Hour 18, "Managing Database Users"

Quiz Answers

1: What command is used to establish a session?
A1: The CONNECT TO statement.
2: Which option must be used to drop a schema that still contains database objects?
A2: The CASCADE option allows the schema to be dropped if there are still objects under that schema.
3: What statement is used to remove a database privilege?
A3: The REVOKE statement is used to remove database privileges.
4: What command creates a grouping or collection of tables, views, and privileges?
A4: The CREATE SCHEMA statement.

Exercise Answers

1: Describe or list the steps that allow a new employee database access.
A1: The immediate supervisor should instigate the request process by completing a user ID request form, which contains all the information necessary to add the user to the database. The form should then be forwarded to the security officer. The user request is then routed to either the database administrator or the individual designated to assist the database administrator with security, so that the user can be added to the database. This is a general process that should be followed and modified accordingly for each company.

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