Chapter 3. Working with Multiple Tables

This chapter introduces the use of joins and set operations to combine data from multiple tables. Joins are the foundation of SQL. Set operations are also very important. If you want to master the complex queries found in the later chapters of this book, you must start here, with joins and set operations.

3.1 Stacking One Rowset atop Another


You want to return data stored in more than one table, conceptually stacking one result set atop the other. The tables do not necessarily have a common key, but their columns do have the same data types. For example, you want to display the name and department number of the employees in department 10 in table EMP, along with the name and department number of each department in table DEPT. You want the result set to look like the following:

	---------------  ----------
	CLARK                    10
	KING                     10
	MILLER                   10
	ACCOUNTING               10
	RESEARCH                 20
	SALES                    30
	OPERATIONS               40


Use the set operation UNION ALL to combine rows from multiple tables:

	1  select ename as ename_and_dname, deptno
	2    from emp
	3   where deptno = 10
	4   union all
	5  select '----------', null
	6    from t1
	7union all
	8  select dname, deptno
	9    from dept


UNION ALL combines rows from multiple row sources into one result set. As with all set operations, the items in all the SELECT lists must match in number and data type. For example, both of the following queries will fail:

	select deptno   |  select deptno, dname
	  from dept     |    from dept
	 union all      |   union all
	select ename    |  select deptno
	  from emp      |    from emp

It is important to note, UNION ALL will include duplicates if they exist. If you wish to filter out duplicates, use the UNION operator. For example, a UNION between EMP.DEPTNO and DEPT.DEPTNO returns only four rows:

	select deptno
	  from emp
	select deptno
	  from dept


Specifying UNION rather than UNION ALL will most likely result in a sort operation in order to eliminate duplicates. Keep this in mind when working with large result sets. Using UNION is roughly equivalent to the following query, which applies DISTINCT to the output from a UNION ALL:

	select distinct deptno
	  from (
	select deptno
	  from emp
	 union all
	select deptno
	  from dept


You wouldn’t use DISTINCT in a query unless you had to, and the same rule applies for UNION; don’t use it instead of UNION ALL unless you have to. For example, although in this book we have limited the number of tables for teaching purposes, in real life if you are querying one table, there may be a more suitable way to query a single table.

3.2 Combining Related Rows


You want to return rows from multiple tables by joining on a known common column or joining on columns that share common values. For example, you want to display the names of all employees in department 10 along with the location of each employee’s department, but that data is stored in two separate tables. You want the result set to be the following:

	ENAME       LOC
	----------  ----------


Join table EMP to table DEPT on DEPTNO:

	1 select e.ename, d.loc
	2   from emp e, dept d
	3  where e.deptno = d.deptno
	4    and e.deptno = 10


The solution is an example of a join, or more accurately an equi-join, which is a type of inner join. A join is an operation that combines rows from two tables into one. An equi-join is one in which the join condition is based on an equality condition (e.g., where one department number equals another). An inner join is the original type of join; each row returned contains data from each table.

Conceptually, the result set from a join is produced by first creating a Cartesian product (all possible combinations of rows) from the tables listed in the FROM clause, as seen below:

	select e.ename, d.loc,
	       e.deptno as emp_deptno,
	       d.deptno as dept_deptno
	  from emp e, dept d
	 where e.deptno = 10

	---------- -------------  ---------- -----------
	CLARK      NEW YORK               10          10
	KING       NEW YORK               10          10
	MILLER     NEW YORK               10          10
	CLARK      DALLAS                 10          20

	KING       DALLAS                 10          20
	MILLER     DALLAS                 10          20
	CLARK      CHICAGO                10          30
	KING       CHICAGO                10          30
	MILLER     CHICAGO                10          30
	CLARK      BOSTON                 10          40
	KING       BOSTON                 10          40
	MILLER     BOSTON                 10          40

Every employee in table EMP (in department 10) is returned along with every department in the table DEPT. Then, the expression in the WHERE clause involving e.deptno and d.deptno (the join) restricts the result set such that the only rows returned are the ones where EMP.DEPTNO and DEPT.DEPTNO are equal:

	select e.ename, d.loc,
	       e.deptno as emp_deptno,
	       d.deptno as dept_deptno
	  from emp e, dept d
	 where e.deptno = d.deptno
	   and e.deptno = 10

	----------  --------------  ----------  -----------
	CLARK       NEW YORK                10           10
	KING        NEW YORK                10           10
	MILLER      NEW YORK                10           10

An alternative solution makes use of an explicit JOIN clause (the “INNER” keyword is optional):

	select e.ename, d.loc
	  from emp e inner join dept d
	    on (e.deptno = d.deptno)
	 where e.deptno = 10

Use the JOIN clause if you prefer to have the join logic in the FROM clause rather than the WHERE clause. Both styles are ANSI compliant and work on all the latest versions of the RDBMSs in this book.

3.3 Finding Rows in Common Between Two Tables


You want to find common rows between two tables but there are multiple columns on which you can join. For example, consider the following view V created from the EMP table for teaching purposes:

	create view V
	select ename,job,sal
	  from emp
	 where job = 'CLERK'

	select * from V

	ENAME       JOB              SAL
	----------  --------- ----------
	SMITH       CLERK            800
	ADAMS       CLERK           1100
	JAMES       CLERK            950
	MILLER      CLERK           1300

Only clerks are returned from view V. However, the view does not show all possible EMP columns. You want to return the EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, SAL, and DEPTNO of all employees in EMP that match the rows from view V. You want the result set to be the following:

	   EMPNO  ENAME       JOB             SAL     DEPTNO
	--------  ----------  --------- ---------- ---------
	   7369   SMITH       CLERK           800         20
	   7876   ADAMS       CLERK          1100         20
	   7900   JAMES       CLERK           950         30
	   7934   MILLER      CLERK          1300         10


Join the tables on all the columns necessary to return the correct result. Alternatively, use the set operation INTERSECT to avoid performing a join and instead return the intersection (common rows) of the two tables.

MySQL and SQL Server

Join table EMP to view V using multiple join conditions:

	1 select e.empno,e.ename,e.job,e.sal,e.deptno
	2   from emp e, V
	3  where e.ename = v.ename
	4    and e.job   = v.job
	5    and e.sal   = v.sal

Alternatively, you can perform the same join via the JOIN clause:

	1 select e.empno,e.ename,e.job,e.sal,e.deptno
	2   from emp e join V
	3     on (    e.ename   = v.ename
	4        and e.job     = v.job
	5        and e.sal     = v.sal )

DB2, Oracle, and PostgreSQL

The MySQL and SQL Server solution also works for DB2, Oracle, and PostgreSQL. It’s the solution you should use if you need to return values from view V.

If you do not actually need to return columns from view V, you may use the set operation INTERSECT along with an IN predicate:

	1 select empno,ename,job,sal,deptno
	2   from emp
	3  where (ename,job,sal) in (
	4   select ename,job,sal from emp
	6   select ename,job,sal from V
	7  )


When performing joins, you must consider the proper columns to join on in order to return correct results. This is especially important when rows can have common values for some columns while having different values for others.

The set operation INTERSECT will return rows common to both row sources. When using INTERSECT, you are required to compare the same number of items, having the same data type, from two tables. When working with set operations keep in mind that, by default, duplicate rows will not be returned.

3.4 Retrieving Values from One Table That Do Not Exist in Another


You wish to find those values in one table, call it the source table, that do not also exist in some target table. For example, you want to find which departments (if any) in table DEPT do not exist in table EMP. In the example data, DEPTNO 40 from table DEPT does not exist in table EMP, so the result set should be the following:



Having functions that perform set difference is particularly useful for this problem. DB2, PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Oracle all support set difference operations. If your DBMS does not support a set difference function, use a subquery as shown for MySQL.

DB2, PostgreSQL and SQL Server

Use the set operation EXCEPT:

	1 select deptno from dept
	2 except
	3 select deptno from emp


Use the set operation MINUS:

	1 select deptno from dept
	2 minus
	3 select deptno from emp


Use a subquery to return all DEPTNOs from table EMP into an outer query that searches table DEPT for rows that are not amongst the rows returned from the subquery:

	1 select deptno
	2   from dept
	3  where deptno not in (select deptno from emp)


DB2, PostgreSQL and SQL Server

Set difference functions make this operation easy. The EXCEPT operator takes the first result set and removes from it all rows found in the second result set. The operation is very much like a subtraction.

There are restrictions on the use of set operators, including EXCEPT. Data types and number of values to compare must match in both SELECT lists. Additionally, EXCEPT will not return duplicates and, unlike a subquery using NOT IN, NULLs do not present a problem (see the discussion for MySQL). The EXCEPT operator will return rows from the upper query (the query before the EXCEPT) that do not exist in the lower query (the query after the EXCEPT).


The Oracle solution is identical to the solution using the EXCEPT operator, however Oracle calls its set difference operator MINUS rather than EXCEPT. Otherwise, the preceding explanation applies to Oracle as well.


The subquery will return all DEPTNOs from table EMP. The outer query returns all DEPTNOs from table DEPT that are “not in” or “not included in” the result set returned from the subquery.

Duplicate elimination is something you’ll want to consider when using the MySQL solutions. The EXCEPT- and MINUS-based solutions used for the other platforms eliminate duplicate rows from the result set, ensuring that each DEPTNO is reported only one time. Of course, that can only be the case anyway, as DEPTNO is a key field in my example data. Were DEPTNO not a key field, you could use DISTINCT as follows to ensure that each DEPTNO value missing from EMP is reported only once:

	select distinct deptno
	  from dept
	 where deptno not in (select deptno from emp)

Be mindful of NULLs when using NOT IN. Consider the following table, NEW_ DEPT:

	create table new_dept(deptno integer)
	insert into new_deptvalues (10)
	insert into new_dept values (50)
	insert into new_dept values (null)

If you try to find the DEPTNOs in table DEPT that do not exist in table NEW_DEPT and use a subquery with NOT IN, you’ll find that the query returns no rows:

	select *
	  from dept
	 where deptno not in (select deptno from new_dept)

DEPTNOs 20, 30, and 40 are not in table NEW_DEPT, yet were not returned by the query. Why? The reason is the NULL value present in table NEW_DEPT. Three rows are returned by the subquery, with DEPTNOs of 10, 50, and NULL. IN and NOT IN are essentially OR operations, and will yield different results because of how NULL values are treated by logical OR evaluations. To understand this, examine the truth tables below (Let T=true, F=false, N=null):

  OR | T | F | N  |
| T  | T | T | T  |
| F  | T | F | N  |
| N  | T | N | N  |

  NOT |
|  T  | F |
|  F  | T |
|  N  | N |

  AND | T | F | N |
|  T  | T | F | N |
|  F  | F | F | F |
|  N  | N | F | N |

Now consider the following example using IN and its equivalent using OR:

select deptno
  from dept
 where deptno in ( 10,50,null )


select deptno
  from dept
 where (deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)


Why was only DEPTNO 10 returned? There are four DEPTNOs in DEPT, (10,20,30,40), each one is evaluated against the predicate (deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null). According to the truth tables above, for each DEPTNO (10,20,30,40), the predicate yields:

(deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)
= (10=10 or 10=50 or 10=null)
= (T or F or N)
= (T or N)
= (T)

(deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)
= (20=10 or 20=50 or 20=null)
= (F or F or N)
= (F or N)
= (N)

(deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)
= (30=10 or 30=50 or 30=null)
= (F or F or N)
= (F or N)
= (N)

(deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)
= (40=10 or 40=50 or 40=null)
= (F or F or N)
= (F or N)
= (N)

Now it is obvious why only DEPTNO 10 was returned when using IN and OR. Now consider the same example using NOT IN and NOT OR:

select deptno
  from dept
 where deptno not in ( 10,50,null )

( no rows )

select deptno
  from dept
 where not (deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)

( no rows )

Why are no rows returned? Let’s check the truth tables:

NOT (deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)
= NOT (10=10 or 10=50 or 10=null)
= NOT (T or F or N)
= NOT (T or N)
= NOT (T)
= (F)

NOT (deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)
= NOT (20=10 or 20=50 or 20=null)
= NOT (F or F or N)
= NOT (F or N)
= NOT (N)
= (N)

NOT (deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)
= NOT (30=10 or 30=50 or 30=null)
= NOT (F or F or N)
= NOT (F or N)
= NOT (N)
= (N)

NOT (deptno=10 or deptno=50 or deptno=null)
= NOT (40=10 or 40=50 or 40=null)
= NOT (F or F or N)
= NOT (F or N)
= NOT (N)
= (N)

In SQL, “TRUE or NULL” is TRUE, but “FALSE or NULL” is NULL! You must keep this in mind when using IN predicates and when performing logical OR evaluations, and NULL values are involved.

To avoid the problem with NOT IN and NULLs, use a correlated subquery in conjunction with NOT EXISTS. The term “correlated subquery” is used because rows from the outer query are referenced in the subquery. The following example is an alternative solution that will not be affected by NULL rows (going back to the original query from the “Problem” section):

select d.deptno
  from dept d
 where not exists (
   select 1
     from emp e
    where d.deptno = e.deptno


select d.deptno
  from dept d
 where not exists (
   select 1
     from new_dept nd
    where d.deptno = nd.deptno


Conceptually, the outer query in this solution considers each row in the DEPT table. For each DEPT row, the following happens:

  1. The subquery is executed to see whether the department number exists in the EMP table. Note the condition D.DEPTNO = E.DEPTNO, which brings together the department numbers from the two tables.

  2. If the subquery returns results, then EXISTS (…) evaluates to true and NOT EXISTS (…) thus evaluates to FALSE, and the row being considered by the outer query is discarded.

  3. If the subquery returns no results, then NOT EXISTS (…) evaluates to TRUE, and the row being considered by the outer query is returned (because it is for a department not represented in the EMP table).

The items in the SELECT list of the subquery are unimportant when using a correlated subquery with EXISTS/NOT EXISTS, which is why I chose to select NULL, to force you to focus on the join in the subquery rather than the items in the SELECT list.

3.5 Retrieving Rows from One Table That Do Not Correspond to Rows in Another


You want to find rows that are in one table that do not have a match in another table, for two tables that have common keys. For example, you want to find which departments have no employees. The result set should be the following:

	      DEPTNO  DNAME           LOC
	  ----------  --------------  -------------
	          40  OPERATIONS      BOSTON

Finding the department each employee works in requires an equi-join on DEPTNO from EMP to DEPT. The DEPTNO column represents the common value between tables. Unfortunately, an equi-join will not show you which department has no employees. That’s because by equi-joining EMP and DEPT you are returning all rows that satisfy the join condition. Instead you want only those rows from DEPT that do not satisfy the join condition.

This is a subtly different problem than in the preceding recipe, though at first glance they may seem the same. The difference is that the preceding recipe yields only a list of department numbers not represented in table EMP. Using this recipe, however, you can easily return other columns from the DEPT table; you can return more than just department numbers.


Return all rows from one table along with rows from another that may or may not have a match on the common column. Then, keep only those rows with no match.

DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server

Use an outer join and filter for NULLs (keyword OUTER is optional):

	1 select d.*
	2   from dept d left outer join emp e
	3     on (d.deptno = e.deptno)
	4  where e.deptno is null


This solution works by outer joining and then keeping only rows that have no match. This sort of operation is sometimes called an anti-join. To get a better idea of how an anti-join works, first examine the result set without filtering for NULLs:

	select e.ename, e.deptno as emp_deptno, d.*
	  from dept d left join emp e
	    on (d.deptno = e.deptno)

	----------  ----------  ---------- -------------- -------------
	SMITH               20          20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	ALLEN               30          30 SALES          CHICAGO
	WARD                30          30 SALES          CHICAGO
	JONES               20          20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	MARTIN              30          30 SALES          CHICAGO
	BLAKE               30          30 SALES          CHICAGO
	CLARK               10          10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
	SCOTT               20          20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	KING                10          10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
	TURNER              30          30 SALES          CHICAGO
	ADAMS               20          20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	JAMES               30          30 SALES          CHICAGO
	FORD                20          20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	MILLER              10          10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
	                                40 OPERATIONS     BOSTON

Notice, the last row has a NULL value for EMP.ENAME and EMP_DEPTNO. That’s because no employees work in department 40. The solution uses the WHERE clause to keep only rows where EMP_DEPTNO is NULL (thus keeping only rows from DEPT that have no match in EMP).

3.6 Adding Joins to a Query Without Interfering with Other Joins


You have a query that returns the results you want. You need additional information, but when trying to get it, you lose data from the original result set. For example, you want to return all employees, the location of the department in which they work, and the date they received a bonus. For this problem, the EMP_BONUS table contains the following data:

	select * from emp_bonus

	      EMPNO  RECEIVED          TYPE
	 ----------  ----------- ----------
	       7369  14-MAR-2005          1
	       7900  14-MAR-2005          2
	       7788  14-MAR-2005          3

The query you start with looks like this:

	select e.ename, d.loc
	  from emp e, dept d
	 where e.deptno=d.deptno

	  ENAME      LOC
	  ---------- -------------
	  KING       NEW YORK
	  FORD       DALLAS

You want to add to these results the date a bonus was given to an employee, but joining to the EMP_BONUS table returns fewer rows than you wish because not every employee has a bonus:

	select e.ename, d.loc,eb.received
	  from emp e, dept d, emp_bonus eb
	 where e.deptno=d.deptno
	   and e.empno=eb.empno

	ENAME       LOC           RECEIVED
	----------  ------------- -----------
	SCOTT       DALLAS        14-MAR-2005
	SMITH       DALLAS        14-MAR-2005
	JAMES       CHICAGO       14-MAR-2005

Your desired result set is the following:

	ENAME       LOC            RECEIVED
	----------  -------------  -----------
	JAMES       CHICAGO        14-MAR-2005
	SMITH       DALLAS         14-MAR-2005
	SCOTT       DALLAS         14-MAR-2005


You can use an outer join to obtain the additional information without losing the data from the original query. First join table EMP to table DEPT to get all employees and the location of the department they work, then outer join to table EMP_ BONUS to return the date of the bonus if there is one. Following is the DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server syntax:

	1 select e.ename, d.loc, eb.received
	2   from emp e join dept d
	3     on (e.deptno=d.deptno)
	4   left join emp_bonus eb
	5     on (e.empno=eb.empno)
	6  order by 2

You can also use a scalar subquery (a subquery placed in the SELECT list) to mimic an outer join:

	1 select e.ename, d.loc,
	2        (select eb.received from emp_bonus eb
	3          where eb.empno=e.empno) as received
	4   from emp e, dept d
	5  where e.deptno=d.deptno
	6  order by 2

The scalar subquery solution will work across all platforms.


An outer join will return all rows from one table and matching rows from another. See the previous recipe for another example of such a join. The reason an outer join works to solve this problem is that it does not result in any rows being eliminated that would otherwise be returned. The query will return all the rows it would return without the outer join. And it also returns the received date, if one exists.

Use of a scalar subquery is also a convenient technique for this sort of problem, as it does not require you to modify already correct joins in your main query. Using a scalar subquery is an easy way to tack on extra data to a query without compromising the current result set. When working with scalar subqueries, you must ensure they return a scalar (single) value. If a subquery in the SELECT list returns more than one row, you will receive an error.

See Also

See “Converting a Scalar Subquery to a Composite Subquery in Oracle” in Chapter 14 for a workaround to the problem of not being able to return multiple rows from a SELECT-list subquery.

3.7 Determining Whether Two Tables Have the Same Data


You want to know if two tables or views have the same data (cardinality and values). Consider the following view:

	create view V
	select * from emp where deptno != 10
	 union all
	select * from emp where ename = 'WARD'

	select * from V

	----- ----------  --------- ----- ----------- ----- ----- ------
	 7369 SMITH       CLERK      7902 17-DEC-1980   800           20
	 7499 ALLEN       SALESMAN   7698 20-FEB-1981  1600   300     30
	 7521 WARD        SALESMAN   7698 22-FEB-1981  1250   500     30
	 7566 JONES       MANAGER    7839 02-APR-1981  2975           20
	 7654 MARTIN      SALESMAN   7698 28-SEP-1981  1250  1400     30
	 7698 BLAKE       MANAGER    7839 01-MAY-1981  2850           30
	 7788 SCOTT       ANALYST    7566 09-DEC-1982  3000           20
	 7844 TURNER      SALESMAN   7698 08-SEP-1981  1500     0     30
	 7876 ADAMS       CLERK      7788 12-JAN-1983  1100           20
	 7900 JAMES       CLERK      7698 03-DEC-1981   950           30
	 7902 FORD        ANALYST    7566 03-DEC-1981  3000           20
	 7521 WARD        SALESMAN   7698 22-FEB-1981  1250   500     30

You want to determine whether or not this view has exactly the same data as table EMP. The row for employee “WARD” is duplicated to show that the solution will reveal not only different data but duplicates as well. Based on the rows in table EMP the difference will be the three rows for employees in department 10 and the two rows for employee “WARD”. You want to return the following result set:

	----- ----------  ---------  ----- ----------- -----  ----- ------ ---
	 7521 WARD        SALESMAN    7698 22-FEB-1981  1250    500     30   1
	 7521 WARD        SALESMAN    7698 22-FEB-1981  1250    500     30   2
	 7782 CLARK       MANAGER     7839 09-JUN-1981  2450            10   1
	 7839 KING        PRESIDENT        17-NOV-1981  5000            10   1
	 7934 MILLER      CLERK       7782 23-JAN-1982  1300            10   1


Functions that perform SET difference MINUS or EXCEPT, depending on your DBMS) make the problem of comparing tables a relatively easy one to solve. If your DBMS does not offer such functions, you can use a correlated subquery.

DB2 and PostgreSQL

Use the set operations EXCEPT and UNION ALL to find the difference between view V and table EMP combined with the difference between table EMP and view V:

	 1  (
	 2   select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	 3          count(*) as cnt
	 4     from V
	 5    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	 6   except
	 7   select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	 8          count(*) as cnt
	 9     from emp
	10    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	11   )
	12    union all
	13   (
	14   select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	15          count(*) as cnt
	16     from emp
	17    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	18   except
	19   select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	20          count(*) as cnt
	21     from v
	22    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	23  )


Use the set operations MINUS and UNION ALL to find the difference between view V and table EMP combined with the difference between table EMP and view V:

	 1  (
	 2   select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	 3          count(*) as cnt
	 4     from  V
	 5    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	 6    minus
	 7   select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	 8          count(*) as cnt
	 9     from emp
	10    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	11   )
	12     union all
	13   (
	14   select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	15          count(*) as cnt
	16     from emp
	17    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	18    minus
	19   select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	20          count(*) as cnt
	21     from v
	22    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	23  )

MySQL and SQL Server

Use a correlated subquery and UNION ALL to find the rows in view V and not in table EMP combined with the rows in table EMP and not in view V:

	 1  select *
	 2    from (
	 3  select e.empno,e.ename,e.job,e.mgr,e.hiredate,
	 4         e.sal,e.comm,e.deptno, count(*) as cnt
	 5    from emp e
	 6   group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
	 7           sal,comm,deptno
	 8         ) e
	 9   where not exists (
	10  select null
	11    from (
	12  select v.empno,v.ename,v.job,v.mgr,v.hiredate,
	13         v.sal,v.comm,v.deptno, count(*) as cnt
	14    from v
	15   group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
	16            sal,comm,deptno
	17         ) v
	18    where v.empno     = e.empno
	19       and v.ename    = e.ename
	20       and v.job      = e.job
	21       and coalesce(v.mgr,0) = coalesce(e.mgr,0)
	22       and v.hiredate = e.hiredate
	23       and v.sal      = e.sal
	24       and v.deptno   = e.deptno
	25       and v.cnt      = e.cnt
	26       and coalesce(v.comm,0) = coalesce(e.comm,0)
	27  )
	28     union all
	29    select *
	30      from (
	31    select v.empno,v.ename,v.job,v.mgr,v.hiredate,
	32           v.sal,v.comm,v.deptno, count(*) as cnt
	33      from v
	34    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
	35             sal,comm,deptno
	36          ) v
	37    where not exists (
	38   select null
	39     from (
	40   select e.empno,e.ename,e.job,e.mgr,e.hiredate,
	41          e.sal,e.comm,e.deptno, count(*) as cnt
	42     from emp e
	43    group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
	44             sal,comm,deptno
	45          ) e
	46    where v.empno     = e.empno
	47      and v.ename     = e.ename
	48      and v.job       = e.job
	49      and coalesce(v.mgr,0) = coalesce(e.mgr,0)
	50      and v.hiredate  = e.hiredate
	51      and v.sal       = e.sal
	52      and v.deptno    = e.deptno
	53      and v.cnt       = e.cnt
	54      and coalesce(v.comm,0) = coalesce(e.comm,0)
	55  )


Despite using different techniques, the concept is the same for all solutions:

  1. First, find rows in table EMP that do not exist in view V.

  2. Then combine (UNION ALL) those rows with rows from view V that do not exist in table EMP.

If the tables in question are equal, then no rows are returned. If the tables are different, the rows causing the difference are returned. As an easy first step when comparing tables, you can compare the cardinalities alone rather than including them with the data comparison. The following query is a simple example of this and will work on all DBMSs:

	select count(*)
	  from emp
	select count(*)
	  from dept


Because UNION will filter out duplicates, only one row will be returned if the tables’ cardinalities are the same. Because two rows are returned in this example, you know that the tables do not contain identical rowsets.

DB2, Oracle, and PostgreSQL

MINUS and EXCEPT work in the same way, so I will use EXCEPT for this discussion. The queries before and after the UNION ALL are very similar. So, to understand how the solution works, simply execute the query prior to the UNION ALL by itself. The following result set is produced by executing lines 1–11 in the solution section:

	  select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	         count(*) as cnt
	    from V
	   group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	  select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	         count(*) as cnt
	    from emp
	  group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno

	 ----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- ----- ----- ------ ---
	 7521  WARD       SALESMAN   7698 22-FEB-1981  1250   500     30   2

The result set represents a row found in view V that is either not in table EMP or has a different cardinality than that same row in table EMP. In this case, the duplicate row for employee “WARD” is found and returned. If you’re still having trouble understanding how the result set is produced, run each query on either side of EXCEPT individually. You’ll notice the only difference between the two result sets is the CNT for employee “WARD” returned by view V.

The portion of the query after the UNION ALL does the opposite of the query preceding UNION ALL. The query returns rows in table EMP not in view V:

	  select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	         count(*) as cnt
	    from emp
	   group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno
	  select empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno,
	         count(*) as cnt
	    from v
	  group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno

	----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- ----- ----- ------ ---
	7521  WARD       SALESMAN   7698 22-FEB-1981  1250   500     30   1
	7782  CLARK      MANAGER    7839 09-JUN-1981  2450           10   1
	7839  KING       PRESIDENT       17-NOV-1981  5000           10   1
	7934  MILLER     CLERK      7782 23-JAN-1982  1300           10   1

The results are then combined by UNION ALL to produce the final result set.

MySQL and SQL Server

The queries before and after the UNION ALL are very similar. To understand how the subquery-based solution works, simply execute the query prior to the UNION ALL by itself. The query below is from lines 1–27 in the solution:

	select *
	   from (
	 select e.empno,e.ename,e.job,e.mgr,e.hiredate,
	        e.sal,e.comm,e.deptno, count(*) as cnt
	   from emp e
	  group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
	        ) e
	  where not exists (
	select null
	  from (
	select v.empno,v.ename,v.job,v.mgr,v.hiredate,
	       v.sal,v.comm,v.deptno, count(*) as cnt
	  from v
	 group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
	       ) v
	  where v.empno    = e.empno
	    and v.ename    = e.ename
	    and v.job      = e.job
	    and v.mgr      = e.mgr
	    and v.hiredate = e.hiredate
	    and v.sal      = e.sal
	    and v.deptno   = e.deptno
	    and v.cnt      = e.cnt
	    and coalesce(v.comm,0) = coalesce(e.comm,0)

	 ----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- ----- ----- ------ ---
	  7521 WARD       SALESMAN   7698 22-FEB-1981  1250   500     30   1
	  7782 CLARK      MANAGER    7839 09-JUN-1981  2450           10   1
	  7839 KING       PRESIDENT       17-NOV-1981  5000           10   1
	  7934 MILLER     CLERK      7782 23-JAN-1982  1300           10   1

Notice that the comparison is not between table EMP and view V, but rather between inline view E and inline view V. The cardinality for each row is found and returned as an attribute for that row. You are comparing each row and its occurrence count. If you are having trouble understanding how the comparison works, run the subqueries independently. The next step is to find all rows (including CNT) in inline view E that do not exist in inline view V. The comparison uses a correlated subquery and NOT EXISTS. The joins will determine which rows are the same, and the result will be all rows from inline view E that are not the rows returned by the join. The query after the UNION ALL does the opposite; it finds all rows in inline view V that do not exist in inline view E:

	select *
	  from (
	select v.empno,v.ename,v.job,v.mgr,v.hiredate,
	       v.sal,v.comm,v.deptno, count(*) as cnt
	  from v
	 group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
	       ) v
	  where not exists (
	select null
	  from (
	 select e.empno,e.ename,e.job,e.mgr,e.hiredate,
	        e.sal,e.comm,e.deptno, count(*) as cnt
	   from emp e
	  group by empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,
	       ) e
	  where v.empno    = e.empno
	    and v.ename    = e.ename
	    and v.job      = e.job
	    and v.mgr      = e.mgr
	    and v.hiredate = e.hiredate
	    and v.sal      = e.sal
	    and v.deptno   = e.deptno
	    and v.cnt      = e.cnt
	    and coalesce(v.comm,0) = coalesce(e.comm,0)

	----- ---------- --------- ----- ----------- ----- ----- ------ ---
	 7521 WARD       SALESMAN   7698 22-FEB-1981  1250   500     30   2

The results are then combined by UNION ALL to produce the final result set.


Ales Spectic and Jonathan Gennick give an alternate solution in their book Transact-SQL Cookbook (O’Reilly). See the section “Comparing Two Sets for Equality” in Chapter 2.

3.8 Identifying and Avoiding Cartesian Products


You want to return the name of each employee in department 10 along with the location of the department. The following query is returning incorrect data:

	select e.ename, d.loc
	  from emp e, dept d
	 where e.deptno = 10

	ENAME       LOC
	----------  -------------

The correct result set is the following:

	ENAME       LOC
	----------  ---------


Use a join between the tables in the FROM clause to return the correct result set:

	1 select e.ename, d.loc
	2   from emp e, dept d
	3  where e.deptno = 10
	4    and d.deptno = e.deptno


Looking at the data in the DEPT table:

	select * from dept

	    DEPTNO DNAME          LOC
	---------- -------------- -------------
	        10 ACCOUNTING     NEW YORK
	        20 RESEARCH       DALLAS
	        30 SALES          CHICAGO
	        40 OPERATIONS     BOSTON

You can see that department 10 is in New York, and thus you can know that returning employees with any location other than New York is incorrect. The number of rows returned by the incorrect query is the product of the cardinalities of the two tables in the FROM clause. In the original query, the filter on EMP for department 10 will result in three rows. Because there is no filter for DEPT, all four rows from DEPT are returned. Three multiplied by four is twelve, so the incorrect query returns twelve rows. Generally, to avoid a Cartesian product you would apply the n–1 rule where n represents the number of tables in the FROM clause and n–1 represents the minimum number of joins necessary to avoid a Cartesian product. Depending on what the keys and join columns in your tables are, you may very well need more than n–1 joins, but n–1 is a good place to start when writing queries.


When used properly, Cartesian products can be very useful. Common uses of Cartesian products include transposing or pivoting (and unpivoting) a result set, generating a sequence of values, and mimicking a loop (although the last two may also be accomplished using a recursive Common Table Expression).

3.9 Performing Joins when Using Aggregates


You want to perform an aggregation but your query involves multiple tables. You want to ensure that joins do not disrupt the aggregation. For example, you want to find the sum of the salaries for employees in department 10 along with the sum of their bonuses. Some employees have more than one bonus and the join between table EMP and table EMP_BONUS is causing incorrect values to be returned by the aggregate function SUM. For this problem, table EMP_BONUS contains the following data:

	select * from emp_bonus

	----- ----------- ----------
	 7934 17-MAR-2005          1
	 7934 15-FEB-2005          2
	 7839 15-FEB-2005          3
	 7782 15-FEB-2005          1

Now, consider the following query that returns the salary and bonus for all employees in department 10. Table BONUS.TYPE determines the amount of the bonus. A type 1 bonus is 10% of an employee’s salary, type 2 is 20%, and type 3 is 30%.

	select e.empno,
	       e.sal*case when eb.type = 1 then .1
	                  when eb.type = 2 then .2
	                  else .3
	             end as bonus
	 from emp e, emp_bonus eb
	where e.empno  = eb.empno
	  and e.deptno = 10

	  EMPNO ENAME             SAL     DEPTNO     BONUS
	------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------
	   7934 MILLER           1300         10       130
	   7934 MILLER           1300         10       260
	   7839 KING             5000         10      1500
	   7782 CLARK            2450         10       245

So far, so good. However, things go awry when you attempt a join to the EMP_ BONUS table in order to sum the bonus amounts:

	select deptno,
	       sum(sal) as total_sal,
	       sum(bonus) as total_bonus
	  from (
	select e.empno,
	       e.sal*case when eb.type = 1 then .1
	                  when eb.type = 2 then .2
	                  else .3
	             end as bonus
	  from emp e, emp_bonus eb
	 where e.empno  = eb.empno
	   and e.deptno = 10
	       ) x
	 group by deptno

	------ -----------  -----------
	    10       10050         2135

While the TOTAL_BONUS is correct, the TOTAL_SAL is incorrect. The sum of all salaries in department 10 is 8750, as the following query shows:

	select sum(sal) from emp where deptno=10


Why is TOTAL_SAL incorrect? The reason is the duplicate rows in the SAL column created by the join. Consider the following query, which joins table EMP and EMP_ BONUS:

	select e.ename,
	  from emp e, emp_bonus eb
	 where e.empno  = eb.empno
	   and e.deptno = 10

	ENAME             SAL
	---------- ----------
	CLARK            2450
	KING             5000
	MILLER           1300
	MILLER           1300

Now it is easy to see why the value for TOTAL_SAL is incorrect: MILLER’s salary is counted twice. The final result set that you are really after is:

	------ --------- -----------
	    10      8750        2135


You have to be careful when computing aggregates across joins. Typically when duplicates are returned due to a join, you can avoid miscalculations by aggregate functions in two ways: you can simply use the keyword DISTINCT in the call to the aggregate function, so only unique instances of each value are used in the computation; or you can perform the aggregation first (in an inline view) prior to joining, thus avoiding the incorrect computation by the aggregate function because the aggregate will already be computed before you even join, thus avoiding the problem altogether. The solutions that follow use DISTINCT. The “Discussion” section will discuss the technique of using an inline view to perform the aggregation prior to joining.

MySQL and PostgreSQL

Perform a sum of only the DISTINCT salaries:

	 1 select deptno,
	 2        sum(distinct sal) as total_sal,
	 3        sum(bonus) as total_bonus
	 4   from (
	 5 select e.empno,
	 6        e.ename,
	 7        e.sal,
	 8        e.deptno,
	 9        e.sal*case when eb.type = 1 then .1
	10                   when eb.type = 2 then .2
	11                   else .3
	12               end as bonus
	13   from emp e, emp_bonus eb
	14   where e.empno = eb.empno
	15    and e.deptno = 10
	16        ) x
	17  group by deptno

DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server

These platforms support the preceding solution, but they also support an alternative solution using the window function SUM OVER:

	 1 select distinct deptno,total_sal,total_bonus
	 2   from (
	 3 select e.empno,
	 4        e.ename,
	 5        sum(distinct e.sal) over
	 6        (partition by e.deptno) as total_sal,
	 7         e.deptno,
	 8         sum(e.sal*case when eb.type = 1 then .1
	 9                        when eb.type = 2 then .2
	10                        else .3 end) over
	11         (partition by deptno) as total_bonus
	12    from emp e, emp_bonus eb
	13   where e.empno = eb.empno
	14     and e.deptno = 10
	15         ) x


MySQL and PostgreSQL

The second query in the “Problem” section of this recipe joins table EMP and table EMP_BONUS and returns two rows for employee “MILLER”, which is what causes the error on the sum of EMP.SAL (the salary is added twice). The solution is to simply sum the distinct EMP.SAL values that are returned by the query. The following query is an alternative solution—necessary if there could be duplicate values in the column you are summing. The sum of all salaries in department 10 is computed first and that row is then joined to table EMP, which is then joined to table EMP_BONUS. The following query works for all DBMSs:

	select d.deptno,
	       sum(e.sal*case when eb.type = 1 then .1
	                      when eb.type = 2 then .2
	                      else .3 end) as total_bonus
	  from emp e,
	       emp_bonus eb,
	select deptno, sum(sal) as total_sal
	  from emp
	 where deptno = 10
	 group by deptno
	        ) d
	 where e.deptno = d.deptno
	   and e.empno = eb.empno
	 group by d.deptno,d.total_sal

	--------- ---------- ------------
	       10       8750         2135

DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server

This alternative solution takes advantage of the window function SUM OVER. The following query is taken from lines 3–14 in “Solution” and returns the following result set:

	select e.empno,
	          sum(distinct e.sal) over
	          (partition by e.deptno) as total_sal,
	          sum(e.sal*case when eb.type = 1 then .1
	                         when eb.type = 2 then .2
	                        else .3 end) over
	         (partition by deptno) as total_bonus
	    from emp e, emp_bonus eb
	   where e.empno  = eb.empno
	     and e.deptno = 10

	----- ----------  ----------   ------  -----------
	 7934 MILLER            8750       10         2135
	 7934 MILLER            8750       10         2135
	 7782 CLARK             8750       10         2135
	 7839 KING              8750       10         2135

The windowing function, SUM OVER, is called twice, first to compute the sum of the distinct salaries for the defined partition or group. In this case, the partition is DEPTNO 10 and the sum of the distinct salaries for DEPTNO 10 is 8750. The next call to SUM OVER computes the sum of the bonuses for the same defined partition. The final result set is produced by taking the distinct values for TOTAL_SAL, DEPTNO, and TOTAL_BONUS.

3.10 Performing Outer Joins when Using Aggregates


Begin with the same problem as in 3.9, but modify table EMP_BONUS such that the difference in this case is not all employees in department 10 have been given bonuses. Consider the EMP_BONUS table and a query to (ostensibly) find both the sum of all salaries for department 10 and the sum of all bonuses for all employees in department 10:

	select * from emp_bonus

	     EMPNO RECEIVED          TYPE
	---------- ----------- ----------
	      7934 17-MAR-2005          1
	      7934 15-FEB-2005          2

	select deptno,
	       sum(sal) as total_sal,
	       sum(bonus) as total_bonus
	  from (
	select e.empno,
	       e.sal*case when eb.type = 1 then .1
	                  when eb.type = 2 then .2
	                  else .3 end as bonus
	  from emp e, emp_bonus eb
	 where e.empno  = eb.empno
	   and e.deptno = 10
	 group by deptno

	 ------ ---------- -----------
	     10       2600         390

The result for TOTAL_BONUS is correct, but the value returned for TOTAL_SAL does not represent the sum of all salaries in department 10. The following query shows why the TOTAL_SAL is incorrect:

	select e.empno,
	       e.sal*case when eb.type = 1 then .1
	                  when eb.type = 2 then .2
	             else .3 end as bonus
	  from emp e, emp_bonus eb
	 where e.empno = eb.empno
	   and e.deptno = 10

	    EMPNO ENAME          SAL     DEPTNO      BONUS
	--------- ---------  ------- ---------- ----------
	     7934 MILLER        1300         10        130
	     7934 MILLER        1300         10        260

Rather than sum all salaries in department 10, only the salary for “MILLER” is summed and it is erroneously summed twice. Ultimately, you would like to return the following result set:

	------ --------- -----------
	    10      8750         390


The solution is similar to that of 3.9, but here you outer join to EMP_BONUS to ensure all employees from department 10 are included.

DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server

Outer join to EMP_BONUS, then perform the sum on only distinct salaries from department 10:

	 1 select deptno,
	 2        sum(distinct sal) as total_sal,
	 3        sum(bonus) as total_bonus
	 4   from (
	 5 select e.empno,
	 6        e.ename,
	 7        e.sal,
	 8        e.deptno,
	 9        e.sal*case when eb.type is null then 0
	10                   when eb.type = 1 then .1
	11                   when eb.type = 2 then .2
	12                   else .3 end as bonus
	13   from emp e left outer join emp_bonus eb
	14     on (e.empno = eb.empno)
	15  where e.deptno = 10
	16        )
	17  group by deptno

You can also use the window function SUM OVER:

	 1 select distinct deptno,total_sal,total_bonus
	 2   from (
	 3 select e.empno,
	 4        e.ename,
	 5        sum(distinct e.sal) over
	 6        (partition by e.deptno) as total_sal,
	 7        e.deptno,
	 8        sum(e.sal*case when eb.type is null then 0
	 9                       when eb.type = 1 then .1
	10                       when eb.type = 2 then .2
	11                       else .3
	12                  end) over
	13        (partition by deptno) as total_bonus
	14   from emp e left outer join emp_bonus eb
	15     on (e.empno = eb.empno)
	16  where e.deptno = 10
	17        ) x


The second query in the “Problem” section of this recipe joins table EMP and table EMP_BONUS and returns only rows for employee “MILLER”, which is what causes the error on the sum of EMP.SAL (the other employees in DEPTNO 10 do not have bonuses and their salaries are not included in the sum). The solution is to outer join table EMP to table EMP_BONUS so even employees without a bonus will be included in the result. If an employee does not have a bonus, NULL will be returned for EMP_BONUS.TYPE. It is important to keep this in mind as the CASE statement has been modified and is slightly different from solution 3.9. If EMP_BONUS.TYPE is NULL, the CASE expression returns zero, which has no effect on the sum.

The following query is an alternative solution. The sum of all salaries in department 10 is computed first, then joined to table EMP, which is then joined to table EMP_BONUS (thus avoiding the outer join). The following query works for all DBMSs:

	select d.deptno,
	       sum(e.sal*case when eb.type = 1 then .1
	                      when eb.type = 2 then .2
	                      else .3 end) as total_bonus
	  from emp e,
	       emp_bonus eb,
	select deptno, sum(sal) as total_sal
	  from emp
	 where deptno = 10
	 group by deptno
	       ) d
	 where e.deptno = d.deptno
	   and e.empno = eb.empno
	 group by d.deptno,d.total_sal

	--------- ---------- -----------
	       10       8750         390

3.11 Returning Missing Data from Multiple Tables


You want to return missing data from multiple tables simultaneously. Returning rows from table DEPT that do not exist in table EMP (any departments that have no employees) requires an outer join. Consider the following query, which returns all DEPTNOs and DNAMEs from DEPT along with the names of all the employees in each department (if there is an employee in a particular department):

	select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename
	  from dept d left outer join emp e
	    on (d.deptno=e.deptno)

	--------- -------------- ----------
	       20 RESEARCH       SMITH
	       30 SALES          ALLEN
	       30 SALES          WARD
	       20 RESEARCH       JONES
	       30 SALES          MARTIN
	       30 SALES          BLAKE
	       10 ACCOUNTING     CLARK
	       20 RESEARCH       SCOTT
	       10 ACCOUNTING     KING
	       30 SALES          TURNER
	       20 RESEARCH       ADAMS
	       30 SALES          JAMES
	       20 RESEARCH       FORD
	       10 ACCOUNTING     MILLER
	       40 OPERATIONS

The last row, the OPERATIONS department, is returned despite that department not having any employees, because table EMP was outer joined to table DEPT. Now, suppose there was an employee without a department. How would you return the above result set along with a row for the employee having no department? In other words, you want to outer join to both table EMP and table DEPT, and in the same query. After creating the new employee, a first attempt may look like this:

	insert into emp (empno,ename,job,mgr,hiredate,sal,comm,deptno)
	select 1111,'YODA','JEDI',null,hiredate,sal,comm,null
	  from emp
	 where ename = 'KING'
	select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename
	  from dept d right outer join emp e
	    on (d.deptno=e.deptno)

	---------- ------------ ----------
	        10 ACCOUNTING   KING
	        10 ACCOUNTING   CLARK
	        20 RESEARCH     FORD
	        20 RESEARCH     ADAMS
	        20 RESEARCH     SCOTT
	        20 RESEARCH     JONES
	        20 RESEARCH     SMITH
	        30 SALES        JAMES
	        30 SALES        TURNER
	        30 SALES        BLAKE
	        30 SALES        MARTIN
	        30 SALES        WARD
	        30 SALES        ALLEN

This outer join manages to return the new employee but lost the OPERATIONS department from the original result set. The final result set should return a row for YODA as well as OPERATIONS, such as the following:

	---------- ------------ --------
	        10 ACCOUNTING   CLARK
	        10 ACCOUNTING   KING
	        20 RESEARCH     ADAMS
	        20 RESEARCH     FORD
	        20 RESEARCH     JONES
	        20 RESEARCH     SCOTT
	        20 RESEARCH     SMITH
	        30 SALES        ALLEN
	        30 SALES        BLAKE
	        30 SALES        JAMES
	        30 SALES        MARTIN
	        30 SALES        TURNER
	        30 SALES        WARD
	        40 OPERATIONS


Use a full outer join to return missing data from both tables based on a common value.

DB2, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server

Use the explicit FULL OUTER JOIN command to return missing rows from both tables along with matching rows:

	1 select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename
	2   from dept d full outer join emp e
	3     on (d.deptno=e.deptno)

Alternatively, since MySQL does not yet have a FULL OUTER JOIN, union the results of the two different outer joins:

	1 select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename
	2   from dept d right outer join emp e
	3     on (d.deptno=e.deptno)
	4  union
	5 select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename
	6   from dept d left outer join emp e
	7     on (d.deptno=e.deptno)


Oracle users can still use either of the preceding solutions. Alternatively, you can use Oracle's proprietary outer join syntax:
	1 select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename
	2   from dept d, emp e
	3  where d.deptno = e.deptno(+)
	4  union
	5 select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename
	6   from dept d, emp e
	7  where d.deptno(+) = e.deptno


The full outer join is simply the combination of outer joins on both tables. To see how a full outer join works “under the covers,” simply run each outer join, then union the results. The following query returns rows from table DEPT and any matching rows from table EMP (if any).

	select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename
	  from dept d left outer join emp e
	    on (d.deptno = e.deptno)

	  ------ -------------- ----------
	      20 RESEARCH       SMITH
	      30 SALES          ALLEN
	      30 SALES          WARD
	      20 RESEARCH       JONES
	      30 SALES          MARTIN
	      30 SALES          BLAKE
	      10 ACCOUNTING     CLARK
	      20 RESEARCH       SCOTT
	      10 ACCOUNTING     KING
	      30 SALES          TURNER
	      20 RESEARCH       ADAMS
	      30 SALES          JAMES
	      20 RESEARCH       FORD
	      40 OPERATIONS

This next query returns rows from table EMP and any matching rows from table DEPT (if any):

	select d.deptno,d.dname,e.ename
	  from dept d right outer join emp e
	    on (d.deptno = e.deptno)

	 ------ -------------- ----------
	     10 ACCOUNTING     KING
	     20 RESEARCH       FORD
	     20 RESEARCH       ADAMS
	     20 RESEARCH       SCOTT
	     20 RESEARCH       JONES
	     20 RESEARCH       SMITH
	     30 SALES          JAMES
	     30 SALES          TURNER
	     30 SALES          BLAKE
	     30 SALES          MARTIN
	     30 SALES          WARD
	     30 SALES          ALLEN

The results from these two queries are unioned to provide the final result set.

3.12 Using NULLs in Operations and Comparisons


NULL is never equal to or not equal to any value, not even itself, but you want to evaluate values returned by a nullable column like you would evaluate real values. For example, you want to find all employees in EMP whose commission (COMM) is less than the commission of employee “WARD”. Employees with a NULL commission should be included as well.


Use a function such as COALESCE to transform the NULL value into a real value that can be used in standard evaluation:

	1 select ename,comm
	2   from emp
	3  where coalesce(comm,0) < ( select comm
	4                                  from emp
	5                                 where ename = 'WARD' )


The COALESCE function will return the first non-NULL value from the list of values passed to it. When a NULL value is encountered it is replaced by zero, which is then compared with Ward’s commission. This can be seen by putting the COALESCE function in the SELECT list:

	select ename,comm,coalesce(comm,0)
	  from emp
	 where coalesce(comm,0) < ( select comm
	                                 from emp
	                                where ename = 'WARD' )

	 ---------- ---------- ----------------
	 SMITH                                0
	 ALLEN             300              300
	 JONES                                0
	 BLAKE                                0
	 CLARK                                0
	 SCOTT                                0
	 KING                                 0
	 TURNER              0                0
	 ADAMS                                0
	 JAMES                                0
	 FORD                                 0
	 MILLER                               0

3.13 Summing Up

Joins are a crucial aspect of querying databases - it will be the norm that you need to join two or more tables together to find what you are looking for. Mastering these different combinations and categories of joins that are covered in this chapter will set you up for success.

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