Hour 13
HTML5 and CSS3

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the code behind web pages. Using HTML, you place text, graphics, JavaScript, Java and other active content, and hyperlinks throughout web pages to give those pages the look you desire. Unlike traditional programming languages (but like JavaScript), HTML is interpreted as a web page loads. A web page, formatted with HTML code, goes across the Internet to any user who requests it. That user’s browser interprets the HTML elements to format the page properly.

This lesson introduces you to the world of HTML coding. You will learn how HTML formats text, graphics, and other web page elements. HTML is a fairly simple language because, instead of issuing commands to process data as you do with procedural languages such as C++, most HTML includes simple formatting instructions to adjust the appearance of the web page.

The highlights of this hour include the following:

Image Understanding how HTML formats web pages

Image Recognizing HTML tags

Image Working with HTML text

Image Placing graphics on a web page

Image Introducing CSS

Image Generating web page hyperlinks

HTML Programming

A web page might contain text, graphics, icons and text containing links (also known as hyperlinks or hot spots), Java applets, JavaScript code, and multimedia content. One of the goals of web page designers is to make web pages appear uniform, no matter what kind of computer the user uses (or, more accurately, which platform the user uses, which might be a PC, a tablet, or a phone, running one of a number of operating systems). Although the same web page still looks different on different computers and different browser versions, a steady progression is being made to a truly universal browser standard that will show all web pages uniformly (see the sidebar “W3C Attempts to Standardize HTML”). HTML is a machine-independent language that web developers use to design web pages. A page’s HTML listing is a set of text elements that, when viewed with a web browser, produces a web page that conforms to the look the author intended.


No matter what programming language you decide to master next, whether it is advanced Java, C++, or another, you should learn the fundamentals of HTML. HTML and JavaScript (which you will cover in the next few lessons) in concert can be used to accomplish some fairly impressive tasks. The Internet plays a huge role in computers today, and you’ll almost certainly be connecting your programming efforts to the web in some way. HTML is the primary web page language. All the other web page languages use HTML in some way. Fortunately, HTML is primarily a formatting and hyperlinking language that is rather simple to master, and will even be easier once you understand the way JavaScript works.

Simple HTML markup produces visually appealing web pages, but many times beginners don’t use HTML to produce a web page today; instead, they rely on website-creation tools that allow them to choose basic templates and then make simple changes to the look and feel. These sites translate the page created in this way into HTML elements. Microsoft Word and other word processors can often save documents (with formatted text as well as embedded tables, graphics, and multimedia) as HTML pages that Word translates to HTML code.


You can use website-creation tools and Word to generate code for you, but you’ll never learn without doing, and frankly the code that is automatically generated is often sloppy and poorly executed. You are far better off in the long run learning to write your own HTML from scratch.

Following an HTML Example

Figure 13.1 shows a web page that looks rather simple and is free of clutter.


A web page created using HTML code.

Figure 13.2 contains some of the HTML markup that produced the web page shown in Figure 13.1.

Take a moment to compare Figure 13.2’s HTML markup to Figure 13.1’s web page. The full HTML code required to display Figure 13.1 is even longer than what you see in Figure 13.2. The HTML code that you do see is rather advanced, so the excerpt of this HTML listing looks a little forbidding. Nevertheless, as you keep comparing the HTML code to the web page, you’ll begin to see some ways that the HTML language formatted and placed text on parts of the web page.

Be warned that Figure 13.2 contains virtually no whitespace and alignment that would make the page easier to maintain. Often, web pages generated with website creation programs are rather compact; web pages that an HTML programmer designs from scratch are more likely to be easy to read. Before this hour is over, you will see simpler HTML code written by a programmer that demonstrates more readability. You’ll inevitably find both kinds of HTML-based pages because many of the web pages you use today are generated by web page design programs instead of coded by hand in HTML. Actually, many web page programmers use a web page designing program to produce the initial HTML code, and then they modify the generated HTML code, often cleaning up the code’s spacing to make the code more maintainable.


Part of the HTML markup that produced the web page in Figure 13.1.

You will notice that the HTML code snippet shown in Figure 13.2 uses lowercase for the tags (the HTML elements between angled brackets, < and >) and attributes (the words that specify how some of the tags look and behave, such as color). At one time, the W3C recommended all uppercase in tags and attributes. Most web pages use lowercase, or a mixture of both lowercase and uppercase HTML tags and attributes. Although the browser ignores case and doesn’t care which you use, for all new web development, it’s now strongly recommended to take the all-lowercase approach.

Command Tags

The terms within angled brackets (< and >) are called tag references (or tag commands). Tag commands are central to the HTML program. Many commands contain a beginning and ending tag (a forward slash, /, always precedes an ending tag). A nonbracketed text item is a literal (a value that does not change), such as a title that is to appear on the web page. The tags primarily determine the placement of figures, the content of text, and links to other websites. For example, <title> marks the beginning of a title and </title> marks the end. In versions prior to HTML5, the presentation of content was also accomplished with HTML tags, but many of those tags have been deprecated (that is, they are no longer supported in code compliant with HTML5), and those functions have been moved to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which is touched upon later in the hour.

Many of the tags in Figure 13.2 are formatting tag codes that specify font style and size instructions for the web browser.

Tags don’t contain formatted text; they offer formatting instructions that your web browser is to follow. For example, when your web browser sees the <center> tag, your web browser knows to center the text that runs up to the subsequent </center> ending tag as the following HTML code would do:

<center>Fran's Place</center>

The HTML code completely determines how text appears. Therefore, except for keeping your HTML code readable, no advantage exists for adding spacing. HTML ignores extra spaces that come before your web page’s text. The following code produces the same centered title as the previous code, even though the text now has some extra spaces at the beginning:

      Fran's Place

You can document HTML code with the following comment tag:

<!-- This is an HTML comment -->

Everything between <!-- and --> is treated as an HTML comment, even if the comment spans multiple lines. As you have seen in other sections of this book, comments are for the benefit of the people reading the code and are ignored when the HTML is interpreted by the browser; the information between those character sets does not display on the page.

A Simpler Example

Many websites are a good deal simpler than the one previously shown. You don’t need to get bogged down in advanced HTML commands when you first begin studying HTML because even simple HTML commands can produce quite attractive and complete web pages. For example, consider how simple Listing 13.1’s HTML code appears. You should have little trouble following the HTML commands even if HTML is new to you. If you do find yourself unsure, don’t worry. This is actually a code listing from later in the hour, and its particulars will be covered in more detail.

LISTING 13.1 Simple HTML commands can produce attractive web pages

<!DOCTYPE html>
     <title>Using styles</title>
    img.imgBlue { border: 12px solid; color: blue; padding:5px;}
    p.ex1 {color:red; font-family:Georgia; font-size:20px;}
    p.ex2 {color:blue;font-family:Courier; font-size: 24px;}
    p.ex3 {color:green;font-size:8px;}
<h1>Let's try CSS with our HTML</h1>
<p class="ex1">Text using the ex1 attributes.</p>
<p class="ex2">Text using the ex2 attributes<br>
This is a second line still using ex2 as it isn't turned off yet.</p>
<p class="ex3">Hard to read, but this is the third style, ex3.</p>
<img src="img1.gif" class=imgBlue>

This example code combines HTML and CSS and will be analyzed and run later in the hour. However, nothing about this quick example should be too intimidating.


The next time you are using your web browser, locate the menu option that lets you view the HTML source code. If you use Internet Edge, right-click your mouse on the page and choose View Source, and if you use Google Chrome, just right-click your mouse on the page and select View Page Source from the menu.

Transferring a packet of HTML code, such as that in Listing 13.1, is much less time-consuming than transferring a graphics image of the web page. Your web browser reads the HTML commands and then formats the text or graphics images according to their instructions.

As stated earlier, several powerful web design tools and sites exist to help you create web pages using modern graphical cut-and-paste methods; but you also can create a fancy web page simply by using a text editor and knowing HTML. Often, programmers use graphical tools to lay out a web page and then use a text editor to hone the HTML source code to finalize the page.

A Quick HTML Primer

All web pages require some fundamental HTML code. Listing 13.2 shows the minimal HTML code needed to display a web page.

LISTING 13.2 The general format for all HTML web pages

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <!-- This is a comment -->
    <title>The window's title bar text goes here</title>
    <!-- The bulk of the web page text, graphics, and HTML
         code goes here -->

All listings start with the <!DOCTYPE html> tag. This tag serves as a declaration to tell your browser what version of HTML is being used to author the web page. The angled bracket commands are the HTML command tags that format the page’s data and tell the browser how to display the page. Many HTML tags appear in pairs, such as <body> and </body>. The closing tag, indicated with a slash (/), tells the browser where the tag command ends. However, some tags are singular; that is, they do not need a closing tag.

Notice that the first tag in all web pages should be <html>, indicating the beginning of the HTML code. The end tag is </html>, indicating that the web page is finished.

The heading section, enclosed with <head> and </head>, contains title bar information using the <title> and </title> tags and other preliminary web page data, such as metatags, advanced HTML code that programmers can place inside web pages to get noticed by search engines. As you will see in the next three lessons, you often define JavaScript functions in the heading section of your HTML pages. If you don’t use JavaScript, the title bar is the only text that appears in the heading section.

The body section, enclosed with <body> and </body>, includes the bulk of the web page content. The user is most interested in the data between these two tags.

HTML Text Formatting

To make text appear on the browser’s screen, simply type the text inside the HTML code. Your web page body could include lines of text like this:

This text will appear
on whatever web browser screen
opens this HTML code.

Web browsers do not automatically format text. These three lines of text all appear on one line inside the browser, like this:

This text will appear on whatever web browser screen opens this HTML code.

If you want to add line breaks, you must include the <br/> tag (no ending <br> tag is needed). <br/> tells the web browser to break the line at that point and move to the next line. The following <body> section displays three lines of text:

This text will appear<br/>
on whatever Web browser screen<br/>
opens this HTML code.

Again, the text breaks onto three lines only because of the <br> tags and not because the lines happen to end there.

You can add italic, boldface, and underline to your text. The following HTML code contains such formatting:

This line contains <u>two underlined</u> words.
This line contains <i>two italicized</i> words.
This line contains <b>two boldfaced</b> words.


Generally, web page designers refrain from using underlining on web pages because most hyperlinks appear as underlined text. If you include underlined text that does not serve as a link to another web page, users may waste time trying to click on those underlined words to see what happens.

Using CSS to Control How Your Text Looks

Versions of HTML before 5 used to use a <font> tag as an additional method to control the size of text. HTML5 has eliminated this, and you now need to use CSS to accomplish the same goal. CSS3 is the latest version of CSS—and there will not be a CSS4, just more features added to CSS3—and it can be used to control the appearance of your text on HTML web pages. This information can be included directly on your HTML page, or you can create a separate file with the information. This is an excellent method for reusing your favorite type styles, in terms of color, font size, font type, and more. The use of CSS3 with HTML5 enables web developers to use HTML to focus on the content of the document rather than the presentation of that content, which can now be better controlled across a variety of formats with CSS.

There is a lot to CSS in terms of what you can do with your web page. This lesson can only touch on some very basic points, as the goal of the book is to get you back into programming, but you should know of the presence and goals of CSS3, particularly with the release of HTML5, which has deprecated (phased out) some of the previous font, table, color, and size tags and attributes of previous versions based on the idea that these functions will be better executed with CSS. Obviously, the browser support of those tags from previous versions cannot simply end; there are literally millions of web pages out there written in earlier versions of HTML, and they still need to be viewable. But you should design web pages with an eye to the future and not the past, so if you’d like to learn more about HTML5 and CSS3, please pick up Sams Teach Yourself HTML and CSS in 24 Hours, 9th edition.


While you can specify colors in CSS by using their names, as shown in this simple example, you have far more flexibility when you use RGB notation. This involves passing three integers between 0 and 255—for example, rgb(255,0,255). The first value is red, the second green, and the third blue. Black would be achieved by setting all three to 0, and white results from setting them all to 255. In between black and white, these three values can result in more than 16 million color combinations—far more than you can get just by using color names.

Including Graphics in a Website with HTML

The <img> tag places an image on a web pages when you use the src= attribute with the tag. After you designate an image’s location and filename, the image appears. Displaying graphics is simple, and the <img> tag is all you need for many of your web page graphics.

Here is a simple web page command that displays an image on the screen:

<img src="images/myphoto.jpg">

The image appears wherever this <img/> tag appears inside the HTML code. It’s up to you to ensure that the image is formatted as a type of file that browsers can display. The common image formats are GIF, JPEG, and PNG, and most graphics programs produce images in these three formats.

Older versions of HTML allowed you to place a border around a graphic, in effect adding a framed image to your web page. However, HTML5 has phased out the <border> attribute, but CSS3 can help you out again. For example, by adding the following line to the style section of the head:

img.imgBlue { border: 12px solid; color: blue; padding:5px;}

you can put a solid blue border around the image if you add the class info to your image placement like this:

<img src="img1.gif" class=imgBlue>

Again, experimentation is the best way to learn about what is possible with CSS, but if you plan to make compelling sites, CSS can be just as powerful a tool for you as the programs you can write with JavaScript (which will be covered in the next three lessons).

Using Hyperlinks

An anchor tag, indicated by <a> and </a>, creates a hyperlink to another page location. The browser that displays your web page creates an underlined link at the point of your HTML’s <a> tag.

The following lines send the user to the Pearson Education website when the user clicks the hyperlink:

<a href="http://www.pearsoned.com">
Click for great learning

Everything between the <a> tag and the closing </a> tag comprises the anchor, and the href attribute forces the hyperlink. The four words Click for great learning will be underlined on the screen, and the user can click anywhere in that text to access the corresponding website.

You can even specify graphics and multiline text as hyperlinks. When the user clicks the hyperlink, the browser accesses the linked web page. The user can click the browser’s Back button to access the current page.

The HTML statement that follows shows you how to use an image as a hyperlink:

<a href="http://www.informit.com">
   <img src="images/Flag.gif">

Remember that everything you place between the initial <a href> tag and attribute and the </a> ending tag is a hyperlink, whether you place graphics, text, or both there. When the web page that includes this statement appears, the user’s mouse pointer will change to a hand when the user points to the image on the screen that is named Flag.gif. If the user then clicks the image, the browser opens the page located at www.informit.com.


At this point, you have a preliminary understanding of how to use HTML and CSS to code and format web pages. When you understand the general nature of HTML code, creating and formatting web pages is a rather simple matter. When you want to add tables, frames, and other advanced elements to your page, you need to master more advanced command tags, but you should have little trouble doing so as long as you gradually build on the knowledge you have already acquired. Using only the tags discussed in this lesson, you can create nice-looking, although simple, web pages that contain text, graphics, and links to other sites.


Q. Why do some HTML tags require both opening and ending tags while others do not use ending tags?

A. A command tag requires a beginning tag and an ending tag when you are about to format a specific element on the web page. For example, when italicizing text, you must begin the italics with the <i> tag, and the italicized text follows. Without the ending tag, </i>, all text on the rest of the web page would be italicized. Command tags such as line breaks, <br/>, do not format specific text or graphics and can stand alone because they cause a single action (a line break in the case of <br/>).

Q. Do I need web page designer software to practice learning HTML and CSS?

A. You do not—any text editor will do. Start Notepad and enter your HTML and CSS commands. Save your text with any of the following filename extensions: .htm, .html, .HTM, or .HTML (the case doesn’t matter). If you don’t specify an extension, Notepad saves a file as a text file with the .TXT extension. Web pages should always use one of the extensions just listed. You can then start your web browser, such as Google Chrome or Edge, and select File, Open and locate the file you just created. When you click OK, your HTML-based web page appears. If you did not code something properly, you do not get an error, but the page does not look right.


The quiz questions are provided for your further understanding.


1. Why is a working knowledge of HTML so important for all programmers today?

2. For what does CSS stand?

3. What is a command tag?

4. How do you code an HTML comment?

5. What do the <title> and </title> command tags control?

6. How do you increase the size of headline text?

7. How do you increase the size of regular web page text?

8. What does the <a> stand for?

9. True or false: You can turn both graphics and text into hyperlinks on a web page.

10. Why is it generally a bad practice to underline text on a web page?


1. HTML is used by Java programmers, as well as programmers of other languages, and the web is integrated into many programming environments today.

2. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.

3. A command tag is an HTML command.

4. An HTML command begins with <!-- and ends with -->.

5. These tags define the title that appears inside the web page window’s title bar.

6. Use the <hn> tag to increase headline text, replacing n with a number between 1 and 6. The <h1> tag is for the largest head, and each subsequent number makes a smaller-sized head.

7. Use CSS to define the type, size, and weight of your text font.

8. The anchor tag

9. True

10. Unless the underlined text is a link to another element, underlines imply that a link exists when it doesn’t.

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