On the other hand, since G1and G2are t-connected, then by Lemma 6.10, G(G1, G2; PMk) is (t + k)-connected for k ∈ {1, 2}. This means G – (F1F2) is also connected because 0 ≤ pt + k - 1. therefore, there must exist a path in G – (F1F2)that joins a node in V(G) − (F1F2) to a node in F1ΔF2, which implies that an edge (u, v) exists, where uV(G) − (F1F2) and vF1ΔF2. By Lemma 6.2, G is (t + k)-diagnosable.    ■

Lemma 6.12   Let t ≥ 2 be a positive integer and let G1 and G2be two graphs with the same number of nodes N. If G1and G2are t-diagnosable and t-connected, then a (1, 2)-MCN G(G1, G2; PMk) is (t + k)-diagnosable for k{1, 2 }.

Proof:    We prove this lemma by showing that the two conditions of Lemma 6.3 hold. Since G1and G2are t-diagnosable, then by condition 1 of Lemma 6.4, we have N ≥ 2 t + 1. Moreover, the number of nodes in G is equal to 2 N ≥ 2(2 t + 1) > 2(t + k) + 1 for k ∈ {1, 2} and t ≥ 2. Therefore, condition 1 of Lemma 6.3 holds.

On the other hand, since G1and G2are both t-connected, then by Lemma 6.10, G(G1, G2; PMk) is (t + k)-connected for k ∈ {1, 2}; that is, κ(G(G1, G2; PMk)) ≥ t + k. Therefore, condition 2 of Lemma 6.3 holds. Because both conditions of Lemma 6.3 hold, G(G1, G2; PMk) is (t + k)-diagnosable for k ∈ {1, 2}.       ■


In this section, we study the diagnosability of 2-MCNs under the MM* model. Some useful properties are shown as follows.

Lemma 6.13     Let G = (V, E) be a graph representation of a system, where V represents the processors and E represents their interconnections. Then, d(G)δ(G) under the MM* model.

Proof:    Suppose, by contradiction, that G is (δ(G) + 1)-diagnosable. Let u be an arbitrary node in G, and let F1 = {u} ⋃ N(u) and F2 = N(u). Clearly, F1F2, N(u) = F1F2, and |F1|, |F2| ≤ δ(G) + 1. However, node u cannot be compared by any other node in V(G) − F1F2, which implies that none of the conditions in Lemma 6.5, is satisfied. This is contrary to that G is (δ(G) + 1)-diagnosable, which leads to that d(G) ≤ δ(G), the result holds.    ■

Lemma 6.14    Let G1and G2be two networks with the same number of nodes N, and let t ≥ 2 be a positive integer. If orderGi(v)t for each node v in Gi, where i = 1, 2, then orderG(v)t + 2 for each node v in G(G1, G2; PM2).

Proof:    For convenience, let G = G(G1, G2;PM2). Let v be an arbitrary node of G. Without loss of generality, we assume that vV (G1), and let u and w be two v's neighbors in G2, where (v, u), (v, w) ∈ PM2. Recall that Gv1and Gvdenote the order graphs of v for G1and G, respectively. Because Gv1is a subgraph of Gv, every node cover of Gvcontains a node cover of Gv1. Moreover, since each node in G2has the order t ≥ 2, the cardinality of a minimum node cover of Gu2(respectively, Gw2 ) is at least 2, which implies that |NG2(u)|≥2 (respectively, |NG2(w)|≥2) because NG2(u) (respectively, NG2 (w)) forms a node cover of Gu2. (respectively, Gw2.). Let u′, u′′∈NG2(u) and w′, w′′∈NG2(w). Then, we have the following possible cases: (1) |{u′, u″} ⋂{w′, w″}| = 2, that is, u′ and u′′ (w′ and w′′) are both common neighbors of u and w(see Fig. 6.6a); (2) |{u′, u″}⋂{w′, w″} = 1, that is, uand w have exactly one common neighbor (see Fig. 6.6b); (3)|{u ′, u″}⋂{w′, w″}| = 0, that is, u and w have no common neighbor (see Fig. 6.6c). In each of the above cases, at least two nodes must be included into a node cover to cover edges (u, u′), (u, u″), (w, w′), and (w, w′′).

Since edges (u, u′), (u, u″), (w, w′), and (w, w″)belong to E(Gv)–E(Gv1) and every node cover of Gv contains a node cover of (Gv1), order G(v) ≥ orderG1(v) + 2 ≥ t + 2.

Now, we are ready to state and prove the following theorem about the diagnosability of 2-MCNs under the MM* model.


FIGURE 6.6. Illustration of the proof of Lemma 6.14

Theorem 6.1  Let t ≥ 2 be a positive integer and let G1 and G2 be two graphs with the same number of nodes N, where N t + 3. If orderGi (v) ≥ t, κ(Gi) t, and |NGi (v)|≥ 3 for each node vV(Gi), where i = 1, 2, then G(G1, G2; PM2) is (t + 2 )-diagnosable.

Proof:   For convenience, let G = G(G1, G2; PM2). Let S1, S2V(G) be two distinct sets with |S1|, |S2| ≤ t + 2 and let |S1S2| = p, where 0 ≤ pt + 1. Also, let SGi = V(Gi) ⋂ (S1 S2) for i = 1, 2 with |SG1| = n1 and |SG2| = n2. Clearly, n1 + n2≤ 2(t + 2) − p. Without loss of generality, we assume that n1n2. Since


the maximum value of n1is equal to t + 2 when p = 0 and n1 = t + 2. We divide the proof into two cases, according to the combined values of n1, n2, and t. The first case is n2t, which implies n1t. The second case is n2> t, and this case is further divided into three subcases: n1< t, n1 = t, and n1> t. For simplicity, we say that a comparison (u, v)w is good if it satisfies condition 1 of Lemma 6.5.

Case 1: n2t, and this implies n1t. By Lemma 6.8, P(G1, SG1) = SG1 and P(G2, SG2) = SG2. Then, image image Therefore, by Lemma 6.7, (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

Case 2: n2> t. We have the following scenarios.

Case 2.1: n1< t. This implies n2> n1.

Case 2.1.1: n2> p. By Lemma 6.8, imageMoreover, since each node in SG2is adjacent to exactly two nodes in G1(via PM2) and n2> n1, SG2contains a set R with |R | ≥ n2n1such that each node in R is adjacent to some node in V (G1) −SG1. Let uR be an arbitrary node and let w be a node in V(G1) −SG1adjacent to u. Since κ (G1) ≥ t and image is connected, which implies that there is another node vV (G1) − SG1 adjacent to w. Clearly, (u, v)w is a comparison. By combining the above arguments, we have image image Therefore, by Lemma 6.7, (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

Case 2.1.2: n2 = p. In this case, from n2t + 1 and pt + 1, this implies n2 = p = t + 1; from n1 + n2≤ 2(t + 2) − p, it follows n1≤ 2; and also, n1> 0 from n2 = p and S1, S2are distinct. Thus, image. We have the following scenarios.

Case image. Let u be such a node in image. Since n1≤ 2 and |NG1(u)| ≥ 3 by the hypothesis, there exists a node wV(G1) − SG1 adjacent to u. Moreover, because n1< t and κ(G1) ≥ t, image is connected, which implies that there is another node vV(G1) − SG1 adjacent to w (see Fig. 6.7a). Then, comparison (u, v)w is good. Therefore, (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

Case |SG1– (S1S2)| = 0. This implies |SG2– (S1S2)| = n2 –(pn1) = n1, as p = n2 and SG1SG2 = Ø.

Case n1 = 1, which implies that there is exactly one node in SG2– (S1S2). Let x be the node in SG2– (S1S2). Since n1 = 1, there exists at least one node image adjacent to x via PM2(see Fig. 6.7b). Then, the result that (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair can be shown using a similar argument to that presented in Case

Case n1 = 2; that is, |SG2– (S1S2)| = 2 (note that this case does not occur when t = 2, as n1< t). Let {x, y} = SG2– (S1S2). If at least one node in {x, y} is adjacent to some node image (see Fig. 6.7c), then the result that (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair can be shown using a similar argument to that presented in Case

Otherwise, edges in PM2that are incident to the nodes in {x, y} are also incident to the node in SG1 and vice versa (recall that image (see Fig. 6.7d). This implies that the nodes in image cannot be adjacent to nodes in SG1 via PM2. Thus, every node image must be adjacent to some node image via PM. Since image and G2is t-connected.image {x, y})] is connected. Hence, at least one node in {x, y}, say, y, must be adjacent to some node image and, in turn, z must be adjacent to some node image Thus, comparison (y, z′) z is good, and (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

Case 2.2: n1 = t. Since n2t + 1 and n1 + n2 ≤ 2(t + 2) − p, we have p ≤ 3. We have the following scenarios.

Case 2.2.1: pt.

Case image. By the assumption of this case and image contains at least one node. Then, by an argument similar to the one used in Case, we can show that (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

Case image This implies image and sets V (G2) ∈ S1and V (G2) ∈ S2are disjoint. If there exists at least one isolated node in image let w be one such node. Since image w is adjacent to three nodes in SG2and to at least two nodes in either (S1S2) or (S2S1), which implies that condition 2 or 3 of Lemma 6.5 holds (see Fig. 6.8a). Therefore, (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

Otherwise, given that G2is connected, there exists a node u in either image, which is adjacent to some node w inimage Since w is not an isolated node inimage, w must be adjacent to some node v also in image, which implies that (u, v)w is good (see Fig. 6.8b). Therefore, (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

Case 2.2.2: p > t. Note that this case occurs only when t = 2, as p ≤ 3. Thus, n1 = 2, p = 3, and n2 = 3.

Case image; that is, image contains at least one node. Then, the result that (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair can be shown using an argument similar to that presented in Case

Case image; this implies that there are exactly two nodes in image Then, the result that (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair can be shown using an argument similar to that presented in Case

Case 2.3: n1> t; thus, n2n1> t. Moreover, since n1 + n2≤ 2(t + 2) – p, we have p ≤ 2. There are the following scenarios.

Case 2.3.1: p = 0; this implies S1S2 = (S1S2) ∪ (S1S2). By using an argument similar to that presented in Case, we can show that (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

Case 2.3.2: p > 0. We first consider the situation where every connected component in G [ V (G) − S1S2] contains at least two nodes. Since p = |S1S2| ≤ 2 and κ (G) ≥ t + 2 ≥ 4 for t ≥ 2 (according to Lemma 6.10,)n, G −(S1S2) is connected. Hence, there exists a node u ∈ (S1S2) ∪ (S2S1) adjacent to some node w, which belongs to a component C in G [ V (G) − S1S2]. Since |V (C) | ≥ 2, there is a node vC adjacent to w. Then, (u, v)w is good, and thus, (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair (see Fig. 6.9a).

Otherwise, every connected component G[V(G) − S1S2] is an isolated node. Let w be an arbitrary isolated node in G[V(G) − S1S2]. Since |NGi(v)| ≥ 3for every node vV (Gi), we have |NG(w)| ≥ 5. Moreover, because p ≤ 2, v is adjacent to at least two nodes in S1S2or S2S1, which implies that condition 2 or 3 of Lemma 6.5, holds (see Fig. 6.9b). Therefore, (S1, S2) is a distinguishable pair.

By combining the above cases, we complete the proof.    ■

Figure 6.10a illustrates a 2-MCN G = G(G1, G2;PM2) with orderGi (v) = 3, κ (Gi) = 3, and imagefor each node v in Gi, where i = 1, 2. By Theorem 6.1, G is 5-diagnosable 2-MCN. Figure 6.10b illustrates a 2-MCN G = G(G1, G2; PM2) with order Gi(v) = 2, κ (Gi) = 2, and |NGi (v)| ≥ 2 for each node v in Gi, where i = 1, 2. Since G does not satisfy the condition where |NGi(v)| ≥ 3 in Theorem 6.1, it is not 4-diagnosable. Let S1 = {u3, u4, u5, v4} and S2 = {u4, v3, v4, v5} with S1S2 = {u4, v4}. Clearly, none of the nodes in (S1S2) ∪ (S2S1) = {u3, v3, u5, v5} can be compared by another two nodes in V(G) − (S1S2) = {u1, v1, u2, v2}. By Lemma 6.5 and 6.6, G is not 4-diagnosable.

Corollary 6.1   Let t ≥ 3 be a positive integer and let G1and G2be two graphs with the same number of nodes N, where N t + 3. If orderGi(v) ≥ t and κ (Gi) t for i = 1, 2, then G(G1, G2; PM2) is (t + 2 )-diagnosable.


FIGURE 6.7. Illustration of Case 2.3.2 in the proof of Theorem 6.1.


FIGURE 6.8. Illustration of Case in the proof of Theorem 6.1.


FIGURE 6.9. Illustration of Case 2.3.2 in the proof of Theorem 6.1.


FIGURE 6.10. Two 2-MCNs for illustrating the usage of Theorem 6.1: (a) a 5-diagnosable 2-MCN and (b) a non-4-diagnosable 2-MCN, where the white, gray, and black nodes belong to S1S2, (S1S2) ⋃ (S2S1), andV(G)(S1⋃ S2) respectively.


In this section, we apply the lemmas derived in Section 6.3 and 6.4 to several popular multiprocessor systems. Of course, they can also be applied to many other potentially useful systems.

6.5.1  The Diagnosability of Hypercubes

An n-dimensional hypercube Qn has 2nnodes and can be defined recursively as follows. Q1is a complete graph with two nodes labeled 0 and 1, respectively. For n ≥ 2, Qn consists of two Qn 1s, denoted by image and image, respectively. In addition, there exists a perfect matching PM1between image andimage so that nodeimage is connected to node imageif and only if ui = vi for 0 ≤ in – 2. Figure 6.11 illustrates Q3and Q4.


FIGURE 6.11. Q3and Q4.


FIGURE 6.12. CQ3and CQ4.

Lemma 6.15  Qn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:  By the definition of hypercubes, image Since Qn is n-connected for n ≥ 3 [30] and image for n ≥ 4, then by Lemma 6.11, Qn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5.   ■

Theorem 6.2  d(Qn) = n for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof: By Lemma 6.15, d(Qn) ≥ n for n ≥ 5. Moreover, since Qn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graph with a common degree n, that is, δ(Qn) = n, then by Lemma 6.9, d(Qn) ≤ δ(Qn) = n. Hence, d(Qn) = n for n ≥ 5.   ■

6.5.2   The Diagnosability of Crossed Cubes

An n-dimensional crossed cube CQn [31] has 2nnodes and can be defined recursively as follows. CQ1is a complete graph with two nodes labeled 0 and 1, respectively. For cases where n ≥ 2, CQn consists of two CQn−1s, denoted by image and image, respectively. In addition, there exists a perfect matching PM1between image and image so that image is connected to node image if and only if (1) un2 = vn 2if n is even; and (2) image, image for


Figure 6.12 illustrates CQ3and CQ4.

Lemma 6.16  CQn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By the definition of crossed cubes, image. Moreover, since a CQn is n-connected for n ≥ 3 [32], and image therefore, by Lemma 6.11, CQn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5.   ■

Theorem 6.3   d(CQn) = n for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By Lemma 6.16, d(CQn) ≥ n for n ≥ 5. Since CQn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graph with a common degree n, that is, δ(CQn) = n, then, by Lemma 6.9, d(CQn) ≤ δ(CQn) = n. Hence, d(CQn) = n for n ≥ 5.   ■

6.5.3   The Diagnosability of Möbius Cubes

For a binary bit x, let image be one's complement of x, that is, image = 1 iff x = 0, and image = 0 iff x = 1. An n-dimensional 0-Möbius cube 0-MQn (respectively, 1-Möbius cube 1-MQn) [33] has 2nnodes, and can be recursively defined as follows. 0-MQ1(respectively, 1-MQ1) is a complete graph with two nodes labeled 0 and 1, respectively. 0-MQ2is a graph with V (0-MQ2) = {00, 01, 10, 11} and E (0-MQ2) = {(00, 01), (00, 10), (01, 11), (10, 11)}. 1-MQ2is a graph with V (1-MQ2) = {00, 01, 10, 11} and E (1 -MQ2) = {(00, 01), (00, 11), (01, 10)}, (10, 11)}. For n ≥ 3, 0-MQn (respectively, 1-MQn) consists of 0-MQn 1and 1-MQn1, and there is a perfect matching PM1 between V(0-MQn1) = {0un2un3u0|ui∈ {0, 1}} and V(1-MQn 1) = {1 vn2vn 3v0|vi∈ {0, 1}} so that node u = 0 un2un3u0V(0-MQn 1) is connected to node v = 1vn2vn3v0V(1-MQn1) in 0-MQn(respectively, 1-MQn) if and only if ui = vi(respectively, ui = image) for all 0 ≤ in − 2. Figure 6.13 illustrates MQ3and MQ4.

Lemma 6.17  MQn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model

Proof:   By the definition of M ö bius cubes, MQn = G(0-MQn1, 1-MQn1; Moreover, an MQn is n-connected for n ≥ 3 [9], and |V (0-MQn 1)| = |V (1-MQn 1)| = 2 n−1≥ (n − 1) + 3 = n + 2 for n ≥ 4; therefore, by Lemma 6.11, MQn is n -diagnosable for n ≥ 5.    ■

Theorem 6.4   d(MQn) = n for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By Lemma 6.17, d(MQn) ≥ n for n ≥ 5. Since MQn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graphwith a common degree n, that is, δ(MQn) = n, then by Lemma 6.9, d(MQn) ≤ δ(MQn) = n. Hence, d(MQn) = n for n ≥ 5.   ■

6.5.4   The Diagnosability of Twisted Cubes

An isomorphism from a simple graph G to a simple graph H is a one to one and onto function π: V(G) → V(H) such that (u, v) ∈ E(G) if and only if (π(u), π(v)) ∈ E(H). We say “G, written as GH, is isomorphic to H” if there is an isomorphism from G to H. Given a binary string u = un1un2u0for ui∈ {0, 1},

let Pi(u) = ui·ui1·…·u0, where · represents an exclusive-or operation. An n -dimensional twisted cube TQn [34] for an odd integer n has 2nnodes, and can be defined recursively as follows. TQ1is a complete graph with two nodes labeled 0 and 1, respectively. For an odd integer n ≥ 3, TQn is decomposed into four sets: image and image where image for (i, j) ∈ {(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)}}. Note that the subgraph induced by image in TQn is isomorphic to TQn2. Moreover, node un1un2un3u0is connected to nodes image and image and image respectively) if and only if Pn3(u) = 0 (respectively, Pn3(u) = 1). Figure 6.14 illustrates TQ3and TQ5.

Based on the above definition, TQn is composed of four TQn2's, which are subgraphs induced, respectively, by image and image where n ≥ 3 is an odd integer. Let S0and S1be two subgraphs of TQn induced by image and image respectively. In fact, image and image. Moreover, each node u = un1un2un3u1u0S0is connected to image if Pn3(u) = 0 and to image if Pn3(u) = 1. It is not difficult to see that each node uS0has exactly one neighbor v in S1. Therefore, the edges between S1 and S2in TQn form a perfect matching; that is, TQn = G(S0, S1; PM1).


FIGURE 6.13. MQ3 and MQ


FIGURE 6.14. TQ3 and TQ5.

Lemma 6.18  Let imagefor j = 0, 1. Then, Sj is (n − 1)-connected for n ≥ 4.

Proof: SinceTQn is n - connected for n ≥ 3 [35], then by Lemma 6.10, Sj is (n − 1)-connected for n ≥ 4.   ■

Lemma 6.19  TQn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By the definition of twisted cubes, TQn = G(S0, S1;PM1). Moreover, by Lemma 6.18, image for j = 0, 1 is (n − 1)-connected for n ≥ 4, and imagefor n ≥ 4; therefore, by Lemma 6.11, TQn is n-diagnosable for ≥ 5.   ■

Theorem 6.5    d(TQn) = n for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By Lemma 6.19, d(TQn) ≥ n for n ≥ 5. Since TQn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graph with a common degree n, that is, δ(TQn) = n, then by Lemma 6.9, d(TQn) ≤ δ(TQn) = n. Hence, d(TQn) = n for n ≥ 5.   ■

6.5.5    The Diagnosability of Locally Twisted Cubes

An n - dimensional locally twisted cube LTQn [36] has 2n nodes and can be defined recursively as follows. LTQ1 is a complete graph with two nodes labeled 0 and 1, respectively.LTQ2 is a graph with V(LTQ2) = {00, 01, 10, 11} and E(LTQ2) = {(00, 01), (01, 11)}, (11, 10), (10, 00)}. For n ≥ 3, LTQn consists of two LTQn1, denoted by image and image, respectively. In addition, there is a perfect matching PM1 between image and image image such that node image is connected to node, image where “ image" denotes a “mod 2” operation. Figure 6.15 illustrates LTQ3 and LTQ4.

Lemma 6.20  LTQn is n-diagnosable for n5under the PMC model.

Proof:   By the definition of locally twisted cubes, image. Moreover, since an LTQn isn-connected for n ≥ 3 [36] and image image for n ≥ 4, then, by Lemma 6.11, LTQn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5.   ■

Theorem 6.6    d(LTQn) = n for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof: By Lemma 6.20, d(LTQn) ≥ n for n ≥ 5. Since LTQn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graph with a common degree n, that is, δ(LTQn) = n, then, by Lemma 6.9, d(LTQn) ≤ δ(LTQn) = n. Hence, d(LTQn) = n for n≥ 5.   ■

6.5.6   The Diagnosability of Generalized Cubes

Two edges in a graph G are said to be independent if they do not share a common node. Given two independent edges, (x, y) and (u, v) in E(G), an X-change operation on (x, y) and (u, v), denoted by X[(x, y), (u, v)], would replace the two edges (x, y) and (u, v) with two new edges, (x, v) and (y, u), as shown in Figure 6.16. Note that an X-change operation preserves the degree of the graph.

An n-dimensional generalized twisted cube GQn [37] has 2n nodes and can be defined as follows. GQ0 is a single node. GQ1 is a complete graph with two nodes labeled 0 and 1, respectively. GQ2 is a graph with V(GQ2) = {00, 01, 10, 11} and E(GQ2) = {(00, 01), (01, 11), (11, 10), (10, 00)}. For n ≥ 3, GQn = TQ3×GQn-3, where × is the Cartesian product of two graphs. Alternatively, GQn can be represented by K2×GQn−1 if mod(n, 3) = 1 or 2, and K2GQn1if mod(n, 3) = 0, where ⊙ indicates that the Cartesian product operation is followed by the X-change operations X[010bn4bn 5b0, 110bn4bn5b0), (011bn4bn5b0, 111bn4bn5b0)], where bn4bn5b0 ∈ {0, 1}n−3 [37]. Based on the above definition, GQn belongs to the class of (1, 2)-MCNs and is isomorphic to G(GQn1, GQn1; PM). Figure 6.17 illustrates GQ3 and GQ4.

Lemma 6.21  GQn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By the definition of generalized twisted cubes, GQ nG (GQ n 1, GQn1; PM1). Moreover, a GQ n is n-connected for n ≥ 3 [38], and |V(GQn1)| = |V(GQn1)| = 2n−1 ≥ (n − 1) + 3 = n + 2 for n ≥ 4; therefore, by Lemma 6.11, GQn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5.   ■

Theorem 6.7  d(GQn) = n for n5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By Lemma 6.21, d(GQn) ≥ n for n ≥ 5. Since GQn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graph with a common degree n, that is, δ(GQn) = n, then, by Lemma 6.9, d(GQn) ≤ δ(GQn) = n. Hence, d(GQn) = n for n ≥ 5.   ■


FIGURE 6.15. TQ3 and LTQ4.


FIGURE 6.16. An X-change operation.


FIGURE 6.17. GQ3 and GQ4.

6.5.7  The Diagnosability of a Recursive Circulant

A recursive circulant [39, 40] G(N, d) for d ≥ 2 is defined as follows: The node set V = {v0, v1, v2,…,vN1} and the edge set E = {(vi, vj)| there exists k for 0 ≤ k ≤ ⌈log dN⌉ − 1 such that i + dkj(mod N)}. In fact, G(N, d) is a circulant graph [41] with N nodes and jumps to the power of d, that is, d0, d1, d2,…,d⌈logd N⌉−1. Recursive circulant G(N, d) has a recursive structure when N = cdn for 1 ≤ c < d.G (cdn, d) for n ≥ 1 can be constructed recursively on d copies of G(cdn−1, d) as follows: Let Gi = (Vi, Ei) for 0 ≤ id − 1 be a copy of G(cdn−1, d) with image, where Gi is isomorphic to G(cdn−1, d) by the isomorphism mapping vji to vj. We can relabel vji as vjd + i. The node set V of G(cdn, d) is image, and the edges set E is image, where X = {(vj, vj)|j + 1 ≡ j′ (mod cdn)}. In this chapter, we focus G(N, d) with N = 2n and d = 4. In the recursive structure, G(2n, 4) consists of four components: G0, G1, G2, and G3, each of which is isomorphic to G(2n−2, 4). Figure 6.18 illustrates G(23, 4) and G(25, 4).

Let H0 and H1 be two subgraphs of G(2n, 4) induced by V(G0) ∪ V(G1) and V(G2) ∪ V(G3), respectively, where GiG(2n−2, 4) for i ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}. In fact, H0 = (G0, G1; PM1) and H1 = (G2, G3; PM1). Moreover, it is not difficult to see that each node uH0 has exactly one neighbor v in H1. Therefore, the edges between S1 and S2 in G(2n, 4) form a perfect matching; that is, G(2n, 4) = (H0, H1; PM1).

Lemma 6.22   Let H0 and H1 be two subgraphs of (G0, G1; PM1) and (G2, G3;PM1), respectively, where Gi G(2n−2, 4) for i{ 0, 1, 2, 3 }. Then, H0 and H1 are (n−1)-connected for n ≥ 4.

Proof:   Since G(2n, 4) is n-connected for n ≥ 3 [42], then, by Lemma 6.10, H0 and H1 are (n − 1)-connected for n ≥ 4.   ■

Lemma 6.23  G(2n, 4) is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By the definition of recursive circulants G(2n, 4), G(2n, 4) = G(H0, H1; PM1). Moreover, by Lemma 6.22, H0 = G0, G1;PM1)and H1 = (G0, G3;PM1) are (n − 1)-connected for n ≥ 4, and ∣V (H0)∣ = ∣V (H1)∣ = 2n−1 ≥ (n − 1) + 3 = n + 2 for n ≥ 4; therefore, by Lemma 6.11, G(2n, 4) is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 5.   ■

Theorem 6.8    d(G(2n, 4)) = n for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof: By Lemma 6.23, d(G(2n, 4)) ≥ n for n ≥ 5. Since G(2n, 4) for n ≥ 3 is a regular graph with a common degree n, that is, δ(G(2n, 4)) = n, then, by Lemma 6.9, d(G(2n, 4)) ≤ δ(G(2 n, 4)) = n. Hence, d(G(2n, 4)) = n for n ≥ 5.   ■


FIGURE 6.18.  G(23, 4) and G(25, 4).

6.5.8   The Diagnosability of Hyper-Petersen Networks

The Petersen graph P is a simple graph in which the nodes are two-element subsets of a five-element set and the edges are pairs of disjoint two-element subsets. An n-dimensional hyper-Petersen network [43], denoted by HP n forn ≥ 3, has HPnQn−3 × P. Alternatively, HPnHPn−1 × K2, where n ≥ 4; that is, HPnG(HPn−1, HPn−1; PM1). Figure 6.19 illustrates HP3 and HP4. Note that HPn is a regular graph with 1.25(2n) nodes that have a common degree n.

Lemma 6.24  HPn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 4 under the PMC model.

Proof: By the definition of hyper-Petersen networks, HPnG(HPn−1, HPn−1;PM1). Moreover, HPn is n-connected for n ≥ 3 [44], and ∣V(HPn1)∣ = ∣V (HPn1) ∣ = 1.25

(2+ 1) ≥ (n − 1) + 3 = n + 2 for n ≥ 3; therefore, by Lemma 6.11, HPn is n-diagnosable for n ≥ 4.   ■

Theorem 6.9   d(HPn) = n for n ≥ 4 under the PMC model.

Proof: By Lemma 6.24, d (HP n)≥ n for n ≥ 4. Since HP n for n ≥ 3 is a regular graph with a common degree n, that is, δ(HPn) = n, then, by Lemma 6.9, d(HPn) ≤ δ(HPn) = n. Hence, d(HPn) = n for n ≥ 4.       ■.


FIGURE 6.19. HP3 and HP4.

6.5.9   The Diagnosability of Folded Hypercubes

An n-dimensional folded hypercube [45], denoted by FQn, is a regular n-dimensional hypercube augmented by adding more edges between its nodes. More specifically, FQn has 2n nodes and can be defined as follows. FQ1 is a complete graph with two nodes labeled 0 and 1, respectively. For n ≥ 2, there exists a PM2 between image in such a way that node imageis connected to node image image if and only if one of the following conditions hold: (1)ui = vi for 0 ≤ in − 2 (called a hypercube edge), or (2) image for 0 ≤ in − 2(called a complementary edge) (Fig. 6.20).

Lemma 6.25   FQn is (n + 1)- diagnosable for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof: By the definition of folded hypercubes, image. Moreover, a Qn is n-connected for n ≥ 3 [30], and image for n ≥ 4; therefore, by Lemma 6.11 , FQ n is (n + 1)-diagnosable for n ≥ 5.      ■

Theorem 6.10   d(FQn) = n + 1 for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof: By Lemma 6.25, d(FQn) ≥ n for n ≥ 5. Since FQn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graph with a common degree n + 1, that is, δ(FQn) = n + 1, then, by Lemma 6.9, d(FQn) ≤ δ(FQn) = n + 1. Hence, d(FQn) = n + 1 for n ≥ 5.    ■

Lemma 6.26  FQn is (n + 1)-diagnosable for n ≥ 4 under the MM* model.

Proof:   By the definition, FQn is obtained by connecting two (n − 1)- dimensional hypercubes via PM2; that is, image. Since an n-dimensional hypercube is n-connected and the order of each node equals n [24] for n ≥ 3, then, by Corollary 6.1, FQn is (n − 1) + 2 = (n + 1)-diagnosable for n ≥ 4.   ■

Theorem 6.11  d(FQn) = n + 1 for n ≥ 4 under the MM* model.

Proof:   By Lemma 6.26, d(FQn) ≥ n + 1 for n ≥ 4. Next, we show that d(FQn) ≤ n + 1. Since FQn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graph with a common degree n + 1, that is, δ(FQn) = n + 1, then, by Lemma 6.13, d(FQn) ≤ δ(FQn) ≤ n + 1. Hence, d(FQn) = n + 1 for n ≥ 4.      ■


FIGURE 6.20. (a) A three-dimensional folded hypercubeFQ3, and (b) a four-dimensional folded hypercube FQ4. The dotted lines represent the complementary edges.

6.5.10   The Diagnosability of Augmented Cubes

The n-dimensional augmented cube AQn [46] has 2n nodes and can be recursively defined as follows. AQ1 is a complete graph with two nodes labeled 0 and 1, respectively. For n ≥ 2, AQn consists of two AQn−1's, denoted by image and image, respectively. In addition, there exists a PM2 between image and image in such a way that node u = 0un−2un−3u0image connected to node image if and only if one of the following conditions hold: (1) ui = vi for 0 ≤ in − 2 (called a hypercube edge), or (2) ui = image (called a complementary edge) for 0 ≤ in − 2 (Fig. 6.21).

Lemma 6.27  AQn is (2n 1)-diagnosable for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By the definition of augmented cubes, image Moreover, an AQn is (2n − 1)-connected for n ≥ 4 [46] and image imagefor n ≥ 4; therefore, by Lemma 6.11, AQn is (2n − 1)-diagnosable for n ≥ 5.   ■


FIGURE 6.21. A four-dimensional augmented cube AQ4; the dotted lines represent the complementary edges.

Theorem 6.12  d(AQn) = 2n− 1 for n ≥ 5 under the PMC model.

Proof:   By Lemma 6.27, d(AQn) ≥ 2n − 1 for n ≥ 5. Since an AQn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graph with a common degree 2 n − 1, that is, δ(AQn) = 2 n − 1, then, by Lemma 6.9, d(AQn) ≤ δ(AQn) = 2n − 1. Hence, d(AQn) = 2n − 1 for n ≥ 5.       ■

Lemma 6.28  The order of each node v in AQn is least 2n-1 for n ≥ 4.

Proof:   We prove this lemma by induction on n. Since AQn is node symmetric [ 46], we only need to consider the order graph G0000 for node 0000 in AQ4. Figure 6.22b illustrates the order graph G0000 for AQ4. It is not difficult to verify that the cardinality of a minimum node cover equals 7( = 2 × 4 − 1) using an exhaustive search. Thus, the base case holds. Assume that the lemma holds for dimension n − 1 for n ≥ 5. Now, we consider AQn, which is constructed from two AQn 1 s via PM2. By the induction hypothesis, the order of each node in AQ n1 is at least 2(n − 1) − 1 = 2n − 3. Therefore, by Lemma 6.14, the order of AQn is at least (2n − 3) + 2 = 2n − 1.     ■


FIGURE 6.22. (a) AQ4 and (b) the order graph G0000, where the white nodes form a minimum node cover.

Lemma 6.29  AQnis (2n-1)-diagnosable for n ≥ 5 under the MM* model.

Proof:   By the definition, AQn is obtained by connecting two (n − 1)-dimensional augmented cubes via PM2; that is, image. By Lemma 6.28, Corollary 6.1, and AQn is (2n – 1)-connected [46], AQn is (2(n − 1) − 1) + 2) = (2n-1))-diagnosable.      ■

Theorem 6.13  d(AQ n ) = 2n 1 for n ≥ 5 under the MM* model.

Proof:   By Lemma 6.29, d(AQn) ≥ 2n − 1 for n ≥ 5. We next show that d(AQn) ≤ 2n − 1. Since AQn for n ≥ 1 is a regular graph with a common degree 2n − 1, that is, δ(AQn) = 2n − 1, then, by Lemma 6.13, d(AQn) ≤ δ (AQn) = 2n − 1. Hence, d(AQn) = 2n − 1 for n ≥ 5.   ■


Fault diagnosis in multiprocessor systems has received a great deal of attention since Preparata et al. [19] proposed the concept of system-level diagnosis. In this chapter, we have established sufficient conditions that can be utilized to determine the diagnosability of (1, 2)-MCNs under the PMC model, and the diagnosability of 2-MCNs under the MM* model. By using the established lemmas, we can successfully compute the diagnosability of hypercubes, crossed cubes, Möbius cubes, twisted cubes, locally twisted cubes, generalized twisted cubes, recursive circulants for odd n, hyper-Petersen networks, folded hypercubes, and augmented cubes under the PMC model. Furthermore, we can also successfully compute the diagnosability of folded hypercubes and augmented cubes under the MM* model. In the future work, we will apply our strategy to some other classes of networks.


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1The notation GS represents the graph obtained by deleting all the nodes in S from G.

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